05x26 - Robbed Capsule

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
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05x26 - Robbed Capsule

Post by bunniefuu »

Love is here,

...as long as life endures

Dream of love,

I'll continue to protect you for eternity



Can you hear the impact...

...to the ends of the universe?

Warriors of love,

...stand up to become one

Get wild

The flames of courage have been unleashed into the darkness

Your spirit will be transformed...

...to the ones who never give up - the Cybertrons

Love is here

Always believe in the future

Dream of love

You're always shining through...

...the Beast Wars

Produced by Ashi Production

While Big Convoy's team was on the way to deliver the Angolmois capsules that they had collected thus far to the front-line base,

...all of a sudden, they were att*cked by some mysterious Transformers and the capsules were stolen by them.

While the Cybertrons are recovering from their injuries,

...they try and figure out the whereabouts of the stolen capsules, so that they can recover them.

But we're not sure if we can defeat them when we see them next.

Yeah, we would be better off going to look for another capsule.

Don't you think so, Heinrad?

But, I'm worried what the capsules would be used for, if we leave them as they are...


The three Blentrons, Rartorata, Elphaorpha and Drancron, are even trying to get their hands on the capsules....

...that the Destrons posses, using the capsules stolen from the Cybertrons.

We'll use these Angolmois capsules to lure the Destrons.

When there's no one left on the Dinosaur, I will...

And we'll cook up the lured Destrons.



This planet has a ton of capsules on it!

Are you sure, DNAVI?!

No mistake about it, I'm picking up a lot of readings.

Why don't you guys bring them all back, while the Cybertrons are not there?

I don't like what you just said.

What is it, Deadend?!

It's as if you're saying that if the Cybertrons were there, we wouldn't be able to bring anything back.

That's right! That's right! He's correct, DNAVI!

Oh, but how many capsules were collected so far after you guys fought against the Cybertrons?


Do you remember?

I dunno?

Wh-What do you mean by that?!

Right, Saberback?!

S-Say how many, Sling!



One, Two... and after that...?

Just go and grab every last one of them NOW!


One, Two... and after that...

Big Convoy, we've picked up a volume of readings on the planet Milton which stacks up to the stolen capsules!

Good! We'll head there immediately!

Yes, sir!

That means they're there, too.

You're trembling, Break.

I-I-It's a tremor of excitement!

We might not be a match for them one-on-one, but...

...we've got our team work that we've been building up until now!


I joined this unit later on, however...

Truly, there's no other unit out there which has teamwork like us.

We'll join our strength together!

That's right!! We definitely won't lose over those guys like that!

No sense worrying!

I knew this was a tremor of excitement!

Are you sure of that?

...weren't you, Break?


We'll hang in there with our fierce attack!

Look who's talking, Colada... One for all, all for one!

Everybody, we'll say it together!

One for all, all for one!

It seems that the capsules are moving in this fog.

We'll collect more than Archadis' group...

...and show just how superior we are.

This way.

The capsule reading moves away from us as we get closer to it.

We might be being lead on by someone.

The Cybertrons?

No, I meant there might be an enemy among our allies.

Don't tell me that Guiledart and Saberback...

Sling isn't smart enough to come up with something like that, so...

The only thing I can think of is that they don't want us to get the credit...

Damn, all of them are dumb!

If someone had teamed up with me, then we could have gotten the most number of capsules!

They're slow. It's about time for them to bring at least one capsule back by now.

Why are they so damn inefficient?!

Let me contact them and find out.

I'll tell them something like; "whoever brings back the most will get a wonderful reward from Magmatron".

Oh, speaking of, who's got it first?

Who is it?!

W-What happened here?!

Don't tell me it's... an intruder?

Ah, a ghost!




This planet gives me the creeps...

There's no capsule reading in this vicinity.




Those blasted Destrons!

Show yourselves! Show yourselves!

The Cybertrons have come.

They came earlier than I thought.

We'll have Elphaorpha hasten his part of our plan.

We'll have the Cybertrons and the Destrons simultaneously strike each another.

What's wrong, Saberback?

The capsule reading is gone again.

What? Show me!

What's... why is my body numb?

I... I can't move!

Who's there?!

Was it Guiledart?

No, what was used to attack us wasn't from Guiledart.

So then, the Cybertrons?!



They've arrived.

Where are you? Come on out!

My body is still numb.

It might have been some Cybertron newcomers.


Speaking of...!

I thought you guys had returned to a Cybertron base!

What're ya talkin' about?!

You guys return those capsules to us!


Unfortunately, we haven't even found one yet.

What?! They're playing dumb!

Where are your assistants?!


Ah! They're playing dumb again!

Your comrades who att*cked Longrack, Mack Kick and so on!


We've got an intruder on the Dinosaur, Magmatron!

An intruder?

I never imagined that there was a guy who was bold enough to intrude into the Destrons' spaceship...

If there was a guy who would make such a bold move...

Big Convoy?!

Now that you mention it, he did have something that looked like tusks...

Don't tell me...

I'll try contacting everyone now!



Guiledart! Guiledart!

Shut up! Don't contact me at a time like this!

What did you just say!? Is that the kind of attitude you give to Princess Emeralda?

Saberback! Saberback!

I'm... about to scrap Heinrad, Colada and Stampy, and bring them home as gifts!

Just wait!

No time for that right now!

Take this!

LASER BURN! Good grief!



