I Died a Thousand Times (1955)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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I Died a Thousand Times (1955)

Post by bunniefuu »

Yes, sir? What can I do for you?

Fill her up.

It will take about ten.
Take a look at the water and oil.

Yes, sir. You betcha.

It sure is a nice day today, chief.

Ain't many cars coming
through right now.

Well, I expect it's a little early.

You're looking at the
High Sierras, mister.

Mount Whitney is in there.

Tallest peak in the United States.

14,496 feet about sea level.

Trying to find her?

Them are all mighty big mountains.

I'll bet you are from
the big city. Chicago?

You got to excuse me, mister.

I just go on and on.

See, I get pretty lonesome out here.

And whenever a customer drops in ..

I suspect maybe I do
talk a little bit too much.

Lonesome, huh?

Yeah. It figures.

I never knew there was this much
open space in the whole world.

It looks like nobody ever lived here.

Well, we made it.
- I'll be with you in a minute.

I sure would like to shake
your hand, mister.

I kinda lost my head when
hat jack rabbit jumped up.

But you sure saved our bacon.

I saved my own bacon too.

Come far?
- Clear from Ohio.

And you?
- Illinois.

I'm right proud to make
your acquaintance.

You sure know how to handle a car.

I'm not very good at it but ..

Velma. She's my granddaughter.
She is a good driver.

Only she gets tired and I
don't let her drive too much.

May I ask your name please?


Roy Collins.
- Mine is Goodhue.

Velma. Ma.

I'd like you to know a Mr Collins.

Pleased to meet you.
- Hello.

How do you do.

Glad to know you.

That will be $3.80, sir.

I guess I had better be going.

Are you going far?

To the mountains for my health.

I thought you looked a little pale.

We're going to Los Angeles. God willing.

I lost my farm back home and ..

Velma's mother got married again.
She sort-of invited us out here.

Eighteen, mister.

Thank you, sir.

I hope you make it alright.


I sure hope you enjoy
those pretty mountains.

He sure is a strange fellow, that.

[ Radio music ]

Shut that thing off.

Get in the bedroom and
stay there until he leaves.

But I want to see him, Jack.



[ Door knocks ]

Hello, Earle. Come in.

You're late. I've been waiting hours.

I waited for eight years.

Where is Big Mac?
- He's in L.A. Busy.

You mean after I come 2,000 miles he's
not even here to meet me like he said?

You got the car and the travel money
okay, didn't you? Well, what's the beef?

I am handling things for Big Mac.


Who are you?

Kranmer. Jack Kranmer.

A copper, aren't you?
- Used to be. I resigned.

Yeah. I'll bet.

Big Mac trusts me so
why should you worry?

Since when has Mac been
teaming up with ex-coppers?

Look, I told you to stay out of here.
- I thought I left my purse.

Here's your instructions
and some more dough.

The sooner you get to
Shaw's camp the better.

What's the set up?

Ever hear of Tropico?

It's a resort town.

The richest little town in
the world they call it.

The hotel there is some joint.

When we give you the word
you are to knock it over.

Am I, copper?

Those are orders.

Big Mac spent a lot of dough springing
you. You're working for him now.

And for me.

We call the tune and you dance to it.

Hey, fellah.

Yes, Signor?

Chico at your service.

I'm looking for a guy named
Hattery. Where is his cabin?

He is in cabin Number 12 over there.

Are you the one he expected?


Your cabin is Number 11.

I'll take your car in front
and drain the water out.

This is one cold place here at night.

Hattery here?


Are you Roy Earle?


Hello Earle. Glad to see you.

I can't shake hands with you.
Been cleaning fish.

This is Babe Kossuck, my sidekick.

This is Marie Garson.

We figured a big wheel like you
might be kind-of exclusive so ..

We had the little guy fix you
up a cabin all to yourself.


All you do is throw a
match in this thing.

You sure need a fire through the night.

Is something wrong?

You don't like the idea of the girl?

Little boys like you should know better.

Well, Babe picked her up in
a dime-a-dance joint in L.A.

She is strictly okay you know, but
she sort-of looks after things for us.

Give her some dough and send her back.

Get her out of here tonight.

What do you know about this job?

Well, the Tropico's season is
just starting and Mendoza says ..

Mendoza, is our inside man.
He says that in another week.

The hotel will be full up.

There will be plenty of rocks in
the strong box then too. Plenty.

When do I get so see Mendoza?

He'll be up the first day he gets off.

He's in touch with Mac and
he'll give you all the news too.


Mr Earle.

I just want you to know we think we're
in pretty fast company with you along.

You know, I remember I saw a story about
you in the papers when I was just a kid.

When you were just a what?


Just punks.

So that's Roy Earle.

The big wheel that Red
has been yakking about.

Well, he don't look like so much to me.

He looks plenty tough to me.

If you get out of line, you'll find out.

You know all about getting
out of line, don't you.

You are always out of line.

Every time I open up my mouth to say
something you say something different.

Someday I am going
to belt you in the jaw.

You'd better hurry if
you're going to belt her.

She's leaving tonight.


Who says so?
- Roy Earle.

Okay, Babe. Here is your chance.

He can't do this to us.

Go and see him and tell him off.

We need this guy.

But I don't know why he should start
pushing us around right away.

He's no more the boss than we are.

He has no right to come
here and tell me ..

Keep talking. You'll win the argument.

You're asking for it.

Leave her alone or
I'll cool you off myself.

Someday I will call your bluff, Red.

Call it. Call it right now.
- Wait a minute.

Now listen.

I'm not going back to
that crummy dance hall.

Not if I can help it.

I'll go and talk to him.

So you want to go?

[ Door knocks ]


They are some mountains.


I always think what it
would be like up on top.


And clean.

Mr Earle.

I don't want to go back to L.A. tonight.

Or any night .. I like it here.

This may seem like a
nice big outing to you.

I know what you are up here for.

But I didn't get it from the boys.

Louis Mendoza told me.

Mendoza, huh?

Yeah he talks. Talks a blue streak.

And he is always bragging.

You see, Mr Earle.

It's Mendoza you got to worry about.

Not me.

Oh, I am not worried about you.

It's those fugitives from a reform
school that you got with you.

They'll be throwing
lead over you pretty soon.

