Bottle Rocket (1996)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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Bottle Rocket (1996)

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Match Strikes ]

[ Flame Ignites ]

[ Birds Chirping ]

[ Cawing ]

[ Knocking ]

Hey, Dr. Nichols. I was just
coming down to say good-bye.

- Anthony, I came to help you with your bags.
- No. That's okay. I got it.

I can take them down myself.
I-I got 'em.

What's— What's this?
What's going on?

[ Exhales ]

Well, see, my friend Dignan didn't realize
that this was a voluntary hospital...

and he got this whole
escape thing worked out...

and he just got so excited
about the thing...

I didn't have the heart to tell him, uh...

no, that, uh—

I mean, look how excited he is.

[ Sighs ] I gotta do it this way, Dr. Nichols.
I gotta climb out.

It's— It's only one floor down.

Okay. But can you do it fast?

You know, this— this doesn't look good.
None of this looks good at all.


Well, thanks very much, Dr. Nichols.

You've really been a great help.
You've been a great doctor.

- No. Thank you.
- Yeah, well. Yeah. Okay. Go.

- Can you hand me my bag, please?
- Yeah.

Thanks. I'll see you.

Hey, Anthony.
Don't try to save everybody, okay?

Okay. I won't. Whoa.

- Oh, Dennis!
- Hey!

- See you later, Felicia.
- Hey, Anthony. Thanks for everything.

- Bye. Take care.
- Bye, Barbara. See you, Curtis.

- [ Curtis ] Thanks, Anthony.
- Come on. Any problems?

- No.
- Yes! Yes! Wonderful. Great. Wait, wait, wait.

Who'd you get to do that?
Did you bribe the janitor?

Smart. Smart.

- Driver, what's our E.T.A.?
- :.

Good, good. We're on schedule.
Here's our agenda for the next few months.

- I believe you will find everything is in order.
- Practice job. Looks good.

That's our first move when we get back.

- Look it over, and I will brief you on the way.
- Okay.

This is just a rough sketch
of what I was trying to do.

The idea of a practice job, a heist, and
the idea that you and I both respond to goals.

- And it all leads to Mr. Henry.
- The guy from the letters.

[ Dignan ] Exactly. Exactly.
This is rough, but what I try to do is...

I think you and I both respond to structure,
and that's what's important.

Twenty-five? Boy, you've really
got it well planned out.

- Next . [ Whistles ] Whoo.
- Yeah.

So did you enjoy your first visit
to the nuthouse?

Hey, hey! Shh! Shh! Shh! Come on.

Be sensitive to the fact
that other people...

are not comfortable talking
about emotional disturbances.

Uh, you know, I am.
I'm fine with that, but other people—

- Okay.
- Put it behind you. You're out. You're better.

- You're right.
- And so it begins.

Okay, we should also get on a fitness regime:
sit-ups, roadworks, hitting the bags—

- I was running miles a day out in the desert.
- Were you really?

- Yeah, at night, when it got cooler.
- That's exactly what I'm talking about.
That's good cardiovascular.

When'd you get so avid
about the fitness thing, Dignan?

What? What do you mean by "avid"?

I'm just saying I've never known you
to be all that athletic. All of a sudden—

You've never— Wait. You've never
known me to be all that athletic?

- Does it sound weird?
- I'm not saying you're not a good athlete.

- Does it sound weird
to be talking about all the exercise?
- It doesn't sound weird.

I'm not saying that it's the top priority,
but I think it's a pretty good goal.

- I think it's a really good goal.
- Here. Put these on.

♪ When I was a boy I thought
about the times I'd be a man ♪

♪ I'd sit inside a bottle
and pretend that I was in a can ♪

♪ In my lonely room I set my mind
in an ice cream cone ♪

♪ You can throw me if you wanna
'cause I'm a bone ♪

♪ And I go
Boom bip bip, boom bip bip, yeah ♪♪

- Obviously, good quickness.
- Yeah, in and out pretty fast.

- Real fast, man, and good intensity.
- High intensity.

Great intensity, 'cause I was, like—
tu-tu-tu— like really fast.

The preparation was good.
I think that's your specialty.

Thank you. If I said that, it would sound like
bragging. That's why I didn't want to say it.

- Okay, criticisms.
- Criticisms.

I've only one: not very thorough.
Left a lot of valuables behind.

- I don't think that was a mistake.
- That was one of the limitations of this job.

But, by the way, great job in there.

It was nice working with you,
'cause it was like—

Thank you.

Next order of business: Mr. Henry.

You're wondering,
when am I gonna introduce you to Mr. Henry
after all I've told you about him?

Well, in answer to that question,
very soon.

In fact, judging from how well that—
Here you go. Do that up there. There you go.

Judging from how well that job
went today, which was pretty good...

including the coin collection
and the earrings, was, to say the least—

Y-You took the earrings, Dignan?
You took them?

Well, it's my fault. It's, like, ultimately,
Anthony, when are you gonna learn?

Man, you got another ball!
Should I play your game?

Dignan, I know you remember the list,
'cause you signed it.

You signed "The Things Dignan's
Not Supposed to Touch."

The thing is, I can't be sorting through
all that shit in the middle of a burglary.

- Hey, I don't care, okay?
- There's just no time for it.

I bought the earrings for my mother
on her birthday. I picked them out mys—

One thing is, every valuable item
in the house was on that list.

Maybe we should've robbed your house.
You ever think of that?

No, I bet that never crossed your mind.

What? What?
Come on, Dignan.

You know there's nothing to steal
from my mom and Craig.

[ Bell Rings ]

[ Horn Honking ]

Hey, hey, Grace!

Hey, Grace!

You're supposed to be in Arizona.

What, you don't say hi anymore?
Come on.

Is this the pi— Are you the pilot?

No, I'm— I'm Anthony.
I'm Grace's brother.

Will you excuse us for a minute,

- Are you sure?
- Yeah.

You told her—

You told your friend Bernice
I'm some kind of jet pilot?

What was I supposed to say?
They stuck you in an insane asylum?

It wasn't an insane asylum, Grace.

I explained to you back then
that it was for exhaustion.

- Exhaustion?
- Yes, exhaustion.

You haven't worked a day in your life.
How could you be exhausted?

Okay, sit down. Okay?

I didn't come up here today
to argue with you, okay?

I got some friends waiting for me,
and I've got things I need to—


- Some associates, that's who.
- Dignan?

- Yeah, Dignan, but also some—
- [ Sighs ]

What's wrong with Dignan, Grace?
I thought you liked Dignan.

- I do like Dignan.
- Why do you sigh when I mention his name?

But he's a liar.

Bob Mapplethorpe,
potential getaway driver, go!

- Go.
- I think there's a real air of mystery about me.

Don't complicate it. Your number one
strength is you have a car you can provide.

Sell yourself. Start over.
You ready? Go.

Okay. All right. I'm a risk taker.

I'm growing an entire crop of marijuana
plants in my parents' backyard.
I think that shows a little—

Wait a second. You're growin' an entire crop
of marijuana in your backyard?

Dignan, look. I'm just not that good
at this "selling yourself" stuff, okay?

So I'm just gonna tell you the truth.

I really want to be a part of this team...

and I'm the only one with a car.

That's good. That's good.

'Cause that hits me right here.

Okay, can you do me a favor
and take, uh—

I want you to take these earrings
and put them in Mom's mahogany box.

Now, put them in your backpack or something
so you don't lose them.

What are you doing with these?

Could you just put them in the box,
please, Grace?

You've really gotten into a bad habit
of asking a huge amount of questions lately.

[ Sighs ]

Okay. I gotta go, okay, pal?

What's gonna happen to you, Anthony?

Geez, Grace! What the hell kind
of question is that to ask me?

When are you coming home?

Grace. I can't come home.
I'm an adult.

Why are you looking at me like that?


A little kid.
I want to know what caused thunder—

How'd it go with Grace?

- How'd it go?
- Can we leave, please, Bob?

- Sure.
- [ Clears Throat ]

Little kids are really cute.
She is a cute little kid.

What happened? I just have no idea.
I mean, how did Grace get so cynical?

- Look, I can't answer that question now.
- Where does it come from?

All I'm concerned about
is getting you back in the car.

How did she come
to this conclusion about me—

Let's get back in the car
where you can settle down.

- She thinks I'm a failure.
- What? She said you're a failure?

- Thinking that about me at this point.
- What has she ever accomplished
with her life that's so great?

