Bad Things (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Bad Things (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

Go apeshit.



Cooking with gas.

How many people died here?

- Not people-- women.

Will you grab that bag.

Here we go, then.


We're ba-a-ck!

Oh, my God. Can we stay

by the good pool?


Anything you want, baby.

Oh, you can just

put that anywhere.


- Let's drink.

- We're here.

We are, like, so excited

you could be there,

but seriously?

We probably won't need these, but...

Do you want to explain...

- Here she comes.

- Hey...

Here she comes.

Well, it doesn't seem

that haunted.

It isn't.

Is the pool on?


We're he-e-re!

Ruthie, is the pool on?

Ah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Which kitchen

do you want to use?

Both, of course.

So you own this place?

Yes, it's all ours.

Ruthie inherited it.

- Not for long.

Hey, you said

you'd keep an open mind.

My God, one online class

and you're ready to

take on hospitality forever.

Did you even watch those videos

I sent you?

Okay. Okay.

I don't-- I don't want to

get into it right now.

We did it.

We're here.

I'm gonna put these

up on two.

The bones are good.

Better than I remember.

Can I pee anywhere?


Not, like, on the carpet.

You know, I just mean

can I take a room or what?


Just stay off three.

There was some flooding,

and we're not insured.

- Two is your oyster.

- Okay.


You hooked up with her again?

Like, she is so--

Ruthie hates her.

She has cancer.

- What?

- I mean, she doesn't.

She thought she did,

but she doesn't anymore.


She got a call

from her doctor this morning.

It felt rude to just,

you know, leave her.

- Wow.

- This is so typical.

"Methods in Hospitality."

When you first acquire

or inherit a hotel,

three factors emerge--

one, timing; two--

"Methods in Hospitality."

It's a mistake

to think of a hotel

as just four walls.

Whether that's an escape

from one's regular life

or an invitation,

think of a hotel

as not just a space

but an experience.

In hospitality, we curate

a world that allows one

to escape their life

but sometimes can encourage

one's darker tend--

You're actually watching it.


I told you I would.

I really think we can

make this place great.

There's way more potential here

than I remembered,

and the room count

is like a third higher.

I've only just started

on the inventory stuff,

but it's not bad.

That's what actually helps

with the loan.

- Cal.

- What?

I'm still meeting

with that agent and the lawyers.

That's why we're here.

I know.

I know that.

Just remember that your grandma

left this place to you,

not your mom.


Your mom just wants you

to sell it and give her--


Just wants you to sell it

so she can buy back

that condo in Florida.

I just want to fix things

between us.

That's all I want.

- I know.

- I love you.

- What is wrong with you?

- Everything.

- I got you!

- Oh, my!


The whiskey.

I need it.

I'm not waiting.


Hey! We got to put

the food in the fridge!


Five deaths in 30 years

is not that many

for a hotel of this--

Scopes Landing had four deaths

in a single fire.

I think ghosts are gonna be

really good for the brand.

- They are.

I'm not scared.

I love ghosts.

I can see them.


The joggers

are my favorite.

They weren't

just, like, joggers.

They were models.

Fashion-model joggers.

And they were here on a sh**t

on location.

And they went out one morning

to go on a jog

and got in a fight

and never came back.

One of them

tried to crawl back,

but she got lost in the woods,

and they found her,

and she had leaves

that she had

tried to make into a bandage

for her injury.

Good detail.

Women do bad things, yeah.

Oh, my God.

There's a man

standing at the door.

- Hey.

- Brian.

Um, she isn't here yet.

And you--

you can't just come in here.

You asked me

to set up the pool.

Doesn't just happen

by itself, so...

Brian, these are my friends.

Everyone, this is Brian.

What's up?

Uh, he works here sometimes.

My mom's friend

or whatever.

Yeah, whatever, heh.

Hey, you notice anything?

I lost 17 pounds.

I cut out fruits,

cut out carbs.

Yeah, I don't get it.

It's like, one minute,

your mom and I, we're good,

we're eating hors d'oeuvres,

we're making plans.

And then I can't get her

to call me back.

I mean, you know, I told you

not to give her money, right?

All right.

- Wait. Where are you going?

