Kelly's Heroes (1970)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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Kelly's Heroes (1970)

Post by bunniefuu »

Come on, Colonel.

- Get that jeep out of here.
- Right, Kelly.

We've been here for two hours.

No, that's map section 3, not 4.

I don't give a damn what
Command says about anything.

Look, Mulligan, I don't think
I'm getting through to you.

You're dropping your damn
barrage on our position.

Sit and see.

You can't hear me? The
reason you can't hear me...

is because you're firing
your mortar at your end...

and they're dropping
here at our end.

No, the Krauts are not
here. We're here.

Mulligan, your bombs are
coming down on our heads.

I don't know where the Krauts are.

Just lift your g*dd*mn
barrage. Over.

I told you to bring
me some good-looking

kid, not this fat,
sausage-chewing wino.

Well, if you were looking
for a young boy,

you should've sent
somebody else, Joe.

Mulligan, you son of a bitch.

Hey, Joe, it looks like they're
trying to push up the canal.

What do you want me to
do about it, Petuko?

The half-track's been wiped out.

- Eddie's been hit.
- Okay.

Go see what's happening.
Grace, Jonesey,

grab a litter and go
with Corporal Job.

On the double.

Mickey Mouse.

It's Mulligan.

It's Mulligan. What the
hell does he want?

He says he's sorry.

Sorry. Son of a bitch.


Big Joe's a little
upset right now. I

think maybe you should leave town.

Get out of the neighbourhood.


Does he speak English?

Yeah, he's a Colonel
in lntelligence.


As a big noise with the
German lntelligence

you ought to be able to
tell us about Nancy.

Under the Geneva
Convention you only...

Sit down.

I'm not interested in defences,
I'm interested in hotels. Okay?

Are there any still standing?

There are three. Two are
defended by units of...

And which is the most comfortable?

- I don't know.
- Hey, look.

Think of us as tourists. I don't
want any military information.

I just want to know
the best hotel.

I think it is called the Majestic.

And who's the owner?

I can't remember his name.

All right, all right.
Checkthe Michelin Guide.

Now, what about women?

I must warn you. The German Army
is preparing a counter attack...

Sit down.

Look, we're not worried
about the German Army.

We got enough troubles of our own.
To the right, General Patton.

To the left, the
British Army. To the

rear, our own g*dd*mn a*tillery.

And besides all
that, it's raining.

The good thing about
the weather...

it keeps our Air Corps
from blowing us to hell...

because it's too lousy to fly.


Now, what about the
broads in Nancy?

- Broads?
- The women.

Yes, there is a house. I cannot
give you the directions.

I've never been there.

Hey, here it is. "Nancy.

Principal attractions:

The Church of the Cordeliers
tombs. Woodwork and statues.

City Hall, 18th century, with

stairway and square
reception room.

Palace Stanislas'
impressive gates.

Porterie, Museum of
Lorraine. Charge to see..."

Will you cut the culture
crap and get to the hotels?

Majestic Hotel, three
stars, a knife and a fork.


We keep this guy until
we get to Nancy.

We can use him when
we get to town.

- Hey, Joe.
- What do you want, Barbara?

The Captain wants to see you.

"The Captain."

I'll be right with you.

- What should I do?
- Stay on the radio.

Joe, I think we ought to send
him back for interrogation.

Look, nobody's copping out
on this. Do you understand?

The Colonel serves
a more strategic

purpose staying with us.

He needs interrogating,
then you do it right here.

Open the door.

Hey, Joe. Do me a
favour, will you?

What do you want?

- What?
- Don't call me Barbara.

- That's your name, isn't it?
- But my name's Babra.

- Come on, will you?
- I only wanted to...

What are these, Colonel?

Just my orders and
letters of transport.


- What are you transporting?
- Files.

What kind of files?

- Clerical.
- Clerical, huh?

Mind telling me what you
were doing in this area?

I needed petrol for my
trucks. The bombing.

Trucks won't move without petrol.

What do you want, Kelly?

Interpret these for me, will you?

What are these?

- Lead bars.
- Lead?

Yes, the bag was supposed to have
been dropped in the water...

in case of capture.

Unfortunately, you surprised me.

All these papers are
about some kind

of convoy from France to Germany.

Code name is Tannenbaum.

Travel reports are
a shipment of...

That's enough.



Come here, Colonel.

Oh, Little Joe, give me
that brandy, will you?

- What for?
- Just give me the brandy.

Kelly, what do you
want to give away

the good brandy to the Kraut for?

This way, Colonel.

Over here.

Sit down on this bench.

I want you to have a drink.

- Under the Geneva Convention...
- This isn't Geneva, Colonel.

I just want to have
a nice sociable

talk with you, that's all.

Go ahead. Drink.

But I will not divulge
any further information.



You idiot. Hold it.

Come on, cover me.


- Mitchell?
- Yeah?

Big Joe.

All right, you stay here.

- All right, where is he?
- Inside.

- Captain?
- Yeah, who is it?

It's me, Big Joe. Where are you?

I'm in here.

- What are you doing there, sir?
- I'm checking out the motor.

The motor? What for?

We're pulling out. I
want to see if this

boat's worth taking
back to the base.

What about Nancy?

Third Army's taking over.
We go into reserve.

When they take Nancy,
we go back in the line.

Oh, wow. I don't think you have
the welfare of your men at heart.

Now, look, this is a big town,
with a lot of passionate broads...

great restaurants, feather
beds in rooms with hot water.

Look, Captain, we've been rained
on, pushed on, bombed on...

mortared on by Mulligan all the
way from the Normandy Beachhead.

I'm aware of that
problem, Sergeant.

You've been aware of
that problem ever

since we got out of
the water at Omaha.

Look, why is it that every time
we get to a town like Nancy...

these guys with the clean
uniforms and the ties...

get to ride in the trucks into
town and make their pitch?

The General says we pull
out, so we pull out.

Look, Captain. You can't
let them do this.

I gotta get my men
near broads before

they start freaking
out with each other.

I'm aware that that situation
might be developing.

Think I could get this
in the hold of a B-17?

We're point section to
the whole damn Army.

- Nancy's our town, Captain. Yeah.
- Hey, Joe.

There's a company of
Germans starting to push.

Relax, I'll be with you
in a minute. Captain.

We got it all figured
out. We even got a guide.

All we have to do is get in there.

Well, there's a couple of
German divisions say you can't.

So we need a little help.

The help I need is to get
this yacht out of here.

Get back to the barn.
I'll do it myself.

Hey, look, Captain,
you're supposed

to be in charge of this outfit.

You're doing such a good job.
Why should I get in your way?

Oh, God.

Hey, Cowboy.

Got a report that three
tanks are coming

up the road. I suggest
you get activated.

Hold her down there
a bit, Willard. The

Corporal's trying to
tell us something.

Yes, sir. You're telling me what?

There are three
tanks coming up the

road. I suggest you get activated.

Oh, now, come on, pal. Ain't
you got any Shermans?

We've been polishing these
things for two days.

If we take them out there in that

rain, they're gonna rust up on us.

Come on, don't give
me a hard time.

Get off your ass,
and get out there.

Yes, sir. I didn't mean nothing.

I was just trying to
tell you how we're

feeling, ain't that
right, Willard? Yee-haw.

Hold the ground at all costs.
We're a reconnaissance company.

