Subspecies V: Blood Rise (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Subspecies V: Blood Rise (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

Out of the dark ages,

a child was born.

Offspring of the

vampire Vladislas.

and immortal Circe

The oracle foretold that he

would one day slay his father.

The remedy was to dismember him

and scatter the pieces

upon the Black Sea.

A curse upon thee.

You cannot destroy me.

Crusaders stole the cursed child

and the demon-slaying dagger.

They delivered the child to

a fortress of the church.

The brothers cut

off its fingertips,

clipped its ears,

massaged its faced with potions

until monstrous features

could pass for human.

He was trained in

the arts of w*r,

sworn into a secret sect,

Knights of the Dragon,

Slayers of the Ancient Ones.

The creature grew to manhood,

hero of the great Crusades.

Decades he rode the continent,

slaying demons,

laying waste to pagan temples.

With no memory of his birthright

until the day his

destiny delivered him

to the castle of his father.

Prince Vladislas.

We have come for the bloodstone.

The bloodstone

was a gift to me.

We have come

for the bloodstone.

What is your name, crusader?

Radu, the Fearless.

This is not our

day of reckoning.

It is here.

Let us slay these creatures

and let's be gone.

Stay your hand.

Listen to me.

Who is your father?

God is my father.

Your family name.

The church is my family.

You are stolen child.

The lost one.

Vladislas is your father.

All that is his can be yours.

- No.

- Don't listen to her.

She's a demon.


Blood of my blood.

I'm your mother.


You're an abomination.

Crusaders stole you from me

to fulfill the prophecy.

What prophecy?

That one day you

will slay your father.

Is that true, Marius?

The patriarchs do

not share their secrets

with lowly monks, sir.

Heed my warning.

k*ll him

and you will be

cursed into eternity.

In time you will understand.

Patience is a virtue,

to immortals such as we.


Don't listen to

the lies of demons.

She spoke the truth, Marius.

The patriarchs should

counsel you on questions

of your lineage.

For now we have the bloodstone.

Our brothers did

not die in vain.

Make with the holy water.

In the name of Father,

Son, and Holy Spirit,

I purge this house of evil.

Radu, wait for me.

Hey Radu, don't leave me here.

There's life in this castle.

Vladislas and his consort.

No, they're far away by now.

Sir, I beg you.

Spare my child.


Please, please, sir,

I bet you, I beg you.

All must die, Radu.

Do your duty and

purge this house.

These are innocents.

It's our duty to rescue them.

Come closer.

I won't hurt you.



Take my child from this

cursed place, please.

No mother, I'll stay with you.

k*ll these wretched

creatures, Radu.

Silence, Marius.

What's your name?


Vladislas stole me

from my father's house.

He ravaged me for pleasure,

but I swear he did

not drink my blood.

Stephan is the child

of our shameful union.

Vladislas waits Stephan

to grow to manhood,

to taint him with the

blood of Nosferatu.


I'll deliver you from

this ungodly place.

My savior.

Are you mad, Radu?

She's the vampires consort.

She's the spawn.

Step aside, I'll k*ll

them myself if I have to.

There's been enough

slaughter here.

Come here, brother.

Come to me.

Come here.

Let me see.

We are duty-bound

to k*ll them. Radu.

The child is innocent.

We do not choose our father.

Follow me.

Where are you taking us?

To A wonderful city.

The city of God and light.

God forsakes us, Radu.

They've taken the horses.

We must be gone

from this place.

Rest here, little brother.

You rest easy.

I'll watch over you.

We'll shelter here

for the night.

It's not safe for

traveling, in the sunlight.

Our lives are in your hands.

I'm a servant of God.

You're my Lord and savior.

Here's a place you can rest.

Thank you.

Ah, my eyes.

My eyes, my eyes.

Hey. Hey.

You lived your whole

life in darkness.

It'll take time for your

body to adjust to the sun.

Don't worry, there's

nothing to fear.

