02x02 - 11 Chefs

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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02x02 - 11 Chefs

Post by bunniefuu »

[music playing]

[music playing]

NARRATOR: Previously

on "Hell's Kitchen,"

aspiring chefs had

their first encounter

with Gordon Ramsay.

Get in the kitchen.


NARRATOR: And a chance to

make a good first impression.

It looks like baby vomit.

Give me your hat.

Oh, my god.

What is it?

NARRATOR: Then, Chef Ramsay

had a surprise announcement.

The teams will be

men versus women.

And the battle of

the sexes began.

We want two women at the end.


Watch out, girls.


time to show the chef

what they were made of.

Hell's Kitchen is now open.

I mean I'm

thinking, gosh, he's

going to be able to see my

heart beating through my neck.

I'm shaking.

NARRATOR: In the men's

kitchen, Tom felt the heat.

You're sweating in the food.

I'm a schvitzer.

Don't worry about that.

NARRATOR: While in

the women's kitchen,

Virginia was

completely overwhelmed.

I just want some food now.

NARRATOR: For Chef Ramsay, the

first night was a disaster.

Why is it stiff?

Jet in the beer staff again.

I physically can't

take any more.

It was horrible.

NARRATOR: The women

failed to serve an entree.

The losing team

is the Red Team.


Ramsay gave Heather

an important responsibility.

Nominate two of your

team for elimination.

I didn't think

I would be singled

out to take these people home.

NARRATOR: Heather assured

Virginia she was safe.

I do not want you to go home.

NARRATOR: But when it

came time to decide.

Virginia, Chef.


clear the game was on.

Holly, the mother of six joined

Virginia as the second nominee.

Holly, take off your jacket

and leave Hell's Kitchen.

I would rather

be nice and lose

than to be conniving and win.


the continuation

of "Hell's Kitchen."

The women have just

lost a teammate.

But they they're more concerned

with their first defeat

in the battle of the sexes.

We are the losers.

I am just disappointed

and humbled

and humiliated as a woman chef.

Earlier I thought I was

going to get eliminated.

Tonight I just made one

mistake after the other

and I let my team down.

NARRATOR: While the women

reflect on their loss,

the men enjoy their victory.

I want this team to win.

It's about being

men coming together

and getting this shit done.

I don't want to see a woman win.

It's time to play the game.

It's time to see who can hang

in the kitchen and who can't.

I think the guys are

definitely going to win.

A woman's not going to win.

Damn straight.

We need to focus on

eliminating the women.

You cannot get to Vegas if

you can't get past the women.

Then we can worry about

cutting each other's throats.

NARRATOR: Exhausted from

their first dinner service,

the aspiring chefs are in

need of a good night's sleep.

But this is Hell's Kitchen.

Wake up!

[banging pots]

- Wake up!

Wake up!

First thing I hear

is a loud cowbell

being banged right in my ear.

It was like World

w*r III was going on.


Get up, now!

It was so obnoxious.

Shut the up.

Good morning.

Good morning, Chef.

Let's be honest, last

night was embarrassing.


Yes, Chef.

Lucky to be here this morning.

I want some food now.

I don't know what to do.

Larry, what I'm seeing is

just a man with no passion.

Larry, it would be just nice to

see a little bit more lively,

do you know what I mean?

Do you really have it inside?

Yes, I do, Chef.

Have any you any idea how

much food you wasted last night?

A restaurant will

never ever survive

with that amount of waste.

Do you understand that?

Yes, Chef.

Do you really?

Yes, Chef.

Get into the dumpsters.

Get the waste out now.

Yes, Chef.

Since I woke up, I

really don't feel well.

But I have to prove myself.

NARRATOR: Chef Ramsay's

lesson about waste

is one our aspiring chefs

find hard to swallow.


The dumpster smelt

like a festering,

stinking, piss, shit, and

vomit, all combined into one.

An incredible amount

of waste, turbot,

scallops, Wellington, chicken.


I've lost my retainer like

five or six times in the school

trash can, so that was nothing.

You could hear it

in your head, the cash

register sound going off.

Just stop.

This kind of waste

can never, ever

happen again in Hell's Kitchen.

Everything is fair

game in Hell's Kitchen.

At least he didn't

make us eat it.

Have you got it?

Yes, Chef.

Now go and get clean.

You stink.

NARRATOR: Last night's waste

was the result of bad cooking.

