05x20 - Hardhead is Hardhead

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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05x20 - Hardhead is Hardhead

Post by bunniefuu »

Love is here,

...as long as life endures

Dream of love,

I'll continue to protect you for eternity


Can you hear the impact...

...to the ends of the universe?

Warriors of love,

...stand up to become one

Get wild

The flames of courage have been unleashed into the darkness To Protect You

Your spirit will be transformed...

...to the ones who never give up - the Cybertrons

Love is here

Always believe in the future

Dream of love

You're always shining through...

...the Beast Wars Produced by Ashi Production

PLANET INTEL Big Convoy and the Cybertron warriors have caught another Angolmois capsule reading,

...and are investigating on the planet Intel.

There's a Destron mark here, too...

Strange... The Destrons are not supposed to be here yet...

Good. I'll make this area a Destron territory also.

T-That guy... he blew that boulder away with his head!

So that's the guy who's been putting the Destron stickers up?

I'll keep putting these stickers up!


Let's just leave him be. Our mission is to bring back the capsule.

No, we can't let this pass, knowing that he's a Destron!

We shouldn't bother picking a fight with a hardheaded guy like that, don't you think?

From now on, this area is Destron territory!

I ain't gonna allow stuff like that!


Ah, that's the way it goes...


You guys are Cybertrons?!

Behave yourself and get off this planet!

You're the ones who should leave!





I guess his forte isn't just his hard head...



That's why I told you not to bother...

W-Where'd they go?

Guys, it seems there's already a Destron on that planet, so be careful!

He's a dinosaur type with a hard head, and he uses a sword called the Pile Saber..

But it seems that he does not belong to the Magmatron unit...

Acquiring the capsule is our priority; avoid all meaningless battles.

Yes, sir!

If Mach Kick was hurt like that...

That guy tends to underestimate his opponent.

Well, it was a good lesson for him, I suppose?

But, you know, if we see the Destrons, we can't just run away, can we?

We're NOT running away, we just won't fight them.

I'm pretty sure that he would think we're the animals from this planet.

But, Mach Kick's group was exposed as being Cybertrons!

I wonder if things can go well like that?!

Are you from this planet?

It's HIM!

So, ARE you?!

Th-That's right.

Th-This guy is a simpleton!

He seems to have forgotten about Mach Kick?!

What're you guys mumbling about? Answer me!

Yes, we're the rabbit and penguin who live in this jungle.

Very well.

This jungle has been made a Destron territory from this point on...

I, the Land Battle Captain, Hardhead-sama, declares this!

What the hell do you mean by "Destron territory"?!


Huh? What's wrong?

Uh, sorry about that!

He's so happy to be in your presence, Hardhead-san, and he's gotten too excited!

Let go of me!

Leave this to me!

He might know the whereabouts of the Angolmois capsule.

If you're gonna reject it, I'll take this stone-hard head of mine and...

Of course not!

We would never reject Hardhead-san's decision!

Now that's a good spirit!

Um, Hardhead-san, would you mind terribly if we follow you?


Hey, Stampy, what the hell are you saying?!

Ah, the truth is, we're looking for a capsule.

Hardhead-san, do you happen to know where it is?


A capsule...

...maybe that one?

So you freakin' know?!

Y-You know it then.

I think I saw something like a capsule somewhere...

I forgot.

Please remember!

Why're ya guys looking for that capsule anyway?

T-That's... well...

If it explodes, this planet will be in real trouble!

That's why we have to find it quickly and do something!

Right, Bre-san?


I can't remember.

Until we find the capsule, would it be okay if we tag along with you, Hardhead-san?

Do as you like.

That guy... will he really remember?

He has to remember.

There's no path before me, but there will be a path made behind me...

This planet should have a Destron comrade on it.

A comrade, you say?

Yes, a Land Battle Captain named Hardhead, who is trying to make this planet a Destron territory.


I've heard of that name.

I heard there was a guy who survived after taking a direct hit from the Cybertrons during the battle on Planet Thompson.

