02x25 - Open Fire!

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Transformers: Unicron Trilogy". Aired: August 23, 2002 - December 31, 2005.*
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The "Unicron Trilogy" is so-named for the major role that the chaos bringer Unicron plays in each of the three series that comprise it.
1 - Armada
2 - Energon
3 - Cybertron
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02x25 - Open Fire!

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers,

robots in disguise ♪

- [Announcer]

Transformers Energon.

♪ Transformers ♪

(energetic music)

(Transformers panting)

- [Jetfire] Sorry, pal,

but I don't have time

for games right now, later!

- [Mirage] Why you little!

- [Jetfire] Huh?


Catch ya later, Ironhide!

- [Ironhide] Where're

you going, Jetfire?

- [Jetfire] To take

care of business.

You hang back and try to stay

out of trouble, understand?


Woohoo! (laughs)

- [Ironhide] Aw man,

he gets all the fun.

But I'll show him!


- (laughs) Just like I planned!

I can hear them coming!

(laughs) So how much longer

until our guests arrive?

Decepticons, return to Unicron!

That's where the

battle's gonna be.

- [Demolishor] But first we

gotta take care of Scorponok!

- [Snow Cat] Yeah,

he's goin' down!

- [Scorponok] Not

without a fight!

- [Snow Cat] I hate

it when they say that!

- What is taking them

so long?! (grunts)

- [Both] Huh?!

- [Snow Cat] Whoa!

(both screaming)

- [Megatron] Quit your

dilly-dallying and get in here!

- [Scorponok] Come back here!

(Scorponok screams)

- [Red Alpha Q]

Poor, poor Scorponok!

- [Green Alpha Q] So,

shall we save him?

- [White Alpha Q] Ooh,

I guess we'd better.

We can't let Megatron win!


- Whoa!

I don't know how you

got me out of there,

but thanks a lot, Alpha Q.

And someday, I'll

return the favor.

- Aww, man.

This is just way too easy.


- [Shockblast]

(chuckles) I must admit

you caught me

off-guard, Autobot.

But your little game of

hide-and-seek bores me.

Y'see, I have a little plan.

I'm the one who's

gonna control Unicron

and no one's going to stop me!

Not even you, Megatron!

- Ha, oh, you wish, Shockblast.

- [Shockblast] Do you

hear me, Megatron?

Your days are numbered

and soon Unicron will

be under my command!

- Hmm?

Aren't they on the same side?!

(Ironhide panting)

- [Ironhide] Optimus,

Optimus, wait up!

- [Optimus] What

is it, Ironhide?

- [Ironhide] Aw, man, I never

thought I'd find you guys.

- [Optimus] What's wrong?

I thought you were up top

helping Jetfire keep cover.

- I've come to prove

myself to you, sir.

- [Optimus] What am I gonna

do with you, Ironhide?



- [Ironhide] What's

going on up there?

(all screaming)

- [Hot Shot] Holy

smoke, Optimus!

Who saved us?

- [Red Alpha Q] There's no

need to thank me, Autobots!

- [Rodimus] It was Alpha Q.

He's finally showing

his true colors.

- Okay, does this mean

he can somehow control

all of Unicron?

- [Optimus] I think that

just proved it, Ironhide.

The only question is, how

much control does he have?

- Well, at least we know

he's on our side now.

- I say we cut the

chit-chat and keep moving.

- Yeah, you're right, Prowl.

- [Optimus] Wait.

- [Prowl] What's

the matter, Optimus?

- [Optimus] I've got a

feeling we might be heading

into one of Megatron's traps.

Follow me, men!

- [Autobots] Yes sir!

(Megatron chuckling)

- So, Optimus, you think

you've got it all figured out.

You'd better think

again. (laughs)


(Megatron groans)

Nice try, Alpha Q.

- [Red Alpha Q] That

was a close one!

- [Kicker] Hey, Alpha Q!

- [Red Alpha Q] Huh?