But waste can happen before

the cooking even starts.

Today's challenge, value

for money, maximizing meat.

Nothing to waste.

Utilizing everything.


Ramsay is introducing

a steak special to the menu.

After a quick demo,

our aspiring chefs

will have to cut as many perfect

ounce steaks as they can.

I can tell that is a ounce

steak just by looking at it.


Yes, Chef.

We have an uneven team here.

Just to make it

even for the ladies,

you're sitting out on this one.

Yes, Chef.

I'm a little pissed at not

getting to do thee challenge.

I've butchered, you

know, steaks.

Your challenge now is

to cut top quality

ounce sirloin steaks.

Is that clear?

Yes, Chef.

And as many as you

can within minutes.

Your time starts now.

I've never cut a

sirloin like that before.

I was really nervous.

I was happy about

the challenge.

I'm comfortable with knives.

NARRATOR: The first

step is to separate

the sirloin from the bone.

There is a phenomenal

prize for the winners

and obviously a

punishment for the losers.

NARRATOR: Next, without damaging

the meat, a thin layer of fat

is removed.

- Let's go.

NARRATOR: Finally,

the sirloin is evenly

sliced into ounce portions.

Or at least that's the goal.

It might be a

little thin, bro.


ounces, baby.

seconds to go.

Come on, Blue Team, let's go.

It was % so important

for us to win this.

Cut that bitch right off.

Today's challenge is crucial.

We've got to put

the screws to them.

Five, four, three,

two, one, knives down.

Stand back from your board.

- Sara.

- Yes, Chef.

You're first in line.

Yes, Chef.

A win's a big deal right now.

You know the heat was on.

Oh, my god.

Dogs dinner.

Yes, Chef.








Look at the fat.

NARRATOR: Heather was

only able to produce

two top quality stakes.

I was expecting more

from you, personally.

Yes, Chef.


NARRATOR: Rachel fares

slightly better with three.

Now we're getting better.

NARRATOR: Now it's

Virginia's turn.

Let's go, Virginia.


Big no.


It's in.






Holy f*ck.

NARRATOR: Only two of

Maribel's steaks pass

Chef Ramsay's high

standards, bringing

the women's total to .

What a shame.

That is a lot of

wasted meat, ladies.

NARRATOR: Now it's up to

the men and their meat.

That is definitely a no.





I'm thinking all right, sweet.

I just got three.

I've never done this before.

You know, I'm sure these guys

are going to be able to get

at least three each.






Just one.

So far that' the

worst we've seen.

Giacomo, please light my fire.

They're so thing.

They're barely four

ounces, big boy.

Giacomo produces two steaks.

OK, Larry.

With Larry and Tom's

steaks still left to count,

the men only needs six to tie.

I have to prove to Chef Ramsay

that I belong in the kitchen.

This is definitely

my time to shine.

Let's confirm.

You definitely butchered

this, you know that.

Yes, sir.

I'm so, so, so, so sorry.

Is there any more sirloin

down there left or is this it?

That's It

That's it.


Zero for Larry and the

total for the gents is six.


For me not to get one

steak, it's horrible.

I let my team down.

That's more pressure.

That's more added stress.

- Tom.

Yes, Chef.

You needed six to tie and

no one's had more than three.

Your chance to be

a hero, big boy.

Let's go.

NARRATOR: Now, the fate of

the men rest in the hands

of the former stockbroker, Tom.

Feeling confident, Tom?

I tried.

I looked at my pile of meat.

I said, you know, they

don't look too bad.

Maybe, just maybe, there's

enough in that pile.




It was getting really

close and his steaks

looked really good.

And I was like, oh, boy, total

of to nine, guys, yeah?



And this is your

first time, right?



All of a sudden I'm like, oh,

man, we've got a shot of coming

back and winning this.

Rachel, start sweating.


needs one more to tie.



Last one, big boy.


Ladies, congratulations.


Yes, Chef.

That was a job well done.

Thank you, Chef.


Yes, Chef.

You will be cutting

all the steaks we need

for tomorrow night's service.

Ladies, you'll be dining with

me at one of the most unique

dining experiences in the

country, Saddle Peak Lodge,

which specializes in wild game.


One more thing.

Hurry up, .

Please because our

helicopter's waiting.


Thank you, Chef.

Big effin deal.

I don't want to get

on any helicopter.

