Dead Wood (2007)

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Dead Wood (2007)

Post by bunniefuu »






Oh, hi.

Hi. Sorry I'm late.

You've got
a lot of stuff.

Oh, it's just
the tent mostly.

I wasn't sure
what I needed to bring.

Just a sleeping bag
and a towel, really.

Do you do this a lot?

No, I've only used
the tent twice...

...for Glastonbury.

Oh, good.

Glad I'm not
the only novice.

I'm not too good
with this whole...


You guys ready
for an adventure?

Sort of.

This is gonna be
so much fun.

All right, Webb?

All right, mate?
How's it going?

Yeah, not bad, not bad.

Hi, Webb.
Nice to meet you.

- Good to meet you too, Jess.
- Cool van.

She's my baby.

Hey, I thought
I was your baby.

No, you're my best girl.
Come here.

Everyone comfortable?

Hi, and welcome
to 'The Dave Peacock Show'.

Baby, look at me.
Look at me.

- Smile.
- It's another beautiful day tomorrow...

...and Dave just walked into the studio
in his Bermuda shorts.

Guys, sit next to
each other...

...just a bit closer,
a bit closer.

Don't be shy.

Aww, you two make
such a nice couple.

Put your arm
around her.

Come on.
Now say cheese.

We'll have to hike pretty fast if we
want to get to the lake by dark.

How far is it?

Not far.

But you don't want to be walking
through the woods at night.

- Better?
- Much.


Oh, right.
I've had it.

Right, come on, man.

Can't you get me?


Don't be so childish.

What's the matter?
Are you gonna start crying?

- Oh my... Right.
- Crybaby crybaby.

Good for you.
You're crying.

For f*ck's sake, Milk,
you want to stop that?

It's Lar... Can you
not see it's Larri?

Webb's driving.

It's all right.

You don't have to show off
in front of Jess.

You want to drive?

What did you hit?


Poor thing.

Should we take it to a vet?

It won't make it.


You're not gonna
k*ll it, are you?

Webb, you can't.

It's in pain.
It's the best thing.

Come on, everybody out.
We're here.


Jess, look.

Over there.

- It's a weasel. Squirrels are up there.
- Lovely.

Come on.

How did they get
all the way out here.

Must be a road nearby.


The only road's the one
we came in on.

You can't drive
through the woods...

...not this deep.

They don't belong here,
do they?

It's weird, isn't it?

You were right...

...about the deer, I mean.

Oh my God.


It wasn't me.


What's wrong?

We've got to go back
to the van.

- What have you left?
- My camera.

I must have left it
on the dash.

Christ, Larri, I thought
it was important.

It is important.

Come on.

Seriously, I'll teach you
a few basic chords.

Why not?

You just do that.
That's a "C".

It's easy.

I'm not very musical,
to be honest.

You can make it out of
pretty much anything...

...leaves, twigs,
anything you find.

It's really quite
effective as well.

- Really?
- Yeah yeah.

What's Milk doing?


Milk, what are you doing?

Eggs for breakfast.

Come on, mate, get down.
It's not safe up there.

Milk, don't be
so stupid.

Larri, tell him
to get down.

Milk, you come down here
right this instant.

I got some.

I got some.

You hear that?

Go go!

Milk, come on, get up.

Come on, let's go.

Come here.
Are you all right?

This is weird.

Be careful now.

Hey, Jess, do you want
to have a look down there?


They've probably gone
for a walk.

Looks like they've been
gone some time.

Maybe something
happened to them.

- Like what?
- Like an accident.

Shouldn't we tell

Tell who?

No signal.

We are in the middle
of the woods.

All right, we'll come back tomorrow,
see if they're around, yeah?

Come on,
let's get moving.

It'll be dark soon.
We've got a fair way to go yet.

It's really nice
out here, isn't it?

It's really quiet
and peaceful.

A bit spooky, though.

Yeah, but look
at the stars.

You don't get that
in the city.

Oh, it's incredible.

Anyone fancy a smoke?

There you go...

...for you, Princess.

Aw, thanks, sweetheart.

Stop it.

Stop it.
Leave me alone.

Ugh, that's it.

I'm gonna lock myself
in the tent.

There are
far too many things...

...creeping or
crawling around out here.

- 'Night.
- Good night.

Good night, all.

You coming to bed?

Suppose, if I have to.

But we haven't told
the scary campfire stories yet.

Don't forget
to put the fire out.

I think I'll crash too.

Well, I ain't sitting
out here on my own.

- Oi.
- Hey.

Oh, baby.

You okay?



Yeah, fine.


