05x18 - as*ault! Randy

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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05x18 - as*ault! Randy

Post by bunniefuu »

Love is here,

...as long as life endures

Dream of love,

I'll continue to protect you for eternity


Can you hear the impact...

...to the ends of the universe?

Warriors of love,

...stand up to become one

Get wild

The flames of courage have been unleashed into the darkness To Protect You

Your spirit will be transformed...

...to the ones who never give up - the Cybertrons

Love is here

Always believe in the future

Dream of love

You're always shining through...

...the Beast Wars Produced by Ashi Production

PLANET TUBE The Cybertrons were waging a fierce battle against the Destrons, chasing after the Angolmois capsules that scattered across the universe.

It seems those Cybertrons haven't shown up yet.

Now's the time to find that Angolmois capsule.

It should be around here...

Wha-? What is that?!

A Cybertron?!

Let's hide!

Getting dusty is not beautiful.

Now I feel refreshed!

I really hate crooked things!


Next, that one!

I guess the Cybertrons have already been here.

But, I haven't seen that guy with Big Convoy's unit before?

You're right about that.

Whichever way you look at, his manner shows he didn't come looking for an Angolmois capsule.

Now I feel refreshed!

To relieve my lack of exercise, this is the best!

Oh? This is the entrance to yer home?

Ah, my apologies!


Please, don't be so mad.

I'm gonna get rid of that Cybertron!

After that, we can take our time finding the capsule.

Don't screw up, it won't be beautiful if you do.

Hey, what's wrong?


What a wimpy Cybertron!

Who're ya?!

Who's the crooked one, doing a sneak attack like that?!

Was it you, guys? That was unforgivable!

Y'all must be poachers.

I won't let ya get away with this!

I'll protect the animals of this planet!

We're not interested in such things like animals!

Every poacher says that!

And they say, what they're interested in is the money and energy!

That's right. We're searching for an energy capsule on this planet.


Ah, that thing.

So, you DO know about it.

I'll take this guy out with another shot from my Tailbunker!




Hey, Sling! You OK?!

Do ya want some, too?!

What the hell was that just now?

Or, should I give ya one more charge, which is my specialty?!

I've been feeling out of shape, so this is good timing!

Sling, let's retreat for now.

DNAVI, please teleport us!

She won't do it by calling her that!

Today, she said something like, "Address me as Hamburg."


Wait, no... not Hamburg.

Or was it, Omelette Rice?

That's it! I remember now!

I'm sure it was Curry Rice!

It's Kerensky!


Do both of you want to be teleported to the end of the universe?

Uh, hang on...!

Wait, DNAVI!

That's not it!

Kerensky-chan, please teleport us!

Huh? Where'd they head off to?

No need to fear.

No matter what happens, I'll be there to protect ya.

That's my mission after all.

No mater what guys come here, I'll be sure to chase them off!

It appears the Destrons were here not too long ago...

We're still getting a capsule reading.

Then let's hurry and bring it back.



Huh? What's that?

Ya just had to come back again?!

A Destron?

To make matters worse, ya have a twisted and crooked figure, which I hate!

Twisted... Is he talking about me?!

N... Now hang on just a second!

I'll straighten ya out, body and mind!


Get off of me!

Pathetic! You were driven back by a single Cybertron. Can you really call yourselves Destrons?

We were blindsided, that's all!

Next time, I'll turn him into scrap!

If that's the case, I should teleport you back soon, as it seems Big Convoy's group is going there, too.

This time around, should I go?

I can go, if you want.

We'll be fine. I've figured out his weak point.

His weak point?

Let go of me!

I can't leave ya when I'm like this, can I?!

Wait up! We're Cybertrons!

There's no wimps like this among the Cybertrons!

I ain't no wimp, I'm flexible!



If you'll excuse me...

Allow me to borrow your boy.

That's... enough...

Y'all are comrades of those guys from earlier!

Ya can't fool me!

Guys from earlier?

I don't know what's up with you...

...but if you still don't get it...!




What is it, you two?

It's dangerous here, so stay back!

What's the matter?

This doesn't sound like a joke.

Y'all are lucky ones!

I'll let ya go for now, so disappear before I return!

So I'm SAYING, we're Cybertrons, also!

...and he's gone.

I wonder what's wrong?

Forget about that guy!

More importantly, the capsule...

Let's just inform Big Convoy about this.

According to the info from HQ,

...the Cybertron who att*cked Colada and Stampy is Randy, who is on a solo mission.


What exactly is his solo mission?

To protect and monitor endangered animals.

An infantry that's protecting animals?

It seems that he can't quite fit into a group.

His wartime career is great, but he's reckless, and the type that goes headlong into whatever he has decided to do.

They said there were many occasions in the past, where he had put his comrades in danger.

So that's why he's on a solo mission...

NAVI, please provide that intel to the two of them.

Understood, Big Convoy!

Colada, Stampy, come in please!

What's wrong? Does your kid have a cold or something?

It's you guys!

We're gonna getcha back from earlier!


They took your kid?

Don't worry.

Rosemary is taking care of him.

Just a second.

Wasn't it Francois?

That's not important right now!

Got it? You bring us the Angolmois capsule, and we'll give the kid back.

Don't worry. I promise to get yer kid back safely.

Hey, you guys! Hurry up and give that kid back!!

That's not beautiful.

So you're saying it's OK for whatever happens to that kid?

Now behave yourself and bring the capsule to us.

Bleah, bleah, blaaah!