I didn't come here

to go on vacation.

I came in to be an executive

chef in a billion dollar resort

in a million dollar restaurant.


This win was so important

to our team to show the guys,

we're not messing around.

I'm excited about

being able to spend

some time with Chef Ramsay.

Riding in a helicopter?


Yeah, I'll have to mark

that off of my things

to do before I die list.

Perspective from the

helicopter was amazing.

It was like I forgot about

the stress in the kitchen.

This punishment sucks.

Yo, I can't believe we lost a

f*cking steak challenge, bro.

Larry says he has

been sick, but he just

doesn't know how to cut it.

You got to make more bags.

I couldn't even look

my teammates in the eye.

My whole feeling now

is, I don't think

the team feels they

can count on me

to do something in the clutch.

This is just t*rture, dude.

What a beautiful place.

Yes, it is.


Chef Ramsey was just

like super friendly.


It took me a while to get

accustomed to him smiling.

Now every time you see a

ounce sirloin on the menu now,

you'll look at it

a different way.

- Chef.

- Gordon.


I was hoping you'd say that.

Bloody hell.

To have dinner with

Chef Ramsay feels amazing.

I cannot wait to get to know

him maybe on a different level.

To the rescue.

Tell you what.

This is what we're going to be

doing to these girls tomorrow.

We'll be sweeping

the floors with them.

We're just losers.

We let our guard down

and they beat us.

Now we're going to come

back with more intensity

and beat those

pretty little girls.

Way to go.

Missing somebody?

One, two, three, four, five, oh.

No, we have six.

So you guys missing somebody?


That was so good.

NARRATOR: While the

ladies continue to party,

the men are all business.

NARRATOR: All except for

Larry, who's suddenly

feeling a whole lot better.

My downfall is women.

I really don't feel well,

but I just like women.

Butt, how's your butt?

Larry wants to hop in

the jacuzzi with a bunch

of girls in bikinis, whatever.

But I didn't think

it was a very smart

move on their part to

get drunk the night

before day of service.

NARRATOR: After an eventful

day, everyone is fast

asleep, everyone except Larry.

[wheezing, gasping]



NARRATOR: Another day breaks

over Hell's Kitchen and one

question is on everybody's mind.

You guys have any

idea where Larry is?

What do you mean,

where's Larry?

- I haven't seen him either.

- That's weird.

I haven't seen Larry this

morning either, have you?

We got a runner.

He has not felt good.

He was drinking

beers and in a hot tub.

I hope he's all right, I do.

But I need him.

We need him.

Tom shouldn't

have trash talked.

Well, he felt good enough to

get in the tub last night.

Well, so what?

That doesn't mean he

felt good this morning.

[phone rings]

Get the phone.



Is everybody there?

Yeah, hold on.

Everybody, let's go.

- Who is that?

Is that Larry?

- How are you doing?

Well, they had to take me

to the hospital this morning.

The stress of everything

basically shut my body down.

The gist of the whole

thing is I won't be back.

Oh, no, Larry.

It just sucks.

I would rather Larry leave

because of something else,

not because of an illness.

I just need you

all to stay strong.

Be a unit.

Everybody keep your

eyes on the prize.

Pretty devastating.

Too much stress got to him.

I hope he gets better.

Thanks, Larry.

We love you.

This one's for

you tonight, Larry.

I didn't quit.

My body quit.

This is the worst thing

that could have happened.

And right now I'm a little

broken and it's hard for me

to see my dreams slip away.


the loss of Larry,

both teams now have

five chefs as the men

and the women prepare

for the next culinary

battle of the sexes.

I'm not a woman.

I'm a machine.

Larry is gone.

That's another step

closer I get to that win.

So, see you later, alligator.

Giacomo, I think at the least,

you know how to toss your nuts.

Right now I have

a million emotions

running through my body.

I want to knock out

this performance.

I want to win this so

bad, more than anything.


NARRATOR: Everyone wants

to give it their all.

I'm going to give it %.

Lately, I've been giving

it , , today .

I don't care.

NARRATOR: Some, more than

what's mathematically possible.

I gotta go to the bathroom.


tonight, Chef Ramsay

will determine if their

desire matches their ability.


Any minute now, Hell's

Kitchen is going to open.

Running a successful restaurant

is not just about good food.

You need bloody good service.

Is that clear?



So, Sara.


You are going to be

a waitress tonight.

