Four Ways Out (1951)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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Four Ways Out (1951)

Post by bunniefuu »


Hurry up. Without running.

Quick. Beat it!

And you, don't move! Get it?

Don't be crazy!

There's been a hold-up!
Call the police!

This way!

Come on!


- There he goes!
- Stop right there!

Everybody on his own!

Beat it! Take off by yourself!

Several hours have passed.

The police machinery
has gone into action.

It moves carefully, methodically.
Almost indifferently.

It's all routine. The police
are not particularly concerned

with the story behind the crime.

Nor with the kind of lives
the guilty men have left.

Nor with what drove those
men to commit the crime.

The police can only be concerned
with how to find the criminals.

Newspaper will carry the story.
No headlines, of course.

There's more important news in
the world. But it will be featured

because of its boldness. Because
the order of things has been challenged.

And for a while, people will speak of it in
the streets. In the cafes, in their homes.

And then... they will forget.

But it is the job of the
police not to forget.

Not to allow a crime
to go unpunished.

The suspects, with criminal
records, are questioned

systematically, relentlessly...

and without results.

The clues lead nowhere.

The guilty men were very desperate.

They appear to be men
who never before,

have defied the law.

Who are these men? What is a criminal?

Good evening.



Buonasera, professore.

Hurry a beefsteak for me, waiter.

Pay the old bills, whatever it is
I owe. And keep the change.

A real beefsteak for the professor.

- Where is all the money?
- I don't know. I left it with Alberto.

- Where are the others?
- I don't know where they're hiding.

Excuse-me, professor.
See what my baby did.

She's six. Ain't she a clever girl?
Tell me. What's your opinion?

Her mother think she ought to be
a typist. I think she should study art.

What do you say, professor?

Her mother thinks she would
be wasting her time studying art.

Who's this? It's Alberto?

No, he isn't here yet. But I expect him
any minute. Call back in half an hour.

Who's speaking?

Alberto hasn't got in yet.

Hey, calm down, will you.
No need to be so nervous.

I'll go by his place tonight and
you'd better stay out of the way.

I'll find the others wherever they're hiding.
We'll meet up again tomorrow.

Guido, we got to get hold on that money.

Don't be so jittery. We'll have
it when we find Alberto.

Just stay home and wait.

You want a steak, sir. No problem.

- He, sh**t!
- On me!

- He! You, kids, live here?
- Yes. Why?

- Where is Luigi Girosi?
- Back there, on the first floor.

He, fellows, look!

He's Leandri. He played
center in the National team.

Then he got hurt, remember?

- Leandri.
- What is it?


- Is Luigi back?
- No, not yet.

- Is it about a job?
- I wanna see him right away.

But... what do you want?

- When did he leave?
- What are you doing here?

Was a guy here just now?
By the name of Alberto?

No. Why do you ask?
Is there anything wrong?

He! Stop it! What do you want?

What are you doing here?
Who are you?

When Luigi gets back, tell him
Paolo was here. I wanna see him.

Tell him to come right away to
the restaurant. He knows where.

What's going on?


- Leandri!
- Leandri!

- Leandri, you're the best!
- Beat it!

A few years ago, the legs of Paolo
Leandri were steady, swift, powerful.

Carrying him irresistibly
to sensational success.

When he raised out into the field,
the crowd cheered wildly.

His name was on a million lips.
He was a hero.


Alberto? I'd like to talk to Alberto.

He hasn't come back yet.
Who's speaking?

Who is it? Who's speaking?


What did you do with the money?
Where did you put it?

I've got to go home. Leave me
alone, now. I feel sick.

What is this?

The money, what did you do with it?
Give me the money! The money?

- Paolo, I was scared all alone.
- Where is the suitcase?

- I threw it away.
- You threw it away? Where is it?

- Where did you throw it?
- There.

- Where is there?
- Right in there.

- You're so stupid!
- Please, don't hurt me!

Go get it!

Why so late Luigi?
What were you doing?