Do a faucet sweep on three,

'cause we're not gonna get

another freeze, so...

Brian, she's not up there.

Yeah, but her car is outside.

I just want to check her room.

Wait, her room?


she has a room here.

She stayed here

for a little while.

But her car doesn't work,

and I can do the faucets.


...your mother made

some promises to me.

You don't understand her.

You know?

You'll never understand her.


- I'm sorry, man.


- I f*cking hate guys like that.

They act all, like, fatherly

and flirty at the same time.

Reminds me of my brother.

I thought you didn't have

any family?


I feel like every Brian I have

ever met looks, talks, and acts

just like that.

You seriously think you could

be happy running a hotel?

I think it sounds fun.

Hotel proprietor.

And it's not like we would be

cleaning the rooms ourselves

or, like, at the front desk.

We would hire a management

company or franchise it.

So do you want to tell me

why you brought her?

You want to tell me

why you're still with her?

We're actually doing

really well.

You really think she isn't

going to cheat on you again?

How can you...

She's not gonna

cheat on me again.

In fact, I think she's

gonna propose this weekend.

I'm gonna go

find another whiskey.

Mads, wait.

Don't get all tough.



I knew you'd come.

Did you think

I was your mom?

Oh, God.

Why the f*ck

were you playing that?


Is it her favorite?

That's funny.

I saw you in your mask.

It reminded me

of our weekend.


I can't sleep either.

You came into my room?

Why can't you sleep?

Ow, f*ck.

I'm really sorry.

Um, are you--

are you okay?

Oh, shit.

It is bad.

Okay, I'm gonna go

get something.

- It's fine.

- No, no. I'll be right back.

You scare me a little.

Does it hurt?

Not in a bad way.

It's not that bad.

You okay?

It's not the cut.

I-I mean, I...



What time is it?

I need to tell you something.

Last night.

My mom isn't coming.

She texted.

Are you okay?

You want to talk about it?

- Let's go.

Where are we going?

I want them to come.


We don't want to

wake her up.

I think

she's having a nightmare.

Oh, come on, admit it.

You wish you hadn't brought her.

Oh, my God, you're right.

I don't know

what I was thinking.

Let's go.

Ohh, I love those chairs.

Stop. No.

Who even stays

in a hotel anymore anyway?

Your mom does.



Oh, f*ck.




I-- I thought this place

was pretty much empty.

Uh, I'm actually looking

for the owner.

Uh, she's a friend of mine.

Sometimes you can't

feel your fingers.

Maddie? Maddie?

- I was in the kitchen.

I wasn't cooking.

You were art girl.

This is exactly the kind

of thing I was talking about.

I mean, having two kitchens

is actually really cool.

Oh, you hit a gold mine.

I just can't see you being happy

locked away in some hotel.

Yeah, she's trying

to trap me here.

- Are you kidding?

- I meant Cal.

I think it would be amazing

to take this place over.

I mean, it's kind of

the perfect town.

If there was a train.

Why isn't there a train?

- Aah!

Maddie? Oh!


She isn't there.


- Fran, what is it?

- I couldn't find you guys.

I-I started seeing things.

Oh, my God,

what happened to your leg?

How did you do that?

- I can't be alone.

Sit down for a second.

Let's get this elevated.

Just get your leg up.

You're okay.

You were having a nightmare.

We shouldn't have told you

all those stories.

We can--

Yeah, we can call you an Uber

so you can go back home.

There's two trains that go back

to the city every day.

I feel so embarrassed.

It's okay.

It's okay.

I totally thought

I saw something.

I, like, freaked out.

How much

did you take last night?

Maybe I shouldn't have

taken that extra Dilaudid.

So she's on dr*gs?


It's a patch.

It's just a patch.

Biopsies hurt.


- You want to see the scar?

- No.

It's just under my rib.


I don't want to see it.

Do you guys like paella?

My favorite.

Come on.

Thank you for being

so nice to me.

Mom, no more texts, okay?


Just call me.

Look, you know, this is most

likely the last weekend

that we're gonna be here.

I'm meeting

those buyers tomorrow

that you insisted I meet, so...

Um, anyway,

uh, yeah,

just call me back.

I love you too.

See something?

Oh, God.

You've got to relax.

