04x12 - Bad Blood

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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04x12 - Bad Blood

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss when
my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss
stay in my memory? ♪


♪ Rolling Stones

♪ Talking about the
midnight rambler

♪ And everybody got to know

♪ Well, I'm talkin' about
the midnight gambler

♪ The one you've never seen before

♪ I'm sliding down the
wings of sadness

♪ And, sister,
can you hear me call?

One sandwich.


Banana and marmite!?

Don't say it like that!

It's probably some obscure
vitamin deficiency.

So what did James have to say?

He'll be fine.

We're going back to
what we originally agreed.

I'll do two surgeries
a week over there.

And we start encouraging the outlying
patients from the Whitby practice

to see one or other
of us in Aidensfield.

So he's coming over
here to your surgery.

Hmm. It's a joint practice.

It's a bit odd, isn't it?


Well, you joined him so
you could do his surgery,

and now he's coming
over to do yours.

We're partners. It's just the
location that's changing.




It's kicked again.

Hey, this is no time to be
practising penalty kicks!

Go to sleep.

I think she heard you.

Did he?

I'll get the bags.



Arthur! We've been burgled!

The cows have got out! Find Darcy!

But we've been burgled!

Are these yours?

Aye. Had the gate down,
they strayed in the night.

No harm done.

Well, there might have been!
We had two calls.

Best get 'em in quick then.
Lend a hand.

I'll be with you in a minute.

Won't be long.

Delta Alpha Two Four to Control.

"What is it, Rowan?"

Ah, I'm gonna be
a bit late, Sarge.

Well, quick as you can!

Inspector Murchison's
due here any minute!


Ready, are we?

Yes, Sarge.


Well, this must be some new
definition of the word 'ready'

I've not come across before!

Now, Inspector
Murchison's coming here

to review our crime
reports for the quarter.

And yours, Ventress,
are a disgrace.

Your top collar for the last month
seems to have been a case

of moving on a pig
without a permit.

Well, it's been a
quiet month, Sarge.

Then can I suggest you make
the next one a bit noisier!


Good morning, gentlemen.

Morning ma'am. I've got those records
you requested ready in my office, ma'am,

if you'd like to go through.

Bellamy, tea.

Well you best get
that gate seen to.

Aye. Thanks for your help.

I made some tea.

Constable's just on his way, love.

I'm sure he's got time.

Thank you.

The thieves have
taken me Dansette.

What's happened?

We've been burgled!

You didn't say anything.
When did it happen?

- We were away.
- We just got back.

Can I take a look?

It's a bit of a mess.

It's terrible.

How long were you away for?

Just a couple of days.

(BOTH): Scarborough.

Who was looking after the place?


Me brother.

Where is he?

I dunno.

You better make a list of
everything that's been taken.

♪ How could I ever go

♪ When in my heart I know

♪ I'll never find another you?


Get off!

Billy?! What are you doing here?!

I've come to see you, Gina!

Oh, when did you get out?

While back.

They gave me eight months'
remission for being a good boy.

- Are you, though?
- Yeah.

Finished with robbing and all.
It's not worth it.

So what are you gonna
do around here?

Oh, when's your next night off?

Tonight, as a matter of fact.

That's my plans for the
day sorted then, isn't it?

Why? You haven't asked!

Besides, I might be busy!

You're joking!
It's dead around here.

You've noticed then, haven't you?

Oh, it's good to see you, Billy.

Uncle George,
this is Billy Redshaw.

How do.

Hello, there.

PC Rowan.

And you are?

Darcy Jacobs.

D'you live here?

Cottage down yonder.

There's been a burglary.

Were you around while Mr.
and Mrs. Jacobs were away?


Heard nowt.

Here's that list you wanted.

Ah, thank you.
Is this everything?

Aye. Silver. Wife's record player.

Well the chances are stuff like this
will get passed on quite quickly.

We'll check round all
the likely places today.


I'll be in touch.

- What did he say?
- Nowt!

Why'd you call 'em in for?

I couldn't help it!

And where you've been
last couple of days?

Why didn't you hear anything?

They never change!