It's not our job to hold the
ground. That's an Infantry job.

We're supposed to go out
and find some place...

look at it and tell you
what the situation is.

I can tell you what the
situation is. It stinks.

It's wet, it's cold, and
we're under heavy fire.

Yes. Yes.

Are they sending up
anything to support us?

They say they haven't
got anything.

We've been ordered to hold.

- Hold. With what?
- That's what I told them.

- You think we ought to pull out?
- Huh?

You think we ought to pull out?

I don't know. Better
wait for Big Joe.

Corporal, those aren't Mulligan's
mortars coming any more.

Those are German 88s.

Much as I like Big
Joe, I don't want to

spend the rest of the
w*r in a prison camp.

Besides which, I'm

Italian, they'd sh**t
me as a traitor.

The indications are
the Germans are

coming and we're not
gonna stop them.

With your permission
I'm gonna pull the

vehicle to the other
side of the canal.

Yeah, go on.

Penn, Fisher. Get that
damn thing out of here.

Okay, everybody. We're
pulling out on the double.

Move that stretcher.

g*dd*mn it, Cowboy.

I don't know what you
was talking about.

There ain't three tanks.
There's about 20.

- Ain't that right, Willard?
- Damn right.

Get that thing to the other
side of the canal, you maniac.

Well, that's what we was
figuring on doing. Ha-ha-ha.

Kelly, come on, we're going.
You're coming, ain't you?

- Go on ahead.
- All right, all right, good luck.

Okay, Penn, let's go.


How many more bars of gold like
this do you have in that convoy?

No, no, come on, speak
English, Colonel, come on.

How many bars like
this in your trucks?

- Fourteen.
- Fourteen what?


Fourteen thousand?


Colonel, whereabouts is
your convoy right now?

Where are your trucks?

- Clermont.
- In Clermont. Clermont?

Is the gold still in the trucks?

Whereabouts? Whereabouts
is the gold?

In the bank. It is a bank.

Colonel. Wake up, wake up.
What about support units?

- Support units?
- Yeah, tanks.

Come on, tanks. Stuff like that.

Tanks. Huh?

Three Tiger tanks.

What about infantry?

What about infantry, Colonel?

- Did you hear from headquarters?
- We've been ordered to hold.

I'll tell them when to hold. The
Third took over one hour ago.

- We're pulling out of here.
- Great.

- Where's Maitland?
- He's salvaging a yacht.

- A yacht?
- A yacht.

I'll see you about 10
miles down the road.

Wait a minute.

Is everybody across the bridge?

Kelly's in the barn
with that Colonel.

Did you tell him
we're pulling out?

We told him. He's crazy.

Tell Mulligan to give
me three minutes and

then lay all the
mortar into that barn.

- Understand?
- If you say so.

You wait here.


Come on, Colonel. Come on.

Get up and sit right here.

Kelly. Half the German
Army's coming up the road.

In a few minutes, Mulligan's gonna

drop 10 tons of
mortar on this joint.

- What the hell are you doing?
- Looking after the Colonel.

sh**t him and let's get
the hell out of here.

sh**t him, we don't get the gold.

What gold?

The gold that's in a bank 25 miles
east of Nancy, that's what.

Mulligan, I said three minutes.
Come on, let's get out of here.

Kelly? You okay, Kelly?

Yeah, I'm all right.

Come on, you nut. Let's
get the hell out of here.

Fisher. Petuko. Come on, we're
moving out. Moving out.

Moving out. Babra.
Come on. Move it.

Get in, we're pulling out.

Kelly, you nut. Come on.

Wait a minute, will you?
Will you wait a minute?

Listen to me a second. It's not
me, I tell you. It's not me.

I can't tell one shell
from another. They

all look alike. They
all look alike, Kelly.

If it was me, if I could
tell, would I be here?

Would I be here? I
wouldn't be here, Kelly.

I'd be in the States
checking out the

duds. I'd be out with
all those broads.

- I'd be working in a factory.
- Relax.

Wait a minute. We've got to have a

little understanding around here.

How the hell do we ever get any
understanding around here, Kelly?

- Relax.
- You got...

Mulligan, I just want to
make a proposition to you.

A proposition?

Well, is it dirty,
or just illegal?

Well, I want you to set
up a barrage for me.

I want you to lay down a
barrage for me, Mulligan.

Grid section 7, right
here at these crossroads.

Yeah, well, I gotta have a signed
operations order from the C.O.

I need an authorisation.

You see, that's just the problem,

Mulligan. We don't
have an authorisation.

You don't have a...

Well, Kelly, without an
authorisation, I can't help you.

I told you I had a proposition,

Mulligan. That's
just what I meant.

A proposition.


Yeah. Well...


Why what?


Why... Why not? Heh.

You won't forget me now, will you?

Why, no. I won't forget, Kelly.

You're a good man, Mulligan.

Yeah, Kelly.

- Come on. Come on.
- Screw you, Mac.

Come on, move it.

Up yours, baby.

Hey, hey, come on,
get it out of there.

Come on.

Hey, come on. Come on,
come on, move it.

Come on. All right, come on,
you guys. Clear it out.

Come on, get the
horse out of here.

Get on the side,
will you? Come on.

Move it out, come on
now. Move it, move it.

Keep it going, boys.
Move it through.

All right, keep it going.
Let's go. Come on.

A message from Captain Maitland.

- Did you read it?
- Yeah.

- What's it say?
- He wanted you to read it, Joe.

Take the underwear off your
head, huh? Enough is enough.

- We've been ordered to pull back.
- Huh?

We've been ordered to pull back.

Yeah, I heard.

All right.

We've been ordered back to map
reference 473, so let's move it.

But my hair is still in curlers.

That's telling them, Willard.

Come on, let's move it out.

Hey, Joe, what about Nancy?

Pack it up, let's go.

Move them out, will you, Corporal?

Where have you been?

- Checking a few things out.
- Like what?

I'm going after that gold, Joe.

That's what I thought.

Do you want in?

Do I want in?

Let me tell you something. Let
me make it nice and clear.

I got a job to do and
that's to get you

guys to Berlin without
getting k*lled.

We've been at the front end
of this w*r all the way.

If you whisper one word about
the gold to these guys...

I'm gonna have you bounced so fast

your feet won't touch the ground.

Now, do you understand
that, Kelly?

Yeah. Yeah, I understand.

You'd better fix up some transfer
papers for me, because I'm going.

With you or without you.


- Give me a hand down there.
- What a bunch of shit this is.

Okay, Sergeant,
everything's secure

up here. I'm coming down now.

Hi, Captain.

Sergeant, do you think I can get
this yacht to Paris by Sunday?

You didn't bring me
to this farmhouse

to talk about this boat again?

I worked a deal with
headquarters. I've

got three days' rest
for you and the men.

Make sure they have a good time.

I gotta get this
yacht to Paris and

pick up things for the General.

And where do we spend
this vacation?

Right here, Sergeant.

Are you kidding?

I'm not kidding. With a little

imagination, you can
fix this place up.

Lay out a baseball diamond.
Run the water into the house.

Special service is coming by with
some magazines and paperbacks.

We're 10 miles from the nearest
town. There's no action.

That's the beautiful thing about
this location. It's quiet.

Get yourselves a
suntan, a little rest.