I just wanted to ask you

about last night.

Last night was nothing.

Oh, well, we both know

that's not true, but...

I wasn't talking about us.

There is no us.

I need you to stay

the f*ck away from me.

I tried your mask on.



Please don't go in my room.

It's okay.

I have trouble sleeping too.

What's wrong?

I was just asking Ruthie

if someone died here,

like a little girl,

9 or 10.

Something with her hands.

Sounds kind of like

what happened to you.

- No. No.

- Huh?


When she was a little girl.

Why are you always

telling this story?

Her mom dropped her off here

without checking.

She was always dropping her off

somewhere with someone.

But Nana wasn't here.

Hotel was totally empty.

Middle of winter.

She had to spend

three days alone.

No food, no electricity.

She almost lost three fingers

to frostbite.

I don't know why you even

talk to your mom.

Then you obviously

don't understand

a daughter's devotion

to her mother.

What I do understand is

that Ruthie hadn't seen her mom

for seven years,

up until three months ago,

when she randomly showed up

for the will.

You've just been

acting weird ever since.

Like how?

Yeah, like how?

Like open-minded.

I thought you liked that.


You're right.

I guess I do.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God!

How's your leg?

Searing pain.

I miss your cooking.

I'm, like, hot

for your cooking.

What are you gonna call

your restaurant?

- Spaghetti.

- That's a great name.

- Thanks.

It's a winning name.

I would go there.

Andrea came up with it.

She really loved my pasta.

Not as much

as I love your pasta.

Not as much

as I love your pizza.

- Aw.

- You remember that?

In the-- the backyard.

It was a white pizza, right?

I think that was the first time

you ever cooked for me.

It was so good.

I'd never had pizza, like,

grilled before.

And I went into your bedroom--

I never told you about this--

but I went into your bedroom,

and I...

I needed to focus,

and I ate it--

ate it all by myself.

It was funny,

but it also wasn't funny.

It was very, um, profound.

Thank you.

That's-- That means a lot.

That actually wasn't

the first time

you had my cooking, though.

It was at the--

at the beach house.


- Oh, my God.

Yeah, she scared us

really bad that time.

You actually--

You actually changed my life

because you were like, "Why are

you gonna work for someone else?

Open your own restaurant."

So, thanks.

That's nice.

That was such a fun week.

What happens in Cherry Grove

stays in Cherry Grove.

See if

you can get it in my mouth.

- Okay.

- Close.

- So close.

Very talented.

I see them again.

See who?

- The model joggers.

- Stop.


you didn't eat anything.

You should come eat

before I scarf up the rest.

I forgot my dairy pill.

Oh, your dairy pill.


I thought your leg hurt.

I thought your leg hurt.

- Ruthie.

- Jeez, be careful.

Yeah, you could hurt someone.

Where are you going?


- Faucets.

Sometimes it's hard to tell

when Ruthie's

having a good time.








And die!

I don't want to die.

"Methods in Hospitality."

Out-of-date properties

require cash flow.

To not address this

is to limp into failures.

And we must fix

the mistakes of the past

by moving into the future.

Claim your future.

Exorcise your past.


It is cold up here.

You shouldn't be up here.


Why did you just storm out

like that?

You shouldn't be up here.

You know that.

Want to tell me

what's going on?

No idea what

you're talking about.

You know I could never

forgive anything again, right?

I thought

we were starting over.

I'm talking about Fran.

How she looks at you.

How angry you get.

I know how you are.


Ruthie, listen to me.


I'm worried about you.

Ever since you went

to the funeral and saw your mom,

you've been acting

really strange.

And, yeah, I'm hurt that

you didn't bring me with you.

There's a buyer.

Cal, come on.

You got to-- stop.

Stop, stop, stop, stop.

Cal, you have to

listen to me.

I don't feel right here.

I never have.

Yeah, there's a buyer,

but I promise you that I am

gonna keep an open mind

because I love you

and I came here for you.

And I...

I know

I made mistakes in the past,

but I really--

I want to make it right.

- You do?

- I really do.

You love me?

- Yes.

- Prove it.


All right, come on, big boy.

This is f*cked up.

"Methods in Hospitality."

In hospitality,

we have the power

to create atmosphere, energy.

