02x09 - 3 Chefs

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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02x09 - 3 Chefs

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: Previously

on "Hell's Kitchen."

Now it's getting

really serious.

NARRATOR: Heather,

Keith, Sara, and Virginia

were taken to a secret location

to run their own restaurant.

KEITH: I've been

playing in my restaurant

since I was a little kid.

NARRATOR: Or so they thought.

GORDON: Here are

your restaurants.

HEATHER: I was excited, because

I love construction workers.

NARRATOR: While they all tried

to please their customers--


NARRATOR: It was Virginia.

VIRGINIA: Who else

wants some loving?

NARRATOR: And her turkey

panini that stole the hearts

of the construction workers.

Virginia's sandwich

was very good.

- Congratulations.

- Wow.


the most important

reward ever in Hell's Kitchen.

You're through

to the final three.

VIRGINIA: Being in the safe

zone, I was so excited.

NARRATOR: While Heather suffered

her biggest disappointment.

HEATHER: They picked

mine as the worst.

I felt my heart drop.


dinner service--

HEATHER: seconds.


redeemed herself.

GORDON: Heather, those

wellingtons are cooked perfect.

Thank you, Chef.

NARRATOR: Keith got

off to a good start.

GORDON: Keith, this is the

best start we've ever had?

Yes, Chef.


problems with the pasta.

WAITER: They said

that the spaghetti

wasn't cooked all the way.

NARRATOR: Sara miscalculated--

Chef, I don't

have enough salmon

to get through the night.

NARRATOR: And had to

fight for her survival.

GORDON: You're finished.

No, Chef, I don't

need to be replaced.

GORDON: Put it back together.

NARRATOR: Virginia couldn't

keep up with the pace.

GORDON: Who's holding

us up, Heather?

Virginia is Chef.

GORDON: Virginia,

you're no longer safe.

NARRATOR: And just when it

seemed that Virginia's fate was



Oh my god.

NARRATOR: Chef Ramsay

gave her a choice.

I'm a man of my word.

If you decide to stay,

I'll send Sara home.

NARRATOR: And in a

shocking conclusion,

I want to freaking stay,

because I f*cking want to.

GORDON: Sara, take

off your jacket

and leave Hell's Kitchen.

NARRATOR: The deli

chef from Texas

was forced to say goodbye.

I just have to

accept that I just wear

a uniform like everybody else.

[jazz music]

NARRATOR: And now, the

continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

[suspenseful music]

I think you guys

better get some sleep.

Thank you, Chef.

NARRATOR: After the

most intense elimination

yet in Hell's Kitchen.

Virginia is feeling

a little overwhelmed


HEATHER: Are you happy

or sad, I can't tell.

I don't know.

Like, I don't know, I'm just

really confused right now.

Am I here because of

Chef Ramsay's word?

Or am I here because

I deserve to be here?

I couldn't say

no, but I felt it.

Like, what I told you in there.

Definitely put me up there.

I'm going to go up there and

be like, "Dude, I'm not ready."

I didn't feel what

I felt when I was

standing in front of Gordon.

If you decide to stay,

I'll send Sara home.

Hell no, I don't want to go.

Like, I had to say yes.

I had to, like [whistles].

HEATHER: I'm a little shocked.

Virginia was all for going.

She told me she was going

to go and I feel bad.

You know I told

Sara, "Virginia's

taking herself out."

Oh my god, Sara.

Freaking bitch, my

whole f*cking theory

was to eliminate her.

That was my theory.

I'm glad she's gone, good.

You're never sure of anything

here on Hell's Kitchen!

HEATHER: Dude, if I put

you up, you would be gone.

Yeah, right.

I feel safe against Virginia.

She's so far behind

in the kitchen,

every day we have to

help her, every night

we have to help her.

That's why I'm not

worried about her.

He would not send K-Grease

home, are you crazy?

VIRGINIA: Who do you guys

think's better, me or Sara?

Tell me.

No, honestly, who's

better-- me or Sara?


You guys are too tired to

think about it, because I'm

f*cking raging right now.


KEITH: She never

faces the facts.

HEATHER: No, she doesn't.

She doesn't.

KEITH: It's gonna be H versus K,

and then I'm gonna destroy you.


VIRGINIA: This whole situation's

giving me a new skin on life.

I care about food and yes, I'm

unexperienced in the kitchen--

but guess what?

That's not going

to hold me down.

