Love Mocktail 2 (2022)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Love Mocktail 2 (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »


here's your breakfast.

What a surprise!

You've prepared breakfast today?

Did Aadi call you?

Yes, he had...

Now, I understand

the reason behind this change.

Oh, so I'm doing this

because he said, is it?

As if I haven't

looked after her well, so far.

Look, how stout

you have become after marriage.

The entire house is occupied by you.

I've been looking after you,

better than your father.



Hey Sushma...!

Come here...


What's this?

You call him...

I'll get ready and come back.


I'll get ready and come back.


If he sends message like that...

and switches off his phone,

what should we think?

Wait, let me try once.

Yes, please.

It is still switched off.

Is it...

Shall I try calling her once?

Yeah, but switch on the loudspeaker.



I think things are going in a wrong direction.

Let's go to the police station

and lodge a complaint.

Complaint? Not needed...

Let's wait.

Will you take responsibility,

if something goes wrong?


Why should I...?

You mess up things,

and I should take the responsibility?

Fine, then let's go to the police station...

Brother, take the sweet.

Oh, is it your first day?

- Yes...

Oh, is it your first day?

- Yes...

God bless you.

Brother, sweets...

Did you give it to sir?

Not yet...

First, you give him.

- Sure...

First, you give him.

Send it to sir's office.


Don't call me brother,

call me, sir.

Let her call you a brother,

she looks like your sister.

Done taking your file...?

Understood sir.

What's your name?



No, it's Salimat.

Brother, you must only teach me everything...

I'm new, right? So...


I'll teach you.

Go give sweets to everyone, go.

Madam wanted to lodge a complaint urgently.


Missing Complaint.

Missing complaint...?

Oh, please come soon.

Viju, you leave...

I'll call you.

Brother, it's a missing complaint.

Take your hands off.

Look at the way she's behaving...

Brother, shall I write down the complaint...?

That will help me learn the job.

Also this my first case...

Fine, you please be seated.

Fine, go ahead...

Sir, Aadi is missing.

Oh, how old is the kid?

He's 32 years old.

32 years...

and you still call him a kid?

Sir where did I call?

it was she who called so.

Why did you call him that?

Fine, from when is the kid missing?

Sir not kid, it's Aadi.

Oh yeah, from when is Aadi missing?

Sir, he is missing for the last 2 hours...

-Is he missing for just two hours...?

He would have gone somewhere...

he'll be back, you leave now.



it's a missing case, if something goes wrong,

you would be held responsible.

You do the inquiry...

I'll write down the complaint.


Is Aadi married?

Yes, sir.

Guess he has fought with his wife

and gone somewhere, he will be back, you go.

It's impossible to fight with his wife.

I'm sure he has gone searching for Nidhi.

If so, then go to Nidhi...

why have you come here?

Sir, I know he's gone looking for her,

but not sure where he has gone.

Brother, having a wife at home,

he's gone looking for Nidhi...

it's an extramarital affair, brother.


This is what will happen,

if you go behind an affair.

Sir, Nidhi is not an affair sir.

Then what about his wife at home?

Neither at his home nor outside,

it's an affair, sir.

You monkey, don't confuse me.


Tell me Aadi's matter, in detail,

from the beginning.

Sure sir...


I was in love with Sushma, sir.

She's my wife...

You were in love,

not now?

Huh, do we have

any choice after marriage?

Hope you understand...

Yes, I do...

Sir, Aadi was in love with Rose...

Got it...

Aadi was in love with Rose...

Nidhi came to know about it...

She lost her cool and left home.

And now, Aadi is gone

searching for Nidhi. Am I right?

No, sir...

Aadi was in love

with Rose during high school.

It has no connection with this.

if so, then why are you

telling about it to me?

Sir, didn't you tell me...

to tell things in detail,

from the beginning.?

That doesn't mean,

you must start narrating from his birth.

Hey, stop behaving like a kid...

and tell me things

only related to Aadi and Nidhi.

Sure sir...

Sir, Aadi was loving Joo sincerely sir.


-Wait a minute...

Brother, if he has so many love stories,

will his wife keep quiet?

Hey, you stop winking your eyes at me first.

If I see you doing that again,

I'll poke your eyes with a stick.

How many of them does he love?

If he's in love with so many,

do you think Nidhi will not leave him and go?


Sir, Nidhi didn't leave him,

since he was in love with Joo...

Nidhi came to him, since, Joo left him.

Joo left and Nidhi came...

Nidhi left, and Joo came...


Does this have any connection

with Aadi's missing?

No connection...

Then why the hell

are you telling it to me?

I'll kick you until my boots are torn.

Wait a minute...

Are you playing around with me?

Why, sir?


What happened?

Why are you so tensed?

I wonder how do you live with him...

Hey, Viju...

what did you tell sir?

What did I do?

I was just explaining the case in detail.


It seems a cupid is missing...

He falls in love with Rose...

but, his wife doesn't bother it seems.

He falls in love with Joo...

but, his wife doesn't bother it seems.

Since, Joo left him he found Nidhi

and now Nidhi also left him...

And this cupid has gone

in search of her, it seems.

His wife is a great lady...

she herself is not questioning him anything...

Then why is Nidhi creating a problem?

Nidhi is his wife sir.


I told you the same...

Shut up...!


My, skills...

my statesmanship...

my expertise...

keeping all of it aside, I'm saying...

Not being able to see his flirtings...

-his I, right?


-has left him and I right?

-Wrong, sir.

You keep quiet...

am I right?

Didn't I tell you, you're wrong?

Didn't I tell you to keep quiet...

am I right?

Sir, it's been two years

since his wife d*ed sir.


Sir, actually...!

You keep quiet...

You go ahead, sir...

Let her say, sir.

Fine, tell me.

Sir, let Viju only tell you.

Fine, tell me...

No sir, let her only tell...

One of you, please tell...

Sir, fine let me only tell you.

Aadi married Nidhi...

and they were living

happily for a year, sir.

Aadi was very attached to Nidhi...

He was loving her madly.

Nidhi got cancer...

and she d*ed, sir.

Aadi was normal for few days after that...

But, gradually...

"My life is all yours"

"Your love is my heartbeat"

"My love is all yours"

"Your love is my heartbeat"

"Without you, I'm no more"

"My love,

your memories are haunting me"

"You are everywhere"

"You are my life,

my pulse, and my heartbeat"

"I'm alive every day, just because of you"

"My heart shines just because of you"

"You're my life"

"You were my dream, you were my reality..."

"My life was full of you"

"You were my smile, you were my world..."

"Where did you, disappear?"

"How shall I live without you?"

"You are my identity"

"I'm wandering around...

as your unforgettable

memories are burning...


"My life has become a riddle"

"My life is all yours"

"Your love is my heartbeat"

"My love is all yours"

"Your love is my heartbeat"

"Without you, I'm no more"

"My love,

your memories are haunting me"

"You are everywhere"

"You are my life,

my pulse, and my heartbeat"

"I'm alive every day, just because of you"

"My heart shines just because of you"

"You're my life"

If things like this happen in life...

We tried a lot to,

get him out of this.

But, suddenly one day...




Did you get any letter from the bank?

No, didn't get it...

Oh, letter...!*t!

Why? What happened?


-Where did I keep it?

-What ?

What are you searching for?

Hey, when Nidhi

was not keeping well...

she had given me a letter,

asking me to give it to Aadi.

She could have given it to him directly,

why did she give it to you?

Hey, it isn't like that...

She wanted me to give Aadi, a year,

incase if something happens to her...

and if Aadi forgets her and moves on,

she wanted me to burn the letter...

If not...

If not...

if he is still in her thoughts,

she wanted me to give this letter to him. it!

Isn't it more than an year

since she passed away?

You're right, I forgot it.

Don't you have seriousness...?

Is this a silly matter to forget?

I mean, had he got this letter earlier,

he might have been alright by now.

By the way, what's there in this letter?

What was written in the letter?

That's what, even I asked, sir.

I didn't read it,

since it was someone's personal letter, sir.


What kind of a girl are you?

Girls are meant to be curious.

Without curiosity, are you even a girl?


You understood it.

Are you even a girl?

Thats called discipline.

Not reading others

personal letter is decency, sir.


Then, I called him to hand him

over this letter

by then, he only called me.

You will live a hundred years, buddy.

What do you want me to do,

staying here for hundred years?

Come to light-house tomorrow,

there is something.



Why didn't you tell him about the letter?

Anyways we are going there tomorrow,

so let's give it to him over there.

But still, Im curious,

whats there in this letter

Not necessary,

why should we be bothered about others?

Let's be cool.

Look, here he is.

He'll get excited,

if we give him this letter.

We could have read it once

Anyways, he will tell me after reading

- Come.