In three days we're
back in the line.

Hey, Captain.

- We're all ready to move out.
- Yeah, I'm coming. Go ahead.

There's no booze, there's no
broads, there's no action.

Another thing. Don't
fool around with

the women, their
husbands carry g*ns.

And don't forget, the penalty
for looting is death.

Loot what? There's
nothing here to loot.

I'll be back in three days.

"Get yourself a suntan
and get some rest."

He's gotta be out of his mind.

But how does he get away with it?
That's what I'd like to know.

Very simple. The General's
his uncle, that's how.

There's a girl with a
heart As big as...

- Crapgame?
- What do you want?

I want to talk to you
for a couple minutes.

What about?

I have this deal I've
been working on.

I thought you might be
interested in helping me out.

What kind of deal?

A private deal.

Oh, yeah? Hey, Harry, go
get yourself a haircut.

I hear Maitland's got himself a
yacht and taking it to Paris.

That's right.

No money in yachts. What
does he want a yacht for?

Who cares, as long as it keeps him
out of our hair for a few days?

Okay, Kelly.

What is it? What is it you want?

Well, I want 15 Thompsons, two
.30 calibre machine g*ns...

two bazookas, two field radios...

and supplies and
amm*nit*on to last a

platoon of men in the
field for three days.

- Oh. That all?
- Nope.

I want the lntelligence report
for this whole sector...

and I need them in
the next two hours.

That's nice. What's in it for me?

- A piece of the action.
- What kind of action?

This kind of action.

Hello, Izzy? Yeah,
it's me, it's me.

Listen, get me a quotation for
gold on the Paris market.

Yeah, now, and hurry it up.

How much more where
this came from?

Fourteen thousand bars.

Fourteen thousand bars? Ha, ha.

Fourteen thousand.

Hey, sweetheart, have yourself a
bottle of booze, you're beautiful.

Fourteen thousand
bars. Zadda-bow-bow.

That's beautiful. Where is it?

In a bank.

In a bank?

You're getting pretty
ambitious, aren't you?

I mean, to think you can blow
a bank and get away with it?

It's behind enemy lines.

Behind enemy lines.

Yeah. That could be
the perfect crime.

Hello? Yeah. Yeah, Izzy.

Right. Right, I got you.

Let's see. Seven carry
the two, gold, 54.

$1.6 million.

What else will you need?

You could probably
use some armour.

What are you doing up there?

- Hey, Crapgame.
- Who the hell's that?

His name's Oddball.

I got three Shermans outside.

Yeah? What outfit?

Right now I don't have any outfit.

Who's your commanding officer?

He got decapitated by an
88 about six weeks ago.

But don't say you're sorry.

He's been trying to get us k*lled

ever since we landed
at Omaha Beach.

It's terrible.

He hasn't reported
him dead yet. You

see, I've been
collecting his whiskey.

We see our role as essentially
defensive in nature.

While our armies are
advancing so fast...

and everyone's knocking
themselves out to be heroes...

we are holding ourselves
in reserve...

in case the Krauts mount a

counteroffensive which
threatens Paris...

or maybe even New York.

Then we can move in and stop them.

But for $1.6 million...

we could become heroes
for three days.

A Sherman can give you
a very nice edge.

Where are these Shermans?

They're outside.

Come on, I'll show them to you.

These are my boys.

And these are your tanks, huh?

- Yep.
- Yeah.

I mean, don't let the dirt
and the rust hang you up.

We like to give the impression
that we're just out of action.

Badly in need of a period
of rest and reorganisation.

That way nobody bugs us.

Come on, look at the engine.

This engine's been modified by our

mechanical genius here, Moriarty.


Whatever you say, babe.

These tanks are faster
than any other tanks

in the European theatre
of operations.

Forwards or backwards.

See, man, we like to
feel that we can get

out of trouble quicker
than we got into it.

Any other secret weapons?

Yeah. I mean, like, you see, all
the tanks we come up against...

are bigger and better than ours.

So that all we can hope to do
is, like, scare them away.

This g*n is an ordinary
76 millimetre...

but we added this piece of pipe

onto it and the
Krauts think, like...

maybe it's a 90 millimetre.

We got our own amm*nit*on.

It's filled with paint. When we
fire it, it makes pretty pictures.

It scares the hell out of people.

We got a loudspeaker
here and when we go

into battle, we play
music very loud.

It kind of...

calms us down.

Come on inside for a minute.

If I hear any more threats
against Maitland's life.

If I hear any more
wild talk about going

to headquarters and
k*lling the General.

Or raping nurses at
the field hospital.

I'm gonna strangle the
guy with my bare hands.

Now, all good things
come to those who wait.

We're gonna have a lot of fun
here. Aren't we, Cowboy?

You can bet your boots
on that, partner.

Sergeant, partner.

- Right, Sarge.
- All right.

- Joe?
- Yeah.

I think I've got the crabs.

We're gonna boil
our laundry. We're

gonna set up a little
shower area...

so we can wash our little
bodies. Right, Barbara?

- Babra.
- Shut up.


A little wine, women and song. A
little chiquita for you, Petuko.

It's gonna take time
to get organised...

but I want that farmhouse to look
like a nightclub. Little Joe.

I want you to set up a bar.

We ain't got no booze.

"We ain't got no booze."

Well, we're going
to get some booze.

I'm gonna go down to Battalion...

see if I can lay my hands on some

dirty movies and
when I come back...

I want that farmhouse not only
clean, but completely decorated.

Do you understand that?

All right, Corporal, fall
them out. Let's get moving.

$16 million.

Kelly, I think I made
a slight mistake.

It's not 1.6 million,
it's $16 million.

- What a bundle.
- Yeah, all right.

We're gonna need plenty
of gasoline on this trip.

You can handle getting
it through enemy lines?

- Just name the place, baby.
- Okay.

Right here. Grid section B.

Tonight at 2100 hours.

No good, man. The boys have got
something special on tonight.

Are you nuts? What's more
important than $16 million?

You come around tonight,
Crapgame, and we'll show you.


Tomorrow night, then. Along
this road, same hour.

We'll be there.

If you're late, we
move out without you.

If we're late, it's
because we're dead.

What about Big Joe?

You handle the supplies,
I'll take care of Big Joe.

I'm going along to
protect my investment.

You don't trust me.

A firm financial mind should be
behind an enterprise such as this.

There could be a bonus. Besides,

Switzerland's only 100 miles away.

I don't want anybody getting lost.

Now, look, I don't want half
the Army in on this deal.

Don't want any friends
or friends of friends.

I want to keep it a
tight little unit.

Right, Oddball?

Oh, yeah, man. I mean, like...

No sweat, you know?

I'll pick you up in about an hour.

You can hang onto that bar
of gold as a deposit.

Who is that guy, Crapgame?

Oh. His name's Kelly.
Used to be a Lieutenant.

Pretty good, too,
until they gave him

orders to attack the wrong hill.

Wiped out half a company of Gl's.

Somebody had to get the
blame, and he got picked.

Oh, man, I don't like officers.

Neither does he, so relax.

Get me Hogan in lntelligence.

- Hey, Crapgame.
- Yeah?

You mind I take this bar of
gold and show it to the boys?

No, not at all.
Just remember where

you found it. Bring it back here.

You're a good boy, Crapgame.

Something's wrong with him.