That's not going

to hold me down.

[upbeat music]

We still do the

tomatoes julienne, right?


NARRATOR: After just barely

making the final three,

Virginia is determined not

to fail in another service.

What was the longest she

left her wellington in for?

HEATHER: I'm sick of her

asking questions now.

All morning long she's been

asking questions about service

and this and that.

Whenever he called them

out, you'd just put it in.

HEATHER: You know

what, I'm not going

to help you win this thing,

because I want to win it.

[exciting music]

VIRGINIA: Good morning, Chef.

HEATHER: Hi, Chef.

GORDON: Good morning.


little surprised

when I walked in the kitchen

and saw Chef Ramsay cooking.

I didn't know what to expect

for today's challenge,

I thought it might have

been like a dessert

that we had to make.

GORDON: All three of you

have done bloody well,

you're in the final three.

Now, I've really got

to get you up to speed

with what it's going to take--

not just to get to Vegas, but

to become successful in Vegas.

Yes, Chef.

GORDON: There, my

signature dish.

Have a quick smell,

just that, there

should be something in there.

Now, have a taste.

This is your next challenge,

minutes to recreate that.

Let's go.

Yes, Chef.

NARRATOR: This challenge

is one of the hardest

tasks any chef can face.

GORDON: I would

get your pans out.

NARRATOR: Without any

knowledge of the recipe,

they must recreate a

dish by taste alone.

GORDON: I will leave the

dish out for you, yes?

VIRGINIA: Yes, Chef.

You can constantly keep on

coming back and referring.

NARRATOR: Everything needed to

make Chef Ramsay's signature

dish can be found

in the kitchen,

but can they select the

correct ingredients?

KEITH: Where's the fish?

NARRATOR: Keith uses

the Chilean sea bass,

while Heather and

Virginia have chosen

the wild-striped sea bass.

I could be wrong, I'm really

second guessing myself today.

NARRATOR: Now, each of them must

create the puree for the dish.

GORDON: Taste, taste,

taste, taste, and taste.

VIRGINIA: I couldn't

think of what

the puree was, it was creamy and

starchy-- like a mashed potato.

So everybody was

getting potatoes,

but I really don't

think it's potatoes.

I looked on the speed rack.


I saw the beans, I was

like, "That's what it is."


Keith and Heather,

who are using mashed

potatoes for their puree,

Virginia is taking a chance by

using the Tuscan white beans.

GORDON: So halfway, just

under minutes to go, yes?

NARRATOR: Now they've

moved on to the sauce

and Keith has made a

discovery about what

he thinks is in the sauce,

but he's not sharing.

KEITH: In the sauce,

it was Israeli couscous

and these girls were

kind of watching me

when I was taking it and

I didn't want them to see.

So I was just trying

to hide the couscous.

VIRGINIA: What is that?

KEITH: Don't be cheating.


need that couscous.

KEITH: Virginia said she was

looking for couscous too,

but she didn't even know

what couscous looked like.

VIRGINIA: I'm not cheating,

I f*cking saw that shit.

Keith is a little brat.

I don't think I was

cheating at all.

GORDON: Last minute, come on.

HEATHER: Yes, Chef.


Keith and Virginia

have both used couscous

in their sauce,

they disagree on the seasoning.

Keith uses cilantro,

as does Heather,

while Virginia seasons her

sauce with basil and grapefruit.

GORDON: Come on.

seconds, move your butts.

HEATHER: Yes, Chef.

GORDON: Come on, Heather.

HEATHER: Yes, Chef.

GORDON: minutes,

that went quick.

NARRATOR: Now it's up

to Chef Ramsay, who

must decide who has come

the closest to recreating

his signature dish.

GORDON: Now I want to

taste, what is your dish?

Sea bass, potato

puree with pancetta.

The sauce is a

confetti of vegetables.

GORDON: Tasty, and

you used cilantro?

Yes, Sir.

GORDON: Virginia?

Yes, Chef.

Describe your dish, please.

Wild striped sea bass

over Tuscan bean puree

with ham hocks and cous--

pearled couscous, and the sauce

is a grapefruit beurre blanc,

finished with a

little bit of basil.

GORDON: Quite interesting so

far, you put cilantro in yours

and you put basil in yours,

two very good dishes.

Keith, what is it?

For the sauce

I made, I sweated

down a mirepoix, finished

it with cilantro and butter.

