Love Among Thieves (1987)

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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Love Among Thieves (1987)

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ [Music] ♪

♪ [Music] ♪

♪ [Music] ♪

I've to go running to get
more programs, I'll be right back.

♪ [Music] ♪

♪ [Music] ♪


Dennis, is that you?


What are you trying
to do? Stop that!

Stop that, Do you want
both of us to get fired?

[Piano Playing]


Excuse me, there's an
important call for the Baroness.

She'll have you booked
until the day you die.

That woman is on every
board known to man.

Have you ever in your life
tasted such a dull champagne?

The alarm went off! Something
must have been stolen, Caroline.

It's probably a mistake.

The antique's section
goes off if you sneeze.

This used to happen when I was on
the board of directors from years ago

Caroline, You're not fun at all.

It will be in all the morning
papers. Don't you want to see that?

All I want is a hot
bath and a cup of tea

I've broken my heel.

- Let me help you.
- No, let's go. Never mind.

- But your shoe?
- Never mind.

Oh it's late darling, I'll
let you get some rest.

No, please don't go
I'll make some tea

I'll make it.

You must be hungry.

How do you like your eggs?


All right, confess! You
and Alan have a quarrel?

Is that why he
didn't come tonight?

I feel responsible after all, I
did introduce the two of you.

Oh please Solange.

Lovers always quarrel
right before the wedding.

Calm your nerves, I should know
I've been married enough times.

We We didn't quarrel,
there's nothing like that.

Something's bothering you,
you've been upset all night.

You're not feeling guilty

Caroline, my brother's
been dead for over a year,

Stefan always
wanted you to remarry.

He even said to me.
[Phone Ringing]

[Phone Ringing]

Shall I answer?

[Phone Ringing]


Yes I have them.

Let me speak to Alan,
let me speak to him.

The market square, bring
the eggs. You have minutes.

Market square? Why are
you changing the plans?

How will I recognize you?

I'll recognize you
Baroness, minutes.

Wait... uh.

What's going on?

Has something happened
to Alan? Is he hurt?

Don't ask any questions, I've got to go.

- Where are you going?
- Market square.

At this hour? You'll get
mugged. I'm going with you.

No, you can't.

Then I'm calling the police.

If you do that they'll k*ll Alan.

k*ll Alan? What are
you talking about?

Caroline, wait!

♪ [Music] ♪

♪ [Music] ♪

Don't turn around.

I said don't turn around

I'll take those eggs
if you don't mind

I want to see Allan first.

This isn't a game show Baroness

I don't have them, they're
in a locker at the airport

I'll give you the keys as
soon as I know Alan's safe.

- Are you telling me the truth?
- Yes, where is he?

I said are you
telling me the truth?

[A car honking]

[Car squeaking]

- Get in, hurry!
- He knows where Alan is.

Get In!

There was a call right after
you left, I pretended to be you.

- A man with a British accent?
- Yes.

He asked if I was ready
to make the trade, he said...

Ladera by midnight
tomorrow, hotel Del Torro.

He let me speak to Alan.

- He's alive?
- Yes.

But what about that man just now?

Who knows? He must me
some kind of double-cross.

He's not the one who has Alan.

Solange... you saved my life.

Well, introduce me to my next
husband and we'll call it even.

♪ [Music] ♪

Non-Smoking, would you have a car
to the airport and put it on my account.

And what time does the
flight arrive in Ladera?

Thank you.

Yes, you have a nice day too.

Poor old funny face, you don't
know what's going on, do you? Ohh.

- Do you?
- Solange, I have to go.

- You of all people should understand.
- You love him.

No I, I mean yes of course
I do but it's more than that.

You remember how I
was after Stephan died


I was the one prying you
out of bed with a crowbar.

Forcing me to get
dressed and making me eat

you were wonderful.

If it wasn't for you...

Insisting on the trip to Greece
last month I'd have never met Alan

I'm beginning to think
that I've made a mistake.

He rescued me,
and now it's my turn.

Did you get a good look at your
ill-mannered friend last night?

Just his sleeve.

See! He looks like
him, doesn't he?

♪ [Music] ♪

Have you seen this woman?

Have you seen this woman?

Have you seen this woman?

♪ [Music] ♪

Do you have a flight
to Ladera this morning?


- Ladera.
- Hurry please!

No, nothing to Ladera,
but there is one to...


it lives in uhh

six minutes

from there it is
miles to Ladera

I'll have one first
class ticket, thank you.

First class?

[People chattering]

Buenos Dias Senior.

[People chattering]

Excuse me!

I've got a small idea.

Why don't you move over
and take the window seat?

I like the aisle seat, thank you.

It's only fair to warn you

I've got this little condition.

Weak bladder.

Runs in the family.

I'll be back and forth a dozen
times before we touch ground.

