22x23 - The Case of The Puzzling Parts

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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22x23 - The Case of The Puzzling Parts

Post by bunniefuu »

[whistle toots]

children: ♪ James, Percy ♪

♪ Mia and Gordon ♪

♪ Rebecca and Emily ♪

♪ And Thomas, number ♪

man: ♪ Let's go, go, go ♪

♪ On a big-world adventure ♪

♪ Let's go, go, go explore ♪

♪ With Thomas

and his friends ♪

♪ Let's go, go, go ♪

♪ And meet

new friendly faces ♪

♪ The world's

just a train ride away ♪

all: ♪ Big world,

big, big adventures ♪

♪ "Thomas & Friends

Big World! Big Adventures!" ♪


- Whoo-hoo!

[slo-mo whooshing]

Ever had a friend who was

better than you at something?

In Australia, I met

an airplane called Isla

who was so great

at being really useful,

I couldn't help being

a little bit jealous.

Okay, a lot jealous.

[whistle toots]

All aboard for a big adventure!

♪ ♪

[Thomas narrating]

[industrious rock music]

I was working in Australia,

lugging rocks

in an outback mine.

[whistle blows]

- G'day, Tommo!

- G'day, Shane.

[laughs] Phew.

If I see one more rock,

I'm gonna turn into a rock.

- Look at you!

You're a rock star. [laughs]

- I'm glad you're here.

I could use some excitement.

- You're in luck, Tommo.

Here comes someone

who's mega-exciting!

both: [gasp] It's Isla!

- Oh, she's so awesome.

- Oh, she's super awesome.

- She's a doctor, Tommo.

- Really?

A doctor?

She looks like a plane to me.

- She's a flying

doctor's plane.

She carries doctors

to places like this,

which are too far away

from hospitals

for people to get to.

- Wow!

You're incredible, Isla!

- And I remember you.

The little blue engine I helped

when you were stuck

on that old bridge.

- [chuckles] Yeah.

Hello again.

I'm Thomas.

- [laughs]

That's our Isla.

Always helping others.

- [laughs] Oh, it's nothing.

It's just what I do.

Dr. Claire is the real hero.

- [giggles] She's so modest.

Oh, Isla,

tell Thomas

about the time you--

- Calling Dr. Claire!

There's a flu outbreak

on Melville Island,

and then a sick patient

in Pine Tree

needs an airlift

to Darwin Hospital.

- Oh, that's us.

Gotta fly.

both: Yay!

- Hooray!

- Go, Isla!

[rotors whirring]

- Aw, if I could fly,

I'm sure I could rescue

lots of people too.

[shimmering music]

[engines whoosh]

[lively rock music]

♪ ♪

[all sneeze]

[noses blowing]

♪ ♪

- [coughing]

♪ ♪

[crocodile growls]

- Aw, thanks, Dr. Thomas.

- Oh, it's nothing.

[engines whirring]

It's just what I do!

[gasps] I can pick up

that patient in Pine Tree.

- Uh, I'm sure Isla

can handle it--

- This is a medical emergency,


And it's calling Dr. Thomas,

the rolling doctor's train!

- Dr. Thomas?

- Dr. Thomas here.

Show me to the patient.

- Thomas?

- Isla?

You're already here?

But I thought you had to go

to Melville Island first.

- Yes, I did, Thomas.

And then I came here.

I can fly much faster

than you can roll, Thomas.

It's hard for a train to beat

a plane to an emergency.

- Patient with a broken leg

in Adelaide River.

Calling Dr. Claire.

- Aha!

Maybe I can help that patient

in Adelaide River instead.

Dr. Thomas to the rescue!

♪ ♪


I'm the rolling doctor train.

I'll take you

to Darwin Hospital.

Hop on.


Well, not "hop," exactly.

[tense music]

Come on! [laughs nervously]

Quickly, now.

♪ ♪

That's it.

Fast as you can go.

[rotors whirring loudly]



[thumping, wheels squeal]


You didn't need

to drop by, Isla.

I could've handled

this emergency.

- Thanks, Thomas,

but best leave this

to the medical professionals.

[rotors whirring]

♪ ♪

[whistle toots]

- Tommo!

Did you manage

to rescue anyone?

- [sighs] No.

Isla kept beating me to it.

- Don't worry, mate.

Everyone has their strengths

and weaknesses.

- And she is pretty amazing.

Hey, look, she's coming back!

- Early warning alert, guys!

A cyclone is heading towards

the town of Katherine.

There will be strong winds,

and trees could get blown down.

Dr. Claire and I are going

to help evacuate townsfolk.

Gotta fly!

- Wow!

Is there anything she can't do?

[dire music]

♪ ♪

- It's getting too bumpy

to fly.

Sorry, Dr. Claire.

We're not going to make it

to Katherine.

♪ ♪

- Has Isla rescued all those

people already?

- Wow!

That was quick.

- I can't make it through

the cyclone.

We need a train

to take Dr. Claire.

Where's Shane?

- He's busy lugging rocks,

Isla, but don't worry.

I can go!

♪ ♪

[grunting, panting]

[thunder claps]

- Whoa!

- Whoa!

I don't know if I can make it

through this storm.

- It's too dangerous, Thomas!

We should turn back too.

- No, Aubrey, we've got

to keep going.

The townsfolk need us.

- [grunts] Must...keep...going!

We're almost there!


Phew! [chuckles]

We made it.

The cyclone must have

blown over.

- No, Thomas!

We're just in the eye

of the storm.

- The storm has an eye?

- "The eye" means

"the center of the storm,"

where it's calm

for just a few minutes.

- What?

Oh, no!

- We've got to go quickly,


- But I don't know

if I'm strong enough

to get through the storm again.

- You can do it, Thomas!

- You're right!

If I'm strong enough

to get into the cyclone,

then I'm strong enough

to get out of it.

[whistle toots]

[inspiring music]

♪ ♪

[thunder crashes]

[gasps] Bust my buffers!

There's a tree on the tracks!

- We'll never make

it back to Darwin.

- [grunts] Yes, we will!

♪ ♪

- You did it, Thomas!

- We're heroes.

[cyclone whistling]

[yelps] Go, Thomas, quick!

Get us out of here!

♪ ♪

- Great job, Thomas!

You got everyone out safely.

- A cyclone is no match

for a strong and sturdy engine.

Well done, Dr. Tommo.

[bell tolls]

[engine chugging]

[whistle toots]

- Sometimes,

it's easy to feel jealous

of someone else's talents.

Emily thought

Caitlin was amazing.

She wished she had Caitlin's

speed and streamlining.

But then one day,

Emily used her strong buffers

to save Caitlin,

and she realized that Caitlin

thought she was amazing too.

I thought Isla was incredible,

and I got upset that she was

quicker at getting

to emergencies than I was.

But then, I discovered that

my strong and sturdy frame

meant I was perfect

for rescuing people

during a cyclone.

I may not be a doctor

or a doctor's plane,

but in the end, I was just

the right vehicle for the job.

Everyone has something

they're good at.

[whistle blows]

- Come on, Thomas!

- It's time to go.

- See you next time!

[whistle toots]

♪ ♪

[upbeat music]

[whistle toots]

man: ♪ Let's go, go, go ♪

♪ On a big-world adventure ♪

♪ The world's

just a train ride away ♪

all: ♪ Big world,

big, big adventures ♪

♪ "Thomas & Friends

Big World! Big Adventures!" ♪


[whistle toots]
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