Kansas City Confidential (1952)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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Kansas City Confidential (1952)

Post by bunniefuu »

- Hello, Pete.

- You've got a wrong number.

Don't hang up on me again, Pete.

If I was a cop or one of the boys,

I wouldn't bother calling,

-I'd just walk in on you.

- I'm trying to tell you, you got a...

I'm doing the telling, Pete.

I didn't crack to the clerk

your name's not Johnson.

Listen, whoever you are...

I'm your one chance

to get out from under.

Three hundred grand and clean getaway.

Out of the country.

Who is this?

If you're interested, come to Room 302,

Baker Hotel, 10:00 tonight.

Hey, wait a minute!

Come in.

No change, Pete? Still jumpy.

That was a sucker move,

burning down your boss.

You had him all wrong.

He never crossed you.

But you're a guy who sh**t first

and thinks afterward.

In your spot I'd almost choose the cops,

even if it is a first degree m*rder rap.

It's lucky I spotted you.

What's so lucky about being dead?

I'm going to take care of a guy,

just a little too smart.

Take off the mask.

Come on, take it off. I don't like games.

What makes a two-bit heel like you

think a heater would give him an edge

over me?

I ought to ram it down your throat.

What's waiting for you, Harris?

The chair? The gas chamber?

Or just a rope?

How do I know that line you handed me

on the phone's on the level?

Your voice don't even sound the same.

Neither will yours

when you put on a mask.

- Who else figures in it besides me?

- You ask too many questions.

And I'm not getting any answers.

I like to know who I work with.

When do we make the split?

And who do I take my orders from?

Get out of here.

All right, I'll get out.

Fat choice you're giving me.

You know the bind I'm in.

Take it or leave it.

You said three hundred grand for my end?

At least, free and clear,

only you do it my way.

Nobody sees the others without a mask,

even when we make the split,

and I decide where and when

that takes place.

That makes it all foolproof.

Okay, you got yourself a boy, now what?

Stay in your room.

Keep out of sight till I call you.

Do a little thinking next time,

before you use it.

Don't get any wrong ideas about me.

I don't shove around this easy.

I'll give you a chance to show me how

hot you are on the job.

You're a three-time loser, Tony.

Not yet, I ain't.

The police know

you drove the getaway car.

This time it's life and no chance of parole.

This time, Tony, you go up for life

under the Habitual Criminal Act,

with no chance of parole.

You don't have to tell me the score.

- Then it is a deal?

- Okay.

But no dames, understand? No dames.

Look, friend, if you don't like it,

don't knock it.

What makes you think I can't go on

doing all right?

If I can spot you back of those

trick cheaters so can the cops.

This job you're talking about.

I'd said I'd listen.

You're a cop-k*ller.

You k*lled one on that last deal.

I don't like heroes.

You can tell that to the warden

when they burn you.

So, I'm still listening.

- Why don't you watch where you're

going? - I'm sorry, lady, I didn't see you.

Here's the description, Mac.

All units stand by, a 117.

Attention all units, a 117.

Here's a description of the suspects

involved in the armed robbery

of the Southwest Bank.

Three men, masked,

wearing identical coveralls.

They are driving a light delivery car

belonging to the

Western Wholesale Florists.

Use extreme caution. All are armed.

Pull over.

we have the suspect florist truck.

Twentieth and Jackson.

- Hey, what is this?

- Put your hands on the back of your neck

- and come on out.

- Come on, come on, get out.

You guys nuts?

- Shut up.

- You, in there, come on out.

One at a time, with your hands in the air.

All right, you, if your pals have any ideas,

you'd better start talking.

- You're going to open it.

- Open what?

You're crazy!

There's nothing in there but flowers.

Open it.

Where'd you drop them off? Come on, talk.

We must have rolled 300 miles.

If they ain't dropped us by now,

they'll never get us.

When do we make the split?

The split's

what I'm gonna talk about.

Four kings, a pat hand.

That's just what we're holding.

Hang on to those cards.

I've got everything covered, but in case

something does go wrong

and I can't make the payoff myself,

the cards will identify you

to whoever I send with the money.

Say that again.

We'll cut up the money when I think it's

had time enough to cool off.

Right now is good enough for me.

Let's cut this horsing around.

How far do you think you'd get

with hot money?

Every cop in the state's out looking for us.

- I'll take my chances.

- I told you, the mask stays on.

Sure you told us.

It's a pat hand only because nobody can

rat on you.

You can't even rat on each other

because you've never seen each

other without those masks.

I've made you cop-proof

and stoolpigeon-proof

and it's going to stay that way.

- Talk money.

- All right.

I got one of these for each of you,

with enough money to keep you

comfortable while you're waiting,

but not enough to get you into trouble.

For the 300 G's that's coming to me,

I can stand a little trouble.

Make up your mind.

Which way's it gonna be?

You'll find tickets for where you're going.

You're each going to a different

foreign country. Stay there

till I wire you where and when to come,

and keep those masks.

