21x06 - P.A. Problems

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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21x06 - P.A. Problems

Post by bunniefuu »

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- ♪ They're two, they're four,

they're six, they're eight ♪

♪ Shunting trucks

and hauling freight ♪

♪ Red and green

and brown and blue ♪

♪ They're the Really

Useful Crew ♪

♪ All with different roles

to play ♪

♪ Round Tidmouth sheds

or far away ♪

♪ Down the hills

and round the bends ♪

♪ Thomas and his friends ♪

♪ ♪

[whistle blows]

[jaunty music]

male narrator:

"Dowager Hatt's Busy Day."

♪ ♪

narrator: It was early

morning at Tidmouth Sheds.

The engines were ready for

a busy day ahead

when Sir Topham Hatt arrived.

- Ah-ah-ah--



- Oh!

Uh, bless you, sir.

- T'ank you, Henry.

- Oh, are you feeling

all right, sir?

- Oh, yes, yes,

I'll be fine, Thomas.

Just a little--


- Oh, that's a nasty cold

you have there, sir.

- Oh, it's nothing.

I feel as fit as a f--



Now listen up, everybody.

Here are your jobs for the day.

- Ahem!

- Huh?

[rock music]

- Topham.

I thought I told you not

to come to work today.

- But I have a railway

to run, Mother.

- Not with a stinking cold

like that, you don't.

Now, back home


- Impossible! Somebody

has to be in charge here.

- Well...


I'll do it then.

How hard could it be?


- But you don't know

anything about railways.

- But I know a lot

about naughty boys

who won't stay in bed

when they're sick.

Take him back home, boys.

- But--but--I-I'm feeling

perfectly fine.


- [gasps]

- [groans]

- Ah, that's better.

Now let's get down to business.

You, Thomas, I'd like you to

pop down to Brendham Docks

and collect my new hat.

- But, ma'am,

I usually start my day

pulling passengers

on my branch line.

- Ah.


Uh, you, what's your name?

- Emily, ma'am.

- Emmeline can take

your passengers, Thomas,

while you're collecting my hat.

- Uh, excuse me,

but I already know my first job

is to take cars of scrap

to the scrapyard today.

- Ho-ho, don't worry about that,


I'll sort something out.

Right, then,

I'm off to Knapford.

I'll be able to run things

more efficiently from there.

[engine turning over,

tires screeching]

[rock music]

- Well, I guess I'm off to

Brendham Docks

to collect the hat.

[whimsical music]

♪ ♪

[whistle toots]

- Why is Thomas

picking up a hat?

- Dowager Hatt

is in charge today

and she's making

a few little changes.

- Ha, at least I'm not being

sent off on some silly errand.

- Ah, excellent.

Now, Jeffrey...

- Jeffrey?

Who's Jeffrey?

- Listen, Gregory,

since Ermentrude is tied up,

I'd like you to take her cars

of scrap to the scrapyard.

- Scrap?


I'm here to pull the express!

- [clicks tongue]

Goodness me!

You wouldn't talk to my son

like that, would you, Gerald?

- Uh, no, but--

- And I'm sure you wouldn't

want to disappoint

his sweet old mother.

- Uh, no, ma'am...

- Lovely, thank you, Gavin.

Off to the scrapyard

you go, then.

- Oh, the indignity.

[whistle blowing]

narrator: Meanwhile,

Thomas was still waiting

for Dowager Hatt's hat

to arrive.

- I mean, engines should be

doing important jobs,

not carrying hats.

- I agree, Cranky, but

while Sir Topham Hatt is ill,

Dowager Hatt is in charge.

[whistle tooting]

- Ahh, now, here's someone

who's ready to do a proper job.

- Sorry, Cranky, Dowager Hatt

wants me to go to Vicarstown

and deliver a cake to

her friend Lady Toffington.

- Cakes? Hats?

What next, balloons?

[exciting music]

[whistle blowing]

- Oh, no!

[whistle blowing,

elephant trumpeting]

[horns blaring]

- This is absurd!

None of us knows what job

Dowager Hatt wants us

to do next.

We're all stuck here,

waiting for her to finish

pruning her pelargoniums.

- Left a bit.

No, right a bit.

Back a bit.

Hold it.

Oh, yes, that certainly

brightens up

this dreary old platform.

Left a bit.

- Uh, excuse me.

- Hold it.

[whistle blowing]

- No...no!

Helena, what's the problem?

- The problem is

confusion and delay!

And it's all over Sodor.

- Surely not!

All the engines

are working hard.

- But nobody's doing the jobs

they need to do.

I was carrying

Thomas' passengers,

Gordon was

carrying my scrap--


Oh, dear.

If Gordon was

at the scrapyard,

then who was

pulling the express?

- Ah, now who did I ask

to pull the express?

- [straining]

- Percy! But Percy isn't strong

enough to pull the express!

- But he seemed

such a willing little engine.

- Dowager Hatt,

there are certain engines

that are suitable

for certain jobs

and other engines that are not.

- [sighs]

Oh, dear.

I didn't realize

it was so complicated.

Now Topham is going

to be all cross

and say I don't know

how to run his railway.

- Well, yes...

Or we can try

to get things sorted!

I'm happy to help you out.

- Really?

Would you?

Oh, that would be marvelous,


- It's Emily, ma'am.

And don't worry!

You and I will soon get

Sir Topham's engines

back on the right tracks.

- Oh!

[whistle toots]

Ah, no, you, up there,

I told you to hold it.

[jaunty music]

♪ ♪

narrator: Working together,

Emily and Dowager Hatt

started to get all the engines

back doing their regular jobs.

- Gordon, you're back

pulling the express.

♪ ♪

[whistle blowing]

♪ ♪

narrator: With Emily's help,

Dowager Hatt sorted out

the engines

so that they were all doing

their proper jobs again.

- That's right.

No, I said over there.

Nope, you're going to Knapford.

narrator: And just in time.

♪ ♪

- Oh...

- Topham?

What are you doing out of bed?

- I'm feeling

a lot better, Mother.



Everything seems to be

running smoothly.

- Of course it is, dear, but I

can't take all the credit.

Emily here helped me.

- [gasps]

She called me Emily!


- I bet you thought I wouldn't

be able to run your railway.

But I think I've done

a pretty perfect job.

- I have to admit,

I had my doubts.


I-I mean, well done, Mother.

- Ah!

- [laughs]

[whistle toots]

- Sorry I've been so long.

I've been waiting at

Brendham Docks all day

for this hat to arrive!

- B-but why?

- Everything's fine now, Topham.

Let's go and have ourselves

a nice cup of tea.

- Is there cake?

- Yes, Topham.

- Thank goodness

everybody's back

doing their proper job!

- I got this!

Not a problem!

I'm fine!


[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[whistle tooting]
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