Logan Lucky (2017)

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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Logan Lucky (2017)

Post by bunniefuu »

Now the story goes that
John Denver, he was

playin' at this little ol' place called
the Cellar Door in Washington, D.C...

around Christmas time in 1970.

His opening act was
this husband and wife duo,

named Bill Danoff and Taffy Nivert

and they called themself Fat City.

That's kind of a funny name.

Yeah, that is
kind of a funny name.

Socket, 5/8ths.

Now, one night,
they decide to go on back to the house

and have a little jam session.

On the way,
they got into an accident

and John Denver,
he broke his thumb.

And when they finally
got back to the house,

and Bill and Taffy played him,

played John Denver this song
they'd been working on,

he flipped for it, man.

And they worked
on that thing till dawn.


- Flat head or Phillips?
- Flat.

So that's why you like the song.

Well, I like the song
because of the song.

I mean, I guess I also like it

'cause it's got a story behind it.

You know,
Bill Danoff later said that

he ain't never even
been to West Virginia.

Well, I like the song, too,

but I don't really think
it'll work for the pageant.


Regular or needle-nose?


So you comin' to my rehearsal?

Yeah. I'm gonna pick
you up right after work.

Just so you know,
I asked Mommy

if she and Moody would
pay for your cell phone.

She said even if they did,
you wouldn't take it.

Sadie bug, she's right.

The only thing

I need a cell phone for
is takin' pictures of you.

g*n show!

- Hey, Daddy.
- Nope.

All right.

What say, Cal?

Hey, hey, Jimmy. Come on in.
Shut that door, would you?

- Yeah.
- Have a seat.

Jimmy, I'm just gonna say it.
I got to let you go.

Cal, I... I didn't
even do nothin', man.

I know you didn't do nothin'.

But last week,
someone in H. R. saw you leaving,

walking out to your truck
and they saw you was limpin'.


My leg ain't got nothin' to do
with drivin' that Case out there.

I know that.

I know, but the folks over in the
big office, they feel different.

And they said you didn't
list it on your paperwork

when you was first brought on,

- No.
- ... and they are callin' it

a "pre-existing condition"

and that it is a liability issue.

- Okay, this big then.
- What is that, two to three feet?

This big and you let me drive my
truck around the track tonight.

Look, it's a four-wheel drive.
It isn't gonna hurt you.

Almost heaven

West Virginia

Blue Ridge Mountains
Shenandoah River

Purple Lady,
you know my brother, Jimmy?

Oh, Jimmy Logan, that ball player

that was gonna be a big deal?

Hey, Purple Lady.

My husband, the Major,
when he was still alive,

he loved LSU football.

Whenever they'd show the games
here local, we'd watch.

Of course for me,
it was all about the uniforms.

Their jerseys are the most
striking shade of purple.


Yes. Purple and gold.
Royal colors.

Yeah, I got off early,

so I figured I'd take Sadie
on over to her dance thing,

so you didn't have to drive her.

Well, that's great and all,

you wanting to see your
daughter dance and everything.

But it was yesterday.


Excuse you.

I got her there fine, by the way.

See, most people think

if you're gonna go to Charleston,
then, duh,

you get on the 85 to Danville,

then the I-19 to Charleston.
54 miles.

But, bein' 4:00 p.m.,

I knew not the best time
of day to be on the road.

And they're still doing
all that shoulder work on the I-19.

Plus, then you got
the sun right in your eyes

for that whole stretch
outside of Julian.

So, yeah,
I took the 85 to Danville,

but then I hopped onto the 3,

so instead of goin' up and over,

I'm goin' over and then up.

And after that it was a straight
shot on the Daniel Boone Parkway

all the way to Marmet.

Well, sure sounds
like you love to drive.

It was just a rehearsal,
not like the real pageant,

but Bobbie Jo is not happy.

Now, why didn't you call me?

I tried, but your cell phone
seems to have been turned off.

You should pay your bills.

Everyone needs a cell phone.

But I don't like 'em.

You one of them Unabomber types?

Yeah. I am one of
them Unabomber types.

See, I don't like people
tellin' me what to do,

like, "Answer the phone."

Oh, this is gonna be good.

Look, I'm sorry, okay?
I'm sorry, I thought...

I knew it was 4:00,

I just thought it was 4:00 today.

That's the first time
you've used that excuse!

Look, I said I was sorry,
all right?

Mellie said y'all figured it
out just fine anyway.

She also tell you
that she got pulled over

goin' 30 miles
over the speed limit

with my daughter in the car?

It's our daughter.

Sadie said her Aunt Mellie
"worked her Mellie magic"

and talked the cops
into not givin' her a ticket!

So that's a real good
character-building experience

for our daughter to witness.

- Yeah.
- Don't laugh at me!

Yeah, whatever, forget it.
What's up with the sale sign out there?

You didn't tell me you and Moody
was buyin' a new house.

- Daddy!
- Hey!

- What you doing?
- Nothing.


Hey, me and your momma
were just talkin' about

maybe me and you goin' to get
some ice cream.

I'm not allowed ice cream anymore.

Says who?

Mommy. She says it's
got too many calories

and that nobody loves a fat girl.

You ain't... I...
I think that's a little bit harsh.

This is some of that

co-parenting stuff that
you and I need to talk about.

That Doctor Phil stuff.

Hey, Jimmy!

Hey, Moody.

Yeah, what's goin' on, sweetie?
Wow. Thank you.

Hey, hey!

Hey, you two don't settle down,
we ain't gonna get no mall.

Daddy, will you come with?

We're takin' Sadie
and the boys to see that...

That new Furious Fast
movie at the mall.

You want in?

That's a little...

That's a little intense
for the kids, ain't it?

They love it.
Keeps 'em quiet.

They sit there starin' at the screen
the whole time, scared shitless.

- You want to come?
- Please?

I got to get going to work.
You know?

I ain't got time
for a whole movie.

But you go and have fun.
Give me a hug.

Not on my back.

But we're gonna
get some ice cream.

- Promise?
- Okay.

But it's got to be yogurt,
'cause I got the pageant comin' up.

Oh, I finally know what song
I'm gonna sing for talent.

- What song?
- Umbrella by Rihanna.

When Rihanna sings Umbrella,

she's not really
singing about a rain umbrella,

she's really singing
about her vag*na.

It's code.

Who told you that?


Come on, let's go!
Everyone in the Expedition.

Hey, kiss your
mother when you leave.

- Kiss.
- Kiss. Thank you.

See you, sweetie.

- Hey.
- Yep?

- I wasn't done talkin' to you yet.
- Okay.

What am I in trouble for now?

We need to talk
about some legal stuff.

Hey, Jimmy, your car.

Moody, can ya give us a minute?


Legal stuff?

- You was askin' about the "For Sale" sign?
- Yeah.

Moody's expanding.

His family's openin' up a new
dealership down in Lynchburg.

That's across state line.

Hell, no,
you can't just tell me that,

like I ain't got no
say in the matter.

