02x03 - Manhunt

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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02x03 - Manhunt

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss when
my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss
stay in my memory? ♪

♪ Venus must have heard my plea,

♪ she has sent someone along for me
- That's it, as you are.

Yeah, keep it coming.

What are you doing?

I thought you'd gone
to your conference.

I'm just on my way.
So, what's happening?

It's my car.

- Straight back!
- What's it doing here?

There's nowhere
else it can go, love.

I'm not surprised you waited
until you thought I'd be out.

It's not that. Hold it there!

I see the chance to nip off
for mins to move it.

Let's have a look
at this wonder car.

She's not at her best yet.

Kate, you're gonna be late.

I can take a hint.

You seen her, Dr. Rowan?

Oh, no, no. I've not been
allowed the pleasure.

It's a surprise.

♪ True love must be
the greatest thing

♪ I know now why singers sing
of the moon and stars above

♪ How I love to be in love

♪ We meet every night at eight

♪ I don't get home till late

♪ I say to myself each day

♪ Baby, how long long is love ♪

- Ashfordly Police.
- Hi, Nick.

"Hello love. How did it go?"

Fine. I'm just going for a drink.

Don't overdo it then.

Yes, constable.

You take care on the road.

"Don't worry, I will."

I'm off home in a minute.
I'll get the bed warmed up.

"Just make sure it's my side."

Yeah, I will.
I'll see you later.


I don't care what you get up
to back at Aidensfield, Rowan

but there are no private phone calls
from this station, understood?

- Yes, sarge.
- Sarge.

Bellamy, you don't come on
duty improperly dressed.

You're getting slack. All of you.

Good evening to you, too.

Do you fancy a slow half
on the way home, Nick?

Thanks, but I've got to sort the
garage out before Kate gets back.

♪ Under my thumb

♪ The way she talks
when she's spoken to

Shut up!

Come on man.
Let's be having you.

Come on, sup up.

On your way. Good night.

Good night Stanley.
See you tomorrow. Good night.

Good night, love.
Good night.

Be with you in a minute, Claude.

Anybody in there? We're closed.

♪ I fell into your open arms

♪ I didn't stand a chance

♪ Now hear me tell him

♪ I just wanna be beside
you everywhere

♪ As long as we're together,
honey, I don't care

♪ Cos you started something,
oh, can't you see

♪ That ever since we met
you had a hold on me

♪ No matter what you do

♪ I only want to be with you ♪

You've left your outside
lights on, George.

I hope there's no after
hours drinking going on.

All right. All right.

There was no need for that.

I'm no lover of cops, you know.

I probably hate them
more than you do.

Alfred, Alfred, come here.
Come here. Leave.

Come, come here. Good boy.
Come here. Come here.


So much for honour amongst
thieves, eh Claude.

Get stuffed.

Who's got the key
to my handcuffs?

They took 'em.

Go and try the door.

- It's locked.
- Go and try it.

Let's have a look at this.

What about the trap door?

Ah, it's a waste of time.
It's padlocked from the outside.

Well, try shouting.

Well, come on Nick.
There'll be nobody around.

You know how dead this
place is after closing.

We can't just sit here.
We've got to do something.

I know what I'm going to do.
Have a drink.

♪ Hey!

♪ Well, my temperature's rising
and my feet left the floor

♪ Crazy people knocking
cos they wanna talk more

♪ Let me in, baby
I don't know what you got

♪ But you'd better take it easy,
this place is hot

♪ And I'm so glad we made it

♪ So glad we made it

♪ You gotta gimme some lovin'

♪ Gimme gimme some lovin'

♪ Gimme some lovin'

♪ Gimme gimme some lovin'

♪ Gimme some lovin'

♪ Every day ♪

What the hell do you
think you're doing?!

♪ And I'm so glad we made it

♪ So glad we made it

♪ You gotta gimme some lovin'

♪ Gimme gimme some lovin'

♪ Gimme some lovin' ♪

Nick Rowan.

I hope you've got the
bed nice and warm.


- Ashfordly police.
- "Hi, Phil."

- Oh hi, Kate.
- "Is Nick there?"

No, he went off at end of shift.

That's strange.
He's not home yet.

"I'm sure it's nothing. He'd phone
in if he'd been in any bother."

I can give him a try on the
radio, if you can hang on.