Hello, Hogan? It's Crapgame.

I got you the scotch and
the nylons you wanted.


Do I ever fail you?

You better believe it. Never miss.


I, got a little
favour to ask of you.

Will you stop crying, I
haven't even asked you yet.

What's the matter with you?

You wait here, padre.

I warned you, if you started
anything, I'd bust you out.

If you transfer me, Joe...

you have to transfer every
man in this outfit.

I told you to lay off these guys.

Take it easy. Kelly's got
the whole thing figured.

Who invited you, Hustler?

- He did.
- Hey, Joe.

It's a snap. 16 million just
waiting to be picked up.

Did he forget to tell you
it's behind enemy lines?

- I told them.
- Yeah?

Did you tell them
how to get through

and cover 30 miles to Clermont?

- I told them.
- Then tell me.

Listen, Kelly's got it
figured pretty good.

Listen? This guy's gonna
get you all k*lled.

We're getting k*lled now,
pal, for $50 a month.

Damn right.

What good is a bonus gonna
do when you're dead?

The risk is the same we've
been taking since the beaches.

Only then you didn't have
a choice, now you do.

Three days from now we're going
back into the line, Joe.

But this time we're
doing it for ourselves.

Kelly's even got
us armour support.

What armour?

Three Shermans from the 321st.

Who's in command?

It's a top-line outfit. I
personally recommend these guys.

You butt out. The only
time you come out

of the ground is when
you smell a profit.

I'm coming out now because
Kelly has the perfect caper.

For you it's a
vacation. Six days out

of seven you're behind the lines.

We're at the broken
end of a bottle

all the time, so you butt out.

Who's in command?

- Guy named Oddball.
- Oddball? He's a freak.

He's got three Shermans
all ready to go.

What guarantee is that? He's
ready to go? He's a nut.

Well, we're all nuts or
we wouldn't be here.

Hey, look. Let me tell
you guys something.

There's certain rules
and regulations

governing the fighting of a w*r.

And the first one
is that you never

stick your neck out for nobody.

Unless you're some
kind of a hero type.

And I haven't seen any hero
types around here lately.

Talking's not gonna
do any good, Joe.

These men are all going.

And who's gonna lead them?

If you don't, I will.

Just listen to Kelly for a minute,
Joe. He's got it all sewed, man.

The route, the timing, the
supplies, everything.


What do you say, Corporal?

Oh, I don't know, Joe.

I figure if I got to
go, it might just

as well be this trip
as the next one.

- Penn?
- I'm for it.

How about it, Cowboy?

I reckon I'm gonna have
to go along with it, Joe.

They're all for it, Joe.

What happens when Maitland
finds out we're not here?

He'll figure we've been sent
back to the front lines.

Man, he never knows
where we are anyway.

Okay, show me what you've got.

The road's 10 yards
beyond those trees.

Let me look at that map, will you?

What happens if they
put up road blocks?

Doesn't matter. All that matters
is Mulligan being on time.

Mulligan is on time.
On time and on target.

And he ain't ever been that yet.

Well, there's always a first time.

I figure the town is about a
quarter of a mile straight ahead.

What happens if it isn't there?

It better be. I went
through it last night.

Only got a few minutes
left, so let's get moving.

Stick close to me, huh? I don't
want to be waiting on anyone.

We'll be there, Kelly.

All right. Move out, Cowboy.

Ooh. That nut has got to be nuts.

- Everything all right, Kelly?
- Everything's all right.

You sure you got the time
straight with Mulligan?

Yeah, I got the time
straight with Mulligan.

Whether Mulligan can tell time
or not is another question.


That crazy Mulligan's dropping
them all over the place.

You mother.

- Joe. Come on.
- Shut up, you pain in the ass.

This man is the man I
have on my mind today.

I'll tell you who he is.
This is my opposite number.

General Bogel, commanding the
Second German Armoured Division.

When I look at that face, I
can read that character.

This guy's a loser.

Here I am sitting in
his headquarters.

I'm drinking his scotch.

Hell, I've even got
one of his broads

hanging around here somewhere.

The guy's a born loser...

but you, gentlemen, have
not buried him yet.

You call yourselves
leaders of men?

They're putting up
strong resistance.

Come on, Roach. I flew over
the b*ttlefield this morning.

I could march a
divisional dress parade

with band music right
through their line.

- What about our flanks, sir?
- Aw, the hell with your flanks.

How many times have I got to tell
you? Forget about your flanks.

There's still a half a Panzer
division between here and Nancy.

Without gas. Without
gas, gentlemen.

They're getting gas, sir.
It's coming up at night.

- How?
- By truck.

The Air Force has got
my orders to blow every

bridge in this sector
out of existence.

They're doing it and
the Germans are

rebuilding the
bridges every night.

We're supposed to blow them
up again in the daytime.

- Get me those aerial photographs.
- Right, sir.

General, last night someone gave

orders to redirect
our mortar fire...

against some damn crossroads.

Listen, Roach. I don't want any
excuses out of you, you hear me?

All I want is to know
why this loser of a

General is keeping me
the hell out of Nancy.

Sir, we haven't got the supplies.

It's just a matter of logistics.

- Logistics?
- Yes, sir.

We've got logistics
coming out of our ears.

What we need is fighting
spirit. The will to win.

Where are those
aerial photographs?

I'm sorry. They don't
seem to be here.

They don't what?

I can't locate them, sir.

Did you lose my
aerial photographs?

Well... It looks to me like there
ain't no bridges still up.

What's this here?

It's a bridge.

Looks like some kind of
railroad bridge, huh?

- Beautiful.
- Yeah.

Even if we make that...

we've still got a river to cross
later on. Right over there.

Let Kelly worry about
that. Our problem

is getting through German lines.

- Right?
- Right.


It's a railroad bridge, ain't it?


Well, then, beautiful.

We swing down onto
the railroad tracks

and right over the mother bridge.

"And over the mother
bridge." Sure.

Suppose the bridge ain't there?

Oh, man.

Don't hit me with them negative
waves so early in the morning.

Think that bridge will be
there and it will be there.

It's a mother, beautiful bridge
and it's gonna be there.


Okay, chief.


Mount up.

How many, Grace?


- Penn?
- Seven.

How many, Kelly?

Three's fine.


Oh, about six and I
figure about eight loose.

How about you, Willard?

About the same.

How many clips did
you use last night?

- About eight.
- Eight.

You're trigger-happy,
Gutkowski. Here's two more.

Take it easy, okay?

Take it easy.

Want some K-rations, Crapgame?

No, thanks, kid.

I could use some water.
Do you got any water?


I'm gonna get some
water, okay, kid?

Hey, who are you writing to?

Your mother?


- Do you write often?
- Yeah.

- Where are you from?
- Indianapolis.

- Do you miss your mother?
- Yeah.

Good talking to you, kid.

Hey, Kelly.


Big Joe wants to see you
over at the command jeep.


Something wrong?

Yeah, just a few
little things, Kelly.

According to this map...

we got a river to cross before
we get into this town of yours.

Yeah, well, there's a bridge
right here. Six miles out.

There was a bridge.

The Air Corps knocked every bridge
out of that river months ago.

Reports have the Air Corps
knocking them out by day...

and the Germans
rebuilding them by night.

All we have to do is
get there tomorrow

at dawn and we've got
ourselves a bridge.