- What do I do?
- Nothing. You don't have to do anything.

I'm not saying she has to look up to me at all.
I'm not saying that.

- Don't worry about it.
- Although maybe she should. Why not?

- Stop. Stop for a second.
- She tells her best friend at school I'm a pilot.

- Stop for a second and look at this.
- Oh, no.

Fact: I learned more in the two months
I spent with Mr. Henry and his crew...

than I learned in years
of academic study.

Fact: I can guarantee you,
after Mr. Henry sees us pull this job...

he's gonna take a personal interest
in our future.

Fact: Mr. Henry drives a Jaguar.

Fact: Dignan, the picture's
not doing it for me right now.

Does the fact that I'm trying to do it
do it for you?

I hate to interrupt
your conversation, guys.

But I think I know what you've
been going through, man...

'cause I been through
some pretty heavy shit myself.

If you're feeling alone,
like nobody in the world cares...

and nobody in the f*cking world
gives a shit—

- [ Horn Honking ]
- then I'm here.

- That was a stop sign.
- I'm ready to listen, man.

If you want, I'll even open up first.
My brother— That's a shit situation.

He beats the crap out of me all the time.

[ Dog Barking ]

I don't suppose either one of you know
why Bob's car's parked out in front.

- Yeah, he's here.
- He's, uh—

- He's ins—
- He's here at the house.

- Let me see if Bob's keeping the pool clean.
- That's Future Man.

Uh, yeah, I know.

What the f*ck is this?

Vámonos, Clay.

Bob, you were told to thoroughly clean
the pool this morning.

- It's a leaf.
- [ Bob ] There was one leaf!

- Man, one leaf blew in!
- Your name's Anthony, isn't it?

- [ Future Man And Bob Arguing ]
- Yeah, his name's Anthony. My name's Dignan.

I'm Stacy Sinclair,
Elizabeth's sorority sister.

- I didn't know she had a sister.
- [ Laughing ]

Oh, my God.
You have the best sense of humor.

She is going to be so jealous
I saw you here.

So you go to school in Arizona, right?

- No, I was in the hospital.
- Oh, what for?

[ Arguing Continues ]

- I went nuts.
- [ Bob Screams ]

- He's kidding. He's kidding. He didn't go nuts.
- You poor thing. How'd it happen?

- Do you really want to know?
- [ Future Man ] Clean the shit out of the pool!

- Yes, I really do.
- Okay.

One morning,
over at Elizabeth's beach house...

she asked me if I'd rather
go waterskiing or lay out...

and I realized that not only did I
not want to answer that question...

but I never wanted to answer
another water-sports question...

or see any of these people again
for the rest of my life.

Three days later, I was on my way out
to the desert, and that was that.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Bob ]
Bullying son of a bitch!

You're calling me a bully?
Here's a bully for you!

- [ Blow Lands ]
- [ Bob ] Ow!

Hold on, Bob! You're only gonna
make this take longer!

- You're really complicated, aren't you?
- [ Bob ] Aah! My ear!

I try not to be.

[ No Audible Dialogue ]

Okay, escape route is crucial,
just in case somebody is tailing us...

or even chasing us, as the case may be.

We can't be sure
how it is gonna happen.

Do you think that we're gonna be chased?
Is that a possibility?

That's a good question.
No, I don't think we're gonna be chased.

I'm just being hypocritical here.
However, I will say—

Bob, please don't interrupt me, man,
'cause I'm trying to stay focused on this stuff.

You're responsible for the external situation
tomorrow— streets and the getaway.

Excuse me. The— Are the expl*sives
really necessary here?

I think it'd be a lot more simple
if I just walk up to the door alone.

- I think that that would be—
- Why are you undermining me, man?

- How much b*ll*ts does this thing take?
- Bob.

- Look, I'm paying attention.
- g*dd*mn it!

You're not paying attention
if you're messing around with the g*n!

Now, quit—
Anthony, keep the g*n on the table.

- Dignan, relax.
- I can't focus unless the g*n is on the table.

- I paid for it.
- Shut up, man! Shut up! I'm warning you now.

- Be quiet, please.
- It's true, Dignan. I paid for the g*n.

Say it again. Say it one more time.
Say it again.

Repeat what you just said.

[ Mouths Words ]

I paid for the g*n.

[ Sighs ] He's out. You're out too.
And I don't think I'm in either.

- Calm down. Just calm down.
- No g*ng!

[ Dignan ] You two just don't give a shit.
When it comes right down to it, you don't care.

How does an assh*le like Bob
get such a great kitchen?

[ Anthony ]
Come on.


I apologize.
That was poor leadership.

I'm under a lot of pressure
right now, and...

I don't feel like the team
is gelling the way—

If I can even use that word, because
I don't even know if we are a team.

Hey. We are a team.

Yeah. A team.

Okay. There.

Do you see? The star is me.
Right there. And I'll be in there.

The "X" is Anthony.
Bob, you're the "" out here in the car.

[ Heart Beating ]

Okay. Okay.

What are you putting that tape
on your nose for?


[ Watch Beeping ]

Let's get lucky.

Okay. You go to the door.

- Okay, wait right here.
- Come on. Let's go.

Come on. Hurry. Don't panic.

Okay. Get him to open the door.

- Don't panic. Don't panic.
- I left my sweater inside!

I know. Oh.
Do you have a lost and found?

- Here he comes. [ Cawing ]
- A lost and found?

- Bob.
- [ Hooting ]

I'm sorry. We're closed, sir.

Do you have a lost and found?
I left my sweater back in—

You got something on your—
What's that on your nose?

I cut it. I got a cut across the bridge.
Do you have a lost and found?

- Can you come back tomorrow?
- I can't. I got to get it tonight.

Let me check with my manager.
Hold on one second. Just stand inside.

Hey. Excuse me, sir.
We're— We're closed.

Oh. What— What about that guy?

- I left my sweater in here.
- He forgot his sweater.

Oh, yeah?
I left some money in there.

- Some money? Where?
- In the cash register. Step away from the door.

Stockers! Stockers!
Where are the other stockers?

Who, Robbie? He might be in Literature.
That's his section.

Hey, is that the manager?
Who is that? Come here!

- I'm gonna go down to the stockroom.
- What's going on here?

- I'm sending you both back there.
Let's go. Move!
- All right! All right!

Let's go!
You guys both move at the same time—

- Okay, sit down! Get up against the wall!
- Easy!

What's in here?
Where's the money? Talk, Stretch!

- I-It's in the drawer.
- Okay, there it is.

Come on! Open up that drawer!
No, it's not! Come on! The other one!

There's the money. Okay.

Put it in one of those bags.
Get one of those bags.

Let's move! Come on! A bigger one,
you idiot! What do you think?

Don't call me an idiot, you punk.

Can— Do you have bigger bags
for atlases or dictionaries, uh, sir?

- Robbie?
- Uh-huh.

Aren't you supposed to be in Literature?

- It's all full up.
- They need you in the office right now.

Use the little bags.
Put the money in there. We'll use a lot of them.


- J-Just do your best.
- W-Why do you wear that tape on your nose?

Little bags, man.

Okay. Everybody— I want everybody
to just sit tight. Sit tight.

Okay. Thank you so much.

- [ Engine Starts ]
- Whoo! Whoo!

Success! Full success!

We're heading back to Bob's. We're gonna
hit the road and go on the lam! Go!

Go! Go! Go!

♪♪ [ Light Jazz On Stereo ]

Okay, now, before we divide the loot,
let me say one thing.

- Bob gets the spirit award on this caper.
- Hey!

Although his share won't be
as equal as ours, his contributions—

- What?
- Come here. Did you see the look he gave me?

Don't double-cross this guy.
Don't even think it.

Great work.
Great work, both of you.

- Dignan, Dignan.
- Clink. Clink.

So, Dignan, what's next? Do we meet
the crew after we go on the lam or what?

Everybody wants to know what's next.
May I enjoy this moment?

- What crew?
- Now is not a good time to bring up the crew.

[ Bob ]
g*dd*mn it.

You son of a bitch!
You're gonna cut me out!

- Wait a second, Bob.
- "Wait a second" nothing!
You're gonna cut me out!

Nobody's cutting anybody out of anything.
Okay. Let me show you this.

- Whoa. Whoa.
- Dignan, this is fine. Bob should see this.

Bob, I got something.

- What's this supposed to be?
- That's the crew.