The potatoes I made a

sauteed chorizo and onions

and then the fish

I just pan roasted.

GORDON: Nice balance and a

really nice creamy puree.

Three very good

accomplished dishes,

all individually different.

But for me, it's one

of these three dishes

that has the bass, puree, and

the sauce absolutely spot on,

and that person is Virginia.


The pink grapefruit,

the white bean

puree, and the striped

bass, absolutely spot on.

You have a palate.

Hey, now use it.

Thank you.

I guess all those

walks I took my tongue

on every day really trained it.


GORDON: The winner of

this challenge, Virginia,

you're going to spend

some quality time with me

on the intimacy about

cooking; running the line,

running the hot plate, and

I will personally go through

as many secrets as possible

that I know that will

help you to become a Top Chef.

HEATHER: Virginia won, again.

Of course she did.

Makes you think that no

matter how good you are,

you might not be chosen.

Keith and Heather work at

a restaurant is never done,

Jean-Philippe has got

some assignments for you.

Let's go.

VIRGINIA: Having your

own restaurant is not

a strictly business operation,

you have to be an artist

and I think I might be more

of an artist than they are.

That was a hard

challenge, that was hard.

Virginia, kills it on the

f*cking challenges, huh?

What the f*ck?



I knew there was

f*cking something

else in those

potatoes, but there

was just all beans you put?

I went back in there

to look for the bacon

and I saw the f*cking beans

in the, in the pancetta.

I thought it was ham

hocks sitting right there.

Yeah, that

recipe's in his book.

I would have got

in there too, if I

got his book two days prior

and read it cover to cover.

VIRGINIA: I'm going to

get one of your cookbooks.

GORDON: Oh my god almighty.

VIRGINIA: I was really

proud of the challenge

today, proud of me, but

Heather's totally jealous

and it's bullshit--

total bullshit.

You think she recognized

it from his book?

HEATHER: She just got

that book and that recipe

was in that book.

KEITH: You still have to do

service and she can't do it.

She's been on the

chopping block five times.

She can't perform on the line,

that's what really counts.

Obviously, I want to

win and if I didn't win,

I would want you to win.

You know what I mean?

I wouldn't be able to live

with myself if she beats us.

She can't win.

Oh my god, I would be like--

KEITH: We should just work

together to get her out.

HEATHER: I'm not

helping her out anymore,

I'll tell you that

f*cking right now.

Girl's got to go.


How are you?

Fine, thank you.

That's so cool that I get to

go train with Chef Ramsay.

He already said I have

a palate and talent,

but I don't have the experience

from working on the hot line.

Chef Ramsay's going to tell me

as many secrets as he knows.

What I'm going to do now is

going to go through the dish.

I want to cook it for you.

It's to your advantage to ask

as many questions as possible.

NARRATOR: While Virginia

gets some much coveted alone

time with Chef Ramsay.

Keith and Heather

get some alone time

with Jean-Philippe polishing

all the glasses and silverware

for the entire restaurant.


not waste any time--


- Action?

JEAN-PHILIPPE: Action, Keith.

GORDON: Tilt the

pan and it cooks

the back of the fish as

well and all I'm doing now

is just making sure this

whole thing is cooked evenly.

HEATHER: There's a lot of

things that you can't be taught,

it's not just having

a good palate,

it's actually being

able to produce it.

I wish I was getting a cooking

lesson from Gordon Ramsay.

That's a good prize.

HEATHER: Yeah, it is.

KEITH: Something you

can take home with you.

Once they're in there like

that, you just take your whisk

and you just lightly crush them.

VIRGINIA: I got to really

just pull out the lessons I've

learned and use that

as gasoline to run

my-- vroom-vroom-- car

that's going to make

it to the front of the line.

NARRATOR: In addition

to a cooking lesson,

Chef Ramsay has decided

to give Virginia

some pointers on expediting

or running the pass.

GORDON: I'm going to get you to

call out an order for me, OK?


HEATHER: Did you

see what he's doing?

KEITH: Teaching her

how to expedite?

HEATHER: No, and to

cook on the line.

He's showing her how to win.

KEITH: She's not

going to grasp it.

Dude, he's showing

her how to win.

One quail, one

tempura, one steak,

Chef, one risotto,

two spaghetti,

quiet in the kitchen, please!

GORDON: Yes, Chef.

Now let's put a little bit

of love into my, my glasses,

will you?