Yes, Chef.

So are you going to be running

and serving the red tables.

Yes, Chef.


Yes, Chef.

You're going to take care

of the blue tables tonight.

Yes, Chef.

I don't think it's fair.

I just want to try to do

my best in the kitchen

because this is Hell's

Kitchen, not Hell's Server.

You've got an extra

couple of table upstairs.

I want you to run up and

down there, possibly lose

a little bit of weight, yes?

Hell's Kitchen

is now open, yes?

Yes, Chef.

Let's go.

NARRATOR: Once again, Hell's

Kitchen opens its doors.

Tonight's diners are hungry

for Chef Ramsay's world

class cuisine, while

the aspiring chefs

are hungry for redemption.

[inaudible] blended oil.

This is for the scallops.

If you have any

questions, let me know.

I'm going to be

talking to you, Gabe.

I'm talking to you, baby.

Because yeah, yeah, no.

Because you're

going to be, you're

going to be getting hit first.

My name is Sara.

My name is I'll be your

waitress this evening.

Welcome to Hell's Kitchen.


labors his way upstairs.


Don't mind it.

NARRATOR: Sara delivers

her first ticket.

OK, listen up.

First ticket.


Listen up.

I'm saying it once, Virginia.

You make me repeat an

order again, sweetheart,

you're going to be

going home, trust me.

- Yes, Chef.

- Listen and wake up.

Appetizer, two spaghetti

lobster, one risotto,

one tempura monkfish.

Entrees, one tortellini,

one duck, one Wellington,

one steak, temperature, medium.

Move your ass.

Let's go.

Yes, Chef.

Starters, yeah?

NARRATOR: The women

are off and running.

Meanwhile, the men

are just waiting.

And waiting.

Keep your head.

Keep calm.

We've got this, OK?

Order in, chefs.


What's the temperature on that?

One medium, two medium rare.

How about writing

it on there for me?

Sorry, Chef.


Can we get a serviette or napkin

to mop his sweaty head, yeah?


Write it off.

And write it all down again.


Move your ass.

You know, when I work

hard, I start sweating,

and that's that.

I'm just not cut

out to be a server.

While the blue team will

have to wait a bit longer,

the red team is pulling ahead.

Are you ready?


All right.

What did we put on there?

What is that?

Vinaigrette, Chef.



Come on, ladies.

Who brought this up?

I did.

Taste the vinaigrette.

What's in there?

Supposed to have walnut.

Walnuts is with the scallops.

Let's go.

NARRATOR: With the rejection

of Virginia's monkfish,

all appetizers on this

order must go in the trash.

We're doing the

first table again.

NARRATOR: Chef Ramsay

will only send out

food that is top quality

and freshly prepared.

So if one dish in an order

needs to be recooked,

the entire table

needs to be redone.

So, tomatoes.

No, no, no.

You wanted to saute this first.

Where is Keith?

Where is the ticket?

Keith, he wants

the ticket now.

I don't know what he's doing

with the tickets out there.

But he's got the

ticket in his pocket.



- Don't yell at him.

Here you go, Chef.

Thank you very much.

Yeah, don't forget,

this is your team.

And if I was you, big boy,

I wouldn't screw them,

you know that

- I know that.

- Wake, big boy, huh?

- Thank you, Chef.

OK, listen up.

Here we go.

On order, two couples, table .

Appetizers, one spaghetti,

one salad St-Jacques.

Entrees, one duck, one chicken.

Let's go.

All together.

Will you please

repeat it, Chef.

Move your fat ass

and read it yourself.


- Fair enough.

Fair enough, Chef.

Four minutes to the

window, one spaghetti,

one salad, one San Jacques.

Yes, Chef.

Four minutes?

We need two quails,

Chef, with that?

Two quail?

- I heard, Chef.

- Shut the f*ck up.

Yes, Chef.

Would you mind

not being so rude?

Yes, Chef.

There's quail

nowhere on that ticket.

Just listen.


- Yes, Chef.

Four minutes to the window.

Yes, Chef.

- One spaghetti of lobster.

- Yes, Chef.

- One lobster.

- Yes, Chef.

Now, would you

like me to f*cking

email that to your Blackberry?

- No, Chef.

Move your ass.

Yes, Chef.


minutes, no appetizers

have left either kitchen.

Five minutes.

NARRATOR: Heather is helping

Maribel get appetizers

out of the women's kitchen.

