Hateful Eight, The (2015)

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Hateful Eight, The (2015)

Post by bunniefuu »

(wings fluttering)

(wind whistling)

(wind whistling)

(reins snapping)

(reins snapping)

MAN (in distance):
Hyah! Huh!

Get in there now!

Get in! Get in!

Get in there, Dude!

- Get in now!
-(galloping hoof beats)

Hyah! Come on! Huh!

All right! Huh!

- Huh!
-(horses sputtering)

Whoa. Whoa.


(horses snorting, sputtering)

Got room for one more?

Who the hell are you?!

And what happened to them?

(horse whinnies)

Name's Major Marquis Warren,

former U.S. Cavalry.

Currently a servant
of the court.

Trying to bring a couple
no-goods into market.

Got the paperwork on 'em
in my pocket.

You takin' 'em into Red Rock?

Figure that's where
you headed, right?

I am.

That damn blasted blizzard

has been on our ass
for the last three hours.

(distant thunder rumbles)

There ain't no way we gonna
make it all the way to Red Rock

-'fore it catches us.
- So you hightailin' it halfway,

to Minnie's Haberdashery?

You know I am.

May I come aboard?

Well, smoke,

if it up to me, yes.

But it ain't up to me.

Who's it up to?

Fella in the wagon.

Fella in the wagon
ain't partial to company?

Fella in the wagon,
he paid for a private trip,

and I'm here to tell you,

he paid a pretty penny
for privacy.

So if you want to go
to Minnie's with us,

you gonna have to talk to him.


that's What I'll do.

-(g*n cocks)
- MAN: Hold it, black fella.

'Fore you approach,
you take them two g*ns of yours

and you lay 'em on that rock
over yonder.

Then you raise both your hands
way above your hat.

Then you approach.


Real trustin' fella, huh?

Not so much.

(horses snort quietly)

(birds cawing)

Put 'em down.

Come on ahead.

I said way above your hat,
g*dd*mn it!

Now come forward.

That's far enough.

(chains jingling)

Well, I'll be dogged.

You a black fella I know.

Colonel somethin'-or-other
Warren, right?

Major Marquis Warren.

I know you, too.

We, uh, shared a steak dinner

once upon a time
in Chattanooga.

You John Ruth The Hangman.

That'd be me.

How long's that been?

Since that steak?

Oh... eight months.

So why don't you explain to me

what a African
bounty hunter's doin'

wanderin' around in the snow
in the middle of Wyoming?

Trying to get a couple
of bounties in to Red Rock.

So you still in business?

You know I am.

Happened to your horse?

Circumstances caused us to have
to take the long way round.

- My horse couldn't make it.
- Mm.

You don't know nothin'
'bout this filly here.


- Don't even know her name?
- Nope.

Well, I guess that makes this
one fortuitous wagon.

I sure as hell hope so.

Major Marquis Warren,
this here's Daisy Domergue.

to you this is Major Warren.

Howdy, n*gg*r.

(John chuckles)

She's a pepper, ain't she?

Now, girl, don't you know
the darkies don't like

being called n*gg*r*s no more?

They find it offensive.

I been called worse.

Now, that I can believe.

You never heard of her, huh?

Should I?

Well, she ain't no
John Wilkes Booth,

but maybe you might heard tell

about the price on her head.

- WARREN: HOW much?


What'd she do,
k*ll Lily Langtry?

Not quite.

That ten thousand's practically
in my pocket.

It's why I ain't too anxious
to be handin' out rides,

especially to professionals
open for business.

I can certainly
appreciate that.

But I ain't got no designs
on her.

One of my fellas over there
is worth $4,000,

another one's worth $3,000,
and one of 'em's worth $1,000.

That's damn sure good enough
for me.

(chuckles) Well...
let me see their paperwork.

Like I said, molasses-like.

(John sighs)

Back off.

(chains jingling)

(John sighs)



(John mumbling)

-(Warren laughs softly)
-(horses whinnying)

DRIVER: Look, I sure hate
to interrupt you all,

but we got a cold damn blizzard
that's hot on our ass

that we're tryin' to beat
to shelter!

I realize that!
Now, shut your mouth

and hold them damn horses
while I think!

(huffs loudly)

Okay, boy, we'll give it a try.

But you leave them two pistols
over yonder with the driver.

DOMERGUE: Hey, uh, you ain't
really gonna let that n*gg*r

ride in here, is ya?

I mean, maybe up there
with O.B., but...

-(Domergue cries out)

JOHN: How ya like the sound
of them bells, bitch?

They real pretty, ain't they?


You open up
your trashy mouth again,

I'll knock out them
front teeth for ya.

- You got it?
-(wind whistling)

(quietly): Yeah.

Let me hear ya say, "I got it."

(labored breathing)

I got it.

Uh, I'm gonna need a hand tyin'
these fellas up on the roof.

Give O.B. $50
when we get to Red Rock.

He'll help ya.

Well, I agree with O.B.

This storm got me concerned.

We get goin' a lot quicker
you helped out, too.

g*dd*mn it to hell,
I'm already regrettin' this.

Now, I can't likely help you
tie fellas to the roof

with my wrist cuffed to hers.

And my wrist is gonna stay
cuffed to hers,

and she ain't never gonna
leave my g*dd*mn side

till I personally put her
in the Red Rock jail!

Now, do you got that?!

Yeah, I got it.


(chain jingling)

Get in, Dude!

Hut! Get in!

Go on! Hut!

Come on!

Dude, Coconut, giddyup.






Yah! Cimarron!
Leche! Get in!

So, what happened
to your horse?

Get in!

He was kinda old.

I done had him for a bit.

When the weather took a turn
for the worse,

well, he done what he could,
but he couldn't make it.

- O.B.: Get in!
- That's too bad.

Yeah, it is.

Me and ol' Lash done rode
a lot of miles together.

Could say he was
my best friend,

if I considered stupid animals
friends, which I don't.

I'm gonna miss him.

Leche! Ha!

Who's this Daisy Domergue?

A no damn good murdering bitch,
that's who.

Come on, boys! Get up!

I see you ain't got
mixed emotions

about bringing a woman
to a rope.

By "woman," you mean her?

No, I do not have
mixed emotions.

Get in! Ha!

So you taking her
into Red Rock to hang.

You bet.

You gonna wait round
to watch it?

Oh, you know I am.

- O.B.: Come on!
- I want to hear her neck snap

with my own two ears.

Get up, boys!

- You never wait
to watch 'em hang? -Get up!

My bounties never hang,

'cause I never
bring 'em in alive.

- Never?
- Never ever.

- O.B.: Ha! Get up! Yah!
- We talked about this

in Chattanooga. Bringing
desperate men in alive's

a good way
to get yourself dead.

- O.B.: Get in there!
- Can't catch me sleeping

if I don't close my eyes.

I don't want to work that hard.

No one said the job is
supposed to be easy.

No one said it's supposed to be
that hard, neither.

- O.B.: Get up, boys! Ha!
- But that, little lady,

is why they call him
"The Hangman."

When the handbill says
"dead or alive,"

the rest of us
sh**t ya in the back

from up on top
of a perch somewhere,

-bring ya in dead over
a saddle. -O.B.: Get in!

But when John Ruth The Hangman
catches ya,

you don't die from no b*llet
in the back.


When The Hangman catches you,
you hang.


You overrate him, n*gg*r.

I give ya he got guts,
but in the brains department,

he like a man who took
a high dive in a low well.

(John laughs)

(Domergue groaning)

- Now, Daisy,

I want us to work out a signal
system of communication.

When I elbow you real hard in
the face, that means "shut up."

You got it?

I got it.

-(John and Warren laugh)
- O.B.: Get in there!

Come on now, boys, get in!

(clicks tongue)


♪ Hey, little apple blossom ♪

♪ What seems to be
the problem? ♪

All the ones
you tell your troubles to ♪

♪ They don't really
care for you ♪

♪ Come and tell me
what you're thinking ♪

♪ 'Cause just when the boat
is sinking ♪

IA little light is blinking ♪

♪ And I will come
and rescue you ♪

♪ Lots of girls
walk around in tears ♪

♪ But that's not for you ♪

♪ You've been looking
all around for years ♪

- ♪ For someone to tell
your troubles to ♪ -Ha!

♪ Come and sit with me
and talk a while ♪

♪ Let me see
your pretty little smile ♪

♪ Put your troubles
in a little pile ♪

And I will sort them out
for you, all right. ♪

- O.B.: Hyah!
-(reins cracking)

Get in!


Get in there!



(sniffs, sighs)

I, uh... I know we only
met each other the once before,

-and, uh, I don't mean to
unduly imply intimacy, -Get up!

- But, well...
- Yah!

You still got it?

Do I still got what?

Get in, now!

The Lincoln letter.

Mm. Course.

Get up, boys!

- Got it on ya?
- Mm-hmm.

Come on!


Right here.

Come on, boys! Get up!

Look, I know you got to be
real careful with it and all,

and I can imagine you probably
don't like taking it

in and out of the envelope
all that often,

-but, uh...
- Get up!

İf you wouldn't mind, I'd sure
appreciate seeing that again.

Get in, boys!

Ha! Giddyup!

You're right.

I don't like
taking it in and out

-of the envelope that much.
-|... Yeah.

- But...
- Get in!

Seeing's how you saved
my life and all...

I suppose I could let you
read it again.

Get in! Ha!

Get in there!

Get up now!

Get in!



Get in, now!

Get in!

(wind whistling)

(clicks tongue)

"Ole Mary Todd's calling, so I
guess it must be time for bed."

Ole Mary Todd.


Get in!

- Well, that...
- Get up, boys!

That gets me.


Yeah, it gets me, too.

Get in! Get in!

You know what this is, tramp?

It's a letter from Lincoln.

- Letter from Lincoln to him.
- Get in there!


They shared a correspondence
during the w*r.

They was pen pals.

- And this is just one
of the letters. -Get up!

What the...

- Hyah! -WARREN: O.B.!





(both groaning)

(groans) All the stupid...

Like to rip my g*dd*mn arm off!

(John coughing)



(Warren spits)

(John groans)

(Domergue groans)

(John panting)

I didn't drag her stinking ass
up this g*dd*mn mountain

just for you to break her neck
on the outskirts of town!

You the one handed her
my g*dd*mn letter!

I didn't give it to her,

- I give it to you!

That n*gg*r
like to bust my jaw.


You ruin that letter of his,

that n*gg*r gonna
stomp your ass to death.

And when he do, I'm gonna
sit back on that wagon wheel,

watch and laugh!


How is it?

Well, she ain't help it none.

But it's all right.

Is that the way
n*gg*r*s treat their ladies?

You ain't no g*dd*mn lady!


Hey, Mr. Ruth!


There's another fella on foot
up here on the road.

MAN (in distance):


I said there's another fella
on foot, up here on the road.

(wind whistling)


Hey! Hey!

Considering there's
a blizzard going on,

whole lot of fellas
walking around,

wouldn't you say, Major?

