01x10 - Keep On Running

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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01x10 - Keep On Running

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat...

♪ Why do you miss when
my baby kisses me? ♪

♪ Heartbeat...

♪ Why does a love kiss
stay in my memory? ♪


Took me best, they did.

All tagged, were they, Mr. Huggett?

No need. All my stock have names.

- Names?
- Aye. To tell them apart.

All sheep look the
same, don't they?

That's just like saying
all folk look the same.

See them two?

Well, that one there is Bella.

How can you tell?

The grey mark on her nose,
special to Bella.

Just like your fingerprint
is to you.

And her there, Susan ,

a barren gimmer wi' a droopy eyelid.
You can spot her a mile off.

You're the fifth farm to be raided.

We think it's the work
of the same g*ng.

Well, we want it
stopping, constable.

It's hard enough making a
living up here as things stand.

Yeah, we're doing our best.

I'm just kicking myself I didn't
take Greengrass's offer.


Aye. He came here the other
day to buy some sheep.

But I wouldn't trust him as
far as I could throw him.


- George, are you all right?
- I don't know.

Turn off the ignition.

I must have been going too fast.

It didn't look like it.

Are you sure you're okay?

Yeah. Fine.

I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.

You're charged that you did
on or about the th March,

at Ashfordly, North
Riding, Yorkshire,

...steal two motorcars,
valued at £ ...

...contrary to Section
of the Larceny Act, .

Peter Davies, how do you plead?

Not guilty.

Charles Hasty, how do you plead?

Not guilty.

Alan Maskell will rise.

You are charged with
being an accessory

after the fact to the said felony.

- How do you plead?
- Not guilty.

Are you in a position to proceed
with the hearing, Sergeant?

No, Your Worship. There are
further enquiries to be made.

We ask the court for a remand
in custody of Hasty and Davies.

And Maskell?

We've no objection to bail
for Maskell, your Lordship.

You ponce!
You grassin' bastard!

I'll get you, you wait Maskell!

Bloody coppers. Hey, our lad
could go down because of you.

Alan's innocent!

Try to help the police and
this is what happens.

All the bloody same.

Bloody sheep!

Why didn't you drop the charge
against Maskell, Sarge?

There's been an allegation, Rowan.

He's innocent.

As soon as he knew the cars
were stolen, he came to see us.

We got statements saying that
he was in on it from the start.

Those two were just
trying to set him up.


I'm not dropping any charges
until enquiries are complete.

They're all bought and
paid for, Mr. Blaketon.

Every one's down
on the sales slip.

I like to keep things nice and regular,
like any honest farmer would.

Farmer? Honest?

Two lies in one sentence.

That's a bit strong,
even for you, Greengrass.

Sheep rustling?
I honestly don't believe it.

I mean, what exactly
do you think I am?!

We know what you are, Greengrass,
that's the point.

Bloody hell, he never stops, does he?

Rowan, I've seen enough.

Thank you!

So who is this Merton, anyway?

Oh, you remember, the one in
charge of the Gerard m*rder case.

Chief Inspector.

Why's he wants to see you?

Something to do with
my statement, I think.

- He's coming all the way from London?
- Why not?

- Evening, George.
- I'll be with you in a minute.

Hey. See that bloke over
there with the cap on?

That's Fred Huggett.

You know him?

He names his sheep.
He's famous for it.

I thought they kept
that sort of thing quiet.

What sort of thing?

You all right, George?

Aye. Ruddy tray just slipped.

I'll soon have it tidy.

Looks like George has
been drinking the profits.

And you've nothing to
add to the statement?

No, sir.

- Come in.

- Tea, sir.
- Ah, thank you very much, thank you.

- There you go.
- Right. Lovely.

I was uh...

very impressed by your
work on this case, Rowan.

Thank you, sir.

You've got a good record.

Qualified for promotion.

And yet here you are
stuck out in the sticks.


Village bobby.
Means I can work my own patch.

Is that it?

Well, it means I'm involved
with people. Not just crime.

- That's important, is it?
- To me.

How does the thought of uh...

moving back to London grab you?


A job's come up.

That is if you're interested.

And it would mean
promotion to Sergeant.

- Afternoon, Alex.
- Ah, Kate, dear.

Any history on George Ward?

