05x19 - Physicist Bump

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
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05x19 - Physicist Bump

Post by bunniefuu »

Love is here,

...as long as life endures

Dream of love,

I'll continue to protect you for eternity


Can you hear the impact...

...to the ends of the universe?

Warriors of love,

...stand up to become one

Get wild

The flames of courage have been unleashed into the darkness To Protect You

Your spirit will be transformed...

...to the ones who never give up - the Cybertrons

Love is here

Always believe in the future

Dream of love

You're always shining through...

...the Beast Wars Produced by Ashi Production


The Cybertrons have warped close to the planet Tasmo.

Then, they shot an experimental capsule.

The planet Tasmo has a large amount of metallic shards in the atmosphere.

Why's that?

Due to the manner of its gravitational pull, a large number of satellite pieces have gathered from the surrounding planets.

The capsule has been destroyed.

As you can see from the test-fly, the probability of a capsule reaching the surface of this planet is...

...0.09 percent.

So, it's just about nil.

However we look at this, there shouldn't be any capsule on this planet...

But, there's a subtle reading of a capsule from the planet Tasmo, Heinrad.

There's also a possibility that the capsule got destroyed and the energy has already been discharged.

If so, there's nothing we can do, then!


However, there is a possibility that the capsule still remains, even though it's a small chance.

We can't let the Destrons have that!

But, how will we go there?

This time, we'll board the Seagull and go check it out!

Yes, sir!

Work journal. Fair weather.

A piece of scrap metal came down. I picked it up.


Gawd... why us?!

Hey, Stampy, how's the reading?


It seems that the energy has not been discharged into the air.

Then that means the capsule should be somewhere.

Ah! A reading!

Which way?

Let's see... D501.

The reading is getting stronger?

It should be close.

What's wrong?

It's no use! There's electromagnetic interference!

It seems there is some magnetic containing minerals.

What a nuisance!

Goodness, what're we gonna do? I have no idea...

Did somebody just take it?!

Was it those Destron guys?

Who on earth did this?

Not only do we have to look for the capsule, but now parts, too.

"When it rains, it pours", you know.

What a nuisance.

We might still be okay!

It's a track in which somebody dragged the part...

What a dummy!

If we follow this track...!

It seems there's no trace of any Angolmois energy that was discharged.

That means, the capsule is here, right?! Right?!

It'll be ours!

What is that over there?

Are there living things on this planet?

Work journal: I've found parts great for making an analysis device.

Good results.

Wha? What?!

What is this place?

You guys are Destrons!

Hey, do you know anything about a capsule?

It fell to this planet.

Hurry up and spit it out!

I... I don't know!

Where is it?! Where've ya put it?!

Hurry up and say it!

Such a tough guy to deal with!

Hey, hold it!

Just as I thought, the Destrons were already here!





We'll retreat for now!

H-Hey, wait!

We don't have to run away from that kind of attack, you know?

You saw that facility, right?

It appears that he's researching minerals.

If that's the case, he will definitely know where the capsule is.

We'll spy on them and have them guide us to the capsule's location.

Are you OK?

That attack didn't phase me at all...

And who the heck are you exactly?!

I am Bump of the Cybertrons.

A Cybertron?!

But, what are you doing in a place like this?

Look around, and you can't figure that out?

This is a research facility for minerals.

I send the analysis results to HQ.

Research of minerals...

You've got lots of them here!

Research on mere rocks?

Nonetheless, Cybertrons should be fighting the Destrons!

This type of low-profile research is...

...keeping the Cybertrons strong.

Something you kids wouldn't understand...

Who're you calling kids?!

Calm down. Fighting is no good.

Fellow Cybertrons should get along with each other!

Isn't that...?!

So it was freakin' YOU who stole the parts from the Seagull!

You've got some nerve!

I didn't steal any parts...

I just moved the stuff that was there.

Good grief, we can't be too careful around this guy!

But, Bump-san, if you're researching this planet's minerals,

...you must know the whereabouts of the capsule.

What the freakin' hell is wrong with this guy?!! Hey, reply, at least!!!

I think that means to follow him...

Hey, kids...

...is this the capsule you are looking for?

This is it!

It's the capsule!

But it's in rough shape.

It looks like, with any type of impact, the energy would spout out!

If by any chance, the capsule exploded on impact...

...a planet like this will be blown to bits.

He makes a huge thing sound like it's no big deal!

We know its power all too well...

It's extremely dangerous...

Time to suck it up and carry this thing!


Alright. Let's get back to the Seagull.

But, Break, isn't the Seagull missing parts?

Freakin' fix it now!

If you're going to take the capsule, leave the parts behind.

Just how are we gonna go back without the parts?!

Freakin' hurry up and fix it!

My goodness... you guys are so unreasonable...

Sling, didn't I tell you?

You were right, Guiledart!

This time for sure...!


That's dangerous!!

What're you gonna do if you hit the capsule?!

TAIL sh**t!

I've got it!

You scumbag!

Hey, Bump! You freakin' fight, too!

Huh? I don't feel like it...

Bump-san is a researcher, you know!

I know he is... but at this rate, the capsule will be-!


They took off with the capsule...

Bump!! It's your fault, because you freakin' didn't do anything!

Huh? Such things are none of my concern.

Son of a...! I don't freakin' care if you're a researcher or what; what the hell is wrong with you?!!


I, Guiledart have returned with the capsule and completed the mission.

Guiledart, good work.


See, what I can do?

Oh dear...

It looks like the energy is going to spout out anytime now.

That's scary.

Huh? We've got a problem here!

What's wrong, DNAVI?

What's the meaning of this?!

There's nothing inside of this capsule!


That means there's no energy at all inside this capsule!

Completely and totally empty!

Guiledart, this is not a beautiful job.

