02x05 - The New Cybertron City

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Transformers: Unicron Trilogy". Aired: August 23, 2002 - December 31, 2005.*
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The "Unicron Trilogy" is so-named for the major role that the chaos bringer Unicron plays in each of the three series that comprise it.
1 - Armada
2 - Energon
3 - Cybertron
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02x05 - The New Cybertron City

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers,

robots in disguise ♪

- [Optimus]

Transformers Energon.

♪ Transformers ♪

(soft violin music)

(Kicker panting)

- It's an Energon beam.


There's Energon out here?

How did I get here?

What is this place?

That mountain.

I've seen it before!

What a weird dream.


Let's see.

Where is it?


It must be an Energon point!

(gentle music)

Woo hoo!

Good, at least I'm

in the right place.

- Have you found anything

out there yet, Kicker?

- [Kicker] No.

I'll have to expand

my search range.

- It might be a good

idea to move our camp

closer to this location.

We're a long way

from the others.

- [Kicker] Don't worry.

I know there's Energon out here.

- Okay, keep looking.

I'll meet you here in an hour.

- You don't have

to leave, do you?

Just tell the others

to meet up with us.

They don't have anything

else to do anyway.

- I can't do that.

I'd feel bad if I make 'em haul

all my heavy tools

all the way up here.

- (laughs) Those Omnicons

are real team players!

- (groans) Why did he

volunteer to come with us.

He doesn't even bother

to help out at all.

- What's that?

- Nothing.

- If I didn't see it for myself

I never would have believed it.

Was it real?

If that was Megatron's sword

does that mean that

he's come back to life?

And if he's out there then

why doesn't he show himself?

(ominous music)

- (laughs) Energon delivery!

- Megatron will be pleased.

- Well I guess we better see

if we can find his meanness.

Hello Megatron!

Where are you!

It's Cyclonus, your number one

Decepticon at your service!

Where is he?

So Tidal Wave, you

really think he's here?

- Yes.

- Well, where then?



(evil cackling)

Boy, the boss is

really in bad shape!


It's me, Cyclonus!

Wake up, please!

- Megatron.

- Talk to me your

evilness, I'm here for you!


Anybody in there?

- Stop that.

- How come he

won't wake up, huh?

- I don't know.

- [Cyclonus] Hey, we're

you lying when you said

Megatron could be revived?

- You mean you don't believe me?

Watch yourself.

Remember I have

Megatron's sword.

- Hey would you take it easy?

I just wanna help out

the boss, that's all!

- Megatron.

- Then be quiet.

We'll ask Alpha Q.

He will know what we should do.

- Alpha Q?

I wanna meet him!

- Me too!

- You want to meet him?

- Yeah, we must have

delivered enough Energon.

- Get more!

- What!

- We'll need a lot more Energon.

- [Alpha Q] Yes.

Bring us more.

Bring us more!

- I didn't know you

we're listening, Alpha Q.

- [Cyclonus] Where is he?

- [Tidal Wave] Alpha Q?

- [Alpha Q] Listen

you Decepticons.

There is not enough

Energon to wake Megatron.

Not enough!

- Bring it to us and then

we will begin the revival.

- What are you just

standing there for?

You know what you must do.

Now go get the Energon.

- Right.

- Yes, must revive Megatron.

- Optimus, the upgrades on

the Grand Force are complete

so I'll it to you right now.

- Good, you finished it.

- Well, if we left them in

ruins it would make things

difficult for you I think.

- And with all the improvements,

I'm sure it will be

even better than it was before.

- Thank you, I'm

eager to test it out.

- So how are things going

over there, Optimus?

- Well, right now Kicker is out

searching for a

new Energon point.

- When you find it,

make sure you send me the

exact coordinates right away.

- Yes, I'll do that Dr. Jones.

- Okay Optimus, I'm

sending the Grand Force

through the space bridge now.

Get ready!

- Optimus Prime, super mode.

Power link!

Fire one, combine!

Captor two, combine!

Digger three, combine!

Submarine four, combine!

Optimus Prime, super mode!

(intense music)

Feels much smoother now!

I like it.

Is everything under control?

- Yes, we're fine.

- Let me know when

Hot Shot reports in.

As soon as we have

the coordinates of

the Energon point,

send them to Dr. Jones.

- Do you think that's

a good idea, sir?

- Yes, why not?

- It's just that our

transmission could be

intercepted by the

enemy, or even worse,

it could be used against us

by a member of the Recon Team.