- Hmmm...

Buddy, I have a surprise for you

I have a better surprise

Look there.

- Hi, Joo

- Hi, Aadi

Hi, Sushma

Hi, Joo

Hi, Viju

Namaste, Madam Joo.

It's been so many years seeing you.

Isnt it?

Same here

Sorry guys,

I couldn't make it to your wedding.

We too are sorry,

we forgot to invite you.

How will you come to a wedding,

for which you've not been invited?

How will you come to a wedding,

for which you've not been invited?



Isnt it?

He'll always be cracking jokes.

Come, Joo sit down.


I want to talk to you something,

shall we go over there?

You want to talk to me, is it?

Buddy, go aside for a while.

Why should we go?

Let's not move from here, at any cost, Sushma.

Oh, you got up?


Fine, come lets go.

Be there, I'll come.


Come, Joo.

Its not even five minutes, since she came,

look how he changed.

Forget you

but how could he send me out?

Look, how hes blushing at her.

And you, talking to her so happily?

I was talking casually.

Oh yeah, why won't you?

Aren't you the one

who introduced her to him?

You first change this Devdas getup.

I like to see my old Aadi.

- Bye

- Bey


How did you come?


Fine, then I'll drop you

Buddy, clear the bill.


Go aside

Joo, you haven't changed

even a little, in so many years.

Do you know, how glad I am

seeing you after so many years?

Why is he going to drop her?

Why had she come here?

Why have we come here?

To hand him over the letter.


Im losing my cool.

Fine, give me the letter at least,

let me read.

I don't have the letter.

I gave it to you

I must have left it at the table.


Where, did it go?


Sir, bill.

Sir, there was a letter here, did you see it?

No, sir.

You get bill at the right time,

can't you keep an eye on the letter?

Do you know how important that letter is?

Where did it go?


Where did it fall?

Excuse me

Any problem?

Yes, prob-b-b!


Good food.

Good restaurant

And very good pretty owner.

Oh, thank you so much.

Please rate us on Google.

Oh, yeahfive stars.

Thank you.

How much is the bill?

It's 1000/- rupees, sir.

Pick up

Pick up the phone

Get lost.

Ill go lie down.

Please go

Go and sleep peacefully

Hes not picking up

the phone, since evening

No idea, where he took her.

Ill scratch my head for all this

You sleep peacefully.

Its been so long,

no idea where they have gone,

what they are doing?

Sorry, Joo

The other day, listening to my friends

I scolded you

Had I married you

It would have been better.

I pleaded with you so much that day

If you had listened to me

You wouldn't been roaming

around like this growing the beard.

Your friends are the ones

who spoiled your life.

And, especially that Vijay

Just keep him away.

After Nidhi passed away

I was in depression.

But, as soon as I saw you

I forgot everything.



You are a magician.



Turn this side

Come closer

Even closer

Close your eyes

What are you doing outside?

How do you know that I'm outside?

What are you doing at this late hour?

I had some personal work, so I had come.

Why had Joo come?

Something personnel, leave it.

Viju, ther's good news for you

Don't tell me that

you are getting married to Joo

Tell me, what's that

Ive decided to get married.




Get up!

Get up!

Hey, what happened?

Aadi had called

What did he say?

Hell get married it seems.

To whom?

To Joo.

Did he tell you that he'll marry Joo?

He doesnt have balls for that

He was telling me indirectly

I was begging him for one long year,

to get married

She met him in the morning,

and he decided to marry her by evening.

Let me see how they'll get married.

Pick up

Pick up you bloody,

you'll have it from me.


Heard you are getting married?

Im so glad

You need not take trouble searching for a bride

That's my responsibility.

Vijuwhy do you take the risk?


Whats there in that?

Im the one who found Nidhi for you, right?

Wasn't she a perfect match for you?

I know your taste better than you.

You don't interfere in thisbye


You nailed it.

Wow! He shouldn't interfere in his

own marriage matterisnt it?

Keep seeing, Ill search

Ill search for the best pair for him.

Itll be better if you

keep quiet, doing nothing.


We must handle this in a different way

Get him tomorrow

Let's do something, between a to z.

Do something.

Does the girl who is coming now, look good?

He agreed to get married

I've committed to find a bride for him.

He looks weird in the beard.

Who will agree to marry him?

Didn't you boast off yesterday night

that you will find him the best pair?

Keep quiet

Look, he's coming

Look, how handsome he has become

Looks handsome, isn't it?

Hey, why did you come running?

Isnt he coming?


Have an attitude



Hey, what happened?

Why are you guys looking up over there?


Not bad, youre looking okay in this getup.

Hey, youre looking awesome buddy

Thank you.

That's fine

You didn't care when we

asked you to get married...

Now, why this sudden change?

You both give me your hands

Won't I tell you always?

that you guys are the ones

who give twists and turns in my life.

What did we do, now?

What did you do?

Yesterday, you guys came into my dream







Not buddy, son




When you lost a rose flower in

your life for the first time

Rose flower?

It's her.Rose

You didnt go into depression,

neither didn't you hesitate

to fall in love with someone else again.

Again, when Joo came back to your life

and started playing around

You didn't go into depression,

neither did you hesitate to fall in love again.

But now, you have lost Nidhi in your life.

So, now

Shall I continue further?


I shouldn't go into depression,

neither should I hesitate to fall in love again.



Great me!




Do we also get girls like this,

for arranged marriage?

I had told you earlier itself

But you didn't listen to me

You hurried in school days itself.

Youre right, buddy.


Nothing, the bride looks pretty right?

Shes not the bride she's the broker.

Broker...? This beautiful?


Im Jankana

What? Jankanakana?

Its not Jankanakana, itsJankana.

You can call me Janki.

Im Aadi, and hes my friend

- Sharanri

- Im Aadi, and hes my friend

HeyI'm not Sharan,

my name is Vijay.

You can call me Viju.

Sharanri, means...

Greeting someone in their language.

He's my hubby

Great, please come

Okay, so lets get to the point.

Aadi, Sushma has given me

all the basic details of you

What kind of a bride

are you looking for?

What kind!

Someone like you

I asked about his taste, and not yours.

She should be eccentric.

He's right, she should be eccentric.

What's eccentric?

Eccentric is eccentric.

Oh yeah...

eccentric means entertaining.

Soyou want a girl,

who can entertain you, isnt it?


Hey, not exactly

Eccentric also means Interesting,

just that her character should be interesting.

Ohdont worry!

Girls whom I refer are all very interesting.

They would be fresh, and also

would be ready for second marriage.

But, few girls might have quality issues.

-Quality issues?

-Select a girl.

-Quality issues?

What do you mean by quality issues?

Lean, stout, short, tall, and crooked.


Can we get someone who is fresh, of good quality,

and also looks like a supermodel?

Great, so is your friend worth 1000/- crores,

to find someone like that?

No, but doesn't he look handsome?

Girls of this generation, don't look

for beauty, they look at wealth.

Thats right.

If you pay peanuts,

you get monkeys,

Isn't it, Sushma?

I didn't say so, she said it.

Madam, Janki

How much do you earn a month,

in this broker profession?

Im not a broker

Im a matchmaker.

Both are the same

This one

Are you sure?

Give it to me, let me see.


Are you sure?


Listen to this joke

Wife told her hubby that she will die

and hubby gave her a dairy milk chocolate.

His wife asked, why is he giving her chocolate?

Hubby replied it's good to eat sweet,

before doing something good.

How was it?

Didnt you like it?

Okay, forget it.

Look, she came


Give it a second thought.


your taste is becoming weird

If few people like cup ice

few others like ice cream bars



Im Aadi.

Hi I'm Poornima.

Where is your friend ?

She's on the way


Wait, how do you know that

my friend is going to come?

Actually, there will always be an

average-looking girl with a beautiful girl like you.

So I asked.

Yeahyoure right.

Actually, my friend doesn't look as beautiful as me.

YeahI know, please sit.


He's my average-looking friend, Viju



-Excuse me, sir.

Your order, sir?


Hey, give it to me, Ill order.

I guess you like

Curd vada?

Yeahhow do you know?

Get curd vada, for her and her friend.

Viju, what would you like to have?

Buddy, from my childhood

I've heard about Chow Chow Bath,

but haven't tasted it.

Fine, taste it now

One Chow Chow Bath for me

Ok, sir.

Ill finalize him, he looks so smart.


You guessed my taste so well

Can you guess more about me?

I guess, your favorite heroine

during college days was

Hey, wait

let me do Aishwaryas pose in the Taal movie.


Aishwarya Rai?


And thenKareena Kapoor?


And recently, from one angle

you look like Deepika Paduk...


There was a post on Facebook,

asking to test my look, I did

and it matched 100%

with Deepika Padukone.