HEATHER: God, I'm pissed.

I'm so close to my

dream and I'm just

going to smile because Virginia

might take it away from me,

I don't think so.

In a way scare them.

But if I scare you, you're

not going to forget.

VIRGINIA: That sauce

is totally wrong,

there's chunks in

it of white pepper.

KEITH: Well done.

VIRGINIA: When I first

started Hell's Kitchen,

I didn't believe in

being rude like that--

Make it right!

GORDON: Well done.

VIRGINIA: And now, I

totally believe in it

and I'm going to be a

bitch in the kitchen.


[quiet music]

VIRGINIA: Are you mad at me?


You know what, you're

not my friend right now

and you're not going be.

I mean, you obviously

have a good palate.

That or from his book.

I didn't see it in his book.

There's really

nothing you could say.

I mean, my palate doesn't lie.

I was able to

distinguish what was

in the dish and they weren't.

I swear on my life

I didn't read,

I didn't, I didn't get it like

that from the f*cking cookbook.

I didn't even know that

there was vanilla in it,

and I seriously

doubt Chef would have

picked a dish that was in the

cookbook that he know I bought.

KEITH: Well, he might hook

you up because he likes you.


Shut the f*ck up.

That's f*cking rude

[suspenseful music]

Come say goodnight.


VIRGINIA: It's hard when

I hear Keith and Heather

laughing in the other room.

It just sucks that

like, I'm the outsider.

And just, I'm just

it's hard, you know?

Big day today, one

person's going home

and you all know

what that means,

it's a crash course everybody.

This is Ramsay .

KEITH: My strategy is to not

get in trouble by Chef Ramsay.

Pull my pants up, keep

my mouth shut and cook.

Let's go.

VIRGINIA: Let's split

up the vegetables then.

I got all the vegs.

I'm going to set up

that entire station.

OK, well I want

to do some too.

Virginia, she did get

a huge lesson yesterday,

but I've worked my

whole life for this

and I'll be damned if I let

anyone take it away from me.

Teammate Virginia

made another batch.

VIRGINIA: Excuse me?

Is that some kind of joke?

Keith and Heather already

think they're the winners.

But it just gives

you more driving

more force to want to prove them

wrong-- prove everybody wrong.

NARRATOR: The winner

of Hell's Kitchen

will become the executive

chef in a multimillion dollar

restaurant in Las Vegas and

for tonight's dinner service

Chef Ramsay has a master

plan to help him decide

who should stay in the running.

GORDON: OK guys, let's go.

Tonight's service will decide

which of you will be the two

finalists in Hell's Kitchen.

All three of you

are equal, I can't

tell you who's going through.

During tonight's service,

each and every one of you

will be stepping

up to the hot plate

and running the entire service.

You're standing in my shoes.

Show me that you have

leadership qualities

that are strong enough to

run a brigade of chefs.

We're going to be expediting.

Balls got to be on

the wall tonight--

really, for real.

Like, it's got to

be serious tonight

because Vegas is on the line.

The doors are open right now.

Yes, Chef.


open Hell's Kitchen.

I'm going to start

with the scallops.

WAITER: Excellent.

Spaghetti and lobster.


additional challenge,

Chef Ramsay has increased the

capacity of the restaurant

by adding six tables and sous

chefs, Scott and Marianne,

will be helping

out in the kitchen.

Someone get it done now, yes?

VIRGINIA: Yes, Chef.

GORDON: Well done.

VIRGINIA: Shit, they burned.

It was too hot.

I just burned two of the salmon.

You burned two salmon?

Give me some of--

good-- not get it out

of the f*cking bin!

Just an extraordinary

level of casualness.

How can you be just so--

f*ck it, I'll put it in the bin?

I'm not, I'm upset about it.

I want to recook

them and do it right.

Well, at least do it

with some care, will you?

Yes, Chef.

Chef Ramsay is a fricking

dog coming to attack you.

GORDON: Can you wake up?

Yes, Chef.

If you bow down, that dog's

going to attack you even more.

But if you stare back

in that dog's eyes,

that dog's going to run off.

Is this the start

of what's to come?

No, Chef.



GORDON: Chicken?

Chicken garnish.

Oh, come on.

HEATHER: Right here,

Chef, I have it, Chef.

OK, Missy.

HEATHER: I needed a

-second flash though.

GORDON: At least I deserve

to know something, no?

