Qurbani (1980)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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Qurbani (1980)

Post by bunniefuu »

Mr. Sanjay Gandhi.

The prince sleeps in peace.

years old and too young to die.

Beloved mother, the honorable prime minister...

...the iron lady of our nation.

Humanity bows before you in this hour of grief.

But unfortunately life is a bubble...

...and everyday is a bonus.

We can only pray to God...

...that he grants us this bonus in you...

...as long as providence and mortality permits...

...to guide the destiny of our nation which...

...is synonymous with your being with us.

The nation and I salute the sleeping prince.

His tormented family members, friends and critics.

God willing, may his soul rest in peace.

I dedicate my loyalty to the living memory of the prince...

...whom I never met.

But whom I salute and hope to meet...

...in judgement before the Almighty.

Respected mother of our great nation...

...with your kind permission...

...I wish to dedicate the proceeds of...

...primiere of Bangalore and Delhi...

...to the memory of the sleeping prince.

God willing may his soul rest in peace.

Should we open the gates? - She's an old flame. Let her in.

Sir Raka.

Yes. - Jwala is here.

Why have you come? - For my brother's sake.

For justice's sake...

...take the charges back...

...and let him out of jail.

That moron tried to k*ll me.

I could've fed him to the dogs...

If I wanted. But I don't want to take the law in my hands.

That's because I'm a gentleman. And I'm peace-loving.

Only I know how much of a peace-loving gentleman you're.

When you seduced me, you were just a pauper.

Then you grabbed all I'd... my inheritance, my diamonds.

That's how you rose to become ''Raka, the richest man''.

''On every morsel is writ the name of...

...the one who will eat it'' ( adage ).

So also with silver. On every piece is writ a name.

It's all a matter of luck and a man's hard work.

Time was when you were everything! And I was a nobody.

Today, I'm everything! And you're a nobody.

Maybe your brother couldn't come to terms with my successes.

My brother came to teach you a lesson...

...for the scum that you're.

He wanted to avenge me my ruination.

The outcome of which he now suffers.

I robbed you and I got away with it.

If you've the courage, then come snatch it all back from me.

Consider ourselves in a state of w*r.

In w*r, a Rajput would never beg. Unlike you.

Unlike you. - Don't exceed your limits!

Speak softly! You're in my house.

Like my patience...

...the glass panes in my house are thin and very sensitive.

Your pride and your glass panes I'll...

...crush under my feet some day.

Else I'm no Jwala.

Vikram, Raka has refused to withdraw the charges.

Never mind, sister.

Try as much as he might, the sentence won't exceed a year.

After that, it's between us!

Madam, time over.

I'll come back tomorrow. With the lawyer.

Lawyer, Jwala came here to thr*aten me

Never mind what it costs.

Just make sure her brother serves the longest possible time.

You're soiling my car, lame.

No sir. I'm cleaning it sir. I'm hungry.

Will you please give me some money? Allah bless you.

Get lost. - God bless you.

Hey! What have you done?

I didn't do that, sir. The scratch was there before.

Rogue! You're lying.

I may be poor. But I'm no liar. - Don't you dare talk back.

You'll never forget who I'm -God, you couldn't be!

Human, you don't seem to be. And I'm not scared of the devil.

And who are you?

Praise the good Lord who made us all.

Tell me, a small scratch means more to you than a man.

Because he's poor?

He isn't a man. The likes of him are vermin for society.

Dogs like them should be run over and k*lled.

So proud of your car? - Hey mister, this is a mercedes.

Have you ever driven something like this?

Not yet. But I'll give it a try. How about a -cent bet?

What are you doing?

Where are you doing?

Are you mad?

You'll get me k*lled!

You've destroyed my car!


Let me go! - Boss, one more chance please.

No, I don't think I can handle this car.

You win.

Here's one buck.

Fifty for the bet.

The rest for repairs.

Won't be it be great if someone like you enters my life?

Yes, it will be great.

Won't be it be great if someone like you enters my life?

Yes, it will be great.

Beauty needs love. Youth needs company.

Everyone longs for a beloved.

I wish you too would fall in love with me.

Yes, it will be great.

Won't be it be great if someone like you enters my life?

Yes, it will be great.

Won't be it be great if someone like you enters my life?

Yes, it will be great.

I fear I might lose myself in your love.

My lonely hearts is pines for you.

My heart wish to get you.

Yes, it will be great.

Won't be it be great if someone like you enters my life?

Yes, it will be great.

Won't be it be great if someone like you enters my life?

Yes, it will be great.

Yes, it will be great.

Yes, it will be great.

Yes, it will be great.

Good evening, Sheila. - Hello.

Hi, Sheila. - Good evening.

Fantastic Sheila! Your voice is as lovely as you're.

Thank you.

Hello, sweetheart.

Your voice is hot.

Your body is hot.

What do you think of me?

Rajesh, please don't.

If you ever speak to Sheila like that again...

...I'll shove these whiskers down your throat.

You mustn't get so worked up, Rajesh. These are my fans.

And some of them aren't sophisticated.

To hell with your fans.

Next time, I'll hang one of them.

Have you cooled down?

Rajesh, how long has it been since we met?

About an hour and a half. - I'm not talking about today.

When did we meet first?

When the sun nor moon nor stars, nor the skies, nor earth was.

No digression. It's been a year and a half.

And you haven't yet told me what you do.

I enjoy myself. - Apparently!

What do you happen to do for a living?

I steal. - Stop joking, Rajesh.

Tell me. - It's true. But you won't believe me

Did you just go crazy?

No point talking to you.

What are you searching? - I think I dropped my keys.

So help me God!

I'm becoming apprehensive. You aren't really a thief, are you?

