Vile (2011)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Vile (2011)

Post by bunniefuu »

"The root of v*olence
Is science without humanity"

Mahatma Gandhi

- So?
- I'm chicken out.

Baby, you're pregnant.
It's not cancer. He's gonna be thrilled.

I know...Just..

I think I need one more day.

Uggh, Ask Tony.

Okay, Thank you.

- Sorry...
- You better do it.

Yes, I know.

- Hey, mister.
- Hmm, Hey you..

What are you doing up?

- Running around the forest.
- Yea?

- Yeaa..
- It's Sounds sexy and fun.

- Were you scampering?
- Yeah, my pants off.

That what I was dreaming about!

- Really?
- Do you think I'm probably psychic?

- So weird.
- Yeah..

It is not a coincidence.

I don't even have a pants underneath this right now!

-You know that.


Okay, how about this one :

- Are you ready?
- Yup.

Were you rather be locked in a room..

..full of snakes
or spiders?

Or ants.

- What kind of snakes?
- Big ones.

- Poisonous?
- Mmm, They couldn't k*ll you.

What kind of spiders?

Big, ugly ones.

Could it just be a Bear?

because if it's a Bear, You know what you in for..

- No!
- ..Death!
-..snakes and large spiders.

-Pick one.
-I don't know...Snakes.

Ok, now one for you.

Would you rather be locked
in a room that is...

..Below freezing or hot?

Like really hot, like on fire hot.

-Do I get anything in the room?
-No, You don't get anything in the room!

No blankets?

You can have a blanket in the hot room.

I have an interesting one.

Answer the question!
"I have an interesting one"

- Umm ...the hot one.
- Yeah?

- Okay, two years, I'm totally listening to you.
- Oh, No!

No, I want to hear your riddle, go ahead!

You're very distracting right now.

- You're distracting!
- Oh My God, a dolphin, looks, a sea life.

I love this dolphin.

Wait till you see what we get next.

- Next?
- Oh yeah.

I'm gonna get tatted-up all over it..

- It's gonna be sexy.
- What you gonna get?

Koi Fish...

- Japanese-waves.
- Fish, waves and dolphins?

- You're gonna be Aquarium-O-Tayler.
- Yeah!

- Alright, are you gonna charge the admission?
- Yup!

- Alright, I'll be there.
- Really?

Do you think it's worth it?

Is it worth it?

- Okay, I really have a good one.
- Yeah?



I'm a grizzly bear!

Alright, move aside, I'm telling some creamy white man.

- Are you serious?
- Yup.

- Officially ruined the moment.
- Everything.

- So, We gotta go.
- No!

Hey, It's not me.
Work is work.

Seriously, if we don't leave now
we're not gonna make it back.

Come on!

- What are you doing over there?
- I was trying to scare them.

Alright, we stay another day,
but we gotta...

- I feel left out of this.
- I don't know why Tony left me.

We gotta be gone by .

- Alright, Alright?

Right, right?

- Yes.
- Alright, we're not f*ckin' around.

- We gotta be gone. I'm serious.
- Okay!


What? What?

- What are you doing?
- If Tony finds out, He'll freak.

It's MS, not crack.
Well, it's kinda crack.

I know, but you know how he is. Mr. Clean.

- It's for my cramps
- Oh, Really? Okay.

Is that the hardest thing you've ever did?

Yea, Shut up.

- Are you guys having a fight?
- Ha?

Just a squabble..

There you go, Tay.

- Famous waffles.
- Maybe next time.

We get $.

- Restroom?
- Down back.

Excuse me.

My car ran out of gas within a mile and a half back

- You think you can give me lift back to it?
- You run out of gas?

Yeah, great night for a walk, huh?

So, uh..

Think you can give me a ride?

- Yeah, sure. No problem.
- Great. Thank you!

- I'll be just one minute, okay.
- Uh hmm.

- Thanks.
- Oh, here

- Thank you!
- Uh hmm.