Chef seconds on the chicken.

No answer.

I said it, Chef, I

should have said it louder.

I apologize.

GORDON: Go, please.

I was trying so hard that

I was screwing everything up.

Why is it burnt?

That's burnt skin, it's

poaching that [inaudible]..

Don't dive down and

say, "Is it really?"

HEATHER: I expect

more out of me and I'm

like this is ridiculous.

Don't insult me

any f*cking more.

And it's embarrassing.

GORDON: And the

sauce, next time,

do not bring me black

bits of the burned stuff

from the bottom of

your pan, Heather.

No, Chef.

NARRATOR: Despite getting

off to a rocky start,

Chef Ramsay is still going

ahead with his plan to let each

of the chefs run the kitchen.

Keith on the hot plate.

KEITH: Yes, Chef.

Go ahead and take over please.

Let's go.

So, two spaghettis,

one [inaudible],,

one tempura, away now, yeah?

Pick it up, yes?

Over to you.

Scott, how long you got

on those two spaghettis?

Two spaghettis,

they got for minutes.

NARRATOR: One of the most

important functions of running

the pass is quality control.

VIRGINIA: seconds.



Keith doesn't know

is that his standards are

about to be put to the test.

Spaghetti's up.

KEITH: Thank you, Chef.

Scott, this pasta's overcooked.

I want it in five

minutes, Scott.

Well done for spotting

that spaghetti's overcooked.

Now, adjust your brigade.

Cut the scallops just in half,

Virginia, not into three, OK?

It is like you're

talking to your best mate.

I haven't seen any

leadership qualities so far.

At this rate, your brigade

will be running you.

Run the brigade, yeah?

Let's go.

NARRATOR: Keith has

successfully passed

his quality control test, but

the question still remains--

can he lead a kitchen?

Standby on one

bass, one salmon.

HEATHER: Yes, Chef.

Hey, you called

out that order,

Virginia didn't answer you.

Virginia, you

didn't answer me?

Yes, Chef.

KEITH: What did I say, Virginia?

Standby on one salmon,

well done and I'm sorry,

I forgot what else you said.


VIRGINIA: Where are we?

I've lost track of where we are.

GORDON: Repeat the

order again, please.

KEITH: All right, one

salmon medium, one bass.

Yes, Chef.

KEITH: Virginia, how long?


This is incredible.

VIRGINIA: I need-- wait, hold

on, what is going on right now?

GORDON: Is that you're

going to buckle now?

I need three minutes.

GORDON: There telling you

now, you have got tell them.

KEITH: I want it in two

minutes, Virginia, two.

HEATHER: The pass,

he couldn't control.

How about on that bass,

is that bass ready?

I kind of had to take control.

You, you gotta hold your own.

You have a set of balls right?

Use them.

End of story.

Heather, it's ready?


pulled it out and just

got to heat up the potatoes.

How long?

KEITH: Heather.

You gotta give me

a time, how long?

It's going to be about

seven minutes for this.


- Nothing more.

Two bass were summoned

urgently, that's all.

Then we go again because

right now we're in the shit.


VIRGINIA: Yes, Chef.

GORDON: Move your ass.

- Yes, Chef.

Back on line, please.

KEITH: He was looking

for us to be him.

I'm not going to

change who I am.

Who says you have to

be a d*ck to be a chef?

NARRATOR: It's an hour

into dinner service,

because of Virginia's

problems on the fish station

and Keith's

inconsistent leadership,

the kitchen has only managed

to serve appetizers and entrees

to out of diners.

Want to go somewhere else?

No No, we'll wait.

Wait a few more minutes.


HEATHER: Yes, Chef.

Stop what you're

doing, on the hot plate.

Now it's your chance.

Now you're going to

run the Hell's Kitchen.

That's the way now, three

wellingtons, one salmon, one

bass, one duck, that's moving.

Ask how long that

is to the window.

Wellington medium

well, how long?


Bass, how long, Virginia?

Coming right now.

No, that's no

time, that's no time.

How long?

- seconds.

HEATHER: seconds.

Where do we go with tables on?

Where do we go with tables--

- Oh, right here.

Yeah, come on,

calm down, slow down.

Hey, just--

HEATHER: Breathe.

Slow down a bit,

breathe, and do it better.

Right now you're out of control.

NARRATOR: Although each chef

is being tested on the pass,

Chef Ramsay still

expects to see excellence

from them in the kitchen.