Do I look like a thief? You're the thief.

You've seduced me. And you've robbed me of all I'd.

Sheila, no more singing in the nightclub.

Good night.

Now let me have it.

Rajesh. - Joe?

Oh God!

I taught you how to steal. Where did you learn how to fight?

What are you doing here? - Stealing. Not praying, surely?

Been working on it for two hours. This thing wouldn't give in.

Then I saw a shadow.

And I thought it must be Rajesh. Who else would dare?

Now give it to me. - What?

Half of it's mine. - No guests, please.

Hey, I'm your teacher.

You're expected to give a handsel to your teacher.

One pays obeisances to his teacher.

One doesn't pay a teacher in cash.

Come on, for old times' sake. - No friends between thieves.

Will you bite the hand that fed you? - Get lost.

Come on, give me a share. I'm going away to London.

Who knows if we'll ever meet again?

Joe, you're going to London?

Yes. - Why didn't you tell me earlier?

I wanted to test you.

May I? Really?

Long live, my friend! That's why I say, friendliness is...

Next to godliness? - Well said!

Hi. Lolipop. My cutie.

What a dish!


I'm sorry, dear. - Never mind.

My car crashed into yours. My mistake. - Never mind.

You're so handsome! You're so beautiful!

You're no less than Cleopatra. - my dear, I love you.

Excuse me, I'm in a hurry. - I'm in no hurry. I'm not leaving you!

Please Mother! For God's sake! - You called me mother?

Bad boy. I'm sixteen years only.

Oh my God! - What happened?

Nothing... it's nothing, Inspector.

My car crashed into someone's car.

She's right, inspector.

Your license and registration.

Bring license.

In the car. I'll get it.

Your license too. - Why do you want my license?

I'm a license... - Madam, please hurry.


Excuse me.

Mister. MRH .

Because of you I lost my beloved.

Dear, I love you.

I love you. God bless you.

Afterwards we got to know about...

...a robbery in the neighborhood...

...forced open a safe. Cash and jewelry stolen.

This man's background is quite interesting.

Used to be a motorbike daredevil.

He gave it up after an accident.

For a while, he disappeared. When he surfaced again...

...he was a changed man. He has an apartment and a car.

But no reported occupation

- Of late, there has been a spurt in robberies.

Even the toughest of safes are cracked open. Like magic.

The car he was traveling in was stolen. That's why he ran.

How are you?

I didn't fall down. I was surveying the height.

It isn't too high.

There's more behind me.


Fatso, sign up with the Army if you like sh**ting

Why are you after me?

The name is Khan. Amjad Khan.

And a Khan doesn't let go once he has latched on.

Sticky customer!

Are you forcing yourself upon me? - Yes.

You know him?

Handsome fellow, isn't he?

Couldn't be a relative, could he be? - No.

What does he do? - Robs.

Goodness! Robs? Boys these days...

Friend, this g*n has b*ll*ts.

How many would you like to bite?

I'm not hungry. Please help yourself.

You'll find it very appetizing. The bag.


Okay. But believe me, the clothes in it aren't your size.

They won't fit. Anyway, if you insist.

What was that? A hammer? You could've broken my jaw.

Enough of jokes. Get it?

Fatso, look the police are coming. You'll get caught...

...and you'll get me caught too -You want the stuff, right? - Yes.

Let's share it. Fifty fifty. Let go... come on, let go.

I'll. - I can't breathe. Let go.

I'll, I'll.

Rajesh Kumar alias Kailash Nath is...

...hereby convicted for robbery.

Under section of the Indian Penal Oode...

...the convict is sentenced to rigorous imprisonment...

...for three and a half years.


Shocked? Are you?! I told you I'm a thief.

But if you still love a thief, wait for me.


...promise me that you'll never come to the jail to see me.

I won't be able to bear it.

Good morning.

I need a van. A big one.

For three days.

You'll get a lot of money.

Who sent you? - God.

Get lost, smart guy.


Why are you so angry?

Did you look at yourself in the mirror this morning?

If you don't get lost I'll send you...

...to the hospital in this ambulance.

Bad joke.

How about that one?

Still a bad joke.

How's that?

How's this? Tell me.

That car carrying the gold. When does it reach the highway?

I don't know. - Say it.

Today. Eleven!

The number on the license plates? - MRH .

Not the real number. The fake one.


Thank you very much.

Now that you've helped the law...

...the law will take care of your livelihood...

...for the next years.

God bless you.

You sound cheerful today, Mohan. What gives?

Good news. - Go on.

I'm getting married -In our profession, that's tough.

Ever thought of that? - This is my last day on the job, Amar.

I'm quitting. - Good. Congratulations.

Best of luck. - Thank you.

Careful. Check-post coming up.

Here's the way bill. Please, I'm in a hurry.

Do you get paid for mumbling?

I get paid for going to sleep.

Go home and go to sleep. - I can't sleep at home. Because...

...the gold is in here.

What do you mean? - I'll explain. Open the truck.

Stop or I'll sh**t.

Talk about slaughtering the enemy...

...and you get k*lled by your own kin.

Sad. Really sad.

Hi, Sunny.

Heard you've been playing hide and seek with the police.

Where's the stuff?

My star carrier.

The shining star in our firmament.

We're all very proud of you, Amar.

I'm very happy with you. - But I'm very unhappy about you.

I shall never forget what your men did today.

Are you talking about Mohan? - He served you all his life.

He slogged to fill your coffers.

And today, you k*ll him like a dog?

I didn't k*ll him, Amar. He walked to his own death.

Any man who gets captured by the police...

...poses a threat for me and my organization.

And I always counter threats before their time.

So according to you, human life has no value?

