End?, The (2017)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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End?, The (2017)

Post by bunniefuu »

Good morning

- Who are you?
- Riccardo

Stefano sent me,
he said it wasn't a problem

Don't worry, I'll do it myself

Look at this

Beg your pardon?

There's lots of traffic

Yes, like every morning

But this morning it's really...

Of course, you chose this route
which is practically suicidal

Try this: as soon as you can
turn right, okay?

It's a hard knock for the Government
especially after recent events

And now for local Roman news...

The night brought riots
in various zones of the Capital

small groups of hoodlums

apparently decided to attack at the
same moment in near perfect sync

Still no official comments
from Law Enforcement

regarding these incidents
which have principally affected

Tor Vergata, Cinecittàa
and Capannelle

Switch off the radio, please

Dozens of calls have
reported missing persons

You know, I study economics

- I've been following you with interest
- Marvelous!

I was wondering if you could help me

Seeing as it's your specialty
and I earned a degree last year

If you could help me to...

Let me answer first, okay?

- Yes?- Claudio, where are you?

Caught in traffic, two raindrops and
everything blocks up, a disaster

Listen, Santi is on his way up,
what do I tell him?

Nothing particular.
Offer a coffee, make sure he's comfortable

Ask if he had breakfast,
if not, offer one...

and give him a smile

All right. Listen,
I just saw De Domenico

- And?- He's still spouting crap

I'm sure he'll be
fighting us to the end

He had better
quit breaking balls

Because he can't understand
this acquisition we've got going

You know him,
when he decides to be stubborn...

Don't worry

Once it's clinched
he'll be licking our ass again

'Cause everybody loves
money and success

- Yes, you're right
- Exactly

- Now let's worry about Santi
- Yes, and leave the rest to me

- See you in a bit, ciao
- Ciao

- So you're involved in Economics?
- Yes, that's right

I'm sorry for you

Mr. Verona, good morning.
Your coffee

Thanks! Did Sara tell you to bring it?

No, it's my idea,
I figured you'd like it

But Sara wishes to remind you about
tomorrow's appointment with Marchini

The golf game

- And you are?
- Silvia

- How long have you been here?
- As a trainee, two months

Look, call Sara

Have her set you an appointment with me
this afternoon

Let's have you join my team

I like people who take initiatives
like you

- That would be fantastic
- But I take mine unsweetened

- Unsweetened
- For the next time


- Good morning
- Good morning

- Eh? No kiss today?
- I told you, it's over, come on!

Sure, it's over

- I'm getting married
- So?

I'm already ahead
...I've been married years

- But I didn't give up
- Great

What are you doing? Stop it!
I don't want to!

- You don't? Are you sure?
- Yes!

What the f*ck?!

Today I'm feeling nostalgic

Nostalgic for the old days

I couldn't give a f*ck
about the old days

Thinking about them makes me vomit!

Vomit? I don't believe it!

I still remember, you know

I remember how much you liked it

Tell me you liked it

Okay, I liked it. Happy now?


And you know what I liked most?

No, tell me

That it could've worked between us

But then I discovered...

That you were a filthy pig!

And me a nitwit about to fall for
a dickhead

who dragged
every ass-kissing girl to bed!

But then I woke up,
and realized I deserved better!

- Isn't that true?
- Yes...


Go f*ck yourself!

What a woman, f*ck!

Here we go...

- Hey...- Ciao, darling, everything okay?

- Did you arrive?
- Yes, I'm in the elevator. Why?

You heard about the big mess?

No, what happened?

The TV says there were some
major att*cks last night

Lots of disruptions.
They're saying lots of blocked streets

- Sonovabitch!- What happened?

Nothing, the elevator's stuck.
It already happened months ago.

- Are you all right?
- Yes, only the elevator got stuck

I'll call you back, now I'll try to solve
this situation, all right?

I can't manage to go shopping,
can you buy some milk on your way back?


I can't buy milk!
I have a murderous day ahead of me!

- All right.
- I'll call you later

Now I'll try to get out
of this situation

- Talk to you later
- Ciao

For f*ck's sake

What happened?

Claudio Verona here, I'm blocked
between the sixth and seventh floors

- I don't know where exactly- Just a second...

Are you still there?

No, I went to the bar,
had a coffee and came back up

We're checking

Seems there's a small problem
with the power unit on the roof

A problem two months ago,
a problem today,

you assured me
it wouldn't happen again

Let me out of here, I've got an important
office appointment, thank you!