Where's the other risotto?

- Two risotto.

GORDON: Come on, Keith, please.

Have you got any more

risotto than this?

KEITH: It wasn't enough?

GORDON: You want me to spread

that in there like that?

Hey, listen--

KEITH: I'm not, I'm not

arguing with you, I'm making--

OK, come here, hey,

it's, it's the way,

it's the way you look at me.

I'm sorry.

GORDON: No, no, no,

look at me, hey,

you looked at me to scrape

it out the bottom of the pan.

I didn't say to scrape

it, Chef, I'm sorry.

What did you say then?

KEITH: I thought because of

the other plate that's where

the rest of the risotto went.

So you took it off the

plate, put it in there

and you're still f*cking under.

I'm sorry, Chef.

No, you're not, because

it's the attitude that stinks.

I don't want any more f*cking

arguing, just two risottos

and we can continue, yes?


Come here, you.

Right now the attitude, you

can stick it up your ass.

Where's the f*cking risotto?

KEITH: I missed it, Chef.

- You know what?

I'll f*cking take your head

off, tell you what, I'll

f*cking kick you out right now.

I won't wait until

the end of service.

KEITH: He was

pushing my buttons,

trying to make me

talk back to him.

He didn't like

attitude, he says.

You know what I mean?

I try to, to not have an

attitude but it came out.

This is your night.

I said to you at o'clock,

you were all f*cking even.

Right now you're so far behind,

you don't know what's going on.

I need those two

risottos, how long, Keith?


Seven minutes.

Six minutes.

Is he going to give up?

No, he's not giving up.

NARRATOR: Heather's leadership

has now stabilized the kitchen.

How long on those appetizers?

Four and a half minutes.

NARRATOR: So it's the

perfect time for Chef Ramsay

to attempt a little

bit of sabotage.

Maryanne, with me

please, two seconds.

Not this table,

but the next table

wellington bass, I want

the lumpy mashed potatoes,

let's go.

You got it, Chef.


Watch the chunks in

the potatoes please.

Yes, Chef.


You, stop bring the tray back.

The potatoes, Missy, were

purposely lumpy, disgusting,


That was a trick-- don't

f*cking dare right now argue.

No, Chef.

I won't, Chef.

GORDON: I told her to

put lumps in there.

I wanted to see if you're

going to taste it to establish

some form of quality.

HEATHER: I saw the lumps,

but I second guess myself

and that's my biggest weakness.

Back on your

section, let's go.

NARRATOR: It's two hours into

a very unique dinner service.

Although different chefs have

been running the kitchen,

they've still managed to serve

over half their diners.

And the lamb

wellington for you.

Oh, it is us.

GORDON: You, on the hot plate.

Yes, Chef.

GORDON: Now, Missy,

I'm saying it

once, shut the f*ck up, and run

Hell's Kitchen, end of story.

VIRGINIA: Yes, Chef.

One salmon, one chicken, two

wellingtons, one salmon medium,

one wellington well done.

Four minutes to the window.

You're gonna have

to repeat that please.

She said she didn't hear you.

Please repeat that, clearer.

Four minutes to the window.

One chicken, two wellington,

one salmon, one salmon medium,

one wellington well done.

Yes, Chef.

Her tone of voice is funny

when she tries to yell,

it sounds like a

cartoon character.

I wasn't even listening to her.

Start to dress one

salmon, one chicken!

Yes, Chef.

Heather, do you hear me?

One salmon, one chicken.


Now you're getting

a system going, good.

NARRATOR: Impressed by

Virginia's energetic start--

You're doing the salmon,

Chilean bass on this table.

You do it.


Ramsay wants to see

if she can keep

track of her orders

and catch the substitution

of bass for salmon.

One salmon, one

chicken, how long?

Two minutes!

Behind you, Chef.

Yes, Chef.

Where is the salmon?

You gave me bass, I need Salmon.

Oh, my fault, Chef.


Well spotted.

Keep this hot, keep this hot.

Take the bass back.


NARRATOR: Realizing that

her turn at the pass

is almost over, Virginia is

determined to finish strong.

VIRGINIA: Heather,


Slow that down,

nothing's going out

until I get one

salmon and one bass,

after that three wellington,

one duck, one salmon, one bass.

Yes, Chef.

GORDON: There you go, let's go.