Once they start asking questions,
they never stop!

WOMAN: Stop it!
Stop it, both of you!


Now, then.

Inspector Murchison and I are concerned
about this station's crime figures.

Last quarter, Ashfordly Police cleared
up % of all reported crimes.

Top of the Division, we were.

Now, so far this quarter,
all we can manage is %.

%, gentlemen!

Ah, but Sarge, last month we cleaned
up that string of gas meter jobs.

With that bloke from ...

And I collared those...

Alright, alright.

We don't want a catalogue
of every dog bite

and petty theft you've investigated

during your illustrious careers!

That's all in the past.

What we're concerned with
is what's happening now.

And we need to improve.
Where have you been?

Sorry I'm late, Sarge.

Late again, Rowan?

Sorry ma'am, I was
investigating a burglary.

Oh I see. How convenient.

We'll make this a
test case, Sergeant.

I'd like a report of progress
each day until further notice.

Yes, ma'am.

Bellamy. Show Insp Murchison
through to the property store.

Yes, Sergeant. This way, ma'am.

"Right, Mrs. Jacobs."

"You can sit down."

I've got the results.

You were right,
you're definitely pregnant.



This is your first child, isn't it?


Well, you have to take things a
little more gently from now on.

Mind you, I know that's
easier said than done!

There's always a lot to
be done on the farm.

Let's take your blood pressure
and then I'll weigh you.

Take your cardigan
off for me, will you?

Just come over here.

Everything all right at home?

No, not really.

Oh, what's the matter?

We've just been burgled.

Oh, I am sorry.

Did you lose much?

This and that.


Morning, Claude.

Hello, Gina.

Give us a Scotch.

What's George doing, trying
to turn the place into a disco?

No. I thought I'd liven
the place up a bit.

There'll be go-go dancing
on the tables next!

Uncle George!

It was a bit loud, Gina.

Hey, what you're doing?
Some of us might enjoy a bit of music.

Too bad!

Gina, the butcher's van's out the back.
Can you check the delivery?

Okay. By the way,
the bitter's run out.

Oh, right.

Hey, you're not from
round here, are you?

No, I'm just passing through.
Thought I looked Gina up.

Oh, I see. Well, you go
back a long way, do you?

You could say we're
old friends, like.

Same again, please, Mr. Ward.

Oh, I'll just change the barrel.

If you're that friendly,
I might be able to do you a favour.

But you probably
wouldn't be interested.


Well, it's just that I've got
a record player for sale.

You know, it's a good 'un.

It's a Dansette.
Plays s and all sorts.

Well, the thing, you know,
with Gina liking music

you might want to buy it for her.

It's only six quid.

It's one of them unwanted gift.

Six quid?

Well, you know... a fiver to you.

I could bring it across tomorrow,
if you're still gonna be about.

Oh yeah, I'll still be here.

Right. Well, I've got to get off now,
but you're definitely interested?

Yeah, yeah. Bring it down.

Right, I'll see you tomorrow.

Rowan! I want a full report on
my desk by the end of the day.

Yes, Sarge.

If Inspector Murchison wants
progress, she's gonna get it.

What d'you know about
the Jacobses, Alf?

Oh, odd bunch. Never mixed.

Their old man, he ran that place with
a rod of iron till he had his accident.

What happened?

His tractor rolled
over and crushed him.

I was first on the scene.

Oh, it was a nasty mess.

Did they have any trouble with
neighbours, anything like that?

Not as I recall.

Go and have a look
in the file. Fish it out.

Rowan! That report!

Maybe later.


Good afternoon.

Hello. I'm making inquiries in
connection with a burglary.

Have you had any of these
items offered to you?

No. No, nothing like this
has come my way.


Yeah. I don't buy much over t'counter.
Auctions is my game.


How much do you want for these?

Make me an offer.

What's she doing going to t'village?

Nowt to do wi' you.

Can't she answer?

Leave her alone!

Get out. Get out of my house!

Your house?

Don't come that, Darcy.

You'd have nowt
if it weren't for me!

Our dad left me this farm because
he knew you were an idle drunk

who'd be the ruin of
everything he stood for!