Yes, don't worry,
I'll send the boys up to check

In five minutes
we'll get the elevator going again

Let's call Sara...

- Claudio, where are you?
- You want to know where?

Locked in the elevator
between the sixth and seventh floors

The same breakdown again?

I don't know if it's the same
as last time

I only know that as soon as I get out
I swear I'll sue them!

You really should!

- How's it going there?- We're waiting for you

- Santi?
- He's impatient, I'll have to invent something

- Do something...- What can I say?

Try not to let on
that we have a problem

- Yes, but...
- Smile, do something

Just make sure he doesn't know
I'm stuck here like a jerk

That's what matters, right!

- Let me know when you get out
- I'll update you

- All right, ciao
- See you in a bit

Anybody there?

Hey, you hear me?
I'm Claudio Verona!

I got locked inside the elevator

Hey, you hear me?

I'm in here! I'm inside the elevator!

Claudio, please tell me
you're not still in there!

Yes, I'm still stuck!

Hell, it's not possible!

Hey, you hear me?

I'm stuck inside the elevator!

I'm Claudio Verona!
Try to open the doors...

Why are you shouting?

Would you talk to me please?

- Claudio!
- Yes?

- Everything okay?
- Okay your ass!

There's an assh*le out here
who pretends not to hear me!

But I'll catch you when I get out
and I'll make you shit blood!


Santi says he has another
appointment in minutes!

What the hell should I do?

What should you do?

I don't know!
Just keep him nailed there

Don't let him go! All right?

Yes, all right

Tell me what's happening please?

I dunno, the boys
haven't come back yet

Give me a way to contact them,

How can I help you contact them?
You don't have a walkie-talkie

Are you f*cking around with me?

Give me a cell phone number
and I'll call them!

Ah, yes, of course

So then, the number is:

or is it ?

No, it's

Did you get it down?

Yes, thanks, I got it...


I'm Claudio Verona
The guy locked in the elevator. Any news?

We're running a check on it now,
nothing very serious, but...

- But?- Maybe the generator's not responding

We might have to run a reset,
we're not sure yet

Look "maybe the generator"

It's your profession
so don't make me teach you

You came here two months ago
for the same thing and solved it!

So do the same thing as before.
Very simple, thank you!

You're right, Mr. Verona, but
months ago there was another generator

We changed it with
a new and more efficient one

Great f*cked up investment
you arranged for me!

The only thing I want to hear is
that you'll get me out right now!

- Antonio, you hear that?
- What?

- Those sounds...
- Yeah, but who is it?

Who the f*ck is that?

Talking to me or your colleague?

What the f*ck...

Antonio, run! Oh my God!

Hello? Hello?

Is this guy f*cking around with me?

- Yes, what's the matter?
- You tell me what's the matter!

Because if this is a joke,
it's not funny at all!

- What's that you're saying?
- What am I saying?

I called your colleagues
and they started off very courteous

then they started shouting
and they hung up on me!

I can't explain it, Mr. Verona

What exactly did they tell you?

I don't know, they said something about
a generator

I didn't quite get it...

I told them that generator
wasn't reliable!

But I'm the old guy who's been here
years, and nobody listens to me!

I don't give a f*ck
if they call you old!

I only want to hear one thing:

that you're getting me out now!
Is that clear?

Yes, now I'll go check.
I'll call you back soon, but keep calm

Right, good idea...

Keep calm, Claudio

Keep calm or you'll croak in here

f*cking elevator...

Come on now!


Sonovabitch... Come on!


Come on...


Anybody there?

I'm Claudio Verona,
I'm locked in the elevator

Is anybody there?

f*cking bastards,
not one of them is working!

Two and three!

Slide you fucker!

Slide... come on!

One... two...

I can't pass, f*ck's sake!


- Honey, are you there?
- Yes, tell me

Someone's knocking hard on the door

What do you mean?

I dunno... I don't know what to do,
but I'm scared!

- Who is it?- I don't know, I'm afraid!

I asked,
but nobody's answering!

Lorena keep calm, calm down!

Now do something: go to the phone
and call the police. I'll wait here

I already did, but...

So now they'll come,
don't worry

No! The phones are cut off!

- Then call them with your cell- It's the same, the line is down!

