Pizza 3: The Mummy (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Pizza 3: The Mummy (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »


Check if your father has come!

[tires screeching]

I have got gifts for both of you.

- A gift?

- Jump!

- Guess what the gift is?

- Let's see

- Guess what the surprise could be!

- Hey!

- Say something.

- Barbie girl!


- Only for you?

- Hold it! Your favorite barbie girl.

- See that!

- Go, play!

Only she gets barbie doll?

And Vijay, for you...

Dad! What's this?

Hey son!

- Please, give it back!

- What?

Very precious gift.

My friend gifted it.

It's 700 years old!

Am worried he will break it.

Please be careful.

Hey Benny!

You haven't changed one bit?

Certain things are hard to get.

We have got something.

So let's keep it.

Hey careful!

Hey start recording!

Dad, look here.

[singing old Tamil movie song]

Mom, say something.

Hey, you're going to break it!

Why have you cooked non-veg on full moon?

Chicken. Mutton. What's this?

Well that is for you...

- Dad, look at the camera and talk.

- Hey!

Hey, why don't you tell him?

- I've been calling since long for dinner!

- What do I do?

- Look!

- Hey come!

Turn the camera off!

- Dad, just some more time.

- Vijay!

Turn the camera off.

Tell him!

Vijay! Come here!

- Daddy, tell me a story please!

- A story? What story shall I tell you?


I'll tell you that elephant story.

Once upon a time there was a big elephant!

Dad, I don't want this.

Tell me something interesting.

What interesting story shall I tell you?


Dad, I hear that some ghost comes

around and plays basketball.

My friend, Krishna was telling me.

Hey! Why talk about ghosts at night?

Keep Quiet!

Looks like your mom is scared

of ghost stories at night?

Well then, am going to tell a ghost story.

Some 20 years back..

Daddy was studying 11th or 12th grade.

There was a big basket ball tournament!

In that basket ball tournament..

We had already scored

9 points and playing..

Opponents were at a lead of 23 points!

In the opponent team..

There was a player named Sam.

He was a state-level player!

His game play was superb!

He was playing all good...

He fell down all of a sudden,

and starting having seizures.

Match was stopped.

He was taken to hospital.


In about 3 months...

He passed away.

Many people said they could

see Sam in the play ground.

I was very shocked.

After a while, some one said..

They saw something..

After 12 AM...

That guy came...

to that basket ball court.

He was playing basket ball all alone.

That basket ball sound went...

[making basketball dribbling sound]

[making basketball dribbling sound]

[making basketball dribbling sound]

[basketball dribbling sound]

Many say they heard it!


Daddy hasn't seen it.

But I've heard about it.

See, don't believe all this.

Ghosts don't exist. Okay?


my friend told me that you pushed him.

Who said that?

Nothing like that happened.

Look, give it to me!

Time's up! Give it.


- Goodnight.

- Lie down..

Do ghosts exists or not?

For centuries..

This has been one of the

most unanswerable questions.

Today with us, we have..

4 special guests.

"Ghosts don't exist.."

"This has become a thing"

"These are things used by frauds"

This is what, a rationalist..

Mr. Durai here has to say and also...

It is said books are a

treasure of knowledge.

Today we have a librarian...

Mr. Rajendran who handles the

very treasure of those books.

We also have Kayal...

who has done lot of new

things in the field of software.

"Ghosts exist. I communicate

and live among them"

says exorcist Vajravelu

who's with us today.

Let's start our discussion

with Mr. Vajravelu first.

You keep saying that ghosts exist.

What evidence do you have,

to prove that ghosts exist?

Sir, I have performed over 500

exorcisms. Isn't that enough evidence?

Sir, you see..

There are 4 people in this debate.

But among us there are some

supernatural beings as well.

If I say this,

no atheists will believe me.

Mr. Durai,

you talk a lot about Rationalism..

Vajravelu says there are

supernatural beings over here.

- What's your take?

- You see.

These are stone-age fictions!

Like there is no God,

there are no ghosts either.

In this modern-age, the whole

world is within our mobile phones!

In a time like this,

you are seeding age-old fiction.

Mentally challenged people..

Are beaten, tortured..

And tormented by him.

He calls it exorcism.

Mr. Exorcist..

He's accusing you of only beating and

torturing mentally challenged people.

One should never mock age-old

practices in the name of being modern.

I'll tell you all something.

About 4000 years back..

There was a mummy idol made by a

Queen in Egypt. Have you heard of it?

When the queen's empire was

surrounded by her enemies..

When the city was about to be destroyed..

She put all of the negative energy

surrounding the empire into that idol.

It's no normal idol.

It has the capability to bring out every

single single spirit every full moon

Many books have been published

on this in many countries.

Africa, Thailand, Indonesia. Even the

so called developed country, China.

Now, they say that idol is in India.

What do you say?

Maybe you can make a great

web-series out of this.

Vajravelu is a good story teller.

Whole world has gone digital.

That's what Mr.Durai says.

But Kayal says that it's possible to

communicate with ghosts digitally.

An app..

Which you say, you have developed

to communicate with ghosts.

Can you please explain?

In my opinion..

There's a frequency difference

between humans and ghosts.

I mean, sound waves.

We can't hear all sounds.

