07x09 - The Spotless Record

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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07x09 - The Spotless Record

Post by bunniefuu »

(upbeat music)

- [Narrator] A brand

new t*nk engine

was racing across

the Island of Sodor,

he was very excited,

(horn toots)

and he didn't want to be late.

"Right on time."

said Sir Topham Hatt,

Thomas and Percy looked

at the big t*nk engine,

he was very impressive.

"This is Arthur,"

said Sir Topham Hatt,

"He's here to shunt freight

cars and pull freight."

"Nice to meet you."

puffed Arthur politely.

"And he's got a spotless

record." Said Sir Topham Hatt.

"What's a spotless

record?" whispered Percy.

"It means he's

never been naughty

"or made a mess."

replied Thomas.

The engines were soon at work,

Thomas and Percy were

bumping freight cars,

they knew this was naughty

but they were having fun.

"Join in Arthur." said Thomas.

"No thank you."

wheezed the new engine,

he'd never been naughty before.

Arthur's first job was to push

a train load of fruit to market.

The troublesome trucks

started to sing.

"Root, toot, tow, we want to go,

"the fruit's going off

'cause you're too slow!"

"How rude." huffed Arthur

This gave Thomas a naughty idea.

"Sir Topham Hatt doesn't like

"the troublesome trucks

singing," said Thomas,

"You must stop them."

"Thank you," said

Arthur, "I will."

Arthur was glad he could keep

the troublesome trucks in order.

"He'll never stop the trucks

"from singing." laughed Thomas.

Arthur chuffed cheerfully

through the countryside,

soon the troublesome trucks

started singing again.

"Chug, chug, cuff,

you tug and huff,

but you're so rusty,

you can even puff!"

"Stop singing!" huffed Arthur,

"Trucks should do

as they are told."

The Troublesome

Trucks were cross,

If they couldn't sing,

they will teach Arthur

a lesson instead.

"We'll show him!" they giggled,

"He can't push us around!"

Arthur struggled over bridges,

and he huffed and

puffed through tunnels,

he came over the

top of a big hill.

"You can't catch us!" laughed

the Troublesome Trucks,

"Whee-hee-hee!" but

there was trouble ahead.

Duck had stopped at the crossing

at the bottom of the hill.

Arthur's driver applied the

brakes, but it was too late!

Squashed fruit flew everywhere!

Arthur was upset, his

spotless record was ruined.

(horn toots)

"Oh Arthur, what a

mess!" puffed Thomas,

Sir Topham Hatt was very

annoyed, "What happened here?"

"The troublesome

trucks were singing,

"I told them to stop but

they made me go too fast."

"Please sir, it's my fault."

Thomas told Sir Topham

Hatt what he had done.

"Arthur, it's fruitless

for me to say more,

"But Thomas, you must

help clear up this mess."

Harvey arrived with

the breakdown crane.

He could see there was a

lot of work to be done.

Everyone worked hard and Thomas

took the loaded trucks away.

That evening, Arthur was

having the squashed fruit

cleaned out of his funnel.

"Hello, Thomas."

"Arthur, I'm sorry I played

a trick on you." said Thomas.

"Thanks for owning up

to it." replied Arthur.

"Maybe spotless records

"are made to be

broken." smiled Thomas.

"And then mended

again." finished Arthur,

"Just like friendships."

(upbeat music)
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