Our opponents ain't you guys!

You're right, guys like Guiledart are just the right opponents for you!

There should be more, like those guys who att*cked us!



W-W-Why at a time like this?!

Oh, it sounds like you're busy, too.

You've got it, so call me later!

Just who're you facing, Deadend?

Mach Kick, Break, as well as Longrack!

That means...

It seems it is Big Convoy.

You think he might be trying to steal even our capsules?

Hey, should we teleport everybody back?

No, I shall go.


At last, Magmatron and Big Convoy will have a head-to-head match-up!

I'm so lucky that only I get to watch this!

If he's aiming for the capsules, he should show up in this hanger.

Are you really sure it was Big Convoy?!

Yes, I saw Big Convoy's tusks, but he was a bit deformed, I guess...

Could it be...?

Open it.

B... Big Convoy is in an weird form...

Did you screw yourself up during a model change?!

That is NOT Big Convoy NOR a Cybertron!

Well then...


The capsules...!



What the--!

This is thrilling!


Y-You, just what-?!



k*ller sh**t!

We're going to be sucked into space!


Just who are you guys?!

I'm the Blentron, Elphaorpha!

As am I, Rartorata.

The Blentrons?!

We won't hand over this planet's capsules!

They're not this planet's capsules... they're the capsules that us Cybertrons collected!

What the heck are you guys talking about?!


He escaped?!

DEAD g*n!



So they ran because they were in fear of me, Break-sama, huh?!

No, they were in fear of ME!

No, it was because of ME!

But now those guys might show up again.

...where is it? Really...

Is there really a capsule here?

Huh? The reading is gone?

Hey!! Move it, Sling!

Complain about that to DNAVI!

The capsules on the Dinosaur have been stolen!!


The inside the storage area is empty.

They were taken while you guys were facing the Cybertrons!

You guys were fighting the Cybertrons?

The Blentrons named Elphaorpha and Rartorata, you say?

I've never heard of them.

From the data I have, their names don't come up.

We couldn't find any capsules on the planet Milton,

...so does that mean their target was our capsules right from the beginning?

The Cybertrons seem to be pressed, too.

No, they might have been used as well.

Those guys were saying something strange.

Now that you mention it, they were saying something like, "give our capsules back"...

...or "your comrades are whatever...".

So you're saying there's a new force making a move?

W-What in the world is happening?!

Hey, explain so that I can understand!

Geez, you were having trouble dealing with just the Cybertrons, and now what are you guys going to do?

We'll knock them both down!

No, it's probably not going to be as simple as that.

DNAVI, what's going on with those capsule readings?

Still coming from the planet.

Even if it costs you your lives, recover them!!


The Cybertrons'... and the Destrons' capsules... this is all of them.

Our plan succeeded.

We will leave this planet.

Who's there?

If you're gonna leave this planet, you better leave behind those capsules that you're swallowing right now!

I wanna pay you back, too!

You guys, aren't Destrons, are you?!


k*ller sh**t!

CLAP m*ssile!

Don't get separated!

Use teamwork to fight back!


The Big Cannon?

Big Convoy!

Big Convoy!

You came for us!

They're gone with the capsules!

That's a hole in the fabric of space and time.

Takae, I added the word "fabric" in the line above because that's how we describe something of this nature in science-fiction

Those guys... instantaneously...!

They're quite nimble indeed...

This isn't the time to be impressed by them!

We'll look for them! They should still be close by!


So you're here, Cybertrons!

Did you come here to cover for your allies?!

Again you're talking nonsense!

Give us the capsules!


You, too, freakin' stop playing dumb already!

I guess we'll have to defeat both of them!


That's our line!

DOUBLE m*ssile!

G-Guys... I think we're somehow misunderstanding each other?!


There's no capsules here anymore.

I thought those guys had the capsules...

A light that jumped off of this planet was caught just now.

It seems we were set up to strike at each other.


It's a waste of time to fight any longer.

It's pointless to deal with Cybertrons who don't have any capsules.

We'll report this to Magmatron-sama.

They were stronger than the Cybertrons.

I wonder if we could make them our allies.

They're foes who snarled at Magmatron-sama!

But do you think you guys can defeat them?!

Even Magmatron had a hard time!

Those guys...

Could they be...?

Those guys, they weren't Destrons after all...

Next time, we'll settle the score with them!

But, destroying them will be difficult...

They've lead both the Cybertrons AND the Destrons around by the nose...

It's all because we don't have any intel on them.

Besides, we don't even know what in the world their purpose is.

Even if we don't know what their objective is...

...when we acquire another capsule, they might show up again?!


No matter where they go, we'll find them no matter the cost!

Just like another star...

...that is born today

Love is also felt in the universe of one's heart

So let's erase any hatred

It's not about a story, of some far off land

It is something that is happening close to you

The power of imagination that God has given us

It is here for us to realize our dreams

Certainly, anybody can be stronger

So let's hold out our hands to reach for those dreams

Produced by Ashi Production Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs


It's impossible!

It's impossible to calculate where they'll show up next!

Just like a worm that makes a hole in an apple, they're making a hole in the fabric of space...

I got it!

You get it now, Stampy?

Yes, I'm going to a fruit shop now to buy an apple!

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars Neo.

Episode 27 is, Pursue the Blentrons!

Please look forward to it!

Should the color of the apple be, red or green?

You didn't get it at all!
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