It would save a lot of knee bumping if
you moved over and took the window seat.

No, thank you.

Some people like to bump knees.

My daddy used to say uh...

It takes all kinds.

It's just I prefer
the aisle seat.

In case of fire.

I don't blame you, this crazy
wood pile looking for a match

not that an aisle seat
will do you much good

I saw one of these
old girls blow on takeoff.

- Mind if I smoke?
- Yes.

You wouldn't by a chance
have a match would you?

No, I do mind.

- You do?
- I do?

It's not a cheap
cigar, it's Cuban.

The best there
is, rolled by hand.

I mind.

- You do?
- I do?

[Chattering Noise]

[Jet Engine noise]

Excuse me, what time
do they serve breakfast?


Breakfast! Oh I am sorry...

Did I get you?


Oh, it's the altitude. It does
something to the malt here.

- Can I? You got a little bit here on...
- Thank you, I'm fine.

Right there, yeah you got it.

- One for the road?
- No thank you.

First time on a wing, I think.

I beg your pardon.

Regulars know to
bring their own breakfast.

My name is Mike Chambers.

Going to the festival in Ladera.

The best there is. It's better
than Mardi Grass, I never miss it.

It's very nice to meet you Mr
James, but if you don't mind

I think I'll get a
little sleep now.

You bet.

Hey, Have you seen this woman?

- Who are you?
- I'm her brother.

From LA, our old mother's very
sick. I have to find her right away.

You sold her a ticket,
right? Now quick where to?

- You're not a policeman?
- Maybe I'm with the FBI.

Maybe you're wanted for
smuggling dr*gs over the border,

and I'm gonna get you deported.

Maybe I get a g*n in my
pocket, you want to find out?

[Baby Crying]

I'm gonna bother you again.

You can't say I didn't warn you.

Don't mind my saying,

rubbing knees with you continues
to be the high point of my trip

I do mind, please
would you get off my foot.

You certainly do
mind a lot of things

a man can't smoke, can't have
a beer, can't go to the head

my foot.


Is there someone who would
exchange seats with me?

But senora we are
landing in seven minutes.

I don't mind, I'll exchange

you Should have stuck with me.

Excuse me, do you have
any small airplanes for hire?

Only one but
it's a fire aircraft.

- Where are you going?
- Ladera.

Excellent, the plane will
get you there in an hour.

In the meantime I will
found you a comfortable inn.

Inn? I want to get
there within an hour.

You see, this is true but the pilot
will not be back for three days.

What about the bus?
Do you have a bus?

Or a car?

Can you rent me a car with a driver?

I just rented the last car.

Listen, I'll pay anything.

Whoever rented it I'll
pay him twice as much

and the same amount to you
if you can arrange me a driver.

Everything is arranged. He
agrees and he will be your driver

you rent the car.

Excellent, he drives you pay.

- Does he speak English?
- Oh yes, he speaks English.

There's a map in your car.

Would you like some insurance?

No, Thank you.

I'm really very grateful to you.

Did the man tell you that
I have to be in Ladera...?

Mind if I smoke?

♪ [Sounds of nature] ♪

♪ [Music] ♪

[Mike's whistling & singing]

This isn't helping.

Did you hear me?

What do I call you?

Mr chambers, I rented this
car and I hired you as my driver

and I'm asking you to
get rid of that cigar

you paid for the car
you paid for the driver.

You didn't pay for the cigar

- I paid for the cigar.
- How much?

Make me an offer Miss...



Mrs what?

Mrs Jones.


- Mrs Jones.
- Jones?

Mr Jones must be in
a great line of work

or do you make your money
by selling cosmetics door to door?

I'm with the circus Mr Chambers

I fly out of a cannon
five nights a week

you'll be surprised
how well it pays.

You all right?

- I have a hard head.
- Hardheaded softhearted.

Or is it hardhearted soft-headed

I've never heard either.

You'd be better
off sitting up here.

Oh, I'm fine back here, thanks

hardhearted hardheaded
that's what it is.

[Mike's singing]

[Car Screeching noise]

You're trying to k*ll me,
and doing a wonderful job.

It's a shortcut.

You said you want to
be in Ladera by midnight.

This isn't a road.

It is if you were a goat.

If we stick to the main road,
we won't get there until breakfast.

But they said it
was only miles.

As the crow flies, this car
isn't equipped with wings.

You see those mountains? It's either
around or through, take your choice.

Don't get lost Mr Chambers.

My great grandfather
was an Indian scout

I can smell North.

That's your cigar.

Where's Ladera?

The Red Dot.

And where are we?

That's hard to say.

It is?

Yeah, most of these mountain
roads aren't on the map.

You should get yourself
some reading glasses.

I don't need reading glasses.

How about some longer arms?

Mr Chambers!

No, not three Dollars.

Mr Chambers!

Just a minute.