Oops, I did something that's not like me...

Hang on a second!

How is this?

You can't give this!

If you give the baby something this hot, he'll get burned!

You know, this isn't a robot who's eating, Guiledart.

T-That's right.

What's it like?

I forgot it wasn't oil!

Eww! That's disgusting!

Come on. No crying now.

If you want the milk, call me Mama Juliette.

Tee hee hee...

It's below this area.

It looks like it's in a cube-shaped cavity.

Hey, you guys...!

I told you I won't hand the capsule over to ya!


How do you know my name?!

We heard about your mission, Randy, from Cybertron HQ.

Don't worry. We're not here to interfere with your mission.

So, can you give us the Angolmois capsule which is on this planet?

The situation has changed!

Unfortunately, I can't let ya have that capsule!

Like we said before, we won't interfere with your mission!

Anyhow, I can't give it to you!

Sorry, but you'll need to get off of this planet!

We can't. We have a mission, too!

It can't be helped then.

That again?!

Hang on! Listen to everything we have to say!

I don't wanna hear your silly talk!

Get off of this planet already!


Damn it all... What a brass-knuckled guy!

NAVI said he was quite the stubborn guy... it's true!

NAVI, has Stampy contacted us?

It seems that Randy is trying to turn them away.

I'd better go there after all, Big Convoy.

Then, I go!

There may be some kind of reason.


Hey! Be a good baby and please don't cry!

Geez! What a noise! Hurry up and stop him from crying, Guiledart!

My sensors are going to end up breaking!

You're requesting me to do something very tough... boo-hoo...

Good grief! These winding paths in this nest of yours makes me irritated!

I'll make them straight for ya someday!

I'm stuck!

I'll hand this to them and bring your kid back.

Don't worry, and wait here!

That freakin' guy... even though he's a Cybertron, next time I see him...!

It's the capsule!

All right!

That was quite the work!

It's that guy...!

You're definitely a Cybertron comrade. You brought us the capsule!

You guys are still here?!

Thank you for bringing the capsule to us, Randy!

I told you earlier! I can't let ya guys have this!

What do you mean by that?!

Good work, Randy!


Randy, don't tell me you...?!

Oh, yes he did...

And YOU may as well finish them off, too!

There! There!

Good baby!

Hasn't that Saberback guy brought back the capsule yet?!

You're clumsy no matter what you do.

What was that?!

Then, why don't you do it?!

That kind of work is best suited for you.


Oh, no!

Huh? Why'd he stop crying?

He says, "Archadis' face is funny".


Laugh even more!

I knew Archadis' face was weird!

Oh, that's good!

You're happy now, thanks to these weird daddy-os!

What do you think you're doing?!

Out of all people, you peed on Mama Juliette's face!

Geez! Go back to your parents already!

Sling, he's our valuable hostage!


I don't think so!

That boar's head-butt is powerful...!

That wasn't beautiful!

So that's the reason, isn't it?



Behave yourself and hand over the capsule!

Then, we don't need a baby like him anymore!

We can't let that happen!

You'd better behave yourself, give up the capsule, and go home.

Or do you wanna present yourselves to HQ?!

If you don't hand over the capsule, then who knows what'll happen to that baby!


That's the reason that Randy kept driving us away!

That's just the kind of thing the Destrons would come up with.

Man! That blasted DNAVI!

I've told her to teleport us when I would give her a signal!


What's wrong, Randy?

Inside a hole, you're not as vigorous as you are on the ground!

After all, a road must be straight!

Somehow I shook them off.



Now how about handing back that child?!

You think I'm gonna do that just because you told me to do so?!

You'll be sorry!

Yup, he's mine!

Saberback, where's the baby?!

Safe and sound!

D... Damn!

Hey, wait for me, Saberback!

Randy, why don't you put your trust in your comrades more from now on?

About that, it seems I was born with a personality that once I start running, I can't stop...

Each one of us possesses an impressive ability as well as skills...

...but they're truly brought out only when comrades trust each other.

I'd like you to remember that.

I understand, Big Convoy.

Yet again, I said something that wasn't like me...

You talked big, and yet you couldn't get the capsule in the end?!

First and foremost, you guys come up with silly ideas, and I always end up getting burned!

You've been holding on to that all this time...

You didn't mind taking care of the baby so much, did you?

T-T-Teleport this to that baby.

...he seemed he liked drinking it, so...

It looks like he's better off doing a solo mission on this planet after all.

Well, our unit has many individuals like him, you know.

Actually, you, Mach Kick are the most similar to Randy, don't you think?

H-How so?!

Ah! Big Convoy, we've picked up another Angolmois capsule reading.

Good! All right everyone, let's go!

Yes, sir!

Just like another star...

...that is born today

Love is also felt in the universe of one's heart

So let's erase any hatred

It's not about a story, of some far off land

It is something that is happening close to you

The power of imagination that God has given us

It is here for us to realize our dreams

Certainly, anybody can be stronger

So let's hold out our hands to reach for those dreams

Produced by Ashi Production Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs


Stampy, do you know Bump the Physicist?

Even though he's a Cybertron, he steals parts from our spaceship...

...he's single-minded and hard-headed, too...

But that guy has one of the Angolmois capsules!

On top of that, it's banged-up and looks like it's gonna fall apart at any time!

Really?! If he decided to disassemble it or something, there's gonna be a huge expl*si*n!

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars Neo.

Episode 19 is, Bump the Physicist.

Please look forward to it!

I'm not a big fan of a guy like that!
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