Our organization doesn't need humans.

We need men who can perform.

Conscience, love, friendship are meaningless for us.

For us the police means death. Why don't you understand that?

Mohan was arrested.

Through him, the police could've reached us.

All we did was to remove their stepping stone.

For all these years, I've been kept in the dark.

I didn't know you're so inhuman.

I cannot abide by your principles.

I'm leaving your organization. - Foolish!

You can leave me...

...only after you're dead.

I'm doing it now.

Strike the name Amar out of your diaries.

Do you know the consequences? - Anything worse than death?

You fool!

I could've k*lled him too.

But I want him alive.

What if he informs the police? - He won't. He's brave.

My threats didn't stop him.

The police won't be able to make him speak.


Darling, why are you crying?

Papa, I thought you aren't coming.

Sorry darling, I'm late.

Come, let's go.

Tina, where are we going for the holidays?

Did Mummy love me?

Yes. She used to love you very much.

How did she look? - Very pretty. Just like you.

Hey, you! Idiots!

Tina! Are you hurt?

May I've the bill please? - What?

Bill please.

I can't give you my heart. - The bill.

Can't give you that either. ''ghoosa lagakey''.

What's ''ghoosa lagakey''? - My pet one-liner.

Got saved!

Won't it get great if someone likes you enter my life?

Ms Sheila, there's magic in your voice.

I'm crazy about your voice.

Autograph, please.

So you're interested in music too.

I thought you're just a boxer.

No, I'm not. But I would've become one.

What does that mean? - My father. He boxed me in.

Your father is a boxer too? - Boxer? Who, my father?

All he did was to sit behind the cash counter...

...and he fleeced his customers of every penny he could.

But at the end of the day...

...he was still trying to make ends meet.

We'd a hotel in Bhindi Bazar.

So he's the one who started this cafe.

And he made my life hell.

I would've been a champion today.

I would've floored Sonny Liston.

Joe Frazier would've been no match for me.

I would've sent...

...Mohammed Ali packing back to his village.

Mohammed Ali became Mohammed Ali after the prize fights.

My father named me Mohammed Ali when I was born.

Oh my!

What? - Get lost.

You too boy!

Here come the hoodlums! They're trouble.

Hi, there!

But you're a boxer. Why are you afraid?

I'm not afraid about getting beaten up.

But if I hit them, they're going to die. I'll be arrested.

Don't you worry. I'll fix them right away.

Last wicket down. Restaurant closed.

Didn't you see the sign? The cafe is closed. Go away.

Look, it's going to be bad if I get angry. Go away.

Mohammed Ali! - You cowards.

Aren't you ashamed? I'm calling the police

We're here. What use calling the police, darling?

What an attitude!

She's fantastic, man! - Great.

Come on, baby.

Get lost.

What's your number? - . .

Don't you want to know my stats?

You forgot to ask me on the way. That's why I'm here.

To settle the account. - Is he teaching us accountancy?

No. I'm here to settle the accounts.

He needs over hauling, boys.

His engine is overheating! - It's kicking up such a racket.

You fellows are the ones who have been kicking up a racket.

Now he's going to fix your sil*ncer.

Hello. - Hello. - This is my daughter. Tina.

Hello. - Hello.

Mohammed Ali!

My Papa is very strong.

What's your name? - Sheila.

Knock out!

Did you see my punch?

You're a fine boxer.

Mohammed Ali.

Mr Mohammed Ali, I'm willing to compensate you...

...for the losses you've incurred. - Keep it, man. I gained.

How come? - My rotten old man glassed me in.

Today I'm free! From today, this cafe is closed

And I begin! Sorry. Inside the ring!

Papa, shall we drop Sheila home? - Why not?

Thank you very much, I can manage.

Formality is such an irritant.

This young man is my new disciple.

Go with him. And don't be formal.

You won't be irritated.

You must accept my ''ustad's'' verdict. - All right.

By, champ. - Bye. - Ok, Champ.

Bye. - Bye. - Bye.

I'm the champ!

I'm the champ!

Here's is my place.

Sheila if the hoods tease you again, just tell me and my Papa.

Why me? You alone are enough.

Sheila, do you live here all alone?

Yes. - When Papa goes away to work...

...even I live all alone.

Why, where's your Mummy?

I don't have a Mummy.

Sheila, can I come to your house to meet you?

Sure darling. Whenever you want.

Thank you once again.

Bye, sweetheart.

Won't it be great if someone like you enters my life?

Yes, it would be great.

I fear I might get astrayed.

This eye seeks love.

My heart wants only you.

Yes, it would be great.

Won't it be great if someone like you enters my life?

Yes, it would be great.

Won't it be great if someone like you enters my life?

Yes, it would be great.

Yes, it would be great.

Yes, it would be great.

Rajesh, I'm getting out of here tomorrow.

I've a fabulous assignment for you. Only you can pull it off.

You'll make it rich, my friend

I'll wait for you.

Best of luck.


Hi, darling.

I love you.

I love you too.

Hi. - Hello.

I hope she isn't bothering you?

She loves you very much.

She's so engrossed with you...

...that she has forgotten that she has a father

She's lucky.

What's luck got to do with it?

It's said that a woman's love can change a man's destiny.

Love changes a man's luck.

Destiny of a man...

Destiny of a man...

Destiny of a man...

...is made only by love.

What's wrong...

...if someone falls in love?

I love you...

I love you...

...as if you're my life.

I love you...

What if you turn away from me?

I will feel as...

I will feel as if I've lost my soul.

I love you...

...as if you're my life.

I love you...

Life is incomplete without you.

If you're with me...

If you're with me, I'll get all the happiness in the world.

