03x22 - Oliver Owns Up

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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03x22 - Oliver Owns Up

Post by bunniefuu »

(bright music)

(upbeat music)

- On a clear day

when the sky is blue

and there's just enough breeze

to blow the clouds away,

you can stand on the big

hill above the valley

and watch Duck and

Oliver far below,

busily at work on

Duck's branch line

near the sea.

The two engines were very

proud of their matching coats

of gleaming color.

Oliver often talks

about the time

that Douglas saved

him from scrap.

"If it wasn't for his

help," Oliver will say,

"I might've been caught when

I ran away from the scrapyard,

"and I would never have come

"to live here on Sir

Topham Hatt's railway."

The other engines

all wanted to know

about Oliver's adventures.

"Amazing," remarked Henry.

"Oliver," said James,

"has resource."

"And sagacity," put in Gordon.

"What does that mean?"

whispered Percy.

"I think," replied Thomas,

"it's about being clever

"and wise."

"He is," finished Gordon,

"an example to us all."

I'm sorry to say that

Oliver became very puffed up

in the smoke box.

"Henry says I'm amazing,

he's right," he whistled

as he swooshed along the line.

One day, Sir Topham

Hatt came to see him.

"You are doing well.

"Now, you must learn how to

look after freight cars."

Every wise engine knows that

you cannot trust freight cars.

The other engines warned Oliver,

but he took no notice.

"You think I can't

manage," he said huffily.

"Gordon knows better,

he says I'm sagacious."

"You may be good gracious

or whatever you call it,

"but cars can be

troublesome, and--"

"Say no more, Duck,"

interrupted Donald.

"It's a pity, but

the wee engine will

"just have to

learn for himself."

(engine chugging)

Oliver pulled some

loaded cars to a siding,

and pushed the

empties to the chute.

(mischievous music)

Then he came back to take

the loaded cars away,

(engine puffing)

but they were comfortable,

and didn't wanna move.

"What right has he to

poke his funnel in here?"

"We want Duck!"

"Or Donald."

"Or Douglas."

"Look sharp," huffed Oliver.

"That's not the way to

speak," hissed the cars.

"We'll get even."

Oliver heard nothing.

The cars moved

smoothly at first,

then suddenly, Oliver

felt them push forward.

(dramatic music)

His driver applied the breaks,

but they were useless

against the surging cars.

"On, on, on," yelled the cars.

Oliver fought hard, but still

they forced him on and on.

At last, the cars grew tired.

"I'm winning," gasped Oliver.

But it was too late.


Oliver laid bruised

and bemused, bunkered down

in the turntable well.

Duck surveyed the damage.

"Hello Oliver, are you being

a good gracious engine?

"Beg pardon, but we

really don't like

"this sort of surprise.

"Donald and Douglas will

miss their turntable

"until it is mended."

That evening, Oliver was

hauled gently to safety.

"I'm sorry, Sir," he

said to Sir Topham Hatt.

"I shoulda listened

to Duck's advice.

"I don't feel good

gracious, or whatever it is,

"I just feel silly."

"Well, Oliver," replied

Sir Topham Hatt.

"Now you know the

damage cars can do."

"Yes I do, Sir.

"I look like a load

of scrap iron."

"Oh, I don't think so,"

laughed Sir Topham Hatt.

"But you do need to go to

the works to be mended."

The other engines now

felt sorry for Oliver.

"The Branch line won't

"be the same without

you," whistled Duck.

"Come back soon!"

(happy music)

A few days later, Oliver

did come back.

His coat gleamed

brighter than ever.

He was a wiser engine, too,

and never made a mistake

about cars again.

(upbeat music)
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