You'll still get your days!
Just we'll be in Lynchburg.

You can drive across the
state line to pick her up.

I have full custody.

It's not happenin'.
I'm getting a lawyer.

With what money?

What do you say there, Earl?
Hey, Jimmy.


- I've been uncoverin' a lot.
- Oh, shit.

Did you know Aunt Maggie,
in 1983,

won the Lotto,
but washed the ticket...

It's folk tales
and backwood gossip.

Well, you got to admit this kind of
stuff don't happen to normal folk.

Not tonight, Clyde.

Well, there's a pattern.

Pappaw's diamond,
Uncle Stickley's electrocution.

Mommy gets sick
after Daddy's settlement.

The roof collapse.
Come on, Clyde.

You blow your knee out

and a roadside mine takes my arm

as I was transpo-in' out.
I was almost at the airport.

What about Mellie, then?

Ain't nothin' bad
ever happened to Mellie.


You just gave it a mouth.

You need to take it back.

I don't even know what I'm tak...

I'm gonna go to
my satellite office

and then we're
gonna talk about this.

See, the dirty big secret is

that I am
the asset in this scenario,

it's not Dayton White. Right?

And the simple fact is
I'd be driving that car myself,

if my day job wasn't running
a billion dollar company.

You know?

And by the way, it was my understanding
that this is America, people.

So them trying to muzzle the
company that I created, in America,

is a violation of my free speech.

And plus, plus,
two of those kids

only had one kidney
to begin with.

So, why isn't
anybody writin' about that?

Right. It's total B.S.

What do you like?

I just thought of
a great song title,

The Kindness of
a One-Armed Bartender.

Oi, go on!

Now, you see, I got two arms.

See? I'm a trans-radial amputee,

so it's my lower forearm
and hand that's missing.

My mistake.
I'm very lucky.

I guess I'll settle
for a Stoli, extra dry,

two olives.
Can you handle that?

Up or on the rocks?


Well, it's pretty good.
Could be colder.

Ice shortage around here, 'cause
of the water contamination plant

from the chemical leak upstream.

Hey, do you mind doin'
that drink thing again?

I want to sh**t a post.

I got 1.2 million followers.
This could make you famous.

How about he bounce a damn
ball on his nose for you next,

like a trained seal?

You got a problem?

Yeah, I got a problem.

I take exception to people
messing with my brother.

That's two tours
in Iraq right there.

He stepped forward when
others were steppin' back.

So you need to
show a little respect.

Thank you for your service.
And cheers.

So, brothers?

You know, it's funny.

With your bad leg and
his missin' an arm,

excuse me, hand...

it's like the two
of you almost add up

to one normal person.

Oh, man, I know who you are.

You're that...

You're that guy on the
TV with the drink.

I mean, you're famous!

Right on both.

I'm that guy on the TV with
the drink and, yes, I'm famous.

Very, very famous.

Hey, can I get a photo with you?

- Sure.
- Yeah?

Sure. You know, the guys at
the garage won't believe me.

Make it quick
Hold on. Come on.

Oh, that's nice.
There we go. All right.

Hey, what the...

- Hi, Earl. You got a light?
- Well...

Always. Here.

Thank you.

Stay down! Stay down!

- Leo! Leo!
- It's on fire.

That is massively stupid!
That's an $85,000 vehicle!

Well, he was assaulted.

He tried to as*ault me!

Well, don't just stand there gawping.
Get your phones out!

Right, Max, all right, the phone.
Film this! Document!




Yeah, this is Max.
Get Mike on the phone.

What did he just say?

You can't just walk away!
This is a crime scene!

Did you just say
"cauliflower" to me?

Unless I'm mistaken

yesterday, as you
were leavin' the bar,

you said the word "cauliflower."

That's right. I did.

The last time you
said that word to me,

I ended up gettin'
sent down for six months.

It was juvie.

I was 13.

And you were supposed to be
the lookout, now, weren't you?

Bein' that I was
your kid brother,

I let you lead me into trouble

with all your crazy
"cauliflower" plans.

My life of crime is over.

But you did make
breakfast this morning.

Even burned the bacon like I like

and you hate.

I also saw you have some
sort of robbery "to do" list.

Now, I know this attempt to be
organized is a big step for you.

So go.

Charlotte Motor Speedway.

The Speedway?

It's one of the busiest
sports venues in the country.

Just last year,
they had over 300 events.

It's the official home
of NASCAR, of course.

That's all run on
that main track.

But that place right there
ain't just about racing.

This place is like a city.

A few years ago, they built
condos for people who wanted

to live above the track all year long.
They sold out in less than 24 hours.

They even got their own
police force and jail

for people carryin' on
and getting out of hand.

Do you hear the words
comin' out your mouth?

"They have their
own police force."

I'm midway through
my presentation,

so you can just not interrupt
me and let me get it out.

How many times have I listened to
that Logan Family Curse thing of yours?

Thank you.

Now, as you very well know,

the Speedway has got a big
problem on its hands right now.

A 40-year-old pipe burst and since
the whole thing's built on landfill,

it's turnin' to mush,
which causin'

- all these sinkholes.
- Sinkholes.

That's right.
The sinkholes in the infield.

Now, they want to
fix this thing up right,

so what did they do?

What'd they do,
they called a bunch of us

who used to work
down in them mines.

'Cause we know the work.

And you do good work.

We do good work.
But you were just fired.

I was let go for liability
reasons involvin' insurance.

Can you just get to the part of
why you think you can do this?

I know how they move the money.

- Who's got the code?
- They can't get in!

It's Christmas, 1225.
That's the override.


I got movement!
I got leg! I got leg!

Give him some air!

Easy, easy, easy, easy.

All right. Come on.

Hey, Bobo,
what the hell is all this stuff?

Well, that's PTT.

What them, they gas lines?

Pneumatic Tube Transport.

Each concession has its own rig.

When a register
starts to fill up,

they can do a money
dump through the PTT.

Easy to do, and it don't
interfere with the beer selling.

Plus, heck of a lot more secure than
tryin' to pick up cash during a race.

So all them pipes they, what,
they just run right into the...

To the main vault.

The whole thing is
like a cash highway.

I even know
the when to do it.

June 4th, the Grocery Castle Auto Show.

It's graduation weekend.
It'll be the smallest turnout of the summer.

And gonna be bare
bones staff and security.

A real bank vault?

Yeah, it's a tough one, too.
I looked it up on the Google.

The only guy that knows anything

about blowin' up real bank vaults

is Joe Bang.

Joe Bang, that's a
legend right there.

You know where he is.

No, I know where he is.

We can't do it without him.

This is a surprise.

What you say there, Joe Bang?

Ain't seen you in a while.
How goes it?

Well, I'm sittin' on this side
of the table wearin' a onesie.

How do you think it's goin'?

Well, you look good.

Real good. Fit.

You two got any quarters?

I got a quarter.

- It gotta be... Does it have to be quarters?
- Yeah.

- Come on, now.
- I found one.