That's Mr. Henry.
These are the— I know.

[ Chuckles ]
Anthony, that's the Lawn Wranglers...

the landscape company
that Dignan here used to work for.

What do you mean, landscaping?

I mean, push the mower,
trim the hedge—

- Landscaping.
- [ Chuckles ]



[ Sighs ]

Yes, they're landscapers, okay?
Yes, yes, yes, they're landscapers.

But did it ever occur to you
that a landscaping crew...

is a perfect front
for an operation, man?

Now, look at this.
You've seen this picture.

That is Mr. Henry, and aside from
owning the Lawn Wranglers...

he is a very talented thief.

Then, uh, why aren't you
over there right now?

Because we're fugitives.

And also because he fired me.

Best job I ever had.

Working my way up, meeting people...

listening to stories.

One day he walks over and he says,
"Dignan, you're out," just like that.

By the way, man, he was right.

Just 'cause it's a front doesn't mean somebody
doesn't have to do the actual landscaping.

But those days are over now.

Just a matter of time before I pick up the phone
and I say, "Mr. H., we are coming home."

So don't worry about your future, man,
because I am thinking.


[ Clears Throat ]

If you don't mind, I'd appreciate it if you
didn't mention to Bob about me getting fired.

I won't.

On the run from Johnny Law.

It ain't no trip to Cleveland.

[ Man ]
♪ Here's to being free ♪

♪ Here's to being free
La la la la la la la ♪

- [ No Audible Dialogue ]
- ♪ Zorro's back ♪

♪ Here's to flying high ♪

♪ La la la la la la la
Zorro's back ♪

♪ Here's to being free ♪

♪ La la la la la la la
Zorro's back ♪

♪ Here's to flying high ♪

- ♪ La la la la la la la, Zorro's back ♪♪
- [ Laughing ] I love it!

And another one for me!

Bobby, one for you!
Anthony, fire away!

Somebody hand me one!
Throw it out the window! Cherry b*mb!

- [ Cherry b*mb Explodes ]
- [ Horn Honks ]

Did you hear that?

[ Anthony ] Dignan, I don't expect you
to be as depressed as I am...

but I don't th— Watch the road, Bob.

But I don't think that your happiness
is quite appropriate.

Your -year plan does not seem
to be working, you know?

The only thing I've learned so far
is that crime does not pay.

[ Bob ]
I agree.

Gee, man, that's not the greatest attitude
in the world to have.

I don't think we get anywhere
by complaining, guys.

[ Anthony ]
Okay. Okay. You're right.

There we go. There we go.

Perfect. Great little place to lie low
while the heat cools down.

We'll get in touch with Mr. Henry.

I want to get the best room
in the house, guys. Crime does pay.

[ Radio: Announcer Chattering
In Spanish ]

♪♪ [ Male Singer Speaking Spanish ]

- ♪♪ [ Singer Shouting In Spanish ]
- [ Rhythmic Clapping ]

♪♪ [ Singer Whoops, Shouts ]

♪♪ [ Singing In Spanish ]

♪♪ [ Group Singing In Spanish ]

I can't get my hair cut.
That's just not possible, all right?

Then you're gonna have to dye it red, man,
'cause we need to hide our identities!

No, I'm sorry. I can't do that either.

Even if it's the difference between
some trooper recognizing us...

and throwing us in jail or not?

- I guess so.
- Then you, my dear friend, are a damn fool.

Let's go, Bob. Come on.

- Bob, let's go!
- See ya.

- See you later, Bob.
- A damn fool!

[ Sighs ]

♪♪ [ Whistling ]

- [ Knocking ]
- Hello!

- Excuse me.
- No, no. It's okay. Come on in. Yeah.

Oh, excuse me.

Geez. It's great how you're able
to bring a room to life like this...

with just a little touch.

Geez, it's, uh—
It's nice out today, isn't it?

Boy, you get a nice breeze with that door
open like this. It was kind of stuffy in here.

Do you do all of these rooms yourself?
All of these, um—

I'm Anthony. Anthony.

What's your name?

- Inez.
- Inez. Inez.


Oh. Sorry.

Sorry this is such a mess here.

Here, let me give you a hand with this.

I think I might've seen you earlier
when I was swimming.

Did you happen to see me down there?

By the pool?

Yeah, that was me.


You speak English?

- Spanish?
- Sí.

You have really good posture, you know?
You stand up very straight.

You know, people, they think
'cause they're in a hotel...

that they can really
just kind of act like slobs.

It's bad manners, if you ask me.

But then again,
I've been guilty of it, yeah.

Which part of Mexico are you from?

- Paraguay.
- Paraguay.

Boy, okay. That's kind of over—

- Excuse me, Anthony.
- under Guatemala, I think.

Sorry, Inez.

These towels are still warm.

I guess that's from the dryer. See?

- [ Inez Knocking On Door ]
- Housekeeping.

- Hi.
- Sorry.

No. We're just checking out.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- [ Announcer On Radio ] and .
- [ Bob ] Son of a bitch!

That's a good hair— That's a good
haircut there. Parted on the side.

That's what my friend needs to get.
Bob, get one like this.

[ Announcer ]
They're one out away from a win.

- Here. You go first.
- Dignan, may I speak to you for a moment?

It's about my marijuana crop.
I don't want everyone to hear this.

- I don't want to lose my place in line.
- My brother is in jail.

What? Wait a second.

- Your brother's— Why?
- The weed.

- Okay. What weed?
- The weed from my back— in my backyard.

[ Crowd Applauding On Radio ]

They got him by the balls.
What's the official charge?

They say he's a drug dealer.

That's so unfair.
They said he's a drug dealer?

You and I both know
he's not a drug dealer.


- He's not a drug dealer.
- I know, Dignan. I know.

Well— Well, Bob, what about
hiding our identities?

Bob! I'm sorry, guys. We're gonna
have to take a rain check. Bob!

[ Sighs ]

God, this is great,
sitting here in the laundry room...

you working on your vocabulary,
and we're sharing these tamales.

[ Inhales, Exhales ]

It's just so unexpected.

- What is that, Inez?
- Oh.

Does that open? Does that open?

Wow, you were just a little girl
when this was taken.

A little girl in Paraguay.

May I keep this? May I have it?

She's my sister.


She looks just like you.

Can I keep it anyway?


♪♪ [ Radio: Singing In Spanish ]

- I'm sorry. We c— We're in the wrong room.
- No, man, this is—

No. Okay, I guess there's
been a mistake made.

? Do you speak English?
We have a f— a friend.

[ Blender Whirring ]

♪♪ [ Continues ]

- [ Speaking Spanish ]
- What the f—

Thought you guys went
to get your hair cut.

- No. We didn't.
- Well, g*ng, this is my friend Dig—

My name's Jerry.
This is my associate Cornelius.

- Anthony, what's going on?
- I need to talk to you, man.

I'm having a party in here, man.
I made some banana daiquiris for these folks.

- You want one of these?
- Yeah, I guess I'll have one.

- You do? Come on in here, man.
- [ Chattering In Spanish ]

This is Inez,
and that's Rocky right here.

Come on, Bob. Shut the door.
Get in here, man.

- Anybody else want anything?
- Looks like a party going on.

[ Anthony ] Soda for Rocky.
Come on, Bob. Let me get you one.

Anthony, I've got to talk to you.
Look, I'm sorry about this.

This seems like a nice soiree,
but I've got a family situation.

I don't care what you think.
I don't care.

Tengo una situación mi familia.

Dignan does not want to deal with it.
Can you please come outside for a minute?

Bob, I'm just saying we gotta
analyze the situation, okay?

First of all, how long
are they gonna hold him?

I don't know. All I know is that Phil
says they got him, that he's in jail.

Okay, I've made a suggestion
that he needs to hire an attorney.

You are pushing your luck, man.

- Hey. Dignan, he does have a point.
- I'm the leader.

- So you think I should abandon my brother?
- Yeah.

- No, Bob. I'm saying let's keep it—
- No.

Let's keep it very simple, okay?

We'll make some calls,
figure out what's going on.

And if he's not out in hours,
then we'll go back, okay?

- Bob?
- [ Sighs ] What?

- Is that okay?
- Okay. Okay.

And I wasn't trying to antagonize you, man,
by saying that stuff.

It was just that you were
gonna fly off half-cocked.

- Don't tell me what I was gonna fly off.
- Okay. I'm sorry. It's a team decision.