That sounds interesting! We should bring him over to our Destron unit as soon as we find him.

I suggest we reconsider that.

What? Why not, DNAVI?

He is strong, but I heard that he's hardheaded and stubborn,

...plus, he doesn't think or listen to whomever, which makes him dangerous.

Even if it's Magmatron-sama's words?


But if you find him, he might be able to help you on the capsule's whereabouts.

Sending Sling is good enough for such an easy task.

What's that supposed to mean?!

No, I'm saying that only Sling can win around such a tough guy.

Will you go, Sling?

Since you put it that way...

Please teleport me, DNAVI.

I would like you to address me as Brilliant Queen.

Fine. Please teleport me, Bully-Bully Queen!

You pest!

Hardhead-san, we don't see it anywhere...

Was it in this jungle?

Then, where the he...ck is... it... may... I... ask?

Where did I see it?

I can't remember.

Geez! Fine, I'll make you remember!

W-What are you going to do? B-Break?!

Hardhead-san, look out! It's a meteorite!

That's right! I remember now!

What was that?

Um, I thought a meteorite came crashing down...

Um, do you remember the place where the capsule is?

I just did, but...

...I've forgotten now.

Please hurry up and remember, it could be any time that there's an expl*si*n, Hardhead-san!

Who exactly do you think you are dealing with?

Graciously, this is the number one hardheaded Destron, Hardhead-sama!

Take a good look at this Destron insignia!

Hardhead-sama, if you wouldn't mind!

It can't be helped.

Do ya want another one?!

Good! Stick another Destron insignia around here!


I remember!

I saw it at a desert ahead of here.

I'm not sure who the hell this guy is but...

...if he's useful, I'd would love to make him my subordinate.

Just where the heck is it?

Ah! Sling!!

Now what, Stampy?!

I've got a good idea, watch!

A good idea?

Hardhead-san, take a look at this!

What is it?

That guy over there is one who's disliked, and is trying to take ownership of this planet!


Beat the crap outta him, Hardhead-san!



Oh? You're Hardhead?

Eat this!!


Now, that is what I'd expected from you, Hardhead-san!

Now I'm sure he'll give up on wanting to own this planet!

By the way, do you remember the place where the capsule is?

The capsule?

I forgot!

Ah, I forgot... I forgot...

Stampy, let's quit dealing with this guy already.

I think you're right.

I remember!

Really, Hardhead-san?!

There was a big crater at the foot of that mountain, and I might have seen it there.

It better be true this time!

Who knows?

That hardheaded Hardhead, he's gonna regret that!

It seems that our ally is giving you trouble, Sling?

Shut up!

Stop this!

You can't do whatever you want in this Destron territory!

Aren't you the guys Hardhead-san dealt with earlier?

Wow! Hardhead-san has really boosted up his name recognition!

What are you doing in this place?

What, are ya from this planet?!

Ah... A-Allow me to make the introductions!

This is the ingenious, smartest, clever and annoying, Giraffe-kun!

Didn't you say something unnecessary just now?

And this is calm, cool, collected and sarcastic, Snake-kun!

What didja just say?!

Are they acquaintances of yours?

Yes, well, no, about that... right, Bre-san?

Th-Th-Th-That's right! Don't need to concern yourself, Hardhead-san.

Guys, go home! Go home!

You guys must be threatened by this guy, right?

Then, I'll change forms and...!


What, they aren't your friends?

Fine. Watch me!

W-Wait a sec!!

H-Hey, I haven't done the Destrons' territorial declaration!


What's wrong, Longrack?

Has Stampy or Break contacted you yet?

Not yet.

The two of them were walking with the Destron whom Mach Kick encountered.

Maybe they were told to obey that hardheaded guy?!

I would obey him, too, if I were them...

We should go help them, Big Convoy!

Even though they haven't contacted us yet...

Well, well, thank you so much!

Actually I wasn't a big fan of that long-necked guy!

Uh, I-I actually h-hate the slithery snake as well!

Well, you should have told me sooner!