This is looking

really good, guys.

Three minutes.

- Three minutes?

Three minutes.

NARRATOR: Meanwhile,

in the men's kitchen,

everyone is helping Gabe.

Two risottos, one spaghetti,

one quail, how long?

Yes, Chef.

One minute, Chef.

Why is everybody

answering in this section?

One minute.

You're allowing

everybody to come in.

Your mind is f*cked.


You're not delegating

to anybody.

And you're just clamming up.

- Yes, Chef.


A million things

are going on and I

couldn't handle it by myself.

Everyone is trying to jumping

in and do each others job.

But they're not actually

doing their own job properly.

- Yes, Chef.

- Sir.

Yes, Chef.

Straighten the boat.

Yes, Chef.

Service, please.

My god.

NARRATOR: It's over an

hour into dinner service.

Despite a rough

start, appetizers are

flying out of both kitchens.

Now, hoping to take

the leap, the women

plate their first entrees.


[inaudible] that.

I'm ready for the quail, please.

Yes, Chef.

I'd love some duck sauce.

Can I have some sauce

for the duck, please?

- Yes, ma'am.

- Duck sauce.

Port sauce.

- Duck sauce.

- Duck sauce.

- Hot!



You OK?

- No.

- Calm down.

No, she got burned.

She got burned, Chef.

Have her come here.

Come here.

Come here.

Come here.

Show me.

Lots of water.

Calm down, calm down.


You go.

Some water.

Jean Phillipe.

Jean Phillipe.

Jean Phillipe!

Get me some ice, please.


There you go.

Big deep breath.

There you go.

Good girl.

Good girl.

Did you see what happened?

- Yes, Chef.

- We have a serious burn.

- Do you understand?

Yes, Chef.

Hand in there.

Big deep breath.

Please check that foie gras.


I want that quail away.

One quail away.

Yes, Chef.


There's quail in

the oven, Mary Ann?

Two extra quails, not

orders, just extra quail.

Despite her injury, Heather

continues to be a team player.

- Heather.

- Yes, Chef.

Nurse is outside.

Bowl of ice, darling.

Take it with you.

Thank you, Chef.

Guys, please help.

When I was leaving, and

thinking about my team,

I was so scared that something

was going to go wrong.

We have to take

you to the doctor.

Oh, shit.

I don't want to

lose another person.

I don't want to lose

one of those girls.

I didn't want to leave.

I would've stayed.


All you have to do

is just stay calm.

Yes, Chef.

Losing Heather

really broke us.

It was just chaotic.

One more, one more.


Oh my god almighty.

Right now, this is

what I suggest you do.

Buy a restaurant, put

one table in there.

Any more than than,

you'd be f*cked.

Yes, Chef.


the women contend

with the loss of Heather, the

men have started their entrees.

And Chef Ramsay is desperate

for some good news.

All I want is a

f*cking chicken.

And a duck.

I got it.

And what about the garnish?

NARRATOR: Tom is on meat

and Giacomo is on sides.

These stations

must work together

so that every item on a dish

is completed at the same time.



Yes, Chef.

Four minutes, one duck.

Yes, Chef.

- What's going with it?

- The duck?

- I don't know yet.

You don't know yet.

I was going to ask sous-chef.

You don't know what's

going with the duck?

No, sir.

I don't.

Has anyone any idea

what's going with the duck?

- Cabbage.

- Cabbage.

Oh my god.

Why don't you tell him?

Because you're not even

telling him there's a problem.

There's a problem.

Oh, f*ck.

NARRATOR: While the men are

stuck on their first entree,

in the women's kitchen,

tickets aren't the only thing

waiting at the pass.

Yes, young man.

All I want to know is if

we're going eat tonight or not.

Honestly, for the first time

in my f*cking cooking career,


I'm in a kitchen with Muppets.

Thank you, sir.

- OK.

Oh, come on.

How long?

Six minutes, sir, six minutes.

You know this organization,

this communication,

and this teamwork?

We haven't got it here.

Chef, can I put on my uniform

and come back in the kitchen?

I think that is a good idea.

The best thing you've

said since I've met you.

Well, when he told me that I

could come back in the kitchen,

I just went running to

get back on on the line.

I just thought maybe this

could be my moment to shine,

that maybe I could do something.

- Right, Sara.

- Chef.

- On the meat, please.

- Thank you.