Si, tres Dolares.

[Speaking in Spanish language]

What are you doing?

I'm ordering some lunch.

He wants three
dollars for the cheese.

Three bucks.

How many pounds
does this look like to you?

Give him whatever
he wants and let's go.

Are you kidding they get
insulted if you don't bargain.

I can't insult a man in a foreign
country, I'm an American representative.

I sincerely hope not.

Take a whiff, pretend it smells bad,
shake your head like you don't like it.

Oh, That was good.

Senora Jones, she says it stinks.

Only one dollar

I have to be in
Ladera by midnight.

[Arguing in Spanish language]

We don't want
this stinking cheese.

Now you did it.

You hurt his feelings.

Report me to the united nations.

Please, can we get
back on the road.

You're in a big hurry.

Meeting someone in Ladera?

My fiancé.

Oh, I thought you were married

I was.



Natural causes?

I m*rder*d him with
a grapefruit knife?

Mr James, I see no reason why we
have to discuss our personal lives.

In fact I don't see any reason
why we have to talk at all.

No talking.

Fine with me.

- Fine with you?
- Fine with me.

Fine with me.

Fine with me.

Fine with you.

Whoever talks first,

buy dinner when we hit Ladera.

[Car engine starts]

She got a car and
some jerk to drive it.

What do you want
me to do? Grow wings?

Just get a car out here.

You're the almighty eyes. Tell your
boss I want a car and I want it right now.

This isn't good for my health you
know, my ulcer's starting to kick up.

Yeah, just get a car
and make it air condition.

Yeah, you heard
me, air conditioned.

Have you ever been
down here in July?

All right.

You want the phone?

♪ [Music] ♪

What is it? What's wrong?

I knew it, dinner's on you.

My watch is stopped.
What time is it?

Well let's see.

Sun comes up in the east.

Overhead around noon
going down in the west.

Why can't you wear a
watch like everybody else?

I thought we agreed not
to get personal on this trip.

How long have we
been sitting here?

Not long.

Isn't there something, or someone...?

Or a village? I don't know.

Can't you fix it?

I'll tell you the truth. I was
never much good with my hands.

You know, I was a bookish kid.

I never built my own go-kart, never
tinkered around with a family dodge.

Tell you what, you
get behind the wheel,

I'll push. When I give you
the word, throw it in gear

I can't.

You'd rather push?

There's a terrible glare,
and I forgot my sunglasses.

Well here, you can use mine.

Well, I don't have my license.

Well, the goats are
known to take bribes.

I don't know how to drive.


I don't know how to drive.

A lot of people don't
know how to drive.

I mean I've always lived in cities, a
lot of city people never learn to drive

I'm not going to sit
here and apologize.

Apologize for using
public transportation,

A chauffeur is
public transportation?

Car in the city is
just a is just a liability

I will bet my last dollar that
you've never seen the inside of a bus.

Tell me quick, what's the fair
from your place to candlestick park?

The Kyle palace
telegraph hill, Chinatown?

I don't remember.

Come on, I'll show
you what to do.

Get behind the wheel.

When I give you the word

throw that lever in the drawer.

- Ready.
- Yeah.

Okay, throw the gear!

I Did it!

Put on the break.

How? I can not!

Hit the beak!

Pedal on the left.

I can't!

Hold it!



Mr. Chambers?

Mr. Chambers?

It's all right, we're safe.

I disagree.

[Speaking in Spanish]

What will they do?

Whatever they ask.

Be easy, I'm ticklish.

- Will they sh**t us?
- If we're lucky.

Banditos like to tie
their victims to a rock

cover them with honeysuckle
and send out invitations.


Ants, dogs, wolves,
his friends, her friends

no jacket required.

- Don't frighten me.
- I have to try it.

Let's make a run for it.

How are you going to run with a r*fle
jammed up your nose? I'm just curious.

If we stay we'll
never get to Ladera.

I'd be eager to get there at all.

Do something!

You get any suggestions?

- I don't have any suggestions.
- Since when?

Any suggestions?

I don't have.

Not very good in a crisis

I do all right.

Esta Señorita Marido?

He wants to know
if you're a virgin!

What should I say?

I don't remember whether
they maim them or marry them.


esta Señorita es mi esposa.


[Indistinctive speaking]

What did you tell him?

That you are my wife, and

that your good years were
behind when you married me.

Thanks a lot.

And I told him
you're a good kisser.

[Speaking Spanish]

Tell him not to touch me.

[Speaking Spanish]

- He said you'll be his wife.
- What? Why?

♪ [Music] ♪

[Speaking Spanish]

Listen... whatever
your name is...


Didn't they k*ll you?

I volunteered to be a flower
girl and got a stay of execution.

Listen Mazo, I know
you're a reasonable man

have all our money if
you just let us leave now

I'll see you that you get
even more money, tell him.