"Control to Delta Alpha two-four."

"Are you there, Nick?"

"You know Blaketon's
put a block on overtime."

Kate, I can't raise him.

When did he leave?

A couple of hours ago.

I wonder where he is.

"I'm sure it's nowt to
worry about, Kate."

So tell the old bugger to check
in when he comes home, alright?

Alright. Bye Phil.

Sarge, sorry to bother you.
It's PC Rowan.

I think there's a problem.

Why don't you two shut up.

You're giving me the headache.

Oh, come on, Nick.

I told you, we're wasting our time.

Anybody want a drink?

Are you sure you don't know
who those blokes are, Claude?

How many times do I have
to tell you? Course, I don't.


All right. Look... what'd be in it
for me if I was able to help you?

You know that I make a much
better friend than an enemy.

If you were my friend...

...does that mean you'd turn
a blind eye to certain things?

I'm more interested in
catching villains like this lot.

Not poachers.

Why don't you go back to London then,

cos they don't have poachers there.

It's Nick, isn't it?

Well, we just don't know.

We found his bike up near the moor,
there was no sign of him.

Has there been an accident?

Oh, we've checked the hospitals.
He's not been brought in.

I should just try not to worry,
I'm sure he'll be alright.

What do you mean try not worry?
He could be lying injured somewhere.

Well, we're doing our best.

At the moment, the whole
area's being searched.

- I'm going to go and look for him.
- Dr. Rowan!

You'd be of more help to him and to
us if you just stay here by the phone.

As soon as I get any news
you'll be the first to know.

What are you looking at?

If you are holding something back
from me, Greengrass, I'll have you.

That's victimization.

Alright. Let's start here
and now, shall we?


Right. Poaching.

Or did you rear those pheasants
you had in a budgie cage at home?

Oh yeah, very good.

Are you going to nick George
as well for receiving?

Did you hear that, George?
He's going to nick us.

Have you seen the
price of pheasant?

Ah, no worries.
He's got no evidence.

They took it with them didn't they
when they took everything else.

Don't worry, your
licence is safe and sound.




Ah, my bum!


..what are you doing down there?

I've done myself a nasty, sarge.

Right up my backside.

Oh dear. We'd better
get you looked at.

You're making a very big mistake,
you know, upsetting me.

Cause I can do you
some very good turns.

Oh, leave it out, Claude.
You know sweet FA.

Oh, really.

Little do you know...

...I know about Dave
Chapman, don't I?

Doing a very good trade in stolen
farm machinery in that barn of his.

That farm off Elsinby Road?
Get away.

I'm not kidding. He's got tractors,
combines, muckspreaders, the lot.

You didn't know about
that, did you, sunshine.

But I'll tell you something
else that's even better.

That newsagent in Elsinby...

...he only sells all
that Swedish porn.

I'm past all that, Claude.

It'd do you a world
of good, George.

I tell you, something,
it'd knock his bobby's helmet off.

Take no notice of him, George.
It's all fantasy.

Like him knowing who
did you over tonight.

Oh, yeah? Look...

...I know what I saw.

If you don't believe me then,
it's no skin off my whatsit.

I'm ready to listen, Claude.


Does he always leave you t'keys then?

Likes his lie-in, does George.

It's a good job, really.

Else he might start
counting what we deliver,

instead of just signing for it.

I think I'd better start
counting, eh, lads?

I hope you appreciate this.

I got eight stitches in my bum
last night looking for you.

What you on about?

- Nick.
- Oof!

What's the matter?

He's got a hard head.
Even a g*n butt couldn't break it.

Oh, that looks terrible.

I've never been so
scared in all my life.

I thought you were dead.

Kate, Nick, sorry to butt in.

CID would like a word
inside when you're ready.

I won't be a minute.

Don't be long,
I want to look at that cut.

I told you to stay in bed.

I feel fine now, thank you.

Well, maybe it's just as well.

Sergeant Blaketon
wants to have a word.

Ah, can't the old beggar
give me a minute?

Tell him I'll call him back.

The old beggar is here.

You may have had a bang
on the head Rowan,

but the doctor here
tells me you're alright.

Well, you didn't have
much to tell CID, did you?

They were very careful,
whoever they were.

So there's nowt to go on then,
from what you seen in there?

