05x21 - Deepsea Single Combat!!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
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5 - Beast Wars Neo
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05x21 - Deepsea Single Combat!!

Post by bunniefuu »

Love is here,

...as long as life endures

Dream of love,

I'll continue to protect you for eternity


Can you hear the impact...

...to the ends of the universe?

Warriors of love,

...stand up to become one

Get wild

The flames of courage have been unleashed into the darkness To Protect You

Your spirit will be transformed...

...to the ones who never give up - the Cybertrons

Love is here

Always believe in the future

Dream of love

You're always shining through...

...the Beast Wars Produced by Ashi Production

PLANET AQUARIUS On the sea planet Aquarius, there is one beleaguered warrior.

It is the lone wolf, Sharpedge, whom they say might exceed Big Convoy in actual combat skills.

Feel as if the sound of the roaring waves are his breathing...

Feel as if the surging wave is a sign of his very presence...

If I feel I can tear through the raging waves,

...then it is possible to tear through Big Convoy as well!




You've lost, Big Convoy!



It's completed!

The lethal technique, Raging Waves Destroyer!

Bravo! Your lethal technique, Raging Waves Destroyer, is complete!


How do you know the name of my technique?!

How?! You just said that you can tear through Big Convoy with that lethal technique...

W-What?! You even know that?!

Like I said before, you've just said that out loud.

Oh no!

I have a habit of saying my inner thoughts out loud, due to my long training in solitude!

I have to be careful...

Even though he's my rival, we're Cybertron brethren and yet,

...this desire of mine wanting to fight against Big Convoy...

...must not be made public!

You don't have to worry about being a Cybertron or Destron, you know.

Oh no!

I said something out loud again!

If you were to fight Big Convoy, the victory would definitely go to you, Sharpedge-dono.

Where did you hear of my name?!

Like I said, you've just...

Well, whatever. But I can't be wanting to settle things like that with my Cybertron companion.

If it was a fair and square match, what would you say?

A match?

That's right.

By holding the #1 Space Martial Arts Tournament, we'll call for Big Convoy's participation.

The #1 Space Martial Arts Tournament?

That-! That was dangerous!

I'd like to avoid falling into the planet Aquarius' strong acidic seas, whatever it takes.

Sharpedge-dono's powerful armor would be fine in it, but someone like me would melt into nothing.

Just who exactly are you?!

Let's see...

I'm an outer space event coordinator, so to speak.

I just like to do fun things.

I'm willing to make your wish come true.

The #1 Space Martial Arts Tournament?!

That's right.

I was looking up on the Space-Net, and then I saw this announcement...

It says the winner's prize is the Angolmois capsule.

The Angolmois capsule, you say?!

Then, yours truly will have to show up and grab the championship!

Your defense is perfect, but your offense is questionable.

That's right.

Using only the Elastic Hand won't get him anywhere in the tournament!

It's like they say, "A foolish horse's memory sticks to only one thing".

What was that?!

Ah, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

A Japanese pepper might be small, but still packs a punch!

Yours truly, Break-sama, will easily win it for you!

This sounds quite interesting...

Everyone, just hold on!

Do you know just who is the organizer for this?

It just says; "Space Martial Arts Federation".

We, Cybertron warriors, can't participate in such a shady tournament like that!


You've made a correct assessment of the situation as a lieutenant.

Y-Yes, Big Convoy!

We're heroic warriors of justice.

It's not desirable to participate in a tournament where its purpose is to only show off your own power.

Well, now that you mention it​, you're right...

Come on now, this conversation is over!

Let's go on our regular patrol, everybody!

Regular patrol... did we ever do stuff like that?

Not that I know of.

So earlier, where did NAVI say that #1 Space Martial Arts Tournament was being held at?

She said it's on Planet Aquarius.

Hey... Longrack...!

Don't tell me you're planning on participating in that #1 Space Martial Arts Tournament?!

What the heck?! YOU said we weren't allowed, Longrack!

About that, I happened to overhear this...

It seems there is a delay with collecting of the Angolmois capsules.

Is it because of the trainees?

If that's the case, we could switch all of the trainees, if you want.

No, I take full responsibility​.

There's no problem with the trainees.

We'll wait for three more days, Big Convoy.

If you aren't able to acquire another Angolmois capsule during that time, we'll have to check on your competence as a commander.

I understand.

Th-This is bad!

What did you say?!