Well, seeing as how
I'm half of them fellas,

uh, yeah,
seems to be a lot of us.

This changes things, son.

$8,000 a lot of money
for a n*gg*r.

With a partner,
18's a whole lot better.

You really think I'm in cahoots
with that fella, or her?!

Put them on.

Oh, I-l ain't wearing
no handcuffs.

You put those on,
or you can stop

worrying about
this whole thing right now!



(wind whistling)

JOHN: Hand your weapons
to the driver.

Little jumpy, ain't you?

Never mind the jokes.
Just do it.

If you say so.

I do.


I done done it.

913-, you got 'em?

I got 'em.

Okay, fella.

You keep holding that lantern
in that one hand,

and you keep that other hand
where I can see it.

Walk over there where I can
get a good look at ya.

Well, I'll be
a g*dd*mn dog in a manger.

Is that you, Chris Mannix?

I'm sorry, friend,
do we know each other?

Not quite.

You know this fella?

Only by reputation.

Like I said, friend, you got me
at a bit of a disadvantage.

Keeping you at a disadvantage

is an advantage
I intend to keep.

Uh, whoever you are, mister,
you sure sound tough

when you talking to a desperate
man knee-deep in snow.

L-I... I don't want no trouble.

I just want a ride.

L-I'm freezing to death!

Who is this joker?

You heard of the rebel renegade
Erskine Mannix?

- Mannix's Marauders?
- That's them.

Scourge of South Carolina,
Mannix's Marauders.

It's Erskine's youngest boy,

Brings you in my path,
Chris Mannix?

Well, Mr. Face,
I was riding to Red Rock,

my horse stepped in
a gopher hole in the snow,

f*cked up his leg,
had to put 'er down.

You got business in Red Rock?

- Yes, I do.
- What?

I'm the new sheriff.


-'Fraid not.
- Where's your star?

Well, I ain't the sheriff yet.

Now, once I get there,
they swear me in.

But, uh, that ain't
happened yet.

And-and that's when
you get your star.

You got anything that can
back any of this up?

Yeah. When we get to Red Rock.

And-and from the look of those
three frozen f*ckers up there,

I-I figure you a bounty hunter
open for business.

And-and I figure you taking
them three dead bodies

into Red Rock to get paid?

Three dead.

One alive.

(chains clink)

Who's that?

Daisy Domergue.

Who the f*ck is Daisy Domergue?

Not a g*dd*mn thing to nobody,
except me and the hangman.

The hangman?

Well, I'll be
double-dog damned.

You're "The Hangman" Bob Ruth!

It's John.

And you!

You're the n*gg*r
with the head!

Major Marquis!

My Lord, is that really
the real head

of Major Marquis
looking at me now?

Yeah, it's really me,
and it's really my head.

So what's going on?

Uh, y'all having
a bounty hunters' picnic?

Never mind.

Uh, you taking
them three dead bodies

and-and hurrying to Red Rock
to get paid, ain't you?


Well, the man in Red Rock's

supposed to pay you is me,
the new sheriff.

So if y'all want to get paid,

y'all need to get me
to Red Rock.

Well, excuse me
for finding it hard to believe

a town electing you to do
anything except drop dead.

So I'm supposed
to freeze to death

'cause you find something
hard to believe?


No, I suppose not.

Put them on and come inside.


Then you'll freeze.

Then you'll hang.

(chuckles) How so?

Stagecoach driver, could you
come down here and join us?

I got to hold these horses.

I can hear you just fine
from up here.

Well, you just heard me
tell this fella

I'm the new sheriff
of Red Rock, right?


Red Rock is my town now.

And I'm gonna enter my town
in bounty hunter's chains?

No, sir!

Sorry, bushwhackers,

I ain't entering Red Rock
that way.

Now, when you finally get
to Red Rock,

you gonna realize every
g*dd*mn thing I said was right.

And I expect you, O.B.,

to tell the townsfolk
of Red Rock

that John Ruth let their
new sheriff freeze to death.

Ain't no bounty on my head,

You let me die, that's m*rder.

(thunder rumbling)

Hold out your hands.


Give the major back his iron.

One thing I know for sure,

this n*gg*r-hating
son of a g*n

ain't partnered up with you.

Now, I'll help you protect
your 8,000,

you help me protect my ten.


Well, ain't love grand?

Y'all want to lie on the ground
and make snow angels together?



Come on!


(Chris whooping)

Well, I'll tell you what, Bob.

The name's John.

- When we get to Red Rock,
- O.B.: Hyah!

I'll buy you
and Major Marquis there

-dinner and booze.
- O.B.: Get in!

My way of saying thanks.

I don't drink
with rebel renegades,

and I damn sure
don't break bread with them.

- Well, Mr. Ruth...
- O.B.: Get up, boys!

You sound like you got

a axe to grind
against the Cause.

-"The Cause" of a
renegade army? -O.B.: Get in!

Bunch of losers gone loco.

- You bet I do.
- O.B.: Get up there! Hyah!

You wrapped yourselves up
in a rebel flag

as an excuse to k*ll and steal.

And this ought
to interest you, Warren.

emancipated blacks.

Sounds like my kind of fella.

(John groans)

Sound to me you been reading

a lot of newspapers printed
in Washington, D.C.

- O.B.: Get in! Huh!
- CHRIS: Anywho, I'm just trying

to let y'all know
how grateful I am.

I was a goner.

And y'all saved me.

You want to show me
how grateful you are?

- O.B.: Get in there!
- Shut up.

(Warren laughs)

-(chains jingling)
- JOHN: g*dd*mn it, Daisy.

It's coming.

Get in there, Cimarron!


Last piece.

Get in!

Get in, now!


Does he know...

(Chris sighs)

Does he know
how famous you once was?

I don't think so.


Black Eye.

- Do you know who he is?
- O.B.: Get in!

Do I know
about the $30,000 reward

the Confederacy put on the head
of Major Marquis?

- O.B.: Come on now, boys!
-(Domergue chuckles)

- O.B.: Get in!
- Yeah.

Ah, them hillbillies
went n*gg*r head-hunting.

- O.B.: Get in!
- They just never did get 'em

the right n*gg*r head,
did they?

No, they didn't.

But it wasn't
for lack of trying.

Get in, boys! Ha! Get on!

Them peckerwoods
left their homes and families,

and come up this snowy mountain
looking for me and fortune.

Ha! Get up!

Ain't none of 'em
found fortune.

The ones you ain't
never heard of no more,

they found me.

Now, it didn't stay $30,000
the length of the w*r.

Once passions cooled,

it dropped down to eight,
then five.

Get up, boys! Ha!

But I bet even
when it was 5,000,

you had your share
of country boys coming to call.

Mm, you know I did.

Why'd they have
a reward on you?

Confederates took exception
to my capacity for k*lling 'em.

-(Chris laughs)
- O.B.: Get up, now!

And after I broke
out of Wellenbeck,

well, the South took
my continued existence

-as a personal affront.
- O.B.: Get up!

- And the Cause put a reward
on my head. -JOHN: Hmm.

Get in there!

What's, uh, Wellenbeck?

You ain't never heard

of Wellenbeck prisoner
of w*r camp, West Virginia?

No, reb,
I ain't never heard of it.

- O.B.: Hyah!
- Did you bust out?


Major Marquis did more
than bust out.

Major Marquis
had a bright idea.

Get in, now!

So bright, you got to wonder

why nobody never thought
about it before.

Tell John Ruth
your bright idea.


Well, the whole damn place

was just made out of kindling.

Get in!

So I burnt it down.


Get in! Hyah!

There was a rookie regiment
spending overnight in the camp.

47 men burnt to a crisp.

- Southern youth, farmers' sons,
- O.B.: Get up!

Cream of the crop.

And I say, "Let 'em burn."

I'm supposed to apologize
for k*lling Johnny Reb?

You joined the w*r
to keep n*gg*r*s in chains.

I joined the w*r to k*ll

-white Southern crackers.
- O.B.: Ha! Get up!

And that means k*lling 'em
any way I can.

- O.B.: Get in!
- sh**t 'em, s*ab 'em,

drown 'em, burn 'em,

drop a big ol' rock
on their head.

Whatever it took to put
white Southern crackers

-in the ground,
- O.B.: Get up!

That's what I joined
the w*r to do.

And that's What I did.

To answer your question,
John Ruth,

when Major Marquis
burned 47 men alive,

for no more reason than to give
a n*gg*r a run for the trees,

that's when the South
put a reward

on the head of Major Marquis.

- And I made them trees, Mannix.
- O.B.: Get in!

You best believe
I ain't looked back

till I crossed
the Northern line.

Oh, but you had
a surprise waiting for you

on the Northern side,
didn't you?

See, once they started
pulling out

all them burnt bodies
at Wellenbeck,

seems not all them boys
were rebs.

Why, you burn up
some of your own boys,

didn't you, Major?

How many burnt prisoners
they end up finding?

Wasn't the final
Yankee death count

something like 37?

- O.B.: Giddyup!
-(reins cracking)

That's the thing about w*r,

People die.


So you gonna chalk it up
to "w*r is hell," huh?

Well, admittedly, that is
a hard argument to argue with.

But if memory serves,

your side didn't look
at it that way.

I think they thought
37 white men

for one n*gg*r

wasn't so hot a trade.

- I do believe they accused you
- O.B.: Giddyup!

Of being a k*ll-crazy n*gg*r

who only joined the w*r
to k*ll white folks,

and the whole
blue and gray of it all

really didn't matter
that much to you.

Ha! Get up!

And that's why they drummed
your black ass

out of the cavalry with
a yellow stripe down your back.

- O.B.: Get in!
-Isn't it, Major?


If he'd have did all that,
the cavalry

-would've shot him.
- O.B.: Get in!

Well, I didn't say
they could prove it.

- O.B.: Get up!
- But they sure did

think it out loud,
didn't they, Major?

Hyah! Get up, boys!

But Warren's w*r record
was stellar,

and that's what saved his ass.


Now, you k*lled yourself
your share

of redskins in your day,
didn't you, Black Major?

Cavalry tends
to look kindly on that.

I'll tell you what the cavalry
didn't look kindly on.

- O.B.: Giddyup!
- Mannix's Marauders,

-that's what.
- O.B.: Get in! Hyah!

And the fact that
Erskine Mannix's little boy

would talk
about anybody else's behavior

during w*r time
makes me want to horse-laugh.


Don't you say anything
about my daddy.

- What he fought for was dignity
in defeat, -O.B.: Get up there!

And against
the unconditional surrender.

We weren't foreign barbarians
pounding on the city walls.

- O.B.: Ha!
- We were your brothers.

Get up, now!

We deserved dignity in defeat.

WARREN: Just how many
n*gg*r towns did y'all sack

in your fight
for dignity in defeat?

Oh, my fair share, Black Major.

-'Cause when n*gg*r*s
are scared, -O.B.: Huh!

That's when white folks
are safe.