Only sounds of certain frequency

wavelengths are audible to humans.

Any sound, above or below that

frequency will not be audible to us.

Bats, for example.

We can't hear all the sounds they make.


To communicate with ghosts..

Only if we can get to that frequency.

That's what I have tried

to do with this app.

Simply put..

This app is a digitized

version of Ouija Board.

What nonsense is this?

Was mobile phone invented

to speak with ghosts?

Is this even believable?

Can you prove any of this now?

Sure sir, but as I said earlier..

It's only 95% complete.

It's still in testing stage.

So test it and show us!

Prove it in front of the people.

Okay, But there are some conditions.

They should also wish

to communicate with us.

Their aura should be around us.

See my son, Lenin..

Passed away 2 years

back in a bike accident.

Make him come if you can. Let's see.

Right here..

Within a 10 meter radius..

If your son's spirit is there,

we surely can talk to him.

Okay, let's give it a try.



Lenin, if you're here you

can talk to your father.


Are you here?

What are you going to say now?

Are you going say,

that my son is not willing to talk to me?

You see..

Not just here..

There's no such thing as

ghost anywhere in the world.

Why despite being educated,

you want to cheat people like this?

In India..

God and ghosts have a

great scope for business.

I have no need to cheat anyone, Sir!

Look here!

Okay okay.

Please don't get emotional Kayal.

We will discuss further.

This is not intended to hurt anyone.

Librarian is here. Let's talk to him.

Sir, a lot of books..

You must have come across about ghosts.

You must have had lot of experiences.

You must have heard a lot.

What are your views on ghosts?

God. Ghost.

I think humans haven't

found anything about both.

Even now, in this world..

There are many unsolved

supernatural events.

Those days they saw ghosts

through betel leaf and dye.

There after they used Ouija Board

and said that they spoke with ghosts.

I feel the same way about that

app which Kayal has developed.

So you say science is the ultimate

method to get solutions. It's justified.

Science has solved many things.

Hopefully it will solve this too.

- I thank all 4 of you for coming here.

- Thank you. Thank you.

We will meet again soon. Greetings!


Hi Kayal!

- Hi Sir!

- I heard your research has come out well.

My best wishes.

- Thank sir. At least you..

- Am not saying I believe you.

But I appreciate the effort you

have put in to develop the app.

- So

- Hey, you see..

Please don't think I hurt you.

I oppose you because what

you're saying is unbelievable.

Maybe your parents will believe you...

Maybe your boyfriend

would for the love they have.

But don't expect others to believe.

Believe me, sir.

I'll take care of Kayal.

The basic principle of

our department is...

to not believe even ourselves.


I am not against love.

At the same time..

My sister..

Should have relationship with

someone who is worthy of her, right?


You own a restaurant right?

Yes sir.


No sir. I'm the owner.

Own money?

Bank loan, sir.



How many years?

20 years.

20 long years.

My sister has..

Given surety for your bank loan?


Life full of installments.

And then love?

Shall we speak practically?



If you were in my position..

Will you let your sister

marry someone who's in debt?

You won't right?


Tell me!


Already in debt.

I will pay my own bill.

In your restaurant..

You do get tips right?

That's what your life depends on.

Do you share it?

Or does everyone take

what belongs to them?

I didn't mean to insult you.

Just for information.

- Hi!

- Hi Prem!

- How're you?

- Fine.

- How was your day?

- Good. Good.




Leading fashion designer.

And, uh..

He's going to marry my sister.

By the way.

What do you do?

Poor fellow, paying off loans!

He will tell you who I am.

If you want to know better..

Ask his sister.

She'll tell you in detail.

Isn't it?

Call Nalan.

[voice assistant]: Calling Nalan

Sir, while you were placing the order

I informed you that it would delay

I just checked sir everyone is

busy but it is getting ready Sir

- How many times will you say "more time"?

- No sir.

- Sir! Some more time.

- Don't give me reasons.

- It's getting ready sir.

- That's what I asked first.

How much more time?

You said 10 minutes.

Now you say another 10 minutes!

- I have been waiting for 20 minutes

- I understand sir, it will be ready soon

- I have a meeting.

- Extremely sorry sir.

This has never happened!

Just 5 minutes sir.

I will get the dish ready.

Sir, 5 minutes sir.

Why 5 more minutes?

What's the problem?

He is angry because his

order got a bit delayed.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Tell me.

Sir, who are you?

I'm the restaurant owner.

Sir, ask him yourself.

I asked him while placing the order.

He said 10 minutes.

It's more than 20 minutes.

I have a meeting, Sir!

You don't even know how

to handle a customer!

Sorry sir, what did you order?

Sizzler's chicken.

Sir, usually sizzling chicken is

marinated in sauce. Take some time, sir.

How can you say this again?


At times, for certain tasty dishes..

It does take some time, Sir.

Sir, what are you even talking about?

Tour him the kitchen

Let him know by himself

- What?

- What's that, Sir?

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Sorry sir, sorry sir.

I am here,

With your order Sizzling chicken Sir

Enjoy your food, sir!


What are you doing with the customer..

Let's go

Hey come. Let's go.

Come on man.

- Enjoy your food, sir.

- What's with you?

What happened to you, Nalan?