We're ruined now. They'll arrest us all.

Nothing will save me. It's useless
to try to escape now...

I'm a thief.

We ran off with all the cash of the
stadium! Like common bandits.


Am I supposed to let my family
starve? It's impossible!


Is it time for me to get
off to school already?

- What is it mummy?
- Go to sleep.

Anyone seen or recognized you there?

How about the others?
Did they get away?

Who are they?

- Daniela!
- What do you want?

Let me inside. I'll tell you there

Haven't I told you to never show
up here again? Now, beat it!

What does this mean?

We're rich. We really
made it his time!

We're gonna be sitting
right on top of the world.

- Daniela...
- I don't want any of it.

Please, take it away! Leave me alone!

I won't give you up.
I'm rich now! Don't forget it.

Before, you threw me out of here,
when I didn't have a penny to give you.

Now, I brought you money.

You belong to me, now. You
understand? Nobody else but me!

Don't shout at me!

Calm down.

Look how filthy you are. Wouldn't
you like to clean up a bit?

I'm so tired. Wouldn't it be
better to talk it over later?

Please, if you don't mind.

Where are you going?

You're all sweaty. Come.

Go ahead.

I'll answer.

He's not here...

It's for you.

What's the matter?
What do you want?

I need to talk to you.

I went to your house but... somebody
thought I would find you here.

Come in.

Leave us. We'll soon be through.

Well, what do you want?

Allo, police?

Luigi thinks none of you were
spotted when you left there.

Maybe it's safe but you never
know. Someone might talk.

- There's no time to hang around.
- Go on and go.

But... How about the money you have?

Why do you come running to me about it?

There were two suitcases.
I've only got one of them.

Tell Luigi I'll take care of him! He'll
get his share for what he's done!

I don't wanna hear anything about the
robbery. About this dirty business.

All I ask from you is a little bit of
money for now. Just to get by.

I don't want anymore than that.

How much do you want?

I don't know... But we're thinking
about going to the country.

Luigi can take work. I'm sure
we'll manage. But for the trip...

I'll give you now. .
But that's too much.

What is it? Don't you want it?

Sure it's wet... but so what? I ran around and
found it while Luigi was at home crying.

Thank you.

Say hello to Luigi and good luck.



Daniela. Daniela!


Open the door or I'll k*ll you!


- Where is the baby?
- At school.

Hurry up, bring your bag. We got to
get away. They arrested Paolo.


Sandrina, come here.

Look, your father is here.


- You came for me?
- Yes.

- Are you happy your grand-ma's here?
- She came to see us?

Would you like to meet my grand. ma?

- Another time.
- We're in a hurry.

It's not Christmas yet.
Why is grand-ma here?

- I hope she'll be back here.
- Yeah. Goodbye.


- Goodbye, sister Vincenza.
- Goodbye, Sandrina.

I will sleep in the big bed
with mummy and you.

And grand-ma will
sleep in my bed, right?

I'll read a poem she likes very much and
then she'll give me a doll, right daddy?

- Daddy, our house is over there.
- We're not going home yet.

- Where are we going? Where is grand. ma?
- Grand-ma's not here.

Daddy, I don't understand. You said
sister Vincenza she was here.

- No, we're going to grand-ma's.
- In the country?

Yes. You're happy?

Remember how we used
to play there together?

- What about mummy?
- She'll meet us there. Don't worry.

What's happening, daddy?

You ran into anybody in the stairs?

No, just the porter.

- You see anything?
- Nothing. I wasn't followed

- Mummy, look.
- That's nice. I bet you did it all alone.


Let's go.

Look! Dolls!

- Which one do you like?
- That one.

- How much?
- , .

Lina, the tram is coming!

Who doesn't have a ticket?

Our wedding rings!

I felt I couldn't leave them.
I got them back.

Mummy, my doll's name is Rosina.

She's very happy to
come along with me.

Tickets, please.
Everyone's got a ticket?

- Tickets.
- Deux pour Carano.