(g*n clicks)

You gonna talk
that hateful n*gg*r talk,

you can ride up top with O.B.


No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

You done got me
talking politics.

I didn't want to.

Like I said, y'all,
I'm just happy to be alive.

-(Chris clears throat)
O.B.: Get in, now!

-(Chris sighs)
- O.B.: Ha! Get up!

I think I'll scoot over here
right by this window,

and let this beautiful carriage
rock me to sleep.

And dream about how lucky I am.

(clears throat softly)


Get up, now!



(wind whistling)


Hyah! Get in!

Get in there!

Get in, hyah!

Get in there!

Get in!

Get in there, Leche!

Get in there!

Whoa, whoa, easy.

Whoa. Whoa.

(wind whistling)

What the hell is going on?

We weren't expecting
another stage tonight!

Yeah, I can see you already
got another one up in here.

Just got through
putting the horses away.

Well, this ain't
the normal line,

but we are stuck on
the wrong side of a blizzard,

so it looks like
you're stuck with us.

Are Minnie
and Sweet Dave inside?

They ain't here.

I'm running the place
while they're gone.

(wind howling)

Where's Minnie and Sweet Dave?

He says they ain't here.

He's looking after the place
while they're gone.

Who are you?

I'm Bob.

Well, whoever you are,
help O.B. with the horses.

(grunts) Come on.

Get 'em out of this cold
'fore that blizzard hits us.

Whoa. You all right?

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

Esperate, esperate, esperate!

I just put
those other horses away.

You need it done fast,
you need to help.

I got two of my best men on it.

You heard him, freeloaders.

Get to work!

BOB: All right, you two,
unhook the leaders.

Come on, let's go.

Open up!

- MAN: You have to kick it open!
- MAN 2: Ya got to kick it open!


Kick it open!

-(wind whistling)
- Shut that door.

There's a g*dd*mn blizzard
out there!

You have to stop,
close the door!

You got to nail it shut.

You have to,
you have to nail it shut!

Hold it shut!

There's a hammer
and nails by the door!

You have to nail it shut!

There's a hammer and nails
by the door.

- JOHN: Give me a hammer.


You need,
you need two pieces of wood!

You need two pieces of wood!
One ain't good enough!

Two pieces of wood!

The f*ckin' thing is busted!

Not just one piece of wood!

Give me another piece of wood.

Yeah. All right.

- I need a nail.
- Here.




That door's a son of a g*n.

Who's the idiot who broke that,

that Mexican fella?

Oh, good heavens.

A woman?

Out in this white hell?

You must be frozen solid,
poor thing.

(John grunts)

Looks like Minnie's
got her a full house.

When did you fellas arrive?


About 40 minutes ago.

That cowboy fella
in the corner,

-that your driver?
- No, no, he's a passenger.

The driver lit out.

Said he was going to spend
the blizzard

shacked up with a friend.

Lucky devil.

Jesus Christ, that's awful!

-(man chuckles)
- Christ Almighty,

what'd that Mexican fella do,
soak his old socks in a pot?

Yes, uh... l-l think
we all felt the same way,

but were a little too polite
to say something.

- He don't have that problem.
- Shit.

Where's the well water?

Uh, over there.

So, all three of you fellas
headed to Red Rock

when the blizzard
stopped you, huh?

Yes. All three of us were
on that stagecoach out there.

Coffee beans.

Uh, over there.

Get your hand out of there.

New sheriff of Red Rock's
travelin' with us.

Ah, sheriff of Red Rock,
that'll be the day.

He's a g*dd*mn sheriff,
I'm a monkey's uncle.


Then you can share bananas

with your n*gg*r friend
in the stable.


the new sheriff of Red Rock
is traveling with you?

Oh, he's lying.

He ain't sheriff of nothin'.

He's a Southern renegade.

He's just talking hisself

out of freezing to death
is all.

What the f*ck I tell you
about talking, huh?

I'll bust you in the mouth

right in front of these people.
I don't give a f*ck!

You never gave your name, sir.

John Ruth.

Are you a lawman?

I'm taking her to the law.

So you're a bounty hunter?

That's right, buster.

Do you have a warrant?

Yeah, course I do.

May I see it?


Ah. You're supposed
to produce it upon request.

How am I supposed to know
you're not a villain,

kidnapping this woman,

without a warrant
in your possession?

What's your name, buster?

Well, it certainly
isn't Buster.

It's Oswaldo Mobray.




I got my warrant, Oswaldo.

I take it
you're Daisy Domergue?

- That's her.
- Yeah.

I see.

Uh, it says here
"dead or alive."

Yeah. It does.

Well, transporting a desperate,

hostile prisoner such as her

sounds like hard work.

Wouldn't transporting her
be easier

if she were dead?

Well, no one said the job
was supposed to be easy.

And why is her hanging proper
so important to you?

Let's just say I don't like
cheatin' the hangman.

He got to make a living, too.

Well, I appreciate that.

Allow me to properly

introduce myself.

I'm Oswaldo Mobray,

the hangman in these parts.

(John chuckles)

- La-di-da.
- Ah.

Looks like I brought you
a customer.

Yeah, so it would appear.

You ever spent two days or more

locked up with one
of your customers before?

- I can't say I have.
- Don't talk to my prisoner.

I talk to my prisoner,
that's it.

- You got it?
- I got it.

(chuckles) Jolly good.

You got anything in here
besides coffee

that can help warm us up?

Well, the bar is open.

Follow moi.

(wind whistling)

Line, O.B.!

Oh, whoa.





(horse neighing)

Whoa, Ace, whoa.

You're all right,
you're all right.

Come on, g*dd*mn it. I'm cold!

(horse neighing)

I'll feed and water the horses.

You go inside
and get some hot coffee.

Got some stew cooking.

Should be done soon.

Now, look.

No matter how bad
this blizzard gets,

we still got to feed
these horses

and take a squat
from time to time.

So me and Chris
better lay out a line

from the stable
to the front door

and from the front door
to the shithouse.


Good idea.

Come on, Chris.

I'll give you a hand.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
Go inside. Get warm.

You're doin' stable work
in a g*dd*mn blizzard.

I offer to help, you say no?

You're right, amigo.

Muchas gracias.

All right. Follow me.

(O.B. and Chris grunting)

(grunting continues)

We're gonna drop one
every ten paces,

-from here to the door.
- Yeah!

All right!





Now, you're wanted for m*rder.

For the sake of my analogy,

let's just assume
that you did it.

Now, John Ruth wants
to take you back to Red Rock

to stand trial for m*rder.

And if you're found guilty,

the people of Red Rock

will hang you
in the town square.

And, as the hangman,

I will perform the execution.

And if all those things

end up taking place,

that's what civilized society

calls justice.


if the relatives
and the loved ones

of the person you m*rder*d

were outside that door
right now,

and after busting down
that door,

they drug you out into the snow

and hung you up by the neck,

that would be frontier justice.

Now, the good part

about frontier justice

is it's very thirst-quenching.

The bad part is
it's apt to be wrong as right.

Well, not in your case.

In your case,
you'd have it coming.

But other people,
maybe not so much.

OSWALDO: But ultimately,
what's the real difference

between the two?

The real difference is me.

The hangman.

To me, it doesn't matter
what you did.

When I hang you, I'll get no
satisfaction from your death.

It's my job.

I hang you in Red Rock.

I move on to the next town.

I hang someone else there.

The man who pulls the lever
that breaks your neck

will be a dispassionate man.

And that dispassion
is the very essence of justice.

For justice delivered
without dispassion

is always in danger
of not being justice.



No offense, cowboy fella.

Just gettin' your attention.

Yeah, well... (sighs)

YOU got it.

What you writin', friend?

Only thing I'm qualified
to write about.

What's that?

My life story.

You're writing your life story?

You bet I am.

Am I in it?


You just entered.


Well, you like writing stories
so much,

why don't you tell me
the story that brings you here?

Who's asking?

I am. John Ruth.

I'm bringing in this one
to Red Rock to hang.

And ain't no way I'm spending
a couple of nights

under a roof with somebody
I don't know who they are,

and I don't know who you are.

So, who are you?

Joe Gage.

- What?
- That's my name.

Joe Gage.

Okay, Joe Gage.

Why you going to Red Rock?

I ain't, I ain't,
I ain't going to Red Rock.

Where you going?

About nine miles
outside of Red Rock.

What's there?

My mother.

Your mother?

Listen, I'm just a cowpuncher.

I just, uh, got back
from a long drive, and...

and I wasn't just an ass
in a saddle this time.

I was a partner.

First time in my life
I made a pretty penny.

And, uh,

figured I'd come home

and spend time with my mother

for Christmas.

Now, that's funny.


'Cause you don't look like

the coming-home-for-Christmas

Yeah, well, (laughs)

you know,
looks can be deceiving.

Because I definitely am a

to-spend-time-with-Mother type.

Christmas with Mother,
I mean, uh,

it's a wonderful thing.

Now, is that, uh,

good enough for you,

John Ruth?

For now.

You steer clear of my prisoner.

Hello, old-timer.



You, sir, are a hyena.

I have no wish to speak to you.

I've been called worse.

(sighs) Fair enough, General.

Sorry to bother you.

- CHRIS and O.B.: Hey!

- You gotta kick it open!
- Gotta kick it open!

- CHRIS and O.B.: What?
- Kick it open!

- That latch, you gotta kick it
open! -You gotta kick it open!

Jesus Christ!

- JOHN: Close it!
- DOMERGUE: Close it!

- JOHN: Close the door!
- CHRIS: What?

- DOMERGUE: Close it!
- JOE: The g*dd*mn door!

JOHN: It doesn't have a latch.
Close it!

JOE: It's already cold enough
in here!


Doesn't have a latch.

- You gotta hammer up a board.
- JOE: You gotta nail it shut!

The hammer and nails
by the door.

There's a hammer
and nails right there!

Ah, God!

- Hold this here, Chris.
- Here! Here.

- O.B.: Watch your fingers.
- CHRIS: Yeah.

- Really nail it in!
- O.B.: Yeah.

You need two pieces of wood.

You got to hammer another one.

One ain't good enough!

It's gonna blow right open!

Now, g*dd*mn it!

Gonna open if you don't ham...!

- Shut up!
- CHRIS: Ah, got it!

- O.B.: Son of a bitch!
-(Chris groans)


Jesus Christ.

That's door's a whore.

(tosses hammer on floor)


I get it. "Haberdashery."

That was a joke.

- How's the coffee?
-(coffee pouring)

JOHN: Now? Pretty good,
if I do say so myself.

Thank you.

(sighs, pants)


(Chris sighs)

(Chris panting, shivering)

Ha! Navajo!

Guess who he is.

Buffalo Bill?

(laughs) Hardly.

No. I'm...

Oswaldo Mobray. I'm the...

He's the hangman of Red Rock.

Oh, you are?

- Yes, I am.
-(laughs): Well!

- Uh, good to meet you, uh,
- Yeah.

- Mr...?
- Uh, Mobray.

