Piglady (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Piglady (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

The girl,

they ended up--

they never did find her body,

but evidently they kept her--

she kept her somewhere

in a pen like this.

[reporter] In 2007, Caleb Jones

and his wife, Rachel,

saw an ad near the Weimer store

about help needing cutting


On the other end of that ad,

Susan Worley.

Just up the hill right here,

that's where they found

one of the--

like, an arm or a leg

or something,

just right over the hill there.

And if you look, the barn there,

it's torn down now.

[reporter] Jones says

he and his wife eventually

lived on her property.

They set up a small trailer

and helped her clean up

the property and feed her pigs.

And all of the sudden,

Worley told them they had to


He turned white as a ghost.

I mean, you can see I'm getting

chill bumps right now

just thinking about it,

because it's, like,

whenever you're that close

to somebody to escape death.

[reporter] Both of them

remember her living conditions

as being terrible.

While there was running water

on the property,

both say

there was no bathroom on site.

Her living conditions

were-- were crazy,

because she let the pigs

live in the house

and they would run through

and come and go

as she pleased as...

But there-- there was just

something about her

that was off,

that just was eerie.

[reporter] And they say news

of her arrest comes as a shock.

There were

warning signs definitely.

She-- she was always nice to me.

I remember down at the shelter,

I was looking for work...

[ominous music playing]

[woman grunting in agony]


Come on, you're almost there.

Right there.



-[woman screaming]


-[baby crying]

-[Susan] Come on.

Push. Come on.

[baby crying]

[ominous music plays]

[baby crying]

[woman] No!


[baby cooing]

-With you.


What else do we need?

Like, did the boys

prepare for anything?

Yeah, prepare, like, bring beer.

-This number keeps texting here.

-Oh, my God, it's 818.

That's, like, Burbank.

-Ew, who lives there?

-Oh, my God.


-Looking good, ladies.

-Looking good.


So my jiu-jitsu

classes are paying off.

-Girl, yes.

-Hey, baby girl!

-Looking marvelous as always.

-Thank you.

And hey, cutie!

I forget your name.

-I smoke too much weed.


-Don't ask why.

-Yeah, don't.

Girl, you're walking a pit bull

on the streets of Hillcrest.

I'm surprised

a Karen hasn't got you yet.

First of all, I am Black, gay,

and I need emotional support.

And, girl,

you know we're in California.

Why you got all that on

like you a Eskimo?

Oh, I'm Mormon now.

-Is that sheep's wool?

-Uh, yeah.


Girl, ain't no church gonna

have your scraggly ass.

[all laughing]

So, we're going to

my boyfriend's dad's house

in Oregon,

he's got a cabin up there.

We're gonna have

a little weekend fiesta.

Adrianna, meet my friends.

Marcus, Tyler, and the star

of the show, Hurricane.

Oh, my God, so cute.

Wait, why is his name Hurricane?

[both] Don't ask.

[ominous music playing]

[baby crying in distance]

[baby crying in distance]

[chain rattling]

[pig snorting]

[chain rattling]

[pig squealing]

Please, please, please.

[pigs squealing]

[baby coos]

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Um, you guys should come

to the cabin with us, right?

Yes, yes!

I'm a city slicker.

This ass don't walk in grass.

And these heels don't, either.

Well, I know Hurricane

would like to get out

-of the city for a weekend.


Come on, do it for the dog.

Babe, I've been to Oregon.

And there's no place for

my beautiful, sexy Black ass.


Burning daylight, let's roll.

How was it, buddy?

There's a pandemic coming.

[ominous music playing]


[pigs growling]

[woman panting]

[pigs growling]

What is wrong with you?

Why are you doing this?

Why are you doing this?

I have a baby!

Please, just leave me alone!

Don't k*ll me, please.

I'll do anything you want,


Say something!

What are you doing?



[grunting in pain]



[grunting in agony]


-[grunting with effort]

[baby crying]

[crying continues]

[car honking]

That must be

your prince charming.


-Well, Merry Christmas.

I hope I see you guys soon.

Please someone save me

from these cannibals

and meat eaters.

Girl, you don't eat meat?

I eat meat.

Well, I don't swallow,

but don't tell anyone.


Love her.

But speaking of secrets,

does he know yet?

[Brit] No, and I'd like

to keep it that way.

I haven't decided

if I'm keeping it or not.

You've got to

protect yourself, woman!

Funny you should say that,


-I always say that to you.


Okay, just text me

if you change your mind, okay?

Love you, love you.

Bye, Hurricane.

Girl, I love her,

but she is crazy if she has

a baby with that mess.

[mellow indie music playing]

-Who the f*ck was that?

-Just some friends.

I was trying

to get them to come up.

You can't just invite people

to my parents' cabin

without asking me first.

Uh, you're such a butt plug.

What the f*ck

does that supposed to mean?

Butt plug? Who has a butt plug?

Of course that's all

you got from that statement.

Jesus, guys, we haven't even

made it down the road

and you're already fighting.

All right, all right,

all right, you're right.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I apologize.

I have a chronic disorder

of douchebag,

but have no fear.

I will protect you

and I am strapped.

Strap on?

Well, I knew he was a perv,

but not you, Brit.

Oh, that shows

how little you know about me.

I know what you meant,

tough guy.

You want that. 45,

that Jesus piece.