It is a home

that is not a home.

See yourself there.

If you don't see it,

I won't see it.

Are you listening to me?

It won't work.

It isn't going to work.

It won't work, Ruthie Nodd.

It isn't going to work.




Oh, my God.


What the f*ck

are you doing?

- I'm...

- What the f*ck?

What the f*ck are you doing?

We need to leave.

We need to...

- What?

We need to get out of here.

You just need to

get the f*ck away from me.

I understand now. Okay?

I understand why I'm here.

I am here to save you.

- Are you okay?

- That little girl...

'Cause I think you have

a fever.

It's real.

All of it. Okay?

- Are you okay?

- It is all real.

And we need to leave now. And...

And you need to leave Cal.

Look, now, I don't--

I don't--

you have to listen to me.

I don't know what the f*ck

is wrong with you.

See, you need to listen

to me, Ruthie!

You have to listen to me!

I'm sorry.

- Okay.

- Okay.

You need to listen to me, okay?


Otherwise what?

I will tell them!

- Tell us what?

- What the f*ck?

What's going on?

Is your leg worse?

We need to leave.

Okay, you can go

if you want to.

We'll get you a car.

No, no, no.

All of us need to leave.

Okay, um...

It looks infected.

My f*cking leg!

f*ck my f*cking leg!

Listen to me!

We have to go!

We have to leave.

Wake up!

What the f*ck?!

I'm so sorry, guys.

She's ruining the weekend.

But, I mean,

what are we supposed to do?

She's, like, injured.

- Maybe she's lying.

- What?

About the cut getting worse.

Her visions. All of it.

Come on.

Why-- Why would she do that?

Remember that thing

she said about her brother?

When she told you

she didn't have any family.

Also, I didn't see

a scar on her belly.

Did you?

He's probably lying about

the cancer scare too.

Like, why, why,

why would she do that?

Why would she lie about

something like that?

For attention.

And I think she wants Ruthie's

most of all.

It's true.

She does focus on you a lot.

I have an idea.


Please listen to me.


Guys, you don't know

what can happen here.


We can leave.


We can leave.


All of us?

Yes, of course,

all of us.


I'm sorry, Cal.

What do you mean?

We should pack.

- Attention, passengers.

The train for New York City

is approaching the station,

arriving on track six shortly.

Making all stops

to New York City.




Attention, passengers,

this is your boarding call

for the train

to New York City.

Please make your way

to track six.

Boarding now.

Please make your way

to track six.


But I can't believe we left

her at that creepy station.

I mean, she could barely walk.

- Or could she?

- Stop.

We did try to take her

to the hospital.

- Yeah, she refused!

- True.


I hate it when you do

those freaky things.

Why do you always do

those freaky things?


And she ripped my coat.

I love you guys.

I miss you!

Why are you still with her?

She cheats on you, and she's

totally obsessed with her mom.

I love you!

Where's Ruthie?!

Watch out. You know how

she likes to freak people out.


That's bad.


We need some chilled.

For you.



I mean women.


You're not funny.

Hey, stop!









We've been calling

and calling for you.

Ruthie, what's going on?

What's the matter?

- She's back.

- What? Who?

- We need to leave.

Yeah, right. Leave?

Stay, leave.

No, I'm not-- I'm not--

I'm not-- I'm not kidding.

We have to leave.

I just saw something outside.

Oh, now you're

seeing ghosts, too?

Don't-- wait.


Dude, I want to see why you're

always glued to this thing.

Are these texts, like,

all from your mom?

They all say the same thing.

"I love you so much."

Just f*cking listen to me.

The f*ck is wrong with you?

Fran is back.

There is no way

she came back here.

It's not f*cking safe here.

Is this you feeling guilty

and imagining things?

- No.

- Okay, stop.

You probably just saw us

running around, okay?

We were

out there goofing off.

- Out there?

- Yeah, out-- out there.

Kitchen, everywhere.

Oh, my God.

I can't stand this.

I'd have thought

you'd have learned

how to live with your guilt

by now.

What is that

supposed to mean?

What is wrong with you?

Why are you trying

to ruin the weekend?

Me? I'm not f*cking trying

to ruin the f*cking weekend.

It's Maddie.