- Mobray.
- Yeah.

I'm Chris Mannix.

The new sheriff in Red Rock.

- Really?
- Pfft, horseshit!

Pay no attention to him.


Fella warmin' himself
by that potbelly stove

-is a hell of a driver
named O.B. -Ah.

That's the only thing
you've said that's the truth.

You comm' 'mo Red Rock
to hang Lance Lawson'?

- Precisely. -Do you have
the execution orders on you?

- In my bag.
- May I see 'em?

Of course.

(Chris sighs)

Who's, uh, who's Lance Lawson?

He's a fella been sittin'
in the Red Rock jail

about a month now.

He's the fella
who shot the fella

who was sheriff 'fore me.

- Precisely.
-(wind whistling)

(Chris mumbling)

Thank you.

(Chris shivers, exhales)

What did she mean
when she said,

"The bounty hunter's
n*gg*r friend in the stable"?

He's got a n*gg*r bounty hunter
friend in the stable.

But all that just to guard her?

Uh, I don't think that was
the original idea, but...

-that's the idea now.
- Oh. Mm.

Want a little snake bite
in your coffee?


Five of you?

Well, well, well, looks
like Minnie's Haberdashery

is about to get cozy
for the next few days.

Yes, it does.

- Here.
- Ah. Ah.

(wind howling)

(Chris exhales)

Are you the chap
with the Lincoln letter?

The Lincoln what?

Yes. The letter
from Abraham Lincoln.

President Abraham Lincoln?

Yes. Weren't you pen pals?

With the president?

Well, I'm sorry, I heard
that somebody in your party

had a letter
from Abraham Lincoln.

I assumed it was you.

Not him!

Black fella in the stable.

The n*gg*r...

in the stable has a letter
from Abraham Lincoln?


The n*gg*r in the stable has
a letter from Abraham Lincoln?

(wind whistling)

(chickens clucking,
horse neighing)

What'd you say
your name was again?

- Bob.
- Warren.

Minnie and Sweet Dave in there?

Minnie and Sweet Dave went
to visit her mother

on the north side
of the mountain.

- What?
- Yeah.

Minnie ain't here?

Yes, they're visiting
her mother.

- Her mother?
- Yes.


Never knew Minnie had a mother.

Well, everybody's got a mother.

Yeah, I suppose.

(horse grunts, huffs)

And she left you in charge?


(Warren chuckles)

That sure don't sound
like Minnie.

Are you calling me a liar?

(horse huffs)

Well, not yet I ain't.

Just sounds peculiar is all.

What sounds peculiar?

Well, first off,
Minnie never struck me

as the sentimental type.

And secondly, I can't imagine
Sweet Dave lifting his fat ass

out his chair long enough
to fetch well water

unless Minnie was laying
a frying pan upside his head,

let alone take a trip
to the north side.

Well, that sounds a whole lot

like you're calling me a liar,
mi n*gro amigo.


Yeah, it do sound a whole lot
like that, don't it?

But I still ain't done it yet.

Minnie still serve food?

- Do you consider stew food?
- Yes.

Then we serve food.

She still stinking up the place
with Old Quail pipe tobacco?

(Bob chuckles)

Minnie doesn't smoke a pipe.

She rolls her own.

Red Apple Tobacco.

But, mi n*gro amigo,
I think you already know this.

Yeah, I do, Senor Bob.

Just seeing if you do.

(wind whipping)

(Bob grunting)

(wind whistling, rushing)

BOB (faintly):
Come on!

(continues indistinctly)

(wind whipping, whistling)

Fill 'er up, O.B.


g*dd*mn it.

Thank you.




CHRIS: Well, cut my legs off
and call me Shorty.

Is that
General Sanford Smithers I see?

You got a good eye, son.

Ha-ha! Well, I'll be
double-dog damned!

General Sandy
"Don't Give a Damn" Smithers?

(Chris clears throat)

Captain Chris Mannix,
Mannix's Marauders.

Erskine's boy?

Yes, sir.

Uh... may I sit down, sir?

Well, according to the Yankees,
it's a free country.

General Sandy Smithers. Ha-ha!


oh, boy,

did my daddy talk about you!

I heard you gave
those Blue Bellies sweet hell.

(Smithers chuckles softly)

Me and my boys did our part.

Just like Erskine and his boys
did their part.

Hell yeah, we did.

Yankee sons of b*tches.

I never knew your father, son.

But I always respected
his resolve.

Well, thank you
for saying that, General.

Your respect would have meant
the world to him.

Can I get you some coffee?

That'd be nice.

Well, how about a blanket?

(Smithers chuckles)

That'd be even nicer.

Hell, you know what?
You can have mine.


Here we go, General.

Ha-ha! So what brings you
out Wyoming way, sir?

If you don't mind my askin'.

My boy.

- Oh, you got a boy that lives
in Red Rock? -My son.

Chester Charles Smithers.

He died out here
a few years back.

Oh, forgive me, sir.

There's no forgiveness

Like I said,
it was a few years back.

It was after
he'd served his service.

(wind howling)

He came out here
to the hills of Wyoming...

to make his fortune.

Never to be heard from again.

(wind whistling, howling)

I bought him a symbolic plot...

in the Red Rock cemetery.

And I'm here to advise
a stone maker on his headstone.

Was he a goner for sure?

No chance he could be livin'
the cold life

out in the woods?

It's a rough life,
but folks can learn it.

If he'd have done
what he came out here to do,

he'd have come home.

-(wind howling, whistling)
-(Bob grunting)

Hold it. Close it, close it!


You have to hold it closed
while I nail it shut.

WARREN: Well, who's the idiot
broke the damn door?

Oh, j-j-j...

just f*cking hold it closed!

Orale, cabron!

(wind whistling)

Hold it closed.


One more.

(wind howling)

Keep holding, keep holding,

-my n*gro amigo.
-(hammering continues)

(Bob mumbling)

We need two pieces of wood.

(Bob grunting)

Orale, cabron!
All right.

There you go, m*therf*cker!

-(Bob sighs)
-(drops hammer)

Lot of hats, Senor Bob.


Considering Minnie's
"no hats indoors" policy,

which, if I remember correctly,

was one of them
Bar of Iron rules.

Kind of rule she'd want kept up
in her absence.

You seem to have
a laissez-faire attitude

when it come to the hats.

Rm guilty.

I have a laissez-faire attitude
about the hats.

How about we forget
about the hats today

considering there is
a blizzard going on and on?

We'll make tomorrow
"No Hat Day"!

(wind whistling, howling)

- OSWALDO: A large black dog.
- DOMERGUE: ♪ Now take my tip ♪

♪ Before you ship to join ♪

- His name was Henry, I believe.
- ♪ The iron g*ng ♪

- Labrador.
- ♪ Don't be too gay ♪

♪ In Botany Bay ♪

♪ Or else you'll surely hang ♪

♪ Or else you'll hang,
you'll hang, said he... ♪

You know, my daddy...

-I-| said that my-my daddy
-(Domergue continues singing)

-always said that Davis
- OSWALDO: A plum tree.

Was a courageous man,

but he should've put
the capital

in Montgomery and not Richmond.

Yes, sir.
I agree with that.

The army in northern Virginia
would've been used

in a very different way.
I said the army

of north Virginia would've been
used in a very different way!

DOMERGUE: ♪ They'll flog
the poaching out of you ♪

♪ Out there in Botany Bay. ♪

Shut up!

(wind continues whistling)



Do you know that n*gg*r, sir?

I don't know that n*gg*r.

But I know he's a n*gg*r,
and that's all I need to know.


that n*gg*r
just ain't any n*gg*r.

That n*gg*r, he...

General Sanford Smithers?

Battle of Baton Rouge?

Inform the n*gg*r

(chuckling): in the cavalry
officer's uniform

that I had
a division of Confederates

under my command...

in Baton Rouge.

Major n*gg*r, General Smithers
wishes me to inform you...

I heard him, hillbilly.

Inform this old cr*cker
that I was in Baton Rouge also.

On the other side.

(wind rushing)

Oh, that's interesting.

Uh, General Smithers,

he said that he was also in
Baton Rouge on the other si...

-(snaps fingers)
- Captain Mannix,

tell the n*gg*r

that I don't
acknowledge n*gg*r*s

in Northern uniforms.

WARREN: You captured
a whole colored command

that day...

but not one colored trooper
made it to a camp, did they?

We didn't have the time
or the food...

nor the inclination...

to care for Northern horses

and least of all...

Northern n*gg*r*s!

So we shot 'em
where they stood!



I know Americans aren't apt

to let a little thing
like unconditional surrender

get in the way of a good w*r.

But I strongly suggest
we don't restage

the Battle of Baton Rouge

during a blizzard
in Minnie's Haberdashery.

(wind continues whistling)

Now, uh...

my Nubian friend...

while I realize
passions are high,

that was a while ago.

And if you sh**t
this unarmed old man,

I guarantee
I will hang you by the neck

until you are dead
once we arrive in Red Rock.

I damn well
guarantee that, too.

Yeah, Warren,

that's the problem
with old men.

You can kick 'em
down the stairs

and say it's a accident,
but you can't just sh**t 'em.

OSWALDO: Uh, gentlemen...
since we may be

(smacks lips)
trapped here,

close together-like,

for a few days,

may I suggest
a possible solution?

We divide Minnie's in half.

The Northern side

and the Southern side.

With the dinner table...

operating as a...

neutral territory.

We could say
that the fireplace...

side of the room acts as a...

a symbolic representative of...


While the bar...



Long as the bar's

I agree.

We still got that deal
we talked about in the wagon?

- O.B.: Thank you. -I help you
protect your $8,000,

-you help me protect my ten?
- Yeah, I suppose.

One of them fellas

is not what he says he is.

What is he?

In cahoots with this one,
that's what he is.

One of them,
maybe even two of them,

is here to see
Domergue goes free.

To accomplish that goal,
they'll k*ll everybody in here.

They got 'em a couple of days,

so all they got to do
is sit tight

and wait for a window
of opportunity.

And that's when they strike.

Huh, bitch?

If you say so, John.

(wind continues whistling)

Are you sure you
ain't just being paranoid?

Our best bet is
this duplicitous fella

ain't as cool a customer
as Daisy here.

He won't have
the leather patience it takes

to just sit here and... wait.

-(strikes piano keys)
- Waiting for an opportunity

and knowing it's the right one
isn't so easy.

He can't handle it,

he'll stop waitin'.

Try and create his opportunity,

and that's when Mr. Jumpy
reveals himself.

WARREN: Now, what you got
to say about all this?

What do I got to say?

About John Ruth's ravings?

He's absolutely right.

(normal voice): Me and one
of them fellas is in cahoots.

We're just waiting
for everybody to go to sleep.

(whispers): That's when
we're gonna k*ll y'all.

Okay, everybody.

Hear this.

This here is Daisy Domergue.

She's wanted dead or alive
for m*rder.

$10,000. (sniffs)

That money's mine, boys.