The sun is the most powerful

being in the heavens,

the source of all life.

God is the most powerful being

in all creation and

the source of all life.

Don't bore the boy with dogma.

Kneel by the rocks and

pray for salvation, boy.

Do as he says.

This is madness, Radu.

I understand you're

pity for the boy

but you have to

destroy the mother.

You saw when I examined her.

She's unbitten.

I will not take part in this.

Release me for my service.

What, I can't do that.

You're my conscience.

You're my only friend.

I had my fill of the

church's dark work,

but you my friend are

flirting with disaster.

You know I will do

whatever is necessary.

You know that.

I'm sorry Radu,

but I must go.

So be it.

Go with good fortune.


I hope our paths

will cross again.

Me too, brother.

But I fear they will not.

May God protect you.

Where is brother Marius going?

To see his fortune.

Why does he talk

of k*lling my mother?

He believes her blood

is tainted by Vladislas.

Helena, it's time to go.

No, I cannot.

Go without me.

Sure you can.

She awoke

with the sunset.

She too had lived in darkness

and would need time to

adjust to the light.

I wanted to believe

in her humanity.

But I could not shake my fear

that God had forsaken us.

You are my

guardian angel, Radu.

You fear me.

I am human.

I swear to you.

How can I prove myself?

You are spawn of Vladislas.

Have mercy on me.

No, that's my mother.

I'll k*ll you.

Lay down your sword, brother,

and I'll lay down mine.

Go back to sleep.

It's okay.

By some miracle,

I am still human.

In time, your

humanity will fade.

To save the blood of the saints

brings peace to

the fallen souls.


If it relieves your suffering.

There was no turning back,

no miracle to save us.

She slept in the shadows,

leaving me to grow

closer to the Stephan.

Is she gonna die?

Some would say

she is already dead.

She's a vampire

like my father.

She is becoming one.

Will you slay her?

Not today.

Someday perhaps.

With your sword,

you can make it

quick and painless.

Death is never painless.

Someone must slay her.

I'll pray it will be.

We traveled by night.

Pilgrims on an unholy quest.

I let her suckle freely

from the bloodstone.

For that there would

surely come a reckoning.

How does it feel to drink

the blood of the saints?

It feels like miracles.

The knowledge

and power

and mercy.

You are curious?

I was taught to

resist temptation.

The bloodstone

was your father's.

It is your birthright.

Drink, Radu.

No one will know,

but you and I.



You must never leave me, Radu.

You are my guardian,

my love, my savior

until eternity.

Forgive me, Radu.

You have desecrated my castle,

my consort, and my child.

The bloodstone,

Helena, and the boy

belong to me.

No. Leave my mother alone.

Take me.

Leave Stephan.


I claim the monster slayer.

Seize it, Stephan,

before he wields it

against your mother.

Farewell, my son.

With no master to guide you,

you will soon be dust.


Who's there?

Who's there?


Heaven's brother.

What's happened?

I'm defiled.

May God have

mercy on your soul.

Stake me to the ground.

Let the sun destroy me.

I cannot.

I beg.

Or I will be a plague

upon the Earth.

Forgive me, Marius.

I was a fool.

No, Radu.

I should not have left you.

Cursed one, you

treacherous monk.

Show him Mercy.

Mercy is for the weak.

Fear not, my child.

Vladislas has fled

upon the north wind.

She cursed me

with the blood of Nosferatu.

Your father cursed you

at the moment of our union.

Church made you pretty,

but in time your face will

betray your bloodline.

Let me die

before I thirst for blood.

You are as I am.


Nothing can destroy you.

Come with me.

Together we'll lay wast

to Vladislas and his clan

and keep the bloodstone

as your prize.

So began my

century-long apprenticeship

in the black arts.

I learned to draw power

from the earth and sky.

Incantation to summon demons.

The skills of the hunt.


and speed.

And all the while, visions of

Helena tormented my dreams.

