22x10 - Outback Thomas

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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22x10 - Outback Thomas

Post by bunniefuu »

[whistle toots]

children: ♪ James, Percy ♪

♪ Mia and Gordon ♪

♪ Rebecca and Emily ♪

♪ And Thomas, number ♪

man: ♪ Let's go, go, go ♪

♪ On a big-world adventure ♪

♪ Let's go, go, go explore ♪

♪ With Thomas

and his friends ♪

♪ Let's go, go, go ♪

♪ And meet

new friendly faces ♪

♪ The world's

just a train ride away ♪

all: ♪ Big world,

big, big adventures ♪

♪ "Thomas & Friends

Big World! Big Adventures!" ♪


- Whoo-hoo!

[slo-mo whooshing]

- Hello, and welcome to Sodor.

There are so many engines here,

and we're all good friends.

But that doesn't mean

we always get along.

[whistle toots]

All aboard for a big adventure!

♪ ♪

[Thomas narrating]

[pleasant music]

♪ ♪

- Oh, no.

[boxes spring]

[whistle toots]

- Hi, Edward.

There seems to be more mail

than usual tonight--

a lot more.

- That's because tomorrow

is Valentine's Day!

- Valentine's Day?

What's that?

- It's when people send cards

or flowers or give gifts

to the ones they love

to show they care.

- I think it's a bit silly

to try to do it

all on one day.

People should show

they care all the time.

- [chortles]

Quite right, Percy.

[whistle blows]

♪ ♪

- The next morning,

down at the docks,

Diesel was up

to his old tricks again.

[funky rock music]

- [snickers]

♪ ♪

- Oof!

[horn honks]

Oh, no!

- Rosie!

What are you doing?

[Spanish guitar chord plays]

- [spits]

It wasn't Rosie's fault.

Diesel shunted her!

- Oh, is that right, Thomas?

Or are you just sticking up

for Rosie

because she's your favorite?


- No!

- Thomas is sticking up for me

because he's my friend.

- Ooh, Thomas is

your special friend?


- "Special friend"!

- [together] Special friend!

- [sighs]

- ♪ Thomas and Rosie

sitting in a tree ♪

- [together]

♪ K-I-S-S-I-N-G ♪

[shimmering music]

♪ ♪

- [scoffs] Yuck.

You're a silly lot of engines.


[whistle toots]

both: [giggling]

- [slowly]

♪ K-I-S-S... ♪


Oh, kissing!

[cackles] I get it!


[pleasant music]

[whistle toots]

- Hey, Thomas!

- [gasps]

- I just wanted to say

thanks for sticking up for me

down at the docks.

- [stammering]

Did I stick up for you?

[laughing nervously]

I don't think so.

That's not what happened.

- What?

But I--

- Look at Rosie, everyone!


She thinks something


when it didn't!

[laughs] Silly Rosie.

[whistle toots]

- Thomas, that's not very nice!

- Thomas!

- Ah!

- I need you to go

to Ulfstead Castle

and collect some

very important passengers.

You're to take them

to Vicarstown,

where you'll meet Rosie.

- What?

[laughs nervously] Rosie?

No, I--I don't want to...


Disappoint you, sir.

That's...not a problem.

- Right.

[wheels squeal]

- Rosie!

- Ah!

- It's very important

that you take those cars

to Vicarstown,

where you'll meet Thomas.

- Thomas?


I mean...

I'll get right on it, sir.

- Mother!

- Yes, dear?

- Oh, uh, can I drop you off?

I need to finish planning

my Valentine's Day surprise.

- [chuckles] Of course, dear.

- Come on, come on!

- What's the hurry, Rosie?

- I don't want

to bump into Thomas.

He was so rude to me

this morning!

- Thomas was rude to you?

That is odd.

I thought he really liked you.

- [gasps]

[whistle toots]

- Hey, wait!

- Hello, slow little

t*nk engine.

You'll be pleased to know

Rosie's coming along

right behind me.


- Rosie?!

[awkward music]

- Thomas, what are you doing?

- Sir Topham Hatt is waiting

for us at Vicarstown.

- I don't wanna see Rosie.

♪ ♪

- What's gotten

into you, Thomas?

- First you were rude to Rosie,

and now you're avoiding her?

- Oh, Thomas.

Were you rude to Rosie?

- What's going on

with you two?

- Nothing is going on,

but some of the other engines

think there is!

- You ought not to worry

about what other engines think.

- I know that, but...

I don't want Rosie

to get the wrong idea.

- If there's

a misunderstanding,

you two should talk it out.

[pleasant music]

- Oh...oh, dear.

Oh, erm...

[whistle toots]

Ah! Rosie!

Could you please turn around

and come in the other side?

Now, where is Thomas?

[whistle toots]

Ah, thank goodness. [chuckles]

Now I just need...

- Topham!

- Ah, my good Lady Hatt!

[whistle toots]

[gentle music]

- Uh, hiya Rosie.

- Thomas.

- I'm sorry I was rude

to you, Rosie.

I do like you--a lot!

But...no more than any

of the other engines.

- I feel the same!

- Good!

- Yes.

Yes, good.

- [laughs] I'm glad we got

that sorted out.

[violin music playing]

♪ ♪

- [grunts, chuckles nervously]

Rosie is red,

Thomas is blue,

and my darling Lady Hatt,

I, er...

I love you.

[kitten meows]

- Oh!

Hello, pretty thing.

- [meows]

- Thank you, Topham.

♪ ♪


[sighs happily]

I love you too.

♪ ♪

- So this was

Sir Topham Hatt's plan!

- And I nearly spoiled it.

- So did I.

[both chuckling]

- Rosie and I were both

glad to be good friends--

just good friends.

[bell tolls]

[train engine chugging]

[whistle toots]

- How do you feel

when someone teases you?

Once, Gordon made fun of Henry

for being afraid

of a few drops of rain.

That hurt Henry's feelings.

Another time,

Samson called Millie

a "silly little engine."

That made Millie feel cross.

It can feel horrible

when somebody says

something mean about you.

When I stood up for Rosie

at the docks,

Bill and Ben and Diesel

all made fun of me.

[sighs] I felt

silly and upset,

and that made me act

in a bad way towards Rosie.

I shouldn't have listened to

them and their silly teasing.

Sticking up for your friends

is a good thing,

not something to make fun of.

And I'm very happy

that Rosie is my friend.

[whistle blows]

- Come on, Thomas!

- It's time to go.

- See you next time!

[whistle toots]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

man: ♪ Let's go, go, go ♪

♪ On a big-world adventure ♪

♪ The world's

just a train ride away ♪

all: ♪ Big world,

big, big adventures ♪

♪ "Thomas & Friends

Big World! Big Adventures!" ♪


[whistle toots]
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