[ Speaking Spanish ]

- What? What'd you s—
- [ Spanish ]

- What does that mean?
- [ Spanish ]

- Huh?
- [ Spanish ]


- I— I don't know what to say.
- What I'm talking?


Your skin feels like silk.

Like silk?
[ Laughing ]

- Ah. Your skin, it feels so soft and silky.
- What's silk?

- [ Laughs ]
- It's soft.

- Silk. [ Spanish ]
- Silk. See?


- Silk.
- [ Chuckling ]

- Silk.
- It's very soft.

I don't know it in Spanish.

Can I kiss you?

[ Dignan ]


No lifeguard on duty.
Swim at your own risk.

Okay, we'll— we'll be very careful, Jerry.
Thank you.

You guys mind if I take a dip?
Hey, I'm kidding. I'm kidding.

I'm not that insensitive.

Besides, I didn't bring my trunks anyway.
How's the water down there?

I'm gonna give you something, okay?

I want you to hold on to this.

[ Sighs ] Well, thank you
for listening to our old w*r stories.

I hope they didn't bore you too terribly.

[ Anthony ]
Uh, Dignan—


- Well, anyway, good evening.
- Bye.

- Bye, Jerry.
- Anyways, the watch, okay?

I-It has an alarm on it
and will go off and make a sound...

when we're supposed to meet,
and you do that by this button right here.

- So you can just press that. See?
- [ Beeps ]

Okay? It's pretty simple.
[ Chuckles ]

[ Horn Honking ]

Bueno. I have to go.

- I'm very glad I met you, Inez.
- [ Horn Honks ]

Me too. I have to go.

[ Door Closes ]

No, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Son of a bitch! Anthony!

Anthony! Bob's gone!
He stole his car!

That little coward.
That son of a bitch!

Son of a bitch, man.

He flew the coop
while we were sleeping.

- He has no character, man.
- Maybe he went up to the store.

No, man. He took his stuff.
He's long gone.

Hi. Housekeeping?
Could I speak to Inez, please?

I thought she gets in at :.

Oh, it— Okay.
See, I don't have my watch on. She has it.

- [ Door Opens ]
- Tell me something:

What's it like working with her?
I mean, I bet she's really great at—

- Uh, okay. Bye.
- [ Handset Settles In Cradle ]

We'll get him. We'll get him, man.
Don't worry about that. We'll get him.

When we do get him, we'll blow up his car,
do something. I can guarantee you that.

What makes me furious is thinking
about the look on Bob's fat face, man...

when he drives away today
thinking that he's pulled one over on us.

- I'll tell you another thing—
- Dignan, please. Come on.

If our paths cross again, you're gonna see
a side of Dignan you haven't seen before—

a sick, sadistic side,
because I'm furious at Bob.

- Come on, Dignan!
- I couldn't be more angry. Come on what?

Bob didn't steal the car.
You know, he told me he was leaving.

He went back to help his brother.

[ Exhales ]

Dignan, look. I'm sorry that I
didn't tell you about Bob leaving.

You had just as much
a right to know as I did.

- Thank you. Thank you. That's all I needed.
- I'm sorry I didn't say anything.

I mean, who's to say that you need Bob
to have an adventure?

Where's that rule written?
There's nothing that says that.

- What are you working on?
- Nothing. Just— Just a sketch. It's—

[ Clears Throat ]

It's, you know, just a little horse...

with little sparks coming off it,
kind of like stardust.


- Sorry. It's just—
- Don't apologize to me.

Don't do that to me.

Don't treat me like
the jealous friend who's envious of you
because that's not what this is about.

I'm as excited for you
as anybody is.

Really? Then I gotta go.

I'll see you later, Dignan.
See you back at the room!

♪ Yeah, said it's all right ♪

♪ I won't forget ♪

♪ All the times I've waited patiently ♪

♪ For you ♪

♪ As you do ♪

♪ Just what you choose to do ♪

♪ And I will be alone again ♪

♪ Tonight with you ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ I heard a funny thing ♪

♪ Somebody said to me ♪

♪ You know that I could be in love ♪

♪ With almost everyone ♪

♪ I think that people ♪

♪ Are the greatest fun ♪

♪ And I will be alone again ♪

♪ Tonight with you ♪♪

[ Inez Sighs ]

[ Laughing ]

It's so weird, the way this happened.

It's just—
It's so good to be with you.

[ Roman Candle Fires ]

- [ Firecrackers Popping ]
- [ Gasps ]

Why don't you come over to
this bar we're goin' to, Dignan?

- Where?
- It's in the town.

No, I don't want to go.

Why don't you just come with us?

[ Sighs ]

- Why don't you just come over there with us?
- Okay.

All right.

- Sparkler.
- I certainly can't feel any worse than I do.

Don't worry.
All he needs is one drink.

- ♪♪ [ Upbeat ]
- [ Man Shouting In Spanish ]

- Hello, my friend.
- Hey! Hola, amigo. ¿Cómo está?

- [ Urinating, Chuckling ]
- You're in the army, yes?

- No, no. I just have short hair.
- [ Zipper Zips ]

[ Dignan ]
Amigo, let's play pool!

- Yes!
- Inez?

[ Speaking Spanish ]

[ Both Chattering In Spanish ]

[ Spanish Continues ]

[ Dignan ] Yes! Yes!
[ Laughing ]

Boy, that guy was a real chatterbox,
wasn't he?

I didn't think he was ever gonna
stop with the story. Jesus.

[ Dignan ]
You can't put the balls in with your hand!

That's what I call a language barrier.

- Amigo, you just cheated!
- I need to take it easy.

Okay! I'm calling my g*ng!

It's just a little frustrating

- Anthony! [ Cawing ]
- hearing you guys talk so easily.

God, you know, I can't believe the guy
just decided to jump you like that.

[ Sighs ]
Can you pass me those french fries, please?


Dignan, you know I was right
out in front of the place with Inez. I—

If you don't mind,
I'd rather not relive it.

Don't really feel much
like talking about it.

In fact, the only thing I feel like
is getting the f*ck out of this town.

Yeah. Yeah.
We need a car, I think.

I have an idea for that.

Inez has a master key
to all the rooms, doesn't she?

Doesn't she?

Yeah. I don't think we can do that.

I-I know we can. It's real simple.

- We go into another room,
we take some car keys—
- Dignan, I'm sorry.

It's not even a possibility, okay?

Then we're gonna
have to hot-wire a car...

and this idea
I don't back down from.

- This idea—
- Inez, let's— let's go outside.

- Jerry's not, uh—
- How are you, Jerry?

I feel great, Inez.

He's, uh, under the weather
a little bit, so I, uh—

- Bye.
- Bye.

I kinda gotta take care of him
for a few minutes here.

He kind of got the living shit
kicked out of him, so—

- I had a really great time.
- [ Inez ] Buenas noches.

Bye, Inez.

[ Sighs ]

Inez, I'm sorry to interrupt you,
but I think I've got it.

- I've gotta talk to you, Inez.
- ¿Qué pasa?

Got a lot I need to tell you.

Thirty seconds ago,
I was lost, just in a total fog.

And then it hit me
like a bolt of lightning.

- [ Speaking Spanish ]
- Perfect clarity. Don't slow me down, Inez.

I gotta get this all out
while it's fresh in my head.

Um, this could get a little tough
to communicate.

Wh-Where's the kid?
Where's Rocky?

- Hey, Rocky.
- Yeah.

- Can you help me out for a second, man?
- What do you need?

- I just need you to translate some stuff.
- I can't. I'm busy. I've got too much work.

It'll take two seconds.
Just give me three minutes, Rocky.

- Three minutes?
- Please. Yeah. Come on.

I'll help you finish the dishes later.

Okay, this is what I want to say, all right?
This is how I see it.

[ Speaking Spanish ]

Beautiful, intelligent girl
from Paraguay—

[ Speaking Spanish ]

by chance happens to be working
at a motel in the middle of nowhere.

- Lost and confused. Totally lost.
- [ Speaking Spanish ]

- Incredibly unhappy person—
- [ Speaking Spanish ]

"accidentally" wanders in
off the highway.

- [ Spanish Continues ]
- And they meet and they fall in love—

- [ Spanish Continues ]
- and it's perfect.

- [ Anthony ] I mean, it is perfect.
- Perfecto.

And I can only hope that she feels...

a th of the way that I feel.