I'm the oldest.
It's mine by rights.

You poisoned him against me.

Please go, Darcy.
Leave us in peace.


There you go.

Thank you.

So, do I get a goodnight kiss then?

Get off!


I'll see you in the morning.

Come on, then!

Breakfast in bed?

Get in!

We're back, Uncle George.

Billy wants two nights'
B&B up at number seven.

Top of the stairs, on the right.

I'll find it. Night, all.


You look tired.

I can't get this to reckon up.

I've tried four times
and I'm still £ short.

It can't be!

Nobody been near the till?

Not that I saw, no.

Go on, you get yourself to bed.
I'll finish this off.

Aye. I'm jiggered.

- Goodnight, love.
- Goodnight.


They're great, aren't they?

I had some like these.

What makes you think
it's going to be a boy?

A girl could play with them.

They're soldiers, Nick!

Yeah, well you get women soldiers.

We've got a woman inspector!

I can't say I'm that keen on my
daughter playing with toy soldiers.


What makes you so sure
it's gonna be a girl?

- Can you take them up?
- Yeah.

Where did you get them?

Junk shop.

I've been to every second hand
place between here and Whitby.

What for?

There was a break-in
at the Jacobses' farm.

Oh, yeah. Mrs. Jacobs told me.

I had her in the surgery today.

What did she say?

Just that they'd been burgled.

She talked about how it came
on top of everything else.

It's a bad time for it to happen.
I've just confirmed her pregnancy.

Yeah? They were having
a row when I left.

What about?

I don't know. Left them to it.

There's something's
not quite right, though.

Maybe I should go and
see them in the morning.

It's nice to be back.

A cup of cocoa would be nice, too.

Can I give you a lift?
I was on my way to see you anyway.

Is there something
wrong with the tests?

No, everything's fine.

I just wanted to see
that you were all right.

You seemed worried about something.

It's Darcy, and Arthur.

They're always at each other,
shouting and arguing.

What about?

Mrs. Jacobs...


if there are problems,
it might help to talk about it.


I better go.

Think of the baby.

What's happened?

Nothing love.
The doctor just gave me a lift.

- Oy?
- Yeah, she's just going.

Thank you, Dr. Rowan.

Emily, you've got my phone number.

You can ring me any time.

- Alright?
- Yes. Thank you!

Take care of her, Mr. Jacobs.

Aye. I always do.

There it is.

Does it work?

More than you and me!

Fiver, you said?

I can't go any lower.
It cost me more than that.

Here you go.

- You're a wise man.
- Yeah.

- It'll come back tenfold.
- Alright, see ya.

Ta-ta. All right, son?

Hey, come 'ere!
Come here, quick!

♪ When the night is cold and my
arms want someone to hold...

That's for you.

I can't take it, Billy.

Go on! Please.

Look, we had a great time last night.
It was a laugh.

Whatever happened between
us in Liverpool is over.

What? We could start again.
I can get a job round here.

I mean, what's wrong with me?

Did you nick £ out
of the till yesterday?


We were £ short last night.
It's never happened before.

Are you accusing me?!

No. I don't want to talk about it.

I put a fiver in of me own money.

If it was you, I've covered up.

I don't want to have to do it again.

I think it's time
you moved on, Billy.

You seen them docking shears?


I'm sorry.

What's wrong wi' you?

Come on, love!

I can't stand any more of it.

Don't start that again!

If Darcy doesn't go, Arthur, I will.

I mean it!

I can't do nowt about it!

Arthur, look at me.

I mean it this time.

Either Darcy goes, or I do.

I'm gonna have a baby!

I didn't think we could!

Well, we can.

I can't wait to tell him!

No! Arthur, don't tell him!

I have to!


- Darcy!
- What?

Hey, Darcy!

What's happened?

Emily's pregnant,
that's what happened!

We're gonna have a baby!

So, you're gonna breed, are you?

Have some little runt to pass
everything on to! What about me?!

This place should be mine!

This place should be mine!





Did you get that cash
to tally last night?


Good. I must be getting past it.

Hi, George, Gina.