How about the German
Army? Do you think

they'd mind us
crossing their bridge?


You know something, Kelly?

I think you're crazy. Better
yet, I think I'm crazy.

How did I let you talk
these guys into this?

Push 30 miles behind enemy lines,
take a bridge held by Germans...

then go into a town
that we don't know

how many German
soldiers are guarding.

I figure there's between 30
and 40 troops in that town.

All right. How did
you figure that?

Well, it's of no
military importance.

It's not big enough
for a garrison.

You still didn't
answer the question,

Kelly. How did you
figure 30 or 40 men?

Because that's the normal amount
of support for three Tiger tanks.


Where the hell did the
Tigers come from?

That's why we have Oddball
and his Shermans.

- Does he know about the Tigers?
- Not yet, no.

You bet your sweet ass he doesn't.

Or he'd still be on
that funny farm of his.

He may be nuts, but
he's not crazy enough

to put Shermans up against Tigers.

Once these things get rolling...

they're gonna blow that whole

town to pieces,
including us, Kelly.

You're too smart to
let that happen, Joe.

Oh, wow.

You'll figure us a way
in and out of that town.

I know you've got a
good head for tactics.

Oh, wow.

Yeah? And I intend
to keep it right

here on my shoulders, Kelly.

With these Tigers,
this operation goes

above and beyond the call of duty.

That's right, Joe.

16 million above and beyond.

Hey, look, Kelly.

You're pressing these guys' luck.

They've only got so
much of it left.

It's a long, long way to Berlin.

And they're gonna need
every inch of that

luck before this
cockamamie w*r is over.


Come on, on the double. Let's get
the equipment out of the trucks.

On the double, move it out. Here.

Cover. Take cover.

Hey. Hey.

That idiot's one of ours.

Holy crap.

Oh... Our hero.

Man, this is crazy,
isn't it, Willard?

Get the number of that plane?

Who you gonna file
a complaint with?

- Move it out, move it out.
- Yeah, yeah.

Still think we can
make it, wise guy?

We can still try.

Well, Oddball better
show up, Kelly.

That's all I gotta say,
he'd better show up.

Move it out.

All right, how is it?


There's a hole right
through the cylinder.

How about the radio equipment?

The pack radio is okay.
The rest has had it.

Pick it up and take it with you.

- I got your equipment, Joe.
- Bring it.

I told you. We should've
never gone in on this deal.

- Well, you never told me.
- Yes, I did.

This why we pay taxes? To be
bombed by our own Air Force?

- Damn right.
- Hey, Kelly. Kelly.

What do we do now?

Pick up our equipment
and get out of

here before a German
patrol comes along.

Oh, that's great.

Let's move all that stuff up
to the wall, on the double.

- Everybody all right?
- I think so.

- What happened, Joe?
- What happened?

- Where the hell have you been?
- I had to go.

We all have to go.

Come on. We've got
20 miles to walk and

nine hours to walk it
in, so move it out.

Big Joe? Do I gotta carry
all this equipment...

this satchel charge and this
.30 calibre machine g*n, too?

Give the .30 calibre
to the Hustler.

He wants to be a hero.

Here you are, old buddy. Ha-ha-ha.

Thanks. Get yourself
a bucket of grits.

All right, Corporal, let's go.
Move them out. Move it out, Penn.

- Yeah, yeah, move them out.
- It's a long way.

All right, thank you. Move it out.

Kelly, get on the point.

How come you got me
elected to carry this?

You wanted in on this? Then
learn to carry your own load.

Come on, move it out.

Yeah, up yours.

Take it easy, take it easy. Take
it easy. Okay, hold it. Hold it.

Looks like we've got a military
installation up ahead.

So make it the same
deal as before.

We'll go into a
triangular formation.

I'll go down the slot. Moe,
you go down the right flank.

Whiskey, down the
left. Keep it tight.

Don't break it up
until I give you the

word. Okay, button
up and let's go.

♪ The flowers are blooming
It's a beautiful day ♪

♪ There's a girl with a heart ♪

♪ As big as the sky ♪

♪ She's sunshine and I know why ♪


♪ All for the love of sunshine ♪



Hit it.

All right, lay four
rounds in there heavy.

Come on, move it. Fire.

Hit it.


Bring him around hard.

Hit it.


♪ Every time I go to town ♪

♪ A boy started kicking
my dog around ♪

♪ It makes no difference
if he is a hound ♪

♪ You better stop
kicking my dog around ♪

♪ Go on, Blue ♪

♪ You good dog, you ♪

- All right, Petuko.
- Right, Joe.

Move them out, Corporal.

Let's go, Babra.

Wake up, Gutkowski. Let's go.

Let's go, Kelly.

All right, Hustler, let's go.

Hey, Kelly.

This was your idea. How come we
don't go back to our own lines?

It's further back to ours than
it is to where we're going.

I know what, let's
surrender. I'm hungry.

Come on.

All right. I buy it.

I'll make it $50 if you
carry the machine g*n, huh?

You got it on you?

- Don't you trust me?
- No, I don't.

What do you think I am, a
vault? You think I carry money?

I ask you a favour and you
don't want to help me?

All I asked you is to carry the
machine g*n. I'll give you $100.

- Do you have it?
- No, I don't have it on me.

Shut up.

Ah, you guys keep quiet.

It's still up.

No, it ain't.

You see what sending out them
negative waves did, Moriarty?

That ain't my fault, Oddball.

I've done nothing but
have good thoughts

about that bridge
ever since we left.

What happens now?

It looks like we're gonna find
ourselves another bridge.

Where are we gonna come
up with another bridge?

There you go, more negative
waves. Have a little faith, baby.

Have a little faith.

Now go on, get down
into your hole.

Move out.

42nd Engineers. Bridging Unit.
Corporal Roamer speaking.

Hey, Sarge. It's Oddball.

All right, watch my outfit.


Woof, woof. Woof, woof.

Don't try to be funny,
Oddball. What do you want?

I'm telephoning you from a café
about 10 miles south of Mesurier.

I wondered if you
could do me a favour.


I got a map here some
place that says we

haven't even captured
that place already.

Yeah, so I heard. Everybody
seems very friendly.

Look, baby, I'm kind of hung up.
I need about 60 feet of bridge.

How am I supposed
to get 60 feet of

bridge 10 miles behind
the German lines?

I'm about to put you
onto something good

and you are giving
me your problems.

This sector's so
screwed, nobody knows

where the German lines
or our lines are.

I got through with no problem.

I've got a bank back
here with 16 million

waiting to be picked
up. Are you in?

Listen, they haven't got you back
in the nut ward again, have they?

Bellamy. For crying out loud.

That is the lousiest, stinking,
most awful, stupid joke.

You're always pulling that
stinking, awful, stupid joke.

You don't want in
this thing, don't

get in. I cut you
out of everything.

I don't need you, 60
feet of bridge, I

can pick up almost
anywhere. Schmuck.

All right, all right, all right.

Look, with three
tanks, it's easy. With

a 60-foot bridge
it's something else.

I need support units, Oddball.
I need at least 100 guys.

Where do I find 100
men, just like that?

Eighteen miles to...


I couldn't have blown 13, 18,
14, switch the other guys.

- Joe.
- Shut up.

We've walked into a minefield.