Has he had a checkup recently?

George Ward.
He's as strong as an ox.

- Why, what's the problem?
- Well, the crash yesterday.

And his insurance
and odd sentence.

Slurring his speech,
poor co-ordination.

It's the drink.

It happened at ten
o'clock in the morning!

Well. Booze, pub landlords.

It's an occupational
hazard, isn't it?


Is this too?

It's a small experimental team to
handle these drug cases, Rowan.

And uh... I'd like to put
your name on the shortlist.


Ah, these so-called soft dr*gs.

The problem is a lot
of these pot-smokers

are normally law-abiding citizens.

And young people.

Exactly. That's why we need officers
with particular skills to handle them.

Although if we get it wrong,
the public will turn against us.

- Community policing, like round here.
- Right.

Well, it sounds interesting.

I think you're right for the job.

Of course my colleagues
might think otherwise.

But if you give me the go-ahead,

I'll go in there and bat for you.

I'd like to be considered, sir.

We should've talked about it first!

Well, how could we?

I only found out about it just now.

Now it's all wrapped
up and decided?

No. No, nothing's decided.

I've still got to go
for the interview.

As simple as that?

Kate, you never wanted
to leave London.

Now you've got a
chance to go back.

You're not doing this for me.

No, for us, Kate.

Us!? No, you're doing it for you!

And if you can't see that,

you're not just lying to me,
you're lying to yourself as well!

I mean, what about the
commitments we've made here?

Well now you're saying
you want to stay here?

I came here because I'm
your wife and I love you.

That's not changed, but I have.

I didn't know.

Yeah, well, you do now.

MUSIC: 'Norwegian Wood'
by The Beatles

Oi, copper. Over here!

You dropped Alan in it, copper.
Now see how it feels!

You still want to stay here?


Get lost!

Grooving around London.

Busting pop stars.

Some have all t'luck!

Oh I bet Kate's pleased.

Never wanted to
leave London, did she?

Yeah, mixed feelings, really.

Seems we're about
to lose you, Rowan.

Could be, sarge.

My recommendation might very
well have swung it for you.

Yes, sarge.

That's great news.

But I thought you and Alan wanted
to wait before starting a family.

Changed our minds.

What is it, Sandra?

Alan's gone, Doctor Rowan.

Gone where?

I don't know. London, I think.


Police. Hell bent on locking
him up, weren't they?

That's wrong. Nick said
Alan would be cleared.

But it's not what people say,
it's what they do.

Alan trusted your Nick and
look where it's got him.

He doesn't even
know I'm pregnant.

I see.

'MUSIC: Keep On Running'
by The Spencer Davis Group

♪ Keep on running ♪

♪ Keep on hiding ♪

♪ One fine day I'm gonna be the
one to make you understand ♪

♪ Oh, yeah, I'm gonna be your man

♪ Keep on running ♪

♪ Running from my arms ♪

♪ Come gather round, people
Wherever you roam

♪ And admit that the waters
Around you have grown

♪ And accept that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone

♪ That time to you is worth saving

♪ You'd better start swimming
Or sink like a stone

♪ For the times, they are a-changing
For the times, they are a-changing ♪

- See you.
- See you.

MUSIC: 'Whiter Shade Of Pale'
by Procol Harum

Don't get birds like
that in Aidensfield.

That's for sure.

So, is this all you do?

Do what you want.
Do what you like.

Be who you are.

That's the crack down here.

You've changed, Rick.
You've changed a lot.

Changing times, man.

You're looking for
somewhere to crash?

- Aye.
- Sorted.

♪ You skip the light fandango ♪

♪ You turned cartwheels
across the floor ♪

Alan's staying a bit, all right?

- Where's he going to crash?
- Crash with Susie.

How would you like a new cell mate?


Welcome to paradise, mate.

They're not grown yet?

They're our own vegetables.
They'll be worth it.

Isn't it easier just to buy them?

Yes, but it's not the same.

Aidensfield Police.

Oh, hello.

Scotland Yard on Wednesday?

Yeah, yeah, I'm sure I can make it.

What time's the interview?

Right. Okay.

I see you then. Thanks. Bye.

You're going through with it, then?

I've got to try, Kate.

I never thought you meant it.

Not really.