Hi, Nick.

Hello Nick.
What can we do for you?

Duty call, George. I'm looking for
someone flogging stolen goods.

Well, they'd hardly
do it in here, Nick!

Yeah, well, if you hear anything.

What sort of stuff?

Uh, silver mainly.

There's a christening mug, cutlery.

And there's also a record player.

You heard anything, Gina?


Well, if you do, let me know, eh?

Actually, Nick...

we had a bloke staying
for bed and breakfast.

And he tried to give me an
old Dansette this morning.

He didn't have it when he arrived.

What's his name?

Billy Redshaw. He's just left.

He's someone I used
to know in Liverpool.

Has he been in any trouble before?


And you let him stay here?!

Gina, I thought you'd
put all that behind you!

He's just an old friend
and he made me laugh!

He told me he'd given it up, Nick!

You should have told me!

Yeah, all right, George.

Where is he?

He left about minutes ago.
I think he was hitchhiking.

- I've lost me wife!
- Hey?

I mean she's gone!
Left home! I can't find her!

You've been in a fight?

Aye! Got caught between
a cow and a wall.

I just want to know she's alright.
She's pregnant!

Alright, I'll let the station know.
We'll keep a look out.


Hello, Emily!

I didn't know where else to go.

What's happened?

I've left home.

You better come in, then.

♪ When you walk through a storm

♪ Hold your head up high

♪ And don't be afraid of the dark.

Billy Redshaw?


Is that your record player?


Where'd you get it?

None of your business!

Where are you headed?

Anywhere as long as
I get off this moor.

Well, I think you'd better come
down to the station with me.

Jump on.

What's going on, Emily?

Have you had a row?


Is it Arthur?

Is he angry that you're pregnant?

No, nothing like that.

It's Darcy.

Your brother-in-law?

What's he got to do with it?

I'm frightened.


Because of what he might do.

I've begged and begged Arthur
to make him leave, but he won't.

He can't.

Where are those figures, Bellamy?

Nearly ready, Sarge.

They've been nearly ready
now for nearly two days!

It's taking a bit longer
than I expected, Sarge.

Sarge, you might like
these to go on with.

What are these, Ventress?

crimes from the last month.
All cleared up.

How come?

Well, we caught that milk bottle thief.

And I made out individual
reports on each incident.

Why weren't these reports included
in last month's figures?

They were stuck in
the back of a drawer.

They were stuck in
the back of a drawer?!

(Well, it'll do something for
our statistics, won't it, Sarge?)

Well, that's true.

Better late than
never, eh, Ventress?

Well, what have we here, Rowan?

Property identical to that stolen
from the Jacobses' farm, Sarge.

This is Billy Redshaw. He's about
to explain to us how he came by it.

Excellent! Well done!
Interview room.

Well, this is turning out to be
a better day than I expected.

Those were my keepy-backs.

What's that, Alf?

Those clear-ups.

I was saving 'em up.

What for?

I was going to slip 'em in over
the next month or so, gradual.

Even out the peaks and the troughs.

Still, needs must.

You crafty devil!

So, where did you get
this record player?

I bought it.

Where from?

A man in the pub.

What's his name?

I don't know!

Can you describe him?

A great big fella. Old.

A bit smelly.

Had a nice dog though.


Yeah, that's it.

I bought it off him this
morning, for a fiver.


We'll keep him in till we're
sure his story checks out.

I'll go and see Greengrass myself.



Umm. You'd never guess.
We found that record player

and now Mrs. Jacobs's gone missing!

She's here.


She's run away from home.

She's terrified of Darcy,
the brother-in-law.

He's got some sort
of hold over them.

Where is she?

In our room, having her sleep.

Oh, no!

Well, she turned up at
the doorstep distraught!

I couldn't turn her away!

Well, I have to phone her
husband, let him know.

No, don't do that. We can't send
her back while Darcy's still there.

I'm not saying that, Kate.

I have to let him know.
He was going frantic.

Mr. Jacobs? PC Rowan.

Your wife's here at the police house.
She's fine, she's asleep.

She's going to stay the night.