Ahh Señor, the
bride says that...

For the good of the family,
she would like some civilization.

Ah, yes, civilization...

So how much would that cost us?

Who do you think I am? If
I'm a bandit, I'm not a bastard.

What is he saying?

[Speaking Spanish]

What is it?

Close your eyes and
think of Dom Perignon.

[Screaming & Celebration Music]

This is a nightmare.

I believe you.

But by the time you become
his wife, everything will get wilder.

I wish they will finish
everything by midnight.

[hustle and bustle]

There's no reason to
wait until the last minute.

Wait till after the ceremony there's
a big party everybody will get drunk

I'll wait for a chance.

We're talking
after the ceremony.

It's going to be a big party.
Everyone will get drunk.

Then they'll fall
wide, and we can run.

You talk like you
know about the party.

It's a logical conclusion...

[More hustle and bustle]

That's my ring!

[More hustle and bustle]

[More hustle and bustle]

[More hustle and bustle]

He'll drag you into
his tent accept him etc.


You're officially Mrs. Mazo now.

[hustle and bustle]

You may I kiss the bride

[hustle and bustle]

[hustle and bustle continue]

[hustle and bustle continue]

[hustle and bustle continue]

[hustle and bustle]

[More hustle and bustle]

[More hustle and bustle]

[Wrestling Sound]

We gotta get out of here

I'm working on it.

You drunk

I'm working on it

I see with great success

at dawn a jackal will be
nibbling my honeysuckle toad

you can't blame a
man for trying to forget

we never gonna
get anywhere on foot

we've got to steal the car.

The Marshall here
has got the keys.

So we stick to my plan.

You don't need
keys to start a car!

I do.

Two wires under the dashboard
and stick them together

I see you know how...

Please stop drinking!

You see, I have to keep him company.
If I lose cards with him, it's bad...

Yeah, then stop playing

Look at this, from me to you.


I have two Aces.

I have three...

- Buenas noches!
- Buenas noches!

- Where are you going?
- It's my car, my life...

I think he let me win. Banditos
have a soft spot on their heart.

You're not going
to leave me here!?

When I get to Ladera, I'll let the
authorities know where you are.

It might be hard to locate you, so
you better leave a trail of breadcrumbs.

Tell him you want me back, and
you'll play another hand to win me.

Are you crazy?

If I lose, he'll
probably k*ll us both

- I do not care.
- I do.

I had cheated just now to win

do you think I like knowing that
I've compromised my code of ethics

do you think I'll sleep tonight

you can't leave me
here I can't explain now

we can still get to
Ladera by midnight

you've got to trust me, it's
a matter of life and death.

Amigo! Amigo!

- He doesn't want.
- Why not?

He says it's too cheap. Sorry!

Mr. Chambers!

What the hell...


Dos carte aqui.

I just traded two dozen
hand-rolled Cuban cigars for you.

- Get in.
- Thank you, Mr. Chambers.

If you hadn't kicked the car.

We'd have been out of here
and I'd still had the cigars.

You weren't really
going to leave me here?

$ each, that's
American Dollars in total.

[hustle and bustle again]

We're lost, aren't we?

Not lost exactly

temporarily off course

driving around in the
dark isn't exactly helping

we park it for the night and get a

fresh start in the morning

I have to get to Ladeira.

Mrs Jones.

It's past midnight.

This fiancé of
yours... can't wait?

Any man who wouldn't
wait for you isn't worth it.

You Know

sometimes you think you know
someone and then

all of a sudden.

Mrs Jones

let me give you some advice.

You do not understand!

Maybe I do

first thing in the morning

we'll head down the hill.

It can't be more than an
hour or two from Ladera.

It's too late

you sleep, all right.

Mr. Chambers, there's
something I'd like to explain.


It's not their style, stay down.

It is the man in the trench coat.

- You met him before?
- Only once.

You made some first impression.

♪ [Music] ♪

♪ [Music] ♪

Can't you go any faster?

♪ [Music] ♪

You see those rocks?

When we get there
I'm gonna pull over.

- But if we stop he'll stop.
- If we stop he'll stop.

- We're gonna get out and run.
- He'll be after us with a g*n.

He'll be after us with a g*n.

While one person draws this fire the other one
will double back and steal the keys from his car.

Yeah, when one person gets shot, the
other one doubles back and steals... ah.

Which one do you want to be?

The person who steals the keys
or the one who draws his fire?

Is that all you have available?

♪ [Music] ♪

Come on, step on the gas.

Come on, hurry up!

You get the keys?

- The keys?
- The car keys?

No I didn't.

You didn't get the car keys?

[Car expl*si*n]

The keys weren't in the car.

Well, Mrs Jones

they didn't teach you
that in finishing school.

♪ [Music] ♪

It's not that I mind being shot at,

it's just not knowing why
that keeps me up in nights.