I can handle them.

Babe is pretty wild headed but ..

He is afraid of Red.

And I can get Red to do what I want.

Got it all figured out, huh?

Yeah. I in a way.


We'll let things ride as
they are for a few days.

Thanks, Mr Earle.


Is there anything I can
do for you this morning?

Yeah. How about my breakfast?

The Signora next door has
your breakfast all ready.

She sent me to see if you were awake.

Hey, how do you like this dog?

Just another dog.
- Oh no, Señor.

He is a very special dog.

Watch, if you please. Pard. Patoz.

Patoz. Ducks.


Does he speak English too?

Ah, si.

Both. Spanish and English.

Proud of your dog, huh?

No, Señor. For he is not my dog.

He has, as you say,
attached himself to me.

Sometimes I very much
worry because of it.


This small dog, he used to
belong to a woodcutter.

Who used to stay up
here all the year round.

[ Spanish language ]

Comprender, no?

This small dog. He used to
belong to a woodcutter.

Who used to stay up
here all the year round.

This winter a great
snow slide came down.

Right under the woodcutter's house.

And bury him. He very dead.

But not the little dog. He escaped.

How? It is very mysterious.

So. A kindly man saw him in the snow.

And took him in.

This man he catches the winter
disease of the lungs. You know?

You know?

- Si. The man die.

Pard is alone once more.

So now he is attaching himself
to the Señora a in the lodge.

[ Spanish language ]

I tell you this.

You are the one if he is
attaching himself to you.

Is Chico breaking your heart
with that story of that mutt?

It's true. By all the Saints I swear it.

He is a born panhandler.

Everybody around here stuffs
him so he'll only eat steak.

It is true. Look, he is getting so fat.

I go to work now.
Pard will remain.

He admires you already, Señor. I think.

Put it down.

Where's your boyfriends?

If you mean Babe and
Red, they are fishing.

That is all they ever do.

Sit down.

Thank you.

He did you a big favor
and ate some bacon.

Last night I felt like I hit bottom.
This morning I feel pretty good.

There nothing like sleep to set you up.

You know, you ought to get
some sun. You are awful pale.

They didn't let us out in the sunlight
very much where I've been staying.

They were afraid we'd spoil
our girlish complexions.

Prison is terrible.

Sometimes it is worse than others.

If you get a mean guard gunning for you.

Unless you got what it takes you might
as well go up on Tier 2 and jump off.

What do you mean?

The top row of the cell block.

A forty-foot drop and
you land on concrete.

I saw one guy take the dive.
He made quite a splash.

That's awful.

He just couldn't take it.

I thought of it myself, but ..

I got a break.

What is it like knowing
you are in there for life?

I should think you'd go crazy.

Some of them do.

All I could think about was a crash-out.

I tried it once when they moved me out
to the prison farm for good behaviour.

This old friend of mine, Lou.

He warned me against it.

He was a really wise old
guy but I didn't listen.

The thing slipped.

The guard put the blast on me.

Worse yet, they sent me
back behind the big walls.

I was getting ready for another
crash-out when the pardon came through.

I get it.

You are always hoping that
somehow you are going to get out.

That's what keeps you going, huh?

Yeah, that's it. You got it.

You know, there is something about ..

A place in the mountains.

I don't know but it ..

It makes you feel there's something ..
- Thanks for the breakfast.

I'll come back for the dishes later.

Señor, Señor.

Best to watch your step, Señor.
That little dog, he has the evil eye.

You trying to tell me he's going
to put the hex on me, Chico?

I don't believe it.

Es la verdad. It is true.

That little one, he has the evil eye.

His left eye.
It shines green in the dark.

Like the eye of the big mountain cat.

If it's in the dark Chico, how do
you know it is in the left eye?

What do you want?

Chihuahua, I think I forgot.

A man came to see you.

He is in the cabin with the others.


This girl is good.
Look at the way she picks it up.

Alright, Louis. You're through.
- Come on, Babe. I'm just learning.

Come on Babe, let her dance, will you.

Roy, this is Louis Mendoza.
Louis, this is .. Mr Earle.

Delighted, Earle.


What does it look like
at the hotel, Mendoza?

How soon do we go?

It won't be long now.

This is the set up.

Babe thought we ought to make the ..

Over the Sierras to get to L.A.
You know. No-one would ever expect it.

Suppose they should
blow up a sudden storm.

I went in to see Big Mac yesterday.

He wants to see you, Earle.

I'll take a look at the
springs tomorrow.

Then I'll drive on in and see Mac.

I was only rubbing his ears. That's all.

You were feeling mean and
you took it out on a dog.

Well Roy, Mendoza brought us a present.

I guess you are the engineer.

Okay, Roy?

Big Mac gave me the g*n.

You know how to work it?

Red don't and neither does Babe.

Does he know how to
work it? You kidding?

You know, the trouble with these jobs is
there's always too many guys in on it.

Somebody always talks.


This g*n reminds of one time about ..

Nine or ten years ago.
We were doing a ..

A bank job in Iowa.

And one of the guys had the shakes.

We found out he talked too much and
coppers were waiting for us at the bank.

Nobody says anything.

Pretty soon, Lefty. He just ..

He just touched his g*n
a little and it went ..

Just quick like that.

And the rat fell out of
his chair dead. We just ..

Drove off and left him there.

I ought to be starting back.

I'm on duty at 08:30.

What's your stunt in this, Mendoza?

You stick around all the
way through, don't you?

Oh yeah, sure.

I stay right behind the desk
and act kind of scared.

And when you fellows get
through I will call the police.

We don't want any slip-ups.

Well, I guess I'll take a walk.

Wouldn't you like to play some cards?

Did all you kiddies get the idea
of that little bedtime story?

Do you think he meant it that way?

If you talk, you'll find out.

A call for Mr Blackburn.

A call for Mr Blackburn.

Let me have a pack of these.

35 cents please.

They are 20 cents any place.
- This is Tropico.

I bet everything comes high around here.

Anything for 316?


[ Car horn ]

People with cars like that don't
care how they drive, Mr Pfeiffer.

They've got no money, no insurance.
Why it is m*rder.

Tough luck, Mr Pfeiffer.

What can you do?

Hello Mrs Goodhue.

Well, hello Mr Collins.