They're just f*cking upset

that you left them for me.

Cal, where are you going?

Honestly, Cal,

we have to f*cking leave!



You don't scare me, Ruthie.

You never have.


Hey, what happened?

Are you

Someone f*cking cut me.

Ruthie or-- or Fran,

I don't know.

Someone jumped out at me

and f*cking cut me

wearing a f*cking mask thing.

I just

want to get out of here.

- Are you okay?

- What happened?

- Don't-- get away from me.

- Wait.

She did

one of her tricks again.

- Is she here?

- Did you do that?

No. What...

Are you kidding?

I was on the other side

of the hotel.

I'm just done with this.

I just want to go, and I want

to get away from here.

She is a m*rder*r.

She k*lled

her real estate partner.

All over the f*cking Internet.

It's dead.

Ruthie, your phone's dead.

Well, it must have just died.

Cal, Maddie...


I would never do that to you.

You have to believe me.

She is f*cking here,

and she is dangerous.

Tell me what you want to do.

Can-- Can you...

It's not that deep.

I just want to go.

- Okay.

- Good. Great. Okay.

Grab your stuff and let's go.

All right, we're never

gonna catch an Uber.

No, let her go.

I don't understand

what's going on.

You never want to.


f*cking canceled.

Hey, guys, will you give me--

give me your phone, Cal.

- Oh, my God.

- Will you just give me--

- I knew it.

- What is that?

What is this?

- I knew it.

You can't stop yourself.

You f*cking

don't know anything!

Give me your f*cking phone.

- Get away from me.

- What is that?

Cal. Cal, Cal, Cal.

It didn't...

Nothing happened.

She's f*cking lying.

- I'm so dumb.

- No, no, no.

You're not dumb.

- I'm so dumb.

You're not dumb.

It didn't mean anything.

I just--

I went into this f*cking--

give me your phone--

angry trance.

- Let go of me.

- And I, like...

I don't-- I don't even

f*cking like her.

I just-- I get overwhelmed,

and it's like my way of...

- Let go of me!

- ...hurting myself!

You make me do it.

I told you

over and over again.

I told you

I don't want to come here!

I can't f*cking do this

right now.

f*cking car--

the car rerouted.

Can we talk about this later?

'Cause I can't--

I can't do it.

This is insane.

Guys, come on.

- Let's go.

- This is insane.

- Now. Let's go.


There's always been

something wrong with you.

Let's go.

- Open the f*cking door!

Don't trust them, Cal.

Cal, just unlock the door.

Unlock the door.

I'm so sorry.

- How could you do this to me?

I'm so sorry.

I-- I came here.

I came here.

I can't do this.

I can't do this.

- Let's go.

- You wanted me to come.

- Come on.

I'm-- I'm doing everything right.

- Come on.

- No!

Don't go back in there!

Fran is in there, you guys!

She's gonna hurt you!

Oh, I'm sorry.

Guys, the car is coming.

We have 19 minutes!





Cal. Cal!


Cal. Cal.

I'm s-- I'm sorry!






What the f*ck?




There's a car coming.




That makes sense.

I understand.


Well, mm-hmm.


well, you just let me know.


Ms. Auerbach?

You just let me know.


Sorry about that.

Hello, Ruthie Nodd.

You're the woman

from those videos.

How are you here?

How did-- did you get in?

That's a lot of questions.

I'm with your team.

I'm a consultant.

Right. Yeah.

I'm so so--

I-I forgot. I...

I can't believe

that you're here.

I didn't realize

that you were in the area.

Well, I'm not.

Not really.

I came up from the city.

Are you okay?

Yeah, it's just... Yeah.

There-- There's a dangerous

woman in this hotel,

and we need--

we need to get out of here.

Sorry. I'm sorry. I must--

I must sound really crazy.


You actually just sound nervous.

Like someone who isn't ready

to make a big decision.

Like selling

their grandma's hotel.

Maybe. Yeah.


I don't know.

Do you want to talk about it?

And I kind of messed things up

with my girlfriend.

I do bad things sometimes.

Well, who doesn't?

Now, do you think you might be

imagining things?

I thought I saw someone

in the elevator,

and no one was really there.

Well, there you go.

Oh, they're here.