He wasn't sh**ting at
you, he was really at me

I'll rephrase the question.

It's not that I mind being shot...

I have something he wants.

The Alexander Triplets.

Better give me the eggs fernis.

What do you mean?

I searched your luggage
miles out of seborka.

Who are you?

Who do you work for?

Where's Alan?

I don't want to see you get hurt.


Nice to meet you gentlemen.

Good Morning.

I'm Caroline Dulac, do
you have a message for me?

♪ [Music] ♪

Well, well, it isn't the
infamous Mr chambers.

Hi Spicer,

Taking a little vacation?

I'm here for the
same reason you are

and I'm warning you for the
last time stay out of my way.

Where's the Baroness?

Where did you get
your chauffeur's license

the same year you
got your license too.

You have the eggs?

No, I had the American burger and a
side of fries, I wouldn't recommend it.

Go ahed.

Go ahed, keep it up.

You're late Baroness.

I was instructed to
pick you up last night.

How did you get in?

You left the key in the
door Baroness, shall we go.

Is Alan still alive?

I lost my wallet, be a
pal and put it on the house.

I just saw a man taking my wife...

I don't want trouble.

My wife.

♪ [Music] ♪

♪ [Music] ♪

♪ [Music] ♪

♪ [Music] ♪

♪ [Music] ♪

Baroness, we've almost given up hope.

- How was you journey?
- Where's Alen?

He wants to see you too.

First give me the Eggs.


Thank you.

The Alexander Triplets.

Commissioned by Tsar
Nicholas to please his wife.

What some people do for love

each one is unique.

A total of precious jewels.

Two of which are reputed
to be the most perfect

rubies in the world.

Thank God! Sorry I'm late.

There's a man he told
me to go to market square

and then he tried to k*ll me

I took the plane to Saboj but
there was no communicating flight.

Don't look at me I'm a mess
but I was so glad to see you.

What do you mean
someone tried to k*ll you?

You promised no
one would hurt her.

Tall man, dark,

quick, with a knife, wears
a trench coat rain or shine.

Eliot Spicer

Last week we were partners
this week competitors.

Some people are too ambitious

I'm very grateful his
efforts were unsuccessful.

What about Mike Chambers?
Is he an ex-partner too?


Will you have what you want?

Will you please let us go now?

Certainly, first thing
tomorrow morning.

You must be hungry after
your journey Baroness.

Andrea, Will you bring
something to eat, could you?

I don't trust him

I think we should wait
until dark and then go.

That's my brave girl,

but go where?

There's nothing but bandits
and wolves out there.

Don't worry, he's got
nothing to gain by k*lling us.

But we can identify
him. Kidnapping is a crime.

So as stealing the
Alexander Triplets.

Now we can't hurt
him and he knows it

let me take a close look at you.

You know, there were nights I
thought I'd never seen you again


Alen, - Yes.

Would you give
me driving lessons?

♪ [Music] ♪



It's like you rose
from the dead.

That's how I felt.

Aren't you hungry?

This isn't bad,

you wouldn't think a
man like Andrea could cook.

Do you want some more wine?

No thanks.

I owe you five dollars.

You certainly know
how to pick the ladies

I never thought she'd succeed.

Despite to Spicer.

If I ever lay hands on that
bloody pika he won't be healing.

Followed her as far as Ladera

may know where she is.

Also don't forget about Chambers.

My buyer will be here tomorrow
at sharp he won't be late.

I sold him a nice little
tale about another bidder.

What about her?

Sooner or later
there'll be attack of gilt.

Hello police chief

I've been a naughty girl.

Simple car accident on
a nasty mountain road.

Happens to tourists all the time.

Like that little lady in Baybury

a light tap on my head

settle nice and cozy behind the
wheel kiss kissing over the edge

a chicken wing?

♪ [Music] ♪

♪ [Music] ♪

♪ [Music] ♪

[Foot steps]

Did I frighten you? I'm sorry.

What are you doing out here?

Well, looking for you of course

I woke up and you were gone, I
thought something had happened

you're shaking.

Forgive me, I
just couldn't sleep

I saw the struggle
in the mountain.

Are you all right Caroline?

Yes, as long as you're safe.


It is so early I was
trying not to wake you.

Poor darling the things
you've been through.

By tomorrow this time...

The whole thing will seem
like some awful nightmare.

We'll forget all about it,
pretend it never happened

I know.

Let's make a vacation of it,

fly down to rio,
spend the week there

oh it's a wonderful idea but...

I have to be back by tomorrow,
Marie will find the letter.

You remember Marie, the
woman who comes to clean.

What letter?

I wrote everything down about
stealing the Alexander's triplets, and

where was to bring the ransom.

What's wrong Alan?

Nothing I hope

I'm just worried about you.

Confession in writing?