What can I do? I'm scared...

Then let's do this... go up to the bedroom

Lock yourself in and meanwhile
I'll have Stefano go there

- And you'll feel safer, okay?- Okay.

Okay. Go on up, go

- I'm on my way
- Good

- Did you lock yourself in?- Yes

Why don't you come? Oh please!

- No, darling- You can't come home?

I'm still locked
inside this f*cking elevator!

And today's a big day for me,
I can't come back home

Don't be like that, Lorena,

it's nothing, calm down!

I'll have Stefano, go there

and then I'll call you back, okay?

All right

- Are you calmer now?- Yes

- That's it- But call back, eh!

Right away. Ciao, ciao

- Stefano...- Mr. Verona!

- How are you?- Fine thanks

Give me a hand today
or I'll go crazy!

- What happened?
- Someone's pounding at my door

Lorena's scared
and I had her lock herself in

Could you go to my house?
Calm her down, stay there a while?

- Yes, of course
- As a favor

It'll take time.
Traffic's hell today

Whatever it takes. But first
call me, and I'll tell her

- Okay, Mr. Verona
- Thanks a lot, thanks

- Claudio!
- Hey

- Listen to me
- Yes

I'm watching TV

- People are going crazy!
- Meaning?

- There's v*olence everywhere
- What?

Something strange is happening,
maybe a t*rror1st attack!

What t*rror1st attack?!

- They said it on TV!
- No!

- I'm telling you! It's a mess!
- No, keep calm

Stefano will take care of everything.
Calm down, all right?

- I'm afraid...
- Darling...

Tell me you'll be calmer
when Stefano comes

- I'll be calmer
- Okay

- I'll stay locked up
- Good, ciao, ciao

- But call me back!
- Yes, I'll call you in a bit

Me locked in here
and I have to worry about her

I can't take it, I'm cracking up!

Always these nervous fits!

Strange att*cks, blocked roads...

What the f*ck?!


What the f*ck's going on?

Wait! Get me out of here!

Marta! What's going on?!

Claudio, help me!
Please! Let me in!

- What the f*ck?!
- Help me!

- No!
- What's going on?

I'm holding you!

I beg you, Claudio!

- Marta!
- No!


What the f*ck is happening?

What the f*ck...?!


This way, over here!

Mr. Verona, I'm on my way

It's a real madhouse,
something major must've happened

The streets are blocked,
I don't know when I'll reach your house

I saw them. I saw them

- Who did you see?
- They're all deranged

Mr. Verona, what are you saying?

They all went insane!

Who went insane, Mr. Verona?
I don't understand

They... they dragged away a girl...

- A girl?
- Dragged her away right in front of me

I don't understand you
What are you saying?

I'm not insane, I saw them!
They all went crazy!

Mr. Verona, now listen:
I don't understand

Mr. Verona?

What can I say? Try to calm down,
and don't panic

Mr. Verona?

I can't be calm.
I'm scared!

- Mr. Verona, calm down
- I'm afraid!

Breathe deeply
and everything will be fine, all right?

Oh God... oh f*ck...


Stefano! No!

Mr. Verona, are you still there?

Yes! Get me out of here!
I beg you to get me out of here!

Mr. Verona, calm down!

I just came back
I couldn't find the boys,

I can't understand
what the hell is happening

They all went crazy,
how can I keep calm?

Get me out of here, please!

There's a terror attack
underway, are you all right?

I don't know...

Terrorism's f*cking bullshit!
I saw them

Everybody's gone crazy!

Get me out of here.
They've all gone crazy!

What are you saying?
Aren't you blocked in there?

I opened the doors
of this f*cking elevator!

I forced them open and saw them!
Who gives a f*ck how I did it?

Now please... I beg you:

get me out of here, please!

What the f*ck? Excuse me,
someone's knocking. Who is it?

- I'm working, who is it?
- No, run!

- Run, run away!- Oh God!


I beg you!

I beg you!

Answer, Lorena, for f*ck's sake, answer!


Sara, answer! f*ck! Answer!

For f*ck's sake, answer, Sara!

- Sara!- Claudio!

I'm locked...

What the f*ck's her name?



- It's me
- Claudio?

Claudio, yes. Come here


Quiet and they won't come

Look at me, Silvia!

Keep calm.
I promise to get you out of here

Okay, now look at me!