- [Kicker] It's time

to make our move.

We don't have time to waste.

Optimus needs your help.

- [Red Alpha Q]

Easy for you to say.

- [White Alpha Q] You

don't know what Megatron

is capable of!

- [Green Alpha Q] He's a maniac!

- [Red Alpha Q] Nuts!

- [Green Alpha Q] Yeah!

- [Kicker] You've gotta

stop concentrating

on beating Megatron.

- [Red Alpha Q]

What does that mean?

- You're using up all

of your energy on him.

You've gotta stay focused

on helping Optimus.

- [Red Alpha Q] But, but!

- [Green Alpha Q] You don't

want us to defeat Megatron?!

- [Kicker] No!

- [Red Alpha Q]

What should we do?!

- Help Optimus out and

let him destroy Megatron!

- [Red Alpha Q] Hmm.

- [Green Alpha Q] Interesting.

- Optimus is the only

one with the power

to defeat Megatron.

- [Alpha Q] How

shall we help him?

- [Kicker] Hm, ahh, I got it.

Join the Autobot team.

- [Red Alpha Q] A team?

- [Green Alpha Q] A team, us?

- [White Alpha Q] I'm confused!

- Okay, what I mean is...

Aw, this is tough.

- [Red Alpha Q] You're

a big help, Kicker.

- [Green Alpha Q] Not!

- [Kicker] Okay, your planet

is stuck inside Unicron, right?

- [Alpha Q] Yes, but how can

we help Optimus release it?

- By using your strength,

you can manipulate Unicron

and Optimus can defeat Megatron.

- [Red Alpha Q] We must

possess planet Unicron.

- [Green Alpha Q]

It's our destiny.

We want our planet back.

- [White Alpha Q] It's our home!

- [Alpha Q] Our home!

- [White Alpha Q] And we

must revive our planet!

- [Red Alpha Q] Unicron!

- [Green Alpha Q] We

do not fear Megatron.

- [White Alpha Q]

We cannot fail!

Unicron will protect us!

- [Alpha Q] We will

never give up Unicron!

Never, never, never!

- [Purple Alpha Q]

It is our destiny.

We will do as you wish.

We will help Optimus.

- [Kicker] Wow, talking to

those guys gives me a headache.

But, if they can

help Optimus. (sighs)

- Kicker?

- Don't worry, Misha.

Everything's gonna

be all right now.

At least I hope so.

(Inferno panting)

(both screaming)

- What the?!

- [Snow Cat] Sorry, Autobot,

but you're not going anywhere!

- [Inferno] Who's gonna stop me?

Uh oh.


- [Both] Huh?

- [Scorponok] Unicron

belongs to Alpha Q!

Now take a hike

before I get mad!

- [Snow Cat] Hey, take

it easy, Scorp-o-nuts!

We were just messing

with your little friend!

- [Demolishor] Yeah,

just having a little fun.

- Hey Optimus, looks like

we're pinned down here, sir!

- [Optimus] Leave it to me.

Copter- , launch!

(exciting music)

- Rodimus, disengage!

- [Both] Transform!

- [Optimus] Transform!

- [Ironhide] Transform!

- [Prowl] Transform!

- [Landmine] Transform!

(helicopter blades whirring)

- So did ya make it?

- [Ironhide] Yeah,

but don't ask me how.


- [Optimus] I agree,

but let's concentrate

on the task at hand, men.

- [Kicker] Well, the good

news is I convinced Alpha Q

to back us on this mission.

And that gives us one

less thing to worry about!

- [Optimus] Huh?

- [Misha] Let's just hope Alpha

Q can pull through for us.

- Huh?

- Well, what I mean is we've got

to hope Alpha Q combined

with the Autobots

are powerful to

take down Megatron.

- [Kicker] And

our secret w*apon.

- What are you saying?

- The key to this

battle is Energon.

It's just that simple, Misha.

- Huh?

- We will win this.