- All right, who bought it?
- It's Grace.


There's a road right up here
at the edge of the field.

You mark that spot and
you head for the road.


Take out your bayonets...

and move towards Kelly.


Move the men down slowly.

- Mitchell?
- Yo.

You pick up Grace's
B.A.R. and head this way.

Jonesey, for Christ's
sake, stand still.


Go see if Grace is still alive.

Jonesey, will you
get the hell down?

- Looks all right up here.
- Right.

All right, you guys, keep
it moving. Stay careful.

Hey, hey, hey.

Hey, I found one.

What kind is it?

The kind that blows up. How the
hell do I know what kind it is?

Mark the spot and
keep moving, Hustler.

I'll mark it.

Gutkowski, get down there on
that bend and keep an eye out.

Okay, bring the B.A.R.

Penn, get that .30 calibre set
up the other side of the wall.


I could've been in the States
playing Ping-Pong, volleyball...

plenty of broads.

Who the hell needs all this?

I'm gonna get my knife and
get the hell out of here.

Damn lousy equipment.

Now I got to lift up this cannon.

Carry it all the way to the
front line some place.

The damn thing is heavier
than Kelsey's burgers.

Sure, I'll get a rupture
yet with this damn thing.

Move it now.

On the double, across the road.

Go ahead, Babra, stay on
Kelly's path all the way.

On the double.

Come on, Hustler. Move it.
It's all safe for you, now.

"Move it." I hope you have to
take the gas pipe. You creep.

Stay on Kelly's
path the whole way.

Go to hell.

Let's go, Cowboy. Move it.

Come on, Willard.
Let's mount up, boy.

Anything we can do
for you, Corporal?

No, thanks, Cowboy.
We're all right.

- Come on, Willard. Hit it.
- I'm ready.

Hey. Hey, Kelly.

How did we get talked
into this mess?

It took 10 seconds to
talk you into this.

But we were supposed
to ride, not walk.

Nobody said anything
about mines...

or schlepping this machine
g*n all over the country.

Quit your bitching
and just remember

what's at the end of the line.

Kelly. Kelly.

Joe, there's a patrol coming in.

All right, Kelly, spread
them out across the road.

Move it. Your crabs
will leave you now.

Get that g*n set up on the
other side of the wall.


Move it, Petuko, move it.

- Don't forget about the broads.
- You horny bastard.

Sergeant? Get the
hell out of there.

Corporal. You'll never make it.
We'll cover you from the road.

- Don't move unless they spot you.
- Right. Go on.

Set up the B.A.R. there, Mitchell.

All right, stay down, load
up. Stay down, load up.

Stay down. Stay down,
hold your fire.

Fisher. Grenades.

Let's get out of
here. Let's go back.

Take it easy.

It's too late, now. We're
better off here, anyway.

Get your head down.

Nice and easy.

Stay down.

All right. Get ready.

Hold it.


Alright, let's go.

Let's go.

- Jam.
- Clear it.

Let's move it out.

All right, you heard me.
I said, move it out.

Maybe they're only wounded.

They're dead, so
forget it. Let's move.



There's a whole column of
Shermans coming over the hill.

Go get your packs. Pick
up your equipment.

Go on down and load up.



I thought you said three Shermans.

Those nuts have brought
half the Army with them.

Okay, keep a move on.
Let's keep on coming.

Come on. Okay, move on out.

Are you ready for this?

Split how many ways, stupid?

Come on, Willard.

What is this, huh? What is this,
a ball game? Who are these guys?

They're my friends, Crapgame.

Friends? Where'd you find them?

Here and there.

There's a bunch of
refugees over there.

It's a band.

A band? What do we
need a band for?

Have a little faith, Crapgame.
They're beautiful people.

Kid, pull yourself
together. We ain't

in the middle of Central Park.


How do you figure on
moving through enemy

terrain with a column a mile long?

Easy. We can fight.
We got an army.

Those freaks? That ain't
an army, it's a circus.

Take it easy, Big Joe.

Some of these people have
got sensitive feelings.

- Who's the guy in charge?
- I am.

What's the deal with the gold?

Any man who gets to the town and

hits the bank, gets
an equal share.

But don't try to cross us.
There's gonna be trouble.

- Who's going to make it, boy?
- I am.

- Well, get out and start it.
- Take it easy, big mouth.

You get out of here. Everybody
else up on the tanks.

- Come on, let's move out.
- Don't double-cross us.

Any double-crossing
will be your fat lip.

Get moving.

Shut up.

Everybody up on that
t*nk. Let's go.

Kelly, we're not going with
those cowboys, are we?

We got $16 million up
for grabs and we're

not gonna let those
clods beat us to it.

- Now, let's get moving.
- Yeah, yeah.

I say, Booker? Booker.

Yes, sir?

The old man was just on the line.

He says I've broken through
a long and entire front.

Why wasn't I told?

I don't know, sir.

You're the communications
officer, ain't you?

You're supposed to be
able to communicate.

Who's broken through and
how far have they gone?

Well, no one has, sir.

It seems someone's found a
hole in the right flank.

They're trying to push elements of
the 321st and the 35th into it.

"Seems," Booker? "Elements
of the 321st and 35th"?

Who's pushing them in there,
and where the hell are they?

I don't know, sir.

I'm coming down there, Booker.

What's the sense of
a communications

officer who can't communicate?

Communication? He's more
like a damn military censor.

I'm back from Paris. I got
everything you wanted.

All I want is to know whether
we have broken through or not.

It's hard to say for certain, sir.
Nothing's been confirmed yet.

We've intercepted some signals...

that suggest some kind of action
at a bridge near Clermont.

- Is that Clermont, Booker?
- Yes, sir.

Then why in the hell
didn't you say so?

That's 30 miles beyond their
lines. You got them on the radio?

Yes, sir, but it's hard to
pick them up clearly, sir...

this time in the morning.

Something to do with
the ionosphere.

Get the ionosphere the hell
off the air and get them on.

Get out of there. Do
something else. Let me in.

- What's the frequency?
- 300 KC, sir.

You're not gonna find
them easy to follow.

- They're using some kind of code.
- What kind of code?

Words like "bank heist, crapgame,
big joe, little joe, oddball..."

Hey, can anybody get rid of
that machine g*n for me?

There, yes, sir, there.
That's it, that's them.


There. Right on 300,
sir. Right there.

There they are, sir. Those are the
signals we've been picking up.

Shut up and let me listen
to what they're saying?

- Put Kelly on. Over.
- Wilco. Over.

Oddball, this is Kelly.

Hey, Kelly, what the hell's
going on out there, man?

It's cleared of
infantry. What do you

hear from those other
two tanks? Over.

No chance, man.
They've both had it.

One's in the river,
the other's burning.

Yeah, I can see them
from here. Over.

Where's Big Joe?

Over on the other
side. Get off the

line, I'll get in touch with him.

Fire. Okay. Over and out.

Kelly to Big Joe. Kelly
to Big Joe. Over.

Kelly, it's Crapgame. What's
happening there? Over.

They're dropping
a*tillery all over

the place. That's
what's happening.

Where's Big Joe? Over.

He's not here. He's pinned
down under the bridge. Over.

- Well, get him for me. Over.
- Okay.

Damn. Are we losing them? We
just had them good a minute ago.

I'm doing it, Booker.