Now I'll apply leverage

You try to open this.
I'll watch your back, don't worry

On three. One, two, three!


It's not working.
Let's try again

Look at me. Don't worry,
I'll watch your back

Concentrate, look at me

Okay, the same thing:
on three you push this door

We can do it,
I'll get you away from here

Go, girl!
One, two, three!


Sorry. I'm sorry

Who is it?

- It's one of them
- Try to get in

Get your legs in. Go!

Help me


Come on!

- I can't do it
- Yes you can! Go!

Come on!

- I can't hack it
- Yes you can!

I can't do it!

Silvia, where the f*ck are you going?!

Die, you ugly piece of shit!

Marchini's favorite club

Tomorrow I'll be fired

I think Marchini has other concerns now

You just shattered his skull

Oh f*ck!

You were fantastic

No! Come here!

"Rome: chaos in the Capital,
The Army mobilized"


Please, answer me


- Claudio
- Yes

- Claudio answer
- Yes, I'm here. I'm here

My darling. Are you all right?


They're all transforming

I don't know what's happening,
Lorena, please...

- Darling...
- What's going on? Please! You tell me!

I don't know what's going on

Darling, calm down

On TV, a journalist
was att*cked during a live report

People are going crazy,
across the whole city

- It's the end- It's not the end, no!

It's the end

- f*ck
- Lorena?

- Someone came inside!
- Lorena, what happened?

- Lock yourself in- It's locked!

Now push the wardrobe!
Push it against the door

- It's heavy
- Push!

- Done. Now what?
- Very good!

- And now...- What do I do, Claudio?

I don't know what to say anymore

I don't know, my love...

I'm sorry. I'm sorry

I don't know anymore

No! Help!




What the f*ck?
That's Marchini...

- What the f*ck's happening?
- I don't know

But they're everywhere.
You'd better go hide somewhere

Where the f*ck can I hide?
Open the doors, let me in!

I wish I could help, but I'm
trapped here. They're blocked

Come on, give me a hand

I told you, they're blocked

Give me a hand to get in!


Open up, come on!

Keep quiet
or they'll come after you

f*ck... f*ck...

f*ck you!

Hey shithead!

Shithead, come here

Catch me! Come here

Catch me! You can't, eh?
Catch me!

Catch me!

I'm here!

What's the matter, can't catch me?

Catch me! Catch me!

Help! Help!



- Sara!
- Claudio! Help me

- Run!
- Shit! Shit!

Come here you! I'm here!
Catch me, oh!


Come here!
I'm here! Get me!

Come here! Bastards, come here!

Leave her alone!

Get me!

Leave her!

Leave her alone!

I can't take it anymore

Can't take it...
Can't take it anymore!


"News reporter att*cked on street"

This is a live-stream
from Rome for Channel

Law enforcement has
confiscated our cameras

and my cameraman was expelled

I managed to reach
a safer area on the outskirts

What I've seen is beyond belief!

It seems there's something
driving people mad

It sounds impossible,
but I saw it with my own eyes

harmless people
getting att*cked by other people

who can only be described
as possessed

Whatever you're doing
go straight back home,

lock yourselves inside or get organized
in groups and leave Rome

But if you see any of these
possessed people, don't stop!

Don't try to talk to them for any reason.
They're extremely dangerous

- Run, run, run!
- Oh f*ck

They're coming!

Who is it?

Who's there?

I'm here!

I'm alive!

I'm in the elevator, help!

What the f*ck...?!

- Did they wound you?
- No!

- No bullshit, are you wounded or not?
- I swear, no!

It's not my blood.
There was hell here, you see?

Yes, I see

Luckily you're here now.
Where are the others?

There are no others, I'm alone

I lost contact with headquarters


Watch out!

They're blocked

I said they're blocked!

We need to get the electricity back

Is there a generator or something?

Yes, there's one on the last floor,
on the roof

- The last floor?
- Yes

- It's just that
- What?

I'm not sure it'll work

I talked to the electricians before

Then hell broke loose, so I don't know

Maybe we'll be luckier, right?

Setting off the generator
will reset everything here

Maybe we can leave
this f*cking madhouse

Could you guide me up?

I don't know, I'll try

Not "try", you WILL!
You work here, right?

- Yes
- Then you can guide me up

Take this

I can do it. I can do it

Take this

Come on, f*ck's sake, take it!