Life is incomplete without you.

I will take you along...

...where only love blossoms.

I love you...

I love you...

...as if you're my life.

I love you...

Remember me?

Who can forget a face like that? - My wife thinks so too.

Then you should spend some more time with her.

How I'd love to do that! But I happen to be a policeman.

And I've to take care of folks like you.

Does the government pay you to make life miserable for me?

Get lost, man! - Sir!


Get going. This is a big bad city.

Someone might be getting robbed now.

Someone might be getting r*ped.

Impossible! As long as you're here...

...nothing can go wrong in the city.

Can I give you a lift somewhere? - The last time, you gave me...

...a lift upto the jail. Enough for me.

This time, I'll drop you home.

You can take a ride on a police car to jail. Not home.

Good. I like it.

The next six months for the next six months...

...twice a week you'll report to the Bandra Police Station.

This is crazy.

Never again, as long as I live...

...would I like to see your face, sir.

Twice a week. You must!

Nice bike.

Have you renewed your license?

I'll do it for you. Get going.

Look ahead.

Ahead lies the road. - But my destination is on my pillion.

Now you'll be gentleman, and you'll take me home.

What are your intentions? - Only good intentions

The guest will be fed, and made to feel at home.

And what else will you do? Come on Sheila, say it.


Rajesh. - Sorry. I got lost.

What if the bike crashed? - I would've died trying to save you.

And the crowds would've celebrated the dead lover.

Tell me, did you miss me?

I know you didn't. But I was so lonely.

I can't live without you, Rajesh.

Then the next time I go to jail I'll take you along.

You mean you'll do it again?

I haven't decided anything as such...

...But who can do anything about luck?

Make yourself mighty so mighty that before He decides...

...your Maker shall ask of you Speak thy mind.

Lofty ideals and poetry? What's happening to you?

Been seeing a poet of late? - Well, I did meet someone.

Who? - Young and handsome like you.

He speaks poetry. And he has a way with words.

Rajesh, what happened? Are you angry?

I was just joking. - I don't like jokes like that.


I won't crack jokes like that ever again.

Now get up. Are you going to sit here all day?

Come in.

Yes? - We're here to escort you.

Where to? - You've been invited to a feast.

I don't like eating out. Enjoy yourselves.

Strange humor! What's this? A feast or a farce?

You'll know when you get there. Come on.

Don't worry, Sheila. I'll be back soon.

Shall we?

Look, I'm being very polite with you. This isn't necessary.

Please put it away. It scares me.

Thank you.

Why are you folks so serious? We're going to a party.

Let's talk about the good life.



Welcome, friend.

I'm sorry for putting you through all this trouble.

I just wanted to see who my host is. That's why I came.

Nice g*n.


Vicky, I like your friend.

My sister, Princess Jwala.

Hello. - Hello.

My brother is all praise for you. So I invited you.

And this is how you invite your guests?

What about your other style? - Welcome.



Do you know who he's?


Once I lost a bet to him. Worth fifty cents.

Fifty cents? He's worth millions.

My bets are based on my assessment of worth.

And you're right. Fifty cents is all he's worth.

But there's jewelry worth million locked inside his safe.

And it's rightfully mine.

I hear you work magic with your fingers, and...

...locks dance to your tune and doors spring open.

So you want me open the safe?

Yes -Friend, here's ,.

Advance , more after the job is done.

Please do the job as soon as you can.

You seem to be in a big hurry. You see, I'm just out of jail.

The money now. Let's talk later -You keep it.

Till the money stays with you, we'll remember each other.

Would you mind if I played the drums tonight?


Would you still mind?

No! Not at all.

In fact you're welcome.

I guessed so.

I am a damsel...

...whom everyone wants to meet in secret.

I am a damsel...

...whom everyone wants to meet in secret.

I can entice anyone...

...with my glance.

You are a damsel...

...whom everyone wants to meet in secret.

One who hasn't love...

...hasn't lived one's life.

Those who dread the path of loyalty...

...get love in return.

I am a damsel...

...whom everyone wants to meet in secret.


One who sees me...

...can't turn away his eyes.

For me one is willing to lose his existence...

...with be my first lover.

I am a damsel...

...whom everyone wants to meet in secret.

You are a damsel...

...whom everyone wants to meet in secret.

You are a damsel...

...whom everyone wants to meet in secret.


It was fun.

The water was chilled. Why didn't you come in?

With you and me together, the sea would've been on fire.

Rajesh, I still can't believe that you're back.

If you say that one more time, I'll vanish into thin air.

Who were they? - Who?

The ones who took you away.

That? Some business. - What do they want?

They just wanted to meet me. So I met them.

Rajesh, stay away from them. I think they're dangerous.

So what? What can they do to us?

I'm afraid you're going back to your old ways.

I'm going nowhere Sheila.

Here I'm. With you. Trust me.

So much money? Where did it come from?

Never mind where money comes from.

Just think about spending it.

But where did you get the money? - Enjoy the fruit.

Never mind the tree.

Who do you love more? Money? Or Sheila?

What a question!

What have you done? - Something I should've done long ago.

I thought after all you've been through, you'd mend your ways.

But now I know. You're incorrigible!

You're a thief to the core.

Yes, thief I'm! But I don't rob the poor.

The ones I steal from worship wealth...

...yet they know not how to use her.

Who gives you the right? - They themselves...

...for they too have robbed to amass their wealth.

Sheila, why don't you understand?

I don't want to steal for myself?

I want to give you all the riches in the world!

Right no wrong I know not, and I don't care.

I can't bear to see you dancing in the nightclubs.

Would you rather have me begging on the streets?

Do you know what it means to be lonely...

...for three and a half years?