You'll be wearing them at the payoff.

This is where you got off. Hit that buzzer.

Open the door.


- What about me?

- I'll tell you when.

It's odd that you'd stop at that florists

next to the bank

twice in the same morning.

Once was all I was there.

Then the woman who identified

you is a liar?

No, she's telling the truth.

I did bump into her.

And the other witnesses who swear

your truck was the getaway car,

they're telling the truth, too?

They're wrong if they say I had anything

to do with the robbery.

You want me to believe

there was a duplicate truck.

I wouldn't know. I wasn't there.

- You were framed, then. Is that it?

- Yeah.

And that year you spent in the pen?

Did anyone frame you on that rap?

Ask the Captain here,

he was the arresting officer.

A real model citizen.

Look, just because I got in a

jam over a gambling bet

doesn't make me a bank robber.

- The boy wants pity.

- What about the truck?

If I knew the answer to that,

I wouldn't be here now.

How's this for an answer?

There was no other truck.

Listen, I...

Mr. Andrews, here,

with the insurance company,

he's willing to give you a break,

aren't you, Scott?

- He knows we are.

- Same questions, same answers.

- You can save your breath.

- It's my job, Joe.

After all, we've got to make good the loss.

In fact, we're willing to pay out as

much as 25 % of the money as a reward.

That's $300,000 for a lead, Joe.

You're an industrial engineer, aren't you?

- I never graduated.

- That's right.

Left school to enlist with the engineers.

Pretty good soldier, too.

Bronze Star, Purple Heart.

Try and buy a cup of coffee with them.

Came back to resume his studies at night.


Why? I ask myself,

would a man with such training

want to take a job outside his line?

To set up a touch for

over a million dollars, that's why.

I got the job through the probation officer.

You can ask him.

Mr. Collins, did I ever give you any trouble

when I worked for you?

No, Joe, not at all.

But I'm afraid I've got to let you go now.

Nothing personal, you understand.

It's just that... Well,

we sell to a lot of

very conservative people.

- You know how it is.

- Yeah, I know how it is.

Sergeant, see that Mr. Collins gets back.

I'll go along with him.

Some questions I want to ask.

All right, Rolfe, you want it the hard way,

I can fix that too.

You've got 20 years staring you

right in the face.

What do you want me to say? That I did it?

Why don't you go ahead, Mr. Martin?

You got a big day tomorrow.

The boys will help me keep

Rolfe company.

What do you think, McBride?

I think if you left him to me and the boys,

I'd have his confession on your desk,

the first thing in the morning.

We'll be back after him,

first thing in the morning.

Extra! Extra! Get the latest news on

the big bank stickup.


Ex-con grilled on a million-dollar grab!

Okay, we'll take him once more.

You got visitors again, Rolfe.

- Come on, move.

- McBride.

We've got to turn him loose.

The upstate police found a duplicate

florist truck half an hour ago.

- It was inside an abandoned moving van.

- That still doesn't clear Rolfe, in my book.

His part of the job could have been to use

his truck as a blind,

to draw us away

from the real getaway car.

- It could have been anything!

- Just give me a little more time.

I'll sweat it out of him.

Forget it, McBride. I've checked every

move he's made. He's clean.

All right, Rolfe, you can go.

Sorry we had to detain you.

- You're sorry?

- These things happen.

Thanks for nothing.

Go on, beat it.

Maybe you didn't hear what I said.

I said, "For nothing."

Extra! Extra! What do you read?

All about the big bank stickup!

Extra! Extra! Get the latest news

on the big bank stickup!

Ex-con grilled on the million-dollar grab!

Get the latest news on the...

Hey! That's him. That's the guy.

You got to do it, Rick.

You don't understand, Rick.

I know the spot you're in,

Rick, but you gotta help Joe.

Rick! Rick!

- Hi, Joe.

- Hi, Eddie.

- Get you something?

- Yeah, two things,

a cup of coffee and that

information you promised me.

It's like I told you, the first one is easy.

Listen, Eddie, I've gotta know

who set me into this little deal.

Did you ask him?

You're leading with your chin, Joe.

So I'm leading with my chin.

What have I got to lose?

Look, Eddie! It's been three weeks.

No job, no angle, no nothing.

Hey, okay, okay.

Take it easy. I'm on your side.

I'll get you another cup of coffee.

You come back tonight

around closing time.

Kid brother says you're in trouble, Joe.

I got to find a way to clear myself.

Sometimes it's tough, Joe.

- Sometimes it's too tough.

- Look, I want to know who framed me.

- It wasn't anyone local that's for sure.

- Any ideas?


Might be why Pete Harris

beat it to Mexico.

Pete Harris? Where in Mexico?

Tijuana. Look for him where the dice roll.

He's a real sucker for a crap game.

- Anything else?

- Kind of dark and real weird eyes.

You won't have any trouble finding him

by the cigarettes he smokes.

- Just follow the chain.

- Much obliged.

Good luck, Joe.