[imitates g*nshots]

That Colt 45 and two


baby that's all we need

Stop and hit the bong

like Cheech and Chong

Smoke that tumbleweed

Wait, wait, you have a g*n?

Well, I mean,

I prefer a peacemaker, a heater.

That's so unnecessary.


until it's necessary.


what are you scared of, cowboy?

I don't know, you know,

vegans scare the hell out of me.

Well, you should be scared.

Listen, Adrianna,

I know you hate me,

but no matter what happens...

I'm gonna protect you.

Not because

I care about justice,

I just want to use my g*n.

Oh, is this the part

where you tell us


your Second Amendment rights?

Aren't you scared

of getting arrested?

They have something

called licensing,

so if you have a g*n license

and you're not with the liberal,

we should be good

according to law.

Brittany, you must be

a saint to be with this one.

I'm sorry,

I didn't hear anything.

That's gonna be

my number one tip

when I become a dating guru.

Using the excuse

of being on your phone.

Sounds like great advice.

Well, I'll be

your first patient, Brit.

Just make sure

to give me a good prescription.

Do I hear two?

I second the notion.

Dibs on uno.

Bullying and skipping line.

Why am I not surprised?

Anyway, let's be friends.

I don't wanna get shot.

Shake on it?

Let's get f*cked up.

[all cheering]

Here we go! Rock and roll!

[dishes clattering]

[kettle whistling]

[ominous music playing]


Morning, Susan.

Sorry to bother you.

I know it's early, but we got

a few questions for you.

[Susan] Neighbors complaining?

Not this time.

Uh, we're just interested

to know the last time

you saw Doug Birchfield.

[Susan] Yeah,

Dougie used to work for me.

Like all of 'em.

Made some money,

got hooked back on the needle.

Were you and Mr. Birchfield

ever romantically involved?

[Susan chuckling] 'Course not.

I ain't needed a man in years.

Especially not a junkie.

I'm starting to feel

like you're up to something...

and I don't think

I like it very much.

How many pigs you got, Susan?

[Susan] Besides

the two on the porch...

30, 40.

Pig's a very

resourceful creature.


-A lot you could do with a pig.

[Susan] Yeah.

Your dad was a pig farmer,

wasn't he, Officer Raymond?

He was.

Well, you have yourself

a great day, Susan.

You think she did it?

Well, she's already lying

about their relationship.

And look at this place.

She's got every means

to dispose of a body...

including a homeless person.

Easy write off.

Don't do it.

We need probable cause.

But we'll get it.

[engine rumbles to start]

[Tony] Bro,

we should have a pig roast.

Uh, you better f*cking not.

I'm down, dude. Let's do it.

[ominous music plays]

Hey, I heard

you were the one to talk to

about getting some work.

I sure could use some money

if you got anything.

[Susan] Who told you that?

I-- I don't remember, it's just

kind of the talk around here.

I don't recognize you.

Where are you from?

Uh, California.

[Susan] Can you keep a secret?

Of course, you can trust me.

I could hire you on my farm...

but I don't like people

knowing my business.

Yes, ma'am, I understand.

Appreciate it, Susan.

-You can't trust these people.

-I-- I give you my word--

If you're gonna work for me,

I gotta know I can trust you.

I-- I give you my word,

I'll keep it between you and me.

Come by my place in the morning.

Oh, thank you so much.

-I won't let you down.


It'll be good.

You won't regret it.


Nice talking to you.

I won't let you down!

[indistinct talking on radio]

[Hunter] Uh, all right, g*ng.

I need a drink, let's stop here

at the local Watering Hole.

-What do you say?

-[Brit] I'm game.

[Tony] I need to stop by the

store and get some booze, too.

-[Hunter] All in favor say aye.

-[all] Aye!

[bar din]

Got you a drink already, babe.

Well, I wanted to

change it up a bit.

-Get something different.


So what's the plan, Captain?

Uh, the plan is no plan,


I definitely want to do

some lounging around.

Get caught up on my beauty rest.

How about you boys?

I'd like to do some manly stuff.

Maybe teach a boy here

how to drive stick.

[all chuckling]

What does being a man even mean?


another round, please.

What? They work for me.

No, seriously.

What does

being a man consist of?

Oh, I think I would know.

Yeah, it's probably

eating a lot of meat,

so your assh*le just lights up.

[Adrianna] What is

with you two and buttholes?


-I am the rubber band man

for tonight.

-Tony Tone!

-I got drinks.

But I need that, actually.

Ooh, baller!

Yeah, let's-- let's k*ll it

while we're here, huh?


[Brit] All right.

[Adrianna] So, what's your plan

after school, Brit?

[Brit] The plan is no plan.

How about you?

I plan on starting

my own practice.

That's if I ever finish.

I don't know, maybe I'll just

be a professional student.

No, you got this,

you're almost there.

How about you, Hunter?

What's in store for the marine?

I was always

a little too cool for school.

That's why I enlisted.

But I don't know, I would like

to start a family one day.

Oh, that's so cute.

A little baby Hunter.

-[Hunter] Baby Hunter.

-[glass shattering]

-[Tony grunting]

-[Hunter] Tony!

[others laughing]

Party foul!

No worries, Tony,

I didn't need one anyways.

[Tony chuckling]


-Were you a server?