- I saw it all.

Pop. You know you
weren't driving that car.

The girl was.
- I was. I was.

What is an outfit like that
doing in Tropico anyway?

A free country, isn't it.
Trouble, Mr Goodhue?

Mr Collins.

Don't worry. We'll
straighten things out.

Friends of yours?

Yeah. Why?

They must have known you when?

I pull away from the
curb and wham, I get it.

Look at my car.

I know I've no chance to collect but ..
- The man said you didn't even signal.

Don't talk about collecting.
You might have to pay off.

Oh, a wise guy, huh? I get it.

I'm supposed to write the
whole thing off to experience?

Look. These people got no dough and
they're trying to get to Los Angeles.

The car is all they got.
- Stop it. You are breaking my heart.

Fifty bucks won't mean much to you.

Don't you do it, Mr Pfeiffer.
That girl was driving.

And she is a cr*pple. She shouldn't
be allowed to drive at all.

Mr Goodhue.

Why don't you just call me "Pa"?
I will call you Roy.

It's a deal, Pa.

I was just going to say. How did
you happen to end up in Tropico's?

Did you get off the road?

No. It was Velma.

She'd read about a place in one of them
magazines and set her mind on seeing it.

Poor darling.

She was gawking around looking
for Hollywood movie stars ..

And ran smack in to that fellah's car.

I was sure surprised when he gave you
that hundred dollars to give to me.

Don't worry about him, Pa.
He's got plenty.

It's the second time you
have saved our bacon.

When Velma smashed into that car ..

I had 13 cents in my pocket
and a 5-dollar bill in my shoe.

Of course the women didn't know it.
And don't you tell them.

I'm awful glad that chicken
turned out so good.

I guess it is none of my business but
what is the matter with Velma's foot?

A club foot. She was born that way.

Can anything be done about it?

At one time a doctor told us
we could get her operated on.

But I've been so broke during the past
few years we couldn't if we'd wanted to.

We hurried with the dishes because we
knew Pa would be talking your ear off.

Pa sure can talk.
- Yeah.

But he talked sense.
- There, you see. Roy knows.


Isn't the air grand out
here in the desert.

And look at those stars.

Aren't they beautiful.


You can really see them out here.

It must be because the air is so clear.

You see that bright blue star up there?

Right there.


That is Jupiter.
- How do you know?

Well, I spent a lot of time
on Grandpa's farm and ..

There weren't many young
people around you know, so ..

On summer nights I used to go out
all by myself and look at the stars.

Was that star always up there like that?

Oh no.

You see different
stars at different times.

They change with the seasons.

Now look. You see that
one twinkling over there.

That is Venus.

It makes you ..

Just dizzy .. to look at them.

Yeah .. and small.

I used to know an old fellow.

I did a lot of ..

I spent a lot of time with him.

Once, he said that sometimes when you
are out at night looking at the stars.

You can almost feel
the motion of the earth.

This is like a little ball that turns
through the night and we're just ..

Hanging on to it.

Why ..

That sounds like poetry.

It is pretty.

You know, I'd better be going. I've got
a long drive ahead of me. I got a ..

A business appointment in L.A.

Pa, I sure enjoyed that dinner.
- And we sure enjoyed your company.

Now don't you fail to
look us up in Los Angeles.

We might get lonesome.
Especially Velma.

Grandpa, you shouldn't
say things like that.

I'm surprised at you.

Leave it to Pa to say the wrong thing.

Oh no.

Pa is alright.

Goodbye, Roy.


Come on in, Doc.

I got a swell parlay
for you for tomorrow.

Still a sucker for the ponies, eh Mac?


I was expecting the Doc.

How are you?

Ah, you are a sight for sore eyes.

Sit down. Sit down. Let me look at you.


Glad to see you too, Mac.

Thanks for the spring.

What's this about going to bed?
What's the matter?

I don't know.

We're none of us getting any younger.

I can't eat.

Just ain't hungry.

I can't even sleep.

Doc Banton says it's my past
life catching up with me.

Doc Banton? Is he out here?

Oh sure. He'll be along shortly.

He's running one of those health
services under a phony name.

How about a drink?
- Yeah. Thanks.


How does it look and what do you think?

Get lost, Kranmer.

It looks okay.

Mac, this copper Kranmer.


A copper is a copper. What is the idea?

He is okay.

A hundred percent. You can take my word.

When I first knew you, you said ..
- I used to say a lot of things!

How are we coming?

The job I mean.

It's a cinch.

If the boys don't blow up on me.
- They won't.


Cracking a joint like the Tropico will
make a real big noise in the newspapers.

A big caper always makes a big noise.

The jewelry.
That's all I'm interested in.

Look, Roy.

If you get your mitts on it I want
you to keep your mitts on it.

Bring it right back here.

If you're hot, telephone.

This job means a lot to me.

I put out a wad of dough
setting it up and I'm in deep.

Now don't let me down, Roy.

I never let anybody down.
You know that.

Yeah. I know.

I know. I know that.

But I've been dealing with such
a bunch of screwballs lately.

Young twerps, soda jerks, jitterbugs.

Believe me, boy.

It's a real treat to talk
to an old pro like you.

Yeah. This new crop. I don't know.

Where did you get Mendoza?

He is the right man in the right spot.

But don't you worry about him, Roy.

They are just the office boys.

You are the boss.

Okay, Mac.

Hide the booze.

Hide the booze.

Hello, Mac.

Doc. Look who is here.


Roy Earle.
- Hello, Doc.

Last time I saw you, you were taking
slugs out of Lefty Jackson's chest.

- Not so loud.

I'm a respectable citizen now.

Yeah. Mac says you are doing okay too.

This is the land of milk and
honey for the health racket.

Every woman in California thinks she's
either too fat or too thin or something.

Well, Mac.

Same dosage. Same medicine.

You need a new prescription?
- Nah.

Well goodnight, Mac.

I'll look in tomorrow.
- So long, Doc.

So long, Roy.

I'll be right back.
I want to talk to Doc.

Poor old Mac. He is in a bad way.

You know, he has a bum ticker and a bad
stomach. His kidneys are on the blink.

I try to keep him from drinking
but there is no stopping old Mac.

Well, maybe he is right.

Doc. There is something
I want to ask you.

