01x06 - Old, New, Borrowed And Blue

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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01x06 - Old, New, Borrowed And Blue

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss when
my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss
stay in my memory? ♪

Very neat job.
No marks on the window.

Looks like the same bloke.
Only took silver.

Blaketon won't like it.

He was hoping Chummy
had moved off our patch.

- Still alive and nicking!
- Oh, dear.

And still leaving his
little trademark.

Apparently, these magazines were
all over the place before he broke in.

Tidied up?

Well, it tallies with all
the other silver thefts.

At Strensford, the vicar said
some plates had been put away.

At Elsinby, he did the washing-up.

An house-proud silver thief.



Well? Are you waiting for him
to come in and dust the cells?

Go out there and catch him!

What's up?

Do I join Ferrenby or take
the job in Middlesbrough?

The hospital need to know.

Alex can't be that bad to work with.

It's the way he works.

His age.

It's all that brown
paint in his surgery.

He wants you, your methods.
A new approach.

People here get sick the
same as they do in London.

So maybe you're the person they need
to drag this place into the s.

I can't offer you the white
heat of modern technology

but you wouldn't have
come back to Aidensfield

if that was what you really
wanted, would you? Hm?

- What are you doing now?
- Right now? Nothing.

Excellent! Come
with me on my round.

Meet some more of the patients.

Get a feeling for the challenge!

Well, that is if you
feel you'd like to?

Yes. Sure.

Good. Good!

- Again?
- Afraid so, Mr. Townsend.

Why can't this bloke do his burglaries
when I'm not so busy?

- Silver, you say?
- Yeah. Here's a list.

Well, and here we are.
Abraham Salter's.

It's a bit muddy out there.
If you'd rather stay in the car...

I expect you get all sorts
of stuff pass through here.

Yeah, Victoriana to vegetables,
decorative doilies.

That's King George V, innit it?

Who are the other blokes?

First World w*r leaders.
Marshal Foch, President Wilson.

Is that Kitchener?

No, it's Earl Haig.

Kitchener's missing,
I'm afraid. Pity.

Sorry. No villain selling
through us this week.

Yeah. It doesn't seem to have
responded, does it, Mr. Salter.

I think it's the damp what does it.

These can't do much good either.

What do you think, Kate?

A touch of pneumonia.

It's only mild, Mr. Salter.

And certainly nothing modern
medicine can't put right.

No, I think we'd better beef up
his antibiotics just the same.

What about changing
to oxytetracycline?

He may have built up a
resistance to penicillin.


WOMAN: It's only me!

Ah! Is she taking good
care of you, Mr. Salter?

Oh, yes. She brings me a hot
meal every day, does Miss Stirling.

Good. Now, you keep on
eating properly and together,

we'll have you up
and doing in no time.

Hello, Doctor.


Oh, this is Dr. Rowan, Miss Stirling.

Good morning.

Well... we'll be off, then.

Kate, my dear, I know
you may be a bit rusty,

but watch the bedside
manner, eh?

It's not good for
patient confidence

to have two doctors
indecisive over treatment.

I just don't think we
could work together.

I know you're not keen on me
going for that hospital job.

No, that's not true.
I want you to be happy, that's all.

That's what I want as well.

- Good God!
- What?

They're getting married.

Not hanging about either!

- Who?
- Alan Maskell and Sandra.

'Ey, you don't think
she's up the duff, do you?

Don't be daft! She's on the pill.

Oh, yeah.

Still, that'd be one thing
about taking the hospital job.


They don't shut on Saturdays.

You might have to
work on the rd.

[ phone ringing ]

Hello. Aidensfield police.


Oh, hullo.


Yeah, hang on.
I'll get her for you.

- Turn the lights off.
- It's for you.

Leave me alone.

Get up.
The phone, it's for you.

But it's three o'clock
in the morning!

It's Dr. Ferrenby.

You'd better not keep him waiting.
It sounds urgent.

Turn the light off.

Oh, Kate, my dear!