Are they yours, Claude?

Aye. Do your best,
I've got a bookie to support.

Aye, all right.

They're from Mr. Greengrass
just down the road.

Local sheep. Six ewes.
How much? A tenner? £ / s?

A fiver?
Five pounds has been bid.

£ . £ / s. £ / s...

. £ / s.

Any more? Six pounds?

Six a beast.
Six pound a beast to go.

Six pound a beast.

Thank you.

You got 'em for nowt, haven't you?

Best I could do, guvnor.


Morning, Sandra.


Kate said you'd know
where I might find Alan.

What about it?

It only makes things
worse running away.

If he doesn't answer bail,
we'll issue a warrant for his arrest.

What can I say, Mr. Rowan?

Well if he contacts you,

tell him there's still
time to sort things out.

Try telling that to our bank.

The loan Alan got to
start up this place.

We're behind on the payments.
They're trying to shut us down.

People like us just weren't
meant to have bank loans.

No rubbish.

Banks need people like you.
That's how they make money.

I'll have another chat with the bank
manager when Alan gets back.


Listen. About what happened round
at your place the other night...

I don't think it will happen again.

It'd better not.

Where is Alan?

He's got this mate down in London.

His name is Rick Parker.

So what happens if you get t'job?

I can understand Kate
not wanting to move again.

But I'm surprised at you.
I thought you enjoyed it here.

Well I do, but I never really saw
Aidensfield as the end of the line.

I just had Mr. Huggett's
on the phone.

- He's found his sheep, Rowan.
- Where?

Turned up for sale at the market.

Along with the thieving
bugger that lifted them!

Go on, ask me who it was.

Go on, ask me.

ALL: Who was it, sarge?


These six were taken from me.

Are you sure they're
yours, Mr. Huggett?

Aye. Sharon.
Lambed in a ditch a year back.

Elsie . I bought her at Richmond.

Excuse me, I bought
them ewes last year.

Can you prove it?

There, look at the tags.
They'll tell you they belong to me.

Anybody can clip a tag on.

It's a fairy story,
this you know.

He's making it up
as he goes along.


Hannah. If she's yours,
you'll know about her blemish.

What blemish?

Have a look under
her chin, Constable.

She was cut under her chin
when she was still a shearling.

Aren't you being rather
economical with the truth?

I can go on.

I can tell you about
Doris 's double tooth,

- Polly's dipped quarter...
- Hang on, hang on.

- Doris 's double tooth?
- A double-toothed gimmer.

Hey hey, don't bother writing
all this down, Constable Rowan.

I tell you, them
ewes belong to me!

Tell it to the magistrates,

You'll, you'll be laughed
out of court again, Blaketon.

And I tell you, this time I shall
have you for wrongful arrest.

Rowan... charge him.

He can't.
He's not got his helmet on.

Rowan! My office! NOW!

And shut the door!

Sit down.

I've just had Maskell's bank
manager on the phone.

He says the lad's absconded.

He's left Aidensfield.
It doesn't mean he won't turn up.

If he's jumped bail...

He's not due to report
until the day after tomorrow.

And if he's not here then,
it'll be you issuing a warrant...

...for his arrest.

Okay, Sergeant.

You set this ball rolling.

Maskell helped us and
you charged him.

And when I'm in London,
I'll take time out to find him.

I don't want him
becoming a criminal

because nobody cared
enough to help him.


- See you, then.
- All right.

Tell Sandra I'll bring
Alan back with me.

Don't make promises
you can't deliver, Nick.

Yeah. Right.

And what about us?

It's only an interview, Kate.
Let's see what happens.

There's no need to hang about.

I can't. I've got patients waiting.

Doing a bit of train spotting hm?

Nick's gone to London.

He's got a job interview.

Oh, you thinking of moving?

I wasn't.
But what I think doesn't count.

I thought Nick was so happy here.

Well, is he very keen
on this new job?

So it seems.

Well, I'll be very sorry
to lose you both.

Who says we'll both go?

I don't want to up sticks
and go back to London.

Nick's got to consider
my career for once.

I can't keep following him
all over the country.

Or is that exactly what you
think I should be doing?

Support my husband at all times?

It's just that uh...

I thought you both
fitted in so well here.

I've certainly benefited
from our association.