Yeah, why don't you go over
to the machine on the left,

you punch J-7, bring it back.

Go on, now.

Doctors. They say
I have high blood pressure.

So I get this low
sodium salt, special.

Fake salt.

Can you believe that?

Someone thought to do that.
They make fake salt.

So you wanna talk business?

Well, we got a job for you.

A vault.

Look around you, my friends.

My bank-blowin' days are over.


I got a little nest egg,
waitin' for me when I get out.

You're stashing $97,000?

Buried under the oak tree with
the red swing, out at your place.


It seems your brother Fish
told his wife about your stash.

Fish told Misty?

Yep. Next day,
Misty dug the whole thing up

and ran off with some
truck driver from Florida.

What part of Florida?


It's a Carven Hill vault,

just like the one you
blew up in Parkersburg.

Steel-encased concrete?

Wall is 20-inch thick.


You sneeze within 10 feet
of a Carven Hill vault,

its seismic sensors will have
you wearing one of these onesies

before you knew what happened.

Well, there's construction
goin' on around there right now,

so them seismic
sensors are turned off.

So we just need
you to blow her open.

Yeah, I got five
months to go in here.

I should probably lay low
a bit before doin' a job.

This has to happen in five weeks.

I am in-car-cer-Ra-ted.

Yeah, we got a plan to get you out.

As in, break me out?


In the middle of the night?

No. Afternoon. It's a day job.

You're gonna get me
out of here in broad daylight,

do the job, and then get me back
in here before anyone notices?


You Logans must be as
simple-minded as people say.

People say that?



what's the take?

It's bigger than you
can bury under an oak tree.

- The split?
- Even split.

No. No way.

Well, why not?

I got a brother.
I got two.

I'd need them involved
to protect my interest.

Sadie, why don't you take these over
to your momma and I'll bring the rest.

When are you gonna give
that piece of junk up?

Come on, I keep telling you to
come on down to the dealership

and I'll hook you up.
You know we're family.

We're not family.

You mean I can't interest you
in the latest V-6 offering

of the American classic Mustang?

3.7 liters of pure power.

Come on.

You can't tell me
you wouldn't love

to get behind
the wheel of this baby.

Come on, jump on in.
Take it for a spin.

I don't need anything that fancy.

Well, you know, this
Nova ended up costin' Chevy a ton

'cause it totally
bit the dust in Mexico.

You know, in Mexican,
"Nova" translates to "No Go",

so they couldn't
get anyone to buy it.

'Cause they all thought the
car would, you know, "No Go."

- You're an idiot.
- No, it's true.

Not true.

Look it up.

I am kind of surprised you
went for the V-6 a*t*matic.

The V-8's just so much faster and you
can really feel the road under you.

'Course, I keep forgettin'
you can't drive stick.

No, I know how to drive stick.

I don't think you do.

All the cars you always bringin'
home from the lot are auto.

I love stick!

I'm a big fan of stick!

Sadie! Come on! Come on!
Yeah! Yeah! Go!

Come on, come on, come on!

Come on, girl, let's go!

Go, Sadie!

You got a ribbon, baby.
Come here. What's it say?

It's not first place.
It only matters if you win.

That ain't true at all.

That boy's damn
near 14-years-old.

Come on. Give me a smile..

Go show your momma.

Way to go, baby doll.

- Come to Momma.
- Thanks.

Hey, you did good.

Let me see.

Well, I found 'em.


You should see.

They'll know what
we want them to know.

Let's hear it for
the Bang brothers, folks!

- Damn.
- You all got a sec?

I'm winnin'.

Okay? Not stoppin'.
Don't you put the Logan hex on me.

Yeah, we been out
to see your brother.

He tell you we were lookin'
to talk to you all?

Joe said you need for him
to blow open the vault.

Something like that.

Joe said you know computers.

Yeah, I went to,

technical college.

Well, this here's a little
more involved than that.

We need like a computer whiz.

Like one of them Facebook boys.

I know everything there is
to know about computers. Okay?

Do you?

All the Twitters, I know 'em.

But me and Sam just ain't
sure we can help y'all.

- You can't help us?
- Yeah.

We're living with the Lord now.

Which means on
the light side of the raw.

If you two ain't into this, then why the
hell did Joe tell us to come out here then?

Gotta have a good reason to break
the law. Do somethin' like robbin'.

Yeah, we need a moral reason.

We'd be robbin'
the Grocery Castle Auto.

You can't tell me you ain't
shoplifted from the Grocery Castle.

Oh, yeah. We used to shoplift
from them all the time,

but that was before.

Well, our sister Mellie,

she used to work up at the
Grocery Castle outside Manila.

And they promoted her
to checker after a month.

Then, the assistant manager

- started getting handsy.
- Handsy.

So you can imagine

our family don't have no love
for the Grocery Castle.

I can understand the feelings.

Yeah, this being their big event
and all, there at the auto show,

we don't feel too bad about it.


Come here.

- What you think?
- Yeah.


Sounds good enough for us.

'Cause of the whole
morality thing.

I need you two to go visit
the bear in the woods.

Tell him you're
there to collect the bag

he's been keeping for me.


Vehicular mischief.

Reckless endangerment,
destruction of private property.

I'd take your
license away, Clyde,

but it was
suspended two years ago.

And despite your claim that this was
an accident, that your foot slipped,

these are serious charges.

Your previous run-ins
with the law were back

when you were
classified as a juvenile

and, of course, in determining
your sentencing...

I'm taking into
account your service

and the great sacrifice
you've made for our country.

I sentence you to 90 days.

You sure these
measurements is right?

Mellie gave 'em to me.
And Mellie knows her trucks.

Sadie's to-do list.
Make sure you get it all done.

All right.

Come on.


"Tanning salon"?

Yeah, well, we'll see about that.

Now, it has to be dependable.

I can't have no
chance of it breaking down.

You want a camper coverin'
the bed of the truck? Or just empty?

Yeah, a cover's a good idea.

'Cause them campers
can get kinda creepy.

I think them cops more likely to
give them camper trucks a second look.

All right, Sadie-bug,
get them goggles down.

I don't want to get none of this in
your peepers. You sure about this?

I'm ready.

All right. Close your eyes.

You littered all over my car,
with your shoes.

Well, I'm sorry.

Wait, get your hand off.

Hi. Hi!

You excited?


I got real long this time.

I thought you were
goin' as Rihanna.

Daddy, it's not Halloween.

I'm not goin' as Rihanna.

I'm singing a song
of hers for my talent.

I still got two other categories
to compete in, Denim Wear and Glitz.

For Glitz, I need this hair.

All right.

That looks like it hurt.


It did.

It's healing up now
pretty good, though.

Looks like you coulda used
a couple of stitches.

A little late for that, I guess.

Well, when was the last time
you had a tetanus shot?


That the wrong answer?

There are no wrong answers when you're
talkin' to a healthcare professional.

Would you like one?

What is all this,
like a charity or something?

Jimmy Logan,
you know as well as I do

folks around here don't
like the word charity.

