03x16 - Edward, Trevor & the Really Useful Party

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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03x16 - Edward, Trevor & the Really Useful Party

Post by bunniefuu »

(soft music)

(upbeat piano music)

- [Narrator] Trevor the

Traction Engine is old fashion,

but he doesn't care.

He knows that he

is really useful,

like his friend Edward,

the blue engine.

(train chugging)

Early one morning,

Trevor was chuffing about

the Vicarage Orchard.

He had important

news for Edward.

"The Vicar says that

not all children

"are able to have

holidays by the sea,

"so he's having a garden party

"to raise money

for a seaside trip.

"I'm going to be the star

attraction," chatted Trevor.

"Giving rides to

all the visitors.

"The vicar is putting up

posters all about it."

"I'd like to help

too," sighed Edward

"But without my rails

"I wouldn't be much

good at a garden party."

(soft flute music)

(happy trumpet music)

It was a beautiful day,

but Edward was worried.

"I wish there was

something I could do

"for the party," he said.

"I'd like to be

helpful like Trevor."

Edward's driver laughed.

"You're helpful in your own way,

"and that's on the railway."

(train whistles)

Next day it was Trevor's

turn to look disappointed.

He had bad news.

"The vicar's been so busy

"that he forgot to

put up the posters.

"Now no one will know

about the party."

But Edward had an idea.

"Don't worry," he said,

"everything is going

to be all right."

Then he explained to his driver.

"The vicar can paste his

posters on my cab and coaches,

"so wherever I go

they'll go too!"

"Well done, Edward!"

said his driver

"I'm sure Sir Topham

Hatt will agree."

As indeed he did.

Edward steamed happily

through the stations

collecting his passengers.

"Look!" they said, "The

vicar is holding a party.

"We must go to that."

Later, Trevor was resting

in the orchard shed

when Bertie rolled by.

(jittery music)

(bus horn honking)

"Hello Trevor, why

are you dozing there

"like an old stick in the mud?"

"I'm not dozing, I'm

resting," replied Trevor.

Then he told Bertie

about the vicar's party.

"I'll be there too!"

boasted Bertie.

"I'm not sure people

will want to ride

"on an old traction

engine after traveling

"in a smart red bus like me."

(engine sputters)

(bus horn honks)

(jolly music)

The party day arrived.

It had rained heavily

during the night,

and the orchard

ground was soaked.

"Rain and mud won't spoil

my day," said Trevor.

"No indeed," agreed his driver.

"We'll stay on the road, then

we won't get bogged down."

(jubilant carnival music)

Trevor was soon busy

trundling up and down

the quiet country lane carrying

lots of laughing children.

(horn whistles)

(jubilant music)

He was just turning a

corner when he heard Bertie.

(bus horn honks)

"Hello old timer, I'm taking

everyone to the party.

"People have come from

all over the island."

Trevor gave Bertie

a cheerful whistle

and turned back

toward the orchard.

(defeated music)

Then there was trouble.

"Help! I'm stuck!"

shouted Bertie.

His wheels had sunk

deep in the orchard mud.

(horn beeping)

Terence the Tractor

arrived just in time.

"I'm the one who has to plow

fields," laughed Terence.

"We'd better get

you out of here."

(engine sputtering)

Using strong ropes,

Terence and Trevor

pulled Bertie clear of the mud.

"This will teach

Bertie a thing or two,"

Trevor chuffered to himself.

At last Bertie was

on the road again.

"Thank you Trevor, you're not

a stick in the mud at all."

"No," smiled Trevor,

"But you were!

"Just for a little while."

That evening the vicar arrived

to see Edward and his driver.

"Thanks to your good

idea about the posters,

"hundreds of people paid

to come to the party.

"We've raised lots of

money for the children."

Edward was very pleased, and

Trevor fell happily asleep,

thinking of all the children

who would now get to

the seaside at last.

(upbeat piano music)
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