02x19 - Battle Stations

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Transformers: Unicron Trilogy". Aired: August 23, 2002 - December 31, 2005.*
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The "Unicron Trilogy" is so-named for the major role that the chaos bringer Unicron plays in each of the three series that comprise it.
1 - Armada
2 - Energon
3 - Cybertron
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02x19 - Battle Stations

Post by bunniefuu »

(upbeat music)

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers,

robots in disguise ♪

- [Narrator]

Transformers: Energon.

♪ Transformers ♪

- [Kicker] Optimus is leading

the Autobots on a mission

to put a stop to

Megatron and his plans

to take over the universe.

But there's a whole

lot more going on.

Alpha Q has sent out

thousands of Terrorcons

to retrieve Energon,

and once he has enough,

he plans on reviving the

most fearsome Transformer

in the universe, Unicron.

Unicron is our ultimate enemy.

We must not let Megatron, Alpha

Q or anyone else revive him.

Now something even

stranger has happened.

Optimus' old comrade

Rodimus has shown up,

and he's working with Alpha Q

to bring Unicron back to life.

What started as Optimus'

plan to bring Energon

to the universe has

turned into a w*r between

the Autobots, the Decepticons,

and the mysterious Alpha Q.

This is so crazy, Megatron,

Alpha Q, and Rodimus

all want Unicron revived.

What will happen to the

universe if they succeed?

- [Optimus] Gentlemen,

your attention please.

All stations ready?

- [Transformers] Yes, sir.

- [Kicker] It seems the

entire universe is against us,

and we're running out of time.

This is way beyond

anything we expected.

At the rate both Megatron and

Alpha Q are amassing Energon,

Optimus figures it won't be

long before they have enough

to get the job done.

Even the Miranda II with

all of its high-tech gadgets

and weapons that my

dad designed and built

doesn't hold a candle to what

Unicron could throw at us.

- [Optimus] Misha, prepare

to deploy the Energon grid.

- System initiated,

and I'm amping up

the Energon power as a

I speak, Optimus, sir.

- [Optimus] Remember,

team, our ultimate goal is

to hit Unicron with everything

we've got in order to put him

out of commission for good.

- [Transformers] Yes, sir.

- [Optimus] Everyone stay

close to your stations.

Once Unicron begins to move

we'll need to act on the double.

Inferno, take her

to full throttle.

- Yes, sir.

(thrusters roaring)

- All right, once we

get inside Unicron,

we're gonna fry him

with the Energon grid.

We're finally gonna

shut him down.

- [Optimus] Begin offensive

deployment sequence.

Extend peripheral Energon

deflection shield.

(dramatic music)

Deploy Energon-transmitting


and engage Energon grid.

- [Misha] I've engaged

the Energon grid, sir.

Grid set to maximum output.

Grid is fully operational

and all systems are go.

- [Snow Cat] Oh, this isn't

good, this isn't good.

Those Autobots are

coming right at us.

- [Tidal Wave] Bad news.

- Oh, those feeble

fools are mere insects

compared to the

power that I yield.

- [Demolishor] All

right, give it up

for my man, Megatron, yeah!

- I can hardly wait to see

the look on Prime's face

when he's defeated.

(lasers blasting)

- [Optimus] Jetfire,

Hotshot, stand by to attack.

- [Transformers]

Roger that, sir.

- [Optimus] Commence attack.

(dramatic music)

(lasers blasting)

- This is useless, we're

not even doing any damage.

- [Optimus] Kick in the

Energon power boost.

We're attacking with

everything we've got, men.

(lasers blasting)

Better hang on, we're going in.

- Oh, come now, Optimus.

If that's what you call an

attack, you're sadly mistaken.

(Megatron laughs)

How about we crush that bug?

(Unicron growls)

- Oh no, it's coming to life!

- [Optimus] Turn

the ship around.

- Why you.

(ship rumbling)

- [Tidal Wave] Prime got away.

- [Demolishor] You

almost had him, Megatron!

(Megatron laughs)

- [Megatron] Let's see

you get out of this

tight squeeze, Optimus.

(metal crashing)

- Oh man, if we don't step on

it, we're gonna be crushed!

- [Optimus] I need everything

you've got, Inferno.

- Yes, sir.

- [Optimus] Put it into

red line if you have to.

(Megatron laughs)

- I never thought

in my wildest dreams

this would be so easy.

- [Optimus] Pull back

throttle, we're clear.

(Unicron growls)

Inferno, status report.

- Main engines appear

to be A-okay, sir.

And by the looks of

it, everything else

is running normally.

- Optimus, I can't get the

Energon grid to respond.