There's nothing to worry about
as long as I'm back by tomorrow.

Tomorrow is Wednesday Caroline

Marie doesn't work on
Wednesdays, Mondays.


This gives us plenty
of time to get back.

Still it was a foolish thing to do.

♪ [Music] ♪

[A helicopter fluttering sound]

[A helicopter fluttering sound]

Here comes our client now.

Right on time.

Don't take too long
disposing of our lady.

Not too close, but I don't want the
villagers putting two and two together.

Where the devil is she?

In her room

Andre, hurry up and bring
the Baroness, will you?


- Yes.
- Car is ready.

Tell Mr. Channing
I'll be right out.

Yes ma'am.


I'm coming...

They're waiting for
you, please hurry.


Just washing up.


♪ [Music] ♪


♪ [Music] ♪


You in there?


Break it down!

♪ [Music] ♪

♪ [Music] ♪

We need to find her

All along there is trouble,

Go outside and I'll
check downstairs.

- You let something
slip, you said something.

- Do it!

♪ [Music] ♪

♪ [Music] ♪

♪ [Music] ♪

♪ [Music] ♪

♪ [Music] ♪

I'll check the west wing.

♪ [Music] ♪

Don't scream!

Don't run.

If you promise I'll let you go.

Don't let them get to the car.

You have a great
way of making friends.

Why didn't you sh**t back?

What makes you
think I carry a g*n?

All criminals carry g*ns.

Yeah, I see you have the eggs.

Yeah, and I'm returning them to the
museum, so k*ll them if you want me.

I mean k*ll me if you want them.

You'd be much more
fun than a Faberge egg

theoretically speaking.

- Are you gonna k*ll me?
- I'm gonna put you on a train.

We shouldn't make it, unless
your fiance has the same bright idea.

Don't call him that.

Every couple has their dust-ups.

You gonna keep the ring?

The eggs Mrs Jones?

The Alexander's triplets
belong to the museum.

And I'll see that
they get them back

I'm with the Interpol,
special services

San Francisco branch.

Don't want to miss your train.

- Show me your ID!
- Banditos stole my wallet.

- They all say that.
- Now, why would I make that up?

To get the eggs, of course

I could have thrown you
off the mountain back there.

Maybe you're a thief
and not a m*rder*r.

Caroline, trust your instincts.

He's here.

- Alan?
- The man with the trench coat.

- Can you see him?
- I do not know.

I push, you steer.

Come on!



Dear, nobody's gonna
hurt you, I promise

just bring me the eggs back

and you can walk
away free, I promise.

- Where are the eggs?
- I don't have them.

Put away the g*n let's talk.

- He's lying Spicer.
- Don't let him bluff you

I want those eggs.

Give him the eggs Alan.

Come here and take the eggs.

- Take this!
- What? Are you crazy?

Why can't you carry a
g*n like everybody else?

Where are we going?

I want a beer, don't you?

Listen, if you're really with
Interpol why don't you have a g*n?

Carrying a g*n is
asking for trouble.

You seem to get in
trouble without asking.

Only since I met you.

Two beers, please.

- Alan recognized you.
- I'm famous!

Investigators aren't famous

I've been on his
tail for three years.

Three years? You must 've
been very good at your job

I prefer to think that
he's just very good at his.

You don't look like
anyone from Interpol.

That's the idea!

Why didn't you explain
to me the first time?

You were Alan Channing's fiance.

My mother's number in
Ohio. She'll vouch for me.

Aren't you going to arrest me?

You're under arrest.

- Thank you.
- You welcome.

This is where we get off.

Give me one good reason why I
should jump off a moving train?

Alan will be waiting
at the next station.

Good reason.

I don't care I won't do it.

If Alan doesn't wait
for us, the police will be.

They don't take kylie to
foreigners bleeding on their turf

I'm not jumping, I
could break both my legs

I'd rather face
Allan and the police

you go ahead I'm not jumping.

Who said anything about jumping?

You think I'm out of my mind.

Excuse me, we have
no money no chickens.

This is humiliating.

Not as humiliating
as breaking both legs.

We don't even know where we are.


I searched, they are not in Ladeira.

Go to San Francisco and wait their.

San Francisco?

Yeah, I have a there a
home and a nice hot bath.

All I want now is to be
home, and have a nice hot bath.

They don't have tubs in prison

- They don't?
- Only showers,

no hot water

How many years will I get?

For stealing national treasure?
I don't know it's hard to say.

Why don't we talk about
something more pleasant?

I wouldn't mind if I
knew Alan was in jail too

I'll catch him don't worry

I'll catch him

I met him in Greece you know,

he and my sister-in-law
had mutual friends

Travels in the best circles

Why didn't I see what
kind of a man he was?

How could I have been so blind?

Don't be too hard on yourself

He seemed nice enough.