Welcome back.

Thank you, Chef.

For the first time, I'm going

to try to serve some entrees.

NARRATOR: Meanwhile

in the blue kitchen,

the men try to come together

to deliver their first entree.

One duck and one chicken.

I have a duck and a

chicken ready for sides.

And taste that.

Taste that there.

Just taste that.

Why has he fried the cabbage?

I don't know, Chef.

It's like glue.

Is that what you wanted to

do, just start sneaking things

in there?

- No, Chef.

So you agree it tastes shit.

Yes, sir.

And I still served it.

And you still served it.

Sorry, Chef.

Hey, hey, and you want

a restaurant in Vegas.

Lot of work to do, Chef.

Why don't you

become a hairdresser?

Poncing around

with women's hair?

Sorry, Chef.

Now, get the cabbage on.

You keep telling us,

it's coming, it's coming,

it's coming.

What is the deal, bro?

I swear that it's coming, man.

Hook it up.

All right, I'll hook it up.

NARRATOR: Three hours

into the dinner service

and many of the customers

are leaving hungry.

But that doesn't stop

the women from pushing

out their first entrees.

OK, please.


[inaudible] It just felt like

our wheels finally got greased.

It was just a glimpse of hope

that maybe we could do this.


Go please.

That tastes nice.

Thank you.

Look, burst.

Virginia, please come here.



Yes, Chef.

One's f*cking split and--

Those are all stuck together.

They're all stuck together.

They're all doing that, Chef.

So it's the tortellini's

fault, not yours?

In your restaurants,

would you serve that?


Say that again.

Yes, I would, Chef.

So that's good enough for you?


I'm going to ask

you one more time.

Would you really serve that?

I'll make some more, Chef.

I think that's a

really sensible idea.

It's not like I

put the tortellini's

on there broken and f*cked

up because I manhandled them.

I f*ndled it with care, but

of course, he's riding me.

Like he always rides me.

- Excuse me, Chef.

- Yes.

They're gone.

What do you

mean, they're gone?

So here's my next problem.

That table's gone.

Ladies, ladies, ladies.

Just come here.

Just come here.

Just stand there.

Just look in the dining room.

Hey, you.

Hey, hello, Gabe.

You, Sinbad.

Shut it.


Mophead, hello.

Come here.

Just come here, all four of you.

Just stand there and

just tell me what

you see in the dining room.

Right in front of your very own

eyes a death of a restaurant.


Shut it down.


returns from the hospital

in time for Chef

Ramsay's announcement

of the losing team.

- Heather.

- Yes, Chef.

Welcome back.

Thank you, Chef.

You burned your

hand badly tonight.

While standing there in

pain, you were delegating

your section to your team.

Please check that foie gras.


I've never seen that

in years of cooking.

Very impressive.

Thank you.

Personally, I was hoping

for a much better service.

Because that was terrible.


Yes, Chef.

You can't buy standards.

Thank god you didn't

serve that tortellini.


- Yes, Chef.

What the hell were

you doing tonight?

Seriously, where do I start?

Have you ever done two things

in your life at the same time?

Now I've got to

pick a losing team.

Everywhere I turn

from left to right,

it was just chaotic, a

the lack of communication.

All of you were shocking.

And I'm not happy.

The losing team

is the Blue Team.

And I'll tell you why.

You had zero entrees

leaving your kitchen, zero.

Ladies, you had ten.

You moved forward.

The guys have gone backwards.

And I've got to pick

the best of the worst.

The only person who

didn't have a bad service,

Garrett, you're it.

Thank you, Chef.

Go back to the dorm,

think of two members

of your team for elimination.

Yes, Chef.

Now get lost.

It's a pretty

double-edged sword

being picked best of the worst.

I can't put Keith

up there because he

had absolutely nothing to do

with what happened out there.

OK, so Keith's out.

It's us three.

I'm not going to say a word.

You do what you

feel is right, man.

This is business.

Tonight, Gabe, Giacomo,

and Tom equally sucked.

It's like trying to figure out

who's crap stinks the worst.

Service tonight, I didn't know

it was going on at all time.

Your mind is f*cked.

You're not delegating to anybody

and you're just clamming up.

Being the least

experienced person

here, definitely in danger

of going home tonight.


What was wrong

with the cabbage.

That's all I want to know.

There was no communication

at all between us.

Giacomo screwed me up.