We West Virginians
are a proud folk.

We have a couple of grants, but

mostly get by on
private donations.

People happy we do our work.

Driving from town to town,
trying to help

locals who can't
make it to the doctor.

What happened to three-two-one?

So you know me?
We met before?

I went to Valley View.
A couple years behind you.

Back then you were all

Jimmy Logan, quarterback,
Homecoming King.

Only had eyes for Bobbie
Jo Campbell, if I recall.

Hold that there.

I think you'll like this one.

There we go. I got that.

So, Sylvia?

Ain't no one ever
called you Sylvie?

No one has ever called me Sylvie.

That's weird.

My name?

Well, you know, it's just...

It's kind of like
an old lady name.

To me.

It just don't seem like it
should be on a person like you.

That looks like you.
That's, you know...

My grandmomma,
her name was Sylvia.

So that's just what I think of
when I think of that name.

I thought you was getting coffee.

Didn't know we was
seeing patients yet.

I got a coffee and a patient.

But we better hit the road.

Sounds like that alternator
needs a tetanus shot.

Alternators cost money.

Tetanus sh*ts are free.

There's a garage over off
Bluefield Canyon Road.

Ask for Earl.

Might not be free,
but he'll treat you fine.

All right.

Hey, hey, hey, hold on
a second. Hold on. Hold on.

Did we kiss?

I mean, in high school,
we kissed, didn't we?

That has got to be the worst
thing anyone has ever said to me.

Hold on, hold on, wait, wait!
I'm saying I remember is all!

I do.

I do remember.

I see there's still
a lot of your rules up there.


Just, have you thought about

"having a backup plan",

or what we're gonna do the
first time "shit happens"?

Let alone the second time.

Why don't you just worry
about your cockroaches?

And I'll worry about the rules.


- Jimmy?
- Hey, what you say, Cal?

Hey, how you been?

- What's going on, man?
- Oh, you know, staying busy.

Oh, good, good, good.

Hey, did you find work?
Yeah, a few things.

Oh, great. These parts
or back in Boone County?

No, back home.
Oh, good. Good, good.

Well, I'm glad to hear that.

You know, I felt bad and all
about having to let you go.

Oh, come on, man.
Don't even worry about it.

- I know it was them, not you.
- Well...

Even if things
had been different,

I probably woulda had to let you go
anyways, since we're wrapping it up.

What? You're all wrapping up
the site? You all done?

Yeah, just about. Yeah.

Managed to be
ahead of schedule for once.

You patched up
all them sinkholes?

Yeah, almost, yeah. We're gonna
pull the gear first of the month.

You know that thing
we been talkin' about?

We got to move it up a week.

What happened?

Opportunity is
gonna be closing up.

So everything stays the same, we just
gotta move everything up by one week.

Wait, one week earlier?
But that's...

I know.

I guess this is "shit happens."


So should we cancel?

No difference.

The Coca-Cola 600 is the biggest race
of the year. That's a big difference.

That don't change the job at all.

So should I call The Baker?

Call The Baker.

This is Gleema.

Gleema Purdue?


Need you to sign
right here, please.

Right there, please.

Who's it from?

No idea, ma'am.

No card, no name on the paperwork.
We just deliver 'em.

He just said, "I guess someone
thinks it's your birthday."

I mean, I have no idea.

I've never seen
a more beautiful cake.

Well, maybe somebody's
got a crush.

Oh, well...

I have no idea who it could be.

After that last experience
on Plenty O Fish,

I have stayed away
from the online dating.

Gleema. You better
come out front again.

What? More for me?

Not exactly.

Someone hit and
ran you, ma'am.

We'll check the cameras.

In the meantime, we're going to
need to fill out some paperwork.

My car.

Oh, man!

Ma'am, I'm sorry about your car,

but I really need you
to start filling this out.

Is it 5:30?

Ain't no arguin' with that
a*t*matic door. Are you okay?

I didn't get to finish my cake.

Howdy doody.

Hey, y'all.

I'm just gonna
squeeze myself in there.

So, Naaman,

I got a little
proposition for you.

...one... One...
One... One.



Shit, man, what's up?

Hey, Jimmy.

No names. You calling
from a secure location?

A what?

A secure location.

I'm... I'm at the Lowe's.

You calling from
a landline or a cell phone?

I'm calling on a phone.
Like a real phone.

Go ahead.

We have a code pink.
I repeat,

we have a code pink.

Mel, we got a code pink.

The shock-and-awe campaign

of bacon and sardines has worked.

Fish! Sam!

Hold on!

Get up, g*dd*mn it!
Hold on!

g*dd*mn it.

Hey, hey. You didn't
have to scare us like that.

We thought you was the law.

Oh, when did you have
a chance to think that?

Seeing as you were
dead asleep a second ago!

You were supposed to meet me
down at the corner!

Now we're running way behind!

We got it.

You got it?
You still seem half-asleep.

We're on it, okay?

We know where to be and when.
"Watch the race."

That's right!

The clock on the race.

Yeah, we know.

- Don't be late.
- Yes, sweetie.

Hey, I'd like to
point out that today

I am driving the V-8 stick.

It's a nice car.

Hopefully you'll have beginner's
luck getting it into first.

Even in first gear,

this thing will blow away
that "No Go" of yours.

Not with you behind the wheel.

Oh, ha-ha!

How you been, Jesco?

Hanging in there.

Yeah, hang in there, then.

He still writing to
Correctional Affairs about the food?

No, sir, we took care of that.

Good. 'Cause we
don't have a food problem

here at Monroe, do we?

You okay, Joe Bang?

You're choking.
Someone know the Heindrick?

Sounds like a wet cough,
like phlegm.

I don't feel too good.

Hey! Shit! Get this damn
convict away from me!

Let's go. Come on.
Get him to the infirmary!

Guard, get some towels.

Where are you going?

I thought you'd be with
me the whole time.

I just need to go to the salon
and tend to a few clients.

I'll be back just in time to comb
you out and spray you extra good.

- Promise?
- I promise.

This will help
rehydrate you, ease the nausea.

A lot of you guys
coming in here like that.

It's that business
with the water.

Say you can't drink it but
it's okay to shower in it.

I don't know about all that.

More barf than we saw
after that one Thanksgiving

when everything had gone bad.

It'll put a girl
off of turkey forever.


Miss? Miss?



All these fluids?

I'm sorry, nurse, but is it
possible for me to use the commode?

I think it's best if you stay put.

Don't want you getting
light-headed and all.

Oh, please, ma'am,
don't make me use that thing.

A second ago I was a miss,
and now I'm a ma'am.

Please? Miss Nurse?
I'll walk slow.

Nurse? I can take him.

I'm finished mopping
the floors in here.

Okay. But take it slow.

He falls and hits his head,
that's on you.

Yes, ma'am.

Yeah, I'm gonna
need a hand in here.

What the f*ck?

What, you never wondered
what it's like to feel white?

Move aside! Out of my way!

This is warden Burns.
I am declaring a code red.