- What do you mean?

- I'm talking about

Demolisher, sir.

- That's enough, Jet Fire.

- But--

- I said that's enough.

He once was a Decepticon but

now he's part of our team.

- Yes sir.

- One, two, three, four!

One, two, three, four!

One, two, three, four!

- Hey, why don't you

help carry some stuff?

- No, I'm not some

kind of pack animal.

That's a job for

rookies like you.

- What was that?

Who you calling a rookie, pal?

- You heard me!

- Take that back!

- Go ahead and try.

If you've got the guts!

- Yeah?

- Listen, you just better

watch yourself, rookie.

Or else!

- Can it, Decepticon.

I don't trust you one bit.

- Oh yeah?

(angry grunting)

- Hey you two, cut it out!

Ironhide, apologize

to Demolisher.

- Why should I

have to apologize?

He's the one who started it!

- What is it exactly that you

don't trust about Demolisher?

- Well, he's a Decepticon.

Everybody knows you

can't trust them.

- Hey, watch it.

With that kind of attitude

no wonder Demolisher

doesn't wanna stay with us.

Demolisher, I understand

that it's difficult for you

as a Decepticon, but remember

you're part of our team now.

- I'm not taking

orders from you.

No way!


They think they're so smart.

(dramatic music)

- Oh no.

A fog is rolling in!

If this keeps up I'm

not going to be able to

find that Energon point today.

- Kicker, can you hear me?

- Yeah.

- It's starting to snow here.

How about we all head back

to camp until it blows over?

- Alright.

I'm on my way back right now.

(ominous music)

Oh no, it's starting

to snow here too!

Oh great!

I can't see anything!

I've got to get out of this.

I hope this is

the right way out.


- Kicker, what's happened?

Kicker, come in!

Come in!

- Sounds like he's in trouble.

- He needs out help, Hot Shot!

- Alright, lets move out!

In two teams, stay in contact!

- I'll go alone.

The last thing I need is someone

looking over my shoulder.

- No, team up with Ironhide.

You two need to get

better acquainted anyway.

- That rookie will

just get in my way!

- I guess I better go because

I don't want you to get lost.

- Be careful, that's an order!

- Yes sir, understood.

- Let's go!

- No, someone should be here

if Kicker makes it back.

I want you to sit tight for now.

And keep your eyes

open, Strongarm.

- Yes sir.

(haunting music)


- Dad?

So, when do we get to Earth?

- Not long, son.

- Yeah!

Alright, we'll be home soon!

- No, we have to make one

stop before we get home.

- But why?

- You know why.

We need Energon.

We have to find some before

we can get back home.

- I don't wanna

look for Energon!

It's no fun anymore!

(ominous music)

(engine rumbling)




- Huh?

- Way to go, Kicker!

- Aw Dad, that was

just way too easy!

- We'll have to stay a few

weeks until the Omnicons

finish mining the Energon.

- Boy, they sure

are hard workers.

I don't like it here, dad.

I'm scared.

- I'm here, son.

Don't you worry.


- Dad?

Why was I dreaming of Dad?


That was quite a fall I took.

I'm at the bottom of a ravine.

Oh man!

(wind howling)

- Kicker, where are you!

Answer me if you

can hear me, Kicker!

- [Kicker] You don't

have to yell so loud,

I can hear you, Hot Shot!

- [Hot Shot] Kicker,

are you okay?

- Yeah, I just banged

up my shoulder a bit.

Hey Grindor, are you alright?

- [Hot Shot] What

happened to you anyway?

- I fell into a ravine.

- [Hot Shot] Do you

know where you are?

I'll come and get you!

- I'm not sure,

but I do know that I'm pretty

far below the snow line.

- Did you all hear that?

We're gonna go down

into the ravine.

Meet me there.

- Okay!

- Oh great.

- Decepticon.

- [Inferno] I'm sensing

an antiwarp signal, sir.

- Good work, Inferno.

Where's the enemy heading?

- Plain City.

No, wait!

They're heading

straight for Kicker!

- What?

Jet Fire, Alert Hot

Shot right away!

- Hot Shot!

There's an enemy force

heading your way!

- There is?

- Yeah, so be on the look out.

(evil laughing)

- How's the weather

down there, Hot Shot?

Kind of a stormy day

for a walk, isn't it?

- Cyclonus!

- Okay, where's the Energon!

- What?

- [Tidal Wave]

Energon, we want it.

- Tidal Wave.