Don't want to share it,

and I ain't gonna lose it.

When that sun comes out,

I'm taking this woman
into Red Rock to hang.

(wind whistling)


...is there anybody here

committed to stoppin' me...

from doing that?

(wind howling)


Nobody got a problem with this?

(logs crackling in fireplace)

(bedsprings creaking)


I guess that's
very fortunate for me.


I hope you all understand

I can't just...

take your word.

Circumstances force me to...



When you say...


why do I feel that you mean me?

Because I'm gonna take
your g*n, son.

You are?

Yes, I am.

- Nothing personal.
- Just mine?

Hangman's got himself
a g*n, too.

I'll be dealing with his g*n
after I deal with yours.

-(wind howling)
-(clears throat softly)

I feel kind of...

naked without it.

Oh, I still got mine.

I'll protect you.


(panting softly)

A bastard's work is never done.

Huh, John Ruth?

That's right, Joe Gage.

- Now, give me the g*n.
- If you want it...

...you're gonna have
to come and take...

Calm down.

NOB grunts)

Take your hand away
from your g*n.

Blink if you're calm.

He blink?

He blinked.

Blink if you're
gonna remain calm.

He blinked.

Take his p*stol.

(clucks tongue)

I'm real sorry about this, son.

Like I said...

nothing personal, just...

a precaution.

-(blade rings)

(wind continues whistling)

(wind howling)


Pretty sneaky.

(wind continues whistling)

(chain clinking)

Afraid the same applies
to you, too,

Mr... Mobray.

Ah, precautions must be taken

because life
is too sweet to lose.

Hand me that little bucket.


Go to the outhouse.

Take this bucket and...
dump it down the sh*thole.

Why do I got to go outside?

Well, your jacket's already on,

and I sorta kinda trust you.

(wind whipping, rushing)

(wind continues rushing)

- JOHN: Grab the other cup.
- DOMERGUE: Yeah, I got it.

After you, Major.

(chain rattling)

(clears throat)


I'm gonna cut you loose
while we eat.

Don't get any ideas.
I ain't goin' soft on ya.

Lift your ass
even one inch off that seat,

and I'll put a b*llet
right in your g*dd*mn throat.

(smacks lips)
Come here.


(Chris sighs)

Oh. (chuckles)

So, Domergue...

I suppose this blizzard
counts as a stroke of luck

far as you're concerned.

You don't hear me
complainin', do ya?

No, I sure don't.

(wind continues whistling)

Well, how 'bout you, Oswaldo?

How 'bout me what?


considering all the things
I done for money,

I ain't one to judge, but...

don't you feel
just the least little bad

about hangin' a woman?

Well, until they invent
a trigger a woman can't pull,

if you're a hangman,
you're going to hang women.

Well, hell, Ozzie, I guess

I ain't never looked at it
like that before.

When it comes to some of them
mean bastards out there,

it's the only thing
does the job.

You really only need
to hang mean bastards.

But mean bastards,
you need to hang.

(banging on door)

(wind howling)


You g*dd*mn son of a bitch!

I almost died out there!

(panting, groaning)

I ain't ever...
going out in that shit

ever, ever again!

-(O.B. panting, shivering)



-(hammering continues)

(loud, gasping breaths)

(O.B. shivering)

You okay, O.B.?

I'm fine.

I'll be fine.

I just need to get warm.

You want some stew, O.B.?



(O.B. continues panting)

Oh, yeah.

That's nice. (sighs)

(wind whistling)


how you doing, Black Major?

I ain't in the mood,
Chris Mannix.

Leave me be
from your horseshit.

John Ruth says
you got a Lincoln letter.

I told you, jackass,
go hee-haw someplace else.

That's right, John.

You did say that, didn't you?

Yeah. I did.


you got a letter
from Abraham Lincoln?


The... Abraham Lincoln?


Abraham Lincoln?

The president
of the United States?


Of America?


Wrote you a letter...



as in "Dear Major Warren"?

No, personally,
as in "Dear Marquis."

"Dear Marquis"?

Abraham Lincoln,

the president of
the United States of America?


May I see it?

No, you may not.

But the way John tells it,

you weren't
jUSt some random n*gg*r soldier

picked from a pile of letters.

Way John tells it...

y'all had a correspondence.


The way John tells it...

y'all was practically pen pals.


And a pen pal's...

practically a friend.

(laughing loudly)

John Ruth...

you really think a n*gg*r,

drummed out of the cavalry with
a yellow stripe down his back,

was practically friends

with the president of
the United States of America?

(Chris laughing loudly)

John Ruth, I hate to be the one
to break it to you,

but ain't nobody in Minnie's
Haberdashery ever corresponded

with Abraham Lincoln.

Least of all,

that n*gg*r there!



Was all that horseshit?

(laughs quietly)
Course it was.

(laughing loudly)

(Domergue cackling)

(breathless laughing)

Good one, Warren!

Talk that sass, n*gg*r!

Talk that sass!

(Domergue spits)

(moaning, laughing)

(Domergue snorts)

Well, I guess it's true
what they say about you people.

Can't trust a f*ckin' word
comes out of your mouth.

(chuckles softly)
What's the matter, John Ruth?

I hurt your feelings?

As a matter of fact...

you did.

-(wind howling)

I-| know...

I'm the only black son of a
bitch you ever conversed with,

so I'm gonna
cut you some slack.

But you got no idea
what it's like

being a black man
facin' down America.

Only time black folks is safe

is when white folks
is disarmed.

And this letter
had the desired effect

of disarmin' white folks.

Call it what you want.
(chuckles softly)

I call it
a dirty f*ckin' trick.


You want to know why I lie

about somethin' like that,
white man?

Got me on that stagecoach,
didn't it?

Well, I'll tell you
like the good Lord told John.

A letter from Abraham Lincoln
wouldn't have had

that kind of effect on me.

I might let a whore piss on it.

- DOMERGUE: I spit on it.
- CHRIS: Good for you, sister!

(wind continues whistling)

(Smithers speaks indistinctly)


g*dd*mn it,
you leave that old man alone.

Stand down, you son of a bitch.

I shared a b*ttlefield
with this man.

Or would you
deny me that, too?

I suppose you were there.

May I Join you?

Yes, you may.


(wind continues whistling)

(playing "Silent Night")

(continues playing
"Silent Night")

(plays two discordant notes)

Damn it.

(restarts "Silent Night"
from beginning)

So, how's life since the w*r?

(slow playing
of "Silent Night" continues)

Got both my legs.

Both my arms.

I can't complain.

Got a woman?

Fever took her
start of this last winter.


What was her name?


Georgia gal?


("Silent Night" continues)

Atlanta boy, Augusta girl.


I used to raise
Kentucky horses.

And her pa was the owner
of the breedership

where I bought
most of my ponies.

(plays wrong chord)

g*dd*mn it.

I made a good deal on her.

-("Silent Night" resumes)
- Took the stake he gave me

and bought
a bunch of peach orchards.

Set myself up pretty well.

Did a hell of a lot better

than either one of my no-good
brothers, that's for damn sure.


Yeah, your boy come up here
a few years back.

He spoke highly
of his mama, too.

You knew my boy?

Did I know him?



Yeah, I knew him.

You did not know my boy.

(sets bowl down)

Suit yourself.

("Silent Night" continues)

Did you know my son?

-(Bob hits wrong notes, stops)
- I know the day he died.

- Do you?
- No.

Do you want to know
what day that was?


The day...

he met me.

(wind continues whistling)

(resumes playing
"Silent Night")

(Bob plays trill,
resumes melody)

He come up here

to do a little
n*gg*r head-huntin'.

By then, the reward was, oh...

$5,000 and braggin' rights.

But to battle-hard rebs,

$5,000 just to cut off
a n*gg*r's head?


That's good money.

So them Johnnies climbed
this mountain,

lookin' for fortune.

There wasn't no fortune
to be found.

All they found...

was me.

("Silent Night" continues)

All them crackers come up here
sang a different tune

when they found theyself
at the mercy of a n*gg*r's g*n.

(plays mu)

Let's just forget it.

I'll go my way, you go your'n.

That's your boy Chester

You're a g*dd*mn lie!

WARREN (voice-over):
"if you just let me go home

"to my family, I-| swear...

I'll never set foot
in Wyoming again."


That's what they all said.

Beggin' for his life...

your boy told me

his whole life story.

And you...

was in that story, General.

-(plays last chord)
- And when I knew me I had

the son...

of the Bloody n*gg*r k*ller
of Baton Rouge...

(chuckles) I knew me
I was gonna have some fun.

You shut your
lyin' n*gg*r lips up!

General Smithers,
don't you listen to him.

He didn't know your boy.

He just heard tell
why you're here, is all.

It was cold
the day I k*lled your boy.

And I don't mean

snowy-mountain-Wyoming cold,

-(wind whooshing)
- It was colder than that.

And on that cold day,
with your boy

at the business end
of my g*n barrel,

I made him strip...

right down to his bare ass.

(wind whistling)

Then I told him
to start walkin'.

(wind continues whistling)



I walked his naked ass
for two hours

'fore the cold collapsed him.

You never even knew my boy?

No, he didn't!

He's just a sneaky n*gg*r

trying to get you
to go for that g*n.

WARREN: Then...
he commenced to beggin' again.

But this time,
he wasn't beggin' to go home.

(chuckles) Ah, he knew
he'd never see his home again.

He wasn't beggin'
for his life, neither,

'cause he knew
that was long gone.

All he wanted...

was a blanket.

Now, don't judge your boy too
harshly, General. (chuckles)

You ain't never been cold
as your boy was that day.

(Warren chuckling)

You'd be surprised

what a man that cold

would do for a blanket.

You want to know
what your boy did?

I pulled my big black pecker

out of my pants...

and I made him crawl
through the snow

on all fours over to it.


Then I grabbed me a handful

of that black hair

at the back of his head...

and I stuck
my big black johnson

right down his g*dd*mn throat.

And it was full of blood,
so it was warm. (chuckles)

Oh, you bet your sweet ass
it was warm.

And Chester Charles Smithers

sucked on that
warm black dingus

for long as he could!

(Warren cackling)



You're startin'
to see pictures, ain't ya?

Your boy...

black dude's dingus
in his mouth...

him sh-sh-shakin', him cryin',

me laughin'...


(Smithers exhales)

...and him not understandin'.

But you understand,
don't you, Sandy?

I never did give your boy
that blanket...

even after all he did,

and he did everything I asked.

No blanket.

That blanket was just a
heart-breakin' liar's promise.

Kind of like those uniforms

the Union issued
those colored troops

that you chose
not to acknowledge.

(wind continues whistling)


So what you gonna do,
old man? Hmm?

You gonna spend
the next two, three days

ignorin' the n*gg*r
that k*lled your boy?

Ign0rin' how I made him suffer?

Ignoring how I made him...

lick... all over my johnson?

(Warren chuckles)

Oh, the dumbest thing
your boy ever did

was to let me know...

he was your boy.


