02x09 - Battle of the Asteroid Belt

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Transformers: Unicron Trilogy". Aired: August 23, 2002 - December 31, 2005.*
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The "Unicron Trilogy" is so-named for the major role that the chaos bringer Unicron plays in each of the three series that comprise it.
1 - Armada
2 - Energon
3 - Cybertron
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02x09 - Battle of the Asteroid Belt

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ more than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ more than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers Energon ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

- This is Carlos Lopez from

Midway Gate Station zero eight,

I've just picked

up an unidentified

space craft on radar

with it's current position

between Mars and Lunar City.

It is not responding to

any radio transmissions.

Repeat, not responding.

And the ship is headed

directly towards Asteroid City.

- Whoa,

I wonder who it is.

- I know who it is.

- It's Optimus's

mystery attacker.

- Excuse me sir,

but we still don't have radio

contact with Asteroid City.

Seems someone's tampered

with our signal.

- That means the enemy

has set up a base nearby.

Our objective is clear, we

must protect our Energon mines.

We will set up our own frontline

base in the asteroid belt.

Prepare to open

the space bridge!

- Sir!

- I wonder why Asteroid City?

- What is it Kicker?

- It's nothing Optimus.


Nothing at all.

- Kicker!

- Something just isn't right.

- [Alpha Q] Oh Starscream!

- Starscream,

that is his name isn't it?

- A name's a name,

who cares?

- Enough mindless chatter!

He's the warrior

servant that we need

to bring us Energon in

order to revive Unicron!

- Sorry.

- [Alpha Q] Yes so sorry.

- Oh Scorponok listen up.

- Starscream is on his

way to Asteroid City

to meet up with you.

Oh and I almost

forgot the best part,

Optimus Prime and his team

are joining the party too.

- So don't you dare

mess this one up too.

- And another thing,

did I mention Megatron

might show up as well?

- Excellent.

You imbeciles,

that's not enough,

not nearly enough!

- I need more energon you fools.

- We are going as fast

as we can Megatron sir.

- How do you expect

me to revive Unicron

with such a piddly

amount Cyclonus?

- I'm sure we can get a lot

more but I don't know how

you expect us to carry it all

the way back to Cybertron.

- Silence!

I warned you,

I do not suffer

insubordination well soldier.

Now get to work.


how much energon do you think

is left here in Asteroid City?

- I estimate there's

plenty megatrons sir.

The problem is we

haven't been able to hit

the mother load yet.

- You've got to be joking!

- I gave you a very

simple task Demolisher

and that's to find

me my energon.

But it seems while you

were on the autobots side

their worthless work

habits rubbed off on you.

- But sir,

I'm trying my best.

Maybe we should go back

to Lunar City remember?

There was three left there.


- To Lunar City?

- Yes, but the only problem is,

since we were there last,

Optimus fortified the place

and it might be too

dangerous for us.

- Are you implying I can't

defeat a few mindless autobots?

- No, of course not!

I just thought I'd point it out,

that's all.

- I hope I'm not

interrupting Megatron.

- Of course not Scorponok.

- I've just intercepted a

transmission that reports

Optimus Prime and his autobots

are headed to Lunar City.

I believe if we concoct

a fool proof strategy,

we can wipe out that pest

without so much as a casualty.

- Interesting,

might I ask where you got

this information from?

- Sir!

- I simply asked from where

did you get this information?

- Well,

I sent out a

surveillance recog team.

- You sent out a recog team?

Do you take me for a fool?

- But I had no reason

to lie Megatron.

- You better hope not or

you will pay with your life!

- Demolisher,


it's time to set

coordinates for Lunar city.

- Yes Sir!

- Come on get moving!

- What about our ambush here?

- You bring up a

good point Skoponok.

That's why I'm

leaving you behind.

It's your plan,

so why don't you carry it out?

Prove to me your loyalty

and if you succeed

maybe I'll have

some new found respect for you.


- But to be honest,

I rather doubt it.

(dramatic music)

- Interesting turn of events.

- And highly unexpected.

- But now what?

- Who cares about Megatron? As

long as you retrieve energons

with my unicron,

everything will be fine.

- Just do it Scorponok.

- On second thought,

I reconsidered about Megatron.

- See that no harms

falls upon him,

that way we can still use him.

(lasers sh**ting)

- Optimus Prime


Fire one,


Copter two,


Breaker three,


Submarine four

Powerlink complete.

- So Kicker,

can you sense anything here?

- Only energon Optimus

not picking up anything else.

- Okay,

but what about

where the base is?

Do you at least sense that?

- It's around here somewhere.

- Come on,

are you saying we

have to search every

last one of those

asteroids out there?

- Well I think I can

at least point you guys

in the right direction.

- I guess that's better

than nothing eh guys?

- Well if that's the case

then we better get started.

- Yeah right.

- So Kicker

- But which way?

- I'm not real sure.

- Come on Kicker.

We don't have all day.

- Over there.

- Okay men follow me.

- Yes sir!

- Wait for me!

I should have changed

the studded tires.

- Hey Kicker

have you noticed Optimus

is a little edgy lately?