- Take it easy, Joe.

- Thanks, kid.

So, that's the guy that saved your life

on Iwo Jima?

I'd buy him.

I have the name of Diaz, seor.

If you are looking for a good time,

I know all the best places in Tijuana.

Long as there's a dice table there.

- But gambling is illegal.

- Yeah?

But like in the States, seor,

there are some things

the law does not know.

I will show you

where is a nice game of chance.


- All right.

- Place your bets, boys.

Place your bets.

All right, all bets down. Coming out.

sh**t's coming out.

- Eight of clubs.

- Eight of clubs, go!

- Watch the dice, boys.

- Come on.

Seven up! You lose.

All right.

Throw that guy in the bucket if you're off...

- Know any other spots?

-Si, seor, but I lose all my money.

Come on.

Check the card game.

Okay, all bets. Hands off the table.

Come on, there. Come on.

- I'm gonna let mine ride.

- What about that?

Light, Mac?


All right, move around, everybody.

If you're not sh**ting,

get away from the table.

Let the betters in. All right, let the dice go.

- And he's coming out.

- Come on dice, get hot.

- And he went away

with a four-trey.

It's not your night, bud. Next sh**t.

Come on, now,

give me something on the field.

You can't go wrong with the big six

or the big eight!

And don't overlook that

ever loving any-craps. It's overdue, men.

- $20, he don't hit.

- You got a bet, Mister.

Coming out,

the big miss, box cars.

All right, take the inside

and pay the outside.

Double up after craps, men.

One good one makes up

for all the bad ones.

You might as well be broke

as not have enough.

All right, here we go.

Let the piece ride.

I'm still saying he can't do it.

Make him

eat those words, Mister.

And another $20.

There they go

and he's got nine for a number.

He makes nine for all the money.

- 3-to-2, you can't not.

- I'll take 50-to-25 I make it.

No bet. It's a 3-to-2 wager.

I'll cover that.

All right, boys. Come on, now.

Give me something on the field.

And the sh**t's coming out

on a gravy train.

That devil jumped up.

He went away with seven.

Take the inside, pay the outside.

You wanted me to tell you

when it was 10:30, fellow.

- All right.

- All right.

- All right, let the dice go.

- No more bets.

Come on, dice. Get hot.

- And he went away

with a four-trey.


And we're coming out

with a brand new sh**t.

Don't overlook the field, men.

Can't go wrong with a

big six and a big eight.

Can somebody give me something for

that every loving, no-craps?

It's overdue, men.

- Who's that guy, just came in?

- I don't know, some tourist. Why?

I don't know. Gives me the willies.

He just don't smell right to me.

So long, Diaz.

Next sh**t coming up.

- What's your hurry, fellow?

- Do you mind?

For a guy who did all right, you seem to

be in too much of a hurry.

- Is there a law against it?

- Maybe.

Who sent you here, fellow?

Diaz, the cab driver.

Okay, fellow.

Okay, wise guy.

You found me. Now what?

What's eating you?

You've been giving me

the fish eye all night.

You better see a doctor, Mac.

You're in bad shape.

I ain't that sick.

Then stop imagining things.

Get some rest.

- Who is it?

- A man downstairs to see you.

Look, you tell that guy...

Now, you and I are gonna have a little talk.

You a cop?

That's to teach you manners.

I'm the guy that drove a florist truck.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Take a good look, Pete.

You're looking at the patsy who was

framed for the k*ll.

You got the wrong guy.

- Lay off, will you?

- When you're ready to talk.

- You got me wrong.

- What'd you do with your cut, Pete?

- I don't follow you.

- You will.

There's no money in there!

- You were one of them, weren't you?

- I don't know what you're talking about.

Listen, this ain't my bag.

I copped it out of a car.

- You're lying.

- Give me that.

What's this plane ticket? This wire?

What's so interesting in Borados?

So, we start all over again.

Go ahead, go ahead, but I still don't know

what you're talking about.

If I can't open you up,

maybe the cops can.


No cops.

- So, you were one of the g*ng?

- I had other reasons.

I'm interested in this one.

Your plane leaves in 50 minutes, Pete.

You're not gonna be on it.

Look, I gotta get to Borados.

That wire means 300 grand to me.

Your cut? Who set it up?

I don't know.

Look, we didn't have nothing against you.

We didn't even know you.

It just fell that way.

Lucky me! Who else was in on it?

I don't know that either.

We all four of us wore masks.

I thought there were only three.

Three and the big guy.

Look, look, I'm giving it to you straight.

That's the way it was planned.

We all did business with a mask.

He could know us, but none of us

could know him. Get it?

None of us could squeal that way

if one of us didn't get away.

That explains everything but this.

I won't know what that means

till I get there.

All right, partner.

- We'll find out together.

- Partner?

The big man set me in on this,

so we split five ways.

You're kidding.

If I don't split five ways,

there's gonna be no split at all.

Okay, go ahead, hang yourself.