- There is one thing.
- Huh?



Do you think he had
something to do with this?

Could be the inside man.

No, it's not in his league, Sarge.

But I don't think he's
telling us all he knows.

I reckon he's worth a visit.


- Shall we go?
- Hey, hang on.

Hey! You're supposed
to be resting.

Oh don't worry. I'll have him
back to you within the hour.

- Let's go.
- See you later.


I don't know why you're
always victimizing me,

especially when I'm not well.

Self-inflicted, Greengrass,
so I heard.

And I'm not victimising you.
Not yet.

It's funny what drink
does to people, Sarge.

Makes someone who wouldn't
normally talk to the police

start sh**ting their mouth off.

I never said nowt.

These men, Greengrass,

have not used their g*n yet,
but they might.

You don't want a death on
your conscience, do you?

If I'm seen to be talking
to a load of coppers,

it's gonna be me own death that's
on me conscience, isn't it.

I know some very unsavoury
people, you know.

Some of them are more
savoury than you lot.

I can take you down to the
station to talk about this.

Look, look, I'm...
go on, get out.

I'm just as much a victim as
George and him, aren't I?

I mean, they pointed the g*n
at me an' all, you know.

I'm in shock, I am.

If you withholding information, I can
have you, for compounding a felony.

It's nowt but victimization
now, is it?

I mean I've already
told you I know nowt.

How much of last night
do you remember, Claude?

All of it.

Are you sure?

Well, might be one
or two blank spots.

So what?

I remember everything.

Absolutely everything.

Right, first thing
tomorrow morning.

Ventress, you know
what you're doing?

Oh yes, sarge.

- Bellamy?
- Sarge.

Rowan, I think you better
have tomorrow off,

otherwise the doctor will be
complaining about police brutality.

Bellamy here can drive you home.

But no stopping on the way, mind.

No, sarge.

- Pshaw!
- Don't be such a baby.

You said it wouldn't hurt.

You said we'd come up
here for a quiet life.

It's hardly an
everyday occurrence.

It's not even safe to
drive around here.

I was nearly run off the road
coming back from York.

- Oh yeah?
- Yeah.

A van nearly hit me
coming the other way.

It must have hit something because
there was an almighty bang,

but it didn't stop.

Where was this?

On the moors road underneath
the railway bridge.

That's near where
they found my bike.

I feel so stupid.

It all happened too quickly,
I really didn't see much.

At least we know
what colour the van is.

One down to Claude, eh Sarge.

There's at least five grand
of farm machinery in here.

From all over the north
of England and more.

You'll have your work cut out

getting this lot back
to its rightful owners.

Can't wait, sarge.

Just my luck to get this
job and Alf get the other.

It's horses for courses, lad.

Ventress is the right
man for that job.

Oi! Mind your feet.

You've just come
across a farmyard.

I don't want your muddy
boots on my floor.

Morning, vicar.

Anything else, sir?

Have you anything uh...



Well, I've been abroad...

and these are a bit tame.

I'm sorry, I don't
know what you mean.

Oh, I should have said.
A friend sent me.

Friend got a name?


That's not a name you make up.

Come through to the back.

I've got some stuff that'll
make your eyes water.

- What are you two up to?
- Oh, we're celebrating.

Yeah, those tips that
Greengrass gave you

they're gonna keep us in
paperwork for a month or more.

I reckon the sarge is bringing
out the champagne now.

- A day's work well done, lads.
- Oh, thank you, sarge.

Rowan, didn't expect to
see you in here, today.

Get yourself a cup,
you deserve one, too.

Right. Now this is elderberry wine,
I made it myself.

Vintage .

Put a lead in your pencil,
this one, Ventress.

Right. Now the toast is,

and I never thought these words
would ever pass my lips...

...the toast is Claude
Jeremiah Greengrass.

All: Claude Jeremiah Greengrass.

Oh, tasty, sarge.

Now, just one more thing, Bellamy.

We know you have the
arduous task of collating

that pornography we
confiscated today.

But it's your total responsibility

to keep it under lock and key

until it can be destroyed.

Not distributed around
Ashfordly police station.

Do I make myself clear?

Yes, sarge.

Right. Well, carry on, lads.

Sarge. I think I might
be onto something.

Oh aye?

Yeah, well, Kate saw a van
driving at high speed

on the Aidensfield road on
the night of the robbery.