What do you want me
to do with this?

Get the hell out of here.
We've got the game on.

Kelly, this is Big Joe.

It's pretty clear over here,
except for the a*tillery.

The bridge is too far
gone to get vehicles

across. You can bring
the men over by foot.

Get them moving. Over.

Okay, I'll send them over
in twos and threes. Out.

Petuko, Willard,
drop your packs and

take the equipment
across the bridge.

Kelly, what did Big Joe say?

Says he's sending them across.

Tell him to hurry up. It's
getting hotter than hell here.

- What's going on?
- We're crossing over.

You're not crossing
over without us.

Then grab your trucks
and come on up.

That bridge is too
badly damaged to hold.

You want to come, fix it.

Half my equipment's
jammed up in the rear.

Un-jam them. We've lost
two tanks already.

I'm not sticking around
to lose a third.

Listen, we made a deal.

Not with me, you
didn't. Here. You talk

to Kelly. Cowboy,
stay with the truck.

- Right.
- Ready?

This is Bellamy for Kelly. Kelly?

We can't use the bridge. We can't

ford the river. The
bed's too soft.

- So what do we do?
- Go, team, go. Go.

You've got bridging
equipment. Over.

That's a five-hour operation. Can
you hold on for five hours? Over.

No, no. Move. On, on. Move.

Bellamy, we're not
gonna hold on for

five minutes. You can catch up.

Kelly, we're all in this together.
You can't go it alone. Over.

We're not gonna wait
five hours, either.

If you can't keep up,
that's your problem.

Now, we're pulling out and
we're pushing forward. Over.

Attack. Attack. Attack.

That's the fighting spirit I was
talking about. Listen to that guy.

If he was a Major,
he's a Colonel now.


This is a Grave Diggers
Registration Unit.

We got a stake in
this advance, too.

Did you ever hear enthusiasm
like that in all your life?

They've even got the damn Grave

Diggers. What the
hell am I doing here?

Bonsor. Get me my uniform.

- Get on.
- Wonder where Cowboy is?

Give me that g*n.

Break up that radio.

Faster, faster.

Hurry up, you guys, we
haven't got much time.

Get up.

Crapgame, do you like the Army?

Let's go. Let's get out of here.

All right, let's move them out.

This is it, Penn. We're
on our way, baby.

Cowboy, come on. Hurry up.

- Here we go.
- Come on.

Come on, Cowboy. This
train's leaving, boy.

Somebody grab that radio.

There you go. Come on, up, up.

Attaboy, come on.

That's it.

Booker, tell General Castle that
I want every man in this Army...

- on the road within the hour.
- Yes, sir.

I'm pushing on to the Rhine.

But, sir, Clermont's 30
miles behind enemy lines.

That you, Maitland?

Just back from Paris, sir.

Get my vehicle and
driver around here.

Bonsor, you get my box of medals.

I'm gonna decorate every man in

this penetration,
whoever they are.

They saved the reputation
of this entire Army.

You're supposed to
fight this battle.

You don't even know where it is.

I'll tell you where
it is. It's 30 miles

beyond where you thought
it was, Booker.

Come on, now, let's get this
Army of mine back in the w*r.

Will you send that?

Think you ought to wait,
let the Army get there?

History waits for
no man. I've got an

appointment with
destiny in Clermont.

Take this w*apon, Maitland.

All right, boy. Make
this thing fly.

- General, your medals.
- Good luck, sir.

- Kelly?
- Yeah, Cowboy?

Kelly, we're in the bell
tower of the church.

You can see the whole town
from up here, almost.

There's not much happening. I
think they're still asleep.

There's three Tigers in the
square right down below us.

Do you see anything that looks
like it might be a bank?

Yeah, it's got to be this
building here to the right of us.

Can you see it from where you are?

They've got two machine g*ns
and guards on the roof.

I don't think I can see much of
the centre of town from up here.

No, just a lot of rooftops
and bombed-out buildings.

Beside the tanks, can
you see anything

that might house support units?

There's a big brown building right
behind the bank with a jeep...

and two guards and
about three trucks.

Hold it.

There's a German
officer walking around

the bank towards the
brown building.

Well, what do you think?

We shouldn't have trouble
unless it's with the Tigers.

We can take the machine gunners
on the roof from here.

If you can keep them
guys busy for a while.

Or maybe we can go down
and get a closer look.

No, stay there. Keep an eye out.

See if you can find out where
those troops are housed.


What do you think, Oddball?

It's a wasted trip.
Nobody said nothing

about locking horns with Tigers.

Look. You just keep
those Tigers busy,

and we'll take care of the rest.

Ha, ha. The only way I
got to keep the Tigers

busy is to let them
sh**t holes in me.

We just want you to keep them

interested for a
while, that's all.

Man. You guys are crazy.

When we was in the bocage country,
we was assaulted by them Tigers.

You know what I mean
by "assaulted"?

Well, I mean assaulted.

Why don't you knock it off
with them negative waves?

Why don't you dig how
beautiful it is out here?

Why don't you say something

righteous and hopeful
for a change?


All right, so it's a beautiful
day. Now, let's get down to cases.

The Tiger is an open-country t*nk.

We happen to have these in a
small town with narrow streets.

And we do have the
element of surprise.


Look, Kelly, a Tiger has only
one weak point. That's its ass.

You gotta hit it point blank and
you've gotta hit it from behind.

We do not have the
element of surprise.

They'll hear our
Detroit motors long

before we even get
inside that town.

What if I show you
a way to get into

that town so they don't hear you?

Hey, Oddball?

This is your hour of glory,
and you're chickening out.

To a New Yorker like you, a hero
is some type of weird sandwich.

Not some nut who takes
on three Tigers.

Nobody's asking you to be a hero.


Then you sit up in
that turret, baby.

No. Because you're gonna
be up there, baby.

And I'll be right outside
showing you which way to go.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Crazy. I mean, like,
so many positive

waves, maybe we can't
lose. You're on.

- You guys got anything?
- No, not much.

They just keep coming
and going from

the brown building
behind the bank.

- Cowboy?
- Yeah?

In 20 minutes, start
ringing that bell.

And keep ringing it as,
ong as you can. Got it?

Right, Kelly.

Five minutes after
that bell starts,

you get the guards
on top of the bank.

Okay, Kelly.

All right, let's move out.


Kelly. Kelly.

- Hold it.
- Hold it.


Yeah, Kelly, where in
the heck are you, man?

We're just outside of town.
How's it look up there?

Well, it doesn't look
too good from here.

They've got all those
Tigers fired up down there.

Looks like they're getting ready
for some heavy-duty action.

I think we ought to
pull out of here, pal.

No, stay right there.
What do you think?

That's just routine.

The Tigers turn their
engines over for,

like, 20 minutes every
three, four hours.

Just routine, Cowboy.
You stay put.


Boy, I sure hope
you're right, Kelly.

Our asses are gonna
be hanging out up

here if you ain't.
I'm not kidding.

Nothing's gonna be hanging
out. Now, just relax. Out.

Sure you're right
about those Tigers?

Sure, I'm right.

If those engines are
turning over, we

can sneak right up
the edge of town.

- Nobody would hear us. Right?
- Right.

Shall I move out?

Good man.

Move out.




All right.


Come on.

- Hold it.
- Whoa, whoa.

