03x20 - Tender Engines

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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03x20 - Tender Engines

Post by bunniefuu »

(upbeat music)

- [George] One morning

Gordon was in the yard

taking on a large

supply of coal.

(upbeat music)

"That's the third load of coal

you've had today, Gordon,"

said James.

"Some might say you're

being rather greedy."

"I'm an important

engine," replied Gordon.

"Important engines

need plenty of coal.

"But I doubt if you would

understand that, James."

James snorted and

went about his work.

(locomotive running on tracks)

Later, Gordon was

taking on water

from a stand pipe, because the

water tower was under repair.

"I wouldn't drink too

much of that water

"if I were you Gordon.

"It might give you boiler ache."

"Eh," said Gordon.

"What's this,

educating Gordon day?

"First James, now you Duck.

"Big engines have big needs.

"Little engines

are just annoying."

"Don't say I didn't

warn you," laughed Duck.

Later, Gordon

steamed into the yard

at the big station.

(train engine chugging)

(engine beeping)

"That's what I need,"

exclaimed Gordon.

There, emerging out of the sheds

were two shiny tenders.

"Now if I had two

tenders," said Gordon,

"I wouldn't need

to stop so often,

"and I wouldn't have to listen

to silly, little engines."

"Those tenders belong to a

visitor," replied his driver.

Diesel sidled up along side.

"Everyone knows the tenders

are a mark of distinction.

"But I'm afraid no

amount of tenders

"will save you in the end.

"We diesels are taking over.

"And we don't need tenders

to make us important.

"Not even one."

Gordon was most upset.

He was feeling just

the same, next day.

(upbeat music)

"I'm not happy."

"I know," said Duck.

"It's boiler ache."

"It's not boiler ache,"

protested Gordon.


"Of course it is,"

interrupted Henry.

"That water's bad.

"Have a good wash out.

"Then you'll feel

a different engine.

"Your boiler must

be full of sludge."

(train whistling)

"Don't be vulgar,"

huffed Gordon.

He backed down onto his

train, hissing mournfully.

(train whistling)

"Cheer up Gordon,"

said Sir Topham Hatt,

"I can't, sir.

"Is it true what

Diesel says, sir?"

"What does he say?"

"That diesel's are taking over."

"Don't worry, Gordon.

"That will never

happen on my railway."

"One more thing, sir.

"Why did the visitor

have two tenders?"

"Because he lives on a railway

with long distances

between coaling depots."

Gordon felt better.

(train whistling)

(upbeat music)

But Henry started complaining.

He banged some cars angrily.

(train engines steaming)

"I always work hard enough

for two," he puffed.

"I deserve another tender."

Duck whispered

something to Donald.

He was going to play

a trick on Henry.

"Henry," he asked.

"Would you like my tenders?"


"What've you got to

do with tenders?"

"All right," said Duck.

"The deal's off.

"Would you like them Donald?"

"I wouldn't deprive you of

the honor," replied Donald.

"It is a great honor,"

continued Duck thoughtfully.

"But I'm only a t*nk engine.

"Perhaps James might."

"I'm sorry I was rude,"

said Henry hastily.

"How many tenders have you,

and when could I have them?"

"Uh, hmm.

"I have six, and you can

have them this evening."

"Six lovely tenders,"

chortled Henry.

"What a splendid

sight I will be."

(upbeat music)

Henry was excited all day.

"Do you think it will

be all right," he asked,

for the umpteenth time.

"Of course," said Duck.

"They're all ready now."

(upbeat music)

The other engines waited

where they could each

get a good view.

(train whistling)

But Henry wasn't a

splendid sight at all.

He six tenders were

very old, dirty,

and filled with boiler sludge.

"Had a good washout,

Henry," called a voice.

"That's right.

"You'll feel a

different engine now."

Henry was not sure, but

he thought the voice

belonged to Gordon.

(upbeat music)
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