02x04 - Garbage In, Garbage Out

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Animated Series". Aired: December 26, 2007 – May 23, 2009.*
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The show is set in its own stand-alone continuity, separate from any other previous Transformers continuities.
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02x04 - Garbage In, Garbage Out

Post by bunniefuu »






something is truly rotten in the city of


trash bots are malfunctioning all over

town all due to a contract dispute

between city hall and sundeck systems

acting ceo porter c powell had this to


until this contract is settled some dax

systems is not required to service the

city's trash box

in the meantime garbage is piling up and

trippers are flaring up all over detroit

i think detroit is ready for a new

approach to waste management dazzle me

as you can see we've managed to work out

the kinks and professor sumdak's old

nano technology

repurposing his nanobots into trash

consuming micro mods and the best part


we can manufacture them at a fraction of

the cost of the old trash box

and charge the city even more for them

i'll make a tiny little profit and be a

hero to boost

this is even less dignified than

repairing space bridges

not to mention extremely unpleasant on

the old factory sensors

not only that it smells bad

well that may be

but this is still a good opportunity to

man some strained humanoid about


yeah who knows once the humans start

trusting us again they may even start

liking us again too


hey that's my car

put it down now yeah yeah



you you're gonna pay for that

all you lousy alien machines they're

gonna pay us where


you're the one who parked that thing

under a trash heap and listen up you

overgrown vacuum cleaner that trash heap

wasn't there when i parked it whoa

and how is that my fault

hey you put me down i know my rights i'm

calling the cops or a tow truck


maybe liking us is too much to ask with

ratchet around


quit harassing the autobot you

put down the citizens

the city will cover the damages to your

vehicle sir now i suggest you go about

your business this is an over tin can


and you my autobot friend could stand to

work on your people skills there's

nothing wrong with my people

skills no it's bad when you make captain

fenzone look like the friendly one hey

sorry has a point ratchet no amount of

good deeds can make up for a bad

attitude i think it'd be a good idea for

someone to work with you on projecting a

more pleasant disposition

i pity the poor glitch who gets stuck

with that assignment



he means us doesn't he what are you

smiling at apparently there is one job

less dignified than hauling trash

and it looks like that job is at


let's transform and roll on home


will you get in already

what's the magic word


it's gonna be a long day



i am

what am i


i am

high fructose corn syrup partially

hydrogenated vegetable oil artificial

flavors no that doesn't sound right

there must be something in here that can

tell me what i am

and not my size

can anyone help me find out what i am

the detroit metro police department we

are here to help

thank you to me

ah i'm picking up a new all spark energy

signal might leave

no doubt another fragment has surfaced

retrieve it lug nut before the autobots

get their filthy servos on it

stasis lock itself could not deter me

from your grand and glorious plan o wise

and noble megatron just


yes my ladies


detroit metro

police help at last

excuse me i was hoping you could tell me

what i am

i mean you are here to help right

you are interfering with police business

please disperse

good show dilapidated delinquent now

kindly dispose of your interloping law

enforcement and leave us make our

getaway right disposed


they call me angry archer

they call me worthless wreck walking

pile of garbage

oh really a bit of a mouthful perhaps we

should just coil wreck god for sure

already don't you humans have anything

better to do

you really should try to be more patient

with people i'd be a lot more patient

with them

if they get out of my way

cool your crankcase ratchet that's what

these things are


aren't you kind of missing the point

about acting friendlier to people

i can't exactly smile in vehicle mode

can i

somebody help me

my wife is about to have a baby and our

car broke down we need to get to a

hospital right away

what do i look like a taxi service for

unprocessed protoforms

this is an emergency not to mention a

chance for you to practice acting


there's gonna be some acting job

remember the most important thing is to

keep the mother to be calm calm why

wouldn't she be calm

let's try this one more time shall we we

steal from the rich and give to the poor

namely ourselves i am wreck guard

i steal from the rich

give me back those jewels

not tools jewels okay

there's a spools i want jewels do you

know those sparkly things


now help me knock over your armored


i am red guard


carly there's no driver there's just a

little girl

what will you humans knock off that


i'm trying to figure out which one of