If you knew, you'd never do this again.

Rajesh, I've realized for myself...

...in the life you're making for yourself, I've no place.

Sheila! Sheila!

Any news. - No, sir.

I want this man.

And I want him fast, you understand?

Find him! Find him! - Yes.

You're a marksman!

Who is he? - A criminal. Just like you...

...gave me the slip,

Looks like I'm the only fellow who hasn't. Unfortunate!

Where did you get that mannequin made?

Why? - I want one made. Just like you.

To pray to. For riddance.

I told you to see me twice a week.

No! You said once in two weeks.

Don't try to me... - Ah!

All right, you said twice a week.

But that look on your face!

It's loaded!


The next time you miss seeing me... - Now where do I see you?

All day, you're doing target practice.

Then you stick a beard on your face and...

...you go singing in nightclubs at night.

Same song! Encore!

You are a damsel whom everyone wants to...

Dulcet voice!


Am I following you around? Or, are you following me around?

Don't be angry. You're the one who has always been tailing me.

And the way you've marked me, oh it hurts!

I like it.

Burnt currency notes...

...found at the place where you took your girlfriend.

You seem to be back at it. Take care.

And if you miss the twice-a-week... you know what.

Where have you been?

Around the world.

When are you coming to our world?

Haven't been able to decide yet. I need time to think.

Think it over. Think it over well.

Remember the Princess isn't used to taking a no for an answer.

Are you threatening me? - Not at all.

Will you shut up!

Shut up, fool!

We're talking! Can't you see?

Did you say something?

I was saying after we're through, the car moves.

Now you're being polite. You said something else.

Want to hear it? - If you don't mind...

I said, shut up, fool!

Want to hear it again? - It'll be enough for today.

No g*n. No blood.

I hate m*rder.

The next time we meet will be your last time.

Who was he?

Dangerous fellow. Take care.

I'll be.

Thanks. Had it not been for you, he would've shot me.

The b*ll*ts would've ricocheted off your steel.

I've seen you somewhere. - Maybe.

You're the motorbike daredevil, aren't you?

What do you these days? - I've the motorbike.

I'm looking for an assignment.

Want a lift!

Are you deaf?

Parked right in the middle of the street.

Tall and handsome boys. Let it be, Rustom. - What?

You think they're tall and handsome? - Of course.

And you think I'm squat and ugly.

Put your veil up. They're strangers.

And I think they're hoodlums. - For you everyone is a hood.

I'll show you what they're.

Maybe your turn.

Are you blind or deaf? - Neither of it.

Is this any place to park your car?

Forgive me -What?! - What do you take me for? A beggar.

You think your father owns the road?

Your father owns the road -He mentioned my father.

You mentioned my father, did you?

Are you calling my father names?

First you park wrong, then you throw your weight around?

With you, I'd never! I don't want to get k*lled, do I?

Look at you... one blow from you and I'd be deep-sixed.

Darling it took this fellow a minute to...

...realize what my capability is.

And years after the marriage, and you still don't know!

Stop smiling, and start that car.

Now make it fast, or I'll crush that thing!

All right, I'm going. - Shut up. Else I'll break your teeth.

What? - I was just talking about my wife.

She keeps joking. That's why I want to break her teeth.

You're my brother! Now don't bother a married man.

Look, if you don't have petrol, just fill it up. Get going.

Saw? Saw?

You think they're handsome? And what do they think of me?

Stop boasting. The other night when the thief came in...

You locked yourself inside the bathroom!

I went to get my g*n. I took the g*n and I came out...

Standing in the middle of a road and raking up the past.

Don't you upset me.

Come on. Sit in the car! Don't you've any brains?

They're clapping... they can't really be my sons!

Tina! What are you doing? Stop it, Tina!

How are you darling?

Sheila, are you angry with me? - No.

With Papa? - No.

Then why didn't you come to see us for so long?

If you don't tell me, I'll drench you.

You live here?

A part of me does. Come on.

Stop, I say!


Now I'm getting angry. Tina, stop. Else, I'll beat you.

Keep it up. Her brains need to cool down.

Who are you?

Well, I'm who I'm. But whose daughter are you?


Your daughter? - Yes.

Which means... you know each other?

No -But of course, the kid...

Neighbor. She comes to play with me.


I just got to know him. And you already know his daughter.

Amar, this is Sheila.

Hello. - Hello.

Bye, Rajesh -What's your hurry?

Some other time. I know where to find you.

What do you seek?

What do you seek? - Your face!

What do you desire? - Your love.

What if I refuse? - You can't.

I doubt your intentions.

What do you seek? - Your face.

What do you desire? - Your love.

What if I refuse? - You can't.

I doubt your intentions.

What do you seek? - Your face.

Whoever I look at you, you look more alluring.

You are like a fairy from heaven.

Your style is out of this world.

I am floored by your charm.

Why is their naughty glow on your face?

This is because of your company.

What do you seek? - Your face.

Just think, what if someone steals me from you?

Nobody can dare to even cast his glance on you.

Do you trust your love so much?

It's my habit to sacrifice in love.

What do you seek? - Your face.

What do you desire? - Your love.

What if I refuse? - You can't.

I doubt your intentions.

What do you seek? - Your face.

What's up, Sheila?

I've refused to recognize you.

But not to deceive Rajesh. I don't want to lose him.

He's madly in love with me. If he gets to know that...

...you were in love with me, he won't be able to bear it.

And there's no knowing what he might do.

Please, never mention this to him. - Sheila...

...trust me. This will stay a secret Rajesh deserves your love.

I'd be sorry to lose his friendship, just like you.

You love Papa, don't you? - I do.

Will you listen to something, then? - Yes.