Sure, Roy.

Can anything be done about a club foot?

Well, some can be operated
on and some can't.


This ..

Good friend of mine,
he has a granddaughter.

She's a nice girl, but with this
club foot. I was just wondering ..

A young girl?

Yeah. She's about nineteen, I guess.

Oh, I see.


Roy, can't you just forget the foot?
- Come on, Doc. This is serious.

I would have to see her.

Would you take a look at
her if I can talk her into it?

Certainly. But you understand
that I can't do any operating.

But I can get you someone who will.

It is going to cost you, Roy.


I'll make you a present of
my fee for old time's sake.



Goodnight, Doc.


I don't know, Mac. The Doc said ..
- Never mind what the Doc says.

Come on. Come on.


Now I feel better.

If anything happens
to me read that letter.

You will know what to do.

It's like the Doc says.

If I don't lay off of this stuff.

It's going to knock me off.

But I am going to die anyway.

So are you.

So what?

Nobody ever left this world alive.

To your health, Roy.

It is useless I tell you.
She is alright as she is.

And the thought of having
the poor pet operated on ..

It seems to me you'd be thankful someone
is trying to do something for your girl.

No-one asked you. She is my
daughter and what I say is ..

Well, he can look, can't he?
It won't hurt anything.

I don't think she wants
him to look. Do you dear?

Pa wants me to. And ..

So does Roy.


I never heard of this Roy.

Yet on account of him
you are going to let a ..

A strange doctor look at your foot when
you hardly won't let me look at it.

Who is this Roy anyway?

I told you all about him.

Oh, for heaven sakes, Mabel.

If it wasn't for Mr Collins we'd be ..

Yes. But why does he go to so
much trouble to help strangers?

You must have a pretty good reason.

Maybe he likes Velma.

You can thank your stars he does.

She is past nineteen and not
married and not likely to be.

If you want my opinion.
- I don't want your opinion.

Look, Velma.

We've got her all upset
talking that way.

Never mind, honey.
- But mother ..

If you don't want him to look
at your foot you don't have to.

But I do.


The child has made up her mind.

I will say no more.

This way, doctor.

Come on, dear.


If the doctor say Velma can
be operated on, what then?

I'll loan you the money.

You know I could never pay you back.
- I'm not worried about that.

Yes. I know. I know.

Anybody with eyes in his head ..

Pretty, ain't she?

She gets prettier and
prettier every day.

Are you figuring on marrying her?

I haven't got that far
in my figuring, Pa.

Well, I just don't know what
is the right thing to do but ..

It seems to me before you go putting out
any money I should tell you about Velma.

You don't have to tell me anything.
- Oh yes, I should.

I should.

She has got a fellow back home.

Yes, sir. It's funny.

Velma is shy as you can see.

On account she is crippled she used
to stay by herself most of the time.

Then all of a sudden she started
going into Barrowville every day.

To the library, to the movies.

It was then I found
out about this fellow.

His name is Lon Preisser.

His people are as rich as sin.

Yes, sir. The richest
people in the county.

He's got his own car. A big one.
And he is a little wild.

I'd say he was spoiled a little bit.

But somehow it didn't
look just right to me.

This rich boy and Velma,
poor as a church mouse.

So me and Ma, we brings
her out here to her mother.

Now, it's my guess she is still
thinking about this fellow.

Mind you, I don't say
there is anything wrong.

On no. I keep telling
myself there ain't.

It makes me feel better.

But I wouldn't swear to no
affidavit to that effect.

Well. That is about all there is to it.

I hope you ain't mad or nothing.

I'm not mad at anybody.

Don't you tell Velma that
you told me anything.

I won't.

Pa, he says it can be fixed.

He says in a little while I'll be
able to walk as good as anybody.

Isn't it just wonderful, Pa?
- It sure is.

Honey, you got nobody to thank but Roy.

He thought up the whole thing
and he is lending me the money.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

What's the matter, pal?
You been hiding out?

Roy, is Pard with you?


I am so glad.

I thought they had k*lled him.

Did Babe clip you on the jaw?

Yeah. I don't know what
happened, only he went crazy.

Red was trying to cool him off ..

And suddenly Babe picked up a poker
and hit him in the head with it.

While Red was out ..

He swung at me twice.

Were those guys fighting over you?


I ..

Red was just standing up for me.
- When was all this?

Sometime after dark.
- Where are they?

I don't know.

Well. Red was out cold.
Babe ran down to the car.

Only the keys were in Red's pocket.

So Babe jumped out of
the car and started to run.

And I could hear Pard barking and ..

And Babe threw the poker at him.

I got so worried when I
couldn't hear Pard anymore.

After a while Red got up and
started to stagger around and ..

Then he got a g*n.

That is the last I saw of him.
I ran over here and locked myself in.

I got this from under your pillow.

I figured that if Babe came
back I could hold him off.

He was just like a crazy man.

Stay here. I'll take
care of those punks.

Please, Roy. Don't get yourself ..

Give me that g*n.

Nobody is pushing me around.
- Give it to me.

Where's Babe?

He's in the store.
He's scared to come out.

You were going to knock him off.
- Well, he hit me in the head with a ..

Stay there.

He was hooked good and tired out.

And just as I was about
to reach for my net, why ..

Goodnight fellahs.

Here is my pal. I guess I got to go.

Goodnight, son.

Hope you land a 10-pounder tomorrow.

Yeah. Thanks.

You stinking rat.

Yes, I know. I kinda went crazy.
Marie was making a play for Red.

It's Red. He's gunning for me.

I took care of him.
- Thanks, Roy. Thanks.

Come on.

Get going.

Here he is, Marie.

Swing one on him. Mark him up.

Here. Use this.

I don't want to hurt him.

Don't, Roy.

Don't, don't!

He learned his lesson.
He won't do anymore.

The car is right outside. If you're
smart you will beat it. Both of you.

But Roy.

We've been counting on this job.
We've been planning on it.

Give us a break.

I'm giving you a chance to blow.

Please, Roy.

If you decide to stick, I'll sh**t the
first one who don't do what I tell 'em.



I ..

I don't want to go
back to that .. cabin.

I'm going to send you home
in the morning, Marie.

You'll catch a bus into Ballard
and then take the train.