I couldn't have gone fishing
otherwise, could I?

Kate, is there something else?

I just want us to stay here.

Look, I...

...I don't think it's the minute
to say this really but,

I'm thinking of retiring.

I thought that you could
take over the practice.

Alex, you don't have to do this.

My dear, I know I don't.

I've just made it more
confusing for you.

Thank you for the offer.

I'd love to accept.

If we're staying.

Nasty little scald.

Bloomin' coffee pot.

One minute I'm holding it and
the next it's all over the shop.

- Lost your grip on it?
- Aye.

The same thing happened
the other night, didn't it?

How d'you mean?

Well, that tray of
glasses you dropped.

Oh, that! I was distracted
by something, wasn't I?

Are you sure you're not
overdoing it, George?

No more than usual.

Any tiredness, dizziness,

shortness of breath,
anything like that?

I'm all right, Dr. Rowan.

Maybe I get a bit
tired now and then.

But it's nowt a tonic and such
can't put to rights, I reckoned.

I think you should be
taking it easier, George.

Aye, well, we'll see.



Kate Rowan.

I'll call an ambulance.

Stay where you are and lie down.

I'll be there as soon as I can.


I'm sorry, Sandra.

I was doing too much.

Don't blame yourself.

Alan's getting restless.

I thought having a baby
would keep him from straying.

Can't keep a husband.

I can't even keep a baby.

No, don't cry, luv.

It will be all right.


MUSIC: 'Out Of Time'
by Chris Farlowe

♪ You don't know what's going on

♪ You've been away for far too long

♪ You can't come back

♪ And think you are still mine

♪ You're out of touch, my baby

♪ My old-fashioned girl

♪ I say, baby, baby, baby

♪ You're out of time

♪ Well, baby, baby, baby

♪ You're out of time

- Is Alan Maskell about?
- Who wants him?

- Nick Rowan.
- Yeah, come in.


Friend of yours!
Nick Rowan!

He's a copper!

♪ Baby, baby, baby

♪ You're out of time

♪ You thought she was a clever girl

Friend of Alan's.

What d'you want him for?

It's personal.

- Not seen him.
- For ages.

Who are you trying to kid?

♪ Baby, baby, baby

♪ You're out of time

Excuse me.

I've got an appointment
with DCI Merton.

Dropping a coffee pot
isn't a sign of illness.

Have you talked to him
about his drinking?

I'm sure it's not drink.
I think it's more serious.

Well, tell me again.

What are the symptoms?

Well he keeps dropping things.

He slurs his speech.

And he's got droopy eyelids.

But he hasn't actually come to you
complaining of about this, has he?

Of course not.
He's one of the old school.

You know.
"Don't make a fuss."

But he needs help, Alex.

He shouldn't be driving
his car, for starters.

This could be it.

Myasthenia gravis.

- What do you think?
- Hmm.

Better get him in.


Well, thanks for everything, sir.

My only interest is finding
the right man for the job.

I hope we have.

When will I get the
official decision, sir?

- In a couple of days. Goodbye, Rowan.
- Sir.

Hi. It's me.

Listen, I'm not coming
back this afternoon.

Why not? Celebrating?

"I'm going to have
another try for Alan."

"He hopped it when
he saw me last night."

So how did it go?
The interview?

"Well, I've only just come out.
It's a bit early to say."

Well, if you do see Alan,

try telling him Sandra's in hospital,
see if that bring him to his senses.

"What's happened?"

A miscarriage.

And Alan didn't even
know she was pregnant.

"Is she okay?"

She needs her husband.

Right. Listen, there's
a queue for the phone.

I better go.
I see you when I get back.

Alright. Bye.


Nick Rowan?


Sight for sore eyes, mate.

Hey, when d'you
moved out of uniform?

After you dropped out of the...

Look at the ceiling, please, George.

Now, try raising your arms again.

It's all right.

I'm just going to give
you a little injection.

What's the matter with me?

If it's what I think it is, this
should control the symptoms.

It'll take an hour or so to work.

So just relax.

♪ The look of love
is in your eyes ♪

♪ The looks your heart
can't disguise ♪

♪ The looks of love

♪ They say it's so much more
than just words can ever say ♪

What do you think of the club then?

Very select.