Hey, even I had checked his look,

it matched with Ranveer Singh.

And I checked his,

it matched with Ranbir Kapoor

Not sure about him

but you look exactly like Ranveer Singh.

Thank you.

-Hey sorry, I'm late.

-No problem, sit down.

Shes my friend Suma




Shes my average-looking friend.


Curd Vada, mam.

Hey, wait until your dish comes,

why are you staring at that?

Hey, did you order curd vada?

Hey, no, he guessed our favorite dish and

ordered it.

Is it?


How did he get to know?


I had asked for Chow Chow Bath,

but you've given me

RavaUpma and Kesari Bath?

Chow Chow Bath means

the combination of both sir.


Is it so?

You should have

told me before right?

Have it



Actuallypeople who are close to me,

call me as Dear Cutie Pie.

Ohis it your pet name?

Youre from Mysore, right?

Yeswe both are from Mysore.

Generally, people have one pet name,

but you have two.

Few call me Dear, and few Cutie Pie,

but I like both.

You can call me however you like.

He will

Hey, come on

Did you fall in love,

when you were in college?

Hello, madam

Everyone falls in love during college

I did, he did, she did, and you

Im not sure about you

Even I did

Isnt it? Then why are you digging up

old things now?

Curd Vada is waiting for you, enjoy it.

- Poornima

- Dear Cutie Pie

- Poornima

Oh, sorry

Dear Cutie pie,

Can you do like this once?

Hey, what happened to you? Behave!

Hey, you keep quiet

Just once, do like this.

Madam, shall I?

No, I want him to do

Are you sure?

Please go ahead

Fulfill her wish, buddy.



Hey, its him confirmed.

Hey, I know that you keep quiet.

He looks so smart, I will marry him.

Hey, have you gone mad to marry him?

Hello, madam

hes also not desperate to marry her.

Hey, leave it

Madam, cool

Curd Vada will turn cold, please have it


Curd Vada will turn cold, please have it

Here, get me two bar ice creams.

Bar ice cream?

Dear Cutie pie, that's for her to chill down.

Oh yeah, let them cool down.

Give one for her, and one for this lean lady.

Hey, how dare you call me lean lady?

Hey, lean cutie pie


Ohcutie lean pie


Hey, what's that?

Dear Cutie Pie.

Yes Dear Cutie Pie

Dear cutie pie

Why are you hissing? Any problem?

Hey, shameless, stop eating and get up.

I've been telling you the same,

from so long

Come, lets go.

What are you looking at?

- Is the curd vada, still leftover?

-Shut up, and come.

- Is the curd vada, still leftover?


How did the meeting go?

Such low-class peoples

Its not peoples, it's people.

Hey, get lost

dont boast off in English.

-Hey, if youre so fond of curd vada,

come Ill get you two outside.

First, I should delete her profile.

The moment you selected her,

I guessed you will reject her.

Hello, Junk

Its not Junk, its Junkie


She went rejecting him


She rejected him?

That's an old story now, forget it.

Did you call them to entertain us?

Oh, you told me yesterday, that you

want someone who can entertain you.

Junkie, don't get confused

both are different...

What all kind of entertainment,

you Mysoreans expect?


Leave it, Aadi

If you want someone fresh,

quality issues will be there

If you want quality,

then you won't get fresh ones.


It means since this is your

second marriage

You will get girls who are divorced

and are ready for second and third marriage.



their characters will be...

too good.

If so, why did they

diverse their husbands?

It's not diverse

It's divorce.

Whatever, why did they do that?

Girls will be of good characters..

but what about guys?

You mean guys are not proper?

Aren't we aware of you girls?

Look, Junkie

Youve learnt only theory

But, we are leading life practically.

Even, I have practical experience.

Im divorced

Oh, are you married?

Without marrying,

how will one be divorced?

Junkie, yours is arranged marriage?


Thats why

If it was a love marriage,

this wouldnt have happened.

Hello, excuse me

Ours is love marriage too,

aren't we facing issues?

What issues are you facing?

Didn't you get married loving each other,

and understanding each other?

Yes, youre right

When we are in love,

we see our girlfriends with make-up,

just for an hour a day, in just one avatar.

but, after marriage, we see hundreds of

avatars of them without make-up.

And what about you guys?

You look stylish, wearing scent

but, only after the marriage

we get to know your true avatars.

What's that?

What not?

Farting, snoring, wearing torn underwear,

and that gold-digging

Gold digging?

The one which you do

putting finger inside your nose.




Looking at you guys fighting,

should I really get married?

Oh, Im so sorry.

Take, select.

Have, Chow Chow Bath

Sorry, I dont like upma and Kesari bath.

Oh, so you know its the combination of both.



This one

What, youre choosing girls only from Mysore?

Is she from Mysore?


Wait, let me make a video call

If you like her I'll arrange a meeting with her.


Hi, Junkie

Are you with make-up?

Not yet


Here's a guy

talk to him.


You will see her in the same avatar

after marriage, go ahead, talk to her.



Joos ex-boyfriend?

There used to be a friend with you always,

how's he?


hes here,

say hi



Have you seen me before?

Yes, I've seen you while you used to

hang around in the layout.


Buddy, look at that pic.

The one behind her

You were hanging around all day

long in the layout.

Are you a student of Pushpa miss?

You have her photo at your house.

You too are her student,

but do you have her photo at your house?


Then, why will I have a photo of her?

Shes my mother.






Wrong time

Yeah, long time

Nice meeting you, bye.


She used to be a kid

Shes turned out to be a figure now.

Do you remember?

Oh, why not?

Let's not talk about her and her mom.

Her mom had insulted us in front of Rose.

Who's Rose?

His, ex-girlfriend.

But, Kavana said Joo?

That's after Rose.

Oh, so you were seeking

entertainment from all of them, is it?


How can I explain it to you?

But, what's your problem with

Kavana and her mom?

The child which spoke now,

used to be only so much


-Indistinct Voices


It's perfect

ask me if you have any doubts.



Where did it go?

Do you want it?


Get lost.

All of you, solve the problem

Kavana, have an eye on who is talking.

Hmm, as if we know to solve the problem

Hey, why are you looking only at us?

Youre right, look at others as well.

Mom, they both

Hey, look how I'll throw it.

Mom, they are hitting me with a paper.

Kavana, don't disturb me.

Mom, it's burning

Go out and play

Ill stay here.

When we have a mix of variables

-Hey, are you writing a love letter?


Give, let me write it for you.

She should go awe, reading it.


Numbers like, 3,2,9

Hey, shall I address it to Rose?

Or to Reema?

To Rose.


Hey, keep quiet

Hey, please show me



Inform, miss.


look there.

Am I giving a lecture?


Then why are you nodding your head?

Hey, what are you writing?

Notes, miss.

He's lyingwait, let me get it.

Dear, it's just the notes

Dont liegive it here.

Please leave it, dear.

Hey, leave it, you

Do you want chocolate?

Then, take your hands off the note


Get lost

Please go

Hey, you get lost




Miss, notes.

Those are the formulas, miss.

Is this a formula?

Yes, miss.

Read it

Thats okay, miss.

Will you read it, or shall I call your parents?

Thats okay, miss.

Will you read it, or shall I call your parents?

-Ill read it.


To, my dear Rose.

First time,

I sawed you,

my heart started do to,

flying up.

Second time,

I sawed you,

Open in the glass

I felt you,

look like a Titanic heroine.

So I call you, Rose

for today,


and every day.

I love you

If you love me

I lucky

Bloody, youre laughing?

Miss, it's not over yet.

From, Aadi.


-Hey, who is Rose?

-Mom, hit him with the scale.

-Shes my aunts daughter, miss.

Do you want to love at this age?

-Shes a baby, miss. Born, just a week before.

-Mom, take the scale.

Writing a love letter to the newborn?

What were you doing,

taking his love letter?

Miss, I was checking if there is any

glamour mistakes miss.

Thats a grammar mistake, not glamour

Don't know a single word properly,

and you want love is it?


For the kind of flash-back you have,

you wont get any girl in the entire Mysore district.

Whats the matter?

Something personal

2 minutes, Ill be back


Whos call was that?


Wait, ex-girlfriend?


Then, why cant he marry her?

Why? She is not that entertaining, is it?

As soon as he gets her call,

he starts blushing...

then why don't you let him marry her?

Hey, I won't let that happen until Im alive

I called you to help me find him a bride

Help me if you can, otherwise just leave

Ill take care of it

Just relax, why are you behaving like this?



Look, I won't let him marry her for any reason.

If he is so keen on marrying her, what's your problem?

Sir, you don't know the old stories.

Hey, I understood

You couldn't find a bride for Aadi,

so hes gone searching his dead wife Nidhi.