Sorry to drag you out at this hour,

but I thought you'd appreciate
seeing the practice

at its most unattractive.

Absolutely Alex.

I had a call from
Penelope Stirling.

I'm afraid one of her old
people is sinking fast.

Miss Stirling?
At this time of night?

She keeps odd hours.

Well, don't we all?

I'll be jolly glad when my
new assistant arrives,

whoever she, or he, may be.

She had some lovely things.

I suppose so. Yes.

Oh, what a pity!

One of these ink bottles
is missing, isn't it?

I've no idea.

Looks quite precious.

Well, I don't know anything
about that kind of thing.

It'll all be sold off at
auction, I expect.

Didn't she have any relatives?

No, another lonely old soul
like all the ones I visit.

There we are.
The death certificate.

Will you see to the undertaker?

Leave it to me, Doctor.

Good. Thank you. Good night.

Good night.

I'm sorry about yesterday, Doctor.

I think we got off
on the wrong foot.

Oh, we all make mistakes.

You get off home.

It can't be doing you much good making
house calls at am in the morning.

I'm often out and about
at this time of night.

Good night.

Good night.

Apart from the missing
silver candlesticks,

did you notice
anything else at all?

In what way?

I know it might sound silly

but was anything put away
or tidied up?

Well, yeah.
Someone's finished our jigsaw.

Ten shillings to Mr. Dow.

Lot . A lot of interest in this.

It's South African campaign
medals circa - .

The presentation boxes would
have contained tobacco.

It's all been framed.

Anyone starting with £ ?

Do I hear £ ?
£ , £ . Thank you.

£ . ? £ . ? £ . ?

£ ? £ . Any more?

Morning, Walter.

I hear your nipper's
getting wed then.

Aye. Proper job an' all.

The lass has no dad, so it's
all down to me, worse luck!

Course of true love never
did run cheap, you know!

Hey, I might be able to get you
a nice morning suit half price.

Get away! There's nowt
wrong wi' my old suit.

How about flowers?

Oh, aye? Need more than a bunch
of daffs out of the woods.

Transport then. I bet
you've not fixed up a car.

Aye. Mind, it'll have to be cheap.

What can you do me for a fiver?

I could get you summat
really smart for that.

All above board, mind.

Hey, come on, Walter!
How long have you known me?

Course it'll be above board.

- Miss Stirling!
- Okay, but you ask her.

We're getting married on the rd.

Are you free to play the organ?

I think so. Pop in to the
church tomorrow about :

and we'll talk about the music.

Come on, you two!
You'll miss the kitchen stuff.

Six guineas.

Mr. Aton.

Lot .

One incomplete set of Toby jugs
depicting First World w*r figures.

Made by Wilkinson's,
designed by Carruthers.

Ten of the eleven,
ladies and gentlemen.

Unfortunately, Lord
Kitchener is missing.

Certainly collectable.

Who'll start at guineas?

guineas. ? , ?


guineas against you, sir.
All done then at guineas.

Sold to Miss Stirling!

You've done this
before, Miss Stirling.

What oh? Oh,
it's you, Constable.

You seem very knowledgeable.

I wouldn't know where to start.

It's simple, really.

Know what you want and
what you're prepared to pay.

It helps if you know
a bit about antiques.

Well, you obviously do.

I like to surround myself
with old things.

In a previous life, I even
worked for a dealer in Lincoln.

I thought you'd always
lived round here.

No, a rolling stone, Constable.

Well, don't you miss the
antiques business?

To tell you the truth,
I wasn't very good at it.

Fell in love with the stock.

Couldn't bear it when
anything got sold.

Excuse me.

, , ,


Thank you.

Not at all, madam.
Thank YOU.

Call in again sometime.

Very neat and tidy, constable.

Worth a boy scout's badge.

Yes, Sergeant.

Well then.

[indistinct] all very well,
but I want results.

Division are threatening a
permanent CID presence here

until this chap's caught.

And we don't want that.