Stay here, until I signal you.

I'm mounting up, partner.

Now, don't you get lonely up
here without me, now, you hear?

All right, let's go. Switch
it on and move it out.

- Hold it.
- Hold it.

Give me that hand radio.

Gutkowski? Gutkow...

The bell's making so damn
much noise, he can't hear.

I thought that was
what you wanted.

So the Germans can't hear us.
Now, move them out. Slow.

Move out. Slow.


- Hold it. Hold it.
- Hold it.

Hold it.

It's a Mark 6. And we
got it by the ass.


Stay down.

All right, move out.

Let's go.

All right, get out of here.

Moving out.



Over there.

Come on, you idiot.

Hey. Hey, you jerk. Hey.

Hey, will you knock it off
with those cockamamie bells?

Kelly told me to ring them.

I know he told you, but they know

we're here already.
So, knock it off.

God Almighty. Whoo. Phew.

You guys smell like you
fell into a dung heap.

It kind of makes you
homesick, don't it?

It does kind of,
don't it, old buddy?

Yeah. Heh.

Pull it.

- Let's go.
- All right, move out.

All right, ready to turn right.


Now, hold it.


- Wow.
- That's paint.

Load up.

Okay? Fire.


We need expl*sives
to get these open.

This place is built
like Fort Knox.

Cowboy, check around and see
if there's a back door.

Can you see anything?

There's a big lump in the
middle of the floor.

There's a Tiger coming
down the street.

Cowboy. Cowboy, come here.

- Get a hold of his arm.
- Take it easy, boy.

Easy, easy does it.

Don't tell me to take it
easy. You take it easy.

Hi, man.

What are you doing?

I'm drinking wine
and eating cheese,

and catching some rays. You know?

What's happening?

The t*nk's broken and
they're trying to fix it.

Why aren't you helping them?

Oh, man.

I only ride them, I don't
know what makes them work.

Oh, creeps.

Definitely an anti-social type.

Arf, arf, arf, arf.

That's my other dog imitation.

Where did he get it?

Well, he got it right
here in the leg.

- Anything else?
- What do you mean?

Ain't that enough for you?

- How do you feel, Hustler?
- Great.

Since when did you give
a damn how I felt?

Okay, wise guy, forget it.

Hey, Joe.

- Yeah?
- Come here.

What do you want?

How are things going
with the bank?


The Sherman's broken
down and nobody's

gonna move that Tiger
out of the square.

- Then make a deal.
- What kind of a deal?

A "deal" deal.

Maybe the guy's a Republican.

Business is business.


Okay, big mouth.

Come on, Jonesey. Get it
going. Let's go. Get it going.

Come on, let's go. Get
in there. Come on.

Come on, let's go.
Roll it in there.

Bellamy, come on. We're
almost finished.

- What?
- It's ready.

Right. Okay, let's go.
Let's move it out here.

Come on, bring them around.


Where are you from, Sergeant?

Jersey City.

Stand up straight when the
General speaks to you.

Don't you feel bad about it.

You're a hell of a soldier, and
I just want to shake your hand.

All America's real
proud of you today.

All right, come on.

I got a medal here
in the jeep for you.

A medal?

16 million bucks, shot.

It's shot, Kelly.

Maybe we can use the fuel
pump from that Tiger.

No, it won't work on this motor.

- Mechanical genius.
- Oh, man.

Oddball, I can't make
it work without the

parts no matter how
positive I think.

This guy in the Tiger,
the least we could

do is get him on the
radio and talk to him.

Are you crazy? That guy's gotta
be a full fanatic freak.

Otherwise he would've
split 20 minutes ago.

Hey, all this guy is doing is

guarding the bank
like he was told.

Yeah, maybe.

But I wonder if he
knows what's in it.

- Cigarette?
- No smoke.

The fuel system is rotten. We
have gasoline all over the place.

It's all right.

Hey, look, Max...

you and us, we're
just soldiers, right?

We don't even know what
this w*r's all about.

All we do is we fight and
we die. And for what?

We don't get anything out of it.

In about a half an
hour, the American

Army's gonna be coming
down that road.

Why don't you do
yourself a big fat

favour and get the
hell out of here?

I have orders.

This bank isn't to fall into the
hands of the American Army.

This bank's not gonna fall in
the hands of the American Army.

It's gonna fall in our hands.

You see, we're just a private
enterprise operation.

You the American Army.

No, baby, we ain't.

You know what's inside
that bank, man?

There's $16 million worth of
gold in that bank, sweetheart.

That's about 65 million marks.

And, Sergeant...

all you have to do to have an
equal share of this money...

is crank this turret around
and blow a hole in that door.


Woof, woof, woof.


Woof, woof. Woof.

I told you.


No more payments.

You got it. Hit it. Ha-ha-ha.

Come on, Little Joe.

What are you going
to do with yours?

Get me a new Hudson
with an electric shift.

I'm going to get me
a ranch in Texas,

with about 10, 20, 35 women...

and let it go. Ha-ha-ha.

I told you it'd work, I told you.

No, you never told me.

- You never told me.
- Come on, Babra, keep it moving.

One Cadillac coming up, Willard.

No, I'm getting a pick-up truck.

Woof, woof, woof.
Woof, woof, woof.

Okay, Crapgame, we got
our cut, I'm moving out.

Right. Take it easy, kid.

See you, Big Joe.

Heh. Okay. Stay lucky, you nut.

See you, babe.

These are getting heavy.

- Buy you a lot of broads.
- I'll drink to that.

Come on, let's go. Move it out.

Come on, Babra, keep it moving.

We have small car full.

We go now.

Yeah. You take care
of yourself now, huh?

Thank you.

Come on, we gotta get out of here.

Cowboy, come on.

Move it. I got it, let's go.


See? What did I tell you, huh?

Now look, Oddball. The trade for
the uniforms I can understand.

But to buy this t*nk,
you gotta be crazy.

It's a mother, beautiful t*nk.

It's a piece of junk.

The fuel system leaks
all over the place.

It's a piece of junk.

Always with the negative
waves, Moriarty.

Always with the negative waves.


- Joe. Joe.
- Yeah.

The General's on the edge
of town, right this minute.

Okay, Gutkowski. You
go help with the gold.

- Hey. Hey, hey. Hey, Fisher?
- Yeah, what do you want?

Listen, after splitting
with Oddball and

the Germans we should
have 125 boxes.

At $84,000 a box.

That's how much?

That's 10,500,000.

Correct. Split 12 ways?

875,000 each.

Very good, Fisher.
You win a cookie.


Thank you very much.

I just wanted you to know that we

appreciate it very
much. All of us.

And we... The General's
coming. Eisenhower.

Eisenhower. That's right. Yeah.

You don't understand.
De Gaulle. De Gaulle.

De Gaulle.

The General de Gaulle is
coming. Right now. De Gaulle.

- De Gaulle. De Gaulle.
- De Gaulle.

- De Gaulle.
- De Gaulle.

De Gaulle.

All right, keep it moving.

Kelly, come on,
Kelly, move it. The

cavalry's coming down the road.

Give us a hand.

What are they saying, Maitland?

They seem to think
you're de Gaulle.

De Gaulle? He ain't
even in this w*r.



- Ha-ha-ha. Cowboy, we did it.
- We got it. We did it.

We did it.
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