Everything come out okay?

Well, They run out of toilet paper
so I had to use my hands.

- Honestly, one more minute, okay?
- Ah, yeah sure, no problem.

What? I told her we'd give her a ride.
She's run out of gas.

We were rushing to get home
and now it's okay to backtrack?

Jesus no, She's going the same way we are.

Don't you think you should ask before you volunteer

to play taxi for some strange cougar?

- She's barely above cat.
- Strange cougar!

You're probably right.
No, The new cougar thing, is picking up young men

on the East at AM.

Not funny.

C'mon, what if it was you who asking for a ride?

I'm just saying, picking up strange woman at the gas station...

- Hi, I'm Diane.
- Tayler.

- I'm Nick.
- Thank you both so much.

Not a problem.

We're giving you a ride.


Oh, I love this song.

- Your perfume smells.. smells good.
- Thank you.

I designed it myself.
It's what I do.

I thought you say your car was right up here.

Yes, it is.
It's right over there.

Hang on one sec,
I wanna get you girls some samples, okay!

- That's not necessary.
- I insist.

- She is so..
- I know, I'm sorry.

f*cking cougar!

Holy shit!


We all really tied them up.

That doesn't means shit!

I say we do it.

We don't even know if that video's real.

I don't think we can get %
from just of them.

Maybe not if we can get it alone.

This isn't right,
and you know it.

Guys, they're starting to wake up

Shit! We have to make a decision.

I'll make for us

Jesus Christ!

What the f*ck is wrong with you, man?

Stop! Stop!

Get the f*ck off from me!

Hey, hey, alright, alright!

- What's going on?
- We don't know!

We're trapped down here too.

You don't know?
You don't f*cking know?

Then why the f*ckers rippin' my girlfriend f*ckin' fingernail?

- The video!
- The video is bullshit!

What video?

You'll need to see for yourself

Come upstairs.
Come on!

Come on!

Come on!

Hello and welcome to my house.

I apologize for the
uncomfortable circumstances

that I brought you on here.

But I can assure you that
if you're work together,

You'll be out of here in no time.

As you have all, no doubt notice,

I given you all a new piece of jewelry
on the back of your heads.

This device is intended to do one thing only:

Which is to siphon up particular chemicals

that your brains naturally produced.

the chemicals that we need..

are only produced when the body

tells the brain that it is in trouble.

Pain is will be your only way out of this house.

This will not be easy for any of you

But, if you work together,

I have confidence that you will find
a way to get through this process

as safely and efficiently as possible.

You will be given hours to complete your task.

The clock will starts counting down

as soon as you begin.

Good luck.

There's your explanation.

What the hell!

I'm Nick,
This is Tayler..

- Tony...
- Hi.

This is Sam, Greg, Julian and Tara.

We're all friends.

No can we find a way
out of this creepy f*cking house?

Already checked. Everything is sealed shut.
There is no escape.

Maybe we can make ram or something
and work through this door.

A ram? a ram out of what, man?
The kitchen table?

I mean, those are steel plates.
We can't just ram our way out.

Well, There's gotta be something.

Nothing but the video.

The video is bullshit, okay?

It's just some sick fucks joke.

No, she's right.

How do you know?

The chemicals she's talking about are

Dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline.

They make a dr*gs from these stuff.

The video is so real.

She's not lying.

The shit is made from experimenting on people.

How are we gonna do it?

Do what? t*rture ourselves?

We're not.

There's gotta be another way out of this house.

You know, I mean, the people that took us

obviously have the power to keep us in here.

You know, They manage to collect us all,

without even put up a struggle or a fight.

Alright, look...
How long have we been here?

Who knows? Maybe we'll have been up for days.

You assh*le!

Do you realize what you've done?

We're here now,
and you started the f*cking timer!

We don't discussed any of this first!

I'm Sorry, I was bit pre-occupied with
the survival and the schedule of the..