- It'll be a pleasure.

- All right.

So, I'm moving blind

but I got you for a bird dog

- to point the way as we go along. - You

forget, even I don't know the big guy.

So, I'm taking a chance, but remember...

I'm taking no chances with you between

here and Borados, partner.

Now, get ready.

We don't want to miss our plane.

Mexicana de Aviacin announces

the departure of its flight...

- Give me some cigarettes.

- In the machine, seor.

Passengers, kindly board your

plane to the local gateway.

Flight 589, now boarding.

Flight 589, now boarding.

- I want a ticket to Borados.

- Yes, sir.

You just have time.

You make connections for

Borados in Mexico City, 10:30 a.m.

- Round trip?

- One way.

That will be $92, please.

Hey, Barney, look who's here.

Over by the cigarette machine.


- That's Pete Harris. Go ahead, brace him.

- So it is.

- Don't worry about this boy.

- You stay here.


I don't get it. This man reached

for a g*n and he's clean.

Don't worry, seor,

this man's wanted for m*rder.

All that dough...

What's that he's trying to say

about dough? What dough, Pete?

You haven't got a chance, Pete,

but you can go out clean.

He's right, Pete.

Tell us about the dough.

- Who was down here with you?

- What are you doing in Mexico?

Where were you going?

Got anything you want to tell us?

You haven't got a chance.

Is he trying to tell us

that somebody's down here with him?

Sounds like it. Maybe there is.

The ambulance will be here at once.

This is a laugh.

- All that dough.

- What dough?

What dough, Pete?

Have to ask...

- Ask who, Pete?

- Come on, Pete.

Time's running out. Tell us. Who?


Pete! Pete!

You forgot your claim check, seor.

Your baggage is aboard the plane.


Attention. Would Mr. Pete

Harris please board the plane?

Flight 589 now leaving.

- Good morning, my customers.

- Good morning.

It looks like maybe today

it's going to rain, finally.

I hope so. At least it'll cool off.

Then everyone can go outside and play.

Buenos das, Seor Kane.

Well now, Seor Romano,

I see you have found something you want.

- Perhaps you will like this one.

- Yeah.

- Don't you want to buy it?

- It's not bad for a bottle.

- How much?

- Only 11 American dollars.

Eleven bucks?

But, of course, seor,

if you're looking for something cheap...

I get nothing but the best.

Then shall I wrap it

into a nice package for you?

Don't bother.

I bought it for a nice package.

But seor, you're too generous.

That will be 11 American dollars.

Charge it, with the rest.

That Teresa, she is a jewel.

The smartest girl that ever worked for me.

That's the 12th time she has

sold that same bottle of perfume.

On that kind of business, I can afford

to give her 50 % commission.

- Who is that vaselino?

- He came here yesterday.

You mean to tell me

you been here two hours

and not met Tony Romano?

- Come, I'll introduce you.

- Don't bother.

Say, Tomaso, why doesn't it rain if

it's gonna?

The one thing I have no control over,

the rain.

Yeah, the minute I get outside, though,

it'll start coming down like...

- Cats and dogs.

- Morning.

-Seor Foster!

- Good morning, Tomaso.

- What's everybody so gloomy about?

- The weather, seor.

- She's so uncertain.

- Up in the States, they're having blizzards.

If something like that would

only happen here.

But no. Nothing but sunshine

and people catching fish.

If just once a fish would catch a man.

That's possible, Tomaso.

All depends on the bait.

Seor Foster, Seor Kane.

How do you do, Mr. Kane?

- You look right at home here.

- Should be.

I've been coming down here every season

for a good many years.

Seor Foster,

I have your tobacco for you.

Good, Teresa. I was almost out.

- Good fishing.

- Thank you.

When are you going to try your hand

at some of this fishing, Mr. Romano?

In this heat? I got better sport.

- How about some cards again tonight?

- I'll give you a chance to get even.

Come early and bring a lot of money.

Hi, Tim.

Glad to see you, Scott.

Well, you're certainly looking in the pink.

That little girl of yours? How is she?

She's a big girl, now.

She's home preparing for her bar exams.

Be a lawyer any day.

It's been years since

anyone's seen you around the old haunts.

Yeah, two years, one month and

eight days since I got my walking papers.

Still bitter, Tim?

You spend 20 years of your life being a cop

and then get thrown out.

What am I supposed to do,

stand up and cheer?

Well, maybe it was time to get out.

It was beginning to affect your health.

Call it forced retirement.

All right, Scott, forced retirement.

"You backed the wrong party,

Captain Foster,

"so now we've got ourselves a new boy."

I call it a frame.

Well, whatever it was,

you've been through it.

It'll only stir up old memories.

How about that urgent telegram

to meet you here?

How far did you ever get on that

Southwest Bank job?

Exactly nowhere!

You must be hearing plenty from the

front office on that one.

You don't know the half of it.

Every bank in the country is on the alert

to spot the serial number of those bills,

and, up to now,

not one of them has turned up.