Do we Ventress?

- No sarge.
- No sarge.

So, what new leads have we got?


Well, nothing new.

No-one ever hears him.

And he always tidies up afterwards.

It's like he's mocking us for the
fact that we cannot catching him.

Bellamy, that's his fatal flaw.

That's his Achilles heel!

And that's why we'll catch him!

And when we do, you should
take a lesson, Ventress.

- Oh! Yes, Sarge.
- "Yes, Sarge."

So, as we haven't got any leads,

what about some crime prevention?

Go round the likely houses.
Warn the occupiers.

- TOGETHER: Yes, Sarge.
- Right! Move!

Sergeant, Penelope Stirling.

What about her?

You don't think she's
the burglar, do you?

No, Sergeant.
I think she's up to something.


Well, I'm not sure what.

With her good works?

Rowan, that lady is a saint.

He'd like to get
his hands on this.


You said to come and see you.

Yes, of course!
You just made me jump.

You see, you have something, Lord
Ashfordly, that this burglar wants.

Well, it can't be money!

No. This burglar
specialises in silver.

Are your cabinets alarmed?

Good God, I couldn't afford that.

I'm still trying to bring the
plumbing into the th century.

But you do have an alarm that rings
through to our police station.

Yes, the insurance company's idea.

And what's wired up to it?

Not much, I'm afraid.

This picture,
and the Vermeer in the great hall,

and the tapestry in
the gallery upstairs.

The alarm rings straight
through to us?

That's it. Makes no
sound here at all.

Well, perhaps you should put some
of this in the bank for a while.

We don't think the villain is local
so he will probably move on soon.

Unless we catch
him first, of course.

Funny old things, aren't they?

- Quite ugly, really.
- Odd. Strange.

Yes, strange.

Picked them up this
morning actually,

small antique shop in Strensford.

All First World w*r leaders.

I saw some just like these.

Unfortunately, Lord
Kitchener was missing.

Well, it can't be these.
That's Kitchener just there.

It's a bit muddy, Alex.

If you'd rather
stay in the car...

- Yes, I would, actually.
- You can't.

Yes, I can.
I can do what I like.

Go on. Off you go!


Tough at the top, ain't it, Doctor?

A woman?

Oh, yeah. Definitely.
Late s, sensible clothes.

- Do you know her name?
- No idea.

Has she been here
before selling stuff?

No, I've never
seen her before.

Did she know the value
of what she had?

Yeah, she wanted £ ,
not a penny less.

And she insisted on cash.

Very specific about that.

Was the set complete?

Of course. I wouldn't have
paid half as much if it wasn't.

I'm very pleased, Mr. Salter.

You're coming along quite nicely.

It's your pretty face that's
doing the trick, Doctor.

Now you tell old Ferrenby I only
want to see you from now on.

We'll have to see.

- I'd better be off. Bye-bye.
- Bye.


He wants you to read to him.

We've just started
Great Expectations.

He used to be an English teacher.

Loved to read, unfortunately
his eyes aren't up to it anymore.

Some of those look quite special.

Oh, I wouldn't know.

One book looks much
like another to me.

You do all this voluntarily?

My reward is seeing them happy.

Thank you.

The Lord Kitchener was definitely
missing when I sold them.

That's how the Toby jugs
came from Major Fitch.


Major Fitch. Or rather, his estate.

He died a couple of months ago.

Is there a widow?

No relatives at all.

Miss Stirling used
to looked after him.

Take him his meals,
that kind of thing.

Miss Stirling?

Is she a regular customer of yours?

Fairly regular, yeah.

What does she buy?

Oh, usually she only buys when
we sell her old people's things,

like with Major Fitch.

I suppose she buys little things
to remember them by.

Does she ever sell things here?

Not to my knowledge, no.

You're worried she might be tied
up to this silver burglaries?

Something like that, yeah.

Major Fitch?

Yeah. I wanna know if he reported
anything stolen when he was alive?

Well, he wouldn't have
reported it dead.