You're so cute

when you're embarrassed.


[Susan] f*cking thing!

[Adrianna] I'm ready

to leave after this round.

Yes, please.

We just got started,

what do you want to do, Tony?

I think I want

the whole outdoor experience.

Not this "watering hole" shit.

We've been on the road all day,

I'm ready to chill.

All right, ladies.

One more, then we go.

-All right, cheers.


-Party pooping tonight.

-[Brit] What is this then?

This is a drink.

Too bad

you're not drinking with us.

-What's up with that?

-What do you think this is?

So can we leave?

-[all chuckling]

-[Hunter] Sure, I guess.

[ominous musical effect plays]

[Hunter] All right, guys,

here we are.

[Adrianna] The door was open.

This place is a pigsty.

[Hunter] See, this is why

I'm not nice to people.

Look, maybe your water broke

or something.

Kind of creepy, but whatever.

-Let's get settled in.

-Adrianna, I think

we have cucumbers if you want to

put some of your eyelids.

No, thanks,

I brought my own facial masks.

And by the way,

we only have one room available,

so me and Britt will sleep

on the air mattress.

You two can have the room.

What's wrong

with the other two rooms?

One's my mom's art studio

and the other has

a bunch of shit in it.

[Tony] What kind of shit?

Dude, I don't know,

doomsday shit.


Well, thanks, that's sweet.

You're officially

off my shit list.


Yes! My life is complete.

[Tony] How about them cucumbers?

-You're bad.

-[Tony chuckling]

Man, that is a cool shotgun.

Yeah, that was my grandpa's,

he used to take us

skeet sh**ting

and bird hunting as a kid.

Skeet sh**ting is kind of

like our family sport.

1892 Damascus steel.

12 gauge. [blows air]

She is pretty.

Please tell me

you've shot skeet before.

What, those little orange

puck-looking things?

Technically they're called

clay pigeons, but whatever.


Sweet with the skeet, bro.

Let's do it to it.

[Hunter] Okay, babe,

we're gonna go

play g*ns in the woods.

Be careful, Hunter.

-Don't sh**t your eye out, kid.

-Will do.

Hey, take care of my man,



when I'm done with your man,

he'll be shaking it

with two hands.

[women laugh]

Saddle up, Tony.

Famous last words,

"I'll be back."

[rock music playing]

[coughing, sniffing]

[snorting, grunting]

[snorting, sighing]


[music plays on speakers]





[leaves rustling]

-[music blasting on speakers]

-[banging on door]

Just a second.


[sighs, coughs]

Uh, hey.

[Susan] Randy.

Uh, you've done a lot

to help out around this month,

so I was thinking, uh...

you don't have to worry

about the rent on the RV.

Oh, well, thank you.

I'll-- I'll do the best

I can for you. [sniffles]

[Susan] I got supper ready

if you wanna come in.

Uh, no, I got--

I got things to do, but,

uh, I appreciate

all that you've done for me.


Well, uh, I could do a lot more.

You know, I couldn't help but

notice your little habit there.

What with you speeding around

so much and all.

So, uh...

all right.

I'll let you go, but, uh...

just let me know and Mom'll

cook you up something real good.

Real good.

So, what do you have

against the Piglady?

What do you mean?

It just seems like

you're hell bent on busting her.

Is it personal?

I just don't like her.

She's a thief.

She stole one of my dad's pigs.

I'm pretty sure

she poisoned my dog.


How long ago?

I was just a kid.

But you know

what really pisses me off...

is that

she paints herself as this

heroic philanthropist

down at the shelter.

[scoffs] Whatever.

I feel you.

Let's bust this bitch.

Well, it is Christmas time.

Seems to be bodies disappear

this time every year.

Do you really think

she's behind this?

I mean...

a little petty theft

is a long shot for m*rder.

And besides,

with all the trimmigrants

working in the pot fields,

it may be hard to quantify.

It's just a feeling.

It's just a feeling.

You know

how stubborn Adrianna can be.

I don't know how you do it.


[ominous music playing]



[indistinct talking]


Thank you, Adrianna.

It's no whiskey,

but it'll have to do.

[Hunter grunts]

It's like rubbing alcohol.

-No, I'm good.


So, how was sh**ting g*ns today,

my little tough guy?

It was awesome. Hey, Hunter.


-Are you deaf?

I saw an axe

in the back of the shed.

In the spirit of tradition...

-Christmas tree, anyone?


Ooh, Hunter,

I think you were right.

Kind of digging

my new manly man.


who's getting laid tonight?

Who's getting laid tonight?

Or today?

Oh! Hint-hint.

That'll give me something

to look forward to, babe.

But I need to chop a tree.

-[Adrianna chuckles]

-Oh, we're not gonna do that.

You gotta learn

how to chop wood first, boy.

Oh, I see how it is.

So, you don't want it...


[all chuckling]

Oof. Oof, babe,

sometimes you want

what you can't have.


Well, it's fine.

We need girl time anyways.

Yeah, it'll give us

a chance to talk about you.

Go on, do your manly stuff.

[sighs in effort] let's go.

Let's grab our coats.

First thing you need to know

about chopping wood,

it's all positioning

on the handle.

[Brit] Be careful.

Well, I need help

with your cooking skills.

I'm gonna make dinner.

Sure thing. My pleasure.