- [Dr. Jones] All

Cybertron Cities,

please report in with your

supply of Energon at once!

- [Skyblast] This is Skyblast

from Lunar City reporting in.

Our current stock

is at stars.

- [Strongarm] At Desert City,

around a thousand stars,

including raw Energon.

- [Dr. Jones] Excellent, what's

the word from Blizzard City?

- [Signal Flare] I think

we're well below capacity,

Dr. Jones, at around

stars or so.

- , eh?

It's not exactly what I

feel comfortable with,

but it should be enough to

charge the Energon towers.

Sally, you stand by to

open the spacebridge.

- Uh, Dad?

- Huh?

- I've got Alexis.

- Sorry to interrupt, but what

do you think you're doing?

(Dr. Jones groans)

Why are you asking everyone

to ship you their Energon?

- I believe I can assist

Optimus on his mission.

- [Alexis] Wait, did

Kicker put you up to this?

- Huh?

- Energon is too valuable

to be stored in your towers.

How can you put the Earth

in this kind of

danger, Dr. Jones?

It's far too risky!

And what happens if your

little plan doesn't work,

what then?

- Calm down, Alexis,

this plan will work.

Trust me.

And for your information, this

entire strategy was my idea.

- Yes, but you can't

leave the Earth

without Energon, Doctor.

- I'm doing this because I

am thinking of Earth, Alexis.

(Alexis gasps)

If none of us survive this

battle, what's the point?

- Well, I suppose it

doesn't really matter

what I say, does it?

Hm, Dr. Jones.

- Mm?

- [Alexis] Y'know, I still

think Kicker's behind all this.

(Sally giggles)

- [Dr. Jones] Excuse me?!

That's ridiculous!

This is all my idea!

Kicker had absolutely

nothing to do with it!

Nada, zero, zilch!

- [Alexis] Okay, whatever

you say, Dr. Jones.

(Dr. Jones groans)

Well, you guys,

whosever idea it is,

let's just hope it works.

- [Ironhide] I dunno, Optimus,

that's a long way down

and I don't think

it's safe to jump.

- [Rodimus] I have to

agree with Ironhide.

Either we figure out a

way to get down there,

or we'll have to double back.

- [Optimus] Listen up, Megatron!

I know you can hear me!

We're not leaving until we meet!

- So what do you think

you're doing, Optimus?

- Yeah.

- [Optimus] It's time

you and me settle

our differences

once and for all!

- This isn't your own

personal w*r, Prime!

Now give your head a shake and

let's get back to business.

- [Optimus] What

was that, Rodimus?


- Huh?

- [Megatron] (laughs) If

it's a face-to-face you want,

Prime, then your

wish is my command!

(dramatic music)

Enter at your own peril!

- [Optimus] I'll take

it from here, men.

This is my battle.

And tell Alpha Q I don't

want him to interfere either.

Is that understood?

- Do we have a choice?

- [Prowl] But what

if it's a trap?

- [Optimus] Even scum like

Megatron wouldn't sink so low.


(Optimus moans)

(electrical sizzling)

(Autobots moaning)

- [Ironhide] No.

(Shockblast laughs)

- [Prowl] Shockblast!

- Open fire!

- [Prowl] Optimus!

- [Optimus] Stay back!

- [Prowl] No!

(Optimus moaning)

- How dare you interfere

on my business, Shockblast.

Don't you realize how

many eons I've awaited

to annihilate Optimus

Prime once and for all?

- [Shockblast] Relax!

And here I thought I was

doing you a favor, Megatron!


(Optimus groans)

- [Prowl] Optimus, Optimus!

Are you all right?

- [Optimus] I'm fine, Prowl.

- Don't worry about

a thing, Optimus.

Now this is personal, and

Megatron's going to pay.

- I'll stay.

- [Optimus] No, Ironhide!

You go with Rodimus

and stop Megatron!

That's an order!

- [Ironhide] But, but sir!

- [Optimus] Stop him

from reviving Unicron!

