05x02 - Chase the Mysterious Capsule!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
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05x02 - Chase the Mysterious Capsule!

Post by bunniefuu »

Love is here,

...as long as life endures

Dream of love,

I'll continue to protect you for eternity



Can you hear the impact...

...to the ends of the universe?

Warriors of love,

...stand up to become one

Get wild

The flames of courage have been unleashed into the darkness To Protect You

Your spirit will be transformed...

...to the ones who never give up - the Cybertrons

Love is here

Always believe in the future

Dream of love

You're always shining through...

...the Beast Wars Produced by

Ashi Production


Meow, oh no!


Chasing after a reading from an Angolmois capsule, the Cybertrons have arrived here, at the planet Godbless.

Planet Godbless is a peaceful planet with bountiful water and greenery.

Some small intelligent beings are leading happy lives within the heart of the agriculture.

What is that satellite?

It has quite a bizarre shape.

Planet Godbless does not have such a satellite.

You say there ain't, but in reality, there IS one there!

What the hell is that thing, then?!

Big Convoy, don't you think we'll need to investigate?

I guess so.

Big Convoy, we may still be cadets, but we're also Cybertrons!

Isn't it our role to investigate when there's an abnormal change in the galaxy?!

Hey, hey... when you push your opinion hard like that, you'll end up stretching your neck even longer, Longrack!

What was that?!

See? See? It's getting longer!

Calm down. You both share something in common for being long, so let's get along!

You are actually not patching things up at all, Stampy.

All right, we'll include its satellite into our investigation, then.

NAVI, head toward that satellite.

Aye, aye, sir!

I am God of the Cybertrons.

I shall tell you this.

This is a sacred planet which belongs to God.

You must not come near it.

That was the Cybertrons' God...?

Magmatron-sama, did you see it?

When I used my magic, the Cybertrons saw an illusory God,

...then they got frightened and fell down to the planet, just as you saw.

Incredible! Incredible!

Just when did you learn such magic?!

Saberback, the only magic you can do is to change yourself into a flower, isn't it?


Before, I received a message from Galvatron.

He told me that the Angolmois energy has infinite possibilities.

He also said it has mysterious power as well.

True to your title, Magmatron-sama, you see through anything.

It seems this Angolmois capsule has the power to make people's thoughts into reality.

The figure of God whom the Godbless residents imagine, created this satellite,

...and the figure which the Cybertrons imagine, created that of a God who looks like a Convoy.

We've heard enough, just come back with the capsule already!

...and about that, Magmatron-sama,

The residents of Godbless make quality oil from their oranges.

And they came to believe that God lives in this satellite and are offering the oil for free.

With that said, I think it's better to wait a little longer and get that oil for ourselves.

Very well, then return with the capsule and the oil.

Roger that!

The Cybertrons who got pulled by the gravity of the planet Godbless,

...have sent Longrack and Colada to investigate on the planet while the Gung-Ho is being repaired.

I knew something was smelling nice; look at this heap of oil containers!


This is awesome! It's the top quality oil!

Stop! You don't know to whom this oil belongs to!

Don't say stiff stuff like a class president!

You can get 10% back from what you picked up!

Ouch, ouch, ouch!

This guy REALLY bit into me!

Does... this oil belong to you?

That's not it! This oil belongs to God!


God... you mean, the Transformers' God?

Wrong! I'm talking about Godbless' Cat-God!

One of the Godbless residents, Mikess, told them that one day an enormous God appeared...

...and He made that God's satellite float in the air.

But that God told us to offer Him all the oil, so...

...as a matter of fact, our village is in trouble.

The village's source of energy has been completely relying on the orange oil up until now, so...

...that's what he told us, Big Convoy.

That's bizarre. He called himself "God", but the one we saw was different from what they saw.

I'm thinking the same thing.

Something smells fishy here.

It looks like we'll need to go to that "God's satellite" thing in order to find its true identity.

What-- What's happening?!

All right, Colada, let's sneak into the satellite along with that beam!

Let's go!

Sneak in... but you don't know what's up there.

There are many people on this planet in distress!

We can't abandon them!

Hey! Straight-A student!

...and he's gone.

Colada, I'm asking you to go with Longrack.

I don't feel like it.

Come on already!

Colada, "One for all! All for one!"

Yes, sir!

Along with the oil, some weird guys are coming up, too.

Let me startle them again!

There was nothing to worry about, it's just a simple island.

Be vigilant, we don't know from where they're watching us!

Geez, if I'm vigilant all the time like you are, I'll be worn out!

Well, now let me have some oil here...


Isn't that...?!

He showed up! That guy is...!

Why, YOU!