This is not a test.

All guards

and staff are to go into an
immediate code fourteen lockdown.

I repeat, this is not a drill.

What are you doing?

Calling it in.

This could turn into a riot.

Put that down.

Hang it up.

We don't have riots at Monroe.

- "Pour one into two."
- Okay.

- "Pour two into three."
- Yep.

"Pour three into four."


"And run."



What the hell?

- Are you down, too?
- Yeah.

They're all down.
Here on the mezzanine,

we got no plastic working at all.

Mellie, what did you do?

Well, hello.

I guess someone grew up.

What's your name again,
little Logan?


Mellie, Mellie, Mellie.

That rhymes with "smelly."


Shut up.

There's clothes
for you both in the bag

and, Clyde, I put something
special in there for you.

Thanks, Mel.

You're going pretty fast.

Well, we got a lot
of road to cover so, yeah,

there will be speeding.

Gunning for 100
in a neon blue car

that probably ain't
even on the market yet.

Don't you think you're
asking for to be pulled over?

Sunday on a holiday weekend.

Police department
hit by budget cuts.

There's only one musker patrolling the
whole highway for the next 40 miles.

But that's still one musker.

It's been handled.


I'm about to get naked
back here. So no peeking.

I said no peeking!

Would you give me my arm, please?

Is it this one?

Yes, sir.
Yes, sir, I'm 100% sure

I saw what I saw.
It's a purple '77 Eldorado. Yes, sir.

License and registration, ma'am.

Excuse me,
but I'm on my way to church.

I don't have time for this.

Step out of the vehicle, ma'am.
I am not going to ask you again.

This is ridiculous!
What did I do?

I need you to comply, ma'am.

I need your license,
your registration...

You seen that?

Seen what?
I need you to focus here.

This woman needs containing.

It's a beautiful day
for racing in the Queen City.

Welcome to the Coca-Cola 600.

This is NASCAR's greatest distance

and stock car
racing's longest night.

It'll take 400 laps
to complete 600 miles.

And Mike, you know,

one of the stories
we're all gonna be watching is

this guy Dayton White, as he returns
to racing after a two-year break.

And Jeff, you certainly know what
it's like to get back behind the wheel

after some time off.

Can we really expect
this guy to run up front?

Well, that truly is
the question, D.W.

And, yeah,
it is extremely tough.

So much has changed since the
last time he was in the car.

The cars have changed.

The setups have changed,
the competition's changed.

And you know,
you just can't underestimate

the mental focus
and endurance needed

to get back behind the wheel
after this long of a break.

Well, focus,
endurance and discipline

could well describe
Dayton's off-track routine.

We caught up with
him as he prepared

for this highly
anticipated return to racing.

There's a team of
people looking after my car.

Making sure everything
is operating at full capacity.

So it makes sense that I do
that for my physical self.

Because I'm not just a driver,
I'm an athlete.

Once I began sourcing
really clean software,

I noticed a total difference
in my clarity and performance.

Software's what I call my food.

Because, when you think about it,

your body is your
operating system.

So when your OS may
feel like it's working fine,

a problem with software can make
your computer not perform properly.

Even crash.

So eating only clean software,
making sure my OS

is working at an optimum level
and all this will help me win.

Speed up the drops.
We'll figure the numbers out later.

No energy drink on the market
comes in a magnum, right?

But I had 10 cases of these
babies made just for today.

I'll have a little now, before
the race, some during the race,

and come lap 600
and that checkered flag,

I think we're all gonna be finishing
these puppies off in victory.

You got us all in the shot?
Me and the car?

So I've got this racing suit and
I've got my helmet right here,

just want to make sure
you can see that.

I've been carefully monitoring
my glucose levels.

So I'm really in a sweet spot
right now for sustained energy.

You're the To The Max driver.
You got to drink.

Maybe you should think about
those four years of back taxes

that this drink is paying for?

Yeah, go on!

- Go on!
- Come on.

Drink it!

- Come on.
- Come on!

Drink, drink, drink!

Ready, boy? Beware!


Okay. I'm gonna need some cash.

What for?

Supplies. For the job.

I thought Jimmy and your brothers

were bringing
everything you needed.

Yeah, no, they did,
I just need a little contingency.

Well, it looks like
my brothers was successful.

You thirsty?

No. No way.

Just one. Come on.
No. No.

We got time. Come on.

Hey, gorgeous. Give me one
of those beers, will you?

You want a second
one for just $10 more?

Well, of course I do.

And, baby doll, give me two packs

of those gummy bears.

This is the warden.

All right?

Now I got your

napkin of demands here
of what you want for

peaceful surrender
and the safe release

of my guards
you're holding c*ptive.

As warden, I can,
approve buying a copy of

A Dance With Dragons
for the prison library,

to go up on
the Game of Thrones shelf.

Now, the only problem is that,

The Winds of Winter and A Dream
of Spring have yet to be published,

so those aren't available.

Well, I can't do anything
about what I can't control.

That is total bullshit!

George R. R. Martin was supposed
to deliver The Winds of Winter

to his publisher
over two years ago.

I know that was
the original deadline.

That's what it says here.

But I'm reading to you
from the Wikipedia page.

It also says that Martin

had a grueling promotion schedule
or something, and it's interfered

with his writing schedule.
He's failed to complete The Winds of Winter.

That don't make no sense.

Those two guys who transferred
in from Federal last month

knew about all the new stuff with
the hot chick and her dragons.

No. I'm telling you,

I believe those two inmates
had that information

from watching the TV series.

Again, I'm reading to you.
The series has jumped ahead!

It's no longer
following the books!

O beautiful

For patriot dream

That sees beyond the years

Thine alabaster

Cities gleam

Undimmed by human tears



God shed

His grace on thee

And crown thy good

With brotherhood

From sea to



Let's blow this thing.

The pace car is in
and we're ready to race.

Mike, it's an honor
to be able to start

this 600-mile race
here on Memorial Day.

Boogity, boogity, boogity!

Let's go racing for those

who made
the ultimate sacrifice, boys.

D.W.'s talking about you.

What, Jimmy leave us
some sort of door key

for us to meet up?

Something like that.
Just remember one thing.

Roll. Don't hesitate, just roll.

What are you talking about?

What's down there?

Remember to roll.

What the f*ck?

Oh, come on.

Roll, roll!

Now you didn't tell me
about no garbage chute!

You're right.

Hey, hey.
It's about time. Come on.

Yeah, blow me.

Come on, Joe, we couldn't
tell you everything now.

Yeah, no, no, no.

Screw you both!
A garbage chute?

This is what I get
for doing business

with a couple of unlucky Logans.

Them's my bleach pens?

Two bleach pens and a
plastic bag, as requested.

Give me the tube.

Hold on. That's it?

We're supposed to believe
that that's the thing?


Now, are you ready?

No. No, hold on. That's it?

That's a plastic bag,
bleach pens,

fake salt and gummy bears.
That's our b*mb?

Don't call it a b*mb.