Why don't you come round
tomorrow and we'll have a chat.





Oh, good afternoon, Greengrass.

Yes, it was.

I understand that you sold
a record player this morning.

I certainly did.

You admit it?

I certainly do.

Right, Greengrass.

I'd like you to make a statement
in connection with the receiving

of stolen property.

Ah look. You might have a bit of a
problem there, Sergeant Blaketon,

you see, because it wasn't stolen.

I paid for it, with English
money, to Darcy Jacobs.

You paid Darcy Jacobs?

I think that's what I've just said.

Well, you listen to me, Greengrass.

I'll have a word with Darcy Jacobs.

And if he doesn't back you up,
I shall return!

And I shall be waiting.

One day, O Lord. One day...


No thanks, love.

You've got to tell us
what's been going on.

That if Darcy's being
violent or aggressive,

you can apply to the courts
for a restraining order.

What do you think about that?

We could go and see
someone tomorrow.

I'm not going back to the farm.

Well, you need to
sort something out.

What about the baby?

I'll see the baby's all right.

Well you can't stay here forever.

Maybe you should talk
to the welfare at Whitby.


Excuse me.


Rowan, I need a word.

According to Greengrass,

he said he was sold that record
player by Darcy Jacobs!

Oh yeah, that's quite possible, Sarge.

Oh why didn't you say so before?

Are you telling me this burglary
was a complete fabrication?

Well, if it was Darcy,

he obviously wasn't counting
on Arthur reporting it to us.

Why not?

Oh I don't know yet, Sarge.

Who's that?

It's Emily Jacobs.

Well, what's she doing here?

Run away from home, Sarge.

This is beginning to sound
very complicated, Rowan.

Just make sure it's all
down in your report.

Right. I think it's time we paid
the Jacobs brothers a visit.

Billy! Are you crazy, or what?

I'm sorry, Gina.

I should think you are!

I didn't know it was
a knock-off, did I?

I'm not talking about
the record player.

You're not welcome around here.

I'm not staying.

These are for you.

I just wanted to apologise
for any trouble I've caused.

Thank you.

Where are you gonna go?

Back home, I suppose.

You're barred.

I'm not staying, Mr. Ward.

Just come to say I'm really sorry.

Fair enough. You'd better
be on your way then.

Yeah, I am.



See you, Billy.

This place looks deserted!

Those cows need milking.

Anyone at home?

They're always fighting.

I can't stand it.

One day they'll k*ll each other.

You shouldn't be doing
that in your condition.

I'm all right!

So are you.

So what started it this morning?

It's about the baby.

See when... the baby's born, Darcy
knows he'll never get the farm.

It'll pass on to our child.

And what claim does
Darcy have on the farm?

None. Only what's in his head.

Arthur inherited the farm
when his father died.

But he's a younger brother, you see.

Darcy reckons the farm should be his.

To inherit?

It's made enemies of them forever.

"The night he died was the only time
I have seen them working together."

"Trying to get him out
from under the tractor."



I was just wondering if
you'd seen our Emily.

Only Arthur's a bit
worried about her.

No, I'm sorry.

She's run off, see.
She's done it before.

She goes a bit funny in the head,
full of nonsense, tells everybody.

Oh, right.

So if she's here,
I'd like to take her home.

Well, actually, she did phone me.

Oh, aye. Where from?

From her sister's.

If you hold on a moment,
she left a number.

(Why's he here? He'll k*ll me!)

It's alright.
He doesn't know you're here.

Just stay away from the windows.

It's all right!

Hello, Alf? It's Kate Rowan.

Look, I'm at home, and I've
got Emily Jacobs with me.

Darcy Jacobs is outside and I'm worried
that he might try to break in.

Can you radio Nick for me?



Found Emily?

I just phoned you, Mr. Jacobs.
She's at the police house.

We're here to see your brother.
Where is he?

I donno. What do you mean,
you just phoned me?

I spoke to you a couple of hours ago.

Not to me, you didn't!

Right Ventress, come in.

"Emergency call from
Kate Rowan, Sarge."

"Darcy Jacobs is at
the police house."