Bet you missed the action.

More like I've forgotten.

What's it like out there?

Well, I didn't know Yorkshire.

It's a place where men are men
and the sheep are nervous.

What are you doing in
a place like this, Jerry?

You put yourself about.
Part of the job, these days.

What, organise with the enemy?

Hang about.

Yeah, there's something
else I've forgotten.

Coppers and villians.

How difficult it is
to tell them apart.


- Some tea, George?
- Thank you.

How do you feel?

Much better.
Look... no problem.

That's the injection.

What is it? What have I got?

It's called myasthenia gravis.

Something's wrong with
your immune system

which means your muscles
get tired too quickly.

Can you cure it?

Not really cure.

But I've got you these
pyridostigmine tablets.

They'll control it.

The pub. I can't afford to give up.

Take the pills regularly.

And as long as you don't
overdo it, you'll cope.

You'll run your pub, George.

- Where's Alan?
- You again.

Where is he?

He's not here.
Get out of my house.

I need to talk to him.

Clear off, copper!

His wife's in hospital.
She's had a miscarriage.

Look, he's not here, honest.

Where can I find him?

Look, I'm here to help him.

I could have had you
lot busted by now.

Well, he could be anywhere.

Well, you're a lot of help.

Tell Sandra I'll bring
Alan back with me.

Don't make promises
you can't deliver, Nick.

Aye, right.

Well, what about us?

- Look, I didn't know.
- Yeah, well you do now.

- How bad is she?
- She lost her baby.

You gave her the elbow,
she's been clobbered by the bank.

How bad do you think she is.

You have to rub it in, don't you?

After the run-around
you've given me, too right.

Well I thought you'd
come to bust me.

I bought you some time.

Not much, but enough for you
to get yourself sorted out.

Well I appreciate it,
what you've done for me.

You screw this time, that's the last
help you'll ever get from me, alright?

Come on boys,
let's get these bastards.





Now listen, listen.

You've got nothing to worry about if
you're not in possession of any dr*gs.

- I'm clean.
- Now if you are,

I have to know right now!

- I'm clean.
- And what about the rest of you?

- Think I'm stupid?
- No, if you have, I'm finished.

Alan will end up in prison
and the rest of you...

I've done mine.

...and very stiff fines.

I haven't got anything!

Then you've got nothing
to worry about, have you?


- Who's in charge here?
- I am.

I'm nicking you all.

That'll teach you to slum
it with the great unwash.

- What you talking about?
- Possession of dangerous dr*gs.

No, none of us were
carrying anything.

What's this then? Smarties?

- What is this?
- Dumped by you and these other freaks.

Found in the wagon
that brought you here.

- Right, Constable?
- Yes, sir.

Bombers, dexies,
purple hearts, Afghan black.

- Bastard, you planted that!
- Yeah, you did.

You two with them?

Others will need to teach you respect.

Alright, charge 'em!

What's your name and rank?

- What did you say?
- You heard!

Detective Sergeant Simmerson.

Feel better now?

If you've been interested
in searching us properly,

you might have found
my warrant card.

I'm going to have
you busted, mate.

- Right, Sergeant?
- You slag!

MUSIC: 'Catch The Wind'
by Donovan

♪ In the chilly hours and minutes

♪ Of uncertainty

♪ I want to be

♪ In the warm hold of
your love and mind ♪

♪ To feel you all around me

♪ And to take your hand

♪ Along the sand

♪ How could I miss?

♪ We'll try and catch the wind... ♪

♪ When sundown pales the sky

♪ I want to hide awhile

♪ Behind your smile

♪ And everywhere I look
Your eyes I'd find... ♪

♪ For me to love you now

♪ Would be the sweetest thing

♪ T'would make me sing

♪ How could I miss?

♪ We'll try and catch the wind. ♪

Thanks, love.

So how is London?


You know what I mean.

They'll let me know
in a couple of days.

And then it's
make-your-mind-up time.

Well, here's something else
for you to think about.

While you were in London,
I was offered a job.

Well, more than a job, really.

Alex is going to retire.

He's asked me to take
over the practice.

Well, aren't you going
to congratulate me?

Well, did you accept?

He may just be feeling sorry for me,
but there's no going back.

Of course I'm taking it.