- Yes sir!

- [Optimus] I understand this

doesn't look good right now.

But I have Energon and

with time, I'll regenerate.

I'll be back up and

running in no time.

- [Ironhide] But sir!

- [Optimus] I don't

have time to argue!

I gave an order, now follow it!

- Sir, yes sir!

- [Optimus] Be careful out

there, men, and good hunting.

I only wish I was there

to finish this myself.

- [Demolishor] Hey, look!

- [Optimus] Huh?

- [Snow Cat] It can't be!

- [Demolishor] : I

don't believe this!

- [Snow Cat] It's Optimus Prime!

And he's a sitting duck!

- [Misha] No, Kicker, wait!

- Don't try to stop me, Misha!

I gotta do this.

- No, it's about your dad.

- Huh?

- [Wing Saber] It's

time to redeem myself

for allowing

Shockblast to escape.

I know what needs to be done.

The Autobots will be victorious!

- Bad news, Wing Dagger!

Just received word that Optimus

has been hit again

inside Unicron!

And it looks like he's

down and maybe for good!

- [Wing Saber] Well, then

there's no time to waste!

This is my chance to

make things right!

- Aww.

- [Wing Saber] I will share

my spark with Optimus,

and give him the power

he needs to heal!

I'm ready.


(Optimus moaning)

- [Snow Cat] Let's finish

him off, Demolishor! (laughs)

- [Scorponok] Transform!

- [Demolishor] Oh, no,

it's Scorp-o-nuts again!

Let's get outta here, Snow Cat!

(Snow Cat screams)

- [Both] Transform!

(both screaming)

- [Optimus] What do

you want, Scorponok?

- Don't get the wrong

idea, Optimus Prime.

I serve only one master.

So to answer your question,

I'm doing this for Alpha Q,

to help him take

control of Unicron.

It's my job.

- [Kicker] Okay, Dad,

we're ready for ya.

- [Dr. Jones] All right,

I'm sending the Energon.

- [Kicker] Transfer activated!

(exciting music)

- What do you want?

- [Shockblast] (laughs)

I told you I was going

to take over Unicron!

But I guess you didn't hear me.

Well, let me make myself

perfectly clear, Megatron!

It's time you step aside!

You're old news.

- [Megatron] And

what makes you think

you're worthy, Shockblast?

- [Shockblast] A little

thing called destiny.

- That explains why you

so carelessly interfered

in my battle with Optimus.

- [Shockblast] Interfered?

(laughs) On the contrary!

Y'see, I was just

trying to draw Rodimus

and his cronies in

here to face you!

A brilliant strategy,

if you ask me.

- How brilliant.

So, you expect me to bow

down before you, hmm?

- [Shockblast] You're

taking this rather well.


- [Megatron] (chuckles)

It always amazes me

when someone wants my job.

- [Shockblast] Don't treat

me like a fool, Megatron!

- [Optimus] Hold on, Optimus.

Hold on.

- [Kicker] Look!

- [Scorponok] Alpha

Q, I have the Energon!

Take it!

- [Kicker] We, we did it!

(Alpha G groaning)

- [Alpha Q] Yes.

- [Optimus] (panting) Huh, huh?


What's going on?

- Would someone please

explain this to me?!

- [Ironhide] Hmm?


- [Misha] Look, Kicker.

What is that?

- That would be

Unicron, all charged up

with Energon, and Alpha Q.

- [White Alpha Q] How euphoric.

- [Green Alpha Q] Would someone

explain what just happened?

- [Red Alpha Q] I feel

different, but why?


- [Purple Alpha Q] I can see.

I can see, I can see our planet!

I can see Unicron!

(majestic music)

- [Optimus] Whoa.

I don't believe it!

- Kicker, that's amazing!

- It's just started.

- Huh?

- This is only the beginning.

You wait.

I gotta feeling Alpha

Q has a feel surprises

for us now that

Unicron's come alive.

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers,

robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers ♪
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