NARRATOR: With only

three tables left,

Chef Ramsay is ending the

service the way he started it--

at the helm of his

own restaurant.

Pick it up, let's go.

Yes, Chef.

NARRATOR: Although

he's had the chance

to see the individual skills

of each chef at the pass,

he wants to remind them

that success in the kitchen

is not just about out-shining

their competition.

Can we come

together like a team?

Yes, Chef.

Right after that one wellington.

Wait, three

wellington, one salmon?

Right now.

It's hard to be a teammate

to someone that you're

in a contest against.

Heather, how long?

Going right now.

You haven't even, you

didn't even told me.


I said-- I said seconds on--

GORDON: Virginia, Heather,

where is the teamwork?

I said I was going

seconds, Chef.

Come on.

Sorry, Heather.

This is the last table.

Three and a half

minutes, Virginia.


and a half minutes.

I want to get through

with the entire service,

just to make everybody happy.

Do you have a

non-stick pan over there?

KEITH: Yeah, here.

Three wellington,

three salmon, let's go.


KEITH: Plate it up, plate it up.

I'm ready on the salmon.


GORDON: Go, please.

Thank you.

Tonight I witnessed

your leadership qualities,

all of you.

Now, a good leader--

each and every day has

to make tough decisions.

I want you each to nominate the

person that you think should be

leaving Hell's Kitchen tonight.

Who was the weakest cook

and who was the weakest

leader on that line?

Off you go.

Let's go.

VIRGINIA: I think that

Heather and Keith--

they automatically think,

they're like the last two

and that I'm going

to be eliminated,

but it's all up to Chef Ramsay.

I've been on the chopping

block three million times now

but I'm still here.

You guys are both

nominating me, right?

KEITH: He's probably gonna

send you home anyway.

I totally am not going to be

surprised tonight if I go home.

HEATHER: He didn't have the

greatest attitude tonight.

I know, he had a

horrible attitude.

He was, I don't think he

was very good expediting.

But I was actually

surprised, I barely heard him

when he was expediting.

The weakest line cook

is obviously Virginia.

However, Keith was quiet

tonight and I don't think Keith

has a good attitude either.

You're voting

for Virginia right?

She's still the weakest,

you know what I mean?

Like leadership-- I mean,

you could have been louder.

KEITH: Don't f*ck

around, Heather.

I hope Heather doesn't try to

throw a curve ball, you know,

but I don't think either one

of them did better than me.

So I'm not worried.

What are you doing?

Packing my bags.

I mean, I can't fake it.

I can't try and be

something I'm not.

If I'm not experienced enough,

I'm not experienced enough.

Well that's all it

comes down to, really.

So I know you're going to

nominate me tonight, right?

No, I mean Heather was

free-- like yelling, I was

pissed when she was expediting.

I need those two

risotto, how long Keith?


Seven minutes.

Six minutes!

VIRGINIA: She, she--

KEITH: She was

yelling about shit

that didn't even make sense.

VIRGINIA: Wow, so there's

a bunch of shit going

on that I didn't even notice.

I guess.

[exciting music]

GORDON: Keith.

Yes, Chef.

GORDON: Who have you

nominated and why.

Chef I nominated Virginia

because her performance

on the line--

as it was better than

usual, I don't think

she was better than Heather.

Also when she was leading

the kitchen expedited,

I was just confused.

GORDON: Thank you.


Yes, Chef.

GORDON: Who have you

nominated and why.

I nominated Keith.

When he was on

the pass, I didn't

feel that he had a very

strong leadership skill

and I didn't really

see the love or passion

that he has for food tonight.

I didn't see any fire.

GORDON: Thank you.


Yes, Chef.

Who have you

nominated and why.

HEATHER: Keith could have

been louder, a little more

demanding, but tonight I've

nominated Virginia, Chef.

GORDON: Uh-huh.

She didn't give

me that demand.

She didn't look me

in the eye and demand

the respect that she deserved

while she was up there.

GORDON: Thank you.

Keith and Virginia,

step forward please.


Yes, Chef.

GORDON: This Is your

first time up here, ever.

Tell me why you

think you should be

a finalist in Hell's Kitchen.

I want this, I want

to be in the finals.

I want to have my chance

to win, go to Vegas.

It's my dream, a

dream come true.

If you give me a chance, I

mean, I won't let you down.


You can't teach an

old dog new tricks.

I'm not an old dog, you

can teach me new tricks.

