07x11 - Bad Day at Castle Loch

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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07x11 - Bad Day at Castle Loch

Post by bunniefuu »

(lively music)

- [Narrator] It was a beautiful

day on the Island of Sodor.

(horn whistles)

Donald and Douglas

are Scottish twins.

They enjoy working on Sir

Topham Hatt's railway.

(elegant bagpipe music)

But sometimes, they long for

Scotland, their old home.

One day, Sir Topham Hatt

called them to the docks.

"Lord Callan's castle

is finally reopening.

"There is to be a grand

celebration tomorrow.

"I need you to take the banners,

"bunting, and bagpipes

to the castle.

"Harvey, you must load

them straight away."

"Yes, sir," chuffed Harvey.

The twins were excited.

Going to Lord Callan's castle

would be like going home again.

Soon, Harvey had finished

loading the freight.

"Where are you

going?" asked Percy.

"Lord Callan's castle,"

Donald proudly announced.

"By Castle Loch."

"I'm glad I'm not

going to Castle Loch,"

wheeshed Percy nervously.

"Scared the monster might

get ya?" teased Douglas.

"He might," said Donald.

"There's no monster."

"There is too."

"There is not."

"Is too."

"Is not."

"Is too."

(gentle music)

Lord Callan's castle

is in Misty Valley.

Donald and Douglas

were determined

to get the important goods

to the castle in time.

They puffed proudly

along the loch

towards their destination.

"There it is!" cried Donald.

"We're almost there!"

shouted Douglas.

But there was trouble ahead,

trees had fallen

across the line.

Donald and Douglas

stopped just in time.

Then, suddenly, there

was a loud crash.

The break van had been

hit by the landslide

and come off the rails.

They were stuck.

"We could take the causeway,"

said Donald's driver.

Douglas's driver knew the

causeway was old and rickety.

"It's too dangerous," he said.

The twins were worried.

"We'll never get to the

castle now," chuffed Donald.

"I'll call for help."

"Splendid outfit, sir."

Sir Topham Hatt was trying on

his present from Lord Callan

when he heard the news.

"Donald and Douglas trapped

by the loch?" he said.

"I'll send help

as soon as I can."

But the hours passed.

It grew dark and cold, and

still no help had come.

Suddenly, the twins

spotted something strange

through the mist.

(mysterious music)

"What's that?!" called Donald.

"Is it the monster?"

cried Douglas.

"For sure it is,"

answered Donald.

"It's not a monster, it's us."

It was Harvey and

the breakdown crane.

Donald and Douglas

were relieved.

By morning, the

lines were clear.

(horn whistles)

Donald and Douglas

hurried off to the castle.

(elegant music)

Lord Callan's

workers were waiting

to unload the freight cars.

Soon, the castle was decorated.

The grand opening

was a great success.

Lord Callan was pleased.

"A splendid pair of engines."

"And very useful,"

added Sir Topham Hatt.

"Och aye!" agreed the twins.

(lively music)
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