- Yeah now that you mention it,

he has been acting kind

of weird ever since

he was blasted by Megatron.

He's always looking

over his shoulder,

on guard against

an invisible enemy.

- Okay Kicker give

it another try.

Do you sense anything out here?

- No nothing. But

I've got a gut feeling

we're getting closer Optimus.

(lasers sh**ting)

- Hey Megatron,

what happened to the

welcoming committee?

- So that half-wit Scorponok was

telling the truth after all.

Well no matter,

it's energon we're after.

Open fire Demolisher!

- Sir!

- We'll take what we need from

Lunar City and then leave.

(robotic growling)

- Hey Strongarm did you

just hear something?

- Listen up everyone,

we must evacuate the

mine immediately!

Take what you can

and then take cover!

(loud crashing)

- Looks like they're here.

- Oh yeah!

- Run for it men!

- Hurry before it's too late!

- Looks like

everyone's evacuated

now it's our turn!

- There!

- Is that it?

- One hundred percent Optimus!

- But that asteroid

looks almost alive!

- Unicron?

But that's impossible

isn't it sir?

- Hush up!

What do you think you're doing?

- Man that's weird.

As soon as Hotshot

mentioned the name Unicron

it's like everyone

got all uptight.

And I know that

name from somewhere.

Some kind of legendary,

gigantic transformer who

is the most powerful force

in the universe.

I think he's the one

who att*cked Cybertron.

- No Optimus,

we've got to destroy

em now's our chance.

- Open fire!


- Ah the infamous Starscream

has finally arrived.

- Yes Starscream.

And why does everyone

insist on calling me that?

- That is not important

right now soldier.

What is,

is that you are a

warrior under my command.

And as such,

it is your duty to follow my

precise orders to the letter.

- They're here.

- No matter how much

we blast that asteroid,

we don't even leave a mark!

- Do you think Megatron's

behind this sir?

- Time to check it out.

- Wait!

It's not safe Hotshot.

Something's just not right.

- Huh?


(dangerous music)

- Take a look Optimus,

the asteroid's starting to move!

- After it men!

- Right!

- Optimus,

behind you!

- Huh?

- Incoming!

- You again?

- Surprise!

- Keep going men.

I'll take care of this and

catch up with you later.

- Yes sir.

- Let's go!

- Transform!

- You too Ironhide.

- Yes sir!

- Quick question.

Is Megatron behind this?

And where is he?

- I don't know anyone

named Megatron.

- Not that it's any of your

business Optimus Prime,

but I'm under the

direct command Alpha Q.

- Alpha Q?

- Yes!

You may know him as the

supreme ruler of the universe.

But I serve only him.

- What's wrong Hotshot?

- We've got trouble!

- Transform!

Time to destroy you

annoying autobots.


- Next!

(upbeat music)

- Sorry Ironhide

- Hey Hotshot,

are you okay?

- This clown is harder than

I thought to bring down.

It's time to Powerlink.

- Ready when you are!

- Hey Kicker?

- What's up Ironhide?

- Better jump off,

I can't fight with

you on my back.

- Let's do this Inferno!

- Coming!

- Hotshot

- Inferno


- Oh yeah!

- Ironhide transform!

- Let's get em Jetfire!

- Go for it!

- It's shifted to warp speed.

- But what we do we do?

We can't keep up with it!

- Oh man,

this is not good!

It's getting away!

Not to mention the fact

that I'm untethered

and floating through

an asteroid belt.


- Why can't I just

forget the past?

- Now that I have

your attention,

is Alpha Q's mission

to revive Unicron too?

- Precisely.

- You still haven't told

me what Megatron is up to.

- I already said I don't

know anyone by that name.

So if you wouldn't mind Prime,

quit repeating

the same questions

- Enough pleasantries


Would you just get

on with the job?

- Yes!

- Forget what I said.

- Now retreat Starscream

and make it fast,

the decepticon

Megatron is on his way.

- Move it!

- And hurry!

- Later!

- Come back here coward!

- I would love to,

but I have my orders to follow.

- What?


- Alpha Q's instructions

were specific that I retreat

and I must obey him.

- Stand and fight!

- Huh?

What was that?

- Ready or not,

here we come Prime!

- Boy Optimus is sure gonna

be surprised to see you!

- That's enough,

now try to keep your

big trap shut Cyclonus.

- Sorry.

- We're about to see if

that simpleton Skoponok

can back up what he says.

- This should be good

for a laugh eh guys?


- Not even close.

- Fire two.


- What that was?

- Cause the sh*ts are

spiked with energon.

- Are you serious?


- What I wouldn't give for

a jetpack right about now.

- Are you okay Kicker?

- I can look after

myself you know.

- You gotta go after

that other creep.

- Don't worry kid I'm

taking care of it.

Come in Ironhide!

I need your help stat!

- I'm kind of busy Optimus,

Jetfire's down and we've got

to pull him out of there.

- Oh Optimus,

why don't you join

our little party?

- Maybe we don't need him.


- Fire!


- Here's a thought,

why don't you run on home with

your tail between your legs?