these buildings is a hospital

what's going on


us out

when you come


there what did i tell you we're

perfectly safe

it doesn't look too safe to me

i am

oh you wanna play rock

oh i don't know much about these things

lady but i think you're supposed to

breathe or something


i know it's not what this receptacle

contains but me thinks it must be


now give them everything you've got

right everything i've got here have this

toilet and there's scandal

how about a nice spoiled fighter beef

take the humans to the hospital ratchet

i'll handle the junk bot

since when do you give the orders kid

we're autobots we're supposed to protect

life remember don't tell me how to

protect life

protect life

you know that's exactly the kind of


with the humans

green's life


well don't just sit there you still want

that right or what we'll call a cab

not even a thank you and they call me



i am

i must catch the bad guy



he's going going


how am i supposed to catch him

what are you what is he i don't know but

he's given off a ton of all spark energy

i am wreck guard i get off of all hard


so what an all spark fragment just

brought a junk pile to life and made

some new kind of autobot i am right

guard i am some new kind of autobot

listen up scrappy you're not an autobot

and you never will be an autobot you're

only good for one thing


i am redkar i am only good for one thing


i must deliver garbage to all

that vehicle is not worthy to carry

megatron's all spock fragment

garbage for all come and get your

garbage only slightly used

human be all spark fragment


no human here

i am rekhgar i am only good for one


garbage are you an autobot i am right

guard i am not an autobot and never will

be an autobot

oh then you must be a decepticon

i am regard i must be a subject

i'll hail megatron

what's the minecon


are you all right sir

what are you doing here

that's one of my trucks

it was delivering a sample of my trash

eating microbots to demonstrate for the

mayor when the driver tripped the silent

alarm well

looks like he was too late mr powell

your sample is gone i got a pretty good

idea who has it hello

pal kicked me out of my home remember

why should we do him any favors because

microbots and an all spark fragment

can't possibly add up to anything good

oh my keys glowing hotter we must be

getting close


just hand over the microbots and nobody

gets hurt


microscope microfiber listen you useless

rusting hunk of scrambled circuitry

that is the only way to address a loyal

servant of the great and wise megatron


the universal greeting

by wheat grana wheat


those accursed autobots will pay for

their insulins


cash check or char braille attack

right what kind of attack would you like

thumbtack heart attack


oh never mind

i'll destroy the autobots myself

would you like to hear our specials of

the day warning biohazard property of

some dax systems

that doesn't sound bad at all


that takes care of both our problems

not really if those all spark infused

microbots could eat through a decepticon

imagine what they'll do to downtown



this demonstration better be good your

approval rating has plummeted since the

sanitation dispute began

mr mayor i'm afraid we'd hit a little

glitch we're gonna have to postpone

is that garbage pile getting smaller


mayor edsel is impressed mr powell

why yes it's well he should be


does some dac systems have a contract to

clean up the rest of the city mr mayor

stay here

fear not good people your garbage is


if that scout hits the shore it's

bye-bye detroit

i have to stop it it was my bad attitude

that set this whole mess in motion

so now i'm either gonna make it right

or get eaten by microbots to save the




we need to keep the scowl from reaching


and hope those microbots don't know how

to swim

now i am ratgar

i know what i am now and it's all thanks

to you

get away from those controls you

malfunctioning swag

you wouldn't dare do something that

all right

you forced me to make the ultimate


to do the one thing that requires more

courage than anything i've ever had to

do in my entire autobot career



come again

i take back every mean thing i ever said

about you

don't let others tell you what you are

you can be any bot you want to be you

mean i can be a hero


and you can start by saving this city

from being consumed by a swarm of

out-of-control microbots


i am rekhgar i am

a hero


thank you

don't worry kid i'll pull you out


ratchet you did it you saved the city

you're a hero he's no hero he destroyed

my microbots

in that case the mayor refuses to renew

your sanitation contract

listen up you organic meat buckets

either you settle this garbage dispute

here and now or i will dump you both in

the river

got it

well i

suppose we can service the

malfunctioning trash bots

and i suppose we can renew your contract

with a small increase


what do you know

they like me

they really like me yes i got away with


fear not fellow creatures of the deep i

am rekhgar i am a hero

and excuse me can someone give me a hand

or fin


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