What're we having, captain?

[Brittany] I was thinking

something easy.

Maybe spaghetti?

They can have the meatballs

after you get your food.

-Thanks, babe.


All right,

let's clean this up. [sighs]

I love that

they're getting along.

[ominous music playing]

Okay, so how can I help you

with my cooking expertise?

[pigs oink in distance]



[Randy] Hey, uh, man, I, uh,

I think

I'll take you up on your offer.

You got me a little bit curious.

You want a bump?

Oh, wow, thanks.

[tense music playing]

[Randy groans]

[clears throat, coughs]


[singing lullaby

in other language]

[Susan] Hey, honey.

I'm not gonna hurt you.

I just need you awake for this.

Uh, how long have I been out?

[Susan] Not long.

Hey, why am I--

Hey, why am I tied to the bed?

Hey, what in the hell?

What in the f*ck?

Why am I tied to the bed?

What in the f*ck is going on?

I want out of here!

Why am I tied to the bed?


I've seen you looking at me.

What the f*ck?

[Randy whimpers]


[deep eerie music playing]


Are they smoking? [scoffs]

Tony will take any opportunity

he gets to roll a joint.

They're so silly.

-What are they even doing?

-I have no idea.

I'm gonna make a drink,

do you want one?

Maybe in a minute.

Guys are so strange.

I mean,

how they go around roaring

and beating their chest

over nothing.

I mean, it's almost primal.

Yeah, it's almost as if

they're subconsciously clinging

to the last

of their masculinity.

[ice clunking]

I mean,

I guess I shouldn't complain.

At least there's some

manly men left in the world.

It does seem

to be a dying species.

I try and let him run free,

but at the end of the day,

he's such a moron.

They need us to keep them tame.

Tony would be lost without me.

Or maybe

we'd be lost without them.


[Hunter] You wanna ask

your mommy for permission?

-[Hunter] Come on, dude.

-[Tony] f*ck you, dude.

I got this.

-[Hunter laughs]

-[Tony] What? What is it now?

[Hunter] Nothing, man.

As you are, as you are.

You gonna keep doing this

every time that I swing?

I'm happy

you're cutting it, man.

-Oh, man. Come on.

-You're doing good.

What, are you cold, pretty boy?

[ominous music playing]

How does that feel?

[sighs] Good.

Well, let's finish the job.

What is that? Do you see it?

[Hunter] What?

-Dude, I don't know.

-Never mind, dude.

Never mind.

[Tony exhales sharply]

-Try that.

-[Hunter] There she is.

[Tony breathing heavily]

[Tony] Oh, there it is.

[both] Timber!

Tell me about that story,

you know,

what you were saying

about the Piglady?


there was just some folklore

around a couple

of disappearances,

one being her husband.

Apparently, she would feed

the victims to her pigs

and she had an ongoing

relationship with them

or something,

I don't know, Tony.

-I don't know.

-You mean like beastiality?

You tell me

she's a f*cking pig whisperer.

I think she just looks scary.

I mean,

I've been there

a few times with my dad

-and I'm still alive.



she wouldn't k*ll a customer.

It's a bad business.

Yeah, I don't know,

I just don't want to

piss off my girlfriend.

Man the f*ck up

and grow some balls.

That's what she secretly

wants anyways, Tony.

I don't think making eye contact

with a flaming pig head

is what she wants, bro.

Well then

she can get over it then.

Here's what

we're gonna do, Tony.

We'll sneak out

tomorrow after breakfast,

we'll get the pig

and the roast

will take place far,

far from the cabin.

And that's as nice as I can be.

-Come on, let's do it.

-[Tony sighs]

[Tony] All right.

[leaves crunching]

You boys don't belong here.

It's much too dangerous for you.

Just passing by, bud.


-What a view, huh?

-[Tony] Mm-hmm.


That's what it's all about.

[Tony] What are we sipping on?

Devil's gut.

Cheers. To the pig lady.

Skoal to experiences.

Let's head back.

Always leave a tool

how you found it, Tony.

Let's go sharpen this blade.

Saddle up.

Don't be modest, Tony. Come on.

[engine revving]

[Hunter whoops]

[ominous music plays]

Should have power in here.

Take that,

so you can latch it back.

[metallic whirring]


dramatic drum beat plays]

Just latch that back

when you're done, Tony.

I got you.

-Yo, Hunter, come here.

-[Hunter] Yeah?


Come here, come here, come here.

[Hunter] What?

I swear, I'm seeing things.

I'm not crazy, I sw--

[Hunter] What the f*ck

are you seeing, dude?

Come on.

When you pine for the


of a friendly gaze

For the holidays,

you can't beat home sweet home

I met a man

who lives in Tennessee

Oh, shit. [chuckles]


[Tony grunts] Yep, yep, yep.

[Hunter chuckles]

What the f*ck?

We just cut this tree.

Sorry. We found it in storage.

We thought you guys were drunk

in the woods by now.


I thought you guys were doing

some Brokeback Mountain shit.

Oh, are you jealous?

Just-- I'll put it--

Sorry, Tony.

You had the experience at least.

-Keep your head up, kid.

-Can you guys replant it?

[Tony] No, we can't replant it.

It's dead.

We already cut it down.

-That's not my problem.

-[Adrianna] Get out of here.