I think it might well be connected.


Well, it ran her off the road,
hit a crash barrier and didn't stop.

I found paint traces.

Uh, did she get the number?


Well, that's not
much to go on, is it?

Well, maybe not, sarge, but
there's not much else, is there?

Ah, that's a fair point.

Right. I'll get in touch with CID.

There you go, Claude.

What's that for?

- It's to say thank you.
- Eh?

Those tip-offs you gave me.

Two big arrests today.

You're the toast of Ashfordly nic.

I never give you no tip-offs.

He's a nutcase.

Don't you remember, Claude?

You must've told your mates about
us spending the night together.

Oh sorry, didn't realise
you'd want to keep it secret.

I'll take that back.

Living in a dream world, him.

Tip-offs? Make up stories,
these bloody coppers.

Whose go is it?

Straight to bed.

You know, I do believe you're jealous of
me spending a night with Greengrass.


Alright. What the hell do you
think you're playing at?

Hanging round a
police house, Claude?

That's not good for your image.

No. Neither is you buying me drinks for
tip-offs which I've not even given you.

Don't you realize you can
get me into heavy bother.

But you did give
me tip-offs, Claude.

What you didn't tell me is what
you know about the robbery.

No, I'm not likely to tell
you all about that time

not after the stunt
you pulled tonight.

I'll do a deal with you.

You tell me what I want to know and
there'll be no more embarrassment.

Why don't you go and get stuffed?

Until then, you get the credit
for every arrest in Ashfordly.

As from speeding fines to riding
a bicycle without any lights.

Alright? Good night.


Here we go, sarge.
Alec Robinson.


Well uh... last conviction
, armed robbery.

Well, he's been clean since then.

Here's a CID note from .

Says he suffered from bad health,
not fit for his old life.

Well, people do recover
from illness, sarge.

Your wife tell you that, did she?

Well he describes himself
here as a scrap metal worker.

He's a sick man.

I reckon Greengrass
is just having you on.

Last time he got nicked sarge,

one of his g*ng called him
Alec in front of the victim.

That could explain the silence.

I'm sure Greengrass
is telling the truth.

How sure was he that
he recognized them?

Well, he didn't exactly say
that he recognized them.

Well, either he did or he didn't.

It was Alfred.


His dog. He was all over
the one with the g*n.

His dog?

Well, apparently Greengrass
sold Alec Robinson a puppy

after Alfred had been a
bit too friendly with a...

...a champion greyhound.

So you want me to call CID

and tell them we know the
name of the armed robber,

courtesy of Greengrass's dog?

Either they hit you too hard Rowan

or not bloody hard enough.

Oh dear.

- Get your head down.
- It's my bum!

Shut up.

When everybody can see
where you got wounded.

I could be permanently disabled.

I hope we're not wasting us time.

Greengrass's other tips paid off.

Mind you, if he's lying...

Another one.

Prince, come here!

Do you want these outside,
or are you coming in?

Up to you.

Are you Mrs. Robinson?

Yes, lad.

And I've been married to Alec long
enough to know when the law's about.

Are you coming in, then?

Tell me what all this is about.

Come on in.

Sit down.

These are my daughters.

There's room here.

I will stand, thanks.

I have had a wash today.
Haven't I, Jeannie?

No, no, it's not that.

Oh. Like that is he, your mate?

I didn't know that ???.

He just prefer to stand, alright.

Suit yourself.


You two.

Stop tormenting the lad.

Now then, what is it you want?

Your husband,
we'd like a word with him.

That'd suit me an' all.

- Sorry?
- This is police business Mrs. Robinson.

Since when has a bit on the
side been police business?

You'd have to arrest
half the village.

He's ran off with some tart.

- How long ago?
- Few months.

Is that your husband's dog?

No, he's mine. Why?

Dad bought him off
some poacher in a pub.

Claude Greengrass?

Oh yeah. You'd know him, of course.

What's all this about?

You got any ideas where
your husband might be?

What do you think?

Somebody saw him in a pub in Ashfordly
marketplace week before last, with her.

You've had no contact with him?

He came home a month back.
She'd kicked him out.

Swore to me he were here to stay.

He was off that night
with the rent money.

And my savings.


Taken last Christmas.

My sons... Arthur and Paul.