I see... Longrack, that's why you said stuff like that back there...

We shouldn't be making Big Convoy worry but...

We have only a half day left, so no matter what, we have to get that Angolmois capsule...!

You're so great!

All of us, Cybertrons, will join forces together and...

...will win the #1 Space Martial Arts Tournament!

Th-That's right.

Alright! If that's the case, I'll do whatever to help out!

All in all, Big Convoy's been taking good care of us, you know!

Well, when we join our hands together, there's nothing scary in the universe!

I-I don't think that's the case, though...

It's been a while since I've been ecstatically on fire like this!

Behind Big Convoy's back, the team of Cybertrons...

...head to the planet Aquarius to participate in the #1 Space Martial Arts Tournament.


...to the planet Aquarius, everyone!

Is this the venue to participate in the #1 Space Martial Arts Tournament?

From the look of it...

...I don't see any plausible competition site anywhere.

Don't freakin' tell me that was fake info?!

Don't worry, you're not mistaken.

Look over there.

The venue for the match is the Sea Dome under this ocean.

A strong acidic sea surrounds it.

If you touch it even a little bit, you'll melt.

There is nowhere to either run or hide.

So, would you still like to participate?

W-What should we do?!

It sounds pretty dangerous!

Guys, now is our chance to go home...

The championship prize is definitely the Angolmois capsule, right?!

Of course.

We came here all this way and how can we shamelessly go home now?!

That's right! Everyone is participating!

That's right! Let's do this, guys!

Should I go home, using the Time Freeze...?

That thing over there... it looks like a big ball of water.

Perhaps, that dome was made by controlling sea water, using a gravity control device.

That means...

...as soon as you step outside of it, you'll end up in a sea of strong acid!

No way! If we're thrown into it, we won't stand a chance!

You worry too much! This is a competition, not about k*lling each other!

I know that but...!

I knew it... I should have gone back home earlier...

This is amazing!

I'm so excited to see what kind of formidable competitors have entered!

You guys are too easy-going...!

Did you say something?!

Sham sleep!

Magmatron, that Archadis guy is transmitting to us.

Magmatron-sama, all of the Cybertron cadets have been secured.

I see.

However, the one whom really needs to be defeated, is Big Convoy alone!

That's right. Don't be bragging about securing those guys!

Just leave this to me.

Currently, Big Convoy is completely grown into being an instructor.

If the lives of his beloved pupils are in danger, he'll do whatever it takes to pursue and get them back.

Even if you were able to lure Big Convoy, I don't think there's anybody who can defeat him other than me.

About that, there's one who could do it among the Cybertrons.

Don't tell me... are you planning to get a fellow Cybertron to fight him, Archadis?!

You CAN'T make that happen!

Just leave this to me.

How's it going, Sharpedge-dono?

Oh, it's you, Archadis!

I can hardly wait! When is my turn?!

Please wait a bit longer.

You're a seeded warrior.

Right now, the small fry are doing the qualifying tournament so...

Is Big Convoy really coming?!

For the sake of his beloved subordinates, or rather...

...for the sake of his own glory, as #1 in the universe.

He's definitely coming.

More importantly, the match between Sharpedge and Big Convoy is today's main event!

Please make it a blast!

Of course, and I'll definitely win!!

What's with those guys?! Trying to be cool, huh?!

Where the hell did they come from?

But somehow they look strong, though!

Guys, be confident!

Let's prove that fighting alongside Big Convoy every day hasn't gone to waste!

That's right! We'll win this contest, get the Angolmois capsule as a present and help Big Convoy out, right, guys?!

That's right!

Announcement to the warriors who've entered the #1 Space Martial Arts Tournament...

...it was planned for an elimination tournament at first, but due to various circumstances...

...we're changing it to be a Battle Royal, round-robin, survival game!

What the heck do they mean by a round-robin, survival game?!

For some reason, this seems to be strange...

It's them! The Destrons!

Even if our opponents are the Destrons, this is a Martial Arts Tournament, so things are different!




Come on, bring it!



DEAD g*n!

TAIL sh**t!

This ain't no martial arts tournament!!

Crap! This is a trap!

This #1 Space Martial Arts Tournament was made just to lure us in!

You're a bit late to figure that out!

Why, you! I'll get you for this!

You scumbags want some?!

Hide out somewhere!

We've gotta figure this out!

There's nowhere to hide!

M-My body-!!