[ Spanish Continues ]

I mean, Inez, when we had sex
this afternoon, it was—

It was fun, you know?

- ¿Qué?
- So— Come on, Rocky.

[ Speaking Spanish ]

- [ Sighs ]
- Okay. So—

- So to make a long story short—
- [ Spanish ]

when we leave here tomorrow,
I want you to come with us.

[ Spanish Continues ]

- And I want us, no matter what—
- ¿A dónde vas?

Where are you going?

- What?
- Where are you going?

Where are we going?

[ Speaking Spanish ]

[ Rocky ] What do you want me to say?
You want me to go live with you and Jerry?

- I can't go.
- Why not?

- [ Rocky ] Why?
- ¿Por qué no?

- [ Speaking Spanish ]
- What do you mean, why not? I just told you.

That's no reason, Inez. I'm trying to
explain why I want you to come with us.

- [ Spanish ]
- [ Spanish ]

Look. Wait, wait, wait.

We'll stay here, all right?
You know, I don't understand it, but—

- [ Speaking Spanish ]
- I'm just gonna follow
my instincts on this one. I—

[ Speaking Spanish ]

You— You're like paper.

You know, you're— you're trash.

Like trash?

You know, you're like paper flowing by.
You know.

It doesn't sound
that bad in Spanish.

[ Spanish ]

[ Anthony ]

No sé.

[ Spanish ]

[ Anthony ]
Well, what, Rocky?

She— She doesn't want you to stay.

She doesn't?

You have to understand. She's an organized
person, and she can't just leave.

She just— She didn't
say that, did she, Rocky?

[ Rocky ] No, but I'm just telling you.
She's a serious person.

Okay. Please, just do the—

Excuse me. Hola.

- Hola.
- Buenos días, Inez.

Mi amigo Anthony asked me
to give you this envelope.

There you go.

We certainly enjoyed our stay here...

and would recommend this motel
to any of our friends that might—

Take care of Anthony.

[ Kisses ]

[ Spanish ]

- Is... okay?
- Yeah. I feel a lot better.

So long.

[ Inez ]

[ Spanish ]

Okay. Jerry.


- Tell Anthony I love him.
- Do what?

Tell Anthony I-I love him.

All right, man. Okay.

♪♪ [ Pop: Man Vocalizing ]

♪♪ [ Continues ]

♪♪ [ Continues ]

♪ This is the story
of our first teacher ♪

♪ Shetland made her jumpers
and the devil made her features ♪

- ♪ Threw up her hands
when my mum said our names ♪
- ♪ That's right ♪

♪ Embroidered all her stories
with slanderous claims ♪

♪ But it's over and done with ♪

♪ It's over and done with ♪

♪ It's over and done with
It's over and done with ♪

♪ It's over and done with
She's over, it's over— ♪♪

- [ Radio Clicks Off ]
- [ Sighs ]

Aw, shit, man. What a lemon!

I don't know, man.
One minute it's runnin' like a top...

and the next minute it's broken down
on the side of the road.

And I can't fix a car like this,
'cause I don't have the tools to do it, man.

And even if I had the tools, I can't promise you
I'd know how to fix a car like that.

Dignan, you see the house over here?

Let's walk over to it and use the phone.
We need to go home, okay?

Whoa, whoa, whoa. No.
Let's go to plan "B."

We'll hitchhike
to the next town—

- Look. We hitchhike—
- No, Dignan. Look. It's over, okay?

We're broke.
We're gonna go home.

First of all, what is broke to you?
You're so spoiled, man.

Having only a few hundred dollars
is not broke.

We're okay. This is a setback.
We hitchhi—

What is this?

All right.
Sixteen dollars.

So, wh-where's the rest
of the money?

You gave it to Inez.

No, I never gave Inez anything.

In the envelope.

Pointless act! You don't give
a $ tip to the housekeeper!

That's inappropriate!
That's inexcusable!

That I don't forgive!
What were you thinking?

- What were you thinking?
- Don't call her the housekeeper.

- That's what she is!
- Don't call her the housekeeper!

Don't thr*aten me. That's what she is.
She is a housekeeper, right?

- People are housekeepers.
- You better watch it, Dignan.

- Don't thr*aten me!
- You don't know what you're talking about.

Her name's Inez.

And my name's Dignan, man.
So what?

She didn't love you, man.

Now where you going?

Where you going?

- [ Sighs ]
- Come on. Let's go.

Why'd you do it, man?

[ Sighs ] Dignan, I don't really think you know
what I was going through back there.

Please don't
lay that on me now, man...

because I'm not interested
in hearing any of that.

[ Sighs ] Did it ever occur to you
that your old pal Dignan...

might enjoy a great stay at some
mental hospital out in the middle of nowhere...

going running at night, getting a tan
with a bunch of beautiful girls?

Did you ever think about that?

What do you think Dignan was doing
that whole time you were out there, man?

I told you Dignan got fired...

out on his ass.

But you never thought
about that, did you?


'Cause in the end, it's easier just to think
about yourself than to think about Dignan.

Okay. Dignan, come on.

I thought I was supposed to be the one
who was a little crazy, you know?

Dignan, come on.

[ Anthony ]
Dear Grace, I enjoyed your letter.

I agree Camp Douglas isn't
all it's cracked up to be.

It never was. But if you're
feeling lonely, or homesick even...

I recommend that, one,
you call me—

I'm staying
at Bob Mapplethorpe's—

and two, that you keep
extremely busy.

- It's working for me.
- Come here, Hector.

I've got a whole new program.

Bob and I get up at :
every morning to run our paper route.

I've got three jobs.
The money isn't much...

and Bob in particular
isn't suited for this kind of work...

but we keep each other company, and we both
feel much better about ourselves...

now that we're working hard.

- Glad you enjoyed it. Y'all come back.
- Thanks, Mr. Fine.

Jack, I've been working.
I made $ in tips last night.

[ Anthony ]
Bob's brother, Future Man...

has accumulated some
extensive legal debts...

but we're gradually helping him
to pay those off.

[ Bob ]
Can I at least have three bucks for gas?

No, you can't.

- [ All ] Hey!
- [ Anthony ] I'm also coaching
a Little League soccer team...

called the Hurricanes.

They're mostly beginners,
but they've got a lot of spirit...

and they don't let defeat
get them down.

They remind me
of Dignan in that way.

Say what you will about him,
he's no cynic...

and he's no quitter.

I'm usually so exhausted now
at the end of the days...

that I don't have time to think about
blown opportunities or wasted time.

I do have one bit of advice
for you, though, Grace.

Take the time in school
to learn a foreign language.

I, myself, never did,
and I feel I paid a price for it.

- [ Engine Idling ]
- Well, so long, Grace. I miss you very much.

Don't forget
to write me back. Anthony.

Okay, there he goes.

Hey! Anthony!

It's Dignan! Wait up!

Where you going?

I'm just walking Hector.

How long you been back?

Oh, a while.

So how's it— How's it going?

It's going pretty good.


I wish that some
of the stuff that was said...

hadn't been said out there by me...

and... I'm sorry...


Want to shake hands?


What's this you got on, man?

It's a jumpsuit.

You like it?
We ordered a dozen of them.

Anthony, I'd like to
introduce you to Applejack.

- Hi.
- Applejack, this is Anthony.

Anthony Adams.

Whoo! Mr. Henry!
It's Dignan!

Got some visitors!
Mr. Henry!

- [ Anthony ] What time did he say he'd be here?
- [ Dignan ] Right now.

Did you guys feel that? I just felt someth—
Hey! Jesus Christ!


How's the weather? How's the weather
down there? [ Laughing ]

- Mr. Henry?
- Come on in!

- Well, it's locked!
- No, no, no, no. Come on. It's not.

Okay. I just tried it,
but I'll try it again.

[ Mr. Henry ]
Yes, it is!

[ Cackling ]

Poured more water on me.

- Dignan, good to see you.
- Hi, Mr. Henry.

Applejack, good to—
And who are you?

- [ Dignan ] That's Anthony.
- This is no good bringing him here.
What the shit, man? Are you crazy?

What are you thinking?
Are you out of your f*cking mind?

- [ Dignan ] I— I—
- [ Cackles ]

- Abe Henry. How are you?
- Anthony Adams.

- Hey, Anthony.
This is my business manager Rowboat.
- [ Speaks Japanese ]

Get you a little wet, did I, son?
Come on in, boys. Anthony. There you go.