Now, how many yards
away is the vault?

About 20 yards.
I don't know, maybe 30.

Is it 20 or is it 30?

We are dealing with science here.

I guess when I saw
that gummy bears

is our secret
ingredient to our Bo...

Our expl*sive device,

that I wasn't
thinking about science!

Now, you said yourself
we couldn't bring in

normal expl*sives
'cause of the security!

Now, to make our bang,
we need potassium chlorate.

Bleach pens is
pure sodium hypochlorite.

Combined with the potassium
chloride in the salt substitute,

we have created
an equal exchange of ions.

Sugar, plus potassium chlorate


two gasses and

a solid.

Now, you throw in some heat,
you get energy.

Energy means light, expl*si*n,

or, as I like to call it...

the Joe Bang.

What? You thought
I was going to use

a stick of dynamite or something?

Well, yeah, I kinda did.

Yeah, me, too.
I just figured you'd use

a lot to blow through
the thick steel walls.

We don't need to
blow through the wall.

Them tubes in the
venting system is our in.

So, gentlemen, as I said...

are you ready?

Oh, shit.

- It's coming back!
- Get down!

- Don't move.
- I'm not.

And don't breathe.

I'm not.

What are you doing? Wait...

Now I see what the problem is.

I twisted the bag too many times.

Keselowski on the outside

and see who else is behind him.

He's not gonna
give it up that easy.

You can see he's pretty loose.

Call it in.

E Center.

Well, what kind of smoke?

Everything looks fine here.
We've got no alarms going off.

What's going on?

Concessions says they have
smoke coming out of the PT tube.

If there's no fire,
why do we have smoke?

Let's get a couple of guys down there
and see what the hell's going on.

Yes, sir.

I'll go east, you go west.

Hey. Hey, it's coming through!
I can hear it!

All right, come on.

- Come on!
- There it is, baby!

Come on!

Come on, baby!

Maybe we can
leave out of here yet!

Come on, Jimmy!

Kick that up a notch!
Come on!

Hey, hey.

Get it in reverse!

Take it easy!
We ain't out of here yet!

Oh, God.

What? What happened?

You sucked my arm off!

This is your fault, not mine.

You told me to turn it up!

You don't even know how to
operate a g*dd*mn machine!

You said put it in reverse!
I put it in reverse.

You sucked his arm off!

Your fault. Your fault.

Hold on. It's in there?
It's all the way in there?

It's not stuck in
the tube or nothing?

No. I got to
get in there and get it.

Jimmy, help me get the hose
off. I'm gonna go get it myself.

Come on, then Technically,
it's not your arm.

Your arm you lost over in Iraq.

That thing in there's
just a piece of plastic.

Your arm can't be replaced
is what I'm trying to...

Your arm can't be replaced,
but that piece of plastic

that you use as an arm,
that can be replaced.

Clyde, Clyde, come on. Clyde!

Now, there's a lot more money
we can get out of there.

We got to finish this.
Come on.

You're with them?

Of course he's with us.
The whole thing was his idea.


Except he probably
don't wanna say that out loud

'cause he knows you getting your arm
blowed off in Iraq was all his fault.

Everybody knows
you never would have gone

and joined up to fight if your big
brother wasn't the football star.

- Well, that's true.
- Yeah.

He was gonna be hot shit.
He was gonna play for the NFL.

And nobody around here
ever done anything like that.

You were gonna be just
another white trash coal miner.

The Logan Family Curse.

Shut up! You two are idiots.

Hey. We're value
added to this robbery.

And if anyone has a right to be
pulling an attitude here, it's us.


Oh, the Bang brothers
don't like the job?

You got a problem with it?

Yeah. You changed the date,
moved everything around.

This whole job
changed dramastically.

We had to change the date!

You knew the terms

for our participating.

We needed a moral reason
to pull this job with you.

Now, we was fine with you
wanting to get back at that store

for messing with your hot sister.

But you did a whole 360 on
everything when you moved up the date!

ain't done nothing to nobody.

NASCAR is a beautiful thing.
NASCAR's like America.

It's like you're
making us hurt America.

So moving up that date was a vagrant
fliolation of our morality clause.

I'll show you "vagrant"...

It's all good, it's all good.

Shut the...

We need to finish this.

Now, you go talk to
your brother, all right?

Hold on.

Hold on, hold on, hold on.
Hold on, man.

Hey, I'm your brother.

All right?

I'm always with you.

I'll buy you 20 new arms.

A hundred, as soon as we're done.

But we got to get you back
before anybody notices.

All right?
So let's finish this.


They'll find it and the guards will
be banging on my cell by breakfast.

No, they ain't.
'Cause I'm gonna get it.

I'm gonna get it,
I promise you. I swear.

Am I clear?

Don't let these
clowns get in your head.

We all know you
want to finish first,

but first you got to finish.

I'm getting a lot of dirty air.

I got a hole,
I can push through.

Hold back. It's too tight.
You're getting boxed.

I'm seeing spots.

You're drifting up.

My OS...
I think it's crashing.

You're gonna bang in!

What have you got?

I got nothing.

Let's try B level.
All right.

Hold up! Stop!
Where are you going?

Garbage run.

You two smell any
smoke from down there?

No, 'cause we both...

We both lost our sense
of smells when we was little.

'Cause of the...

The scarlet fever.

Both of us could be on fire
and not even know it.

Get that thing out of here.
Okay, thank you very much.

Okay. All right.

Something ain't right.

What's that?

Hey! Your brothers
should be back by now!

Why don't you go check on 'em?

You know there's
no smoking on CMS property.

Oh, that's right.

That's probably why they
put an ashtray in here.

You still gotta put
that out and get back to work.

Man, it's a three-quarter-mile
walk to get outside.

I said break time's over, Smokey.

You know,
they call 'em 20 for a reason.

And I got four minutes to go on my 20.

Are you pushing "Open"?

It doesn't say "Open", okay?

It says "Start,"
but it won't open.

Well, stop it.

- What?
- Stop it!

I thought we wanted it to start.

We do, but it needs to stop.

So not start?

We need it to start, but we have
to stop it so I can figure out

why it won't open.

Oh, shit.

Hey, hey, hey.

Do you smell any smoke?

Smoke? No.

All I smell is them racing fumes.

All right, thanks. Go ahead.


- Okay, get...
- Three, two...

Wait, wait, wait, hold on.

Are we going on "one"
or are we going on "go"?


No, we're going on "go"!
Three, two...

Hold on! Hold on!
You're gonna rip it right off the track!

The chain's jammed.

All right.

Try it now.

Come on. Let's go.

Let's go! Come on.
We got to get you back.

Hey! Get...
Get down! I said I'd get it!

Come on, let's go!

You'll get it?

I'll get it, I swear. Come on.
You gots to go.

Let's go, big boy. Come on.
Go, go.

Hey! You can't just
walk away from me.

I own your ass!

Not when I'm behind the wheel,
you don't.

Your contract says that I...