How'd you like to crack that job?

How would I like to find oil

in my back yard?

I don't know, but I might be able

to deliver that g*ng to you.

You wouldn't fool an old friend, Tim.

It might not be anything, and, then again,

it could be just what you're looking for.

I've been watching a couple of strange

characters drift in here one at a time.

Name Boyd Kane mean anything to you?

Kane? Yeah,

I want him for a jewelry store holdup.

- I knew that when I sent you the wire.

- Who else?

A prize package by the name

of Tony Romano.

Should fit into a touch like that bank job.

They're playing it like

they don't know each other,

but it's an old act any cop could spot,

so I listened.

Yeah, but there's supposed

to be three of them.

That's where it begins to make sense.

Third one's due to arrive.

That ties in. Anything else?

The talk is about a money split.

Big money.

The kind that could have come out of

that Southwest Bank job.

What a sweet break.

They get together for a split

and put their necks right into a noose.

How do we handle it, Tim?

Keep out of sight until I call you.

You better line up the police.

- Where can I reach you?

- El Nacional.

- Thanks, Tim.

- Good.

You any idea how

much reward this will bring in?

Well, it should be plenty.

insurance company stand to lose,

and that's over a quarter of a million.

That's a lot of money.

And you're the cop

they said was played out.

- Do you like it?

- Nice.

Seorita Helen,

but what a surprise!

We did not expect you.

- Take care of your guest, amigo.

- But of course.

- If seor wants to sign the register...

- Thanks.

You are from Tijuana, Mexico, seor.

- I have a married sister living there.

- You have?

Come with me, seor.

I will show you which bungalow is yours.

- Follow me.

- I'll see you later.

- Thanks for the company.

- My pleasure.

- Not bad at all.

- I am Teresa.

I sell souvenirs. You are here for fishing?

I'm here for a vacation.

That is good.

Then you have come to the right place.

Tell me, that fellow playing pool,

who's he?


Wouldn't you like to buy something?

You know, presents, souvenirs,

things to send back home.


Very special ladies' perfume?

How about the fellow at the pool table?

That is Seor Kane. He arrived

this morning but he is not very sociable.

All the time he's chewing bubblegum.

- And the other fellow?

- You mean Seor Romano?

Now that one, he's very sociable.


You won't forget about the souvenir?

What's a vacation without souvenirs?

Hi, fisherman. What luck!


For a minute I thought

you weren't glad to see me.

Glad to see you? You know

I'm always glad to see you, pumpkin,

but you come barging in here...

What are you doing here? You...

I thought you had a lot of studying to do.

I've got news, Dad, important news.

There's nothing more important

than your law exams.

Sure there is. You are.

That's why I'm here.

You know, being a law student

has its advantages.

I set up a brief and brought it

to the Mayor myself.

You sound just like a lawyer.

Let's have the facts.

All right, Dad, facts.

I got the Commissioner

to reopen your case.

Well, don't you understand, Dad?

It's a chance for you to get back

on the force.

Forget it. It's too late.

I don't want to get back on the force.

Now, look Dad,

this is your daughter, Helen.

Don't fool me.

I know what it's meant to you being

forced into retirement through politics.

This is your chance to come back.

You're not going to let pride

get in the way.

All right, pumpkin. Thanks.

Now, you're gonna turn right around

and go home to those law books.

I'm taking a week's vacation with study.

Besides, I kind of like a young man

who just checked in.

His name is Pete Harris.

Our husbands.

Fishing all day and sleeping all night.

This is supposed to be our vacation.

If they'd only stay awake.

I wouldn't even mind if they played poker.

Remember, Olson?

Biggest sailfish I ever latched onto.

Must have weighed 140,

if he weighed a pound.

- Up ten.

- Just when I had him softened up,

- ready to land, the leader breaks on me...

- Look, fella,

right now, we're playing stud, remember?

The man just boosted a ten.

Sorry. Beats me.

Go ahead. Deal.

Trying to outdraw me, huh?

Maybe. You're high, bet your queens.

- Check to you.

- Check.

- Twenty-five...

- Just see you. Jack and Jill.

- Three fours.

- How do you like that guy?

Souvenir, seor?

Come on over and take a hand.

- Sit down. I'll give you a stack of chips.

- Shall I deal you in?

Looks like you're doing all right

without me.

Seor Harris, meet Seor Foster.

He wins all the time.

Seor Romano,

he lose all the time.

Seor Morelli,

he worries more about fishing.

Glad to know you, gentlemen.

I'm warning you, don't let

that Boy Scout look of Foster's fool you.

He's had me on the hook ever since

I've been here. He's dynamite.

His daughter warned me about him.

I promise to be careful.

He hasn't learned

a man should never press bad luck.


Expect to be around this t*nk awhile?

I don't know. A while, maybe.

Where you from?

Kansas City, originally.

Used to know a girl there, swell cook.

- You want to bet that ace of yours?

- Oh, yeah.