Uhm, Okay, the clock is already started in, you know...
and arguing is not gonna stop it.

I can't do this.

You want to risk finding out what happens
when that clock reaches zero?

There are of us, okay?

And I'm thinking, if we just...
If we split it up,

It may not even be that bad.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

I'm not splitting... shit!

With any of you.

There's gotta be another way out.

I'm telling you, man,
We are sealed. Yeah.

What you getting us into?

Wait, you guys know each other?

- Just calm down, Julian...
- You did this.

- You f*cking got us k*lled.
- Don't you say anything stupid.

This is just a house!!

Let me out!!

You son of a bi....

You want pain?
I'll give you pain!

But you will not get anything from me.

I say we just take a vote, ok?

Whoever thinks we should do with the lady on the TV
said we should do...

So we can get out of here...

Just raise your hand.


Ok, we're gonna do it then.

f*ck this.

- I wouldn't do that, man.
- f*ck you.

I'm not spending one more
g*dd*mn second in this house.


Aah, You'll need to be such a f*cking tough guy.

Oh my god!!

Oh shit!!

He's dead.

There is only one option.

Shouldn't you men...

...Take a little extra responsibility?

You want to involve women in this?

I want to live to see my son again.

And if I have to personally t*rture
each and every woman in here...

So be it.

We are all in this together.

So no feminist crap, okay?

Feminist crap?
You son of a bitch!

Who do you think you are?

- Feminist crap?
- Hey, stop!

Stop, stop, okay?
Can we just agree..

that arguing is not gonna
stop the clock?

I mean, it's tickin'.
We're wasting time.

Okay, but I say
he goes first.

I guess I'll do the honors.

This isn't working.

Says who?

We been at this for an hour.
We need to think of something else.

This taking too long,
and we're using too much energy.

You know, he's right.

I do not know much about it, but...

I'm pretty sure the brain
produces all these chemicals...

That uhm, she was talking about...

Needin', if you just, uhm...

Just what?

Maybe just,
Having sex...

Oh, come on!

Now is really not the time
for that little man.

I'm just saying.

Well, don't.

You f*cking creep little shit.

I'd rather be tortured.

Okay so,
What do we do?


I think Greg had great idea after all.

Hey listen, buddy.

We're gonna stop at %, okay?


Just get it over with.

Should I hit him with my shoe
or something?

I think we're gotta have to be
a little rough for now.

I remember you.

- How much are we?
- .%!

We're almost there, buddy, okay?
Just hanging. Almost there.

Wait. He knows something
he's not telling us.

What was Julian saying, Greg?

Ain't he said you're being a tough guy?

Do you know who's doing this to us?

Tell us what you know!

I don't know,

I don't know anything.


No! No! What the f*ck?
What the f*ck?

Stop it!


Can we just let him go?

Ooh No, no, no.
He's not done yet.

No time to waste, remember?

Tell us what you know!

What is your problem?

My problem?

He knows something!
We voted, remember?

And it was you who changed it to an extreme!

I changed...?!
Are you f*cking crazy?!

You broke his f*cking leg apart!

Even if this psycho does let us out of this house,
How is he suppose to escape?

I'm gonna have to f*cking carry him out of here!

What the hell was I supposed to do?

You said, t*rture the guy,
so I f*cking t*rture the guy!

And he f*cking knows more than he's telling us!
Are you guys remember what Julian said?

Alright look, we gotta be smart about this.

Okay? None of us want to go through that.
Do you?


Ca, careful.


When is your turn?

f*ck you!


Who's next?

I found this.

Alright g*ng, it's not looking like it's a great idea to be doing...

You know, the whole amount of woods.

Well, what do you suggest?

Doing like, half and half.

We all can't wind up like Greg.

Half or all at once,

I want anybody who cut me
should only do my body...

Okay, my fingers and toes stay with me.

Thank you very much.

Nick was right.

We're gonna have to carry
Greg out of here.