(g*n whooshes)

(wind continues whistling)

(wind whistling)

About 15 minutes has past

since we last left
our characters.

Joe Gage volunteered to take
Smithers' dead body outside.

Straws were drawn
to see who'd help him.

O.B. lost.

Chris, John Ruth and Oswaldo
had a vigorous debate

about the legality
of the self-defense m*rder

that just transpired.

Major Marquis Warren,
who was supremely confident

about the legality
of what just transpired,

ignored them,
sat at the table by himself

and drank brandy.

(wind whistling)

Captain Chris Mannix donned
the dead general's coat

and joined Oswaldo in lighting
the candles and lanterns.

Hey, Ozzie!

Now, you got the right idea.

Let's light this place up.

John Ruth held the door closed,

waiting for Joe Gage
and O.B. to return.

(wind whistling, howling)

Bob enjoyed a Manzana Roja.

Domergue, however,
hasn't moved from her spot

at the community dinner table
since John Ruth uncuffed her.

John Ruth.


Can I play that guitar
over there?

Let's go back a bit.

Your boy, black dude's dingus
in his mouth.

15 minutes ago, Major Warren

shot General Smithers
in front of everybody.

But about 40 seconds
before that,

something equally
as important happened,

but not everybody saw it.

While Major Warren
was captivating the crowd

with tales of black dicks
in white mouths,


poisoned the coffee.

He did everything I asked.

No blanket.

NARRATOR: And the only one
to see him do it...

(g*nshots, clattering)

...was Domergue.

That's why this chapter
is called

"Domergue's Got a Secret."

John Ruth.


Can I play that guitar
over there?


You come back with
anything else but a guitar,

my p*stol plays a tune.

"Domergue's Death March."

You got it?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got it.


(strums soft chord)


(strums chord)


(wind continues whistling)

(soft folk song begins)

♪ Listen for a moment, lads ♪

♪ And hear me tell my tale ♪

♪ O'er the sea
from England shore ♪

♪ I was condemned to sail ♪

♪ Jury found me guilty, sir ♪

And said the judge, said he ♪

♪ For life, Jim Jones ♪

♪ I sentence you
across the stormy sea ♪

(pounding at door,
wind whistling)

♪ Have no chance
of mischief there ♪

♪ Remember what I say ♪

♪ They'll flog the poaching
out of you ♪

- ♪ Out there in Botany Bay ♪

♪ Waves were high
upon the sea ♪

♪ The winds approaching gales ♪

♪ I'd rather drowned
in misery ♪

♪ Than come
to New South Wales ♪

♪ The waves were high
upon the sea ♪

♪ When the pirates came along ♪

♪ But the soldiers
on our convict ship ♪

♪ Were full 500 strong ♪

♪ They opened fire
and somehow drove ♪

♪ That pirate ship away ♪

♪ I'd rather join
that pirate ship ♪

♪ Than gone to Botany Bay ♪

And one dark night ♪

♪ When everything is quiet
in the town ♪

♪ I'll k*ll you bastards
one and all ♪

♪ I'll g*n the floggers down ♪

♪ Give them all
a little shock ♪

♪ Remember what I say ♪

♪ Yet regret
they sent Jim Jones ♪

♪ In chains to Botany Bay. ♪

(song ends)

That's the one you like to sing
in the stagecoach, huh?


It's kinda pretty.

Got another verse to it?

Yeah, lots.


Well, go ahead, sing it.

Whatever you say, John.

♪ Now day and night
the irons clang ♪

♪ And like poor galley slaves ♪

♪ We toil and toil
and when we die ♪

♪ Must fill dishonored graves ♪

♪ By and by
I'll break my chains ♪

And to the bush I'll go ♪

And you'll be dead
behind me, John ♪

♪ When I get to Mexico. ♪

(song ends)

Give me that guitar.

Music time's over!

Wha... Hey!

Whoa! Whoa, whoa!


Turn around!

John, no!

- No, no, no, no, no!
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

Shut up!


(match strikes)






(O.B. groaning)

When you get to hell, John,

tell 'em Daisy sent ya.


(Domergue grunts)

Mannix, the coffee!

(John groaning)

(grunting and groaning)





(g*n clicks)



- CHRIS: Oh, my God!

Oh! Aah!

(g*n clicks)

Give me that f*cking g*n.


Don't test me, bitch.


Get your backsides up

against that back wall
over yonder.

Well, g*dd*mn it!

Get or don't get, Joe Gage.

It's up to you.

- I'm gettin'.
- Then get!

(wind whistling)

You, too, Senor Bob.

Everybody turn around

and put your hands
on that wall.

Move them damn snowshoes!



Everybody keep
your mouths shut.

Do like I say.

You open your mouth,

you gonna get a b*llet.

Move a little sudden,

a little strange,

you gonna get a b*llet.

Not a warnin', not a question.

A b*llet.

You got that?

Let me hear you say,
"I got it!"

- I got it.
- I got it.

I got it.

We have it.

Chris Mannix,
come over here on this side.

Come on.

Take this g*n out my holster.

Point it at them.

Now, like I said,

anybody does anything,

and I mean anything,

you k*ll 'em.

(g*n clicks)


you finally decided
I'm tellin' the truth

about bein' the sheriff
of Red Rock, huh?

I don't know about all that.

But I know you ain't the k*ller
poisoned that coffee,

'cause you almost drunk it
your own damn self.

One of them is.



Give me the key.
Give me the key!

(yells) You m*therf*cking
black bastard!

You're gonna die
on this mountain,

and I'm gonna f*cking laugh
when you do!


What'd I say 'bout talkin'?


Meant it, didn't I?

And you need to understand

you just k*lled
the only man here

committed to gettin' you
to Red Rock alive.

Now, one of y'all...

is workin' with her.

Or two of y'all
is workin' with her.

Or all y'all is.

But only one of you

poisoned the coffee.

Now, what charms this bitch got

make a man brave a blizzard,

k*ll in cold blood?


I'm sure I don't know.

But John Ruth's tryin'
to hang your woman.

So you k*ll him.



But O.B. wasn't hangin' nobody.

He damn sure wasn't.

But he sure enough
layin' over there dead

now, though, ain't he?

He damn sure is,
you sons of b*tches.

Just like any one of us
would've drunk that coffee.

Like me, g*dd*mn it.

Now, those of y'all
with your hands on the wall

don't practice in poison

need to think about that.

Think about how
it could've been you

rollin' around here
on this floor.

And how the man standin'
next to you

would be responsible.

And I know
who I got my money on.

Oh, that's right, Joe Gage.

I'm lookin' at you.

Not so fast, Chris.

We'll get there.

Let's slow it down.

Let's slow it way down.

(g*n clicks)

Who made the coffee?

He did.

Yeah, he did, didn't he?

Yeah, he did,
didn't he?

But it's the stew
that's got me thinkin'.

Now, how long you said
Minnie been gone?

A week?



my mama used to make stew,

and it always tasted the same,

no matter the meat.

And there was another fellow
on the plantation,

Uncle Charly.

He made stew, too.

And like my mama,

I ate his stew from the time
I was a whipper

till I was a full-grown man.

No matter the meat,

it always tasted
like Uncle Charly's stew.

Now, I ain't had Minnie's stew

in six months,
so I ain't no expert.

But that damn sure is...

Minnie's stew.

So if Minnie
is on the north side

visitin' her mama for a week,

how'd she make the stew
this mornin'?

Hmm. (chuckles)

(Bob sighs)

And this...

this is Sweet Dave's chair.

When I sat in it earlier,

I couldn't believe it.

Nobody sits
in Sweet Dave's chair.

Uh, this may be Minnie's place,

but this is damn sure

Sweet Dave's chair.

And if he went
to the north side...

...I'm pretty g*dd*mn sure

this chair be goin' with him.

What's in the chair?

Just what I thought.

Sweet Dave's g*dd*mn blood.



So, are you actually
accusing me of m*rder?

(Warren chuckles)

Way I see it, Senor Bob,

is whoever is workin' with her

ain't who they say they is.

And if it's you,

that means Minnie and her man

ain't at her mama's.

They layin' out back there
dead somewhere.

Or if it's you,
little British man,

the real Oswaldo Mobray layin'
in a ditch somewhere

and you just a English fella
passin' off his papers.

Or we go by my theory,

which is the ugliest guy
did it.

Which makes it you, Joe Gage.

So I take it you deduced
the coffee was poisoned

while you were murdering
the old man?


Well, mi n*gro amigo,

during that whole incident,

I was sitting on that side
of the room

playing "Silent Night"
on the piano.

Oh, I ain't say
you poisoned the coffee.

I said you didn't make
the stew.

My theory is...

you workin' with the man

who poisoned the coffee,

and both of y'all
m*rder*d Minnie,

Sweet Dave and whoever else
picked this bad-luck day

to visit Minnie's Haberdashery
this mornin'.

And at some point,
y'all intended

to bushwhack John Ruth

and free Daisy.

But you didn't count
on the blizzard,

and you didn't count on
the two of us.


That's far as I got.
How am I doing?


You're a real
imaginative n*gg*r,

-ain't you?

So, do you intend to m*rder me

based on a far-fetched
n*gg*r theory,

or can you prove it, cabron?


It ain't so far-fetched,
Senor Bob.

And it's a little bit more
than a theory.

How long you say
you been workin' for Minnie?

Four months.


See, if you'd have been here
two and a half years ago,

you'd know 'bout that sign
used to hang up over the bar.

Minnie mention that to you?


You want to know what
that sign said, Senor Bob?

"No dogs or Mexicans allowed."

(Chris laughs)

Now, Minnie hung that sign up

the day she opened
this haberdashery.

And it hung over that bar
every day

till she took it down
a little over two years ago.

You know why she took it down?

She started lettin' in dogs.


Now, Minnie liked
just about everybody,

but she sure don't

like Mexicans.

So when you tell me

Minnie went to the north side
to visit her mama,

well, I find that
highly unlikely.

But okay, maybe.

But when you tell me

Minnie Mink
took the haberdashery,

the most precious thing to her
in the whole world,

and left it in the hands
of a g*dd*mn Mexican?

Well, that's what I meant
in the barn

when I said that sure
don't sound like Minnie.

Now I am calling you a liar,

Senor Bob.

And if you lyin',

which you are...

...then you k*lled Minnie.

- And Sweet Dave.


Four measly b*ll*ts,

and there goes Senor Bob.

But that still
don't get us no closer

to which one of y'all
poisoned the coffee, though.

Do it, Chris?

No, it sure don't.


Now, one of y'all
poisoned this coffee

to free Daisy.

If I don't hear a confession

from one of you m*therf*ckers
quick, fast and in a hurry,

I'm gonna pour
this whole pot of coffee

down that bitch's
g*dd*mn throat.

Okay. Time's up.


All right, I did it.

It was me.
I poisoned the coffee.

I f*ckin' knew it!


You gonna die now,
you murderin' bastard!