Don't go to see Sheila. - Why?

There are some things...

...some things that you'll get to know only once you grow up.

Sheila! Sheila!

Sheila! Sheila!

Remember me telling you that we'll...

...meet once more for the last time?

Care for life? You're scared to die.

All my life, I've played with death.

No dying for you. I'll let you live.

A life worse than death.


You're proud of the strength in your legs, aren't you?

From now, you're crawling. You'll beg for mercy.

No! He's valuable to me.

You're lucky to have a friend like him.

A friend he's mine too. But why doesn't he behave like one?

Could your condition evoke his friendlier instincts for me?


If this is what you're going to do, I'll never do it for you.

All right, one more chance.

Else, his daughter and your girlfriend will fare worse.


Good girls don't cry.

Come home with me. Let Papa rest. We'll come back tomorrow.

Get well soon.

Bye, papa. - Come.

Oh! What a pretty child!

Hello, darling.

Are you crying? You mustn't.

How about chewing gum?

Where is it gone?

Sweet child.


Is she your daughter?

Pretty child.


My name is Inspector Khan. I want to ask some questions.

This is no time for questions. - Shut up.

Speak when you're spoken to. As of now, he's talking.


How did all this happen? - A lorry...

I told you to keep your dirty mouth shut.

You know the consequences of interfering with the law?

Shut up.

I'm sorry.

How did all this happen?

Sad. I know it hurts.

How did it happen?


I was asking how it happened.

We were walking along the highway.

A lorry hit me.

You didn't take the number, did you?

And your friend was with you, right?

I'm not surprised. Wherever he goes, accidents keep happening.

Hey, you've lovely eyes. Don't misuse your eyes.

I'm talking to you.

This thing you keep doing...

...some day I'll make it a permanent fixture on your face.

Temper. Thank you.

Why did you make me tell a lie?

We've met twice.

And both the times, you saved my life.

I consider you friend.

If you reciprocate my friendship...

...you'll tell me -Friend, you know nothing about me.

I'm a convict. I've served three and a half years.

After I was released...

...Vikram and his sister gave me a huge advance to do a job.

For Sheila's sake, I decided to give up crime.

Else I would've lost her.

I just burnt all the money.

So I couldn't give the money back.

Nor did I do the job.

Ever since, they've been after me.

By some freak chance you've struck an enmity with them too.

Had I not come in the nick of time...

...last night they would've cut your legs, made you a cr*pple.

Before he left, the rogue even threatened...

...to k*ll you, Tina and Sheila...

...unless I do the job... - Rajesh.

Rajesh, I'm grateful for your friendship.

Pray that I recover soon.

I'll teach that cur a lesson. He'll pray for his death.

Curse that chap who made me take that fall!

Nurse, I fell down all the way from the third floor.

Nurse, you don't have any sympathy for me.

You fell in the bathroom!

Don't insult me in front of the nurse.

Whose wife are you? The neighbors'?

Nurse, give me some sympathy.

You don't go groping another woman in front of me.

Aren't you ashamed? - I can always use the other hand on you.

You know, that's a pretty nose.

Slowly! Are you pulling a stretcher or a racing cart?

Who's to answer if I get more fractures? Slowly. Do it slowly.

Sweet, nurse! You look very sweet.

Very sweet. What is your cheek! Lovely!

Nurse, where were you born? At home, or in the hospital?

What a smile!

Hi handsome! What happened? How did you get so many bruises?

What happened to him? Handsome, won't you speak to me?

Rolly! Rolly!

The hoods! Hey you fellows are hoods. Stay away from my wife.

Move it man!

Now what's wrong? Get a hold on your temper, darling.

To hell with it!

My name is Rustom! I'll teach the hoods a lesson.

You want to ruin my married life?

The other day, you threatened me. Now you see?

My men have broken your bones!

What? Are you crying? Or are you laughing?

Where were you when they broke his bones?

No jokes, mind you. I've a dozen g*ons waiting outside.

So don't you talk too much, or I'll break all your bones.

And I'll put you on a bed beside him. Get it? - Doctor. Doctor.

This is a hospital. Not your father's house.

Shut up! If I die, you'll become a widow.

Hasn't let go yet? Doctor! Look, he's still holding on.

Tina is missing!

What are you saying? Where has she gone?

I don't know! Lt's been some time now.

I've looked everywhere for her.

This is Vikram! I'll k*ll him! - Amar! Wait!

Don't be hasty. It could cost you and Tina your lives.

I'll k*ll everyone in his family! Get out of my way!

Don't be stubborn, Amar! - Out of my way.

The man in the mask. Unmasked now. Put these handcuffs on.

Don't tell Inspector Khan anything.

Lord! Help me!

He has come alone. Why hasn't Rajesh come?

He'll come. After this one dies to mourn.

Vikram, where's my daughter? - With me. Come and take her.

Pump him full of b*ll*ts.

Let him get closer.

It'll be fun watching him die from close up.

Stop! - Let me go, Rajesh!

Come to your senses, Amar What use dying for nothing?

They're the ones who will die.

I'll k*ll each and every one of them.

Let go. - No!

You think Tina means nothing to me?

They want me to steal for them. I'll do it for them.

No! You won't. - Amar.

I've a plan. Just give me a day. I'll get Tina out of here.


One minute.

Even angels aren't blessed with it.

This emotion is only for humans.

Only richly deserving get...

...to make the supreme sacrifice.

Hail Almighty!

Hail Almighty!

Hail Almighty!

Hail Almighty!

Hail Almighty!

Hail Almighty!

Hail Almighty!

Greetings, Khan Baba! Happy Idd.

Greetings, Rajesh. Happy Idd. Where have you been so long?