My contract says,
"Love Handle Enterprises," that's you

acknowledges and agrees

"that Twin Darling, Inc... ",
that's me,

"... is not a partner,
employee or joint venturer

"with Love Handle Enterprises".

Drivers in cars win races, Max.

Nobody's rooting for your
drink to cross the finish line,

so shut your piehole
before I shut it for you.

Do you know what the words
"stop payment" mean?

Hey... Hey!
You're... You're that guy!

Mellie should
have been back by now.

Well, Aunt Mellie normally does
what she says she's gonna do.

Let's give her a few more minutes

and hope she doesn't go all Logan

and become a total
flake like the rest of them.


All good?

Bumpy on the way out,
but we're doing okay.

Where'd your arm go?
I mean, your hand?

Can we haul ass?

The cafeteria
fire alarm just went off.

Warden, we got to call this in.

We don't have fires at Monroe.

Sir, we don't know what kind of
shape those guards are gonna be in.

I mean... They could
be dead or worse by now.

And what do you
reckon be worse than dead?

Shit! Call it in!

We have a three-alarm fire at
Monroe Correctional Facility.

Please respond immediately.

They report a fire
in a cafeteria.

I repeat, a fire in the Monroe
Correctional Facility cafeteria.

Do not tell me you've been
spraying her hair with this!

This will turn her
hair into an SOS pad.

I was doing the best I could!
You were late!

Oh, like you never brushed
your own daughter's hair before.

I wish you all wouldn't fight.
You're making me more nervous.

You're right, baby doll.

Is Daddy here?

I didn't see him.
I was rushing.

Did your daddy say he was coming?

Yeah. Why?

I don't know.
I just thought he was working.

What? That job at the Speedway?
I heard he got fired.

Funny how he
never brought that up.

You look like a princess.
You're gonna do great.

I thought maybe
you'd run off.

And leave you, beautiful?

You know, we got caught on the
other side of that there gate

when the lockdown happened.

It was terrifying.

For her talent, Sadie Logan
will perform Umbrella by Rihanna.

I picked this song

'cause it's my Daddy's favorite.

Almost heaven

West Virginia

Blue Ridge Mountains

Shenandoah River

Life is old there

Older than the trees

Younger than the mountains

Growing like a breeze

Country roads

Take me home

To the place

I belong

West Virginia

Mountain momma

Take me home

Country roads

All my memories

Gathered 'round her

Miner's lady
Stranger to blue water

Dark and dusty

Painted on the sky

Misty taste of moonshine

Teardrops in my eye

Country roads

Take me home

To the place

I belong

West Virginia

Mountain momma

Take me home

Country roads

Where're you gonna put it?

I can make a trophy case.

Oh, you're gonna need to now,
you've got so many.

All right.
Give me a hug.

- I love you, Daddy.
- I love you, too.

Let me see the g*n show.

All right.
I love you.

Night, Jo.
See you, Jimmy.

Come on.

See you back at home, Bobbie.
All right.

What the heck?

What the hell happened to my car?

Are you kidding me?

Hey, partner.
Where you headed to?

All the way through?

Mind if I catch a ride with you?

You sure?

Authorities have confirmed
they have recovered the money

stolen from the
Charlotte Motor Speedway

in what some are calling
the "Hillbilly Heist."

Sources say an anonymous caller
led police to this gas station

where they discovered an abandoned
truck containing bags of cash

that have been positively linked

to the robbery over the weekend.

The truck was reported stolen last week.

Our forensic team
is at work on the scene.

And we're certain
that they will find...

Why go to all
the trouble to rob a place

if you don't have the guts
to keep the money?

He must've chickened out.

Well, we are joined
now by a resident daredevil

at Little Victory Family Shelter.

This is Josh Morrison.
Thank you for joining us today.

Right. He comes on about,
you know...

He used to come on a lot on Midday,
for Pet of the Week.

So he's joining us to talk
about a new adoption challenge

at the shelter for little victories.
We do have to talk about the...

Well, we brought everyone
in at 6:00 this morning.

Couldn't work all weekend, you
know, 'cause of the race, obviously.

But everything was just like
we left it on Friday.

How many men
do you have working today?

Well, 40 or so.

I guess we're on
a bit of a tight deadline

'cause they're trying to
get everything shored up,

since the season's starting.

We'll be wrapping
out of here this week.

I'm gonna need prints
from all your guys.

Well, sure, but all the workers

have to wear protective
gloves at all times.

Well, it's a union rule.

- Union rules.

Agent Grayson.

Local PD got a call from someone
claiming to be an eyewitness.

Swears they saw the robbers,
can definitely identify 'em.

Yeah, I saw 'em.
I know who they are, too.

Why don't we
start at the beginning.

Where'd you see them?

In a tunnel,
leading from the track back

to the shower room
and the lockers.

There's a saying in our business,

"Set it up and shut up",

so I'll shut up.

What the hell was that?

You call yourself a driver?

What, you've never been
boxed in a turn before?

I told you I didn't
want to drink your poison.

I thought I was having
a heart attack!

That poison...

Hey, hey.
Can't one of you hit mute?

I'm trying to give my
statement to the FBI here.

There was two of 'em. Right?
Now one of 'em was a bartender

from that place out off
of I-17. Got one arm.

The guy with him,
I don't know who he was.

And you know the bartender from?

A while back,
I got in a fight at the bar.

- With the bartender?
- No, with his brother.

Did the brother
have one arm or two?

The brother's got both.

And the fight was about?

I can't remember.

And you won
that fight at the bar?

Hell, yeah, I won it!

So you saw
the bartender with one arm

and an unknown male companion
in the tunnel during the race?

And they were?

Well, they was just walking,
but it was suspicious-like.

Suspicious how?

They shouldn't have been down
there. That was suspicious.

But you didn't think to
mention this encounter to anyone

until you saw the news on the
television about the robbery?

The docs had to set
my nose, all right?

I've been in recovery.

So all these
injuries are the result

of your latest
fight with the brothers?

Bartender brother.

He's the one that
punched me in the tunnel.

The one-arm?

Yeah, look, just ask
my driver, Dayton White.

Right? He was with me
when all this went down.

He'll back up my story.

Yes, when you called in
your tip, you mentioned

that he'd be able
to corroborate your story.

We spoke with
Dayton White earlier today.

He stated he was never in the
tunnel with you during the race.

Never saw two suspicious men.

And has no idea
what you're talking about.

Did you talk to him?

I think you knows better.

I stopped by the
trailer when he wasn't home.

I think I got most of your stuff.

You sure love your books.

And there's some mail there, too.

Visitation logs

indicate that Jimmy Logan,
an employee

recently fired from the Speedway,

came with his brother Clyde
to see Joseph Bang here,

on April 15th.

They returned two days later
for a second visit.

Now, we only have video
of this meeting, no audio,

so we have no idea
what they discussed.

But the following week,

Clyde Logan drives through the
window of a Corner Save Mart

and ends up being sentenced
to 90 days here.

You seem to have a lot of
information in your FBI folders there.

