20x17 - Buckled Tracks & Bumpy Trucks

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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20x17 - Buckled Tracks & Bumpy Trucks

Post by bunniefuu »

[bouncy music]

♪ ♪


♪ They're two, they're four ♪

♪ They're six, they're eight ♪

♪ Shunting trucks

and hauling freight ♪

♪ Red and green

and brown and blue ♪

♪ They're the really

useful crew ♪

♪ All with different roles

to play ♪

♪ Round Tidmouth Sheds

or far away ♪

♪ Down the hills

and round the bends ♪

♪ Thomas and his friends ♪

♪ ♪

[whistle toots]

[steam hisses]

[gentle music]

male narrator: Buckled tracks

and bumbpy cars.

♪ ♪

male narrator:

At any time of the year,

there can be hazards

on the tracks,

so the engines always

have to be careful

and alert.

- Whoa!

narrator: In fall,

leaves on the tracks

can make them slippery.

In winter,

it's snow and ice.

- Whoa!

narrator: And in spring,

there are

all sorts of surprises.

[duck quacking,

ducklings chirping]

[brakes hissing]

- [sighs]

narrator: Even summer

has its hazards,

as Flynn and Belle

know only too well.

[flames crackling]

[whistle toots]

- [gasps]

Bubbling boilers!

Another fire!

- There are always

more fires

when the weather's hot,


- Everything gets so dry.

[whistle toots]

- Well, I hope you manage

to put it out quickly.


We will!

♪ ♪

narrator: It wasn't long

before the fire was put out.

And Flynn and Belle

were making their way

back to the

search and rescue center.

[trains chugging]

[dramatic music]

- Oh! Oh! What's happening?

- The tracks! The heat's

making them buckle and bend!


It always happens

on this stretch of the rails

when the temperature rises!

[both gasping]


Better spray the tracks

to cool them down, Belle.

I don't have any water left

in my t*nk.

- I have a little water,

but I think it's best

if I save it for now.

[whistle toots]

You never know when

there might be another fire.

[train chugging]

[horn blares]

♪ ♪

- Oh!



Oh, dear.

[whistle toots]

- Good morning, sir.

- Good, Thomas? Good?

I'm hotter than a--

than a baked potato

in--in the middle

of the desert.

- And that's why I'm here.

[grunts] Ooh.

- Mother?

- Ah, thank you.

To give you something

that will help you

to stay cool.

Close your eyes!

- [gasps] Oh!

Is it an ice cream?

Oh! I would love

an ice cream...

- Thank you.

- A nice cold, ice-cold...




- Much better for you

to wear this

instead of your top hat.

- Uh, but--but why?

- Because...

- But--oh...

- Black absorbs

the heat, of course.

So a black hat is bound

to make you hotter.

A nice white hat

will reflect the heat

and keep you cooler.

You do want to stay cool,

don't you, Topham?

- It makes me look

as if I'm going on safari!

- [chuckling]

- Better "safari"

than "sorry."


[huffs impatiently]


- That's right, sir!

You never know

when you might spot

a herd of elephants.

[whistle toots]

[Dowager Hatt chuckling]

♪ ♪

[family giggling]

- Oh, the indignity.

- That's my line!

narrator: Meanwhile,

the sun kept shining,

the buckled tracks

were getting hotter,

and the hotter they got,

the bumpier they became!

[both yelping]

- Oh!

- Whew!

- These buckled tracks

need to be fixed!

- Oh!

- Oh-oh!

[bell dinging]

[whistle shrills]

- Oh! Oh!

[yelping, metal clanking]

♪ ♪

[ember hissing]

- Buckled tracks?


Oh, as if I didn't

have enough to worry about.

Very well.

I'll be there soon.



Dear, oh, dear.

- Ahem!

- Huh?

[harp music]

- Topham! Don't even think

about leaving

without your hat!

- [gasps] Huh?




All right, Mother.


- All passengers

requiring assistance

with their luggage...

[family giggling]

- Oh...

This is ridiculous.

I feel such a fool

in this hat.

[all giggling]

- For a wide selection

of pies and pastries,

please visit...

- Oh.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[humming softly]

♪ ♪

- Uh, excuse me, sir?

Your hat!

You wouldn't want

to lose it

on a hot day

like today.

- Ah. [chuckles]

How kind.

- Ha!

You'll need that...

if you're going on safari.

[all giggling]

- Oh...

[dramatic music]

[flames crackling]

[alarm bell ringing]

- Another fire!

- Bust my buffers!

That's the third today!

- Water t*nk's full.

Ready for action!

[bell dinging, horn honks]

[siren blaring]

[quirky music]

- [grumbles]


♪ ♪

[grunts and laughs]

[hat whooshing]



Then there was trouble.

- [grunts]


Maybe I should have sprayed

those bumpy tracks.

- Belle! Look out!

- [gasping]


[brakes squeal and hiss]

Oh, no!

- It's all right, Belle.

I'll try and pull you

back onto the tracks.

- There's no time for that,


You need to get to that fire

before it spreads!

- You're right.

Road wheels engaged!

Don't worry, Belle.

Fiery Flynn to the rescue!

[brakes squeal]

[triumphant music]

Take that, fire!

[water hissing]

And that!

How do ya like this?


Here's some more!

♪ ♪

narrator: Later,

when the fire was out,

Thomas brought Rocky along

to rescue Belle.

- Don't worry, Belle.


You'll be putting out fires

again in no time.

- Oh, thanks, Rocky!

- Oh, dear, oh, dear!

What am I going to do

about these tracks?

Every time we have a heat wave,

they buckle and bend.

Oh! As if my day

wasn't bad enough,

having to wear this silly hat.

Oh, it has kept me

rather cool...

- Uh, excuse me, sir.

I have an idea.

Dowager Hatt said your hat

was white to reflect the sun

and keep your head cool.

- Yes, well, my mother says

a lot of things, Thomas.

- But maybe the tracks

would keep cool

and not buckle and bend

if you...


Painted them white!

- [gasps]

That's brilliant, Thomas!

What a wonderful idea!

♪ ♪

Well, Thomas, I must admit

that, for once,

my mother was right!

White really does

reflect the sun

and keep things cool.

- Just like your

smart new safari hat.

- It is not a safari hat.

[bell dinging]

- So when are you going off

to the jungle, sir?


- Oh, that's it!

I am fed up

with everybody laughing

at my new hat.

It really gets my goat.

[chuckles] Here.

You can have it.


- [sniffs]

- Ha! That's the last

I'll be seeing of that.

[hat whooshes]

Agh! Oh!

- [bleats]

- [giggles]


- Oh...


[goat bleats]

[steam hisses]

[gentle woodwind music]

♪ ♪

[children singing]

[whistle blasts]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪
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