In any case, he was dead before the
silver burglar moved on to our patch.

Nah, it's not silver I'm interested in,
it's Lord Kitchener.

No. Nothing here.

Oh, great! Thanks, Alf.

Decisions, eh?

The unsociable hours of the houseman
versus the unsociable hours of a GP.

Well, just don't ever become
part of the brain drain, Kate.

This country needs good doctors.

What did you want when
you first came here, Alex?

The question hardly applies.

It was all so different then,
mainly private patients.

And a doctor had... position.

Now, I'm just part
of the landscape,

being slowly eroded by time
and the winds of social change.

And things are changing
though, Kate.

Even if not as fast
as you might like.

Do you regret it though?
The change?


No, I just belong to
a time that's past,

when age meant respect.

Now, it's a time for the young,

and I'm not young any longer.

A doctor today needs
your kind of drive, Kate.

- Good night, Alex.
- Good night, my dear.

That's the church, the organist,
the flowers and a cake.

What about a car?

I know a bloke in Ashfordly.
He'll give us a good deal.

It's all right. I've sorted it.

Oh? Great!

I just don't believe it,
she's a good woman.

A bit brusque,
but a heart of gold.

Yeah, well I think Penelope's
halo has just slipped.

- I shall get the proof tomorrow.
- How?

Townsend's is auctioning
off Elsie Baker's effects.

I bet she'll be there.

She's not interested in antiques.

Who told you that?

She did. The night Elsie Baker died
and then again at Mr. Salter's.

Well, there you are.

She told me she's worked for
an antique dealer in Lincoln.

All right, okay.
Where'd she get her money from?

She's hardly the private
income sort, is she.

But when they auctioned
off Major Fitch's effects,

she splashes out guineas on an
incomplete set of ten Toby jugs.

And later that day, someone
answering her description

sells a complete set of
Toby jugs for £ !

Oh, maybe she found the other
one in another antique shop.

Maybe she bought those
ten to make up a set.

Maybe she got lucky.

Well, maybe her luck just ran out.

Do you want another one?

All right.

Hello, Alan.

I need your advice.

You had speeches at your
wedding, didn't you?


When my dad toasts us,

I toast the bridesmaids,
who does the best man toast?

I'm not sure he toasts anyone.

What does the best man think?

Ah, Derek's in London.
I haven't been able to speak to him.

A Londoner?

Yeah, well he's from around here.
Moved to London last year.

He's a great laugh.
You'll like him.

- Do you want a drink?
- Yeah, why not?

Excuse us a minute, love.

You organised transport?

I've got you a cracking motor.

She'll look like Princess
Margaret sat on the back.


Yeah, that reminds me.

Have you got a
photographer sorted out?

Dress looks fab.

I've got an old bracelet,
new shoes, blue earrings.

I'm just short on
something borrowed.

- What about a garter?
- Have you got one?

I bought one for our wedding

but it's not the sort of thing
you can wear it down the pub!

- Thanks.
- Everything else all right?

Yeah, it's fine.

Except I'm not that keen
on Alan's best man.

Chap called Derek.

- Why?
- He's got a big mouth.

I'm a bit worried about what kind
of speech he's gonna make.

All right.
Yeah, thanks for checking.

I will, yeah. Bye.

PC Hardwick at Lincoln
sends his regards, Alf.

What do you want with Lincoln?


Come on, you two!
Don't hang about.

- What is it, Sarge?
- Ashfordly Hall! Their alarm.

Ah Bellamy, mind the shop!

Aye. You can trust me, Sarge.

I'm terribly sorry.

New maid, more thorough than usual
decided to dust behind the picture.

One touch and the alarm goes off.

Well, no harm done, sir.

I'm awfully sorry.

I'll try and keep it switched off
during the daytime in future.

Sir, would you mind leaving
the picture at this angle?

What on earth for?

If the silver burglar who
likes to tidy up comes here

we'll give him something to tidy.

Good idea, Rowan.

With your permission,
of course, my Lord.