I have my entrees ready and

the vegetables aren't ready?

What are you, kidding me?

One duck and one chicken.

I have a duck and a

chicken ready for its sides.

I'm a freak.

I've always been

the target, man.

I really have, my whole life,

I've always been the target.

Why don't you

become a hairdresser?

Poncing around

doing women's hair?

I'm just telling

you right now.

You want adult respect,

get a f*cking haircut.

Tom at this point, I

think, will do anything

that he possibly can to

stay in Hell's Kitchen,

sell people out, backstab,

whatever you have to do.

Because nobody

wants to leave here.

Hey, dude, if

you want to f*cking

wax me because somebody can't

get f*cking mashed potatoes

and cabbage out,

that's your decision.

All right, you got it?

My shit was on.

That's your first f*cking

executive decision.

It was a complete suck

fest in the kitchen tonight

and I have to make a

decision that's best for me.

Right now it's cut

off the weak links.

That's the only way

I'm going to win this.

NARRATOR: After a very

difficult evening,

the women have secured their

first dinner service victory.

For the men, it's time to

deal with their defeat.

- Garrett.

- Yes, Chef.

Made your decision?

Yes, Chef.

First person and why, please.

Chef, the first person that

I have nominated is Giacomo.

- Giacomo.

- Yes, Chef.


Due to tonight's malfunction

in the kitchen, I just figured.


Major malfunction, Chef.

Second nominee

and why, please.

My second nominee

is Tom, Chef.

Tough decision?

Immensely tough.



Step forward.


Yes, Chef.

How many entrees

did you serve?

Zero, Chef.

And that was based on

a lack of coordination

between myself and Giacomo.

What happened tonight

will never happen again.

I will never, ever

let that happen again.

I will take charge.

I believe you.

Get back in line.

Thank you, Chef.

Sorry, Garrett.

I'd like to talk to

one more individual.


Step forward.

Yes, Chef.

Just tell me why you should

stay in Hell's Kitchen.

Truthfully, Chef I came

here to learn from the best

and to be the best.

I came here to learn from you.

I chase perfection

and I'm gaining--

I will attain it.


Yes, Chef.

Why should you stay here?

Well, Chef, I

feel like there's

a greasy potato that

I'm trying to grab

and I just can't grab it.

But once I grab it, Chef,

I'm not going to let go.

You say greasy potato

and I say greasy mop.

Once you see my heart,

you'll see what I can do, Chef.

This is tough.

You both screwed up.

You need two quail,

Chef, with that?

There's quail

nowhere on that ticket.

No, no, no.


Shut the f*ck up.

One f*cking duck.

- Yes, Chef.

- What's going with it?

- The duck.

I don't know yet.

You don't know yet.

Actually I was going

to ask sous-chef.

Oh, my god.

The person leaving

Hell's Kitchen is Gabe.

You're a sweet guy.

But sweet guys don't

make great cooks.

Take off your jacket and

get out of Hell's Kitchen.

Thank you.

Chef says that I was

too much of a sweet guy.

But you don't have to be

loud and rude and obnoxious

to run a kitchen.

I definitely don't think Chef

Ramsey made the right decision.

And you, get a grip.

I swear to God.

Get a grip.


I think that Chef Ramsay knows

that there's something else

in me that he hasn't seen yet.

I have to find it in

myself to pull it out.

Once I can do that,

I have a great chance

of winning this competition.

We want two women at the end.

We have to prove that women

are just as good as men,

and we can do it.

You know, America might as

well go to Vegas right now,

put all their money on me,

because I'm telling you,

I'm coming through this thing.

Go and get some sleep.

You have got to do better.

It's absolutely crucial

in Hell's Kitchen

to have finesse and passion.

It was pretty obvious

that Gabe had no passion.

NARRATOR: Next week

on "Hell's Kitchen,"

another chef goes missing.

Where's Sara?

NARRATOR: And the battle of the

sexes reaches an all time high.

You all women have

dinner ready for us

men when we get home from work.

Look, I'm not your wife.

I'm not your girlfriend.

NARRATOR: The men, the

chefs, turn on each other.

What are you doing to me?

I said, stop making them.

You buried me, Keith.

I've had enough!


Ramsay is determined

to have a successful service.

I'm about to do

something I've never, ever

done in Hell's Kitchen before.


his strategy work?

It's all next week

on "Hell's Kitchen."
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