Wait, Colada!


Don't jump out blindly! Be patient!

If you go out now, you'll be shot down!

But that's just our optical illusion, right?

I-It's not illusion?!

It's real!

Hey, he'll trample us down, if we don't do anything!

I'm pretty sure the enemy can read our minds!

It's got the ability to create a huge entity based on that!

Isn't it better to fight instead of explaining that to me?!

God resides in our very spirits. Just think that kind of giant doesn't exist, Colada!

I can't think that all of a sudden!

Then don't think anything! Clear your mind!

That's even more difficult!

No way!

----TV Bumper----

Didn't I tell you, Colada?

You don't have to be afraid.

You were also shakin' in your boots, too!

To the Godblessians, it looked like a giant cat...

...and to us, it looked like a Transformer God.

In other words, it was an illusion without entity.

Who would do such a thing?

What the heck is that?

Stop, Colada!

What the... again?!



You guys did well to realize that!

Even a butterfly will run away from your mechanical flower!

I see, I guess there is a slightly smarter one even among the Cybertrons.

Isn't that an Angolmois capsule behind you?

We'll be taking that!

No you won't!

This is a great treasure that can make even a God!

I will never let you have it!

Magmatron-sama, collect it now, please!

If you would do the honors!


We can't collect you while you're holding the Angolmois capsule!

Saberback, you have to return to the ship by yourself.

About that... some troublesome Cybertrons are chasing me.

All right, I'll send you some reinforcements.

Everyone, head to Godbless' satellite!

Aren't you spoiling him too much?

Shut up!


Everyone, I'll teleport you all together!



Good work, Saberback.

I shall hold that Angolmois capsule for you.

Quit joking around.

I am going to personally hand this to Magmatron-sama.

Are you trying to take the credit for yourself?

Do you actually think that I have such a petty heart?

I do.


More importantly, we better take them out, Guiledart.

That's right, personally, I'm not interested in taking credit for such things.

Fighting is what I live for.

I guess now is the time to deliver the capsule to Magmatron-sama.

Here goes...

We won't let you!

Cybertron unit, move out!

Yes, sir!




Oh no!

It's ours!

What?! That's absurd!

I won't let you!

It's mine!

Oh no you don't!

I won't let you!

Sling, I'm passing it!

Alright, go ahead!

I've certainly received the Angolmois capsule right here!

Those fools! What are you doing?!

This isn't good!

How do we explain this to Magmatron-sama...?

Damn! Those cursed Cybertrons...!

Good work everyone!

Return now!

I won't let you escape!


How come you didn't catch it, Sling?!


Don't blame Sling!

It was your fault!

What?! It's all because you're not dependable!

What did you say?!

Look who's talking!


Did you guys forget?

That satellite was floating using the power from the Angolmois capsule.

Magmatron-sama, please teleport us!

Ah, then, I'll teleport you...

Everyone, standby!

What about me?!

Don't just leave me here!

The "God's satellite" has landed back on the planet Godbless, by way of the power of the Angolmois capsule.

The orange oil recovered by the Cybertrons was returned to the village on the planet.

It's thanks to all of you, the usual peace has returned to the village.

Thank you very much!

I'm glad to hear that.

The Angolmois energy reacted to the minds of people...

...who try to rely on someone else, and it ended up producing the wrong God.

There's a saying, "Do your best and leave the rest to Providence".

It tells us to make a personal effort first, before relying on others.


We'll swear it by our triangle ears and will do our best!

You guys hold it close to your spirits, too!

Yes, sir!

I ended up making another pointless sermon...

However, Big Convoy tells us some pretty good stories.

Colada, don't be just drinking oil; engrave that teaching into your very soul!


It's been bugging me all this time, but can you stop the way you talk, like you're looking down on people?!

Me? When did I look down on you?

You're looking down right now!


A reading from an Angolmois capsule has been found!

OK, everyone! We're heading off to the next planet!

Yes, sir!

Just like another star...

...that is born today

Love is also felt in the universe of one's heart

So let's erase any hatred

It's not about a story, of some far off land

It is something that is happening close to you

The power of imagination that God has given us

It is here for us to realize our dreams

Certainly, anybody can be stronger

So let's hold out our hands to reach for those dreams

Produced by Ashi Production Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs


I'm Break, a penguin... but my heart is ecstatically burning up!

I'm the rabbit, Stampy!

Next, is a planet of ice! Searching for an Angolmois capsule on that planet; you can just leave it to me!

Will you be all right? I'm worried you'll slip?

What did you say?!


Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars Neo.

Episode 3 is, A Burning Spirit Below Freezing.

I'm going to knock over the Destrons!
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