So, you came back to this Dinosaur, beaming with pride,

...and holding the empty capsule so carefully in your arms, huh?

Those guys...!

What did you just say?!

Could you repeat that again, Bump-san?!

What I said, is there's no energy inside that capsule.

So just what happened?

Well now...

While I was out for a walk, looking for minerals, the capsule came down from the sky.

However, it looked like the contents of it would come out anytime soon, so...

...I moved the content to another capsule.

I get it now!

That's why you didn't counterattack when the Destrons came.

I don't like to fight when I don't need to.

Then, you should have freakin' told us that earlier, you, son of a...!

Calm down, Break!

And, where is the transferred capsule, Bump-san?

I don't know.

Don't freakin' curl up again!!

Here it is!

Before we take it, we'll ask him to restore the Seagull.

That's right.

When I was thinking about making a new analysis device...

If you have time to move your freakin' mouth, move your hands instead!

You, kids, are sl*ve drivers...

But you know, those Destrons went through a lot of trouble to get something that was empty inside.

They got what they deserved!

You got that right!

That's exactly what they call it; "a lot of trouble for nothing"!

Those Destron guys showed up again?!

Even you guys laugh at us, too?!

I hate to be laughed at!




Hey! Why don't you freakin' attack already?!

I don't feel like it...

You don't have to feel like it, just attack!

TAIL sh**t!

This time around, we'll be taking this!


What is this?!

Hey, what's this device?!

I'm not telling guys like you!

Why you little--!

Hurry up and spill it!

I guess I have no choice...

That capsule has a device on it that will explode if an impact is given.


Bump-san, why'd you make such a device?!

I didn't want it to be taken by anybody.

All we have to do is to carry it carefully.

That's right.

Hey, Sling, don't jolt it!

I didn't jolt it!

We're going to sh**t that capsule!

Don't be stupid!

You know if this capsule explodes, you will be blown to bits along with this planet!

You want to test that?


Should I sh**t it~?

Stop! We'll put it down now.

Now's our chance!

Hey, Heinrad!

On it!

Now, it's our turn over here... to attack!

I'm gonna hit it!

Don't you know what'll happen if you fire?!

I don't!

H-Hey, Break...

He's the type who would really do that, you know...

You're right about that for sure...

Let's all be blown to bits together!

How can this be?!

Whoever has the capsule in their possession will be at a disadvantage!

It's like a staring contest...

If you laugh, you lose...!

This isn't what this is!


Just how can we free ourselves from this situation?!

I don't have time for this...

That's right! We'll have Bump...

...remove this device!

Hey, remove it!

It's too much trouble...

What the hell are you talking about, ya little bastard?!

Anyway, we have Bump-san...

I'm taking him!


This is just like American rugby!


It's mine!

Uh, my... head... is spinning!

Hey, Bump! This isn't the time to be taking a nap!

DNAVI, send us some backup!

What a pain...

Ready to teleport.


Saberback, Deadend, we're leaving these guys to you.

We'll dispose of them beautifully.


DEAD g*n!

We're at a disadvantage in terms of numbers!

For pity's sake, you have to fight, too!

I don't feel like it...

He's still saying that!

Request for aid!

They seem to be in hot water.

Big Convoy, we should go and help them!

But, the Seagull is out...

We can't slip through that atmosphere, right?

And we don't have that convenient teleporting device, either.

Okay then, I'll go via the transporter.

That's reckless!

The transporter can't do course correction!

Once it's shot, that's it. You'll never know how many metal shards you'll collide against...

Big Convoy, your body won't be able to take it.

If you collide against something with the speed of entering the atmosphere, you'll be ripped to shreads and destroyed!

Longrack is correct!

I can't just stand by silently overlooking my crew being in a crunch!

Big Convoy, I'll go, too!

Let's just have it be me who will be exposed to this danger.

Ready to launch!


Big Convoy!


How could you do such a thing to my lab?!

SPIRAL b*mb!

H-How could you do that?!

Now I am MAD!




So you can do it when you set your mind to it!

Seems so!

Then, he should have fought much earlier!

Now, counterattack!


Carefully... carefully now...

Put that capsule down on the ground immediately!

If not, then my Big Cannon will make it explode!

I give up!

Bump, I must ask you to remove the device.

No way.

Bump-san, please.

Big Convoy is asking this of you!

This guy is really stubborn.

It's thanks to you the Destrons weren't able to make off with this capsule.

Really? You think so?

Besides, we got to understand quite well that the Cybertrons are able to stay strong...

...all thanks to the honest research done by those like yourself!

Well, since you put it that way, then I don't mind.

That should do it.

I wonder if the Seagull is back to the way it was?

Bump, we're looking forward to the success of your mission!

Yeah, I'll keep working hard analyzing these minerals.

See ya.


Something's weird...

What exactly?

Well, the Seagull's turbo device didn't operate very well.

Work journal.

The Cybertron kids took off with the capsule...

...and instead, they left the turbo device behind.

Everything else, is the same as before.

Just like another star...

...that is born today

Love is also felt in the universe of one's heart

So let's erase any hatred

It's not about a story, of some far off land

It is something that is happening close to you

The power of imagination that God has given us

It is here for us to realize our dreams

Certainly, anybody can be stronger

So let's hold out our hands to reach for those dreams

Produced by Ashi Production Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs


Break, there's trouble!

Something's coming toward us, smashing piles of rocks!

Stampy, that's Hardhead rumored to be the one with hardest head in the entire universe.

He's the newest comrade of the Destrons.

For a simple type of individual like him, we should outsmart him, using our heads!



You've got the meaning WRONG!

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars Neo.

Episode 20 is, Hardhead is Hardheaded.

Please look forward to it!

A hard head is hardheaded...

...it's so literal...
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