You never talk like this to anyone?

I have never seen you irritated with

the customer. What did her brother say?

Did he approve or not?

Showing off he's a police man?

Everyone is annoying me.

Did you talk to Kayal?

What did she say?

- She is buzzing me now

- Attend her call

I don't want to... Why again and again?

Until you attend her call would

you get to know what she has to say

Go and check the status of the oven

Table no.5, order has not yet been served?

Look at the way he has chopped it!

Good to know You are

going to elope and marry

Did he annoyed you so much?

I am going to chop her

brother into pieces, pieces...

[assistant chef]: Boss

- Ah

- Nalan, be careful

Oh god! Can't you be more careful?

Sorry boss! Sorry boss!

Hey sweet-ball!

Do you have any sense?

- As if you are running for life?

- What's so urgent?

Just that someone left this toy.

Why can't you keep it on the rack?

Why do you do this?

- Hey! Get that First Aid kit.

- What toy is that?

Don't know.

But looks like some pencil box.

Looks very weird!

Yes it is!

Give me that Hey!

Place it back on the rack

- Give me the first aid kit

- Okay Brother

I definitely turned off the

lights and locked the doors.

But I closed the gas too

along with the others!

What's going on?

Tell me boss.

What I said yesterday night?

What boss?

Did I ask you to unload

a truck of garbage?

I didn't understand

You have not cleaned the wash-basin!

No, I cleaned everything.

It is a mess here

What have you done? Bread is lying outside

Won't it get stale?

Boss please listen

I cleaned everything last night.

I don't know what you going to do

But in another 15 minutes

I want you to clean up this mess

I am going out now You better

clean it before I reach

Sure boss

- Hello

- Nalan, Where are you?

Yes sir, I am in the restaurant

- I will be there, I am just starting now

- Okay

- Come quick

- Where do you want me to come, Sir?

Call Murugan

I will take care of it if he is

not able to handle. Don't worry

I feel relieved because of you

- You don't worry about anything

- Okay

- Hi sir

- Hi Nalan

Get going now I will take care

Hi Nalan How are you?

As usual.

How is your restaurant?

Going on well, Sir Profitable...

And I have transferred rest

of the money to your account

PA informed me

The place which I had given to you...

is very lucky.

I just liked you at the first sight

Just let you have at a lesser price


Hold it!

Now that you got your

property Enjoy your life.

- You can leave now

- Thank you

Sir, you must visit my

restaurant at least for once.


- Leave now

- Okay sir

Yesterday, I had cleaned up everything

I don't know how

everything is a mess today

- Subha don't you remember?

- Hmm

How come one can leave if they

are well aware of their job

When I was about to leave

I saw the lights burning

So came over again and switched

off the stove and left for home

He is just yelling at me,

without giving a ear to my words

He is our Nalan, take it easy.

The other day, Yogi too got scoldings

Are you pointing at me?

The reason was him

When I asked to check the

customers rather checking the phone

He handed over the phone to me.

And got scoldings from Sir.

For his mistakes I am

bearing the brunt, Subhi.

Check this, how he has cleaned this plate

Look at the corners,

why don't you clean it properly?

Hey that is the design of the plate.

Yeah I know, just mind your business

Wonder why all of you treating me

like this I look like a scapegoat...

Hey Yogi, what is this?


Hey is this a new dish?

- No idea

- It looks so colorful

Shall we taste it?

Hey shuba, did you make this?

- What is this? looks like a sweet dish

- I think so


Yum, it is so tasty

Divine Taste!

Did you make this?

No, I didn't

Sure you wouldn't have made it

Not even me

Brother did you make this?

- What's this?

- Brother

How is it brother?

It's awesome

Then you have not made it You can leave..


I did not lick You licked it.

Go and place this in Display


- Then who would have made this?

- Hey, Nalan would have made this dish.

Oh. while boss was cooking

kitchen has become messy

And he is yelling at me over the phone

Let boss come today

- Hey, go back to your work.

- OK brother.

Excuse me

Yes sir, How is the sweet?

Actually, we liked the sweet very

much It's really amazing taste

Thank you Sir!

Next week we have our

daughter's birthday function

Nice sir

I want to place an order for 35 kg

What under the sky urged

you to come to my office?

Excuse me

How many times have I tried calling

you up? Why didn't you answer them?

You came to the office to check this?

- Happy Birthday!

- Thank you

Aravind wanted to meet you and talk

Try to understand me

He is a MD for a company

Oh! he is a company's MD

If you want,

I shall develop an App for his company

Seems like both brother and

sister are in a deep discussion

- We were talking about you.

- Oh

Yes he said you wanted to meet me and talk

Yeah, today is your birthday So I have

planned a small dinner get together

You must definitely come

Ah, actually I have work in the evening..

But thank you

I cannot meet you today

We can catch up next time

Hope it is fine with you?

Ah, Yes he is fine brother

Let me leave now Okay bye

Ya, one more important thing

I will not come home tonight

You know well where I would be,

So bye


What happened?

I just remembered our first kiss

What a beautiful day it was?

Teenage love story

When am looking at you,

it is flashing in my eyes

Oh! Tell me when you proposed me first?

How can we forget that day?

Don't think hard, just tell me when?

Wait, I'll tell you.