If you really put the

time and care into me,

I could think exactly like

you, do exactly what you do,

because I don't

have any old habits.

You can work with me.

You can teach me.

I'm ready, I want it,

I'm willing, I'm able.

This is quite possibly one

of the toughest decisions

I've ever had to make.

Well done for spotting

that spaghetti overcooked.

You know what?

I'll f*cking take your head off.

You know what, I'll f*cking

kick you out right now,

I won't wait until

the end of service.

VIRGINIA: Wait, hold on,

what is going on right now?

This is incredible.

Three wellington, one

duck, one salmon, one bass.

Yes, Chef.

The person leaving

Hell's Kitchen tonight

and will not be going

through to the final two is--

[dramatic music]


[heart beating]


All I'm looking for

right now is a leader.

And personally, big boy, I

don't think you're ready.

Give me your jacket please.

[tense music]

So you're telling

me that Virginia

is a better leader than me?

I've been leading the

whole thing-- even

with whatever station

I was on, I was leading

the line throughout whatever

team I was on, the whole time,

with people that didn't

even know anything.

I personally don't think

you're ready to lead.

I personally think that you

have a hard-on for Virginia.


Why'd you have to

be so f*cking rude?

Because you're rude

to me all the time.


Now I definitely know I've

made the right decision.

So your attitude does stink.

KEITH: I definitely

deserve my own restaurant.

The whole time I've been here,

I did nothing but k*ll it.

He doesn't like my

personality, so f*ck him,

because I can cook better

than all those b*tches.

GORDON: You've got two choices--

you run the team or

the team runs you--

and sadly, the team ran Keith.

If Keith can only lose the

attitude underneath all that,

there's one talented,

talented cook.


Still wearable.

GORDON: Congratulations, Keith.

Do me a favor, just pull your

pants up a little bit, yes?

The view of your crack to

table seven is not appealing.

KEITH: I wear my

underwear up high

and my pants low because

that's how I rock them.

Jean-Philippe's over there.


He's Belgian, you idiot.

GORDON: Keith, that

wellington's cooked perfectly.

Thanks, Chef.

Heather is one tough bitch.

He didn't like my personality,

he didn't like K-Grease,

I tried to hide him,

but he f*cking got out.

So it's bullshit.

GORDON: You two are

Hell's Kitchen finalists.

Congratulations to you both.

I'm really pleased to

see you both there.

Thank you.

Thank you, thank you, Chef.

One of you is going

to have their very

own restaurant in Vegas.

This is where it

gets really exciting.

Enjoy the moments,

get some rest.

Thank you, Chef.

GORDON: See you in the morning.

Thank you.

[excited yelling]

HEATHER: Look, to Heather and

Virginia well done to you both.

Now enjoy some

bottle, love, Gordon.

Thank Gordon.

NARRATOR: Virginia

and Heather celebrate

making it to the final two.

Cheers to you and me.

HEATHER: Cheers!


Ramsay has one more

surprise in store for them.

[door knocking]


HEATHER: Oh my god.


week on the season

finale of Hell's

Kitchen, it's the moment

you've been waiting for--

GORDON: Virginia,

Heather, are you ready?

HEATHER: Yes, Chef.

NARRATOR: Who will

win "Hell's Kitchen"?

Will it be Creative Virginia,

the salad chef from California?

I want to fricking win

tonight so badly I can taste it.

NARRATOR: Or Passionate Heather,

the sous chef from New York.

I'm going to give this

girl a fight tonight.

NARRATOR: The winner will

have their own restaurant

in the billion dollar Red

Rock Resort in Las Vegas.

But first they will face

their former competitors.

I'm not going to work for a

woman-- not going to happen.

NARRATOR: And their demands.

I want some money and

I want it right now.

NARRATOR: Plus a hungry media.

How does your husband feel

about you being on the show?

NARRATOR: And go head to head

redesigning Hell's Kitchen.

You both going to create

your very own restaurant.

NARRATOR: Then they

will face off--

You got this.

You guys, come on!

NARRATOR: In the most

important dinner service--

This is raw.

I need those apps.

NARRATOR: Of their lives.

Tom, the short ribs now.

I need those steaks, come on!

NARRATOR: Who will

Chef Ramsay choose

as the Hell's Kitchen winner?

GORDON: Congratulations.

NARRATOR: Find out next

time on the "Hell's Kitchen"

season finale.
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