We can't afford anymore major leg injuries.

Personally, I don't think we should do a damn thing.

If we refuse to play along,

At least we make this mortherfucker, themselves to us!

Maybe it's a bluff.

What if she's right?

What if we do nothing?
Let the clock run out...

Maybe then we'll be strong enough to fight off

whoever doing this to us.

No. We won't.

Think about it...

We're all here.

They got us all right out in the open,

And they're supposed to fill up one of this little pile,

Why is the one on the right ain't full?

These thing are clearly sending
and receiving a signal.

Whoever got us here,

Can k*ll us all with a push of a button.

And never gonna show themselves.

Look, if we just be smart about his,
if we just think this through.

We can all get out of here alive.

I agree.

Yeah, you're right.

I guess I do too.

So now we have to carefully,
t*rture ourselves?


And then, and then hope this isn't bullshit??

Then we be set free?

Yeah, that's exactly what we're gonna do.

Is that okay with you, pineapple?

Oh, Do not talk like that to me, princess!

I will not take shit from you!

Stop, right?

I mean,
This can't just turn to some silly little fight.

You know, arguing is not getting us anywhere.

We got some big decisions to make.

Alright, like, how are we gonna figure out
who's gonna go next?

We gotta stick to the plan.
You know, that clock is ticking.

Arguing is not helping, nothing.

We'll draw, right.

With what?

Come with me.

Come with me.

I'll draw first.


f*ck it, come on.

We're doing this shit down here.

Come on!

Oh, shit.

Why are you getting undress?

It's my favorite shirt.

What the hell is all this?

We didn't all grow up, bitch.

Is this even gonna work?

Can you even feel anything?

I thought chicks dug scars.


- Promise me.
- What?

Promise me you can't mess with my genitals.

Yeah, sure thing buddy. You got it.

No genitals.

I think I speak for all of us,

when I say we don't
appreciate that courtesy.

Yeah, I'm with it.

And I don't want anyone
touching my face.

Are you f*cking kidding me?

Now is not the time
for being vain, people.

I don't think want to protect my balls is vain.

Sure, if you don't want your face touch,
we can work out something.

Seriously, what's your f*cking problem?

You, people, are my problem.


You ready?

Sorry, bro.

Are we there?

Are we there?

- .% to go, okay?
- Come on!

- Use the pliers.
- What?

Just use the pliers.

Are you ready?

Come on, man.

Here we go.
Are you ready?


Wait, I don't need that.

Let's just do this.
Come on.

It's okay, buddy.


- We get there?
- Is that it?


It's alright.

f*ck, come on.

- Ugh, f*ck!
- Is that it?

- We get it. It's done.
- That's it.

You did it.

Good job, man.

Take care, man.

Oh shit.
I got you.

Sorry, man.

Jesus Christ.

We did it. Hahaha. Hoo!

Are you okay?

Just peachy.

Stupid question.

You ah...

You did great in there.


Thank you.

For what, man?

I don't know.

Taking charge.

Helping us all through this.

At least somebody got a
level head around here.

Probably we would've torn
each apart apart by now,

If it wasn't for you.



Do you think we're gonna
make it out of here?

Not all of us.

Not all of us.


You're probably right.

So, what are you gonna do,
If you do get out?

Well, I just keep working.

You like your job that much, huh?

Not really.

And what are you gonna do?

I don't know.

Whatever it is,

Tayler is gonna be there.

Can you do me a favor, man?

I feel like i'm
losing a lot of blood here.

Can you get me some gauze
from other room?


It's your turn!

Oh shit!

I'll go get it, man.
Don't worry about it.

Hey, do you think they'll let me
do it in here?

Yeah, sure.
Why not?

It will be okay.

They're tying him down now,

It's not it. I know,
Nick will be strong.

I'm just so afraid.

I am too.

Just have to, to focus...

Focus on it being over.

The pain will pass, you know?
That's what...