Your cock is so big.

I love your body, Larri.

I want you inside me.


I'm sorry.
I'm just not very...


- Oh, baby.
- Oh, baby.

- God, I love you.
- How much?

More than anything.
More than your mom.


What the f*ck was that?

Can you see


You don't reckon
it was Milk and Jess...

...f*cking around
with us, do you?

I suppose it could be.

You should go
and check on them.

Will you be all right?

You're only
a few feet away.



Be careful.

- Wait.
- Get the f*ck off me.

- Why did you attack me?
- I didn't know who it was.

Anyway, you shouldn't
play stupid games.

What was
the scream for?

We didn't scream.

We thought it was you
messing around...

...trying to scare us.

That wasn't you?

That's what she said.

So if you didn't scream...

...who did?

I'm not having fun anymore.

Maybe we should make
another fire.

No, the ground's too wet.
We need to gather more sticks anyway.

I think we all better
get back inside.

Yeah, I think
she's right.

I think we should
stay together.

The tents aren't
big enough.

I mean...

I think it's best
if we all get back inside.

- Wait, but...
- That is decided.

Come on, let's get inside.


...really, what do you
think it was?


I'm sorry.

You were sleeping.
I was very hungry.

Hey, don't worry.
Help yourself.

I'm Webb.

What's your name?


Mm, making breakfast?
You're such a sweetheart.

That's just Larri.

Larri, meet Ketsy.

You look frozen.

Thank you.

What's going on?

- Are you here on your own?
- Let her eat, babe.

It's okay.

It must seem strange... just appearing.

I was camping
not far from here...

...with my boyfriend.

We were together,
playing chess in the tent.

Rob ran out
to check the fire...

...and he was gone.

So he left you
out here on your own?

He wouldn't.

He was just gone.

We need to get you
to the police.

No, I have to find him.

I can't leave.

Well, we'll help.
If we all search...

...we'll find him soon
enough, don't worry.

Would you like
to get cleaned up?

There's a lake
just through those trees.

- I'll wash there.
- Just through the trees?

No, we passed that way last night.
We would have seen it.

I passed it this morning.

Let's go take a look.

Once we've cleared up...

...we will find your boyfriend.

Is it just me,
or is Ketsy a bit odd?

I suppose, a bit.

It just all sounds
so strange...

...the whole
missing-boyfriend thing.

Come on.

So are you guys
still up for a swim?

I bet it's cold.

Don't be such an old lady,
come on.

No, I might go in later.

Yeah, I think I might
stay out here with you.

Well, we're
here now, so...

Come on.

Are you not going in?


I can't swim.

- You can't swim?
- No.

So why did you want
to come to the lake?

'Cause you were.


...we're gonna go
for a walk.

You take good care
of my little cousin.

We won't go far.

So are you happy
to be here?

Yeah, it's nice to be
away from the city.

Yeah, but...

...are you happy
to be here with me?

I'm hungry.

You should have had
some breakfast.

I'm gonna have some now.
Are you coming?

Um, no, I'm gonna stay in
for a bit longer.

Don't you wanna dry me up
and rub me down?


I'll do it later.

Hey, feeling better?

So when we get back
to the city... you want
to go out properly?

Yeah, I'd like that.

I'm not gonna dunk you.
Let's go together, all right?

- Okay okay.
- One, two, three.

- One, two, three.
- Okay, again.

All right, one more time.

- Again.
- One, two, three.


- What?
- Look.


There was somebody there.

There's nobody there.

There's no one there.
It's fine... Just us.

They were watching us.

There's nobody there.

I think we should
go back to the lake.

There's no one.

Milk, I want to go back
to the lake.

But there's no one there.

Do you want me to go
and have a look?

Something just feels wrong.


Webb! Webb!

Could have been anything,
a trick of the light.

- Larri?
- What's wrong?

I can't find him.

He went under.
I can't find him.

- Webb?
- He's just messing about.

Jess just saw someone
in the woods.

No, I was right here.
I saw him.

He was in the lake.
He went under.

I can't find him.
I can't find him.

Larri, I don't understand.
You're not making sense.

He's gone.

Do you think he drowned?

- Let's get back to camp.
- And do what?

We'll decide
when we get there.

Come on.

Where are the tents?

This is the place,
isn't it?

I'm sure it is.

It's got to be
some kind of joke.

But the whole
camp's gone.

It's just like
my boyfriend.

Did you see what happened?

It's like she says...

...we went swimming...

...then he disappeared...

...gone just like before.

It doesn't make
any sense.

You get the police.
I'll stay here with Larri.

No, we stick together...