There is a cot in the woodshed. I can ..

Fix it up in the kitchen
and sleep there.



Can I please borrow your bathrobe?

Help yourself.

Thank you.

You'd better get packed.

You know. I was thinking ..

I'll run you over to Ballard
and you can catch the train.

I don't know a soul in Los Angeles.

Where are you from, Marie?

San Francisco.

You have folks there?


Maybe I can stake you to a ticket.

You know what you were
telling me about prison.

How you kept yourself from going crazy
all the time by thinking of a crash-out.


Well, it has been the same with me.

All my life I've been trying
to crash out of something.

My ..

My old man used to get
drunk and kick us around.

And mum would take it.

But not me. I waited for
my chance and I beat it.

I crashed out just like you did.

Yeah, I know.

And I finally would up in L.A.

A big deal. I got myself a
job in a dime-a-dance joint.

It was a living only I got
sick of being pawed over.

When Babe came along, I ..

I thought Babe was a right guy.

I guess in my whole life I never hooked
up with any guys who weren't wrong.

So I had nothing to go by.

Until I met you.


There is something about you, Roy.

You are not like Babe and Red.
- Don't kid yourself, honey.

It is so peaceful up here.

I'll go and get dressed.

What's the matter?

Go away you lousy dog.

I want to die.

I am nothing. No good.

Even ..

Pard has got you.

And pretty soon you will go away.

Please don't send me back to L.A.


Let me stay here.

Roy. I want to be with you. Please.

Listen to me, Marie. Listen.
I am going to give it to you straight.

I got plans, see. Personal plans
and you just don't fit into them.

You could never mean
much of anything to me.

Nothing special, that is.

Do you understand?

Do you?

[ Dance music ]

Will you turn that thing off.

Roy, try it with me. Come on.


This waiting around is getting
me down. I am going to ..

I am going to take a trip into L.A.

Take me with you, would you?
I'd love to see a movie.



Hurry up.
- I'll be a second.

What are you going to do?

I am going to see some people.
Friends of mine.

What kind of a racket are they in?

They're not in any racket. The old man
is a farmer from Ohio. He lost his farm.

There is him and Ma and ..

And their granddaughter.

There is a granddaughter, huh?
- Yeah.

Her name is Velma.

A mighty pretty girl.

Is she?


And decent.


Well I'll be doggoned.

Come in. Come in.

Say, where in the world you
been keeping yourself?

Busy, Pa.

How is Velma?
- Great. You won't know her.

You mean she is walking around?
- No, she is still in bed.

But the doctor says in a few days
she can dance or do anything.

And nobody would ever
know she was crippled.

We've been wondering
what happened to you.

It is nice to see you, Mrs Goodhue.

Careful, Roy. I used to be
a pretty jealous fellow.

Come on in and see Velma.

You see, Mabel's husband is at work.

And Mabel is up town gadding around
so we have her all to ourselves today.

Pet. Look who is here.

I hear you are feeling fine.


I think she wants to kiss you.

Oh, Ma.

Where have you been?

Only this morning I was saying
to Ma, where has Roy got to?

I have been pretty busy.

Did it hurt much when
they fixed your foot?

It didn't hurt at all.
I didn't even feel it.

Wasn't nothing at all.

No more than having a tooth
pulled, the doctor said.

Pa, there is something I
want you to do for me.

But Roy is here.
- Out here.

Alright, Ma.

We'll never get through
thanking you for what you did.

It was wonderful of you.

I got a ..

A big business deal coming up and if
it goes through I can retire for life.

At least for a long time.
- That's fine.

Did you tell Pa?

He'll be delighted to hear it.

Velma, have you ever thought
about going round the world?

Around the world?

Well, I .. I wouldn't like that.

No. Here is where I want to be.

I have been dreaming about it for years.

I wouldn't want to leave.

Especially now when I am almost well.

I was just thinking that ..

If this deal goes good I'll take a trip
around the world and I thought that ..

If you see what I mean.

Well, I ..

In a way I do.

If you ..

If you wouldn't like to go around
the world what would you like to do?

Well, I haven't given it any thought.

Lately, all I have thought about is ..

Is that I am going to be alright.

I am going to be like other people.

Able to dance and do as I please.

I would sure like to marry you, Velma.

Well, naturally I am ..


But I don't know.

I am so young.

You sure have been wonderful to me.

Well, I know that Pa thinks
you are just about right.

You have somebody back home, I guess?

Yes. In a way.

You see, Lon.

That's his name.

He is not much older that I am.

He is twenty-one.

Ma says it is nothing but kid's stuff.

Does he know that your
foot has been cured?

Well, I guess he does by now.

Ma writes back home
maybe twice a week and ..

Well, you know how small towns are.

Roy. You are not mad, are you?

Please don't be mad.

We are still friends aren't we?


We're still friends.

You simply must come
back and see me walk.

Say you will.

Of course he'll come
back and see you walk.

It was all his doing.

Yeah. Sure.

How about some refreshments, Roy?
- No thanks.

I got to be going.

What is the matter with Roy?

What did you say to him?

He asked me to marry him.


Well, fine.

You didn't refuse?
- I told him about Lon.

He knows already.

I thought he did.

So I told him.

What's the matter, Pa?

Why are you looking at me like that?

You don't sound like yourself at all.

What is wrong with that?

Besides I don't know
what I'm going to do.

Why should I tie myself down now
when I don't know what Lon's plans are?

But Velma. Look what
Roy has done for you?

You just can't keep him dangling.

Can't I?

Lon kept me dangling.

Things are going to be different now.


I'll tell him, Pa. I'll tell him.

I think that is the folks coming home.



I think I forgot.

What's that?

A letter for Señor Roy.

Is this it?

Yeah. This is it.

You'd better learn those numbers.

They are the deposit boxes
you've got to crack.


I still don't see why Mendoza
can't just open the boxes.

Because it would be a
tip-off it was an inside job.

They'd pinch him and he'd sing or
I don't know anything about guys.


What do you want to do about Pard?

Take him over to Chico.

Tell him to keep that dog
locked up until we get away.


Give him five bucks.

Let's take him with us.

Imagine taking a dog on a caper.
- I'll take care of him.

And it will look more natural.
- Do as I told you.

Come on, Pard.