More importantly, we should hurry to the place where the capsule is!

Come on, let's hurry!

We'll have to remove it for the Destrons' sake, otherwise their territory will be jeopardized!

R... Right.

Come on now, let's go. Let's hurry and go.

Sta-san, Sta-san!

What is it, Bre-san?

Now that we know where the capsule is, we don't have to play along with him.

But he might get it wrong again.

If we don't find it like we've anticipated, we'd better give up on using him.

You're probably right.

There it is!

This time it's for real!


The Destrons will be taking that capsule!

After all the trouble we went through just to find it, we're not going to lose it!


We ended up fighting in the end.

Stampy, you rest! I'll take on this guy by myself!

I'll handle this guy! You get the capsule!

Fine with me. I'll leave you to let loose!


What, he is more fierce than usual!


What?! What?! What?!


I had wondered where ya got off to?

What da hell are ya doing in that place?!

Well, about that...

Hardhead? I'm Archadis of Magmatron's unit.


That's him! I'm gonna take care of you later!

Hardhead, ya still remember what ya did at that time...?!

At that time?

Don't tell me you forgot!

I forgot.

You att*cked me out of the blue with that empty stone-hard-head of yours!

Hardhead, if you destroy those two, you can have an audience with Magmatron-sama.

Those two? But there's just one here.

Why don't you show your true colors, Stampy of the Cybertrons!


It looks like we're gonna have to fight, Stampy!

It looks that way!


You are... actually Cybertrons?!


How dare ya make a fool out of yours truly!!

It's because it took you so long to remember the capsule's whereabouts!

Shut up!


Stop running away like a mouse!

With this, I'm going to beat the hell outta them until they're scrap!

This is why we should've taken him out right from the get-go!




That's dangerous!

We can leave this to Hardhead while we take the capsule...!

When he's done with the Cybertrons, I'm gonna get him back for that head-butt!

I'll have to ask you to leave the capsule behind!

Big Convoy!

The Cybertrons' boss, huh?

Leave him to me as well!



'Kay, I'll try!

DOUBLE m*ssile!

All right!



That's it now. Do you still want to keep on going?

Sling, let's retreat!

Okay, Bully-Bully Queen, please teleport us!

Y-You forgot me, DNAVI, or rather, Bully-Bully Queen!

Bully-Bully Queen!

All right, let's bring the capsule back!

Yes, sir!

I didn't thank him, though. Hardhead-san is the one who lead us to the capsule after all.

He'll end up forgetting about us anyway.

They say, "Leave the hard-headed ones alone, and you won't be cursed."

What a silly thing I've just said...

What's that supposed to mean?

Don't even ask!

Magmatron-sama, Hardhead should continue fulfilling his mission on that planet.

Fine, it'll be his punishment for failing to acquire the capsule.

Hey, DNAVI, what happened to Sling?

I dunno... if he remembers my name, I'll teleport him.

You almost remembered just now!

You're becoming even more and more thickheaded!

I'll make you my subordinate on this planet!

W-Who the hell would want to work under you, you hardheaded idiot?!

What was that?!

Here we go one more time!

Bully-Bully Queen!

Just like another star...

...that is born today

Love is also felt in the universe of one's heart

So let's erase any hatred

It's not about a story, of some far off land

It is something that is happening close to you

The power of imagination that God has given us

It is here for us to realize our dreams

Certainly, anybody can be stronger

So let's hold out our hands to reach for those dreams

Produced by Ashi Production Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs


Let's participate in the #1 Space Martial Arts Tournament,

...and get the Angolmois capsule, the winner's prize!

Are you sure about this?!

Something smells fishy, wouldn't you say?

The one waiting at the venue which was made deep in the ocean is...

...Sharpedge, who has been tricked by the Destrons.

He's an unbelievable one, whom they say is the No. 1 in the universe for battling in the sea!

What're we gonna do?

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars Neo.

Episode 21 is, One on One Combat in the Deep Sea!!

Please look forward to it!

Big Convoy, save us!
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