- The transmitting antennae

have been shot off.

- We can't repair it

from in here, sir.

- [Optimus] Not good news.

(alarm blaring)

- Unicron's on our tail.

- [Optimus] What if we could

lure it into the space bridge?

Skyblast, I want you to

open the return gate.

- Yes, sir.

- [Demolishor] Look, Megatron,

they've opened the gate.

- [Tidal Wave] Are they

trying to escape to Earth?

- Don't worry, Starscream.

With Megatron as our leader,

those Auto-boneheads

have no place to run.

- I say we go after them.

- [Tidal Wave] Wait for me.

- And remember, I

want Prime alive.

- [Tidal Wave] Tidal

Wave, Tidal Wave.

- Looks like we've

got company, Optimus.

- [Optimus] Report to

your battle stations, men.

- [Transformers] Yes, sir.

- [Snow Cat] Ready or not, here

we come, Auto-scum. (laughs)

(Demolishor shouts)

- [Optimus] Follow my lead.

Optimus Prime power link.

Fire one, combine.

Copter two, combine.

Digger three, combine.

Submarine four.

Optimus Prime power

link complete.

- Inferno!

- Hotshot!

- Power link!

Power link Inferno!

- Fire at will, men.

(lasers blasting)

Stay close to the ship.

(Snow Cat shouting)

- [Tidal Wave] Tidal

Wave, Tidal Wave.

- Oh, why are they

taking their sweet time

getting to the space bridge?

- First they have to

fight off the Decepticons.

(lasers blasting)

- [Optimus] Hurry, men, to the

space bridge, let's move it.

- [Tidal Wave] Tidal Wave.

(electricity buzzing)

(Decepticons shouting)

- [Tidal Wave] Tidal Wave.

- [Landmine] I can't

believe we're stuck here

in Unicron's head just

watching all this.

- Yeah, while the

Decepticons and Autobots

are out there fighting

over the rest of Unicron.

- What happened?

- Unicron's body

just disappeared.

- [Alpha Q] It is

because Optimus

is attempting to destroy him.

- Why wouldn't Optimus

listen to me before?

- [Alpha Q] Is there

no way to stop him?

- This battle is

out of my hands.

(Ironhide groans)

- [Ironhide] Kicker.

- Kicker?

- [Alpha Q] I believe

he's referring

to the young human male.

- Oh yes, him.

(lasers blasting)

- Ironhide.

- We can't worry about him.

- Yeah, we gotta move fast.

- [Kicker] Wait, we can't

leave Ironhide behind.

- Huh?

- But there's no time, Kicker.

- I want you to drop me off

just before the sky bridge.

That's where me and

Ironhide got split up.

(lasers blasting)

- [Optimus] Huh?

What's going on, Kicker?

Why are you out here?

- [Kicker] It's Ironhide,

I can sense him calling me.

- [Optimus] Are

you sure, Kicker?

- [Kicker] Absolutely, %.

- [Optimus] That is a problem,

but there's no time right now.

- [Kicker] You're not serious.

Ironhide's my partner.

Come on, Optimus, don't

you realize he's taking on

Unicron and Alpha Q all

by himself out there?

- [Optimus] That

was his decision.

- [Kicker] And it was a bad one.

- [Optimus] In a word, yes.

- [Kicker] You do what you have

to, but I'm going after him.

- [Misha] No,

Kicker, don't do it.

- [Kicker] Misha.

- No, Kicker, it's too

dangerous to go by yourself.

- [Kicker] I don't

care what anybody says.

I'm not gonna let my

partner down no matter what.

- Kicker, you've got

to reconsider this.

(Snow Cat yodeling)

(lasers blasting)

- [Jetfire] You can't

let him go, Optimus.

- [Optimus] Kicker is

concerned about his partner.

- [Jetfire] Then we'll

have to use force.

(explosions booming)

- [Optimus] I suggest

we cut him some slack.

- [Jetfire] Well, you're

the boss around here.

(Snow Cat laughing)

- [Optimus] Kicker, do what

you have to do, and we'll

back you up once we've

disposed of these Decepticons.

- [Kicker] Optimus?

- [Optimus] Just don't do

anything crazy, understand?

- [Kicker] You got it, big guy.

Grindor, all right, you came.

Hang in there, Ironhide.

(Ironhide groaning)

- What's keeping you, Kicker?

- So you're awake.

- Somebody get the

number of that asteroid?

- Please don't worry about

your human companion.

I can assure you he will

remain safe, Ironhide.

- [Ironhide] He better

be, or else you're in--

- [Landmind] Just relax.

It's not like you're in any

kind of shape to help him.