Come on, come on, take it

All right, between the butt
and the barrel, there's a slide, see it?

- This here?
- Yes, right

Move it upwards, like this

- Okay...
- There, now you can sh**t

- Me?
- Yes, you

If one of those assholes
comes towards you,

you hold it tight, aim and sh**t.
Without hesitation, okay?

In here you're safe,
if you can't leave, they can't enter

Nobody can get in here,
not even God, okay?


Going up, I'll describe everything I see
so you'll always know where I am

But you have to guide me.
Is your head okay? Are you thinking?

- Yes
- Are you awake?

- Yes
- Good

My name is Marcello

Claudio, I'd like to say my pleasure,
but maybe later


Which f*cking way?

Ah right, sorry

Go to the end of the corridor
and then turn right up the back stairs

- Okay
- Far end and then to the right

Come on, f*ck's sake!

- f*cking hell!- What are you doing?

No, nothing, sorry

Sorry, my lighter isn't working

Genius, only touch with that button
if you need to talk to me, okay?

Yes, sorry, you're right, forgive me

Had I known, I would've lent you mine...

Okay, you can give it to me later

Right, later

Okay, I just passed the eighth floor

So far, so good.
Down there? Any movement?

Wait, I'll check

No, everything seems calm here,
there's nobody


- Christ!
- What's going on, Marcello?

Wait, wait, wait

Marcello, what happened?

Here I am. There were three...


- Are you all right?
- Yes, fine. I'm about to reach floor nine

Okay, perfect

- Shit!
- What's the matter?

Claudio, this is not good.
Not good at all!

- Why not good?- I can't continue up the stairs

Why not?
What happened?

There's a bunch of furniture piled here.
I'd take ages to move it

m*therf*cking sonova f*cking bitch!

But you've got to be calm, eh?
Or you won't solve a f*cking thing.

All right, sorry, I'll be calm

I'm calm...

I'm calm. I'm calm

Think... Think...

- Marcello?- Go ahead

You're on the ninth floor, right?

Ninth, yes

On the ninth there should be
scaffolding. There was work underway

- Are you sure?
- Yes

All right, I'll head there


Okay, I made it

There's a blue door to the left
and next to it, a water dispenser


You should be facing Mazzoli's office

Check if there's a name plaque

Just a second...

- Yes, Mazzoli, it's his
- Yes! Yes, Bingo!

You know what this means?
That the scaffolding is surely there

Last week, Mazzoli had
quarreled with the workers

because he couldn't concentrate
on account of the noise!

Go, Marcello, go!

Okay, going now, wait


Claudio, there's a mess here

What mess? Why? Marcello?

There's a mess of blood


Okay, I see the windows

- I'll open them
- All right

Claudio, you read me?

Yeah, I'm here

Okay, I'm heading up

I'm at the top of the scaffolding

I can see the roof

But there are no open windows,
I'll have to blast them

How the f*ck can you?

Like this...

Are you nuts?

I couldn't resist, sorry

Shit, I can already hear
those f*ckers walking

Be careful

- Radio silence
- What do you mean?

- That you have to shut up!
- All right, sorry

Marcello? Are you there?

Yes, I'm here, I'm fine

But when I tell you to shut up,
shut the f*ck up!

All right! All right, sorry

All that matters is you're okay,
thank God

What God?
There's no f*cking God here

Okay, I'm in. I'm going up

Thing is, you have to be careful

The last time I spoke to maintenance
they sent repairmen to the roof...

and they were att*cked

So I don't know what's up there.
You hear me? Be careful

Okay, I'll be careful. I'm going now

You keep calm

Yes. It's not easy to keep calm

Tell me what you see, eh ?
Don't abandon me here


Okay, I've reached the control unit.
I'll activate the elevator's electricity


What the f*ck?


Are you there?

- Wait a second- Why, what's happening?

There's something that's blocking
the elevator doors


Wait a second


I heard a g*nsh*t,
what the f*ck's happening?

For f*ck's sake, answer me!

Marcello, they're back!

- How many?
- I don't know. A lot!

- Remember what I told you?
- Yes

Aim and sh**t. Aim and sh**t

Aim and sh**t.
Aim and sh**t!

Yes, aim and sh**t

Aim and sh**t!

How many?

All of them

Perfect. You have any sh*ts left?

I don't know if I have sh*ts
left in the g*n!