(asteroids breaking apart)

- What's happening?

What do they think

they're doing?

- Time to surrender Skoponok,

this game is over.

- Don't bet on it Optimus!

- And hand over Jetfire!

- Don't make me laugh.

- You don't have the guts!

- Think again Skopo-nut,

now let go of Jetfire!

- Never!

- Do it!

- Jetfire you alright?

- What are your plans for me?

- I think the answer's

pretty obvious pal.

- But before we dispose

of you Scorponok,

which of my enemies is

trying to revive Unicron?

Is it Megatron or Alpha Q?

Answer me!

- What are you Scorponok?

A decepticon or

Alpha Q's lap dog?

- Alpha Q?

Where have I heard

that name before?

Oh no!

Now I remember,

Optimus you've got to get

out of there and quick!

Hurry before it's too late!

- What was that?

- Hello Optimus.

- Megatron

- Thanks for the tip Scorponok,

I appreciate it.

- Megatron help me destroy

these worthless autobots.

- Try it again and you're toast.

- You fool!

- Do you have any idea

who you're talking to?

- Yeah any idea you idiot?

- Sorry ladies but you're

dreaming if you think I'll

take orders from the

likes of you creeps.

- If you're trying

to make me angry,

you're doing a good job.

But trust me junior,

you wouldn't like

me when I'm angry.

- Hang on,



It's an energon deposit!

- Don't fire this way Megatron,

or this whole

asteroid will explode!

- And you get a front row

seat to watch Optimus!

- Fire!


- Oh no the power from my

energon star's almost dry.

Another blast like that

and we're done for!

- Okay Jetfire,

you powerlink with Ironhide.

- Regroup!


- Megatron don't you

think we should regroup?


(intense music)



- Oh no!

I'm all alone in space!


This can't be happening!

Everything's going too fast.

The universe is

disappearing around me and

I'm falling into some

kind of void in space.

- Kicker?

- Kicker can you hear me?

- Kicker what's wrong?

- I'm fine,


everything's okay.

I just kind of zoned out

for a minute that's all.

It's kinda hard to explain.

- Don't worry kid,

we'll get you home.

That was one nasty mission.

Too bad we couldn't

save Lunar City.

- So where's Optimus?

- He's in the Command Center,

planning our next move.

- Planning?

How do you strategize against

an enemy like Unicron?

- If anyone can figure

it out Optimus can.

- This is Optimus

reporting in Primus.

We have destroyed

the fortress that

once was home to Unicron.

Our enemy has some

how managed to gather

a vast quantity of energon.

We must act swiftly to

counter their aggression.

With enough energon,

Unicron poses an

enormous threat.

- Oh!

I've been looking all

over for you Kicker.

- Hey Mika when'd

you come back here?

- Come on don't tell me

you didn't notice the

Space Bridge opening up.

- Nah I wasn't

paying any attention.

- Kicker what's wrong?

You don't seem

like your old self.

- I don't know,

I guess I got a lot on my mind.

It's kind of hard to explain.

I guess I kind of freaked

out on the mission

and was basically useless

in helping out the autobots.

And what makes matters worse,

the mission was only

partly a success.

We gotta get Unicron.

- I understand.

- I wouldn't be surprised

if they didn't ask me out

on the next mission.

I feel like such a failure.

I kept flashing back to a

scary time when I was a kid,

lost in space,

and when I did I kinda panicked.

What a jerk!

I can't do anything right.

- Don't be so hard on yourself.


maybe you should look at

this a different way Kicker.

What I mean is try to

understand your weaknesses

and turn them into strengths.

- Your point?

- I'm saying,

everyone has to start

somewhere Kicker.

Optimus was a young

rookie at one time and

I'm sure he made some mistakes,

but he learned from them

and look at him now.

- Yeah but I'm not like Optimus.

- I think you're more like

Optimus than you realize Kicker.

Okay let's talk

about something else,

like what would you really

love for dinner tonight?


(sound of helicopters


I guess it's safe for

everyone to come home.

I suppose that's good news.

And look!

They're coming through the

Space Bridge right now!

- Welcome here Dr. Jones.

- Hey!

Alexis long time

no see young lady.

- Yeah, it's been a long time.

- Why just look at you,

I remember you when you

were just a teenager.


- [Kicker] That night my

dad presented a new strategy

on the best way to

defend planet Earth.

- Some of you may find my

ideas to be quite radical.


after researching our strengths,

I feel very confident

in my proposal.

My plan is for the

creation of Energon Towers.

- Towers?

- [Dr. Jones] Currently we

have four cities here on Earth.

There is Blizzard City,

Jungle City,

Desert City,

and of course Ocean City.

I propose we build

towers at each base

that are capable of transmitting

a global energon powergrid

to protect us all.

A grid so powerful it is

impenetrable by anyone

who dares to attack us.

- So Kicker what do you think?

Will your father's

idea actually work?

- I hope so.

- Well I think it

will work perfectly.

And together Kicker,

we can all win this battle.

(heroic music)

♪ Transformers more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers

robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers ♪
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