If you want to be happy

in a million ways

For the Holidays,

you can't beat home sweet home


I think it looks good.

[Tony] You know,

I can't figure out a way

to put this on.

I'm not the best

at this kind of thing.

[Adrianna] You can just

push it through.

Hey, Adrianna.

Your boy's been having

hallucinations today.

[Adrianna] Really?

Like dead people?

Uh, no, like pigs.

And I know it sounds crazy.

I swear,

pigs running by the shed,

by the jacuzzi.


Is it the cute little pink ones

with wings?

Okay, whatever, Brittany.


[Adrianna] This looks good here.

Oh, okay.

Well, I think

this looks good here.

[Adrianna] [laughs] Oh, you do?

And here and--

Should we just go upstairs?

Well, let's do that, yeah.

Let's go upstairs.

I think-- I think so.

I'm the only one

fixing the tree over here.

[Adrianna] Good night, guys.

-You want a bite?


-Are you sure?


-You having a good time?


[ominous music plays]

[Adrianna] Is this your version

of a Christmas story?

It's a little loud.

Can you turn it down, please?

They've got to be

the most sadistic couple

on Earth.

Halloween on Christmas?

Sorry, we must have fell asleep.

I thought you were dead.


You wouldn't get that lucky.

All right, let's walk three feet

to a bed of air.

I'll have to say

sex on the air mattress

is new for me.

It kind of turns me on.

How about you?

Turns me on maybe,

but not a first.

Ooh, competition.

-I like it.

-[Brit chuckles]

But be gentle with me.

I'm innocent.

I'll hurt you

in a good kind of way.


Some boys have all the luck.

Tell me about it.

But better yet, show me.

[pigs oink]

That's the house right there.

-[pig oinks]

-[knocking on door]

I'm sorry,

I didn't mean to bother you.

We actually just wanna purchase

a pig from you.

[Susan] How big you want?

Uh, uh, just enough

to feed a few people.

[Susan] $2 a pound

is typically what I charge.

-You gonna haul it off?

-Yes, ma'am.

[Susan] 100-- 125.

Okay, uh, we'll take it.

[Susan] Randy!


[Susan] Butcher these kids

a suckling.

Which one?

[Susan] One of the little ones.

You want it butchered or k*lled?

Uh, both, please.

I'm sorry, you'll have to

forgive my friend.

He's not used to k*lling

what he eats.

We're gonna do the butchering.

-[Susan] California?

-[Tony] Yes, ma'am.


Randy will take care of you.

Hope you ain't got far to go.


just over the mountain here.

Staying at my dad's cabin.

[Susan] Over the mountain?

Is your dad Henry?

That's him.

[Susan] Tell him

to quit calling,

my land ain't for sale.

I'll pass it along.

I'm not here to take your land

from you, Miss.

I try to stay out

of my family business.

-But you have a good day.

-[Susan] All right.

And you have yourselves

a good stay.

[Hunter] Thank you.

Unless you boys

want to hang around,

I suggest you go wait down there

if you can't handle the reality.

[Hunter] We'll wait in the Jeep.

[Tony] Thanks.


You told 'em

where we were staying?

Don't worry about it, Tony,

I've been dying to use my w*apon



[pigs squealing]

-[Hunter chuckles]

-[Tony exhales sharply]

Something's not right with you,


I figured

you'd want to be out there.

You know, watching him

blow a pig's head off.

Too up close

and personal for me, Tony.

I'm retired.

But after the fact, no problem.

[slow, relaxing music plays]

Brit, did you fill up

the hot tub yet?

Of course, just like you asked.

You're the best, babe.

Did you even bring trunks?

I got my boxers.

I think it's gonna rain.

Ah, they have a saying

in Oregon.

Wait five minutes,

the weather changes.

[chuckles] Okay.

Tony! Hot tub in five.

Adrianna! Hot tub in ten.

-[Adrianna] 10-4.

-It's a date.

[water bubbling]

[Hunter] Oh, what a life, Tony.

[Brittany] Oh, my God.

I'm so ready for this.

[Tony] Damn, ladies!


It better be hot, boys.

[Hunter] The water's warm.

Come on in.


Don't mind if I do, boys.

[Hunter] Ooh!

[Adrianna] Okay,

-she's showing tit!


They're not gonna

hang like this forever.

I have more class than that.

So bougie.

My parents taught me better.

My parents taught me shit.

Yeah, well,

I think that my mom was a slut.


So, Tony,

what do you think about it?

Hmm, you know, I think, uh...

I say f*ck it.

f*ck it. It's Christmas. YOLO!

[whoops and chuckles]

-See? Freedom.

-[Adrianna] Oh, my God.

It's kind of nice,

I'm not gonna lie.

[dramatic beat plays]

[Adrianna] I feel like we should

have some more bubbles though,

don't you think?

No? Okay.

I saw a creek in the back,

maybe we can go skinny dipping

next time.

Oh, I like

where your mind is headed.

[eerie music plays]

Yeah, the temperature's good.

Holy shit, Tony, I don't think

you're crazy after all.

Guys, look at the pigs!



-[Adrianna] Look! Right there.


I don't see anything.


It was literally right there.

I think both of you

are losing your shit.

[Brittany] I think you're crazy.



[Hunter] So, Tony,

how about that campfire?

[Tony] Yeah, man.