"I think you'd better get
down there straightaway!"

Well, get on to the police house.
Tell them we're on our way!

- Come on, Rowan, let's go!
- You better follow us too.

I know you're in there, Emily!

Come on.

Emily! There!

This way.


"Control to Delta Alpha Two Zero."

What's happening, Alf?

Can't say, Nick.
Kate's not answering the phone.

Oh, don't worry.
We'll be there in two minutes.


Stay there!



Right, Rowan. You stay here.
I'll go round the front.

- Sarge!
- Stay here!

You stay back, Mr. Jacobs.

It's time to come home, Emily.

Leave her alone. Leave her alone!

No, Darcy!

Just hold it there!

Let us go, and I won't hurt her.


For God's sake, Darcy,
what have you done to him?!

Darcy Jacobs, I'm arresting
you on suspicion of burglary.

So, Mr. Jacobs.

Things got a bit out
of hand, did they?

Well, perhaps you could
start by telling us

why you burgled your own brother.

He had everything. I had nothing.

Thought I'd even things up a bit.

So you admit it, then.

He never gave me owt from that farm.
And I needed money.

What for?

To pay me lawyer.

What do you need a lawyer for?

Our dad's first will.

He made it when
Arthur and I were kids.

He left that farm to me.

Well then he made another will,
and I got nowt.

"We were gonna go to court."

"To contest your
brother's inheritance?"


"I couldn't pay the lawyer's bills."

"And that's what all
this is about, is it?"


Anything else you'd like to tell us?


Why were you so desperate to get
Emily back after she ran away?


Why did he want to get her back?

I dunno, Sarge.
I think we should talk to Arthur.


Bellamy, inside with the prisoner!

How's Emily?

She's fine.

Mr. Jacobs, your brother's been
giving me a load of rubbish

about your father's will.

Now what I want to know is
what exactly is going on?

It's true. Darcy reckons
the farm should be his.

Yeah, but there's
more to it, isn't it?

Why is Emily so
frightened of Darcy?

"Look Arthur, if there's something
we should know about your brother,"

"now is the time to tell us."

He k*lled the old man.

Your father?


I helped him cover it up.

Let me get this straight.

You and your brother
m*rder*d your father?

I didn't k*ll him.

Darcy did.

"He was already dead
when I got to him."

"We were slipping all
the time in the mud."

"Darcy kept saying
it'd be all right."

"It'd look like an accident."

"Nobody'd ever know."

"Makes you an accessory."

"That's a very serious crime."

I couldn't come forward then!

Darcy was too strong!

He threatened me and Emily!

That's what he's like. Vicious.

But he's still me brother.

And blood's thicker
than water, ain't it?

Whether it's bad blood or good.

He were always stronger than me.

"He could take us both on."

"And then suddenly he were an
old man, and I could beat him."

"Aye, we fought."

"Your brother's just told
us that you k*lled him."

"One night..."

"...I gave our father
a good sorting-out."

"Paid him back for everything."

"It was... raining..."

"...and he were bleeding."

"I told our Arthur to give
me a hand with the tractor."

He did as he was told.


I think it's about time you
made out that charge sheet

for Inspector Murchison, don't you?

Yes, Sarge.

Will you be all right
at your sister's?

Just a few days, till I find out
what happens to Arthur.

Emily, you know he may
have to go to prison?


But we'll manage somehow.

We've a baby, we'll have to!

Well, you'd better get on, then.

I should be at the farm.

Are you sure about this?


My place is here.

Got to keep things going.

All right then.
See you at your next check-up.

Thank you, Doctor.

What are you doing here?

I just brought Arthur home.

What's happening to him?

He's out on police bail,
but it depends on the judge.

He might get a short sentence
or hopefully, just probation.

Blaketon put a word in for him.

That was good of him.

Well Arthur's statement has done wonders
for the station's clear-up rate.

Ah. And that's all that matters!

Well, I was more worried about
Emily moving in with us.

It's bad enough living with one
pregnant woman let alone two!

D'you know what I fancy?



With ice cream!

♪ Heartbeat, why do you miss
when my baby kisses me?
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