After all I've done for you,

you dare steal from me?

Curse you, rite of Vladislas.

I forbid you to return.

I ventured

out into the darkness

to seek Helena and the

solace of the bloodstone.

I slept far from

the light of day

in crypts of the dead,

Tormented by dreams of

my brother and my master,


I ached for kindred spirits

to share the endless night,

for some spell binding

thing of beauty

that could soothe the

slow crawl of time.

I found it in the

music of Ash and Ariel.

Thank you, kind friends.

It has been an honor

for us to perform to you

our songs tonight.

We are the humble troubadours,

Jonathan Ash and my

beautiful sister, Ariel.

It's not even enough

for a room at the inn.

The villagers here

are more used to music

that makes them

get up and dance.

My brother and I

are serious composers,

not dancing monkeys.

You're welcome to

sleep here tonight.

Thank you sir.

But don't touch my wine

or my daughter.

You have my word.

What troubles you, sister?

Did you see that strange man

lurking at the

back of the crowd?

I saw a bakers dozen

of strange people today.

These villages can

be quite amusing.

I'm serious, Jonathan.

This man, he had

an aura of death.

Who are you?

Come to me?

What do you want?

Let me cross your threshold.

No, please leave us alone.

Come to me and I'll

initiate you to the mysteries.

Father, lord in

heaven, protect us

from this evil spirit.

Jonathan, Jonathan, wake up.

What? What's wrong?

The demon.

He's come back.

What demon?

Don't be silly.


Someone there?

Show yourself.

I must warn you, I am armed.

It's the angel of death.

Fear not, pretty ones.

We are guests of King Carol,

on route to perform

for the royal wedding.

I am Radu Vladislas,

knight of the church,

to escort you safely

to your destination.

You're a knight of the church.

You spoke to me

of the mysteries.

Let us see your face.

What's wrong with you?

I'm shamed by my bloodline.

Spirit, please

sir, I beg of you.

The king will send his

men to search for us.

Your royal patronage

is a pittance

compared with what I offer.

And what is it

you're offering?

Eternal life.

Undying devotion in return

for your companionship and

the solace of your music.

No. Jonathan, please.

Our father who are in heaven.

- Quiet, sister.

- Protect us

from this evil spirit.

Let us hear him out.

You sir, you are patron.



Embrace me and your

music will resonate

with the myteries and

you will live forever.

You would teach

us the mysteries.

I will initiate Ariel.


As her mentor?

Her master.

Our music will live

without your help.

God is my shepherd.

I seek no master.

Come to me willingly

and I will have you

both as my disciples.

I'm a willing student.

Make my music immortal.


Vampire, burn in hell.

Bow to me, Ariel

and I resurrect your brother.



Jonathan, wake up.

Life or death.

The choice is yours.



Accept me Ariel,

and I'll resurrect

the both of you,

and you two will never fade.

Please Ariel.

For the love of God.

Choose life.


You are my children now.

The night has fallen.

What have you done to us?

I blessed you with eternal life.

What is this place?

This is a catacomb

of my father's castle.

No, no.

Help, please!

There's no one to hear you.

No hope of escape.

We together now.

Do not touch me.

You've destroyed us.

We demand to be set free.

Oh you will be free

when you are ready.

And when will that be?

When all traces of

your existence has faded

from memory,

you will live again.

Avatars of music.

You will burn for this.

Kneel to me and

I'll be generous.

Keep your vile

hands off my flute

or I swear to God

I will k*ll you.

It is forbidden

to harm your master.

You are not our master.

You are a fiend.

I'm your only

hope of survival.

Soon a craving will

overwhelm your senses.

A thirst that only

blood can satisfy.

You have so much to learn.

I left them to suffer

the first pangs

of blood thirst and

solitude and uncertainty.

Our father who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name.

Feed fledglings.

Before your thirst

drives you mad.

Stay away from us.