Come on, Pard.

Now look, fellahs.

In a few minutes we're
going for the coconuts.

Let's get things straight.

When we get in the hotel I don't want
you to look tough no matter what.

That's my job.

Nobody is going to bother you.

And I mean nobody.

Got any questions?

The caper is a cinch.

Marie and I take the shoebox and
the jewelry and head for L.A.

You guys take the dough and return here.

That way we won't all be
ganging up all together.

When you hear from me
bring the dough back to L.A.

Well, I guess we are all set.

I'm glad Marie is going along.
She is alright.

She's got more nerve than
most guys, I tell you.


We are going to make
up her share together.

That's okay, is it?

It's okay with me.
- Sure.

It's worth it to have someone
look after the car.

Come on. Let's go, Babe.

I'm glad Marie is going
along as lookout.

A guy I used to know, Buddy Garrison.
A small-timer.

Him and this hood were trying
to heist a grocery store.

And they left the car out front with
the engine running. You know.

They come busting out about two
jumps ahead of a shotgun blast ..

And somebody had stolen the car.

They fled down an alleyway and bang.
Right into a big copper.

And that was it. No more party.

You can sure make up
the prettiest stories to tell.

Those guys were small-timers, Babe.
Not like us.

We wasn't so big before this job.

I don't feel big.
- But Roy feels big.

That's what counts.

Come on, come on.

Chico locked Pard in the cabin.

It's funny. You'd think that dog
knew we were leaving him.

He keeps scratching at the door.
- That little mutt is a plain nuisance.

Get going, you guys.

Listen to him.

I told you he knew.
- Shut up and get in the car.

What you standing there for?
I told you to get going.

Okay, Roy. Okay.

What's wrong with you?

It's Pard. He got loose.

He's following us.

Well, he can't follow us far at night.

Oh Roy, come on.

Are you crazy? We can't take a dog.

What I ought to do is
put a b*llet in his head.

Haven't I got enough
trouble without a fool dog.


Come on, Pard.

Poor little devil.

Got no home. Got nobody.

Of all the 14-carat saps ..

Starting on a caper with a woman
and a dog. If he spoils this job I'll ..

You are full of talk.

I think you are glad.


One more squawk out of you boy and
I'll fill you full of lead. Stand there.

Yes, sir.

Open up the vault. Quick.


Move back.

- It's marked, ain't it.

How is it going?
- Having some trouble with the boxes.

It's loaded. Plenty of rocks.

[ Car horn ]

Oh, it was a lovely party but
I thought it would never end.

A fine time of night to build a house.



The jewels!

Look here my friend, you can't do this.

Sit down both of you.
You won't get hurt.

Sit down.
- Alright Take it easy.

You'll never get away with this.


Sit down, sonny.
- Yes, sir.

How you doing?

A couple more and we're through.
Man, is this a haul.

Come on. Hurry it up.

[ Car horn ]

Keep it down.

It's the watchman.

Put 'em up.

Come on, guys. Let's get going.

Sorry, pal. But I guess
I shot low enough.

Come on!

Where you going?
- I'm going off with you.

I couldn't face the police now.
- Get in that car.

Babe is crazy. Driving without lights.

That stupid jerk.
He took the wrong road.

A bunch of amateurs.

Lost their heads.

That is a break for us. You can
bet the coppers will go to the fire.

I won't be long.

Hello, Earle.

Big Mac still in bed?

Yeah. Big Mac is an awful sick
man. He sent for me last night.

He collapsed. He is asleep.

It's kinda tough about
the two guys, huh?

It was their own fault.

Yeah. Well, their
troubles are over with.

Both of them got it, huh?

Yeah. Mendoza got a concussion
and a broken collarbone.

But it looks like he'll be alright.
The police think he was kidnapped.

They haven't even
identified Babe or Red.

But Earl ..

You really knocked 'em over.

Let's take this in
to show it to big Mac.

It might pep him up.

Hey, you mean to say you got
it all there in that shoebox?


Boss. Wake up.

Earle is here.

He clipped 'em for half a million.

I really came through for you, Mac.
You didn't spring me for nothing.

Come on, wake up.

Wake up, Mac.

Wake up.


This guy is dead.

He is what?
- He's dead.

He's as cold as a mackerel.

Died in his sleep, huh?

This is an awful mess.

What are you going to do with the stuff?

Big Mac told me exactly what to do in
case something like this happened.

He must have known he'd never make it.

Now look, Earle. Don't be a sap.
Alright. Mac is dead, but we're rich.

Look, I can get a fence
to pass the stuff for us.

Do you get what I mean? We're rich.
- Hey listen, chiseller.

I am still working for
Mac and so are you.

I've got my instructions and
I am going to follow them.

Use your head, Mac. You'll never get
a break as big as this in your life.

You heard me.

Alright, Earle. Maybe you're right.

I .. I am sorry for ..

Talking out of turn.


Is this Piquot 7719?


Is that you, Art?
- "Yes."

This is Roy.
- "What's wrong?"

Mac is dead.
- "Dead?"

He said in a letter to call you.
You're supposed to do the handling.



No. He just kicked off.
His heart, I guess. I don't know.

"Come to 902 Marcy Building."



Hand over that box, Earle.

Give me any trouble and
I'll pump you full of lead.

I'd be reinstated and
get a medal besides.

Like I said to Mac.

A copper is always a copper.


This stuff is pretty hot at that.

You are welcome to it.

"Utah 0651."

Hello? Dr Parker, please.

"Just a moment, sir."


Hello, Doc?

This is Roy.
- "You in trouble?"


Look. I got to see you right away.
- "Come on. I'll wait for you."

You are a lucky guy.

A little higher and it might
have caught you in the heart.

It sure burns though.


Take this bottle with you.

And .. here is a box of
painkillers just in case.

And these extra dressings.

Change it every day.

Hey. Did you really crack 'em
for five hundred Gs, Roy?

We don't know yet.

You know they always kick
up the price after a heist but ..

We got plenty of rocks.

Doc, you will have to trust me on
the dough angle. I'm a little short.

Didn't get your end, huh?
- No. - That's alright.

I think it's going to cost 500
dollars when you do get it.

I've taken a big chance.

500 is okay by me.

When I need help I need it bad
and I am willing to pay for it.