That's a good idea.

What's taking them so long?

Let's just get dressed

and head down to the fire.

We don't need them to escort us.

Yeah, we might want

to hang out here for a few.

Son of a bitch. Pig roast?

He can sleep

on the f*cking couch.

And what were you trying to do?

Hide it from me?

I'm not hiding

anything from you,

I just told you.

Yeah, after hiding it

the whole time.

Nobody's hiding

shit from you, girl.

We're all just trying

to have a good time,

which seems impossible for some.

You know,

you've been in SoCal too long.

Take that p*ssy

off its pedestal.

What the f*ck does that mean,


Oh, I'm the bitch?

I'm sorry,

let the three of us just

roll out the red carpet for you

and cater on your every need.

I don't see how Tony does it.

You are a f*cking bitch

and don't include

my boyfriend's name

-in your mouth.

-[Brittany] Really?

Is that how you're gonna be?

Then go to your room, child,

before I go the f*ck off!


[deep ominous music plays]

Hey, girl. Let's not argue.

I know you can hear me.

Let's just appreciate

the differences.

[Adrianna] I'm listening.

I'll ask the boys not to leave

any remains after dinner,

but they've got a fire going,

and I really wanna hang out

with you.


[Adrianna] Okay. You're right.

I'm sorry

for being such a prima donna.

[Brittany] All right.

Go get ready. Come on.

-I'm guessing it's cold outside?

-Yes, grab a coat.

Well, I hope you know

where you're going.

I don't want to get lost

in the woods.

Hunter left out glow sticks.

Of course he did.

Adrianna, the one good thing

about dating a Marine

is that they always lead

the way.

[Adrianna] Well,

at least he's thoughtful.


Tony's thoughtful, too.

I wish Hunter

was more thoughtful,

but what are you gonna do?

[Adrianna] Oh, f*ck!

-God, are you okay?

-[Adrianna] Ow, no!

Why does this happen to me?

-Because you're a bitch.

-[Adrianna] Oh, f*ck you, bitch.

[Brittany] A long weekend.

[Adrianna] g*dd*mn it, Tony.

What the f*ck?

Oh, f*ck, babe,

you weren't supposed

to see this.

I thought you were eating,

not carving up flesh!

My God. Sorry, don't hate me.

I'm gonna come grab you

when I'm all cleaned up.

I love you!

[Brittany] Adrianna!

Why is she limping?

I don't know how you do it, man.

All right, let's just finish

-what we started.

-[Tony sighs]

[Tony] Oh, man, okay.

I'm f*cked,

you know that, right?

No, you're fine. Come on.

She'll get over it.

No one's getting laid tonight.


[eerie music plays]

Tony, what do you think

about your first pig roast?

-[Tony grunts]

-Let him finish.

I-- I didn't get to start.

Uh, to be honest,

it was an experience.

-That you'll never do again.

-[Brit chuckles]

No, I'll do it again.

No, I will definitely

do it again.

[Hunter] My man, my man, my man.

But-- but-- but what I wanna

do differently the next time

is I want to actually k*ll

the pig.

I wanna-- I wanna hunt,

trap, and k*ll the pig.

You know, get a little--

little primal situation

going before

otherwise I feel bad, you know?

Just seeing a dead pig

hanging up and all that, so...


why aren't you f*cking drinking?

One of us

has to be the responsible one

-and pace ourselves.

-Since when are you that person?

Party pooper!

I'm glad my intoxication levels

are of the utmost concern.

[Tony] Honestly,

I'm with you, Brit.

Thank you.

Ah, I say we king her

designated driver

or something

at least comparable.

I second that notion, Tony.

All in favor say aye.

-[Brittany] Aye.

-[Adrianna] Aye.

[Hunter] Any opposed?

[Brittany] Well, I am honored.

Now, baby,

can you massage my shoulders?

You know,

I should hate the process,

but that pig roast was so good.

You boys did a great job.

Don't hate the process,


Here we go.

Didn't you used to eat meat?


that was before I was educated

-on this topic.

-[Brittany] Oh!

Or before you were a victim

of propaganda.

Okay, no. Come on, guys.

We were just all friendly,


Let's not go there.

-Let's keep it down.

-My bad, my bad.

-Think before you speak.

-Okay, okay, okay.

Damn it.

Tony, you take the floor,

I'm not winning this one.



I got a little something

to lighten the spirits

and give us

a little Christmas spirit...

-[Hunter] Okay.

-...if you will.


It's a little poem.

I didn't write it.

-I hope it rhymes.

-Her and her rhymes.

It's a poem, so it rhymes,


-I love a good rhyme.

Uh, it goes

a little something like this.

[ominous music plays]

"T'was the night

before Christmas.

When all through the house

not a creature was stirring."

-Except for a mouse.

-[Tony] No, not even a mouse.

Honestly, I don't know

the rest of that, so...

-[all laughing]

-Oh, come on!

-I was getting into it.

-I know.

Well, let me get you

back into it.

-[Brittany] The suspense.

-[Tony] I gotta just pull it up.


"Not a creature was stirring.

Not even a mouse.

The stockings were hung

by the chimney with care.

In hopes that Saint Nicholas

soon would be there.

The children were nestled

all snug in their beds

while visions of sugar plums

danced in their heads."

Oh, baby, you're so sweet.