We're surrounded by a sea of strong acid.

If you go out of the dome, you'll melt!


What can we do?!

I don't wanna deal with a sea of acid!

Then, we've just gotta fight!



DOUBLE m*ssile!

I-I don't have a powerful w*apon!

Not much I can do about this...!


That's quite enough of this, you Cybertrons!

It seems something strange is going on!

What's going on over there?!

What the hell are you doing?! Things were just getting good!

Only a bit more, and we would have defeated them!

Why the heck did you divide the dome for?!

You foolish ones! If you destroy them, this entire plan will go to waste!

Our real purpose is Big Convoy.

What are you going to do with them, Archadis?!

After we're done with Big Convoy, we'll throw them out into the sea of acid.

They'll be eroded by the strong acid and quickly fall apart into scrap.

W-What's happening?!

It looks like the section where we were standing has been cut off.

So now it's impossible to run away from here!

Hey! How dare you lock us up in a place like this!

If you're gonna k*ll us, then freakin' do it already!!

I can't do that.

That's Archadis' voice!

You are my precious hostages in order to lure Big Convoy!


Their target was Big Convoy!

Oh... I see...

We did this for Big Convoy's sake, but we ended up causing him trouble...

Big Convoy, there's this message in the Space-Net!

Dear Big Convoy-san, we're looking after your beloved subordinates.

If you want to safely rescue them,

...please join us on the planet Aquarius for the #1 Space Martial Arts Tournament.

We are waiting for you.

What?! They went there?!

I'm sorry! It's all because I had told them something unnecessary!

Sharpedge-dono, are you ready?

You've come, Big Convoy!

Now, please enter, Big Convoy.

Look over there!

We're sorry to cause you this, Big Convoy!

Big Convoy, today's opponent will be this warrior!


Big Convoy, today is the day...

...to find out who is stronger!

Wait, Sharpedge! Do you actually understand what you're doing?!

I do understand!

This is a martial arts tournament to decide who is #1 in the universe!

Wait! No, it isn't!

That blasted Big Convoy, he's telling him something unnecessary!

I'll force him to fight him!

This is bad! At this rate, Big Convoy will melt apart in the acidic sea!

I know that, but...!



No matter what I say, Sharpedge just won't listen right now!

Do I have to fight?


Big Convoy, prepare to receive my lethal technique that I've been refining for this very day!

Prepare yourself, Big Convoy!



It's no use, I can't dodge it!




ARM sh**t!


Big Convoy!

This is a one on one battle between us!

You guys, don't get involved!

Calm down, Sharpedge!


You are being used!

What's going on?! Did Sharpedge win?!

Oh, Sharpedge!

I knew you're the one who would do it!



Ow, ow, ow!

So, the plan failed!


I'm sorry, Big Convoy...

I can't believe I did such a thing, taken in by that Destron's smooth talk...

I think I'll need to retrain once again.

No, it's enough if you understood what I meant.

As some way of apologizing...

I'll present to you the Angolmois capsule that I found during my training.

All right! Thanks goodness, Big Convoy!

Now Big Convoy won't lose his job.

Hush! That's supposed to be a secret!

Th-That's right...


No, well... about that...

You knew about what HQ said, and did it to help me?

However, the penalty for participating in the tournament without permission won't be light.

I'm ordering you all to be suspended for three days!

In between that time, make sure you get some good maintenance done.

Guys, don't be doing reckless stuff...

Big Convoy understands why we wanted to participate in the martial arts tournament.

That's our Commander! He's such a mature bot!

I've said something out of character, even though there was no transmission from Vector Sigma...

Oh well.

Just like another star...

...that is born today

Love is also felt in the universe of one's heart

So let's erase any hatred

It's not about a story, of some far off land

It is something that is happening close to you

The power of imagination that God has given us

It is here for us to realize our dreams

Certainly, anybody can be stronger

So let's hold out our hands to reach for those dreams

Produced by Ashi Production Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs


This is bad! This is bad! This is bad!

Buzz off! We're on a holiday!

But, the Gung-Ho has been stolen!

NAVI, you were there, so just what the hell were you doing?!

But, Erima-Oinarin, the fox and Daruma-Jiro, the armadillo are...!

What are you talking about, NAVI?! Get yourself together!!

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars Neo.

Episode 22, The Stolen Gung-Ho.

Please look forward to it!

It's true! Daruma-san is...!
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