They're working on a
fishing boat out of Whitby.

Half an hour away and
I still never see 'em.

Happy family snap it.

That was taken just before
he beggared off again.


Went off with some
daft bitch before.

Couple of years back.

I swore I'd never take him back.

Soft in here, me.

Never mind, you've still
got your daughters.

For now.

No doubt they'll take off with some
feckless basket like Alec soon enough.

We heard he's not very well.

Didn't stop him running off
with his fancy piece, did it?

I hope she kills him.

He's moved out, sarge.
Got himself another woman.

Mmm, there's life
in the old dog yet.

Looks like it. And if he's
well enough for that...

Well, where is he living?

Well, his missus said
she doesn't know.

Probably around here somewhere.

Not covering up for him, is she?

Well, she seemed
quite bitter about it.

And he's done it
before, apparently.

Gone off with some bird, and
then come crawling back to her.

Ah, but not this time.

But he weren't on his own.

He must have had accomplices.

He's got a couple of sons, sarge,
and they both live in Whitby.

Oh well, that's handy.

Ventress, any form?

It doesn't ring a bell, sarge.

Phil's checking now.


Right Bellamy, you do
the rounds of the pubs.

Cheers, sarge.

And Rowan, get yourself over to
Whitby and check those boys out.

Like father, like sons.

And if they seem remotely involved
I want them back here in Ashfordly.



♪ Riding along on a carousel

♪ Trying to catch up to you

♪ Riding along on a carousel

♪ Will I catch up to you?

♪ Horses chasing cos they're racing

♪ So near yet so far

♪ On a carousel

♪ On a carousel

♪ Nearer nearer by changing horses

♪ Still so far away

♪ People fighting for their places

♪ Just get in my way

♪ Soon you'll leave
and then I'll lose you

♪ Still we're going round

♪ On a carousel

♪ On a carousel

♪ Round and round and
round and round and

♪ round and round and
round and round with you

♪ Up down up down

♪ Up down, too ♪

Yes, I've seen these two around.

Seemed pretty harmless.

Yeah, they're out
on the Sally-Anne.

When do you think they'll be back?

Could be any time.

♪ Now's my chance
and I must take it

♪ A case of do or die

♪ Riding along on a carousel ♪

Might as well not make
it a wasted journey, eh?

Give us a brandy, will you?

Off duty are you?

Purely medicinal, mate.

Injured in the course of duty.

Came up from behind, did they?

♪ On a carousel

♪ On a carousel

♪ On a carousel

♪ On a carousel

What am I supposed to do with it?

I thought you'd like it.
I bought it in Whitby.

What are you doing there
apart from buying smelly crabs.

I was looking for someone.

Waste of time. They've been
at sea for the last week.

Is Alec Robinson
one of your patients?

I wouldn't know.

No, the name doesn't
mean anything.

Was he one of Ferrenby's?

Oh, the state his files are in,
we'd be looking for hours.

But I'll give it a go.

It's chaotic in here.

You're in luck.

Alec Robinson.

He hasn't been in here
for a while though.

What's wrong with him?

Bad heart. He's on a constant
course of medication.

How long since he's been here?

Couple of years. He transferred.

That's probably when he went
off with his fancy piece.

Well, I can't help you there,
but his new GP is

Dr. Alistair Bruce,
New Queen St, Ashfordly.

Well, thank you.

You're welcome.

You can show your appreciation
in the customary fashion.

Make tea.


Is your bum any better, Phil?

You don't understand.

I were on a promise
last night with Carol.

One thing led to another and

stitches started tweaking.

You what?

Was this before or after?

Instead of.

It's not funny, Alf.

Did you ring that doctor for me?

Yeah uh well, all he had
were same address.

He did issue Robinson
with a repeat prescription

a few days before t'robbery.

Which chemist did he use?

That's up to you to
find out, Nicky boy.

It's got a bloody puncture.

Excuse me.

Can I have a word, please?

Yes, here we are. Robinson.

I issued the dr*gs on the th.

Is that the man who collected
the prescription?

Never seen him before.

Hang on a second though.

It's just the old man
you're interested in, is it?

That's right.

Hey! I've been all over
the place looking for you.

Come on, get in.

Oi. Slow down.
What's the rush?

I found the chemist.

It wasn't Robinson who
picked up the prescription.