-Who's getting laid tonight?

-[Tony] Ah, come on.

You wanna place a wager?

[Tony] Probably-- probably you,

Mr. Manly Man.

Oh, God.

Oh, looks like

you're winning the game here.

[Brittany] Thank you

for bringing us here.

-I'm glad you came. Thank you.

-[Brittany] Of course.

[Adrianna] The one good thing

you did for us.


Oh, is that a compliment?

[Adrianna] [chuckles]

That was a compliment.

-[Hunter] I'll take it.

-[all laughing]

[Hunter] If that's all

I can get from you.

You know,

you two have been going at it

since the moment

we left this trip.

Come on. Okay, we're cool.

Right, Hunter?

Let's pump it out. Huh?

I'll take it.

I'll take it for now. Yeah.

Well, on that note,

I am gonna order a pizza

since you savages

had your feast.

-Which way is the house?

-This way.

This way. Go this way.

[Tony] No, Hunter. Babe--

Come on, Hunter!

I thought

we just had a thing going.

You know I gotta f*ck it up,

come on.

[Brittany] Do you need a lamp?

[Adrianna] Uh, I have my phone.

Don't save me a piece

unless there's pepperoni on it!


I love to watch you leave.

How romantic.

[Tony] Babe,

save me a piece, please.

[Adrianna sighs]

Well, ladies,

I'm gonna go use the restroom.

Baby, why don't you just go

pop a squat in the woods?

I said restroom.

Who said anything

about a number one?

-f*cking disgusting.

-[laughs] You asked for it.

[Tony] Hey, uh,

bring me back a slice please.

And my girlfriend.

And make sure

you wash your hands.

And make sure

you clean it up before I go.

Two in the pink,

one in the stink!

[Brittany] Shocker!

Behave yourselves, boys.


-[Marcus exclaims]

-[Brittany screaming]

Oh, my God, assh*le!

What are you trying to do?

Give me a miscarriage?

[Marcus] I know, I know.

[Hunter] Tony, come the f*ck on!


It's okay, Hunter.

It's just my friend Marcus.

Marcus from Hillcrest.



I'm Marcus.

[Hunter] You gave me

a f*cking heart attack.

You see what I'm saying, Brit?

Figures you'd have

a little boy toy

running around with you.

Yeah, I don't think he was ready

-for this little escapade.


You would have done

the same thing, Hunter.

Do not compare us.

Ease up

and turn down that headlamp.

Are you trying to blind us?

Let me ask you.

Have you ever been blown

by a tr*nny?

Uh... [chuckles]

-Come again?

-[Marcus] You heard me.

No f*cking way!

I brought extra

because I figured you'd want.

Oh, my God.

[Hunter] Well,

why didn't you say so?

I've been dreaming

of a white Christmas.

Just like the ones

I used to know


I was worried the f*ck out.

What happened? Who was that?

That was the snowman, Tony.

Christmas comes early this year.

[Tony] Bullshit.

How much does he have?


[Tony] Enough to k*ll a snowman?

And his reindeer.

Let's hit that.

[Tony] Oh, f*ck! My man!

[laughing] I love you.

I'm so glad you're here.

What made you decide

on this voyage?

Was it my pitch?

I need-- I need

a little adventure in my life.

-And why not? It's Christmas.

-[Brittany] Great.

But what about work?

I told my boss

I had a family emergency.

[Brittany] Classic.

But thanks for bringing blow

the one time I can't do any.

Sorry. I know, I had to, Brit.

-I won't let you do any, girl.


[eerie music plays]


-[k*ller exclaims]

[intense eerie music plays]

[k*ller exclaims]

[k*ller chuckles]

Please, no! Please! No!

Please, just leave me alone!

No! [sobbing]

[breathing shakily] No!


God, dude!

[laughing] Surprise!

There's Tyler.

Oh, my God! I knew it!

Okay, I really need to pee

or I'm gonna go in my leggings.

Where the hell's Adrianna?

Probably in the cabin pouting.

I'll let her know

we're in the presence

of your majesty.

Tell that sack of trash

I said get her ass out here.

Got it.


-[intense music plays]

-[leaves rustling]

-[breathing shakily]

[sobbing and panting]

-[dramatic beat plays]

-[toilet flushing]

[tense music plays]

[pig squeals]



[sobs] Brit!

[sobs] Brit!

[Brittany] Adrianna!

[Adrianna sobbing]







[pig oinks]


-Where did you guys come from?

-[pig squeals]

All right, it's okay.

You guys are shaking.




[sinister music plays]

[pigs growling]

[Tyler] [laughing]

You scary b*tches!

I figured you were out there

lurking somewhere.

Mm-hmm. How'd you know?

I can smell your perfume

a mile away.

I sure hope so.

I sprayed on

my Dolce, okurrr.

-Hi. I'm Tyler.


And that girl you heard scream?


Hell of an introduction, Tyler.

No, thanks. Sorry.

I didn't mean to catch you

with your hands full.

Actually I haven't seen my cock

since you scared me.

Last time I checked

I think it was in my ass.

I'm sure you know a little

something about that, don't you?

What? Your assh*le?

Whatever, man.

I suck at being a smart ass.

[Tyler] Yeah, you do.


-[Hunter] Marcus!

[Marcus] Are we ready

to get this party started?