Five skins. Just to bring in the suckers.

- I'm in.

- Pass.

By me.

- Let's make it 10 to keep them out.

- See what I mean?

I'll call.

Looks like you've got yourself a pigeon.

Always room for one more, Tony.

Well, you can cash me in.

- I think I owe you about $10.

- You're not quitting so early?

Sure. I thought I'd take a walk through

the village before I turn in.

Don't walk too fast. You'll be out of town

without even seeing it.

Ten dollars is right, Seor Harris.

Come back some more.

We need loser players.

My good luck piece.

Souvenir of the biggest pot

I ever sat in on.

Don't let me break up the game.

See you later, gentlemen.

Good night, gentlemen.

What's the idea, tossing my joint?

I didn't mean nothing.

I figured you meant to give me the office

when you dropped that card on the table.

What's with you, chum?

- Look, I had to be sure before I cracked.

- Go on.

It don't take no big thinking

to figure a couple of guys like us

ain't in this bananaville on a vacation.

Here... I'm just going for my wallet.

My calling card.

You must have been one of the guys

in the van.


You were outside doing the driving.

I'm sorry I had to rough you up.

No hard feelings.

I'd have done the same in your spot.

One will get you ten

I got the other guy uncovered too.

- Who?

- Kane.

Could be.

Two more days and we'll be living it up.

Just think, over 300,000 smackers.

- If we get it.

- What do you mean "if"?

Let's not kid ourselves.

We don't even know who he is.

We wouldn't know where to find him

if he didn't show up.

But why would he bring us here

if he ain't level?

Search me.

But I don't like working for someone

I don't know,

especially if he can recognize me

and I can't recognize him.

Neither do I.

How about this guy Kane?

Could he be Mr. Big?

Are you kidding?

That gum-chewing character?

Could be an act.

Yeah, could be.

You know,

I think I'll get myself some gum.

Yeah. I got you.

See you.


- Hi!

- How did you make out?

A few more hands

and your father would break me.

Well, don't say I didn't warn you.

That's all right.

I'll get even tomorrow night.

Now, that's one thing

I don't understand about men.

What's that?

Well, you work hard all year and

do nothing but talk about your vacation.

Then, when it comes,

you sit indoors and play cards.

Yeah. It doesn't figure, does it?

A lot of things don't figure.

Like for instance?

Well, for instance, what you do all year?

I save up to play cards.

I guess I should have brought along a

deck of cards instead of a swimming suit.

I'd say you did the right thing.

You can swim too?

Like you play cards.

I'll tell you what. I'll meet you

at the pool tomorrow morning.

- You teach me and I'll teach you.

- That's a deal.


- Good morning.

- Good morning.

Do you always bring a book along

when you have a date?

Well, it depends on the date.

Let's see.

Civil Code of the State of Missouri,

Rules and Procedure?

- Translation?

- I'm cramming for the bar exams.

No cracks, please.

Don't tell me you're opposed

to the higher education of the female?

No, it's just that you don't look like

a lawyer to me.

Well, I've found that people rarely look

like what they are.

Now, take yourself, for instance.

To look at you, I'd say

you were probably a fisherman.

Instead, you're probably a salesman?

Would you like it if I were a salesman?

Now, look, I'm the one that's supposed

to get the answers by cross-examination.

I've always heard that the best witnesses

are the ones who want to answer.

Thanks for the advice.

I got some more for you, and for free, too.

Always arrange to have your cases

tried in front of all-male juries.

You can't lose, kid.

Hey, you're beginning to sound

promising again.

I left my cigarettes up at the cabin.

I'll be right back.

Mr. Harris.



Good morning, Mr. Foster.

Hello. How about some cards tonight?

I can't. I got a dinner date with a lawyer.

She may never get to be one

if she's kept from her studies.

Well, she has to eat sometime.

- Why don't you join us?

- I'd like to.

Good. I'll see you then.

Get up.

You hear what he said, palsie?

Smart boy didn't hear you.

What's the matter, palsie,

your ears stuffed?

I think he hears you now.


He's cooperating.

Ain't you, palsie?

What is this?

Smart boy, here, wants to know

what is this?

What's your line, Mister?

He knows.

You make me for a sucker, palsie?

I don't like that.

You're crazy.

I'll pinpoint it for you, chum.

Pete Harris and me did

a deuce together at Joliet.

That makes you a phony.

And now we're going to take

a nice quiet walk.

And when we get to the right place

you're gonna tell us the story of your life.

I don't move.

Yeah, make a noise.

Bring the cops in on you.

Smart boy wants it done quiet.

Come in.

Pardon me. I didn't know you had visitors.

That's all right. Come on in.

Miss Foster, you know Mr. Romano?

Mr. Kane.

I've seen Mr. Romano around.

How do you do, Mr. Kane?


They were trying to talk me

into taking a walk with them.

I explained we had a date.

- I don't mind.

- I told them you wouldn't.

Just a couple of nature-lovers.