Long time no see.

Khan Baba, this is my friend, Amar.

Happy Idd. - Same to you.

I've something important to ask. - Anything for you.

Why Britain only? I can even send you to the moon.

Sit down, and have fun.

Greetings, Khan Baba.

Greetings, Khan.

Happy Idd. - Same to you.

Khan Baba, are the two birds here? - Birds?

Amar and Rajesh. - They came, and they flew away.

Flew away? Or are they hiding here? - How could they?

This is Karim Khan's house. Not a pigeon coop.

Sit down.

My life is for you.

You are my heart, my belief.

My life is for you.

You are my heart, my belief.

My friendship tells me to sacrifice everything on friend.

God loves those who make sacrifices.

God loves those who make sacrifices.

Under the shade of swords...

Friendships blossom.

Under the shade of swords... - Friendships blossom.

Foes of foes... - And true friends of friends.

Friends are ready to face any danger.

Friends are ready to face any danger.

My friendship tells me to sacrifice everything on friend.

God loves those who make sacrifices.

God loves those who make sacrifices.

I'm blessed to get such a friend.

I'm blessed to get such a friend.

With your support... - Everyone else got scared.

Look at this unity. This is the union of two worlds.

My friendship tells me to sacrifice everything on friend.

God loves those who make sacrifices.

My life is for you. - You're my heart, my belief.

My life is for you. - You're my heart, my belief.

My friendship tells me to sacrifice everything on friend.

God loves those who make sacrifices.

God loves those who make sacrifices.

Where are you going?

You dance very well

Thank you. - It's Allah's gift.

Bye. Happy Idd.

Happy Idd. - Happy Idd.

Happy Idd. - Thank you, sir.

Why have you come here? - To tell you, you're going to die.

I've heard those words before.

Forgotten your time in jail?

Still haven't got over your vengeance?

That was my brother.

But a woman's vengeance, you've not seen.

When a woman takes her revenge...

...everything is burnt to ashes.

I'll call the police exactly at five minutes to one.

His plan is fantastic.

Sadly, he won't enjoy the fruits.

He's supposed to get , for the job.

As soon as he delivers, we'll give him five b*ll*ts instead.

So our plan isn't that bad either.

Look, you're mating tonight.

Finding three males for you was tough enough.

Choose your mate. Show them what you're.

He's coming. Watch out.

He must be dead before he gets too close.


How did they turn up?

He's shot.

Let's run. Move!

Lord, thou art the giver of life. Give life, Lord.

Rise, son.

Fantastic plan, Rajesh! They wanted to k*ll you.

Khan Baba, it's all thanks to you.

- Fools! Took my men for real cops.

They fled without turning back!

Come on. Amar must be waiting.

Hello, police. - Yes.

The house in front of mine is being burgled.

Where? - th floor. Riviera, Nariman Point.

Your name? It's important -Now don't involve me.

I'm informing you. That's all. - Hello. Hello.

Have you called the police? - Yes.

We've made tons of money This is worth million. Take this.

Karim Khan is waiting for you. He'll put you on the plane.

What are you thinking about? - I'm not leaving you. Come along.

Not again! - Rajesh, listen to me.

You needn't go to jail. This money is enough for us.

We can live peacefully anywhere on earth.

Not until the police are convinced that...

...I'm not involved with this heist.

I've to get caught on this job.

Amar, at most it's a matter of a year or a year and a half.

The police are coming.

Make sure you remember the codes for the rendezvous with Joe?

Yes. Friendliness is godliness.

What am I going to tell Sheila? - Explain it to her.

You? - Yes, inspector.

IPC section . Section . Attempt of robbery.

Getting caught while robbing gets you one year.

months more...

...going by my past record makes it a year and a half?


What are you thinking about? Handcuffs please.

That reminds me of a couplet written by Mirza Ghalib.

Would you like to hear it? - Sure.

Eagerness isn't without reason.

Where there is something to hide.

What do you mean? - Simple.

Would you get caught doing such a simple theft.

Now that stinks.

Stinks? But it's open and shut case.

A policeman's first lesson is...

...not to believe what you see or hear.

Use your minds to find the truth.

After that, and only after that can you believe.

So what according to you is the truth?

Allah willing, I'll soon find out.





Yes. Thank you.

I mention Allah, and the truth outs.

What truth?

Raka's house was robbed

Diamonds worth million are missing.

How am I involved with that? - That's exactly what...

...you're involved with. This is a sham.

You'll never be able to prove my...

...involvement with that robbery.

You're right. I can't arrest you for the robbery.

But I can surely arrest you for this m*rder.

No! I didn't k*ll him. - Shut up.

I say I haven't k*lled him.

Just shut up and listen to me quietly, boy.

I'm beginning to understand your plan.

You and your friend planned this double heist.

You were to rob Raka's house...

...and you'd pass the loot to your friend.

And your friend flees India, while you get caught here...

...breaking a safe

You get a year or a year and a half at most.

After which...

...you and your friend live happily ever after off the loot.

You tried to fool the police. But your friend has fooled you.

He kills this man, and he gets away.

That's a lie! - That's the truth.

My friend could never do that.

That's exactly what he has done.

He's flown with your money and your girlfriend...

...and your part of the deal is to hang for him.

The hangman's noose for you, Rajesh.

My friend could never do that.

In crime, sons cheat their fathers.

What to say of friends? Come on.

Sir. - I want you to wait here for the ambulance...


Rajesh, don't be an idiot.

Don't try to do the impossible. Don't be foolhardy.

You can't escape.

You can't get me. Not until I've k*lled Amar.

Officer, get down the steps.


Rajesh has double-crossed us. - How come?