[ Mr. Henry ]
Uh-huh. Uh-huh. That's it. Uh-huh.

Put a little topspin.
A little more.

[ Clears Throat ]

Good. He listens.

- This kid in?
- I don't know. Are you in?

- Let me tell you about this job—
- You don't understand. I got this program,
and I'm trying to stick to it now.

Okay. Just hear me out.

- [ Dog Barking In Distance ]
- It's called Hinckley Cold Storage.

Here are just a few
of the key ingredients:

dynamite, pole-vaulting,
laughing gas, choppers.

Can you see how incredible this is gonna be?
Hang gliding. Come on.

I can't do it.

[ Sighs ]

I know, but, I mean, if he doesn't have
the enthusiasm, then who needs him?

Whoa! Whoa! That's—
You said a mouthful.

Ah, if you want, I could speak to him.

Would you, Mr. Henry?
That'd be great.

- Sugar cone?
- [ Chuckles ] You bet.

- You want anything, Anthony?
- No, thanks.

[ Grunts ]

- Listen.
- [ Coughs ]

You know—
[ Clears Throat ]

You're breaking his heart.
You know that, don't you? Hmm?

- What do you mean?
- Uh—

Kid— he, uh, worked on one
of my garden crews.

I mean, uh— [ Clears Throat ]
nice fella.

He didn't perform,
so I had to fire him.

Well, six months later, I, uh—

I get a call from a— a gas station...

about miles
outside of Victoria there.

I said, "What the hell
are you doing out there?"

But there's something in his voice.
You know what I'm saying?

I felt for him.
I mean, poor guy.

Here he is, he thought
he had a team.

Turns out to be a man alone.

Now, that's tough now.
Real tough.

- Here you go, Mr. Henry.
- Hey.

- Dignan?
- Had any time to think?

Yeah, I've done a lot of thinking.

- [ Engine Stops ]
- We're still holding your position open for you.

Yeah, I wish you wouldn't do that.

- Come on. Go for a ride.
- Come on. That's too small for the both of us.

No, it isn't! Jump on!
I'll give you a pump.

- Where'd you get this?
- I got it from a fr—

- What the hell are you wearing?
- Hey, guys.

- It's a jumpsuit.
- Clay, look at this guy.

- He looks like a rodeo clown.
- He looks like a little banana.

- Where are you from anyway, man?
- I'm from around here.

- This guy used to mow our lawn.
- No shit.

Yeah, he was great. Clipping the hedges,
sweeping up, mowing the lawn.

[ Laughing ] What was the name
of your little lawn mowing company?

- The Lawn Wranglers?
- [ Both Laughing ]

- [ Future Man ] Let's go.
- [ Clay Laughing ]

- [ Engine Starts ]
- Keep up the mowing, kemosabe.

It was— It was—
It's landscaping, not just mowing.

- Man, don't listen to that guy.
- I don't know.

Sometimes I— I'm not
always as confident as I look.

- Did you see what he had on?
- Yeah. It was pretty cool.

All right, well—

- Wait a second.
- [ Engine Starts ]

- [ Revving ]
- Dignan, wait a second!


[ Engine Stops ]

g*dd*mn it.

I'm in.

- What?
- I'm in.

I knew you'd be back.

Three conditions.

One, you mastermind the plan.

- Yes.
- Two, Bob's on the team.

Let's hear the third one.

- You gotta get me one of these jumpsuits.
- You like these?

- Yeah!
- Done. Deal. All right.

- You're doing the right thing, Anthony.
- Yeah, I know I am.

All right, I'll see you later on.

- [ Anthony ] Need any help?
- No, I think I got it.

- Okay.
- [ Door Closes ]

- [ Shouting ]
- [ Shouting ] Ah. Got the eye.

- Okay.
- Ah, faster!

- [ Shouting ]
- [ Shouts ] Got the eye again.

- [ Speaks Japanese ]
- Hai.

[ Both Shouting ]

- Well, move back a little bit. Move back.
- [ Japanese ]

Hi, guys. [ Chuckles ]
Hey, welcome back, kid.

- He's back, Mr. Henry.
- Where's Bob? The, uh— The rich kid?

Hey, hey, hey!

- Hey, Bobby!
- What do you say, man?

- Dignan, what do you say, buddy? Come on in.
- Hey, Bob.

- Oh, nothing much.
- What are you guys drinking?

- Water for me, please.
- Uh, I'll have a Tom Collins, please.

Tom Collins. Okay.
Hey, man. I want you guys to know...

it was too bad about
what happened on the road.

- I'm glad to see ya.
- Yeah, it was unfortunate.

- Let's not even talk about it.
- It was stupid.

It was real stupid.
It was extremely stupid.

Dignan, I want you to know I don't expect
an apology. I don't even want one.

Can you believe this guy?
"I don't expect an apology."

- Let's not get into this.
- Whoa, guys.

Of course you don't
want to get into it.

- You would've let my brother rot in f*cking jail!
- You said hours!

- I never agreed to that.
- That's a lie! That's a lie!

- Bullshit!
- Backyard! Right now! Let's go!

- Just wait here.
- Come on, Bob!

Backyard? [ Scoffs ]
This is my house, assh*le!

- Get out here!
- Bob, wait a second. Look.

- That's fine.
- Look, I know you're feeling angry, and—

- I think the thing to do is,
we're all three here— Let's talk—
- Wait a second, Anthony! Bob is a big boy.

Now we are in the real world.

We don't settle our problems with hugs, man.
We settle them with bare knuckles and—

[ Bob ] Right. How about that?
[ Muttering ]

God. Bob, stay there.

- Dignan.
- In my own house?

Bob, st— Stop it!


- Stop.
- Got me with a left hook, man.

Okay, no more fighting.
No more fi—

Bob. Come here, Bob.
I'm gonna hug him.

What are we doing out here?
What happened?

- Man!
- You went crazy.

- I just wanted—
- I don't know. I just— I don't know.

- I was looking forward to seeing you guys.
- Come here.

Bob, we'd like to have you
on the team... if you'll have us.

Roberto, let me get
something straight here.

You— You don't play any tennis?

[ Chuckling ]

And you— you don't play any golf.

- No.
- No. So why do you belong to a country club?

- You got me.
- [ Chuckling ] You're a piece of work.

- [ Chuckling ]
- The food is damn good.

- Well, yeah. You just sign.
- [ Laughing ]

My work is the finger work.

Usually my work is—

- The— The—
- Little sound... and good touch.

- How you doing, Bob?
- [ Bob ] Hey, Jackson.

When will your folks
be back in town?

It's hard to say, Jackson.
Last I heard, they were in Singapore.

[ Jackson ] Your brother was up here
the other day. He said you ran away from home.

- [ Bob ] He said what?
- [ Jackson ] You ran away from home.

- Aw, shit.
- Uh-oh. I'll see ya, Bob.

Hi, guys. Bob, fancy seeing you here,
the rest of the g*ng.

- Hi. John Mapplethorpe.
- Kumar. Hi.

- Kumar, nice to meet you. John Mapplethorpe.
- Applejack.

Applejack, nice to meet you.
John Mapplethorpe.

- John, great pleasure to meet you.
- And your name is—

Jackson said you told him
I ran away from home, Jack.

Yeah, I might've mentioned it.

Jack, I'm years old.
I didn't run away from home.

Oh, that's right.
You're on that top secret mission.

I'm sorry.
I forgot I wasn't supposed to say anything.

I'd just appreciate it if you didn't
run around telling everybody lies about me.

Okay. I'm sorry. I apologize.
I know you have a reputation to uphold.

- Won't happen again.
- [ Chuckling ]

- [ Mr. Henry ] Jonathan.
- Yeah.

You know, Jonathan...

the world needs dreamers.

- Excuse me?
- I don't think so.

[ Chuckling ] You know, John, one day,
I believe that you're gonna wake up...

and realize you no longer have a brother
and you no longer have any friends.

And on that day, I'm gonna be standing front
and center just laughing my f*cking head off.

[ Laughing ]
Eh, John?

[ Laughing ]

- Eh, John? Hi-yah!
- Ow!

Ow! God! Ow!

Man, I'm just messing around
with my brother.

- Are we okay here?
- Okay, okay, okay. Okay.

[ Grunts ]

Uh, I hope this doesn't
offend you, Bob, but...

your brother's a cocksucker.

- That offend you?
- I know. No. That didn't offend me.