He didn't even try to kiss
me for... at least a week

Well, that should have
made you suspicious

I wouldn't wait seven
days to kiss a woman

I suppose you bash them over
the head and drag them into a cave.

I whistle they come running

yeah, in the other direction
if they have any sense

Come on Mrs Jones,

you know I'm your type, admit it.

It's a long way to San Gabriel.

If I were you I'd get some sleep.

Very few prince charmings
since Sing Sing Mrs Jones

Can you afford to pass me up

I'll take my chances

look, as long as
you want, no charge.

♪ [Music] ♪

♪ [Music] ♪

Please, give me a phone.

[Speaking in spanish language]

I want... Aww, don't do that.

I want an American
doctor, I am a US citizen.

Stop, my leg is all right.

Does anybody here speak English?

blue cross or blue shield

I don't feel good
about this, it's stealing.

What were you doing
with the Alexander triplets?

Taking them out to be cleaned.

That's different, a man's life was at
stake they said they were going to...

What's that? Is it the police?

It's our old friend Spicer

How do you know his name?

Whose name?

Spicer's, you just said Spicer, and
you said it before at the train station.

I've seen his picture

we have files on those jokers

Don't see him yet


wait till he puts
the keys in the car

You've done this with me in the mountains.

don't you want to have
your turn as the moving target

when I say go,
you get his attention

I'll borrow his car




Wait a minute!

Hold it, hold... Stop!

I said hold it!

Did they teach you that at Interpol?

As a matter of fact it was
chapter one in the handbook

Does the handbook
suggest any alternatives?

I could click my heels together
but that would put us in kansas

You're turning me over to Interpolate,
or to the San Francisco police?


once you've confessed
and the eggs are back

I don't have anything on Alan.

Right now you've
got what they want.

So I'm the bait?

No the eggs are the bait.

You're the hook,
I'm the fisherman.

The ocean represents mankind
the rod the real you know the rest.

What if I refuse.

I thought you said you want to hear
him singing in the cell next to yours

we're going to your apartment

That's the first place they'll expect
to find you in, but you won't be there

But the eggs will.

You are listening to me,
aren't you Mrs Johns?


What time would it be when
we arrive in San Francisco?

Well let's see,

the sun rises about
a.m in the east

around noon it reaches above us...

settling in the west...

♪ [Music] ♪

♪ [Music] ♪

♪ [Music] ♪

♪ [Music] ♪

- Where are we?
- We're across the street from your apartment.

Take a look!

I think someone was robbed.

Welcome wagon

I don't think I'm
hungry after all

You see, now we've
got to go to the police.

If I don't turn myself
in they'll think I'm guilty.

You are guilty.

yeah, but I didn't sh**t anyone.

You're harboring a
fugitive from justice you're...?

An accessory.

It's all your fault, I picked
up the g*n to give it to you.

How do you expect to protect people
without g*ns from people with g*ns...

You talk too much Mrs Jones, just listen.

Alan is going to
jail, you're not.

Yyou're going to go to your sister-in-law's
apartment, and you're going to stay there

Tell her anything you want
but don't tell her the truth.

Don't answer the phone,

Don't answer the
door unless it's me,

I'll buzz once and stop,
twice and stop, got it?

Don't worry about
me, I'll be okay.

I didn't even say I was worried.

It's Alan!

Get back in the car.


I am the one who is criminal
and he's buying groceries

What are you gonna
do down there?


He can't just buy oranges
and shop like a regular person

It isn't fair

I know it's not fair, but
what are you gonna do?

Pull out you a and take us to his
apartment for an egg hunt, come on!

Arrest him! You're
an investigator.

- He hasn't done anything.
- He's done everything.

No evidence.

I'll stand up in court never
mind the evidence I'm a witness

Enough of that!


Is someone there?

I've just been chasing
your friend Caroline

and I lost her.

What are you going to do now?

she was here to see you

she'll try again

I will wait for her.

I love you

I'd like two rooms, please.

It's lunchtime, I got one
room on the second floor.

I'll take it.

Two hours or three hours?

Three hours

You stayed here before?

Whenever they send
me to San Francisco.

I think you need to speak to Interpol
about increasing your expense allowance

What are you doing?

What's it look like?

Oh of course, go right ahead.

you drove all night
you must be exhausted

- Mind you.
- No, but I slept in the car

Really go right ahead

You take the bed
I'll take the floor

Oh don't be ridiculous,
you did all the driving

if anybody takes the
floor it should be me

- I insist
- I insist

Fine with me

You could have
asked for twin beds.

It's a flop house.

At least separate rooms?

I did.

Mr. Chambres, I really think
we should go to the police.

No police

You could give them the
eggs and say you found them

I don't know why
you took from me.

Alan would know you
think I'd still have them

Shouldn't we be coming
up with a plan or something?