-[Tyler] Yas queen!

-[Hunter] Bravo.

-[Tyler] About time!

-I mean, right?

[Hunter] Ladies and gentlemen,

bump, anybody?

[Tyler] Do you have

the proper tools?

Blades, dollar bills.

You must not know who I am.

Ooh, a real tough guy.



Chop-chop! We ain't got all day.

Tony Tone, next in line.

Step right up.

I'm gonna go get Hurricane.

I'll be back.

One more, then you go, Marcus.

[frightened panting]

They know

I got prescriptions

Yeah, numb my self

That'll probably stop

the bitchin'

Locked 'em in his office

with a ostrich

And a coffin in it


Robbed 'em

of a lot a Ritalin

God is always on my side

'Cause I'm always honest

with 'em


Now I'm doing fine

No more drama

in my life

[ominous music plays]

[both scream]

Now I carry myself

like Kanye

Mix music, fashion hysteria,

sippin' Bombay

Have a rich baby,

marry Ariana Grande

Maybe she can call Drake,

help me get my songs played

[phone rings]

I spit about

Stranger Things

That's Mill Bobby got

a pill hobby for real doggie

Like Bill Cosby, God,

I feel groggy

In this house on the hill,

mouth full of molly

Trip to the lobby

Land on the couch

with a hottie

[breathing heavily]

Did someone order

the vegan pizza?

[pigs grunting]

[dog whimpers]

[Hurricane barking]

[Hurricane whimpering,


[whimpering, barking stops]

Hurricane. Hurricane.


[both screaming]


[door creaking]

[pigs grunting]



Who was that?

You guys never quit, do you?

Judging by the scream,

I would say that's a bitch.

[Tyler] Yeah.

You never know what

you're gonna get with Marcus.

He's a mixed bag.

I haven't seen

the girls in a while.

I'm gonna go see

what's popping.

What, are you scared?

[laughs] No.

I did not come

all the way here

to hang out

with choads all night.

And who knows?


could be the f*ck out there.


-I think he's scared, Tony.

That he is.

[pigs oinking]

And thanks

for the party favor.

You got it! [chuckles]


the next round is on you.


I have scales in the drawer

left of the sink.

Weight me out an eight ball.

[Tyler] Aye, aye captain.

Shake it, don't break it,


[all laughing]

I break dicks.

[Tony] [indistinct]

Hey, that dude, bro.



Y'all b*tches

better not be sleeping.

I will not allow it.

Y'all better have

some sparkling seltzer, okay?


Okay. Well,

I will settle for wine.


[footsteps approaching]

[Susan breathing heavily]

[both grunting]

[Tyler] Shit.

[Tyler grunting]

[glass shattering]

[Tyler groaning]

Where the hell is everybody?

I feel like I'm missing out.

No one cares, man.

Although it is kind of weird

that Brittany's not out here.

She loves campfires.

Yeah, I'm gonna go check.

And give me your keys.

I'm gonna go

get my weed and my money.

All right,

I'm right behind you.

I'm just going to

put out this campfire.

[Tony] Yep.

[eerie music plays]




[Tony screams]

[engine revving]

[Susan screaming]

[Susan screaming]

[Tony yelps] Shit!

[car horn honking]

[distant car horn honking]

[car horn honking]

[pings oinking]

[engine revving]

[pigs grunting]



f*cking shit!

Who moved

the f*cking glow sticks?


Who moved

the f*cking glow sticks?

[pigs grunting]


[exhales sharply] Tony!




Jesus f*cking Christ.



I'll f*cking get 'em, Tony.

I will get 'em, buddy.

I will f*cking get 'em.

I'm gonna get 'em, Tony.

I'm gonna f*cking get 'em.

I'll f*cking k*ll 'em, Tony.




[Brittany] Hunter, down here.

Thank God you're okay, babe.

They f*cking k*lled Tony.

She k*lled everyone.

Who is she?

It's the f*cking pig lady.

[Brittany] Just come down here

and wait on help.

[Hunter] Oh, Jesus,

it's all my fault, baby.

I'm so sorry

for bringing you--


No, no it's not, baby.

Just come down here.


They f*cking k*lled Tony.

[Brittany] Where are you going?

[Hunter] I'm going to

f*cking k*ll this bitch!

[Brittany] No! Don't leave! No!

[pigs grunting]

I know you're out there,


[Hunter groaning in pain]

Right, ho!

m*therf*cker's running!




[Hunter exclaims]

[both grunting]

[Hunter] You f*cking bitch!


[Hunter] f*cking bitch!

[both grunting]

[g*nshots firing]

[pigs oinking]


[breathing heavily]

[blade hacking]

[pigs oinking]

[Susan] Randy!


-[g*nshots firing]

-Susan grunts]


[pigs grunting]

[baby crying]

[radio beeps and crackles]

[officer over radio]

Christmas came early this year.

We got a noise

complaint on Susan,

but that's not

the good part.

The church gave us

a warning.

Apparently Miss... [radio cuts]

...has been using

her former employees'

food stamps.

The missing employees?

[officer] Affirmative.

10-4. Copy that.

There was an old woman

and she had a little pig

There was an old woman

and she had a little pig

It didn't cost much,

'cause it wasn't very big

[siren wailing]

That little pig caused

a lot of harm

[ominous music plays]
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