That's what Sam said.

That's what Sam said?

That's just wonderful.

I'm just trying to help,

Cause it's not easy for me either...


It's just that I have other things
in my mind now.

I'm pregnant, for one.

Are you serious?

I was going to tell
him this weekend.

He doesn't know?

Just ...

Just tell him when he's done.

You know?

Look, we'll work something out,

I promise.

What are you doing?

If Tony finds out, He'll freak.

It's MS, not crack.
Well, it's kinda crack.

I know, but you know how he is.
Mr. Clean.

Where is Tayler?
I don't want to start without her.

I told Lisa to go get her,
Okay, man?

We don't have time for this.

Hey, f*ck you!
I want to wait for my girlfriend.

You have to trust me.

I love you.

Greg is awake.

- Can he stand?
- Not a chance.

We're gonna have to make a stretcher
or something to getting him out of here.

Maybe not.

What do you mean?
How else is he gonna getting out of here? He is a big guy.

All I'm saying is that you
guys are right.

If we do get out of here,

We're gonna need every bit of strength
that we have.

Right, That's why we decide to break it out.

- Half and half.
- Right.

I'm saying, let's all do our first half.

Sam isn't hurt nearly as bad as Greg.

Sam doesn't have a screwdriver
sticking into his f*cking kneecap, now does he?

What you're saying is:
you just want us to do half,

And wanna leave him here,
and just take the rest out on Greg?

Shhh, keep your voice down,
He'll hear you.

Are you serious?

He's gonna f*cking die. If we leave him here,
He's gonna f*cking die.

- What else are we supposed to do?
- Stick with the plan!

- I agree with her.
- What? No! No!

- No, baby...
- I don't want to end up like Greg.

I can't go through with that.

I just can't do it.

He was going to do it to us.

Did you forget that he tied us all up?

We agreed too.

What? Both of you?

Sam. What about you?



You know what?
You guys do whatever you want.

I'm gonna take my full load, cause...

I don't want it to step on my conscience.

- Baby, please, don't please...
- Don't f*cking...

You guys are cowards.

You guys all are f*cking cowards,
you deserve to be here.

The clock is ticking,
let's get this over with.


We're gonna stick with the tried and true,

Pull another one off.

Today is the wrong day to be a tough guy.


No, please, stop.

Now go the f*cking drill!

No, please, stop.
Please stop.

What happened?

Why didn't his percentage go up like the others?

I don't know.

Is that gonna happen
to all of us?

- Is it gonna get harder?
- I don't know.

Y'all need just to chill out,

You know maybe it's just happen to do
with chemical imbalance or something.


We're not gonna cry our way out.

You can do this.

You just have to be strong...

No! Get away from me!
I do not want to do it.

Let's go get her.

No, no.

Let's go, Lisa.
We don't have time for this.

Shut up, you evil bitch.
Just go away!

I don't want to do it.

We're all in this together,
Remember? We're a team.

She's right, Lisa.

Don't make us break down
this door, okay?

We try to get it over with fast.



I don't want to do it.

No, no!

I don't want to go.

- Come on!
- No, I don't want to go!

I don't want to go!

No! No! No!

Get off me!

Grab his legs.
Grab his legs.

I don't want to do it.


Don't make me do it.


I don't want to do it.

Ohh, God!

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I wanted to help you.

Oh my...

I heard what
said about Greg.

About leaving him.

I won't do it.

I'm not gonna let any of you
touch him again

You don't understand.

Understand what?

That you let a man suffer
and die to save you own ass?

It's not just to save my own ass, Nick!

Go check the monitors,
and go see what the levels are.

It might be almost done.

I thought the pills would help.

Well, they f*ck me!

I'm pregnant, Nick.



She's done!

So now you're pregnant.

Is that suppose to let you off?

I'm begging you.

Begging doesn't work.
I had to do it.

So everyone has to do it.

No, the hell she does...

I'll do it.