Sir, this case is not as easy as you think

There are too many complications

Order some tea

Its very difficult to find a bride for your friend,

in the entire South Karnataka.

But, there are some

chances in North Karnataka.

He hasn't messed up things there, right?

Thats a good one!



She's the right match

Dont want Viju

Not now, but she's wanting to meet him for so long.

This will create problems in family

Hey, is it important than my friend?

Who's call was that?

Sihis call

Who is this Sihi, now?

This is for you

Thank you

Hi, Aadi

Im Sihi


Please sit

Youre looking very smart in beard.

Thank you

But you were much cuter without beard.

The way you used to come

honking in that white scooter

The sound of that horn

Your energy My god!

You were happening in Mysore, those days.

A girl's first crush

will always be very special to her.

Thats why you are special to me.


You were

You were my first crush.

I must be very lucky

to marry my first crush.

Have you seen me before?


Have I seen you?

Not just seeing, you even scolded me,

when you saw me for the first time.

Did I scold you?

Yes, don't you remember?



May 14th?

Wait a minute

2008? May 14th,

was the day when I met Joo for the first time

they both were there on that day

apart from them she came

and then she came...

but she wasn't there.

Who is she?

You still didn't get...?


Night. at 8 pm

Wait a minute

I had taken Joo for a long drive, at night 8pm.

Was she peeping at us standing

somewhere there?

You still did not get...?


You came running happily, that day.

Wait a minute

You said, Hey, child, go aside

Hey, child, go aside.

Hey, child, go aside.

Vijus cousin!


You were coming

during the summer holidays.

Yes, I was coming

during every summer holidays.

Why did you come running

so happily, that day?

2008 right?


May, 14th

I was PUC topper for entire Mysore...

and so I came running happily to say that.

Hey, you were doing

your engineering, at that time.


youre right, this is what happens

if one becomes the topper every year.

Its very confusing to say when and what I ran for.

Youre lying

I know, why you came

running that day.

Do you know?

Yes, shall I say?

Not now


Two minutes, Ill be back

Where are you going?



Will be back

In a couple of minutes, Ill be back



Hello, brother Viju

Thanks for making us meet.

Is it done?

No, he's gone to the restroom.

I've impressed him so much by giving

build-ups and telling about his past.

You should have seen his face

Hey child

Dont make him nervous

by asking him stupid things.

I said I impressed him...

Think wise and talk like a mature girl.

Are you teaching me how to talk?

Wait and watch,

how I will impress him with my speech.

Okay, hes coming,

Ill call you later, bye.

Junkie, I've sent Sihi to the same place where

Aadi had proposed Nidhi the first time.

This will definitely work out.

You too have become a broker.

Im not a broker

Im a matchmaker.

Aadi, shall I tell you now?

Not now

Would you like to have something?


Come here, buddy

One lemon juice for me, and for you?

Whatever he takes, I'll take the same.

Okay, two lemon juice.

Shall I tell you now?

Tell me something about you

If I have to talk about me,

then Ill have to again talk about you.


is it?


You know, I was longing to meet you,

and my wish was to sit and chat with you like this.

Finally, do you know,

what all I did to meet you?


Shall I say?




Oops, the dice is not good

Brother, Viju


Brother, Viju


-Do I look like a child?

- One

You dont look like, but you are one.

Hey, tell me

Why, because Aadi call you child?



Look, even you got one

Come home, urgently...

I want to see you.

Hey, what are you

doing with my phone?

Im playing a game.


Im playing a game.

-Okay, carry on

-Its eight

Was it an eight?


Hey, dont lie

Don't know who did this dice?

Whose call is that?


tell me...

Hey, whats wrong with you?

Why have you messaged me

to come and meet you urgently?

Do I look like a girl to you?

When did I message you?

I guess it's a wrong number

Hello boss...

we get CALLS from a

wrong number, not MESSAGES

Dont bluff

Tell me which movie you watched

yesterday night, before sleeping?

Hey, you must have

received it by mistake, leave it.

Three eights

Aunty, did you call me?

- Im coming

-Four eights


-You bloody

Hey, I had got

four eights, okay...

Hey, get lost...

we are not able to

cross two in this dice and

he got four eights, it seems.

Brother, Viju where are you going?

To my friends house

Shall I join you?


Aunty, Im going out with brother, Viju.

Shall we go?

Hey, Im not going to Aadis house.

Fine, then I won't come

Aunty, Im not going

Brother, Viju





Tell me


Is it regarding, Aadi?

Hey, he already has a girlfriend,

go to sleep.

Will his girlfriend stay with him forever?

Well said Will girlfriend stay lifelong?

Very cute


It's even cuter furtherlisten.

Brother, Viju

Im leaving for my native today

I know

Are you not feeling sad?

Feeling, very sad.

I can talk to my dad, and stay here for another day,

will you make me meet Aadi?

Hey, get lost.

Brother, Viju

Summer holidays have ended.

So... what?

Will you make me meet Aadi,

in Dussehra holidays?

Hey, child

Im busy playing a game

don't annoy me, get lost

Brother, Viju

Did Aadi break up?

They both are doing well

Let me see, how long they will be together.



Hello, brother Viju

Did they break up?

Hey, to hell with your curse

Hang up the phone.

Hey, it's her

I'll put it on loudspeaker, listen

Brother, Viju

It seems Aadi broke up with Joo?


Shall I come now?

Will you make me meet him?

Hey child

Aadis marriage is fixed with Nidhi

Don't call me asking about him again.

What? His marriage got fixed?

What brother Viju

You don't seem to help me at all

You know very well how much I like him

You are my enemy

Are they getting married? Let them

Let me see how long they will be together,

after marriage.

This isn't cute, of course

Sorry, I said that in anger that day.

But, I didn't mean it.

You both were making a great pair.

I know, I was very happy for you.

But I was really disappointed,

learning things about you.

Brother, Viju told me that

you miss Nidhi too much.

Leave it

Will the memory of a wife who is dead,

stay lifelong?

Will it not?

Maybe, it will

It depends, isnt it?



Jade Garden?

Okay, Ill come

You were telling me something

I was saying, the memories would stay

Nobefore that.

Before that?

What if they get married

Let me see if they will stay together lifelong.

You were right

Nidhi, couldnt stay with me lifelong.

I've got a call

I will leave



Im so


Brother, Viju

I messed up things

He said cute, just once

I got excited and, not knowing what to speak,

I spoiled everything.

Its gone

Its a big flop.

Brother, Viju, you must help me.

Wheres he now?

He got a call, and

he left urgently to Jade Garden.

Okay, leave it.

What happened?

He has got Joos call during the meeting,

so he has left her there and gone to meet her.


What shall I do with him?

You are asking me to find a bride for him

from Mysore to Hubli

But he has gone to marry his ex-girlfriend.

Have you called me to clap hands for them?

I didn't believe it when you told me that day, Viju.

I never thought he will do like this.

Let him decide for himself

Whether he wants me or Joo in his life.


Oh Aadi sir

And Joo madam

Greetings, to both of you.

Hey, how come you guys are here?


Guess, we disturbed you.

Youve come outskirts to

talk about your personal things.

Why are you talking nonsense, Viju?

Nothing, hes alone in his life

He would listen to whatever you say

The ball is in your court now

Why will you keep quiet?

Aadi, you could have told us directly

that you are going to marry her?

I must agree with that in the first place

Dont you know about her?

Can someone lead a family life with her?


Come again

I said one cannot lead a family life with her

What now?

I've been living with her for a year.

Sir, I mean to say, you can live with her,

but not him

Why the hell should

he live with my wife?

Since they were ex-lovers

anyway love didn't work out,

so I said they cant live together.



Were you not aware of it?


You came at the right time and

spoiled everything


Hey, Viju

What's wrong with you?

I didnt do anything wrong

In fact, I came at right time

and did the right thing.

Are you out of your mind?

Whenever I asked you, you said

its personal is this what you meant?

What's so personal

with a girl who is married?

Don't talk rubbish

She had issues with her husband

Oh, I see, theres a problem in your life,

and theres a problem in her life too

So, both of you planned to solve

your problems and live together, right?

Don't speak rubbish,

without knowing the truth.

I was helping solve

her family problems.

Who are you to solve

her family problem?

You were sharing

everything with me, right?

Why didn't you share this with me?

From one year I'm insisting you to get married

there's no value for my words

From the day you met her, you've forgotten Nidhi,

and you are ready to marry her, right?

Who is Nidhi?

His wife.

The one who's dead?


Do you mean to say

that Ive forgotten Nidhi?

Then what?

Aren't you so curious to marry her?

Nidhi, look at the way he is talking.

How can she see?

The poor girl, closed her eyes,

before she could see all this.

Nidhi, did you see how he speaks?