Major Warren,
please let me send this ugly

son of a bitch to hell.

You k*lled O.B.

He was worth ten of you.

Warren, can I k*ll him?

Say adios to your huevos.

(g*n clicks, fires)


Major Warren!

(distorted groaning)

(b*llet ricocheting)


(Warren screaming)

I ain't got no g*n,





- WOMAN: Roy!

Good boy.


(whistles) Get up!

Get up there!

Get up!

Packer, Roy, get up!

Get up!

- Get up there! Get up!

Get up!

Get up there!
Get up!

Get up!


Go! Go! Go!

GO! Go!



(indistinct shouting)




Get up. Get up.

-(whistles) Hyah! Get up!
Get up! -Get up!

Get up!

(whistles) Get up!

Get up!

Get up!

Get up! Get up!


- Whoa!
- Easy.

- Whoa.
- Whoa!

Whoa. Hey, Charly, my boy.

How the hell are you?

Hiya, Ed. Hiya, Judy.




How many you got?

Full house today, friend.

Got one in there waitin'.

Well, he's gonna have
to keep on waitin'.

We ain't got no room.

Well, you need to tell Minnie.

'Cause he been here two days,

and Minnie wants him
out of here.

Well, I can't give him
a seat I don't have.

Listen, why don't you take
the passengers inside

and introduce 'em to Minnie,

warm yourself up
and drink some coffee.


Here we are, everybody.

Minnie's Haberdashery.

Step outside,
you and your friends

can stretch your legs.

When you're ready,
step on inside,

get warm by the fire,
get some coffee in you.

I'll introduce you to Minnie.

Hiya, Minnie!


JUDY: Now, Minnie,
I'm not tryin' to tell you

how to run your business,
but I would think coffee

-would be the first thing
you'd make. -Hmm.

Come on in, everybody.
Don't be shy.


Everybody, this is Minnie,
and this is her place.

Behind me, pluckin'
that chicken, is Gemma.


Lovely smile, that Gemma.

Now, the fella in the uniform
I don't know,

but the one he's playing chess
with is Sweet Dave.

Hiya, Dave.

- Hey, Judy.
-(Judy chuckles)

And, Minnie,

these are the passengers.

Well, that's not good enough.

Go on, take away them rags,

let's see some faces,
let's hear some names.

Oswaldo Mobray, madam.

Joe Gage.


And I'm Jody.

It's a pleasant surprise
to find such a warm sanctuary

in the middle
of such a cold hell.

Well, make yourself

Get warm by the fire.

Uh, we're just gonna go
warm ourselves

by the stove,
if that's all right.

Oh, stove, fireplace, whatever.

Just get warm.

Oh, and Judy said somethin'

about the best coffee
in the world.

Ah, yes. I do believe Judy
did say something

about the best coffee
in the world.

Well, I don't know
about all that,

but I tell you what it is.

It's hot, it's strong,
and it's good.

And in this here snow,

it sure enough warms
your ass up.

You don't need to sell it,
Minnie, you need to make it.

And you need to get
your ass out there

and help Charly with them bags
and get Ed in here.

Yes, ma'am.

- But fix that coffee.
- I'll fix you!

(door creaks open and shut)

I don't know, some old man.

Well, I don't know what
I'm supposed to do about it.

I'm just telling you
what she said.

Anyway, she sent me out here
to help Charly.

- She wants to talk to you.
-(bird squawking)

Charly, you got a hold
of these fellas?

Got 'em, Ed.

Miss Minnie,
would you roll me a cigarette?

Sure, honey.

I smoke Red Apple tobacco.

That all right?

That's my favorite.

Don't mind me, gentlemen.

I'm just watching.

You DEV?

You know, I must have had
at least 12 people

teach me that g*dd*mn game.

Just never could keep
the moves in my head.

But if I'm not disturbing,

I'd like to watch.

Hell no. I like whippin'

this old man's ass
in front of a audience.

- You ain't whippin' shit!

Merci beaucoup,
Mademoiselle Minnie.

Oh, that's real nice.

What is that?

That's French.

You speak French?


"Oui"? What does that mean?

It means "yes."

Oui, yes.

Hey, hey, Dave,
ask me if my ass is fat.


Ask me if my ass is fat.

It is.

I said ask me.


Just do it!

Is your ass fat?

Oui. (chuckles)

Look at that, y'all,
I can speak French.

(Minnie chuckling)



(clears throat)

(Minnie chuckles)

(Oswaldo clears throat)

Are you the, uh,

jelly bean salesman
around here?

(Gemma giggles)

How many peppermint sticks
I get for a nickel?


All right.

- Here you go.
- Thank you, sugar.

GEMMA (laughing)3

Uh, allow me
to assist you, madam.


(door opens)

I'm bringing in your bags

in case anybody wants to change
your clothes before Red Rock.


Peppermint stick?

(Judy chuckles)



So why do they call you
"Six-Horse Judy" anyway?

'Cause I'm the only Judy
you've ever seen

that can drive
a six-horse team.

Oh, yeah.

(both laughing)

Kind of a stupid question.

(both laughing)

Do you mind
holding this for me?


rock steady, madam.

Rock steady.

(sniffs) You got a very sweet
little accent.

Where's that from, England?

I take exception to that.


- JUDY: New Zealand.
- Careful, madam. Precarious.

JOE: Is that anywhere near,
uh, Old Zealand?

(Judy laughs)





What the f*ck's an Auckland?

It's where I'm from.

It's our biggest city.

- Coffee!
- Mm-hmm.

Coffee's ready.

Well, it's about damn time!


Best coffee on the mountain.

MINNIE: Oh, I don't know
about all that.

Stagecoach drivers like it,
passengers not so much.

Most find it a mite too strong.

Can't be too strong
on this mountain.

-(Minnie chuckles)
- Thank you.


What do you think?

(wind whistling)



Shit, f*ck!




(groans, grunts)

(panting, gasping)


- JODY: Mmm, si.
- BOB: He adds something.

Not much, but something.

(Jody sighs)

What you think, Pete?


Well, I must admit,

he does make the setup
more convincing.

(Judy whimpering)



I'll talk to the old man.

- You three collect the bodies

and chuck 'em
in that well out there.

And then start
unhitchin' the horses

and gettin' 'em in the barn
and gettin' 'em fed.

PETE: Well, hang on. I mean,
puttin' the horses away,

that's easy enough,

but draggin' these fat bastards
up and down the mountain,

that's f*ckin'
impossible, mate.

- JODY: Okay.
-(Joe spits)

JODY: Well, this is a store,
so there's gotta be

a wheelbarrow
around here somewhere.

Start with the horses,

and as soon as I get through
with this old hickory tree,

I'll come out
and help you, okay?

BOB: Hey, Pete,
grab my coat, will ya?


Now ♪

♪ You're all ♪

♪ >A' None a'

♪ Feelin' ♪

♪ That nobody wants you ♪

And you're looking ♪

♪ For someone ♪

♪ To hold your hand ♪

- ♪ Someone ♪

♪ Who understands ♪

Now ♪

♪ You're by yourself ♪

(clears throat)

♪ And you're feelin' ♪

♪ The world close ♪

ln on your

And you're askin'... ♪


I just started workin' here.

Whatever Minnie did
to make y'all mad...

I had nothin' to do with it.

♪ Someone... ♪

'(Song abruptly ends)

(wind whistling)


Well, old man.

If you...

was a cat,

what just happened here

would count as one
of your nine lives.

Do you realize
how close you came

to being tossed
on a pile of n*gg*r*s?

-(chuckles) Yes.
- Yeah.

And when it comes
to that pile of n*gg*r*s

that we buildin' out back,

won't take nothin'
to make you general of it.

You believe that?

I expect no less.

Not so fast, old man.

You might have
a way out of this yet.

Later today,


son of a g*n

is gonna come in here...

...and he's gonna have
my sister with him.

And he is gonna
have her in chains.

He's taking her to Red Rock
to be hung.

Do you know why?



That's why.

Now, when he gets here,

I'm gonna k*ll that fella
and turn my sister loose.

Now, do you have any reason
why you would want to interfere

with me saving my sister
from a hangman's rope?


You don't?

No, I don't.

You sure you don't?

I mean, we did just k*ll
Minnie and Sweet Dave.

Now, you and Sweet Dave looked

mighty chummy over here.

I just met these people!

I don't give a damn about them!

Or you. Or your sister.

Or any other son of a bitch
in Wyoming, for that matter.

That is a good answer,

old man.

Now, when they get here,

you just sit your ass
in this chair,

and you don't do nothin'.

You don't say nothin'.


"Thank you."

"Good night."

That's about it.

Maybe your name.

But that's it.


"Thank you."

"Good night."

- And maybe my name.
- Maybe your name.

Mm-hmm, be a, be a old man.

Be dotty.

Go to sleep.

And don't you say nothin',

and I mean nothin',

to that bounty hunter
that's got my sister.

Do you understand?


When it's Safe, I'll k*ll him,

free my sister

and leave you be.



Thank you.

During the next four hours,

Jody and the boys chucked
the bodies down the well...


...put away the horses...

...tidied up around Minnie's...

...stashed weapons
for further use...

...and waited for John Ruth
and Daisy's stage to arrive.

(shouting in Spanish)

All right, boys.

This is it.

Let's get ready.

Now, remember,

it doesn't matter
if we have four men or 40,

we are still
gonna be facing John Ruth

chained to my sister

with a p*stol pointed
at her belly.

Now, killin' that fella

'fore he kills my sister
ain't gonna be easy,

but you better believe that's
exactly what we gonna do.

So the name of the game here
is patience.

Trapped here
for two or three days,

at some point
he will close his eyes.

And that's when you blow
the top of his head off.

Remember, old man.

If my sister don't make it
off of this mountain alive,

neither do you.

I'll do my best.

(hoof beats approaching)

O.B. (in distance):
Whoa, whoa, easy.

Whoa. Whoa.


Good luck, mate.


(wind whistling)

What the hell is going on?

We weren't expecting
another stage tonight!

- O.B.: Yeah, I can see you
- PETE: Here.

Already got another one
up in here.


BOB: Just got through
puttin' the horses away!

O.B.: Well, this ain't
the normal line.

But we are stuck on
the wrong side of a blizzard,

so it looks like
you're stuck with us.

Now you gotta do another one.

O.B.: Are Minnie
and Sweet Dave inside?

They ain't here!

I'm running the place
while they're gone.

Where's Minnie and Sweet Dave?

He says they ain't here.

He's looking after the place
while they're gone.

Who are you?

I'm Bob.

JOHN: Well, whoever you are,
help O.B. with the horses.

Get 'em out of this cold
'fore that blizzard hits us.

Whoa. You all right?

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

Esperate, esperate, esperate!

I just put
those other horses away.

You need it done fast,
you need to help.

I got two of my best men on it.

You heard him, freeloaders.

Get to work.

BOB: All right, you two,
unhook the leaders.

Come on, let's go!

'(pounding on door)
- JOHN: Open up!