I'll take her place.

The clock's ticking, Superman.

Too bad, we only got % out of you already.

Well, there is a good reason for that now,
Isn't there Tayler?

The pills were in my sock,
I forgot.

I was just trying to help,
I'm sorry, I promise.

Pills what?

What pills?

I forgot. They were from earlier,
and I forgot I had them.

You had pills this whole time?

I want 'em.

I did my part.
Give them to me!

No, no, no, no!


He did his part.
He doesn't owe us anything else.

Nick, listen to me,
Pass over the pills.

- Sam, back up.
- We voted.

- Get the f*ck off, man!
- Alright, whatever.

We not touching him again.

Voted of what?

What are you talking about?

Go ahead, man.

They wanted to leave you here.

Leech you for all your worth,
and leave you here.

Take them, it's the only way.

You, prick!
This isn't your decision to make.

You just can't decide....

Everyone get back to work.

The clock's still ticking.

What you want to do about Tayler?

I'll do it.

Come on man,
You know you can't.

Alright, you already f*cked up,
and you still have the other half.

No, no, I can handle it.

No. Tony and I will help split hers.

Whatever, okay! It's f*cking doesn't matter,
Let's just get moving.


We all go at the same time.

We don't stop until we make it to %.

We can do this.

Thank you,
Thank you so much.

We love you, Tay.
Let's just get through this.

Are guys you ready?

I can't!
I can't!


Come on, one more time.


No! No!


Hey, sleepy.

Look who's awake again.

Hey, we starting to miss you.

Wait, wait, wait a second.

What's the percentage for that?

You'll be happy to know that
the last touch you put got us all up to %

So to .

Okay, Okay!

Let's just get this over with.

We're gonna need to go a little
higher than % this time


No, We all voted,
We agreed %...

No, we took another vote.
you were out, so..

We voted for you.

Very generous of you to offer yourself up
the way you did

f*ck you!

f*ck all of you!

Don't worry. Don't worry. Don't worry.

We will do anything to you
that you will not done to us.

We voted, you pig!

It wasn't just me.

Don't do this...

You f*ckers!

He knows something.

Why don't you telling us?

Why don't you telling us?

He's a drug dealer!

He's a drug dealer!
He sells this shit! It's him!

It's him!
why you're not listening?!

You don't have to do that.
We gonna get you there all by ourselves.

Just, try to relax.


My God!

Oh my God, Kai!

My God!

My God!


Oh God.

Open your eyes.

- m*therf*cker!
- Tony, don't! We need her!

Thank you.

She's mine.

You're all got a problem with that?

I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
It was an accident!

It was an accident!
I would never have done that!

I'm sorry!

- I never did it on purpose.
- Somebody hold her head.

I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

Here you go, man.


I don't think we're gonna be able
to get any more out of her.

- We could try?
- We don't have time-

We have to do something fast.


We just stick to the plan.

- I'll go first.
- No, Lisa is right.

We don't have enough time to go
with the rate we've been going.


- What else can we all do, then?
- We're going groups.

Three to times.
Everyone helps.

There is only % left.
So, that's a little over % each and we're out.

I really don't think Greg
can contribute anymore, neither are Nick.

Those pills aren't loose.

Find, the of us then.

it doesn't matter.
But we have to go at once.

Well, are we got any suggestions?

When I was a kid,
I broke my collarbone.

Nothing ever hurt that bad.

Can you use your arms?

Alright, well...
Who's gonna do the honors then?

I'll do it.

You ready?

Does it matter?

This is gonna hurt.

I thought so.

It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.

Dude, wait a sec.

Please, I can do this!

Please not her.

It's mine.

It's what she would've wanted.

I knew you could do it.

You are just one step away from
having your freedom back.

In the living room, by the front door,
You will find a retractor.

Simply lean back into it,

- And the machine will remove the devices.
- f*ck you!

- Let's get out of here!
- and, once removed, can walk right
out of here as promised.