...all of us.

Are you sure we're going
in the right direction?

I'm sure.

Where's the map?

It was at the camp.

But we've been walking
for hours.

It didn't take this long
to get to the lake.

I guess we're just
moving slower.

Anyway, the woods
aren't that big.

We've got to come
across the road soon.


Yes, please.

Do you know
what's going on?

Jess saw someone
in the woods.

Wouldn't be your
boyfriend, would it?


Well, you said
he just disappeared.

Maybe he followed you
to us.

Maybe he's out there
right now, watching us...

...and waiting.

But even if
I did see him...

...he couldn't have been
at the lake too.

Just tell us,
is it your boyfriend...

...running around
the woods?

This is pointless.
Shall we just carry on?


It's Webb.

Larri, no.

Wait here.



Larri. Larri.




Larri, come back.
What are you doing?

He was right here.
I saw him.

- Who?
- It was Webb.

We don't know
who's out there.

Larri, look at me.

We don't know
who's out there.




- Jess.
- Jess.

Where's Jess?

What happened?



It's okay.


- Gone.
- Shh.

It's gonna k*ll us.
It's gonna k*ll us.

It's gonna k*ll us.

It's gonna k*ll us.

It's gonna k*ll us.
It's gonna k*ll us.

Let me go.
Let me go.

It's gonna k*ll us.

What are we gonna do?

We're gonna do
what you said...

...keep walking
till we hit a road.

It will be dark soon.

Then we'll walk
through the dark.

What is it?

Come on.

Go back the other way.

Keep moving.



Larri, Larri, it's me.
It's me.

Come on,
I've found something.

This way.

Get up.

Come on.

See if you can find something
to barricade the door.

- That should hold her.
- Is that really necessary?


She hasn't done anything wrong.
Why don't we just untie her?

No, until we get
out of the woods...

...she stays tied.

You remember
when you came... stay with my family
that summer?

Of course.

Mom was in hospital
and Dad was away.

It was my
favorite summer... having
a big sister.

You even used to
look after me back then.

Remember when I was being
picked on?

You sorted them out.

I couldn't let them
bully you.

They were twice your size.

And now here we are.

You've still got
to protect me...

...still looking
after me.

We've got to look out
for each other.

If we stick together,
we'll get out of this.

You know something?


I never did like the woods.

What are we gonna do
in the morning?

Let's just try
and get some rest.

Don't think I can sleep.


I'll be here.

I'll watch over you.

Good night, Larri.

You're already dead.


Milk, wake up.

Come on, we've got to go.

Where's Ketsy?

It's just us now.

How did she get out?

We can't think
about that.

Where are we gonna go?

Out of these woods.

- No path.
- No nothing.

Who would build
a hut in the woods...

...with no path
to get here?

I think we came
that way.

So we'll head
this way.

- Are you sure?
- Not really.

But we can't just
stand around here.

I can't keep going.

I'm so tired.

Can't we just stop
for a bit?

Do you want to spend
another night out here?



Do you think Jess is
still out there somewhere?

Come on.

- What is it?
- Bacon.

- What?
- I can smell bacon.

Milk, it's in your head.

No, I can smell it.

Milk, we should be careful.

It's other people.
They can get us out.

Come on.




Larri, please!

Please, Larri!
Please please!

Larri! Larri! Larri!

- Milk.
- Jess.

Where were you?

You disappeared.

I was lost.

No, you disappeared.

What are you talking about?

I was lost... I made my way
back to camp.

I knew I'd find you

I knew you'd find me.

I don't understand.

What's to understand?

You're here now.


There you go...
...for you, Princess.

Where have you been?

Looking for you.

I thought
I'd lost you forever.

Well, I'm here now.

You're okay.

We can be together.

What's going on?

What do you mean?

Where have you been?

Where is everybody else?

Forget all that.

Who are you?

Larry, you're being insane.
It's me... Webb.

Stay away from me.

But I love you.

You want to go?

You want... escape?

One, two...








Can you hear me?


Are you all right?

You ran straight out
in front of the car.

I could have k*lled you.

Are you all right?

I think you should
sit down.

Why don't you sit
in the car?

I don't think
you should move.

Are you out here
on your own?

Is there anyone
with you?

Is this yours?


What do you think
you're doing?

I'm gonna burn
your forest down.

You can't.

Give me one good
f*cking reason.

Don't do it, Larri.

You'll k*ll us all.

Please, Larri.
We're still here.

Don't burn us.

Please, Larri,
don't do it.

You can be with us.

We're all here.

I want to be with you...


You can be with them.

I will be.
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