- Okay, good.
- [ All Laughing ]

[ Laughing Continues ]

♪ Welcome, Bob
Got a beautiful house ♪


Hispanic male nonsmoker...

enters white van, southwest door.

- Mark that down.
- I did.

There you go.
Drive away just like you always do.

[ Exhales ]

We got it, man. We know it backwards
and we know it forwards...

because we've done the legwork
and we've done the research...

- and now it pays off tomorrow.
- Yes, we have.

- Just gotta follow through.
- What are you working on?

Oh, wow. It's one
of your little drawings.

There he goes, pole-vaults over the thing.
There he goes and there he is.

I love it though. I love it.
You're creative.

Tell me something.

What do you think of Inez?

- As a person?
- Yeah, as a girl.

[ Exhales ]
I liked her.

I thought she was a good person...

she was friendly,
she was attractive.

Uh, I didn't get to know her
as well as you did.

That's the only reason
why I even bother to hesitate.

That kid Rocky struck me
as kind of a weirdo.

- He— I didn't—
- What? Rocky?

- He said he loved you and—
- What?

- Yeah, he said he loved you.
- Was he—

- I mean, that was— just seemed strange.
- Was he translating?

- Was—
- Was he translating for me
when he said he loved you?

He said he loved you.

No, he wasn't translating.
That's how I understood him.

He was talking in English.
I was like, "What? Okay. I'll—"

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Anthony,
where ya going? He's just a mixed-up kid!

Anthony, come on! You're blowing our cover!
Maybe I didn't understand him!

Hi. I'm calling for a motel. I don't know the
area code. I just know the name of the motel.

Listen. Uh, could I
borrow him a minute?

- All right, sure.
- Come on.

I was thinking, uh,
you know, it might give you...

a feeling of security if I went in there
with you tomorrow, huh?

You know, just— just for backup.

- Uh, get tricky.
- No, that's right.

[ Clears Throat ]
Well, I mean, it couldn't hurt, could it?

No, it couldn't hurt, but—

- [ Sighs ]
- Well, you gotta weigh the pros and the cons.

You're the one who hipped me
to that, Mr. Henry.

Sure. Well, what are the cons?

Cons: If you go in there tomorrow...

then it's just another score
by Abe Henry.

That's— That's true.

[ Phone Rings ]

Yeah, hi.
Can I speak to Inez, please?

No, she's one of the housekeepers.
She works there. She's worked there for a while.

Please don't do this to me, ma'am.

Look. I'll— Let me see what I can do.

Well, it's your decision.

If it's okay with you...

it would mean a lot to me...

if you let me try this one alone.

Damn. I'm gonna tell you something, kid.
You got the guts of a damn lion.

[ Phone Rings ]

- Housekeeping.
- Carmen, how's it going?

Yeah, I'm looking for Inez.
Have you seen her today? Is she in?

Nope. She not here.

Oh, hey, man, how's it going?

[ Phones Ringing ]

[ Phone Rings ]

- Hello?
- Yeah, hi. I'm looking for Inez.

She's one of the housekeepers there.

- Uh, she is?
- Yeah, she is. Hold on.

[ Exhales ]

- It's for you. Telephone.
- Thank you.

- Hello?
- Inez?

[ Gasps ]

She recognizes my voice.

[ Chuckling ]

No, I'm at a party. Yeah.

God, you sound terrific.
How are you?

That's great!

No, I'm great. I'm great.
Especially now that I got you.

I been looking all over for you. I talked to
every single person at the hotel today.

When am I going to see you again?

God, your English is really
improving, you know that?

- It sounds— You're fluent now, Inez.
- Thank you.

So, uh, the word
on the street, uh—

Or should I say,
the rumor has it that, uh—


I heard you love me.

Yes. I do.


[ Anthony ]
God, Inez.

♪♪ [ Scatting ]

♪♪ [ Scatting ]

♪♪ [ Jazz ]

- [ Door Slams ]
- [ Stopwatch Ticking ]

Bird Dog to Scarecrow.
Bird Dog to Scarecrow. Come in.

[ Dignan On Walkie-talkie ]
Go ahead, Bird Dog.

I got a visual read on you.
You're all clear.

Outstanding, Bird Dog.
Outstanding. Stand by.

Let's go. Let's go.
Kumar, are you ready?

- Yeah.
- Let's get lucky.

Move! Everybody, move! Come on! Let's go!
Keep up the intensity, Kumar. Kumar!

Come on!

- Scarecrow?
- [ Dignan ] Jack Knife. Come in, Jack Knife.

Is everything all right
up there, man?

Affirmative, Jack Knife. We're approaching
the elevator right now on my left.

Stand by.
Bird Dog. Come in, Bird Dog.

- [ Anthony ] Copy.
- Move to your second position. Fast! Go!

[ Anthony ]
Copy that. Moving.

You guys take the elevator. I'm gonna make sure
the stairway— I'm gonna secure the stairway.

- Kumar, are you okay?
- Yeah.

I'm heading up the stairway.
Everything looks good.

Oh, geez. Okay. I just hit my knee.
Okay. Testing. Testing. Kumar. Kumar.

- The button.
- What?

I'm okay.

Stop! Stop!
Get it down! Go!

Go! Go! Go!
Where you going? Come here. Come here.

- Rendezvous at the checkpoint in six minutes.
- Checkpoint, six minutes.


- Who's that man?
- Who's— What?

- Who's that man?
- That's Applejack. Come on.

- [ Kumar ] Where we are going, man?
- Right down the corridor here.

- Are you nervous?
- Yes, I am nervous.

There it is. Oh, boy.
That's perfect. That's perfect.

- No problem.
- Hey, uh, Jack Knife, come in.

- Yeah.
- You know something?

[ Bob ]

I really don't want to do
this robbery, you know?

Man, neither do I.

- [ Bob ]
You want me to come up there with you?
- Guys, keep this line clear at all times. Come on.

- Any activity, Bird Dog?
- Negatory. We're all clear.

[ Dignan On Walkie-talkie ]
Good. It's supposed to be.

[ Anthony ] Yeah. Got a pretty
spectacular view from up here.

- I can see the whole city now from the—
- [ Elevator Whirring ]

east side all the way
to the west side.

Anthony, th-the elevator's moving.
Who's on the elevator?

- [ Anthony ] I don't know.
- [ Dignan ] Well, check it! It's moving right now!

[ Elevator Whirring ]

Bob, what are you doing?

My walkie-talkie busted.
I don't know what's going on.

- Give it to me. Did you drop it? Come on, Bob!
- I didn't drop it!

You're supposed to be
down on the loading dock.

- You go down there, man!
I'm by myself down there!
- Come on, Bob.

- Move it, Bob.
- What's happening? What's going on?

- It was Bob. He dropped his walkie-talkie!
- Who's watching the front door?

Get back in position, assholes!

- I couldn't hear!
- [ All Arguing ]

- Keep your head in the game! Quiet!
- [ Elevator Clangs, Whirs ]

- That's the elevator.
- Applejack, talk to me. What's going on?

- Somebody's coming out of there. Look!
- Jesus Christ.

- [ Anthony ]
Hold it right there, guys. Stay right there.

- Freeze! Freeze!

Come here! Come here!
Up against this wall! Come here.

Up against this wall.
Move, move, move, move!

- [ Dignan ] Go! Move! Move!
- Right here! Right here!

- Look at the ceiling!
- Up against the wall! What are you doing here?

- We work here.
- You're always at lunch now!

- Not always.
- Yes! Always!

[ Dignan ]
Okay, let me think.


- [ Shouts ]
- Hold on! Jesus, Dignan.

- What the hell are you doing here?
- My walkie-talkie broke, man.

- Shh! Shh!
- Two minutes.

Okay. Put on your masks.

- They've already seen our faces, Dignan!
- Don't worry about it. Put on your mask!

Kumar, we got problems.

What are you doing sitting down?
Come on, man!

- I could not do it, man. I—
- You can't get it?

- No, I could not do it.
- Come on, man!

[ Anthony ]
Bob, will you please put the mask on?

- I can't get it on!
- Dignan, come on! What's going on?

- [ Anthony ] Where's Kumar?
- Forget it, then! Forget it. Just forget it, man!

You can't do it because you never
knew how in the first place!

- Kumar is totally lost. He doesn't know what—
- Stop!

What are you guys doing here?