Just don't muck up
like you did the fish.

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen
to this morning's auction.

The first section deals with the
sale of jewellery and silverware.

I mention jewellery
and silverware.

Up for sale,
in fact the first item

Lot here is a late
Georgian silver inkstand.

Fitted central taper and snuffer,

with unfortunately only one cut-
glass silver-capped ink bottle.

Who'll start me at five guineas?

Five, anyway.

Thank you, Miss Stirling.

Five guineas.

I've thought long
and hard about it

and I've decided I'm not going
to take the job with Ferrenby.

It's not for me,
I'm a hospital doctor.

So... Middlesbrough.

- I know I've let you down.
- No, you haven't.

Whatever you think
is right for you.

Well, I just don't want to become
old, reliable Dr. Rowan,

ranked one above the nit nurse!

I don't want to become
part of the scenery.

But the scenery's not
that bleak round here.

Alright. Join the hospital.

Go back to never getting
to know your patients.

Go back to the -hour days,
petty politics and bureaucracy.

I was there last time,
Kate, remember?

I knew it! I knew you didn't
want me to take that job.

No. I just don't want
you looking back

on your hospital work in London
with rose-tinted glasses.

You've been knocking
Ferrenby and his practice

I thought I'd even
things up a bit.

Well, that's very kind of you.

Kate, whatever happens,

you'll never be just
part of the scenery.

It's your last chance
to back out now.

We could be on the A in one hour
and in London before the pubs shut.


You wanna move to London.

There's a whole scene
going down there.

I've got the garage and besides,
Sandra doesn't want to move.

Well, if things don't work out...

Shut it, Derek.
It's my wedding day!


So what do I have to do again?

Take that gum out for a start.

Not there!

This car's seen
better days as it is.

You stand on my left, then we walk
down the aisle till we get to Alan.

Then we stop. You take a
step back and to the left.

Stand there, and don't say anything!

- I told you to get a haircut.
- Mum!

What will Alan's parents think?

He'll be too piss to notice anyway.


- Walter!
- I don't like ties.

How much did you drink last night?

She looks like butter
wouldn't melt in her mouth.

So where's your proof?

I was sure they would have had
something on her at Lincoln.

♪ MUSIC: 'The Wedding March'

Are you in charge of this
vehicle, Mr. Greengrass?

What? Oh, yes.
It's polished up quite nice, isn't it?

Well, make sure you return
it to its rightful owner

before I'm back on duty. All right?


Thanks for letting me borrow this.

Not at all. I hope you're
both very happy together.


Who's idea was it to let
Greengrass supply your car?

Alan's dad.
Why, is something wrong?

Nick was just admiring it.

I'll see you later.
Enjoy yourselves.

This is your day off.

Yeah, me and Ringo,
we're like that.

And I went to school with Paul.
Great mates.

Don't believe a word he says.

He's all mouth, he is!

Just cos you've got no
gear groups in Yorkshire!

Scousers! Full of wind!

- You what?!
- Be'ave, you!

Walter, Mr. Greengrass wants paying.

- Are you Vince?
- No, I'm a friend of Alan's.

Oh, you're a Londoner?
I live there by myself now.

It's a great place!

It's a bit dead up
here though, ain't it?

I suppose it's all right
if you like morgues.

- I'm Derek, by the way.
- Nick.

Do you fancy livening
yourself up a bit?


You know, lemonade for the brain.

Oh, right.

I tell you, this stuff is fine

I'll do you a good deal.

Us London boys have
got to stick together.

Here, have that on the house.

If you want some more,
you know where to find me.

I hate moments like this.

Why can't I go out
and have a good time

and just for once, forget
what I do for a living?

What's happened?

Derek, the best man
just gave me some dr*gs.

At a wedding?

What is it?

I think it's duraphet.

An amphetamine, like speed.

Black bombers?

Miss Stirling!

I thought you did very
well with your Toby jugs.

I was talking to a friend of mine,
apparently they're quite valuable.