That police posse was a set-up.

Where can he go? - His friend! Joe.

And Joe is in London just now.


My name is Joe -Code?

Friendliness is godliness.

Hello. - Hello.

Why hasn't Rajesh come? Any problems?

No. He'll come afterwards.

Where's the jewelry? - I've it.

Has the money been organized? - Will be done.

Call me on this number the day after tomorrow.

Good luck.


Where's Rajesh?

I don't know.

Hasn't Amar told you? - Who is he?

Oh! Don't be smart with me, Joe.

According to Scotland Yard, you met Amar yesterday.

Mr. Ron. - . at Catherine Dock.

Now what do you say?

So what? Not a crime meeting him, is it?

Yes, you've committed a grave crime.

Rajesh and Amar are criminals.

They're accused of robbery and m*rder.

m*rder? - Yes, m*rder.

If they turn themselves in...

...I can get them off the hook for m*rder.

Only I know who the real K*llers are. Vikram and his sister.

But if they refuse, they'd get twenty years at least.

And Mr. Joe, if you try to act smart with me...

...you might have to live those twenty years in their company.

Accessory after the fact.

Amar, something must've happened to Rajesh.

He should've been here by now.

Nothing is wrong. Believe me Sheila.

Then why hasn't he come yet?

He'll come.

Whenever I ask you, that's all you say. Where is he?

Something has cropped up. He has had to stay back.

What is it? Why don't you tell me? - How do I explain this?

Sheila, as of now, I can't tell you anything.

But please, trust me.

Amar, once you sacrificed your love for my sake.

For the sake of that love, tell me the truth.

It will take him some time to come.

How long? - A year or a year and a half.


Why just a year or a year and a half.

Why don't you say I'll never come?

Rajesh, what are you saying? - One more step, and you're dead.

What? - Surprised to see me alive?

What are you saying?

May you live forever. Why should I be surprised?

Is that meant for Sheila's benefit.

- You're raving! Are you drunk?

I'm just getting out of the hangover.

Of love, friendship and humanity.

What's wrong with you, Rajesh?

Before he left he sent me to the gallows.

Gallows? - Yes.

By now I must've been sentenced to hang.

That's what you thought.

To hang? - I've been framed for m*rder.

m*rder? Whose? - Ask yourself.

No Rajesh! I didn't k*ll anyone.

- How come a dead man was there?

You k*lled him! And you framed me for it.

So that I'd hang! And you'd enjoy all the money. And Sheila.

Rajesh. - Scoundrel! Why did you betray me?

I was willing to sacrifice a year and...

...a half of my life for your sake.

If you wanted the money, you should've just said so.

If you wanted Sheila...

...I would've sacrificed my love for your friendship.

I would've stepped aside. - If you don't stop this nonsense...

I'm going to hit you! - Just you try!

What are you waiting for? - If you were born of a man...

...you'll throw that revolver away, then talk.

Rajesh, what's going on?

Stop it, I say! - Stay away.

Rajesh! You mustn't! - Out of my way, Sheila.

For God's sake! Stop it.

If the two of you don't stop this madness, I'll k*ll myself!


Papa, I just had a nightmare.

Who? - Joe here.

Yes, Joe? Rajesh here. - When did you arrive? - Just now.

The Interpol and Inspector Khan are looking for you.

I know. They think I committed the m*rder.

Not you. Vikram Singh and his sister k*lled that man.

What are you saying? - Inspector Khan told me himself.

You're only charged with robbery.

Hello, Rajesh.

Are you listening? - Yes.

Be careful. - I'll be careful.

I'll contact you later.


I've insulted your friendship.

I've hurt you -Yes, you've hurt me.

Go on Amar, k*ll me! I've no right to live.

You're the only friend I've.

If I k*lled you, how could I live?


Victor one calling, HQ.

Position A and HW.

Approaching junction on M.

Over and out.

Just keep on the road to High Careen. - Ok?

Yes, that's it.


Inspector Khan. With the London police.

Amar, where's the heist? - In the boot of the red car.

Oh God! We've to make a break for it.

Come on. - Sheila.

You go from the back. - Yes, sir.

Hands up. - Drop it.

Quick. After them.

Hurry. Move.

Approaching Red Line Quarry.

Position, heading west.

Come on. Step on it.

Move it.

Look out!

Victor one to head quarters.

Victor one to head quarters.


Position, Action Lake.

Under water.

I repeat, under water.

We must switch cars.

Khan must've set all of London looking for us.

All right, you do the switch while I call Joe. - Ok.

That car could be available. - Ok.

Hello, Joe. - Hello, Sunny.


Why don't you say? We've to sell the stuff. Where do we meet?


The West London piers. Eleven sharp.

The West London piers. Eleven sharp.


Joe. Joe.

I've made it.

What's the matter?

Sunny. - What is it Joe?

Joe! You deceived me?

Your fate has deceived you. Your life has deceived you.

Death surrounds you on all sides.

Mr Joe, we've no enmity. You may go.

That was just a sample.

Your friendship is now going to be put to test.

Let's see if you can die together as you've lived together.

Before you die, you can watch the two of them die.

Get in. - Get in.

Fool, get in. - Come on.

Get in. - Get in.

I told you I wanted to see you die together.

Now is the time.

First you. Because you deceived us.



Such friendship! Such sacrifice.

No, Amar.





''Angels aren't blessed with it.

''This emotion is only for humans.

''Only the richly deserving'... '

...will perform the supreme sacrifice.''

My life is for you.

You are my heart, my belief.

My life is for you. - You're my heart, my belief.

My friendship tells me to sacrifice everything on friend.

God loves those who make sacrifices.

God loves those who make sacrifices.
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