Thanks again,
for your cooperation.

And I wish you all
long and happy life.

Okay, we're free!



So, we gotta get Kai, alright?

I'm gonna go out.
And you all sent us through, okay?


Right. Careful.

In your back...

Don't smile just yet.
I'm not done with you.

You're next, buddy.

Can we bring Kai's body here?

Come on, baby.

Are you ready, Sam?

Come on.

I got it.

f*ck! Nick! Nick!

Just go, I'll help
Greg get through.

- Are you sure? You'll be okay?
- Just go, I'll be right behind you.

- I love you.
- I love you too.

Wait, wait, take this.
You don't know what's out there.

It was him! It was him!


It's him.

- It's him.
- I know.

You have to stop him.

- Stop him.
- I'll be back for you.

- Gonna need help here a little.
- I'm trying...

My leg is ...

- Oh Please...
- Oh God!


What are you doing?

Just give me a minute.

All we need
is to loosen the tension.

You want me to get you out of here?
Or do you want me to leave you?

It doesn't matter.

They gonna found me
no matter what happens.

Who's gonna find you?

I didn't think the rumors were true.

I thought they were just stories,
just talks.

You really do know who did
this to us?

She said...

She said $. a pill,

Any real dealer, could've go .


People will pay anything,
they dont care where it comes from.

You're part of this?
You one of them?


I just sold it.

I didn't know.

I didn't think the rumors were true.

Who would think that people,
would to this to people?

Just to...


I know.

I don't deserve it,
but please, just get me out of here.

You deserve this.

"Hello, and welcome to my house..."

No! No! No!

No! Nick!
Nick help me!

"But I can assure you that
if you work together..."

"...You will be out of here in no time.."

God damn you!

What are you doing, Nick?

You should be back there
with your friends.

How could you do this?

You don't look so good, buddy.

I tell you what, okay?
If you turn around right now,

I let you go back.
Go be with Tayler, okay?

Don't you say her name.

You want to see what she's doing right now?

Please, just let her go.

I can't.

You don't understand, okay?

I knew you could do it..."

"You are just one step away from
having your..."

My offer still stands.
Go say goodbye to her.

f*ck you!

Have it your way, okay?

I'm sorry.

" can walk right
out of here as promised..."

"...Thanks again for your cooperation"

"...And I wish you all
long and happy life"

I know, man.
it's hard.

It's been rough.

You're about to die,

You could've say goodbye
to your girlfriend.

But instead you're
right here with me.

I mean, by the way,
It's practically takes about minutes

for this stuff to actually k*ll you,

It's cool, I know...
I told them a hundred times,

You should probably use a
faster acting chemical, but...

These guys, I gotta tell you,
They are sick f*ckers.

You know you guys
are my fifth group?

Nicest one so far,

I mean you guys are so considerate
about each other feelings.

Except for that Tara, man.

What a piece of work, right?

It excites me, you know man,
When your girls she told me she was pregnant...

Seriously, I had to stop,
I almost had to stop, didn't think...



Come on!

I don't know why you even bother looking at that thing.

You know you gonna get the waffles.

Maybe not. Maybe today
I want to try something new.

Yeah, but you don't.

What is your specials?

Okay. Well,
We have eggs benedict with wheat toast ...

No, nothing with eggs.

- Baguette with cream cheese?
- No...

I hears the gravies are pretty good.

Only "pretty good"?

Well, we are famous
for our waffles ..


Great, I'll have that then.


How did you get the other ones filled in?


That'll hurt.

It could have been worse.

I don't do needles.

They are beautiful, though.

Must have a thing for dolphins, huh?


Ok. I'll be right back.

- There you go.
- Thanks.

Thank you so much.

Just wait one second,
I have some samples for your wife.

You don't know married women, do you?

Have a good night.

Wait, wait one second!


Damn it!

f*cking redneck!

Such a f*cking waste.

I love this song.
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