Hey, he is insisting to see

Just see once

What should I see?

Im done seeing his dramas.

Did you see Nidhi,

how he is speaking about me?

How can she see?

Hey, you first stop talking,

and see what he is insisting you to see.

Why are you keeping quiet?

Say something, Nidhi

How can a dead person come alive?

Did you see Nidhi?

I couldn't see her, sir.

What about you?

Brother, can it be ghost or something?

Hey, pull your tongue inside

Why didn't you take him to a temple and

get a talisman tied on him?

Even I suggested the same

But, she took him to a psychiatrist


Im in a meeting now,

- ask him to come to the clinic


- ask him to come to the clinic

- ask him to come to the clinic

Yes, Junk sorry Junkie

Call me whatever you want to.

Has Nidhi, come even here?

Hes busy with his mobile

Guess she's not here.

So, how are you feeling?

Im good.

So, Mr. Aadi

its been 2 years since your wife d*ed, right?


Can you see her now?


Where is she?

Has she become a ghost?


From when is this happening?

My friend Viju, gave me a letter

that my wife had written

When did I give you?

Did I give?

I have a better surprise...

Look there

What was there in that letter?

Hi, Aadi

How are you?

If you are reading this letter

It means that you haven't forgotten me

even after two years.

Aadi, do you remember,

the other day when we were eating an apple

Aadi, we both are together now,

what will you do

if I die someday, suddenly?

What will I do?

What are you thinking?

You can't eat, sleep, do anything peacefully

You can never think of marrying another girl


Don't scratch your head for that, now

Joo and I were in love for 4 years,

didn't I love you after she went?

Joo and I are the same, is it?

You are special

The attachment with you is more,

so I won't take a month to recover

I will woo someone else, within a week.

Im asking you seriously

Im serious too

You said you will woo someone

else within a week?

Why, Aadi?

Didn't you find anyone to woo,

in these two years?

When I wrote this letter itself I knew,

that you will definitely read it.

But, still, I was praying to god,

that you must get a good girl,

within a week.

When I fell ill, the way you took care of me,

made me feel that

I wanted to stay for some more time.

But, I was not lucky enough to

stay with you.

Though I spent very little time with you,

I was most happy

Thank you

But, you must promise me something

You must become

my husband in all my births



Promise me


But, you are left with a

lot of time in this birth, isn't it?

I still can't forget

how happy you were

dreaming about us having a baby

Your dream shouldn't die Aadi

I know very well that,

now you don't have any dreams or wishes.

If you continue being like this,

there wont be a meaning for your life.

You should marry again, become a father,

and get some meaning to your life.

Only then I'll be at peace.

If not, I will be regretting, thinking that

I'm the reason for your misfortune.

Aadi, will you get married?

Don't worry about anything,

I will be with you until your life is all set.

No words to describe,

what's happened to me

Words have turned into silence,

don't know

what kind of magic is this

The moment you came,

Im feeling alive

My happiness has come back,

with a new enthusiasm

What kind of girl are you looking for?

If the girls character is interesting,

your life will also be interesting

So, the girl must be like

You always say a word for that, whats that?


Correct, the girl must be eccentric.


Why are you zooming onto her?

Shes rejected.

You need not reject her

She will only reject me


Do you want to see it?

She is

Hey, how dare you call me lean lady?

Hey, lean cutie pie


Ohcutie lean pie


Hey, whats that?

Dear Cutie Pie.

Yes Dear Cutie Pie

"Peace, has unfurled

it's feathers and embraced me"

"Oh, dear Nidhi..."

"My heart is full of happiness...

joy and enthusiasm"

"This is heaven"

"This is love"

"This is happiness"

"Because of you"

"This is heaven"

"This is love"

"This is happiness"

"Because of you"

Why did you come running happily,

that day?

2008 right?

I was the PUC topper in the entire Mysore,

I came running happily to say that

Hey, you were doing your engineering,

at that time.

Oh, youre right, this is what happens

if one becomes the topper every year.

Its so confusing,

when and for what we ran

Youre lying

I know, why you came running that day.

Do you?

Yes, shall I say?

Yes, go ahead

Not now


Two minutes, Ill be back

Where are you going?

Nowhere, you continue


Nowhere, you continue

Will be back

She will say

Why are you running?

She was about to tell

some secret about you

since you didn't want me to hear that,

you came running to the loo? Isnt it?

Its very urgent

Youre lying.

Hey, I swear, Nidhi

Youre lying,

you didn't drink water for so long.

Do you want to test me?

Fine, come with me

No it's fine, you go.

Are you doubting me?

Yes, I do

Then, you must clear

the doubt, come with me.

Hey, don't want


-I won't come

Aadi, please

This is ladies toilet

if you want you can go

Ill be back in five minutes.

Will you open the door now?

No chance

and has embraced me"

"Oh, dear Nidhi..."

"My heart is full of happiness...

joy and enthusiasm"

"This is heaven"

"This is love"

"This is happiness"

"Because of you"

"This is heaven"

"This is love"

"This is happiness"

"Because of you"

Buddy, Joo is calling you

Must be something personal

Go and talk to her


Just two minutes


Whose idea was it to give him this letter?


-Its mine

Actually, idea is hers,

but I gave it to him.

Don't you have common sense?

Will anyone give the letter of a dead wife to

her husband who is in depression?

Sorry, sir It's our mistake.

Why didn't you get him to me,

as soon as he fell into depression?

Sorry, sir

What shall we do now?

Mr.Aadi, the thing is,

you are just hallucinating her.

Im aware of it Doctor

that, Nidhi is just in my imagination.

But, I'm very happy

I know Aadi

You are very happy!

But it's not good to

proceed with this happiness.

It will lead to serious complications.

-Doctor, I don't think it's serious


-Doctor, I don't think it's serious

don't try to convince me

Please listen to me.

Ill start the treatment today itself.

Dont skip tablets for even a single day.

Don't worry

Ill make sure, you will be fine.

Buddy, Ill sit behind

Why? Sit in the front

Let Nidhi sit in the front, buddy.

She already sat behind

-Oh, is it?


Why Junkie? What happened?

Hey, I forgot to tell you

that I have booked a cab

My cab has come, Ill leave

-You booked it so soon?

-Its okay, Ill leave, bye

Oh god, she's another headache!

So, Junkie, when are you meeting us again?

- Sure, lets catch up soon


Nidhi, Im sorry

Aadi is a good chap,

but we cant judge him in the love matter.

He excels in it,

but his selection wont be good.

Thats why

I have taken up this responsibility.

I was the one who selected you, isn't it?

How was my selection?

In the same way,

I have selected even Sihi.

She slightly behaves like a kid,

but shes a superb girl.

Isnt it, Sushma?

You also tell her

Yes Nidhi, Sihi is a very good girl.

Sushma, with whom are you talking?


Isnt she here?


What do I know?


Nidhi accepted Sihi, long back.

Thanks, Nidhithank you very much.

Hey, even you thank her

Buddy, everything is sorted,

except for one guilt that is bothering me.

What's your guilt?

Sir, I got Joo into trouble


Did it resolve?

Just with two dialogues sir

Whats that?

Sirplease forgive me

I spoke nonsense the other day

out of my anger

Sir, they were in love,

but not to an extent shown in

Arjun Reddy movie.

They were just texting each other, from far away

like in that movie Yaare Neenu Cheluve, sir.

Sir, will anyone call this love?

Relax, Vijay

Sir, you both make the best pair sir.

You both are like Lord Rama and Lakshmana


Oh, Im sorry..

Youre like Lord Rama and Seeta.

Its okay

I guess all problems are solved now.

Didn't, Aadi tell you anything?

No... sir...

He gave me your number, asked me to

fall onto your feet and apologize to you.

So sweet of him

Yes, sir hes sweet.

I fell at his feet,

and he calls him a sweet guy...

So, Joo familys problem is solved

Aadi and Nidhi have accepted Sihi

So I guess, marriage also

happened without any tension.

Sir, we dont need

anybodys permission for love,

but marriage is not like that.

Moreover, its the

second marriage for Aadi

There was a huge quarrel at Sihis house,

once they came to know about this.

Her parents came to our house and said that

they will never agree to this marriage at any cost.

But, Sihi was stubborn that

she will marry only Aadi.

-Please Dad, please mom,

I want to marry him.

-Don't be stubborn...

Its for your good that we are saying.

You are still a small girl,

learn to listen to elders words.

I want to marry only him.

She cries for everything

Cry how much ever you want,

but we will not agree

Dad, I know mom doesn't love me

even you don't love me is it?

But do you know

how much I love you both?

But, you dont love me at all,

what to do?

How much more pain

should I go through?

Look, Sihi

-No matter how stubborn you are, we will never agree.