There's not a single

ounce of Energon here.

And even if there was you

wouldn't get it from me.

- Well then I guess I'll

just have to ask Demolisher.

(expl*si*n booming)


- Oh no, what's

happening! (yells)

- Where did he go?

Tidal Wave, let's

go find Demolisher!


(intense music)

- Attack!

- Terracons! (grunts)

(g*ns firing)

(Kicker yells)

- Man, this is too

steep to get out of!

What's going on?

An avalanche?

Hey, that's my way out of here!

Come on Grindor, you can do it!

Oh man!

Doesn't look like

you have enough power

to make it out of here, buddy.

I can't believe my rotten luck!

(ominous music)

It's right behind this rock!

To think that I'm right

next to an Energon point

and I can't do

anything about it!

Could this day get any worse?

(g*ns firing)

- Transform!

Everyone alright here?

- Oh yeah!

- What about Kicker?

- I sent Strongarm to the ravine

to help him get out

of there, Ironhide.

- So you know where he is?

- Yeah.

And it's a real deep one.

Make sure these guys

don't get any closer.

- Roger!


- Ah ha!

There you are Demolisher!

- Where's the Energon?

- Cyclonus, Tidal Wave!

- You traitor!

- Who, me?

- Hey Demolisher, haven't

you figured it out yet?

Your place is not on there side,

it's with us!

- Why should I join

up with you two again.

What's in it for me?

- Demolisher, you're our friend!

You know you could trust us.

- I'm your friend?

- Sheesh, don't be such a sap!

He's only saying that.

- Kicker!

Hang on, I'm coming for you!

- Oh look, there's an Omnicon.

That's where the

Energon must be!

- Oh no you don't!

- Hey watch it, would you?


That was a close one!

- Hey!

Down here!

I'm down here!

- Kicker!

Are you alright?

- I'm managing.

Hey, what's the matter?

It doesn't reach?

- I don't have any more pipe.

Can you grab it?

- I guess I'll have to.

Just a little more.

Come on, Grindor!

Okay, we got it!

Pull us up!

Man am I glad to be out

of there, Strongarm.

Okay, now go ahead and

transmit the coordinates.

- Alright.

Although I think we should

have done a test spore.

- We don't have time

for that right now.

And it looks like

we've got company!

(intense music)

- Optimus Prime, transform!

- Inferno, transform!

(g*ns firing)

- Optimus Prime, super mode!

Power links.

Optimus Prime, super mode!

Anyone injured?

- No, but we did send the data

for the Energon point just now.

- Good, then we better

get out of here.

- What, I thought we were

gonna defend the Energon point.

- Optimus, what's going on?

- We have to withdraw

for the time being.

- Get the Energon!


Dig faster!

(laughs) Hey look,

they're running away!

And they left all

that Energon behind.

- Doctor, I've linked

the space bridge

with the new Energon point

and we're ready to initiate

whenever you are.

- Jetfire, are you

ready on that end?

- We're all set here!

The recon team was able to

withdraw to the safety zone

without any problems.

- Good, I've got a

present for all of them.

Now, get ready.

You understand?

(exciting music)

- Up there, what is it?

- What is that thing?

- I knew Dr. Jones

would come through.

- That's from my Dad?

I don't believe it!

It's Cybertron City!

- It's gigantic!

- [Cyclonus] Fly, Teracons!


- Man, it's incredible!

- It sure is!

- Boy, my dad sure knows

how to put on a show!

- I don't know what happened

but I don't like it!

- Curse them, they've sealed

the new Energon point!

- You're a little late!

- Did you get any Energon?

- What do you think!

- Alpha Q gave you

a direct order!

Do it!

(upbeat music)

- It's good to be home!

(lazers firing)

- That's it, Scorponok.

Hold it right there!

- Hey, what are you doing?

- Just a little scanning

for cloning purposes.

- (laughs) That's pretty

unusual for an Omnicon.

- Hey, Skyblast.

I'm just planning

for the future.

That's all.

- It's no use!

We're just getting hit up here.

- Then we have no choice.

We must withdraw.

- He can't be alive,

because if he were

he would've been

out on that front line for sure.

At least, that's the

Megatron that I remember.

- My dad really did come

through for all of us today.

I'm scared!

And when I think back

to when I was a kid,

and all those Energon

exploration missions

we did together,

he was always looking

out for me then, too.

I thought all he cared

about was his research,

but he's still protecting me.

Even now.

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers,

robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers ♪
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