Anyway, your job's not official yet.

It might be soon.

Busting a drug squad officer.

They certainly can't fault
you for keenness.

The law applies to everyone.

Even coppers.

Especially coppers.

Yeah, well, I've got to go.

Nothing here to distinguish the
animals in question from any others.

You can't hold me
accountable for that.

I bought them ewes in good faith.

Any other means of
establishing your ownership?

Only my word, which happens to
be the word of an honest man.

We shall need a trifle
more than that.

Oh, aye. I know it means nowt to you.

Oh come now, Mr. Greengrass.

Look, your Honour, five times
I've been in this court

and each time I've come out
like I've come in, innocent!

It's persecution, Your Worship,

and it's hounding of an honest
man by him, Sgt Blaketon!


Aidensfield Police?

Hello, Mr. Merton.

He's in court.

Yes, the moment he gets in.

Mr. Merton.

Sheep number , Polly.

A ewe tag. Orphan, your Honour.
Nearly lost her.

Only the heat from the oven kept
her going when she were dropped.

Polly has a snagged left-side tooth.

Sheep number , Doris .
A three-shear ewe.

Her tup won first
prize at Wetherby.

Clever old lass is Doris.

Best I've ever found for
finding stock buried in snow.

Doris has a mark on
her hind right-side pin.

A older pin nip from
the dog, Your Honour.

Quite. Well, thank
you, Mr. Huggett.

You may step down.


Mr. Huggett is a distinguished
expert on sheep, Your Worship.

You've heard Constable
Rowan's evidence

that Mr. Huggett unhesitatingly
picked those sheep out

from many hundreds
at Ashfordly Market.

I suggest the question
of mistaken identity

does not arise in this instance.

Mr. Greengrass.

Your Honour?

We see no reason why
a man of Mr. Huggett's

reputation and integrity
should lie to this court.

We find you guilty as charged.


Guilty! I bought them
ewes fair and square.

Mr. Greengrass.

I can see what's going on.

You're out to get me, ain't you?
It's him, Blaketon ain't it?

Him and you both,
you big dog's breakfast!

Mr. Greengrass!

If you can't tell the difference
between truth and lies,

you might not as well
be a magistrate.

For the theft of six ewes
I fine you one hundred pounds.

I wish it could be a lot more!

Next case.

I hope you're proud
of yourself, Blaketon.

There's such a thing
as perjury, you know.

You got your own back
eventually, didn't you?

Day to remember, Rowan.

First ever conviction
against Greengrass!

There's something
wrong here, sarge.

Mind you, years ago,
we'd have hung him.

- Sarge.
- Oh, uh, Rowan.

Young Maskell, the case
against him is dropped.


Yes. I've carried out
a full investigation.

Discussed it with the super.

And we decided the other two were
lying, trying to get revenge.

Well, that's what I said.

Well, I had to make sure, Rowan.

Maskell should have
more trust in the law.

And you... should
have more trust in me.

Mr. Huggett!

The description you gave in court,
it was different...

Okay. No, no. Thank you.

Yup. Thanks a lot for your help.

Good news, Nick.

Elterham Police picked up
sheep rustlers last night.

Caught 'em red-handed, they did.

Well, apart from
Greengrass, that is.

I think I just witnessed
a miscarriage of justice.

What are you on about?

Greengrass wasn't
involved in those raids.

What about Huggett
identification of t'sheep?

He made it all up.

They were never his.

There was a rumour
some years back...

that Greengrass had had a bit
of a fling with Huggett's wife.

So Greengrass got done for
something he didn't do?

Who's going to break the
news to Oscar Blaketon?



That man from Scotland Yard rang.

He wants you to call
him straight away.

DCI Merton?

PC Rowan at Aidensfield.
Sorry I wasn't here.

"You impressed the
selection panel, Rowan."

"You've got the job."

Thank you, sir.

But before you accept it...

there is one other matter.

This complaint you made against
Detective Sergeant Simmerson.

"Rowan, this is a very
serious complaint

against a fellow
drug squad officer."

"We have our own ways of dealing
with men like Simmerson."

"And it's not open to debate."

"If you want the job,
withdraw the complaint."

You'd better pack your bags...

...if you're going.

I'm staying.

I'm gonna get you!
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