I'd like a collect call to New York
please, it's an emergency to Interpol

Special services, please!

I'm calling to check the credentials
of one of your investigators

His name is: Michael Chambers


You sure?

Maybe he's using another
name or something,

He's about six foot two

blue eyes, dark hair,
late forties early s,

smokes terrible cuban cigars

I see, thank you

- , collect from Caroline

Solange be there!


Yes I'll accept the call.


Are you all right?
Where are you?

I can't stay here

There's a man, he says it's from
interpol but they've never heard of him

Have you read the papers?

I'm wanted for sh**ting a man?

I don't know what to do,

he could wake up any minute, he's
got the eggs on his pillow I trusted him.

I've been so worried about you, tell me
where you are and I'll come and get you.

In a hotel on Eddie street, the Jefferson's
something. But I can't stay here now.

Listen to me Caroline

take a taxi and meet
me at the opera house

I can't take a taxi, the
bandit stole my money

Listen Solange, I've
got to return the triplets

I took them and I've
got to bring them back.

Meet me at the theater
in the rehearsal rooms

- All right?
- Bye Solange.

Jefferson hotel, Eddie street.

They're on the pillow
try not to disturb him.


lady wait a minute...

For the taxi.


Mrs Jones?

It doesn't work, the stairs are that way


♪ [Music] ♪

Shall we take a walk

I left a note for Mr. Chambers

he knows where I am.

You've tried that
before, remember?

The letter for Marie the cleaning lady

and there was no letter.

He's an investigator with
Interpol, they know everything.

Is that what he told you?

Chambers is a businessman
and an art collector

I'm afraid I once sold
him two million dollar's fake.

and you know how
these self-made types are

They hold the grudge

I owe him an apology.

He's dead

Awful isn't it?

Those little things you'll never
get a chance to say to each other



That's not good Caroline.

Believe me, if I had
the choice I'd let you go.

I haven't gone this far in
business by leaving loose ends.

without taking care


I See you!

I really enjoyed our romance

if that's any consolation

I can't say that it is.

Mind stepping over there?


su1c1de's better.

Caroline black faced with the
charge of attempted m*rder

throws herself down
the elevator shaft

in order to avoid
public humiliation

I won't do it.

Expect I'll have to
give you a little push

But what about the eggs?

there's no point in k*lling
me if you don't have the eggs.

But Andre took care of that.

No he didn't.


Get any closer I'll throw
down the elevator shaft

and smash into a billion
pieces and be worthless


Quick run for the police!

now he'll k*ll you too

Andre didn't come back.

That's how he knew
where to find me

My god! you
introduced me to him.

It's all a plan?

May I cut in?

Stay where you are.

Or i'll throw her down the shaft.

In front of two witnesses?

Come on Alan,

m*rder's not as
easy as stealing eggs.

Solange will probably turn
evidence for a reduced sentence.

Or you're going to
throw her down too?

I tell you what...

Let the lady go

then we'll have a little talk

Don't take another step

Oh mother, may I?

It's all over between us Alan

there's really no point
in you hanging around

All right, nobody move!

- Spicer?
- Lieutenant Spicer

Interpol, undercover assignment

You're all under arrest

- About attempted m*rder
- Uhh.

- Robbery,
- Yes.

- Grand theft.
- Yeah.

- Kidnapping
- Uhh.

- Arsenal,
- Which one?

- All of them.
- No no, I mean who goes with which charge?

- It doesn't matter.
- hold on!


Right, this one is the
prize, but they all dirty.

I demand the right
to see my lawyer

I insist on knowing the
charges met against me

This man threatened me with a
knife and that's not in the handbook


Come on Spicer, you
know we're not guilty.

and I want a special charge filed
against him; obstruction of justice

this guy's been in my way ever
since i was assigned to this case

You'd never caught
Alan without him

everybody quiet

- She's the one who stole the triplets.
- Solange!

Well, my brother left it all to you; the
estate in Cannes and the penthouse in new york,

I have nothing.

Alan told me that
you would not get hurt.

you have a penthouse in new york

I want to make a statement
because I have done nothing

I didn't want your estate
you could have kept your state,

all you had to do was say so

Does it have a doorman
and a view of the parks?

Baroness DuLac!

well, I told the men in their
everything they said I could go.

- Do you know mr Chambers?
- Is he still here?

he was released about an hour ago
but he asked me to give you a message

- Okay.
- It was goodbye.

Is that all? He didn't say
where I could reach him?

Sorry. Oh I forgot, it
was goodbye Mrs Jones.

Would you like a light?

i'm trying to quit, just ballast

what are you doing here

looking for someone

have you found someone

- Not yet.
- Ah!

maybe you could help me

she's got to fit into this

well, what are you waiting for

don't you want to try
it on before the line forms

fine with me

Fine with you?

fine with me
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