- How much?
- for two, one way. Tickets!

You got any small change?

I bought a baby doll.

Sorry, I haven't change.

Did you just washed it?

- What's wrong?
- I can't take it!

- Give me the tickets back.
- Where do you go? Give me my bill back.

I need to ask the controler first
to see if I can change the bill.

- No, I want the tickets or the money!
- Are you nuts, mister?

You can't scare me with that
stuff! Don't push me around!

- Stay still.
- Give me back that bill!

Officer! Officer! Take charge
of this guy, he's nuts.

- He! Hold!
- Luigi!

- Stop!
- Daddy!

- Luigi!
- Stop!

Ultime notizie!

Read all about the second stadium's
burglar trying to escape!

Read everything!

Get the latest news on the stadium robbery!


The police is closing in on the bandits!

Give me the names of the others!

- Alberto Tosi.
- Who else?

- Guido.
- Guido what?

I don't know.

He was a painter, I think.

Yes... I used to know him.
He often slept at my studio.

But that must have been
about two years ago.

I remember he was a sort
of moody, touchy fellow.

He was talented though. I know he worked
for a while for a church at Ponte Milvio.

Police? That young man had a fine character.

He was a real artist.

Look over here. An artist who paints
that way couldn't be a bandit.

Where did he use to live?

In a small room on Via
della Giuliana, room .

This room used to be his.

Excuse-me, miss. It's the police.

One day, he left. He still
owes me a month rent.

- He still owes me lires.
- Tell me about his acquaintances?

Nobody ever came to see him.

He sometimes invited
a few friends for dinner.

What did he do?

Do you know if a woman
used to come here?

Absolutely not. Not even ladies.

Here, he left something!

There he is. That one, there.

- Who's this woman?
- How would I know?

What's that here? A phone number?

Did you ever hear the name Guido Marchi?

Guido Marchi?

No, I don't remember it.
It will be all, Marisa.

It's possible you might know
who did this. Take a look at it.

It's me on these drawings!
But that's impossible.

You couldn't tell us
about him, could you?

Ah, yes! Now, I remember.

A few years ago.

My husband and I were dining
with some friends in a restaurant.

It was at Al Farese, I believe.

- We don't want you in here!
- I won't bother anyone. Let me have a try.

- Portrait, signora?
- No.

- Portrait, profile, caricature?
- No, thank you.

- Portrait, profile, caricature?
- No, thank you.

When we met him last year,
he was completely worn.

What do you want?

No, thank you.

People said he lost a lot of money
on the exchange market.

My opinion... it has more to do with marriage!

I said no!

Ever since she left him, there's
been a real change in him...

He asked me again to
tell you to go away.

Seventy! It was expensive
but I got it without hesitating.

Does it please you?

- This is for you.
- No, it's a tribute.


I would like to eat in peace here. I don't
want vagabonds constantly bothering us.

You're right, sir. Excuse. me, sir.

Don't let me find you here again. Dig it.

Just a second.

Would you mind giving me the sketch?

A pencil?

Will you call me tomorrow? I would
like you to do a portrait of me.

Please telephone me.

An unusual person, very strange.

Spiritual and moody, yet
so young and desperate.

Did he ever phone you?

No. I never saw him again.

Vincente Fulmine, .
Piazzato Bobby, .

Attention please, in the fifth race. Vincente
Fulmine, . Piazzato Bobby, .

Just wait a second.

Attention please, in the sixth race.

Volpe, number .
Atomico, number .

Melone, number .
Whisky, number .

- This guy is a friend of mine.
- Hello.

He wants to make a deal with
that guy while he's still in town.

- Who did you put it on?
- On number .

- You got a cigarette?
- No.

I don't wanna bet, thank you.

- Number won.
- You wanna come along?

- We're going back to the house.
- Right now?

- You want to talk to him, right?
- How much is he gonna want?

What's he gonna want? It depends
what it's worth to you, that's all.