- [Alpha Q] Scorponok, I

request that you tend to him.

- [Scorponok] Yes, Alpha Q.

- So you're--

- [Scorponok] That's right.

And he's been wanting to

meet you for quite some time.

- [Alpha Q] Yes.

- Alpha Q?

- [Kicker] Okay, Ironhide,

which way do I go?

You gotta help me, buddy.

- [Misha] So there you are.

- [Kicker] Misha?

(lasers blasting)

- That Misha's as

stubborn as Kicker is.

- Well, that's humans for you.

(lasers blasting)

- [Tidal Wave] Tidal

Wave transform.

- We've got you now.


- Transform!

(dramatic music)

- You're all mine, Starscream.


- I don't think so.


- Split up.

Can you take care

of them, Hotshot?

- Try to stop me.

- Transform!

- Transform!

(metal crashing)

- [Optimus] Skyblast, take

all engines to full throttle.

(lasers blasting)

- Has Optimus

completely lost it?

We're still pointed

directly at Unicron.

- Just do what you're

told, Strongarm.

- [Kicker] So why'd you

follow me out here, Misha?

- Hey, Kicker, someone

has to cover your back.

- [Kicker] You?

- Yeah, me, you got

a problem with that?

Ironhide is my friend too.

- [Kicker] What?

You can't be serious, Misha.

- And why not, Kicker?

Ever heard of a concept

called teamwork?

- [Starscream] Hold still,

you annoying Autobot.

- Sorry, but that's

not gonna happen

because I got you locked on.

- [Starscream] Oh,

I don't think so.

- [Inferno] Gotta

shake this cat.

(Snow Cat yodeling)

His yodeling is driving me nuts.

- [Snow Cat] Excuse me,

pardon, coming through.

(metal crashing)

Are we having fun yet?

- [Inferno] So you

wanna swap paint, huh?

Well, how about a new paint job?

(Snow Cat shouts)

- [Optimus] We're

running out of time.

Come on, men, we

gotta get out of here!

- Tidal Wave, would

you get out of the way?

- [Tidal Wave] Who, me?

(metal crashing)

- [Optimus] Let's just hope

the ship can hold together.

- A little help here

would be nice, Skyblast.

- Right.

We're at max power,

Optimus, sir.

- [Optimus] Everyone

back on board, STAT.

Okay, Rad, it's up to you.

Are you set?

- [Rad] All systems go, Optimus.

First, let's get you

through that space bridge.

- [Optimus] We're

counting on you.

(Snow Cat yodeling)

- Transform!

- Transform!

(electricity buzzing)

- Huh?

Look, it's planet Cybertron.

(dramatic music)

- [Snow Cat] Wait, this must

be some kind of Autobot trick.

- Why those--

(Demolishor grunting)

- Optimus, our trap worked.

Take that, Megatron.

- How dare you?

How dare you, Prime?

You cannot destroy

me that easily.

I will reach out with

Unicron and crush you.

(beam whirring)

(Decepticons shouting)

You and your Autobots

will pay for this, Prime.

And my first victim will

be planet Cybertron.

- Whoa.

- Whoa, that's amazing.

- Whoa.

- Nice.

- Yeah.

- Looks like we did

some serious damage.

- Not enough to

destroy Megatron.

- But you gotta admit

it's pretty impressive.

- [Optimus] Megatron,

when will you learn?

- Optimus, I don't want any

harm to come to Unicron.

I only want Megatron destroyed.

- [Optimus] We must destroy

Unicron no matter what it takes.

(explosions booming)

- Megatron, we had to

pull back and regroup,

or we'll be toast.

(Megatron grumbles)

- You won't get away

with this, Optimus.

- [Optimus] Don't let

them get away, Rad.

- I've got 'em locked on.

(computer beeping)

(beam whirring)


- [Jetfire] Optimus,

warp field dead ahead.

- [Optimus] He got away again.

(dramatic music)

- [Kicker] Come on, Ironhide,

you gotta help guide me, bud.

Misha, take cover!

- Huh?

- [Kicker] Hurry,

there's no time.

That's Rodimus' ship.

- [Rodimus] Kicker, I

want you to come with me.

- [Kicker] Where's Ironhide?

- Your Autobot

friend is injured.

- [Kicker] What'd

you do that for?

And why'd you kidnap him?

- Don't worry, Kicker,

he's in good hands,

and he asked me personally

to come for you.

- [Kicker] You expect

me to believe that?

- If you want to help your

friend, you must follow me.

It's up to you.

- [Kicker] I say we go with him.

What do you say, Misha?

- Mhm.

(dramatic music)

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers,

robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers ♪
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