-You wont agree isnt it?


-I know what to doIll commit su1c1de.

-Please go ahead

-I know what to doIll commit su1c1de.

-I know what to doIll commit su1c1de.

Uncle, she went and locked herself

If she does something stupid?

Let her

What shall I do now?

Their grandpa is the

decision-maker in this house

So, the main switch is over there

It's better you inform, grandpa

What do you say, aunty?

Shes rightcall your father.

Correct, uncle call him immediately.

Go there and speak

Ask them to come to Madikeri.

So, only if grandpa agrees,

your marriage will happen?


Aadi, shall we do some research

about grandpa, before going there?

Sihi, give us some details about

your grandpa

Come on


Can you give us the details about

your grandpa?

My grandpa is very strict and disciplined

That's why he is the

decision-maker in our family.

His only weakness is our Granny

He loves granny so much.

Fine, then let's woo granny first

But, granny passed away last year.


-That was the first time, I saw tears in my grandpas eyes.

So sad, why did she die so soon?

She could have lived a couple of years more

I feel my grandpa is a good person,

like me

But no one else has that feel.


For me, my grandpa is so loving

Like you

But he doesn't express it to anyone.

My grandpa hasn't scolded me at all

But, he hasnt spared anyone else, isnt he?


Is she threatening us?



Nothing, can you give us

some information that could help us?

Ohinformation that can help you

Its difficult to judge my grandpa

But, he judges others correctly.

Whos he to judge you?

In fact, he must wash the feet of a

gentleman like you and welcome you, to his house.

Alone you have wooed so many girls

now you have me along with you

Grandpa is no big deal

come let's see what happens.


How are you doing, boss?

I'm fine how are you?

Im fine, too.

Hi, Sihi

Come Renu

Ouch, its your first step,

and you stepped on slush?

Aadi, someone is

watering plants over there

If you ask him to put water

and give him 500/- rupees,

he will give you complete details

about grandpa

and it will help you to woo him.

Good idea..

Didn't I tell you,

that I will give you good ideas?

Come lets go


Hi, can you put some water on my leg?

How grandpa?

What do you mean?

OMG! If your voice itself is so bold,

Im just imagining grandpas voice.

Just give him, 500/-rupees,

he will open up.

Not 10/-, 500/- rupees.

Look at the smile on his face

See how he will reveal things now

Here, keep it

What kind of a person is grandpa?


Has she gone?

Sorry, grandpa

Please, bless me.

Renu, turn the water off.

Sihi, take the luggage and get in.

Sure, grandpa.

Boss, what are you doing?

Im tying my lace

Why are you bending like that,

when youre already on the floor?

I'm just seeing to help you tie the lace.

Thank you.

This idea didnt work,

but you don't worry

I have plenty of ideas handy

I will keep giving you one by one,

and you execute them.


Is this your ball?

Come here



My name is Aadi

Shes Nidhi

Whats your name?


Guess he got scared.

I was just kidding.

My name is Aadi

Whats your name?

Im Aadi, too.

What? Even your name is Aadi?



Hes our Renus son.

His name is


Did you name him?


Come inside

Its your uncles phone, keep it.

Keep playing, Ill be back.

Tell me

How was your first meeting with grandpa?

Super, extraordinary, unbelievable

You are a rogue

Hey, I'll tell you a joke, listen

Very important now, go ahead

Wife asked husband,

what will you do if I elope?

The husband replied,

I will give a full-page ad in the newspaper.

Wife asked,

Wow! what would be the ad?

Husband replied, Wife wanted

How was the joke, buddy?


you, your wife, your family,

and your bad jokes

Where did I find you?

Hang up the phone.

Hey, Renu

have you washed the bedsheets?

Are they clean?

And what about the pillows?

-Yes they are clean

Hey, Aadigive it to me.

This is your room for time being

Actually, this is my room.

I sleep in this room, whenever I come here.

Yes, its her room.

After marriage,

this room belongs to you both.


Can't you keep quiet?

You, naughty

Joo, Nidhi, Sihi.


How did this come here? Give it to me..

It's okay, let it be with me.


Its okay, let it be with me.

Fine, go wash up and come,

Ill serve food, okay?




Actually, this is

Shall I explain, what's this?

Hold it

Go back

Keep going

A little more

So, we must take this and



Aadi belongs to the one whom he goes and

sticks to, once he is been thrown

Am I right?

Fine, then lets see to whom,

Aadi belongs.

That would have fallen on Sihi, for sure.

Got it

If it has to hit Joo and Nidhi,

then we will have to call people from the Olympics.

Go get freshen up, and come.

Thank you.

Huh, you look so happy

You aimed at her,

and threw it intentionally, isnt it?

Is it?

Fine, then you too aim and try hitting once

Ill marry the one, this goes and hits.

To whom did it hit?


I knew



Whats he doing here?

Always, he sits and plays over there.

Is it?

Come out, lets have food.

Youre playing alone?

Are you not feeling bored?

Fine, then you play with Nidhi

Nidhi, go and play with him.



How come, he has come out?

If we say with love, children will listen.

Good evening grandpa

Good evening.


Good evening grandpa

Good evening.

Let, Sihi call him grandpa,

you dont call him that

Tell him, he looks so young,

that you don't feel like calling him, grandpa.

Grandpa will be impressed



You look so young,

I don't feel like calling you grandpa,

shall I call you, uncle?

Look, how he is feeling shy.

A relationship doesn't change with beauty.

You must give relationships

the place it deserves.

Sure, grandpa.

Not sure, why my ideas are not working.

This is what will happen,

if we ask ideas from a ghost.

Yeah, tell me

Will children of this generation,

listen to elders?

What should happen, will happen.

You don't scratch your head for this.


Who's call was that, grandpa?

Whats the matter?

My friend, child

They are very rich.

If he asks his son to buy a showroom car,

his son wants to buy a second-hand car.

Who will prefer a second-hand car,

when offered new one?

You, dumbo

That's for you.

You scolded me right?

Now get his scoldings.

So, basically, grandpa doesn't like you

because you are a second hand?

He has no clue that you are a fourth hand.

Aadi, ask grandpa

he looks so young

hey, nodon't say young,

but ask him

why can't he marry again?

Only a widower will know the emotions of

another widower

Sentiment will work out

Ask him

Don't want, keep quiet.

Will you ask him now, or not?

I said don't want



Ask him


Don't put your hands into bushes at this time,

what if snakes bite?

There are no snakes here

Oh, yeah you will know better about

your garden.

Did you come here to talk about the snake?

Ask him about granny

Talk to him about the marriage


It's been a year since granny d*ed, right?

isn't it boring to be alone?

I'm used to it.

But, still, if theres

someone to look after you

Renu is there for that.

Maybe, but will it be like a wifes caring?

Why don't you get married again?

For the love I have for you,

I thought out of the box.

Forget it, what can you do,

even if you remarry?

Its not that, you can't do.

Also not that you have to do

I just asked, what's the point in

getting married at this age?

Good night,


Good night.


- Your ideas

- They are superb ideas.

So sad, my husband

stumbles to talk to men.


Going to bed or?

No, I was just doing some free exercise

The weather was good, so

Ill come.


So, will grandpa decide,

whether your marriage will happen or not?

Your life is in the hands of grandpa

He can only decide if he's alive, right?

Ill end grandpas chapter then

Hello, madamplease keep quiet.

Anyways, they can't

put a case on me?

not on you but the

case will come on me.

No issues,

solve it if happens so


-Ill k*ll him.

Hey, do you think I'll get scared,

if you put a case on me?

We are honest, hang up the call.

My friends call


Are you wondering without phone

how I spoke?

Thats called ear pod, its wireless.

Show me

Do you think its a toy?

Go to sleep.

Take him along



Hey, Nidhi

How dare he taunts you,

- I will not spare him.

-Hey, what are you doing? Keep quiet.

Give that to me


What are you doing?

I came to take the pillow


Its there in your room itself.

I wanted an extra pillow


Oh yeah,

its my habit to hug the pillow and sleep.

At this age?

Good night,


Today, grandpa escaped,

but I wont spare him tomorrow.

How dare is he to insult you?

Shouldnt he give some respect to your,

age at least?

We must show grandpa,

your status and level.

It must be grandpa

Give me a Kn*fe, I'll s*ab him.

Hey, Nidhi


Were you asleep?


Oh, is it Sihi?

Ask her to come here,

let all three of us chat, and sleep here only.

Do you want anything?

Can I have some water?

Sure, Ill get it.

Can't you sit quietly for two minutes?


Aadi, if you keep focusing on

impressing grandpa

When will you impress Sihi, then?

You must also focus on her, isn't it?

Why should we impress someone,

whos already impressed?


You always have the right points,

when you speak about women.