- It's you

- What are you doing?

- I am tasting your sweet

- Sweet?

Must admit, it is yummy This is

the best ever sweet made by you.

I didn't prepare it

But I don't understand a thing here,

You spent whole night along with me

So when did you prepare it?

Hey, I did not prepare it

Stop acting, I was told in the morning

that you have prepared sweet dish

I have named this dish

But I admire your modesty

Good morning Nalan, seems like

you are thinking something deeply

Good morning brother

How was yesterday? What kayal said?

- I am gonna ask about the sweet

- I also want to talk about it

What a taste!

Its the best sweet for this

festival season You rocked it

Yesterday we received an order

for 40 Kg from a customer

- Good isn't it

- I can't understand what you are saying

Nalan, I admire your modesty

I arranged the ingredients by the

taste Show us how to make this

[phone ringing]

[breathing heavily]



Who is this? [caller crying]

- Who is this?

- [caller crying loudly]

[CALLER]: Hello.

- Hello

- [CALLER]: Hello.

- Hello

- [CALLER]: Hello.

[CALLER]: Say something rather than hello

[CALLER]: Can you hear me.

Now I am able to hear sir,

I think there is some problem in this line

- [CALLER]: Whatever.

- Now tell me sir

[CALLER]: Is this a restaurant?

Yes Vintage Maniac Restaurant

[CALLER]: Which locality?

Cenotaph road, Sir

[CALLER]: Cenotaph road?

Are you Nalan?

Hey Nalan, Nalan, I am Veera here

What is happening?

Which ever eatery I am calling

It is getting redirected

to your restaurant

I think there is a problem in

the line Tell me what you need?

I have come for a

personal meeting close-by

I was feeling hungry, so made a call to

order food Do you have anything to eat?

You can charge me extra but

prepare something to eat

Fine, tell me your order Sir?

[door bell ringing]

Dear, I have transferred funds

to your account, Just check it.

And I am in a meeting...

[door bell ringing]

Will call you once am done.

Take care of the kids, bye dear

- Hi sir

- Come

Sorry sir,

your food order got delayed a bit.

That's okay, how much is it?

- 430 Rupees sir

- 430?

- I don't have the change sir

- Keep this, It's okay

Thank you sir

- Steamy hot... OK.

- Bye, sir.

[door bell ringing]

Hey, What about now?

Sir, your food order got delayed a bit.

What, You just delivered the order.

- Sir, I just reached your place

- What are you saying?

Look at the package you delivered

- How much is it?

- 430 Rupees.

Is this a deja-vu?

- I don't have the change sir

- Keep this, It's okay

Keep this

Thank you sir Its very hot, hold carefully

- Okay

- Thank you sir.

Its seems like he delivered again

But he said he just reached here.

How come its possible?

[door bell ringing]

[door bell ringing again]

No one here

[door bell ringing]

- [gasps]

- What happened?

- [gasping]

- Why you took so long to open the door?

Are you in a bad mood?

Hey relax, Why you look tensed?

Sorry, I thought I should come early

But I slept, anyway we are gonna

stay awake for whole night.

What's this?


For me?

Nice isn't it?

OK, Who answered my call? Your husband?


Advise him to watch his words

Don't talk about him, he is utter waste

Just because he married you,

He doesn't have the right to talk

Okay cool down.

In the party...

- You looked damn hot in that red saree.

- Is it?

Too good.


At that moment, I fell for you.

I thought I should called you earlier.

But today...

[door opens]

Where were you all this time?

I waited for you to bath together

What happened?

Everything's fine?

What happened?

What happened? are you okay?

Go take a shower, you will be refreshed.

Its hot here.

[screaming in pain]

[continues to scream]

Looks very suspicious

I can't say this is an accident or

m*rder Lets wait for the autopsy report

Forensic report will be

in your table in 4 hours.

- OK, thank you.

- Thank you.

Please come sir

Why have you asked me to come here, Sir?

To give the hospital

canteen contract to you.

You look very cool,

even after committing a m*rder


Why you k*lled Veeranarayanan?

Veeranarayanan, who?

VN Granites, Proprietor Veeranarayanan.

What are you saying, sir?

Veera sir has been m*rder*d?

So, You know about him?

What are you thinking?

He had placed an order and

I went there to deliver it.

We watched everything in

the surveillance camera.

Have you seen a chick at his place?

Sir, My only job is to deliver food

You are the restaurant owner.

When did you turn as a delivery boy?


we don't have any parity in my restaurant

Anyone would go to

deliver the food orders.

We deliver in 10-15 places.

How would we be held responsible

if any incident takes place there?

Why are you speaking rudely?

- I can arrest you if I

- You are trying to frame me



Why you are here?

My friend Veera got k*lled by

someone I came here to see his body.

Sir, I have some work to

finish I am taking a leave

Don't interrupt while talking.

Am I plucking the hair...

Go sit in the corner.

You are here for an inquiry.

Sir, show some respect.

Sir, could you stand aside?

He is a very good man.

Don't know who did this to him.

- Sir, can I see his body

- Hey take him to the mortuary

He will guide you

Sir, if you are done with your inquiry,

can I leave?

You must be available for

the inquiry all the time.

Without my permission,

you shouldn't go anywhere.