Hey, Roy.

What about that Velma?

Have you seen her?

No. I haven't.

Is she walking around alright?
- Perfect.

My friend the surgeon
certainly did a wonderful job.

You ought to see her.

It's all your work, Roy.


Go to 6th Street and turn left.

Don't we have to go out to
Westwood and get rid of the stuff?

There is something I got to do first.
It's not much out of the way.

You mean we're going
to stop someplace now?

I don't want this. What's the argument?

Oh. Grandpa's little girl?

I promised the old man.

A fine time you picked to go visiting.
- I know. But I promised the old man.

You said that already.

Well, am I glad to see you.

Hello Pa.

The rest of the family
is out for the day.

They'll sure be sorry the missed you.

Roy, look at me.

Hey, what am I?

The straight man?

Oh excuse me. Lon, this is Roy.

Roy - Lon.

Happy to meet you, Roy.
Velma told me a lot about you.

Fact is we had a few
drinks to you the other night.

Is that so?

Watch me dance. Look.
My foot is all better now.

Pard, go and get Roy.
Go and get Roy, Pard.

Pard ran away.

He jumped out of the car.

He was looking for you.

Which one is Velma?

I'm Velma.

I am Marie Garson.

I am a friend of Roy's.

He has told me many times
how nice and sweet you are.

What is that you kids are dancing?

The Mumbo.

That's not the Mumbo.

Of course it is.
- No, it isn't.

Here, look. I'll show you.

Want to try?
- Yeah.

Come on.

One two .. one two three.

One two .. one two three.

You're catching on.

You'll be surprised baby. I'm good.

Is this chick something wowee.


Hold it, Mack.

Temper, temper.

- Marie. We're going.

So soon?
- Don't go, Roy.

Yeah, Roy. What is the big hurry?

Listen. That reminds me.

You did a lot for Velma and
I want to pay you back.

A fair bit of money you laid out.
- Forget it. Think nothing of it.

Please take it.

Lon and I are getting married.

We can afford it.



She finally wore me down.

Oh, you.

Isn't that nice, Roy?

The kids are getting married.
- I think it's great.

Pa, we are going to be going.

I'm heading East and I just
wanted to say goodbye.

I hate to see you rush
away like this, Roy.

Yeah. Pa is right, Roy. Listen, why
don't you stick around and have a drink?

You and your girl and
me and my little Velma.

Get your hand off of me.

I don't like you.

I don't like the way you talk.
I don't like your friends.

And I don't think that Velma should
get married to anybody like you.

How dare you say such things.

Lon is going to be my husband.

And you are just jealous and
mean because I don't want you.

Because I never wanted you.

Come on, Marie.

Come on, Pard.

I am sorry, Roy.

It's alright, Pa.

It's better it turned out this way.

What a nerve.

Honey, if it wasn't for you I would
have punched him right on the nose.

What a haul.

Not a phony piece in the lot.



Poor old Mac.

There he was laying dead and
half a million bucks beside him.

It's all yours now and I want my end.

Well, you are going to have
to wait a few days for that.


Don't look at me like that.

My share you can put in your eye.

Larry is head man now Mac is gone.

Kansas City?
- That's right.

Flying out.


You just leave this with me.

And hide out for a while.

I can let you have a little
dough if you need it.

You wouldn't pull a fast one would
you, Art? I don't like fast ones.

Take the stuff with you if that
is the way you feel about it.

But it will be like carrying
a b*mb around with you.

Okay. Give me a couple of hundred
bucks and you keep the stuff.

A couple of hundred it is.

But if I don't get my end, you won't be
around long and neither will Larry.

This is the one I want.

Oh, Roy.

A present.

You would put it on the wrong finger.

Thanks, son.

Good morning, Mr Collins.
- Good morning.


Our troubles are over.

Larry got in?
- Yeah.

I told him I'd drive in tonight. He is
going to have my cut ready by then.

How's that?
- That is great.

We can go back East where we'll be safe.
- Yeah.


Do you love me?

You bet.

I sure do.

Hey. You know I was
beginning to think that ..

Art was giving me the old run-around.

What's the matter?

I was just ..

Thinking that the first time I talked to
you, you were looking at that mountain.


The first time I saw them I was
driving across the desert ..

And there they were standing there
at the end of no place like a .. like ..

I don't know what.

Like something not part of all this.

So quiet and clean-looking.

Yeah, clean .. and cold.

So cold a guy could maybe
freeze to death up there.

Maybe it would be better like that.

Instead of running all the time.

And being shot at.

Never having any peace.

Things sure can get lousy sometimes.

What are we talking about? The money
is here. Come on. Let's get ready.

Roy, we will go someplace where ..

Where will we go?

I don't know. Let's get ready first.

What is the matter?

Is it a pain?
- Yeah.

My poor darling.

The car needs gas. I am going
to go and get if filled up.

Get everything packed.

You are a nice dog, little Pard.

You're a nice dog, Pard.

Yes, sir. I know you, Pard.

You are a real dog, Pard.

You are the dog, Pard.
Yes, sir. Little Pard.

I want to talk to you.

A nice little dog you
got there, Mr Collins.

I was just trying to make up to him.
- What makes you think his name is Pard?

Well .. didn't I hear you
call him Pard yesterday?

Well, I thought I did.
I guess I am wrong.

Let me see that paper.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on!

Come on, Pard.

You know who I am, don't you?

No. I never saw you before.
Not until you came here.


What are you so scared of then?


Please, Mr Earle. Don't k*ll me.

You'd like to get that reward,
wouldn't you. - No.


Believe it or not he's "travelling with
a woman who answers the name of Marie".

"And a little mongrel dog who
answers to the name of Pard."

- Yeah.

"The Assistant District Attorney
suspected Mendoza from the start."

"And by playing on the vanity of this
small-timer who tried to be a big-shot."


See the name they have pinned
on me: "Mad Dog Roy Earle".

Those rats.

Roy, what shall we do now?


I got to park you like you said.
- Like who said?

Remember? We agreed when the
going gets too tough I could park you.

You said it was a deal.

I won't leave you. I don't
care what happens to me.

Please forget about
the money. Let it go.

We'll stay together and we'll head
back east and you'll be safe.

It takes dough to get back
east or to get any place.