We were chatting about it

when you knocked.

Well, it must have been

a very warm discussion.

I just dropped in to return this to you.


I hardly missed it.

I only carry it in case of snakes.

We'll be seeing you, Harris.


Hey, Tony, I know a sure cure

for a nose-bleed.

A cold knife in the middle of the back!

Nice guys, playful.

Don't bother making up any stories for me.

I thought the law said a man

was innocent until proven guilty.

That's right.

Considering the circumstantial evidence,

if you were my attorney,

how would you advise me to answer?

I'd tell you not to answer at all,

unless you could answer honestly.

It might incriminate you.

Now you're giving me some good advice.


And for free.

Seor Kane,

I have been looking for you.

I have a letter for you.

She smells like a business one.

Buenos tardes, my customers,

buenos tardes.

Seor Romano, a letter for you.

This one...

She also smells like a business one.

A letter for you, Seor Harris.

- Thanks.

- You're very welcome.

Excuse me.

Mail from home.

It'll wait.

I expect you to get in

some solid study tonight.

Well, isn't that nice of you.

How's that, Mr. Foster?

Thanks for that and the dinner.

Don't forget.

I may ask questions tomorrow.

Well, I'll look forward to it.

Good night.

Tony, you're not even looking at

how pretty they are.

And only 11 American dollars.

Everything around here is 11 bucks.

Tony, you like?

Charge it with the rest.

- Tony?

- See you later.

- I see you got your invitation, Tony.

- Yeah.

How about your friend out there?

He get his too?

Let's go ask him.

Pumpkin, it isn't often

I butt into your affairs,

but I'm gonna make like a father.

You sound serious.

Where you're concerned

I'm always serious.

I want you to forget that fellow.

But you don't know anything

about him, Dad.

Neither do you.

Right in there...

- Drop the g*n in the well, Kane.

- Do as he tells you.

In the well.

- Do it!

- The g*n, Kane.

Don't! Don't!

Go on. Drop it!

Drop it.

Don't sh**t!

Drop it. In the well.

Do what he tells you.

- Don't sh**t!

- In the well.

Do it. Get rid of it.

All right, you two knuckle-heads,

now you're gonna listen to me,

unless you want to join the g*ns

in the well.

I got my invitation to the party.

I take Pete Harris' share.

You gave Harris the double-shuffle.

You got it wrong, pal.

The cops paid him off in full,

like gambling.

A man puts up his bet.

He's entitled to be paid off if he wins.

Harris lost.

What did you put up?

A possible 20 years in stir.

You're looking at the guy

who was framed for the job.

That's why I'm cutting myself in

whether you like it or not.

You're smart, you'll play along with me.

You're not, it goes rough on everybody.

You talk awfully green for a smart guy.

What happens when Mr. Big sees you?

Let's wait till we get to that, huh?

Now you two boys make like friends.

Go to sleep. Go on!

And in case you get any ideas

about visiting me later, forget it.

I sleep light.

What are you doing here?

Simple. I came looking for you.

It's a matter of principle, Mr. Harris.

I just don't like anybody running

out on me twice in the same day.

I see. Well, you see, after I got the letter...

I told you, you didn't have make up

any stories for me.

That's right, you did.

Look, Pete, I know I may be butting

into something I shouldn't,

but that's the way I am.

Even when I was a kid,

I was always the one asking questions.

I bet you even cross-examined

your nurse, huh?

You know, if I were smart, I'd find myself

another date and forget all about you.

Only I can't help feeling you're in trouble.

I liked it better this afternoon

when you stopped asking questions.

I'm no fool, Pete.

I've been around cops long enough

to pick up a few tricks of the trade.

Those playmates of yours

are pretty obvious.

What have they got on you?

One question at a time.

This specialty in cops.

Where did you pick that up?

Well, my father

is a retired captain of police.

I see. That explains your being a lawyer.

Papa nails them and you free them.

Is that it?

- What's that got to do with it?

- Look, you're a nice girl,

but in case you're thinking

of mothering me, forget it.

I'm no stray dog you can pick up

and I like my neck without a collar.

Now get lost!

Now I'm supposed to be hurt,

maybe even cry, but I won't.

I think you're in trouble

and I'm going to help you.

Listen, sister, forget it.

Mind your own business.

...then you move in.

- You got it now, Scott?

-Yeah, let me check back.

They meet out on the boat tomorrow

at dawn for the split.

I wait out on the police boat

for your light signal, then I move in.

- And you answer my signal first.


- Scott.


Don't miss.

- Don't worry. I won't.

-Good luck.

Well, pumpkin,

I thought you'd be asleep by this time.

I've been waiting for you, Dad.

- Got a little problem?

- Yeah.

You used to have them pretty often

when you were younger.

I always knew

when something was troubling you.

Matter of fact, I kind of miss it.

Were they very tough problems

I used to bring to you, Dad?

Very tough. Some new trinkets

you wanted and money for the movies.

That time you got into your first formal

and your beau came down

with the measles.