I just told you...

You shouldn't go anywhere

without informing to me.

Sir, shall I leave?


We watched everything in

the surveillance camera.

- Hello Dhamu Bro.

- Yes Nalan.

Brother, why suddenly boss

told to fix surveillance camera?

To catch the big rodent...

which eats everything in the kitchen.

I think Nalan is suspecting

us on how we work regularly

I also don't know the exact reason,

he just told me to fix this urgently.

Lets see what it shows.

[mobile rings]


I called you for an important reason,

what stops you to attend the call?

Hey come to the point

What are you doing now? Have you eaten?

Does it really matter now?

Okay relax,

you know Aravind keeps on calling me.

Should I talk to him or would you?

OK I'll talk to him, just cut the call.

Boss order ready

This is the best ever sweet made by you.

What a taste!


Hey clear everything

Hey get back to work

Subhi check the status

of the running order

Usually you don't behave

like this in front of workers

Tell me What's going on

I don't know what is happening around me

I feel my head will burst out

I am here with you, just tell me

Kayal wants me to meet Aravind. Already

unable to bear her brother's t*rture

Add on to it I have to handle him

Oh this is the issue?

Go meet him, lets see what is he saying

It is not just that Brother,

I sense something else here

You go, I'll take care of the

place Will talk everything in night

Hey sweet-ball

Yes brother

- Tonight we are staying here

- Why Brother?

Oh you will stay if only I tell the reason

Go and get the things

before the shop closes

I didn't get it brother

Which shop will be closed

at sharp 10'o clock

Got it brother. I'll go immediately.

[Chorus]: Cheers.

[thunder rumbling]

I want to know why our

boss was so angry today?

Poor fellow,

has led a loner life from his childhood

After kayal came to his life,

His life has become vibrant.

If someone snatches it away,

How would he feel?

Tough life brother

[thunder rumbling]

We have to be in our boss's..

Side if he is put down.

- Yes we shall

- Yes..

Now you go down And get

some accompaniment dish.

- Go

- He talks ideology

I will bring anything for you brother

I know everything about this hotel

I need no navigation

Is there anything better than this?

[door bell rings]

- Hi

- Hi

Hey, your are Nalan. Right?


Didn't she come with you?

I want to talk to you something important

Come inside Come

Where is the sweet-ball? Lets Go and check

Hey yogi

Brother the door is too tight

Not the door but you are

The power is gone only inside

- Yes brother

- Then do one thing

Go and check the fuse

Bring my mobile, we can use the torch

Hey yogi Where are you?

Hey yogi

Hey yogi

Everything is alright

Brother, Brother

Hey yogi

Brother the fuse is fine






Its hard to wake him up after he drinks

Brother where are you?

Brother where are you?


Brother where are you?

Brother where are you?


Hey Sethu! are you here?

Dhamu Brother! where are you?

Say something brother

[deafening noise]

[deafening noise] [screaming]

Brother, turn off the sound!

[deafening noise] [screaming]

[deafening noise] [screaming]

[deafening noise] [screaming loudly]

Brother, turn off the sound

[deafening noise continues]

[no voice]

[deafening noise continues]

His neck was strangled.

His head was also injured.

He used dr*gs too.

Only reports can confirm

the cause of death.

Ah! Doctor! It's paining Doctor!

Two more days and your pain will reduce.


What happened Nalan?

Where is brother Dhamu?

They say it'll take three days to even

find out what happened to Brother Dhamu!

He is still in ICU.

Sir, bill!


Just like Veera, you m*rder*d Aravind!

And you think you can escape?

I'll beat you so bad that you

will tell me all the truth.

You can't escape. Let's go to the station!

Is this the best you can do, huh?

I went there. I spoke with Aravind.

You m*rder*d him as well!

You say, you didn't?

You say, you didn't?

Motive is clear

Aravind was someone I

had chosen for my sister!

Do you have a warrant?

[mobile ringing]

- You haven't got it, right?

- Hello

Tell me

Okay. Okay.

You have no idea what to do, huh?

Get the warrant.

I will be here.

Sir. sir.

The report has come.

It's been declared as su1c1de.

Hey! Get lost!

You want to see warrant, right?

An encounter is what you deserve!

Your death will be by my hands!

Gathering what my brother said.

Am scared something will happen to you.

Can you at least tell me now,

what happened there?

That night when I went to his place..

[muffled screaming]

[muffled screaming]

[muffled screaming]

[muffled screaming]

[muffled screaming]

Aravind... Aravind...

That's not all.

I saw something in the kitchen.

A young girl

But the way she looked at me..

Don't know how to put it.


Nalan, oh my god! I can't open it, Nalan!


Nalan, can you hear me?

Nalan, I cant hear you.

Nalan, I'm unable to open the door!

Try from that side

There... Hey! Hey! Look back!

What are you saying?

Unable to hear anything.


Turn back and see!

- Look at me.

- What?

Turn back and look!

See there!

Is anybody there? Please respond.


Who are you?

What do you want?

Leave this place.

Sir! You've got visitors.

I asked them to come.

Ask them to be seated.

Because of this incident..

Am afraid I will just lose everything.

I can understand your problem, Nalan.

But, every problem has a solution

What did the police say?