And so?

You don't think that's
an incredible coincidence?

No. Not really.

I mean, if you're asking me, am I shocked
that the criminals locked up in here

are friends with other criminals?
No, I'm not.

So Clyde Logan and Joseph Bang
were incarcerated here

at your prison on May the 28th.

And you had no problems,

no issues of any kind
at your prison on that day?

Is that right?

No, we didn't have any problems.

Right. 'Cause Monroe County Fire Department
said they dispatched multiple units

around 8:30 p.m. that night.

There was a small kitchen fire,

but that's not a problem
in the context of this prison.

I mean, it's standard
operating procedure

for them to
dispatch multiple units

any time there's
a fire at the prison.

That was no big deal.
It was out within a few minutes.

You're certain
that these two inmates

couldn't have broken out of here,

robbed the Speedway and then
broken back into your prison

without you knowing about it?



Agent Grayson, I've been warden here
for nine years and I can tell you this.

We don't have
an escape problem at Monroe.

What do you think of the robbery?

Well, I heard that they're
calling it "Ocean's 7-Eleven",

'cause they found that truck with
the money behind a convenience store.

I heard that they're
calling 'em the Redneck Robbers,

'cause they think the guys
who did this whole thing

are from around here.
I hope they never catch 'em.

Where does this investigation stand?

Well, let me tell you this.

Even though the crime was
committed in Charlotte,

the fact that
the money was recovered here

makes it a very serious matter.

We're involving all
of our local, state...

You have a problem
with the food here, inmate?

No, no, no, Warden.
No problem.

Reckon your stomach's
not been bothering you lately?

No, Warden, no.

Thank you for asking me.

You best be
cleaning up your mess.

- Now!
- Sir.

What'd you say to me, inmate?

Go on.

Thank you.

What about the
disgruntled fired employee?

The brother of
the one-armed bartender?

Jimmy Logan was fired
six weeks before the robbery.

His brother, Clyde,
is the one-armed bartender

Max Chilblain claims to
have seen during the race.

But we know there's
no way Clyde Logan

could have been in
that underground walkway

because he was serving time at
the Monroe Correctional Facility

on the day of the robbery.

I hate airtight alibis.

Where did Jimmy
Logan's cell phone

tell us he was during the race?

Jimmy Logan doesn't
have a cell phone.

Shut off three months
ago for non-payment.

He also drives a 1983 Ford F-150,

so no GPS.

No email, no social media.

We did get a few hits on his name

on other social media accounts,

which place him at Valley View
High School during the race.

His daughter was competing in the
Miss Pretty West Virginia Pageant.

And apparently she won.

How's your brother?

I wouldn't know.

- You haven't talked to him?
- Nope.

Not once?


Well, it seems strange, you know,

you two being so close and all.

Last I heard, he moved south
to be closer to his daughter.

How far south?


Guess his ex moved down there

when her husband
opened a new car lot.


if you do speak to him...

Tell him I'd like to talk to him.

I doubt I'll be talking to him.

He never told you why
he gave all that money back?

On the house.


You've had your six months,
and you made no arrests.

Meanwhile, the locals
talk about these thieves

like they're some type
of Hee Haw Heroes.

So, we would like to move forward

and put this entire incident

in our rearview mirror,
if you will.


Thank you again.

I do have one last question.


You just said you received a
payout from your insurance company

for the money that
wasn't recovered.

Yes. That's right.

We were here with forensic
accountants for weeks

poring over the register
logs and receipts.

No one here was ever able
to give us an exact accounting

of how much money
was actually stolen.

Right, It's...
Well, it's very complex.

The algorithm and whatnot.

Yeah, we heard about
the complicated algorithms.

So how did you arrive
at the number to ask for?

If you didn't know
how much was stolen.

I'm not an accountant, so, I wasn't
in there for those discussions.

But as far as all of us here at
Charlotte Motor Speedway are concerned,

the matter has been resolved
to our satisfaction.


You seriously want to trust
these two with our lives?

They're gonna know
what we want 'em to know.

All right!
But we can get two more.

What's rule eight?

"Don't get greedy."

All right, you're done here.

Come on, you got to get
the car anyway. Go!

Yeah, you're right there.

You're right on top of it.
Just dig in there.

Mr. Naaman?

Oh, this one's addressed to you.

Came in through
the donation box.

It's heavy,
but don't get excited.

It's got to be from a crazy,
written with crayon.

Know what I mean?

Where to, Mr. Naaman?

- Hey.
- Hi.

New job?

Yeah. It's just seasonal.

I hope they keep me on, though.
It's nice being close to home.

You want to come in?

No, no. I'll just wait.

- Daddy!
- Hey! What's up, man?

Body slam!

What time you want her back?

Whatever time works best for you.

We're just around.
All right.

Don't wait up!

All right. So I was
thinking putt-putt golf.

They got those new
go-karts down there.

Sure. As long as
we get gelato after.

- Gelato?
- Yeah.

Ain't that like fancy ice cream?

I thought you couldn't do that
'cause of your pageants.

Oh, I'm over all that stuff.

I've been really getting into
the culinary arts lately.

Oh, cula-what?

Cooking! I've been
watching a lot of Top Chef.

- Really?
- Yeah.

I've been learning a lot. Like how
gelato isn't just fancy ice cream.

It's made at a slower
churn rate than ice cream,

so less air gets mixed in.

That's why it has
such a silky texture.

A churn rate?

Yeah, a churn rate. How fast
the paddle in the machine moves.

Sometimes the paddle
is called a dasher.

Oh, yeah, no,
I know what that is. A dasher.

It's kinda like
Dasher and Dancer and Vixen.

No, Daddy!

I know exactly what that is.
No, it's not that.

I didn't know that
reindeer made ice cream.

They don't!

You funny.

You funny.
You funny-looking.

You never told me how you
knew the coast was clear

and we could go get the money.

Well, you know how
that phone company

that give you about 60 days
to pay that phone bill?

Yeah. Well, you go one day over
and they shut your phone off.


I ain't paid the bill out at
the trailer in like six months.


I figured long as they was tapping
my phone, they'd keep it on.

About a week ago,
it finally went dead.

- That's pretty good.
- Yeah.

You came up with
that on your own?

Yes, I did.

Well, that's a lot of thinking
for a Logan.

- Hey, Jimmy.
- Hey.

What you doing?

So, Mellie...

What do you make of all
this Logan Curse stuff?

Well, that's Clyde's thing. I never
really gave it that much thought.

What about you? You think we're
destined to repeat the past?


I'm all about the future.

Oh, sh**t. Sorry about that.
Another Especial for the lady?

I missed out on the toast.

You know they say it's bad luck
to toast with an empty glass.

They do say that.

It's also bad luck
to toast alone, so,

why don't you pour
yourself one on me?

So you don't jinx me.

I would have remembered if
you'd ever been in the bar before.

- Are you just passing through?
- Yeah. Passing through.

But I'm hoping to stay a while.

Well, then...

Here's to staying a while.
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