But if asked to talk to men,

you will shiver.


You might be feeling little

uncomfortable here, isnt it?

Grandpa was taunting you indirectly

Not indirectly, he was doing it directly,

he'll have it from me.

You don't feel bad

I'll apologize to you, on behalf of him.

Its ok.

So sweet.

She saved her grandpa.

Shall we go out tomorrow?

There's a nice place nearby.


Good night

Good night.


Tomorrow is your dating

Only, you both go

I wont come,

let there be some privacy.


I wont come.


Really, I won't come

Fine, dear

No, I will come.

Why are you laughing?

I wont come


Good morning.

Good morning.

Go take bath, lets go out.


Why is grandpas room pillow,

lying here?

Tell me, buddy

What's happening?

What do I tell you

I'm struck with grandpa on one side,

and Nidhi's mischiefs on the other side.

Is it? Pass the phone to Nidhi,

let me talk.


Are you taking your medicines on time?

Yes, I am

Fine, be careful

Fine, keep updating me about

things frequently, don't forget me.

Sure, I willbye.


-You have kept everything, right?



Why are you carrying him?

You can leave him down,

and work peacefully, right?

Hes throwing tantrums at me

If I leave him down, he'll start to cry.

Oh, is it?


Mom, leave me down


how does he listen to whatever you say?

Not sureguess, kids like me a lot.

Not just the kids,

even elders like youisn't it Sihi?

Renu, yours is love marriage?

How did you come to know?

Isn't it girls matter, he's fast in it.

Not just love marriage,

we eloped and came here.

Oh, guess,

grandpa is going somewhere

Aadi, its a great chance

Let's take grandpa with us in the car,

and show off


people value only those who show off,

they don't care about those

who are simple.

Is it?

Come, then let's go.


Looks like, you are going somewhere?

Shall I drop you?

No, thanks

New car

Mine is a new car.


25,00,000/- rupees

15,00,000/- rupees

down payment is already made

10, 00,000/- rupees, is on loan.


But that's not a big deal

I get 3,00,000/- rupees, salary.


And my house in my own

EMI of that house is too...

not too much, its very less.

Ask him how is the car.

Hows the car, grandpa?

Its good.

Even I bought a car recently.


Look, grandpa is completely

flattered for the show off.

he would have bought an old car

Talk to him


did you buy a second-hand car?

No, it's a new one. Range rover.

How much is it?

Its one crore.

He would have bought it on loan

He wont be able to pay the EMI,

and Bank will seize the car,

Ask him if you want

Grandpa, did the bank give you

loan for one crore?

No, I sold pepper,

and paid full cash.


Aadi, I think we are going in the

wrong direction

Let's leave grandpa

Let's concentrate on Sihi.

The other day when Sihi,

was about to tell you something,

you locked me in the toilet, right?

Ask her what's that?

You ask

What shall I ask?

Nothing, you seem to be bored with your phone,

so I said to ask me something.

You lied to me that, you came running

that day since you got the rank

I know the truth, shall I tell you?

You didn't forget it, yet?

Perfect timing,

thats why I like her very much.

Say okay

- Say okay

- Please, shall I say?

That day, when you said,

hey child go aside

Hey, childgo aside.

What happened?

I kissed her.


Oh my god!

That was my first kiss.

You were famously known as romance king,

in the entire layout.

So much, you used to hang around with Joo


That shouldn't have happened in my life,

but it happened.

No, its okay

No ya, it's not at all okay, no

I mean, its common in a particular age, right?

Youre right

It's common,

but it shouldn't have happened in my life.

Its a big crime



You are feeling for it so much today

but back then, you used to be hanging

around in all the lakes of our city.

Including the helipad

But, you and Joo make a great pair.

Oh... Cute?

Hey, child

You were like a child at that time, right?

So you couldn't judge properly.

But Joo and I were a boring pair.

You haven't seen Nidhi, right?

I have seen her photo.

You must have seen her directly

Her, eyes, color, height, smile

She used to even cook well

You are eating her head well

You are praising your wife and cheating on her

You are a big fraud.

She used to cook food well, and then?

Thats it.

Why dig up, old memories?


How long can we stay with old memories?

We must move on in life, isnt it?

This is my favorite spot

Its beautiful.

What Happened?

-Something fell into my eyes.


Help her with it

-Here, show me

-Help her with it

You've played so much

that you can teach the entire town.

Don't pretend as if you are innocent,

hold her face, and blow it.

Let it be romantic

Just a minute, Ill be back.


Every time I used to fall in love

with, someone

I used to think that is true love,

and start loving

And, every time it failed,

I used to go searching for a new one

Nidhi, might not be with me, but

Never, I felt that her love is dead or

has failed.

It's because true love

happens only once in a lifetime.

So, is this the present birth?

Or have you gone to the next birth?


the matter is a bit complicated.


It seemed to have clarity.

Your smile, for this I fell

Sihi please come for a moment.

Aditi, this is Sihi

- Sihi, this is Aditi,


my friend.

Not just a friend, a close friend.

Sihi, you've chosen the right guy,

your very lucky...

He is sure for you in this birth...

but I'm not sure about the next birth.

You'll have to ask God about it.

What say Aadi?

Please go and order something to eat

There's nothing available here

Water at least?


-Im feeling very thirsty, please ya

- please ya


If you were ready to remarry

I would have definitely waited for you...

Spending one whole day with me,

fighting for me..

Is it right that now you are ready to marry someone else?

I thought you have fought only for me

But, now I learned that you have fought for the girls,

of the entire town.

What were you doing with her,

all day long?

Was this before marriage or

after marriage?

Hey, Nidhi dont get confused

All this happened after you went.

Actually, she was trying for me

But, I was seeing her as a sister.

Is it? So sad

Such a beautiful girl fell for you

And you saw her as a sister, is it?



Like my brother.

Oh! if he's your brother,

then he's my brother-in-law.

Hi brother-in-law.

- Hi


-I've come with my...

-With his sister.

I've come with my sister.


we both have come on honeymoon.

Yes, we both have come on honeymoon.


I'm glad that I met you.

Let's catch up soon.

Covid times and you are a doctor

You've come on honeymoon, right?

Your, sister Sihi is waiting for you,

please come.

Tell me

Buddy, there's an extraordinary joke,

you must listen to it.

My life has turned into a big joke here,

and you want me to listen to

your joke is it?

I beg you,

please don't call me again


You filled life into me

You came into my life and made me alive

Ive changed today

You bought a smile on my face

You came again, and

bought victory in me

Its happiness hereafter

My heart and my dreams have

refreshed because of you

My heart and my dreams have

gone mad because of you

Oh, Nidhi, you gave me inspiration

Oh, Nidhi, you gave me love

Oh, Nidhi

You filled life into me

You came into my life and made me alive

Ive changed today

No matter what happens, I must get you

This is the pulse of two hearts

I came falling for your love

No matter what happens, I must live with you

The invisible magical bridge between us,

is bringing a unique bonding

A strange, yet beautiful,

feel has started to reside in us

Feel like answering you,

when you are closer

Oh, Nidhi, you gave me inspiration

Oh, Nidhi, you gave me love

Oh, Nidhi

You filled life into me

Ive changed today

They have grown this well, right?

This town is full of plants and trees,

what's so special about this?

These are close to my grandpa's heart.


These are grown by my wife.

In her earnings


Grandma used to go to Madikeri for work, is it?

Was it a bank job?

She was a housewife.

But, you said she grew them

out of her earnings?

I used to pay her every month,

for the work she did.

Who will pay money to do

our own household work?

How many hours a day do you work?

8 hours..

And per week?

5 days

Working 20 days a month,

earning in lakhs,

you independently buy

whatever you wish to

But, my wife, from the day she married me,

till the end

Without taking a single day's leave,

she constantly took care of me,

my kids and my house.

No matter how sick she was,

I haven't seen her taking rest.

She never said NO to anything.

For the one who did so much for us,

if in case she wants to buy anything

why should she ask me for money?

She was there with me for forty years.

It's been one year since she d*ed.

Even today, I have a feeling that

she's gone to her native and will come back.

Aadi, do you remember

your wife frequently?

Tell him no

We remember the ones we have lost

But, not the one who is blended in our breath.

Her, anger, stubbornness,

love and her smile

only if I forget all that,

I should remember her.

When she was alive,

she used to be adamant about everything

I used to feel she is troubling me.


Its after she left me

that, it started to haunt me more.

If you ask me what is love

it will be difficult to explain

But according to me

Love means

my, Nidhi.

The moment I say her name,

there comes a smile on my face.

She was with me,

for just an year


she has left behind memories

which will last for seven lifetimes.


I get confused looking at my life

should I feel sad that,

that Nidhi is no more with me

or should I feel happy that,

she lived with me for an year.