Attention please.
Vincente Volpe, number .

Piazzato Whisky, number .

All right, I'm coming.

Do you have the money with you?

Go on. Come on.

- Hi, Ernesto.
- Hi.

Make yourself at home?
Amelia, get us a chair.

Don't you feel hot? Take off your coat.

- He wants to speak to you.
- Go ahead, talk. Give him a drink.

How much for the trip?

Ah, you're the one who wants
a boat ride. I'm going tonight.

- Fine.
- I go to Corsica.

Do you have a passport?

Any news in tonight's paper?

They just found the body of the stadium
robber. That's the second one.

He k*lled himself.

I'm sailing at : sharp from here.

At midnight, we'll reach Fiumicino.
And then, we'll head to Ajaccio.

The day after tomorrow, we'll be in Corsica.

You can always grab a boat to Morocco.
You'll find a lot of guys to take you there.

You speak French? All right!

How much?

- You got the money here?
- No.

It doesn't matter. You can pay
when you get on the boat.

- At : ?
- How much?

I want millions.

You're out of your mind!

What makes you think I can
raise that much money?

Don't get excited brother. Make
up your mind for yourself.

- That's up to you.
- You'll be able to find the money,

because you're one of the guys
who robbed the stadium, right?

- Ta gueule!
- Ne m'emmerde pas, toi!

- Well then?
- It's too much money.

I might be able to raise half
the money you asked me.


Your ticket?

and .

The train from Napoli will
arrive on track number .


- Guido! Please...
- Beat it, kid!

You're going away?
Take me with you.

I can't go back home anymore. Please!

- If I go there, they'll catch me right away.
- Will you beat it!

I gotta go. You know I won't be any
problem. Let me go with you.

Keep this. You gotta be on your own kid.

It's our only possible chance, get it?

You got the money!
You got my share!

- Shut up, you fool!
- Just let me go with you.

I don't even want my share...
but let me come with you.

No, that's not possible.


You can't leave me alone!
I'll k*ll myself.

The train for Firenze will
be leaving in two minutes.

Orte, second class.

- Genova, third class.
- lires, each way.

You said Genova? Excuse me a minute.


- Stop right there!
- Stop!


Yes. She's with me. He made
her get off at Porta Nova.

Organize the roadblocks. He
won't force the blocks, I'm sure.

Hello there!

Open the other can and
keep the pressure, will you.

Good evening!
We were just talking about you!

Come aboard.

I can give you half now and half on arrival...

millions now and later.

I thought I told you millions...

- I told , didn't I?
- Yes, you did.

We all agree. Shake on it. : : , -. : : ,
He, boys! Bring his suitcase in the cabine, will you.

I can carry it.

You're worried about the money? Yes,
that's right. I guess I'd feel worried too.

- And you, Albertino?
- Oh boy, I feel worried!

Watch it!

Such ingratitude! We try to help him and look...

- What do you say, Albertino?
- What ingratitude!


- Mario, come on, we're late!
- I'm coming!

Come on!



Alberto, no!

Alberto, my son!

- Open the door!
- No! I won't open the door!

Alberto, open the door!


- Son!
- Alberto!

- Let off me!
- Alberto, come back here!

Alberto, don't do it.


Via del Lavatore, sixth floor.
Fast as you can make it.

Please, let me speak to him.


I'll jump, I tell you. I will if you don't go away.

My Alberto.

You want to k*ll yourself in
front of your mother?

Don't do this to me.

Don't let this take your life away.


Alberto! Do you hear me?


You couldn't help it. What happened
to you is really our fault.

We haven't been able to give you so many things.

Even when you were a baby.
But if you know how much...

We've given up all these years, your father
and I. Even when you were still little.

The troubles with money for clothes,
for medicines, for school.

Your father always worked so hard.

Denied himself everything because
you were more important.

We live for you. And now, if you do this, believe me...

Believe me Alberto... You're taking our lives.

You're taking our lives.

Mum. Mum!



Come along.
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