One sip of blood can

sustain you for days.

You can live on her for months.

I would die first.

Oh you died already.

You've been reborn.

This is your

gateway to eternity.

You cannot deny your craving.




Oh, blood is life.

Jonathan, no.

It's noble of you to

cling to your human heart.

I too was human

once upon a time.

Surrender to your cravings.


There's no shame in it.

Drink fledgling,

her blood will

ease your despair.



Do not k*ll.

Gentle, gentle.



You magnificent creature.

The sadness will pass.

Years passed.

I had fledglings to

ease my solitude.

Ariel to worship.

But visions Helena

never ceased to

thrill and haunt me.

The endless bloodlust

had driven Ariel mad

and left Ash an empty shell.

Ash, my child.

What is your desire?


My soul is starved for harmony.

I have longed for this moment.

Ariel, come,

fill the night with songs.

Your wretched fingers

have defiled it.

Ariel, please.

It could bring us peace.

Play fledgling.

Comfort me.

Do not defy me.

My soul is barren.

Without joy there is no music.


Give us solace.

Joy's not the only muse.

There is comfort too

in songs of heartbreak.

My muse has fled.

In time Ariel

accepted me as a master.

I honored my vow

and initiated them

to the mysteries

and shared with them the

raptures of the k*ll.

Let's just run away together.


You really think we should?

I do.

I think we just should

get out of here.

And what?

And while

I indulged them,

feeling kinship

for the first time

since my love for Marius,

and my distraction,

while Leia defiled.

Help me please.

My father will reward you.

By the power of the church,

I purge this evil place.

May God, have

mercy on your soul.

Radu, what is this?

Night of the dragon.

I'm Diana,

appointed to slay you.

You high spirit.

What's your bloodline?

I'm descended from

the sorceress Calisto.

You are a stolen

child like I was

forced to serve the

church their calling.

To rid the world

of monsters like you.

This demon slayer

was taken from Circe

on the night of your birth.

It will end your

torment once and for all

Hand it to me and

I'll show you mercy.

Curse you.

You are no match for me.

Drink, fledglings.

Save the blood of a living god.

Give me the relic

or you'll suffer.

We have suffered long enough.

We have mastered

the mysteries.

We'll seek our fortune

in the great night.

I'm your master,

but I spurn you as my fledgling.

Without my guidance,

you will perish

in agony.

300 years they roamed the earth,

haunting the world

of arts and music.

300 years I searched for them.

I lament the day I found them.

In time, my appearance

betrayed my bloodline.



Kneel before your master.

You are not the master here.

This city is ruled by our queen.

Return my mother's

demon slayer.

It was taken from

us centuries ago.

The vampire queen seized it

in exchange for sanctuary.

I know where it is.

We can lead you there.

It's in the city

beneath the city.

Take me to your queen.

This is one of the seven

entrances to the city

beneath the city.

Be ware what you say here.

The sound travels to the ancient

corners where demons dwell.

I hear music.

There is a brothel and

casino on the street above us.

Our principle source of

income and willing partners.

My queen.

May we enter

You ventured out again

without my blessing.

I'm sorry your majesty.

I hunger for the hunt.

No, it was my fault.

I crave for music.

Who is this stranger?

Our first master, my queen.

Bring him before me.


You know my name.

Don't you remember me?

Radu Vladislas,

brother to Stephan.

Radu, the Fearless.

My savior.

You have aged.

It is five centuries

since you defiled me.

Releasee my fledglings

and return the holy relic

they stole from my Leia.

I will speak with

your master in private.

Amuse yourselves in my

library, but do not k*ll her.

What became of Stephan?

Vladislas let him

grow to manhood,

then stole him from the sun.

He roams the new world now,

a man of wealth and science.

And Vladislas?

The eternal darkness

drove him mad.

He begged me to

end his suffering.

He lies entombed in

the catacombs below,

the sword of Laertes

impaled through his heart.