We'd end up heisting filling
stations like Red or Babe. Look.

I got maybe ..

Thirty grand coming to me
and I am going to get it.

Listen. I got an idea.

I'll put you on the Las Vegas bus.
- No, no.

You wait there for me.

I'll go down, get my cut and come
back for you. Then we can go east.

We can go any place.
- Roy. Please don't leave me.

I'm scared. Let the money go.

Don't talk silly.

Look, Marie.

If you think I'm going to drag you round
with me and get you shot you're crazy.

This guy ..

Mendoza sure spilled everything.

And they'll hang the Kranmer
k*lling on me if they get me.

But they are not going to get me.

I've done all the time
I'm ever going to do.

Come on, Pard.


I got such a funny feeling.

Please take me with you.

I can't stand to be alone anymore.

But it can't be done.
- I know. I know.



I am sorry I acted the way I did.

You got nothing to be sorry for.

Yes, I have.

Nagging at you all the time.
Flying off the handle.

I wish I hadn't.
- But I like it.

I mean, that is the way
married people act.

They do?
- Yes.

You know. My old man and my old lady,
they used to fight like cats and dogs.

They stayed married
until the day they died.

I wouldn't give two scents
for a dame without a temper.

Oh, Roy.

Come on now. Here it comes.

Here. Take this.

No. That's all you got.
I don't need that much.

Here, you take it. I'm going to pick up
my cut as soon as I get to Los Angles.

[ Radio: ]
"A bulletin has just been handed me."

"Roy Earle has definitely
been identified .."

"As the man who slugged a tourist camp
proprietor this morning at Palmville."

"The subject of one of the most intense
police searches in California history."

"The bandit k*ller and his companions."

"A woman named Marie
and a dog named Pard."

"Are believed to be at this very moment
to he headed towards Los Angeles."

"Stay tuned to this station
for further developments."

Gas, mister?
- Yeah.

Fill her up.


In case you had any ideas
about calling the police.

Don't give me any trouble
and you won't get hurt.

I won't give you any trouble.

I'm a little short.

I hope you don't mind.

Help yourself, Mr Earle. I'll never
get myself shot up over money.


You got sense.

Hi, Ned. Got change for a Coke?

Don't try that! It's Roy Earle.

What happened, boys?

Ned here thought it was Roy Earle.

Stopped for gas.
I tried to stop him but he ..

The car that just pulled out of here?
- It was Roy Earle. I am sure it was.

Roy Earle, eh?

Everybody thinks they
are seeing Roy Earle.

Well, we won't take any chances.

Sheriff? This is Holden.

A man answering the
description of Roy Earle ..

Slugged a deputy and held up Ned's
Filling Station in Mountain View.

He is headed south.

Patrol car 41 come in.

Patrol car 41 come in.

Patrol car 41 come in.

Cut him off at Lone Pine station.

Patrol car 41 on Highbridge Road.

Now close off Highbridge Road.

Got it.

Roy Earle just passed Highbridge Road.
Still headed south. Going after him.

There is his tracks, Sheriff.

Better keep under cover.

We got him holed in alright.

We got to get up above him somehow.

Call the Ranger Station. Get someone
up here who knows this mountain.

[ Radio: ]

"Right now his position
puts him in command of .."

"Several hundred feet of territory
between him and the road."

"Natural rock formations shelter
him against att*cks from above."

"It is some five hours now since
Roy Earle took to cover on the rocks."

"And there is no indication
on his part to surrender."

"The road up the mountainside
is a jam of traffic."

"Spectators are coming from everywhere."

"As I said before, the scene is
some sixty miles from Ballard."

"Stay tuned to this station
for further developments."

I have to go back the way we came.
Is there another bus leaving soon?

Yes, lady. There's one that leaves
here in about ten minutes.

Thank you.

Hey, lady.


Just like all dames.

She don't know whether
she is coming or going.

It is infernally cold up here.

Maybe it is nerves.

The rock above where Earle is
hiding, looks like a huge iceberg.

Hey, where you think you're going?

It's okay, officer.
I am Haley of The Bulletin.

Let's see your police card.


Hi, Sheriff.

Slim, see that peak up there?


I see the Sheriff over there talking to
a fellow from the Ranger's Station.

Any minute now it could
be curtains for Roy Earle.

Do you suppose you could work your way
up above where that fellow is hiding?

It has never been done.
That's a straight thousand feet.

If we try to take him head-on, some
of my men are going to get k*lled.

I can try it.

I might just make it too.

Wait a minute.

Those forestry fellows are
using helicopters now.

If we could get them to drop me
just on the other side of that ridge.

Can I use your shortwave to call them?
- Go ahead.

This is the coldest place
in the world tonight.

Cold and unreal.

With stern-faced officers of
the law waiting for the k*ll.

While up above, a defiant bandit
from the slums of the city.

Is about to be k*lled on the side
of a high mountain peak ..

Hey, get back there.
What's the big idea?

Yeah. What's the idea, sister?

Why did you try to get
through this line, huh?

Where did you mean to go?


Do you have a little dog in that basket?

A little mongrel dog that
answers to the name of Pard?

What's the matter with her?

Roy Earle has been travelling
with a girl called Marie.

Meet Marie.

Hey, Sheriff. Sheriff!

It's dawn now. We can't wait any longer.

We don't want to k*ll your
man unless we have to.

We don't want him to k*ll
any of our man either.

Why don't you just tell him to come
down and surrender peaceably?

Look, Marie.

If you help us.

It will go easier with you.

I don't care about myself.

Be smart, Marie.

Just yell up to him and tell him to
put his g*n away and come down.

Otherwise, we'll get him sure.



Go ahead and yell.

No. I won't!

Go ahead and yell.

No. I won't, I tell you. I won't.
- We'll get him then.

Go ahead.

He's going to die anyway.
He'd rather have it like this.

Earle! Come on down.
It's your last chance.

Come and get me! There is
enough of you down there.

I'm telling you.

It's your last chance.

That's what you say, copper.





Big-shot Earle.
Look at him Iying there.

He isn't much now, is he.

Mister, do you know what it
means when a man crashes out?

That's a funny question for
you to ask now, sister.

It means he is free.

That's right.

He is free.

He's free.

He's free.

He's free.
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