Oh, there you are.

Ah, your lawyer

already looked it over.

Or at least,

rather, your mother's lawyer.

I'm sorry I'm late.

Your mother filled out

most of the paperwork

right after the funeral,

as you know.

But as the sole proprietor

and heir,

really need you

to seal the deal.

We've already done our

back-and-forths on this price.

I know this place used to be

the Four Seasons of the '80s,

but times have changed.

You're not the only indoor pool

in the neighborhood,

if you get what I mean.

So this is

a pretty fair dollar sign.

I'm not sure

I want to sell.

You're kidding me.

Then what are you doing here?

Why did you insist on me

setting up a Saturday visit?

You were adamant before,

and so was your mother.



You both begged me

to push this thing through.

I'm afraid

I'm a little bit baffled.

Like, really baffled.


She said that she doesn't know

if she wants to sell.

I'm sorry.

I have changed my mind.

I think.

My girlfriend has been

taking these hospitality classes

and, you know,

we might get married, and...

This offer

is not gonna stand forever.

It isn't easy to move

these kinds of properties.

You might want

to give your mom a call.

Are you okay?

You look like

you could use a hug.

Can you ask for it?

Can I have a hug?

Your hair smells

just like my mom's.

If I were your mom,

I would never leave you alone.

Things happen to little girls

who are left alone.

I know.

I should go.

My car is probably here.

Of course. I can walk you out.

The doors have been acting up.

Oh, no, no, no. No.

What you need to do

is find that girlfriend of yours

and work things out.

You're probably right.

It was really so amazing

to meet you.

Just remember,

you know what's best.




Got great news.

We're gonna keep the hotel.


Guys, you don't have to

be afraid of me.


Cal, Cal, no.

No, Cal.


Cal, no.


Oh, my God! No, no!

It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay. It's okay. Shh.

No, no. I called the police.

- Did you do that?!

They're on their way.

We need to get out of here.

Is he dead?

Ruthie, what are you doing?

- I'm just getting his keys.

Ruthie, what is going on?


Maddie, stop!

Stop! What are you doing?

f*cking maniac!

- Stop! What are you doing?!

- f*ck is wrong with you?!

- Stop! What are you doing?!

- Get the f*ck out of here!

You guys!

- Stop it!

f*ck out of here!

Guys, will you f*cking

listen to me?!


f*cking listen!

- I don't think I can do it.

- Do it! Now!

Do it now!

I am so sorry!

Are you f*cking insane?!

She's a f*cking m*rder*r

in here!

- I can't do this.

- You f*cking traitors!


- In there.

- You guys, f*cking listen!

The police are coming!

The police are coming!

No, guys!

No, you can't do this.

You can't do this.

Fran is out there!

Fran's not here.

It's you.

No! No, it is not.

And you know that!

Hang on. We'll wait

for the police to get here.

It's Fran!

What is wrong

with you?

Cal, no,

I promise

that I w-won't make

any m-more mistakes.

I promise.

I'm gonna-- I'm gonna keep

the hotel for-- for-- for us.

- Cal.

I can't be

locked in here, not...

Please open the door!

Open the door!


Can I have a hug?


I came back for you.

No. What did you do?

What did you do?

Where's Cal?

Cal? Cal?!


Did you k*ll them?


- Cal?

- No, no.

- Cal?!

- No, Ruthie.



I came back for you.

Can we go?


Cal, what did you do?

No, of course not.

I just came back for you.

I would have never

let you come here.


What is it, Ruthie?

I don't know what's going on.

I just want to go home.


Ruthie, please.



Just come with me.


Okay, okay.

Are you okay?

Are you okay?

Okay. I am so sorry.

I am so sorry. Okay.

All right, we--

your phone.

Let me just get your...

Um, is...

This isn't your...

Why do you have

your mom's phone?

Oh, yeah.


Why do you have

your mom's phone?

I don't want to talk

about it right now.

I told you

I didn't want to come here.

I told you over and over...

- Oh, God.

...and over and over

and over and over...

- Get away from her!

Get away from her!

I won't let you hurt her!

Get away from her!

Get away from her!


I've never cried

in front of anyone before.

I like to dance.



Not now.

Mommy's busy.

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