06x26 - Faulty Whistles

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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06x26 - Faulty Whistles

Post by bunniefuu »

(upbeat playful music)

- [Narrator] It was early

morning on the Island of Sodor.

Duncan was waiting

for Peter Sam,

who was bringing some

freight cars for him

to take to Strawberry Grove.

Duncan was also to

take the headmaster

and the new organ.

While they waited, the

headmaster played a lively tune.

Peter Sam had steamed

all through the night

to bring Duncan his wagons.

(whistle blows)

But as he approached

the junction,

a low-hanging branch

knocked his whistle off.

This meant he couldn't work

until he got a new one.

"I can't run on the tracks

without my whistle,"

chuffed Peter Sam.

"That would be too dangerous."

"An engine's not an

engine without a whistle,"

boasted Duncan.

And just to prove it,

he let off a big blast.

(whistle blows)

But the rest of the

engines just ignored him.

Duncan chuffed

away in a big huff.

He was cross.

"They're jealous of

my fine whistle,"

Duncan huffed as he steamed

through the countryside.

He whistled at some sheep,

but they were too busy

eating grass to take notice.

"Bah," said Duncan.

"I need to whistle louder

and longer next time."

Soon, Duncan approached

a level crossing

where Elizabeth the quarry truck

waited with a

farmer's prized bull.

This time, Duncan

whistled as loud

and as long as he could.

(whistle blows)

(bull bellows)

Said the bull.

"Stop that nonsense,

Duncan," Elizabeth called.

Duncan carried on

cheerfully down the track.

But he hadn't noticed his

whistle had come loose.

Then Duncan saw Terrence

plowing a field.

"He'll get the loudest

and longest whistle yet,"

he chortled to himself.

And he blew so hard,

his whistle shot off

like a mighty rocket

and landed out of sight.

Everyone searched

for Duncan's whistle,

but it was nowhere to be seen.

"We're stuck," said his driver.

"We can't move

without a whistle.

"It would be too dangerous."

"Leave it to me,"

the headmaster said.

(soft music)

For the rest of the day,

Duncan didn't make a sound.

But the headmaster's organ did.

As Duncan delivered

his freight cars,

the headmaster tooted the organ

at every crossing

and every stop.

It alerted everyone just

as well as a whistle would,

although Duncan didn't think so.

(organ plays)

Finally, Duncan

finished delivering

the last of his freight cars.

(organ plays)

(playful organ music)

Duncan steamed quietly

back to the junction

as the headmaster

played the organ.

"Look," Rusty teased.

"It's Duncan the

musical engine."

"Let's whistle

along," said Rheneas.

"Whistle, Skarloey."

But Peter Sam, who had

a shiny new whistle,

felt sorry for Duncan.

"You really did well

to deliver your goods

"without a whistle," he said.

"Do you think so?" said

Duncan, cheering up a bit.

"Absolutely," said Peter Sam.

"Even though an engine's not

an engine without a whistle."

(whistle blows)

"Or an organ," chuckled

the headmaster.

And he tooted the organ.

(organ plays)

And all the engines tooted back,

except Duncan, who just grinned.

(upbeat playful music)
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