And the bloodstone?

As you intended.

It has been my salvation.

I will share it with you if

you pledge your devotion.

I'm yours from

the day I saw you.

There is ecstasy

enough from both of us.

Drink Ariel.

Her blood is sweet.

I'm sickened by this

languid way of feeding.

I seek for blood

that reeks fear.

For five centuries

you haunted me.

The perfume of your skin,

the purity of your

love for Stephan.

I cannot dwell upon the past.

Memories fill me with despair.

At least we're together.

You were my savior once.

All that is mine,

Radu, can be yours.

My land.

The bloodstone.

If you bestow upon me

one act of devotion.

Your fledgling Ash.

Ash is not worthy of you.

You are a monster, Radu.

Ash is a pretty one.

I could toy with

him for centuries.

I was born of ancient blood.

I wanna be your consort.

Like old friends,

let's talk of our futures.

Come fledglings.

Your master and I

have struck a bargain.

As proof of his devotion,

Radu has given you to me.

From this day forth,

I will be your master.

Hold me above Radu

and all that I possess

is yours to share.

But we have lived apart

from him for centuries.

We are not his

property to trade

Silence her, Radu.

Radu told me that you

were troubadours once

and that your music

moved him deeply.

That was another lifetime.

Our muse abandoned

us so long ago.

Vladislas defiled

our instruments.

Bite your tongue, girl.

Your Radu's plaything.

You mean nothing to me.

Nor you to me.

Radu is my Lord and master,

may he reign bloody

hell upon you.

Discipline her Radu

or I will banish her.

Don't you thr*aten me.

I'll bend her to the path.

Break her or I

will banish you both.

Go to your chamber.

Come, I have a gift for you.

Master, my

chamber is this way.

The lower levels are forbidden.

What I seek is forbidden.

Master, please deliver us

from this wretched place.

I will serve you till the end.

Patience, pretty one.


You resurrected me.

What is your name,

that I may reward you.

I am your first born.

Radu Vladislas.

Now to fulfill my destiny.

My gift to you.

Find your joy again.

We have all the

time in the world.

Strike us a wondrous chord.

I am barren.

From this day forth,

the blood of the saints

shall be your muse.




My muse.

She's whispering to me.

Open your heart.

Give voice to the epiphanies.

You crossed my

threshold uninvited.

I showed you mercy

and you stole my life.

And yet I'll serve

until the end of time.

Will you not feel emotion

when you look into my eyes?

When I look into your

eyes, I feel revulsion.

You are an abomination, Radu.

You reek of the grave.

Your touch is repulsive.

Your voice is as loathsome

as the the breath

that conveys it.

And your proud blood makes me-

No, no, no, no!

All that I owe to you.

No, Radu.

It is forbid to

k*ll your master.

I have no master.

Master, stop.

You're destroying her.

Sister, I have the

bloodstone, we must leave now.

It's all we need.

Curse you, Radu.

I will be reborn and haunt

you till the end of time.

Master, she has your blade.

Master, my brother,

he stole your bloodstone.

Are you dying, Master?

I'm cursed to live forever.

Let me drink from your wound.

It's a shame for it to waste.


If you choose to abandon me,

I will not stalk.

This night has set you free.

If I'm truly free, Radu,

I was done to be your fledgling.

I will be your concert.

I pledge myself to thee.

Radu Vladislas.

I have searched

the world for you.

At last, we are united.

You are blood of my blood.

You cannot harm me.

I can harm you grievously.

She was my redemption.

How dare you seek

make believe legacies.

To watch you suffer

is a rare delight.

A delight that will

surely ripen with time.

I'll leave you to your suffering

and send you to

hell another day.

I'm here to purge this nest of

evil, be gone when I return.

I left Ariel

to the merciless sun,

vowing never to return

to this dark place.

But in time, the

shadow of Helena,

my master and creator,

will fulfill her curse,

and torment me to madness.
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