Sir, it's my brother who's

investigating the case.

He strongly believes that Nalan

is behind those two murders.

That's always how a police officer thinks.

May I say something?

Whoever comes here..

We arrange books in such a way

that its easy for others to read.

But whoever reads.

Just put it back as they wish.

That's more or less of

what your situation is.

Someone somewhere scattered everything.

And you are bound to put it back together.

Let's take reading a novel for example..

A young girl has died..

I think she was m*rder*d and

now she is taking her revenge

Okay sir. But...

How is Nalan related to this?

Why should he suffer?

What if Nalan is the m*rder*r?


Sorry Nalan. Just an assumption.

Every problem has a beginning.

Isn't it possible because it started

with you or maybe you are a major link?


A shopkeeper in our area told me

that before I moved here there is

a famous sweat shop in the place.

Do you remember that shop's name?

That shop name is...

That girl..



Both of you come.

Hello viewers!

Today the place we are going to

see is Catch me with Kitchen...

A busy place in a busy city

So you ask what's so

special about this place?

Mithra. Mithra Sweets.

Whoever likes Desserts, Mithra

sweets will be among their favorites

Now I am in front of the store.

Let's go in.

Sir, please pause!

2 of them are dead


there is a third person in this photo!

Sir! Zoom this please. Let's see.

Face is not registered anywhere.

Why did they come to this sweet shop?

What if Mithra's next

target is this person?

If this place is so busy,

the sole reason is Mithra Sweets.

Share us the success secret

I don't know what to say. We never

expected that it would become so big.

My daughter is the sole reason.

We stay nearby in Gokulam Apartment,

Peoples are very supportive there

So if we go to that apartment..

We might get the detail about her


Who are you sir? Who do you want to meet?

No, I came looking for Rani ma'am

who was running the sweet shop.

Am her distant relative.

I have come from her home town.

They have vacated sir!

We don't know where they are now.

Where is the flat they lived in?

Is anybody in there?

Why are you asking all that?

- We've come from so far. Please help us!

- Velu, open the gate.

- Sir!

- There is no water in the t*nk!

- Turn on the motor.

- Okay sir.

Who's this? Who have they come to visit?

- Rani..

- Sir here...

Rani and Mithra who were here.

We are their relatives We

have come to meet them.

Rani. Mithra They don't live here anymore.

Do you know where they have moved?

I heard Mithra died in a

cylinder blast in their shop.

Unable to bear the loss,

her mother became unstable.

No idea where they went.

Went mad?

Does anyone know anything else about them?

If we could meet Rani..

We thought of taking her back to hometown.

This is an apartment.

People don't notice what others are doing.

I'm the apartment secretary.

Half of these people don't even know me!

You see..

Phones in their hands and

earphones in their ears.

Nobody cares for the other person.

Whole country is ruined.

That's it, right?

Want to know anything more?

Thanks sir.


- Go turn the motor on.

- Okay sir.

If anybody comes,

inquire who they are at the gates.

Times are bad. Go. Let's move!

I feel like I have seen him somewhere.


I think with Veera!


- What?

- Just a small help.

Have you seen any of them in this photo?

Hey! Who are you?

Get out

Brother if you help me...

No. You've come for something else.

Get out!

Get out. Get out!


Throw them out and close the gates!

Get going! Idiot...

Uncle, please hand me that ball!

Hey sweety.

Hey! Have you seen her before?

She's Mithra's mom!

Where were they?

In the 8th floor

Uncle, hand me the ball. Let me play.

Whats our plan?

This needs to be dealt differently.

Hey! You... what are you doing here?

Hey stop!

Hey stop!

Are you going to the ground floor?

Hey! You? You! Security! Securit...

[mobile rings]

Tell me.

That Security guy...

right in front of my eyes...

Terrifying to think of it.

Sir, what do we do?

There are CCTVs all around the apartment.

And he can be seen all over the place.

And my brother was so

thirsty for evidence!

Am scared that he will

use this to arrest him.

Am not even bothered about that!

Why should Mithra come to my restaurant?

Veera, Aravind and now this security.

Why all of them died in front of my eyes?

See this.

She drew this. She knew me.

Something connects us.

What is the connection?

To know that, we need to find her mother.

She's not even in that apartment.

How do we?






What do you want?

Why you are here?

Why everything around me, is going wrong?

Do you know anything about it?

Do you remember anything about your mom?

Where is she? Tell me something.

My mom is here.

She is behind you.


- It's getting late, right?

- Rani!

Why are you getting so tensed?

2 minutes from here to get into an auto..

Even if the auto driver,

drives at 50 kph speed...

I would still reach the

school in 7 minutes.

Even with traffic I will

reach in 20 minutes.

From the school gate,

I will reach the stage in 3 minutes.

So I'll be there 8 minutes

before the exhibition starts.

There's no need to get tensed.

My dear, I know you are good at math.

Stop running your mouth and get started!

Hold on! Isn't it Swetha's birthday today?

- See, you forgot the cake.

- Okay, bye.

- Hey! Hold on!

- What is it Rani?

- Hey! Hold on!

- What now?

Hold on. I forgot this.

Science has developed so much and

you're still playing with dye!

All the best

Okay Bye.

Hi Uncle.