Keep calm.
You did an excellent job

I can't hack being calm anymore

And this is not my f*cking job

I'm good at making money
not at k*lling people

They weren't people,
they were infected!

And they wanted to k*ll you.
You did what you had to


They were my colleagues

I was even godfather for Morelli's son

I know their wives, their families

I k*lled them all

I k*lled every one of them!

No! They were infected!
f*cking infected!

Get it into your head once and
for all, Claudio! Keep concentrated!

f*cking infected

They were f*cking infected

f*cking infected

f*cking infected...

- f*ck, they're coming, Claudio!
- Marcello, what's happening?!

f*ck! f*ck!


I can't take it anymore.
I can't take it anymore!

I just can't take it anymore.
I can't take it anymore

I can't take it anymore, help


Run! Run!

They're coming! Run!

Help! Help me, I'm here!

I'm here!


I'm here, help me!

I won't give you the satisfaction

Claudio! Claudio, it's me, Marcello!

- Marcello!
- Claudio, I'm here!

- Where are you?
- Up here!

Where are you?

On top of the elevator, let me in!
You see the hatch?

- Yes, I see it
- Try to open it, I'll help you

- You hear me?
- Yes

- Move away
- Okay

- Away from the center!
- Okay, I understand!

I'll try to pry a corner

Help me! One, two... three!

Take the r*fle

Help me down

It's over, relax

Is that what's blocking the door?

Yes. I think so

Just as well

What happened up there?

What you heard

The building's teeming with them

A whole avalanche came after me

I fired some sh*ts and managed
to lower myself into the elevator shaft...

but as you can see they bit me

No thanks, I quit. Two years ago


Why a lighter if you don't smoke?

You never know when it can be handy...

Give me one, f*ck it!

Are you sure?

Strange, isn't it?


Sharing your last moments
with a stranger


How did we get to this?

- I don't know
- They must've told you something!

Somehow a virus was pawned.
And it began to spread

They said it was animal based
but I don't believe it

You don't?

What do you think?

I think that viruses are created
in laboratories

We're not in the f*cking Middle Ages

No, we're no longer in the Middle Ages...

Whatever it is,
somebody lost control of it

And that somebody put us
all in the shit

We left this morning at eight,

and at ten, none of my comrades
answered their radios

I think every one of them is dead

- Sorry...
- Why the f*ck are you laughing?

No, it's not about you

I was thinking about my wife.
The other night we were watching a movie

A really shitty film,
I can't remember the title

There was this ugly guy,

really ugly, chubby, bald,
full of pimples... I mean obscene

He was with two beautiful girls,

two drop-dead babes

and he starts getting goofy
to attract their attention

and he comes out with a joke
that's really sad, a lead balloon

"How did Frank Sinatra die?
"Stranglers in the night!"

What's your wife's name?



Really nice, my compliments


We've been married two years

- And now she's...
- No

Luckily not.
We got her to one of the shelters

What shelters?

They're special structures
where we can take our family members

A sort of bunker

You instead? Are you married?


What's her name?


Last time I heard her was
a few hours ago on the phone

They broke into the house

I heard screams and then nothing

Oh f*ck!

I'm sorry

I'm not a good person

Why not?

Did you ever betray your wife?


There, you see?

This morning we fought
over a liter of milk

A liter of milk?


a liter of milk



Look, I...

I'm gonna lie down and rest

- Yes, of course
- I'm tired

When you see
that I've fallen asleep

you sh**t me twice in the head

To the head, twice, remember

Make sure I'm dead. Come on...

Claudio, take this g*n, please

Take it

Claudio, they bit me!
I don't want to become like them!

I can feel myself changing...

I'm becoming like them,
take this g*n

If you don't do it, I will

I'll do it myself!

What the f*ck?! Let go!


f*ck you!



Two in the corridor!

On the stairway!
Go, go, go!


"Unknown number"

Who the f*ck is it?


Darling, it's me!

Yes! Yes!

Yes, thank you God! Thank you!

Yes, my love!

Darling, where are you?

I'm still inside the elevator

I'm still in the elevator

And where are you?

I ran out into the street
and the soldiers saved me

It's a big mess here,

they started to clear the streets,
and they took me to the local po...

Lorena? Lorena?

Sorry, Marcello

Another one bites the dust

I'm here! Help!

I'm here!

I'm here!

I'm here!
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