That was a tough one.

Finally had to take you out myself

that night.

Once you even wanted to know when

we'd get you a new ma to look after you.

That was a real tough one.

Most of them, though,

we were able to work out.

You were right about Harris, Dad.

He's in a jam.

I forgot to tell you,

you used to take my advice.

In those days, you wouldn't have gone

running after him if I'd asked you not to.

I want you to help him, Dad.

That way you'll be helping me.

Why? Professional interest?

I don't really know, Dad,

but something's happened.

I know it sounds crazy and illogical,

but that's the way it is.

He's out of bounds for you, Helen,

way out of bounds.

You said that before. Why?

- Isn't it enough that I tell you?

- Not this time.

All right.

He's an ex-con.

I just didn't want to hit you

over the head with it.

What else do you know about him?

- Isn't that enough?

- No, it's not.

There's more. There's got to be more.

You wouldn't be so positive

if there weren't something...

What else have you got against him?

You're going home tonight, young lady.

Is that the way you solved my problems

when I was a kid?

- This is for your own good.

- Is it?

Believe me. Believe me, pumpkin,

go home and forget him.

You... You can start the ball rolling

on that re-hearing, and I'll be...


Good morning, palsies. Hold it.

You'll never learn, will you?

Good morning. Don't tell me

you boys are going fishing too?

Yeah, we see you get such a kick out of it.

We decided to give it a try.

Great sport.

I'm on my way to the pier.

Can I give you a lift?

You got yourself a passenger.

You might as well take us all, seeing that

the three of us are going fishing.

Did you rent a boat?

Yeah, we got us a boat called the Maana.

I understand you're an ex-Captain

of Police, Mr. Foster.

That was a long time ago.

Hey, we'll be able to match

fish stories tonight, huh?

Sure. I'll bring pictures.

Quite a boat.


Any kind of luck,

we all ought to do pretty good.

Coming, Harris?

Good luck.


Hold it.


I'll go see if he's still there.

What's the matter, palsie?

Run out of talk?

Not quite.

I got a proposition.

I know where the money is.

Right here on the boat.

I'll show you.

All right, look for yourself.

Right in the cupboard there.

Go ahead. Look.

$1,200,000, Tony.

Think of it, $1,200,000 for you and me.

Why cut the take four ways

when we only have to cut it two?

That's over a half a million a piece.

Over half a million.

Why split with Kane?

Okay, Tony...

Why a two-way split?

A guy living big all the time

like me needs dough.

- So long, sucker.

- Drop it, Tony. Right in front of you.

Kick it over here.

Move back. Back up.

- I don't get it.

- You will.

Let's just take it easy

till the police get here.

A little falling out over the split?

- You get around a lot for a fisherman.

- Part of my job.


Making out like he knows from nothing.

All depends on

what the assignment calls for.

You never had a chance.

We had the big guy from the beginning.

Don't let that bother you, Tony.

It was all marked anyway.

- We should have figured that.

- That's right, Joe.

The name is Pete.

Like in Pete Harris who was shot

and k*lled in Tijuana?

Something bothering you, Joe?


The only person who would know

Pete Harris was in Tijuana

would be the one who sent him there

to hide out and wait for a wire.

You're a boy with a lot of ideas.

Sure, like only a cop would know

you couldn't use $1,200,000 in hot cash,

but you could trade it in

for a nice clean reward.

Got it all figured out?

Three little patsies, one down, two to go.

Your being there to give us a lift,

the money on a platter,

honey for the bees, huh, Captain Foster?

- Stay where you are!

- Sure, sure.

We'll wait till the cops arrive,

try my story on for size.

If I'm wrong I'll apologize.

Forget it.

My luck had to give out some time.

I wouldn't mind so much, Joe,

if Helen didn't have to find out.

You're not part of this.

You've got a break coming.

Tim? What's happened? Are you hurt?

What's Rolfe doing here?

I've been saving him, surprise for you.

It was his lead turned the trick.

Only it didn't come off the way

we planned it. Did it, Joe?


No, it didn't.

Third guy was Pete Harris,

burned down in Tijuana.

Scott, if anybody deserves a reward,

it's him.

Let's get him to a doctor.

No. Give her my love, Joe.


I know it's just talk now, Helen,

but I feel the loss of your father

as keenly as you do.

I owe him a lot for what he did.

And if there's anything that you ever need,

will you call on me?

Thanks, Mr. Andrews.

And one other thing about Joe Rolfe.

He's a fine boy.

That scrape he got into a long time ago,

he's more than made up for it.

And the way I feel, my company

will underwrite him anytime.

I tried so hard to make Dad understand.

You did, Helen.

The last thing he said was for Joe

to give you his love.

How's she taking it, Mr. Andrews?

Pretty good, Joe, she's had time

to get over the shock.

But a hero's medal isn't enough

when you're alone.

She and her dad were pretty close.

- I told her about you.

- What'd she say?

Why don't you ask her?
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