How're you Mithra?

- I'm fine.

- Look you didn't clean that table!

- Going to school?

- Yes.

- Be careful.

- Okay. Bye Uncle!

Your bag is open.

Brother, what happened?

Not sure dear! Let me check.

Okay, how long will it take?

It'll be ready in 5 minutes.

Okay I will wait in the ground.

Call me out once you're done.

Okay dear


Throw me the ball.

Just a minute.

Hey Kanaka! Bill!

How long will you keep on paying rent?

You have a flat of your own, right?

If you sell it off..

You can buy your own shop.

That flat is the last thing

we have in his memory.

How can I be happy, if I sell it off?

And all of you are here for us!

So there's nothing to worry.

If you're okay with this, good then.

Am being your well wisher.

Be here as long as you like.

Come on dear! Auto Ready.

[mobile phone ringing]

Just a minute.

- Hello.

- Hello!

- Is it Mithra's mom?

- Yeah!

We are calling from Deepam hospital.

Your daughter is admitted here,

Could you come here quickly

See! Your daughter has

suffered a servery head injury!

There is an internal bleeding in brain

Based on the tests... We've diagnosed

it as Post Traumatic Amnesia.

To put it in simple words..

She might forget certain

things in a short time.

Please, don't panic.

You must be strong in this situation!

It's a curable condition.


You are my eye, and I'm your shield

In your presence, life's revealed

In your presence, life's revealed

Sorrows fade away

and take their flight

When your smile shines,

everything's bright

You're my life, my one connection


we'll fulfill every affection

In my thoughts, in every view

Just like the Earth,

I'll revolve around you

You are my eye, and I'm your shield

In your presence, life's revealed

Sorrows fade away

and take their flight

When your smile shines,

everything's bright

Mom, I can't recollect anything.


What happened dear?

Where are you gong alone?


When I take your hand in mine

My heart's elated, happiness aligns

Amongst countless gods,

love's decree

It's you alone, the one I see

You can trust this as

much as you trust me.

Your gaze, a lullaby that soothes my

soul, In my lullaby, your praises I extol

[SMART WATCH]: Go home! 8th floor. Flat 3.

I'll keep singing through the night

In your embrace, love takes flight

From now on, mom will be with you always.

In this vast world, none compare,

To the love we share, beyond compare.

Hello doctor, This is Rani

I spoke with special school management

for Mithra's situation to get better

Don't worry, Just admit her in that

school They will take care of her.

Keep it with you dear.

Take care of Mithra.

I'll take care of her Don't be worry


Shall I repeat?

Head to the lift.

- 8th floor.

- Uncle! Uncle! Let me say.

- Lift

- Yeah.

- 8th floor

- Yeah.

7th flat

No, dear!

8th floor. 3rd flat!

- Oh I forget that!

- Be careful. See you!

Uncle! What are you up to?

Sorry! It was unintentional.

- What are you doing? I'm telling mom!

- Please, dear no. Please!

- It was not intentional, dear.

- What? Unintentional?

- Please dear! No! No!

- I'm telling mom!

- I'll tell mom!

- No! No! Please don't tell mom!

- It was not intentional.

- What are you doing?

No dear! No! No! Let me stop the lift.

- No! Please!

- Stop the lift!

Don't get tensed. Please wait!

[SMART WATCH]: Go home! 8th floor. Flat 3.

Bye, Uncle!

- Brother!

- Yes mam

- It takes me some time to get home.

- Alright.

Once she's back from school

please take her to the flat.

Okay ma'am.

- Please be careful.

- Sure ma'am.

Come. Careful!

Hey Velu! What's wrong with

the sweet shop owner's girl?

You were out of station, right?

That girl hurt her head badly.

So she forgets everything

after 10 minutes. Oh no!

- Oh no!

- Poor girl.

I pity Rani very much.

- What have you been doing?

- Nothing sir.

What have you been doing?

You rascal!

- Imbecile!

- Sorry sir

- Please sir

- You scoundrel!

I'll k*ll you scoundrel!

- Sorry sir

- You pervert

- Leave my foot.

- Sir, please leave me.

You should have never been let in!

If I ever see you again anytime!

I'll k*ll you rascal

[Mithra sobbing]



What dear?

What's the matter?

My body is aching!

- It's nothing.

- Body is aching real bad!

It's nothing dear.

My body is aching a lot Rani!

It's nothing, dear! Don't cry.

- Don't cry my dear! It's aching.

- My darling, don't cry!

- Are you hungry?

- My body is aching!

It's nothing, my dear! Don't be scared.

- My head is aching.

- Shall I bring you some hot water?

Tell me sir

How's everything, Rani?

How's your daughter?

She's just the same!

She's not well.

- Come in, sir!

- It's alright.

It's just that, it's been 25 years

since we all came to this apartment.

We are planning a silver

jubilee celebration.

You make such good sweets

Why don't you put up a stall?

Association will pay for it.

Okay sir.

- Thank you sir!

- It's alright.

Just a small favor.

Alright. She will be okay! Don't be scared

Okay? Be careful

- I'll leave now.

- Thank you sir.

Lock the door.

Take that bindi!

Maroon color.

Now, wear it!

So beautiful!

Today you stick with mom! Okay?