- Get behind these guys!
- [ g*nsh*t ]

- Jesus!
- [ b*llet Ricochets ]

- [ Anthony ] Jesus, Bob! What the hell, man?
- [ Dignan ] Jack Knife, what is your problem?
- I didn't do anything.

- Applejack! Applejack!
- What's wrong with Applejack?

- You okay?
- Did you sh**t him?

No, I didn't sh**t him! He must be having
a heart attack or something!

[ Dignan ] Drop your smoke!
Let's go! Come on! [ Shouting ]

Applejack, stay with me!
Help me move him!

- [ All Shouting ]
- Check his pulse! Check his pulse!

Come on! Check his pulse!

- Anthony, guard these guys.
- I can't see.

- [ Bob ] Oh, man!
- [ Dignan ] Move on! Move on!

I can't believe this.
I know I didn't sh**t him.

[ Dignan ]
He's got a bum ticker, man.

Get him in there, man.

Prop him up right here.
Come on. Get him up.

- Get up.
- Oh, man, he don't look good.

[ Alarm Blaring ]

- What's that?
- Stay calm. Stay right where you are.

[ Dignan ]
Who tripped the alarm, man?

- [ Anthony ] It's the fire alarm!
- [ Dignan ] Who tripped the fire alarm?

[ Anthony ]
It's because of all this f*cking smoke, man.

[ Dignan ]
Hey, where's Kumar?

[ Alarm Continues ]

[ Dignan ]
We're going down! Let's go!

Man, I blew it.
I blew it, man.

- Kumar, what were you doing in the freezer?
- I don't know, man. I lose my touch, man.

Did you ever have a touch to lose, man?
What were you doing in there?

Let's go!

[ Alarm Continues ]

- Come on.
- Wait for Kumar.

- Come on, Kumar!
- Hurry up, Kumar.

- Open your door!
- I can't! It's locked!

- Open that door!
- [ Bob ] Hey!

Hey! The elevator broke!

- What?
- The elevator broke!

- Where's Applejack?
- He's stuck on the second floor.

- Did he give you the keys?
Did he give you the keys?
- Applejack drove.

- What happened?
- I don't know.

- What happened? What happened?
- Run! Run! Run! Run! Run! Go!

- Go! Go!
- What the hell happened to the plan, man?

- I don't know. Come on.
- I'll meet you at Bob's.

- What?
- I gotta get Applejack.

- No, you're not. No, no.
- Yeah, I am.

[ Panting ]

I gotta fly solo on this baby.

- Okay, Dignan—
- I don't have time to argue with you right now!

I don't have time either, okay, Dignan?
Now, you get back to Bob's. Just go!

Who is in charge here?

You are, you dumb son of a bitch.
Now please leave.

Give me this one.
Give me this one.

You gotta give me this one.

Dignan, you know what's gonna happen
if you go back there.

[ Exhales ]
No, I don't.

They'll never catch me, man...

'cause I'm f*ckin' innocent.

♪♪ [ Acoustic Rock ]

♪ Well, my name is a number ♪

♪ A piece of plastic film ♪

♪ And I'm growing funny flowers
in my little windowsill ♪

♪ Don't you know
I'm a man ♪

♪ And my kids
They just don't ♪

♪ Understand me at all ♪

Jump in here.
Concentrate on your breathing.

- ♪ Well, my wife still respects me ♪
- You gotta get oxygen to your heart!

♪ I really misused her ♪

♪ And I'm having an affair
with a random computer ♪

Applejack! You got the keys!
Unlock the door!

- ♪ Don't you know I'm a man ♪
- [ Sirens Wailing ]

♪ And my kids
They just don't ♪

♪ Understand me at all ♪

Freeze! Don't move!

- Put your hands on the car! Now!
- Put your hands up!

♪ Oh, Daddy
Proud of your planet ♪

♪ Oh, Mommy
Proud of your sun ♪

♪ Oh, Daddy
Proud of your planet ♪

♪ Oh, Mommy
Proud of your sun ♪

Drop the g*n!

♪ Oh, Daddy, your brain's
still flashing ♪

♪ Like it did
when you were young ♪

- [ Shouting ]
- ♪ Or do you come down crashing ♪

- ♪ Seeing all the things you'd done ♪
- Stay there, buddy!

♪ All was a big put-on ♪

♪ Oh, Daddy
Proud of your planet ♪

♪ Oh, Mommy
Proud of your sun ♪

- Freeze!
- Drop it! Drop it!

- Drop it!
- Okay.

- ♪ Oh, Mommy, proud of your sun ♪
- Drop the g*n!

♪ Oh, Daddy
Proud of your planet ♪

♪ Oh, Mommy
Proud of your sun ♪

♪ Oh, Daddy
Proud of your planet ♪

♪ Oh, Mommy
Proud of your sun ♪

♪ And you know who's
the man ♪

♪ And your kids
They just won't ♪

♪ Understand you at all ♪♪

[ Woman On Police Radio ]
All units, -. Crystal Springs Avenue.

[ Children's Chorus ]
♪ Good King Wenceslas looked out ♪

♪ On the feast of Stephen ♪

- [ Beeps ]
- ♪ When the snow lay round about ♪

- ♪ Deep and crisp and even ♪♪
- [ Beeps ]

Bob, there he is.

[ Dignan ]
One month down, to go.

Anyway, I said to the D.A., that cop who
hit me must have given me C.R.S. disease.

- What's that?
- That's just what the D.A. asked.

C.R.S. is a disease where
you can't remember shit.

- Like amnesia.
- Right. C.R.S.: "Can't Remember Shit."

- C.R.S.
- [ Laughing ]

- Tell Mr. Henry I said that.
- Okay.

[ Clears Throat ] So is Mr. Henry
gonna come by and see me or what?

Uh, I don't think so.

He actually robbed Bob's house.

- You're kidding me.
- No, I'm not.

I can't believe that.

I almost robbed that place myself.

You think Applejack knew?

Uh, we haven't heard
from Applejack...

since he got out of the hospital.

His case got dismissed.

- What? Why?
- We're not sure. We—

[ Bob ] We think Mr. Henry probably
had something to do with it.

[ Anthony ] Well, they take
the health problems into account, so—

- So what all did he get?
- Pretty much everything.

- I'll bet he got that grand piano.
- He got everything.

I bet that grand piano's
worth grand.

I'm sorry, Bob.

Yeah, but, you know,
in a strange way...

it's brought me and Future Man
closer together.

I mean, we went out to look for
a new piano the other day, and...

he looks at me, and he says, "Bob...

just because you're a fuckup
doesn't mean you're not my brother."

That kind of touched me.

You know, he— he doesn't normally
open up like that.

- Hey, I talked to Inez last night.
- Really?

Gonna be bringing you a care package
when she comes up here.

- No shit.
- Yeah.

- She liked me.
- [ Anthony ] Oh, yeah.

- [ Dignan ] Hang on to that one.
- [ Anthony ] Okay.

- You want anything special?
- No.


I got something for you guys.

- Oh, yeah?
- Belt buckles that I made.

- [ Anthony ] Hey.
- There's one for you, one for you.

I made a couple more
that I was gonna give to, uh...

well, you know,
Applejack, Kumar and Mr. Henry...

but— I don't know,
maybe give it to Inez or—

I don't care. Give it to— Give it to those guys.
I don't have any hard feelings.

- And there's this little piece.
- Oh.

- That's for the tip.
- [ Sighs ]

- Thanks.
- We did it, though, didn't we?


Yeah, we did it, all right.

Well, thank you for coming.

It's good seein' you.

[ Sniffs ]

- Did you bring that grappling hook?
- Grappling hook?

Don't worry. I think I might have
found a way out of here.

- You're kidding.
- No, I'm not.

- H-How?
- Shh! Wait for my instructions.

When we go through the next gate, you'll
have seconds to take out the tower guard.

- What?
- Thirty seconds. Have the car running
at the northwest checkpoint.

- Dignan—
- Bob and I are gonna scale the barricade.

- Hold on!
- And then we're gonna tunnel
through to no-man's-land.

And, Bob, remember, shield me from the b*ll*ts.
They won't sh**t civilians. Are you ready?

- Hold on, man!
- Wait a second, Dignan!

Let's go! Let's go!
Now! Now! Now!

Isn't it funny how you used to be
in the nuthouse and now I'm in jail?

[ Laughing ]

♪♪ [ Soft Acoustic Rock ]

♪♪ [ Ends ]
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