Then who was it?

Somebody knows more
than they're been telling us.

What is it this time?

Can we come in, Mrs. Robinson?

He's not here.
I've told you before.

Alright then, come on.


You know where your husband is.

I told you before.

You told us a pack of lies.

Course I didn't.

We'd like you to come
to the station with us.

What for?

We're investigating an armed
robbery, Mrs. Robinson,

and you're withholding information.



You've kept us running
round in circles now.

And I'm not best
pleased about that.

I've told him and I'll tell you.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

A woman picked up your
husband's prescription...

...for his heart trouble,
on the day of the robbery.

The chemist identified her.

You know, from that happy
family snap you lent me.

Where is he, Nell?


Sarge, Nick, can I have a word?

Uh, seems there's been
a robbery at t'post office.

There's a man in hospital.

A g*n went off,
he's got a dicky heart.

Thought I'd better tell you, sarge.

Well, seems your husband
has done it again now.


He's robbed a post office, only this
time it could be manslaughter.

You see the g*n went off...

...and the owner had a dicky heart.

But that's...


Come on, Nell, where is he?!

It must have been too much
for him, doing the job.

His heart packed in.

Oh, come on now.
Who was with him?

You must know who
brought him home.

We found him.

The morning after
the pub were done.

They dumped him on t'doorstep.

And you just dumped him here?

Well, he wouldn't have minded.

He didn't believe in God, anyroad.

So, why this?

His National Assistance.

Well, it's the only regular money
me and the girls have got.

You did all this for a few quid?

It might be nowt to you, lad...

...but I thought if we could
keep collecting Alec's money,

it'd see us through.

What happens now?

We need to find those blokes.

Where's the girls?

Who knows? They come
home when they want.

We're gonna need
your assistance book,

we'll come back
for the girls later.

All right.



You can't go up there.

You've got no right.

You said the girls weren't here.

Well how was I supposed
to know they were back?

Excuse me.

This is nice, isn't it?

I'm sorry, Mum, I'm sorry.

Shut it!


We've got one here, Phil!

What's going on?


Get the car.

Stop the car!


Move that car!

- You stupid little cow!
- Who's a stupid little cow?

You were the one who brought
the bloody coppers home.

Put the g*n down.

- I told you it wouldn't flaming work.
- It had worked.

They believed every word.

Then why are they here?

They came to ask questions and
collect your dad's paying book.

And that's all they'd would
have gone away with.

If you hasn't been so bloody greedy.
I told you to wait.

She's lying, isn't she?

You knew it was us did
that post office today.

I had them looking for blokes.

And they'd have been
looking for 'em forever

if you hadn't bought that
bloody record player.

You were the one who said
they were looking for dad,

that they'd never find him.

Dad was dead and buried.

She did it. She planned it all.

And this silly little
bitch got greedy.

Why couldn't you listen?

Stop it, Sue! Please.

You keep out of this, Jeannie!

Well, what are you
going to do now, eh?

sh**t me?

sh**t one of the coppers?
Then what?

You're useless.
Just like your bloody father.

And now we'll all gonna
end up inside, just like him.

What are you doing with that?

I've got to find him a new home.

Ain't got one here.

Blaketon'll go bananas if you
take that there to t'station.

Well, it's the least we can do.

We owe it to its father, Alfred.
He did lead us to this lot.

But it weren't Alec who done it.

One of the girl's was wearing
her dad's boiler suit.

The dog recognize the smell.

That's another one
down to Greengrass.

Oi! I want a word with you,
Greengrass. Outside.

- I'm busy.
- Now.

Is it important, Nick?
Only Claude's about to win us the match.

Important enough.

Oh well, you'll have to hold
your horses, won't you?

- What is it, double top?
- Aye.

Not your night, Claude.

Come on.

Get my arrows out, will you?
Excuse me.

Claude, does this thing
run on alcohol?

Don't talk bloody daft.

Then why have you got a Guinness
label instead of a tax disc?

I suppose this means you're
going to do me, does it?

I'll have to.

All right then, well I'll...
I'll see you in court.

They're the bloody same, aren't they?
Victimization, I told you.

Things are back to normal, then?

It didn't seem fair to tell him
he'd be eligible for a reward.

Oh, Nick, you should tell him.

Ruin another evening for him?
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