- I'm not really in touch...
- I'd love to have a look at them.

Maybe I can pop round some day.

Oh, I'm so sorry! I've just
spotted an old friend of mine.

Will you excuse me.

Some day off.

- I'd better be going.
- Oh, already?

You played lovely in church.

Well, thank you.
It was a very nice spread.

Make sure the car is
returned to Mr. Salter.

I'd hate him to think it was stolen.

- What was that about?
- Claude!

I only borrowed it.
I'm taking it back.


I told they were good, didn't I?

Yeah, very good!
That's getting to me though. Yeah!

- You feeling good?
- Yeah!

Yeah, they're demon, aren't they?

- You got any more?
- How many do you want?

No, no. Outside.


So how many do you want?

How about I take the lot?

It'll cost you.

No... it'll cost YOU.

- I'm a copper. You're nicked.
- You bastard!

Right! Now I'll count to three.


What did you say to me,
you Liverpool sot?



What did you call me, you pisshead?

- Nothing, [indistinct].
- Walter!


I thought this was
your day off, Rowan.

What was the first thing you said
to me when I arrived in Aidensfield?

Go on. Remind me.

If you're here, you're on duty.


- Bloody hell!
- Ashfordly Hall!

It'd better not be someone
doing late-night dusting.

Let's go!

Police! Stay where you are!

Right. If you'll just
sign the statement.

There is something else
you can help us with.

We found this among your things.

No-one's reported it stolen.

Where did you get it from?

I'm sure our man nicked this
from Miss Stirling's house

before she bought the rest
of the inkstand at auction.

Hang on, Rowan.
How did she get it?

Well, when she looking
after the old people,

she'll have a good sniff round and
sorts out the most valuable objects.

And always sets of things?

Yeah exactly.
She borrows one of the set.

The victims are too old to
notice just one thing missing.

Then when they die,
if there is an auction

she'll move in and legitimately
buy the rest at a much lower price

because the set's incomplete.

Then later, she sells the
complete set and cashes in.

I see.

So shall I get her in?

- What for?
- Well, theft!

All you've got is the
word of a burglar.

All your witnesses are dead!

Yeah. I feel ever so much better.

Thank you, both of you.

Well, nothing to do with me.

I'm told I'm not pretty enough
to have any effect on you.

Is that right?

I've missed all these.

If ever I'm confined to bed again

build me some shelves in
the bedroom, would you?

So that I can die in peace.

- Here, that's funny!
- What is?

This set of Charles Dickens.

Oliver Twist's missing.

That's a very serious
allegation, Sergeant.

Yes, I have Mr. Salter's
copy of Oliver Twist,

but I can assure you I did
ask him if I could borrow it.

He said you didn't.

I'm sorry, but I did.

He must have forgotten.
Well, you know how old people are.

Do you still have that inkstand

you bought at auction by
any chance, Miss Stirling?

Yes, of course. Why?

Remind me. It was incomplete
when you bought it.

Wasn't one of the
ink bottles missing?


Well, Miss Stirling...

...we believe this was
stolen from you.

Oh, thank goodness you found it!

So you were burgled?

- Yes.
- Why didn't you report it?

Well, I was going to of course, but

this was the only thing that was taken.

And you've recovered it so quickly.


You're very smart, Miss Stirling.

But I must warn you.

We know what you're doing

and we know how you do it.

And you must remember.

A lady with your reputation.

Any hint of a scandal...

So, the ink bottle.

It's ours.


Yes, of course, Sergeant.


I'll go and tell him.

Well, go on then.

Aren't you going to come with me?

No, I'll wait here.

Go on.

I'm really looking
forward to it, Alex.

Oh, my dear, so am I.

Oh, wait a minute!

I've got a present for you.

When did you get that made?

A couple of weeks ago.

I knew you'd say yes in the end.

'Ere, hold on.

They've spelt your name wrong.

[font color=cyan]What?!

Excuse me.

It's all right.
She's your new doctor.
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