Until the function gets over, be with mom.

- Here, Take it

- Rani...

- What do you want dear?

- My head is aching.

Mom, am feeling a lot giddy!

- It's nothing.

- Body is aching real bad!

- Just a minute!

- Sushma! Please come here.

Will you take her upstairs?

- Stay with her.

- Okay auntie

- Go take some rest.

- Let's go.

Let's eat! Come on! Take it.

Come here. Sushma!

Where is she?

Home. Upstairs.

You left her at home?

- Upstairs?

- Aunty, she is no where to be seen!


Just a minute.

Anandhi, did Mithra come here?

No Rani.

I saw her this evening and that's it.


- What is it Rani?

- Did you see Mithra?

No, she never came here!

Inform the secretary.

He'll announce through mic!


- She was just playing here.

- Am sure she's somewhere around!


- Sir!

- What is it?

My daughter Mithra is missing!

She won't have left the apartment.

She must be here.

No sir! I looked for her everywhere.

She's no where to be seen!

- Sir, please help!

- She must be playing around. No Sir!

Sir, please sir!

Please come and announce on the mic.

Sir please!

- Okay, go on. I will ask for the mic.

- Please come soon sir.

Go. Please wait downstairs! I will come.

I will come! You leave. I will come.


go home! 8th floor. Flat 3.


go home! 8th floor. Flat 3.


go home! 8th floor. Flat 3.


Oh no! Mithra!

Mithra! Mithra!

Look here, my dear!

Look at me! Mom is here!

Look here, my dear!

Look at me! Mom is here!

Oh god no!

Look here, my dear! Look here, my dear!

Look at me! Mom is here!

Look at me! Mom is here!

Look at me! Mom is here!

You scoundrel! Why did you do this?

Why did you do this to my daughter?

You Scoundrel I won't leave you!

I won't spare any of you! Not one of...

I won't spare any of you! Not one of...

You think there will be any problems?

Not one soul will come

asking for them man!

Just a minute

Better not to let both be together.

Let one be here.

- We'll hack the other to pieces.

- But why?

Only then the police

will not know what to do.


Nalan! Why are you crying?

Those 4 have brutalized a little girl,



k*lled them so ruthlessly!

I'm the reason!

How could you be the reason?

No Kayal

If Mithra's head didn't get,

all this wouldn't have happened.

The ball which I hit...

It hurt her and ruined her life!

I'm the reason!

Hey! It's just an accident.

What you did was unintentional.

How could you be the reason?

I won't spare him, Kayal!

- Hey! Nalan

- Won't spare them!

Don't do anything in a hurry

Please have some patience

My brother is after you, assuming

that you are the one behind all this!

First of all, you have to

relieve yourself from all this.

It will all be over.

Please be patient until then.

Let's go to my brother

and tell him everything.

- Hmm?

- Nalan

I think what she says is right.

She has a point.

You go and see him.

That might solve something.

For my sake, please call him once.

Please brother!


Sir, this is K5 Police

Station Inspector speaking!

- What's this about?

- 5 years back...

That Mithra Fire Accident Case...

I need to speak with you regarding that.

Where are you?

Am busy right now.

We will discuss tomorrow.

Sir, it's very important!


Alright. Shall we leave then?

Wait a minute.

- Constable!

- Yes, sir!

- Trace his number.

- Okay sir

What? This isn't for you.

Only if we catch him, truth will come out.

And you will get caught too.

Both time and situation

are not in your favor.

The more you delay,

more worse the outcome would be.

That's exactly why I

have asked you to come.

Please save my life!

I'll do whatever you say.

I don't want to die like the other three.

If your concocted story is true

We need to find where

he buried that dead body

We chopped the dead body into

many pieces on the same night.

We buried it in Veera's quarry.

Do you remember where

exactly you buried the body?

No I don't.

That night, we all were intoxicated.

I don't remember the exact spot.

If you want to live,

then her skull must be burnt.

Start immediately.

We need to find their skull soon.

Go straight and take next right.

Is it necessary for me to come along?

The car won't go inside,

so we need to walk from here.

We found... what we were looking for.

We'll go and burn that skull.

Until then, don't step out of the ring!

No one can harm you by surpassing this.

Take right.

[lady sobbing]

Why did you do this to us?

Why did you do this to us?

Why did you do this to us?

Why did you do this to us?

Hey stop!


Let her go. Let Kayal go!

Leave Kayal!

In my life..

No one could have given

me such a punishment.

As long as I live..

This guilt will never leave me.

Forgive me!

A small doll. I think I left it here.

A doll? What kind of a doll?

It's like a... Small...

Like a toy. A small doll.

I think I left it here.

If you had left it here..

My guys would have kept it in shelf.

Let me check sir.

- This one, sir?

- Yeah, that one!

It's been here for long.

We had no idea who left it here.

It was pretty weird. No.

Then Nalan

Have you ever thought...

That girl Mithra..

Died after memory loss.

She didn't remember

anyone who wronged her.

We know.

She didn't take revenge.

She can't take revenge either.

It was all done by her mother.


But how did she punish

that Vishwanathan...

I don't understand

What do you think Nalan?

If you don't understand...

- How would I know?

- Right.

Okay. My work is done.

Well, thank you.
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