Sihi, your phone is ringing.

You've forgotten to take your pillow

came here to give it.

Thank you.

Good night.

Good night.


Superb, Renu

I can't see anyone at home?

Both have gone to the temple

They asked you to join them.

Oh, okay.

Hey, Aadi,

You were asleep

so, we thought not to disturb you,

and came off.


Its our family deity,

Bettada Bhairaveshwara

Its a 600-year-old temple.

I come here, whenever I feel

extremely happy or sad.


Im sorry Aadi.


Why are you saying sorry?


I usually judge people correctly.

But, I feel in your case I was wrong.

So I asked sorry.


Your choice is right.

Ill talk to your parents

regarding your marriage



I'm not interested in this marriage.


Sihi, your phone is ringing




Brother, Viju,

I can hear you, tell me.

Hello, Aadi how are you?

How is Nidhi?

I guess it's raining heavily in Madikeri

Network is too low.


Hey, leave it

Aadi, don't skip your tablets

for any reason

It's Doctor's advice, okay?


I guess, there's some network issue

look after Nidhi well,

okay bye.

Hang up the phone.

Do you want anything?

Can I have some water?


No, I was doing exercise.

Hes still living peacefully in

Nidhis memories.

I like him a lot...

that's true

But never can he become mine.

We must like few things,

from a faraway place.

I will continue liking him the same way.


Aadi, please.

I've taken this decision

after a great struggle

If you stay here anymore,

it will be very difficult for me.

Can you please leave?

Though you go away from me

my love,

I will protect you for a hundred lifetimes.

Though I don't need you

you will stay in my tiny heart

The love that poured in this stupid heart

is yours my friend

To live with you,

is not written in my fate

Oh fate, why did you become a

turning point to my life?

This is the turning point to the

journey of life

Paths are crossing this turning point

Not sure if its gods play

or a life lesson,

but just be a traveler

Lord, who are you,

who has written this life?

If you don't show concern

and if all your wishes put me into trouble,

how shall I live?

What are you doing?

What are YOU doing?

What did I do?

There's nothing left for you to do.


Im a closed chapter, in your life.

Don't keep clinging to it.

There's no meaning in doing that.

Was there any necessity to

talk about me yesterday?

Should I talk about my wife,

checking whether there's a necessity or not?

If I have to give

your place to someone else

then I must forget you completely.

Is it possible for me to forget you, Nidhi?

There's no meaning to your life

And you are not interested

in changing your life.

I think you don't need me anymore.

Are you threatening me

that youre going to leave me?

Fine, go!

I tried along with you.

But I couldn't.

I can't accept someone else,

forgetting you.

That place belongs to you forever.

If you still want to leave me and go

You can.

Buddy, you must listen to this joke

The wife left her husband's house and

went to her mom's place.

Husband calls her, and his

father-in-law picks the phone

and tells him that she will never ever come to him

and asks him not to call repeatedly.

Husband, replies

Uncle, I just love to hear that she is not coming back,

that's why I call repeatedly.

Hows the joke, buddy?

You married her, adamantly falling behind her,

troubling and requesting her.

Do you remember when was the

last time you said I love you to her?

You don't remember, isnt it?

Before marriage, you were waiting to hear

her say I love you, just once.


Dont you feel like saying

I love you to her now?


Oh, anyways she's married to you now,

so youve taken her for granted,

thinking shes your property.

Those who are with us today,

wont be there tomorrow.

My life is the best example of that.

She's there with you today.

Give some value to it.


You fell in love and married her.

Don't forget that.

I cant live without seeing you

I wont be alive without seeing you

I wont depart from you

My life

I wont forget you if you disappear

I wont smile when I remember you

Why you are angry with me,

forgive me and come back

My heart and soul is full of you

How shall I live without you?

Im in your allusion

My heart has become empty

Please come soondont delay

Im searching for you

Oh, my life



Tell me.

I love you.

I love you too.

Whom to share my feelings with?

You be the consolation to my heart

The love that my heart has entwined,

is yours

I wished you to be with me forever.

Tell me where are you, Nidhi

I will come and join you

Im scaredwithout you

Im searching without a goal

Im wanderingoh, my life


Im wanderingoh, my life

Im wanderingoh, my life

Hey, Sushma

Im wanderingoh, my life

Im wanderingoh, my life

Oh, my life

Whats this?

Oh, my life

Oh, my life

Call him, Ill get ready and come.

Oh, my life

Oh, my life

That's when the phone went off

it is still not turned on.

Fine, give me Aadis number.

Get his number traced

Sure, sir.

We could have done something,

if he had gone searching someone alive

But he has gone searching

someone who is dead.

What shall I do?

-No idea where is he, what is he doing now.

Renuwhere are you going?

I have to take him to hospital,

so Im waiting for the bus.



Renu, why are YOU going?

You could have sent him

with your husband, right?

Why are you asking like this?

Its been five years since

my husband d*ed.



He d*ed in an accident when I was pregnant.

Sir, we both fell in love,

eloped from Nepal,

came here and got married.

He used to take good care of me.


he went leaving me so soon.

When I see you,

it doesn't look like

so much has happened in your life.

Even I wanted to end my life

after he left me

But, only after he was born,

I felt there was some meaning to my life.

I wished to lead the best life,

just for his sake.

That's why I will always be happy.

From who do you speak, what?

From who do you show, what?

All your game, is a life lesson,

be a traveler

From whom did you send the boon?

From whom have you been gracious?

Not sure if its gods play

or a life lesson,

but just be a traveler

Understand the desires of this life

Understand the limits of this life

Not sure if its gods play

or a life lesson,

but just be a traveler

Theres no meaning to your life

Also, you don't wish to

make your life better.

I wished to lead the best life,

just for his sake.

That's why I will always be happy.



Where's the chocolate?

Was I supposed to get it?

Whoever comes here,

gets chocolates.

You will spoil your teeth

if you eat chocolates

So, don't want chocolates.

I want chocolates.

Didnt I tell you dont want?

Didnt I tell you I want?

Didnt I tell you dont want?

Didnt I tell you I want?


Will you come with me,

to my house?

Will you get me chocolates?

Sure, I will

Will you get me every day?

Do you want me to get you every day?


Fine, I will get you.



Uncle, where are you taking me?

Dont call me uncle

Call me daddy.


Whats your name?


Shall I call you Nidhi?

Sir, its a call from Aadi

Put it on speaker.

Hey, where are you?

You were saying

some joke that time, right?

Sorry I scolded you

please continue.

Hey, is it important now?

Where are you?

Hey, continue the joke buddy.

Hey, why do you want that?

- Where are you now?

- Tell me

Tell him the joke that hes asking

Sir, dont want sir.

Hey, tell him the joke.

Please sirdont want.

Hey, tell him the joke that he is asking.

Sir, dont want

Youtell him the joke.


Tell him the joke

- I will tell, sir

- Tell him.

The wife left her husbands house and

went to her moms place.

Husband calls her,

and his father-in-law picks the phone

and tells him that she will never ever come to him

and asks him not to call repeatedly.

Husband, replies

Husband, replies

Uncle, I just love to hear that she is not coming back,

that's why I call repeatedly.

Its a fantastic joke.

Did you write,

keeping Sushma in mind?

Did I just spoil their marriage?



I can hear you, tell me.


I found Nidhi.

Sir, he found Nidhi

Madam, he found Nidhi

- Sushma, he has found Nidhi.-


Isnt the speaker on?

Even we are hearing it


Tell me

Tell me where are you,

I'll get Nidhi there.

Sir, shall I ask him to get Nidhi here?

Let him bring her here brother,

even we would get a chance to meet her.


Cut the call

Sure, sir.

Did you find Aadi?


Did you find Nidhi?


Nidhi went missing in Madikeri.

Why have you come to lodge a complaint in

Sadashivnagar police station?

Hereafter, if Nidhi goes missing,

and Aadi goes searching her

You must go to Madikeri and

lodge the complaint.


If you come to my station again,

I will thrash you.

- sorry sir


- Ok sorry sir

- Get out.

- Get out.

- Sir...

- Get out.

- Get out.

Sir that was commendable.

Hey, get lost.

Who needs your compliments?

Shes here to spoil my day.

Guess I have woken up on the

wrong side today.

Taste the sweetness of this life

Forget the bitterness of this life

Whats with this heart?

This enthusiastic heart

Just be a traveler

The inner voice of this heart is speaking

Its giving a newness to this life.

Without questioning, or answering

just be a traveler

Overcoming all the barriers of this life

Adding hope to this life

Not sure if its gods play

or a life lesson,

but just be a traveler

The inner voice of this heart is singing

Its giving hope to this life.

Its a joy that cant be expressed

Its friendly
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