- You have to kick it open!
- Ya gotta kick it open!

- Kick it open!

(wind howling)

(Warren groaning)

(weak groaning)


How you doin', old boy?


They shot my nuts off.

I'm freezin',
burnin' up the same time.

Bleedin' like a stuck pig.

I think I'm gonna die.

And these m*therf*ckers did it.

That's how I'm doin'.

How you doin'?

Well, my leg hurts really bad.

But I think, if I put all
my weight on my right foot...

I was just bein' sarcastic.

I don't give a f*ck
about your leg.


Now, you just...

make yourself comfortable.

Don't worry about my comfort.

(groans) Shit, I can't feel
my ass no more.

- Worry about these owl hoots

and that bushwhackin'
nut sh**t in the basement.

All right!

You... fella in the basement!

You either give up
by the time I count to three...

or I sh**t Domergue
in the head.



JODY: No, no, no, no,
don't sh**t her in the head!

I'm coming up.

Hold on now,
you bushwhackin' sack sh**t!

You just open the door.

We tell you when to come up.

Now throw out your p*stol.

Toward the bed.

Bet he got another.

Now throw out
your other p*stol.

I ain't got another p*stol!

Well, you better shit
another p*stol out your ass,

'cause if you don't
throw one up here

in the next two seconds,
we gonna k*ll this bitch.


Told you.

Now, with your hands
where we can see 'em,

slowly come on up.

(g*n cocks)

(creaking footsteps)

How you doing, dummy?

now I see your ugly face.



How you like that?!

You bushwhackin' castrator!

What are you doing?!
He was giving up!

It took him too long,
so I done it for him.


(grunting, screaming)

Joe Gage, get your ass over
here and shut this trap door.

(grunting, screaming)


I'm sorry, honey.

May I sit in a chair?

(grunts) Yes, you may.

Keep your hands
flat on that table.

And don't move 'em.


You sure picked the wrong time
to turn into a n*gg*r lover.

Don't you see,
that n*gg*r and John Ruth

put you smack dab
in the middle of danger?

You're about to be m*rder*d

in some n*gg*r
named Minnie's house,

and you don't even know why!

Okay... bitch.

I'll bite.


I'm working with
all three of them fellas.

But not 'cause they got
butterflies in their belly

about me, but because
we're all g*ng members.

The Jody Domingre g*ng.

That fella y'all just k*lled
in the basement

was Jody Domingre!

My brother!

Well, who the hell
is Jody Domingre?

You want to tell him,
bounty man?

(Warren chuckles)

He was a big bad cat
worth $50,000.

And every member of his g*ng
was worth at least ten.

Which finally explains
why you worth ten.

And what's gonna happen when
that sun comes out, n*gg*r?

So is my brother's 15 men
coming straight here for us.

Tell him, Grouch!

Jody got 15 men
waiting in Red Rock.

We couldn't k*ll John Ruth
and free Daisy here,

their job was to sack the town,
k*ll John Ruth

and free Daisy there.

Now, with my brother dead,
I'm in charge of this g*ng.

- Right, boys?
- That's right, Daisy.

Oh, yeah.

And, Chris, I am telling you,

you ain't done anything yet
that we can't forgive.

So, let's make a deal.

No deals, bitch.

You gonna let that n*gg*r
speak for you, Chris?!

Hold it, Warren.

Seeing as how she ain't got
nothing to sell,

I'm kinda curious
about her sales pitch.

Humor me.

(Warren groans)

All right... bitch.

What's... your... deal?


Take your g*n,
sh**t that n*gg*r dead.

Then we sit here all nice-like
for the next two days.

When the snow melts, we go to
Mexico, you go on to Red Rock,

get that star
pinned on your chest.

Hey, Pete.
How much can we pay him?

Well, we could give him Marco.

Bob's real name
is Marco the Mexican.

He's Worth $12,000.

That's Marco the Mexican?

Precisely, yeah.


Now that I blowed his face off,
Marco ain't worth a peso.


Oh! '

Oh, sh... Oh, sh...

PETE: Well, then, if I die
in the next two days,

which is more than likely,
you can have me.

Under the name of
English Pete Hicox,

I got a federal bounty
of $15,000 on my head.

It's all yours, Chris.

You keep talking, Pete,

you gonna talk yourself
to death.

Joe Gage, who you be?

Grouch Douglass.

(Warren laughs)

You heard of him?

Yeah, I heard
of Grouch Douglass.

He worth ten, just like Daisy.

Well, remind me...

why we wouldn't just
k*ll all y'all, cash in.

Oh, you can k*ll us all,
but you'll never spend a cent

of that bounty money,

and you'll never
leave this mountain alive.

'Cause when that snow melts,
the rest of Jody's g*ng,

all 15 of 'em that are waiting
in Red Rock, are coming here.

Now, l-let's say
you sh**t us all.

If you really want all that
Domingre g*ng bounty money,

you still got to get
all our corpses into Red Rock.

And that ain't
gonna be so easy.

'Cause I-l doubt you can drive
a four-horse team.

And that wagon out there is
too heavy for a two-horse team.

So that means
you're gonna have to lead

a string of horses
into Red Rock.

And with that deep snow
after a blizzard,

you ain't gonna be able
to get away with any more than,

say, one body per horse.

So that's you leading a string
of four horses into Red Rock.

And with all them horses
in that snow

and you all by your lonesome,
you're gonna be a mite poky.

And you're gonna run smack dab
into the Domingre g*ng.

And again, Grouch,
how many is that?

15 K*llers strong.

And when those 15 K*llers
come across you

in possession of
all our dead bodies,

they ain't just gonna
k*ll you and that n*gg*r!

They gonna go back to Red Rock

and k*ll every son of a bitch
in that town!

You really the sheriff
of Red Rock?

You want to save the town?

Then sh**t that n*gg*r dead!

(screams) Jesus Christ!

Oh, ho, ho!

You believe in Jesus now,
huh, bitch?

Well, good,
'cause you about to meet him.

(screaming, panting)

Anybody else
want to make a deal? Huh?!

The deal still stands, Chris.

You ain't done nothing
we can't forgive.

It's all still on that n*gg*r.

You sh**t him dead,
take my body,

sit out in the snow

-with Daisy and Grou...

(screams) You c**t!






(g*n clicks)

(g*n clicks)

WARREN (distorted):

give me my p*stol.

Give it here!

Give it here!

(Pete groaning softly)

So, you were saying...

we sit here,
all nice and friendly like,

for the next two days.

Then the snow melts,
you leave here,

meet up with your g*ng,
and hightail it to Mexico.

That's the deal, right?


And I get Oswaldo and Joe Gage?


But Jody's worth $50,000.
What about his body?

You gonna make a deal

with this diabolical bitch?

I ain't saying
I'm gonna make a deal with her.

We just talking.

Calm down!

So what about Jody's body
and the $50,000?

You're getting greedy, reb.

No deal.

We're taking Jody's body
back with us.

He got children.

So I k*ll Warren,
and we all friends?


No deal, tramp.


You're making the biggest
mistake of your life!

When our boys get here
in a couple of days,

they're gonna
cut your nuts off!

And there won't be a stick left
in that town unburnt!

Well, I guess I should be
plumb scared right now, huh?


If you had any brains,
you would be!

You see...


...here's the problem, Daisy.

In order for me to be scared
of your threats,

I got to believe in
those 15 extra g*ng members

waiting it out in Red Rock.

And boy, oh, boy, I sure don't.


What I believe is,

Joe Gage or Grouch Douglass or
whatever the f*ck his name was,

poisoned the coffee.

And you watched him do it.

And you watched me pour a cup,
and you didn't say shit!


I believe you are
what you've always been,

a lying bitch
who will do anything

to cheat the rope
waiting for her in Red Rock,

including sh1tting out
15 extra g*ng members

-whenever you need be.
-(Warren laughs)

Oh, 0h!


...I believe, when it comes
to what's left

of the Jody Domingre g*ng,
I'm looking at 'em.

Right here, right now,

dead on this
m*therf*cking floor!

g*dd*mn right.

Then you're gonna die
on this mountain, Chris.

'Cause my brother
leads an army of men.


My daddy led an army.

He led a renegade army,
fighting for a lost cause!

My daddy held up to 400 men
together after the w*r

with nothing but their respect
in his command!

Your brother's just an owl hoot
who led a g*ng of K*llers!


I don't feel so good.

Oh, shit.




You still alive, white boy?

(Domergue screams)




(grunting) :
Oh! f*ck!!

Hey, boy!



Get up!

(Domergue grunting)

Chris Mannix!

If your ass ain't nailed
to the floor, wake the f*ck up!


Wake up, white boy!





(pained yell)


I ain't dead yet,
you black bastard.


Chris Mannix,
I may have misjudged you.

CHRIS: Now we've come
to the part of the story...

(g*n cocks)

...where I blow
your g*dd*mn head off.

No! No, no, don't sh**t her!

Why the hell not?

John Ruth.


Now, John Ruth was
one mighty, mighty bastard.



But the last thing
that bastard did 'fore he died

was save your life.

We gonna die, white boy.

We ain't got no say in that.

(g*n uncocks)

But there is one thing left
we do have a say in.

And that's
how we k*ll this bitch.

And I say sh**ting's
too good for her.

John Ruth could've shot her
anywhere anytime along the way.

But John Ruth was The Hangman.

And when The Hangman
catches you,

you don't die by no b*llet.

When The Hangman catches you,
you hang.

"You only need to hang
mean bastards..."


"...but mean bastards,
you need to hang."

(both laughing)

(Warren and Chris
grunting loudly, panting)

(Domergue choking)

(grunting continues)

As my first and final act

as the sheriff of Red Rock,

I sentence you, Domergue,

to hang by the neck
until death!

(Warren and Chris
grunting, panting)

(Domergue choking)

Hang on, Daisy.

I want to watch.



(Warren and Chris sighing)

Now, that was a nice dance.

CHRIS (sighs):

That sure was pretty.


(both groaning)



(both panting, sighing)

(wind whistling)

(Chris panting softly)

- Hey.

Can I see that Lincoln letter?

(Warren groans)

(panting softly)

"Dear Marquis,

"I hope this letter finds you

"in good health and stead.

"I'm doing fine,

"although I wish there were
more hours in a day.

"There's just so much to do.

"Times are changing
slowly but surely,

"and it's men like you
that will make a difference.

"Your military success
is a credit not only to you,

"but your race as well.

"I'm very proud
every time I hear news of you.

"We still have
a long way to go,

"but hand in hand,
I know we will get there.

"I just want to let you know
you're in my thoughts.

"Hopefully, our paths
will cross in the future.

"Until then,
I remain your friend.

"Ole Mary Todd's calling,

"so I guess
it must be time for bed.

Respectfully, Abraham Lincoln."

"Ole Mary Todd."

That's a nice touch.

Yeah. (chuckles)


(Roy Orbison's "There Won't
Be Many Coming Home" plays)

(music fades)
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