Thirst (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Thirst (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[tense music]

[heavy breathing]

[sheets rustling]

[heavy breathing]

[metal lid clinks]


[light switch clicks]


[light switch clicks]

- Shit.

[lighter clicking]

You piece of...




[jarring music]

[smack smack smack]

[sharp exhale]



Coffee's still hot.

- How long have you been up.

- Uh...

I'm not sure.

[Lucy scoffs]

- Why is the fridge warm?

[Jose] Oh, power was out

most of the night.

- No bottled water?

[Jose] I think there's

a case in my trunk.

I think there's some

construction on VP,

so we should probably leave

by 11 just to be safe.

[Lucy] Oh, that's fine.

O'Leary case still?

- Uh huh.

[Lucy] Did you get any sleep?

- Um...

A little, maybe.

- It doesn't look like it.

- That's nice.

[Lucy] I could feel you

tossing and turning all night.

- By-product.

- Look, honey, are you sure

this isn't too much for you?

- What are you talking about?

Come on, you know how long

I've been waiting for Diane

to give me something

like this, right?

It took her three years

to learn my name.

- Okay, but you

haven't been sleeping.

Your blood pressure's

gotta be like--

- Okay, look, Tom Bodner

worked 18 hour days

when he started.

All right?

Nights, weekends.

Guy was a machine.

And Diane saw that,

and she made him partner at 31.

Now he just plays golf all day

while we do all the grunt work.

[tense piano music]


I promise,

this weekend...

You get me all to yourself.

[rock music]

- What?

- You know I'm ticklish there.

Wait, that doesn't mean

I want you to stop.

- What about there?

Are you ticklish there?

- Okay, okay, okay.

[Vicky chuckles]

I didn't even hear you come in.

- I told you, I'm as

quiet as a mouse.

- How late was it?

- I don't know, like 1, 1:30.

- Oh.

[Kelly yawns]

- Oh, you okay?

- Just parched.

- What do I always say?

One beer, one water.

I can't have any

sympathy for you-

- I know, I know.

I'm doing it to myself.

[Lisa chuckles]

[dog barks]

[water drips]

[calm rock music]

[Vicky] How was the show?

- I don't know, it was okay.

- Yeah?

Good turnout?

- Yeah, we had like

50 people there.

- That's not bad!

[Vicky chuckles]

Anyone I know?

- Just Sarah J,

and that guy Dom.

- They stayed for

the whole thing?

- No, I don't think so.

But Dom was really

pissy last night.

- Right?

He was like that

when I met him too.

- I'm gonna go shower, okay?

I'm still sticky

from last night.

- Oh.

- Will you make me some coffee?

- Gross!

- Please?

- Okay.

- Thank you.

[phone dings]

[rock music quietly playing]

[whistle of syringe]

[heavy breathing]

[pump airing]


[clears throat]

[Doctor] All right, guys.

How are we feeling today?

- Uh.

Pretty good, I think.

[Doctor] Getting to enjoy

the last of the good

summer weather, I hope?

- Trying to.

[Jose chuckles]

- Okay, well...

Gonna be a few days till we

get the test results back,

but I think we should probably

be in a pretty good spot.

Lucy, everything looked

and felt really good

in your physical exam.

Have you been taking the

klonophine as directed?

- Um, I think I missed

a dose, maybe two.

- That should be fine.

Your follicles look like

they're in decent shape.

We just need a little extra

boost the klonophine gives.

You two been sexually active?

- I...

I wouldn't mind

a bit more.

- Of course you wouldn't.

- Right, um...

Okay, well, how

long do you think

it'll take before I'm ready?

- It all depends.

We'll know for sure when

we get the blood work back,

but there's no reason you

shouldn't keep trying.

Especially considering the

treatments we've already done.

- Well, you heard her, Luce.

- And you'll let us know

when the labs come in?

- Absolutely.

- All right, great.

Thank you, Dr. Penn.

- Sorry, one more thing.

I know this isn't my business,

'cause I'm not your GP,

but your blood pressure is--

- Ah, yeah.

- It was 153 over 98.

- I know.

- Oh my God.

- You've had this

issue before, correct?

- Yep, yep.


- When he gets stressed out,

he gets bad tinnitus,

and he can't sleep.

- Have you tried

things to mitigate it?

Breathing exercises,


I could prescribe you something.

- I've already got

amlodipine, some benzos.

You know.

- Those should definitely help.

Be sure not to mix those with

any other dr*gs or alcohol.


- Yep.

Thanks, Doc.

- Thank you.

Sorry about that.

- No problem.

[Jose] I don't want to.

- Why not?

- Because I don't want to.

- Your mom's stroke

wasn't enough

for you to take this seriously?

- I take it seriously,

believe me.

I just, I don't...

I don't want to have

to take pills every day

for the rest of my life.

- Hey, I'm just saying,

if your blood

pressure's this bad now,

just think about how

much worse it's gonna get

as you get older.

If we're ever gonna

have this baby,

I would really like you

to be around for it.

- Oh, come on, that's

a little bit dramatic,

don't you think?

Besides, they say your

blood pressure goes up

like 20 points in

a doctor's office.

[unnerving music]

- I'm thirsty.

I think there's a

convenience store in Vanwood.

[unnerving music]

[tense music]

[birds cawing]

[jarring music]

- This pill...

See, as I was

trying to make mine.

I don't like to do it that way.

- Okay, man.

[tense music]

[Reporter] For O'Leary


said the issue still

isn't resolved.

Meanwhile, the Matthews

Water Treatment Plant

says its operations are

almost back to normal

after last night's outage.

Boy, it sure is a hot one.


- Don't you live on

the Rustywood?

- What? Why?

- I'm your neighbor, Trent.

- Okay.

- That orange cat

you always pet?

- Diego?

- He's mine.

- Oh.

Oh, hi.

- Oh.

- We love Diego, he's-

- Sorry to scare you, I just...

- It's okay.

- No, I just wanted

to introduce myself.

- It's nice to meet you.

- Yeah.

Oh, your husband's

the guy that's always

out running, right?

- Right.

Yep. Speak of the devil.

- Hey.

[Trent] Hey.

- Everything okay, Luce?

- Yeah, this is our

neighbor, Trent.

- Oh, hey.

Hey, Trent.

- Diego's his.

- Diego? Oh, no kidding.

Yeah, he always runs up

when he hears us coming.

I'm Jose, nice to meet you.

- Oh, I did...

[Trent grunts]

I just wanted to say hi.

Well, hi.

Hi, hi.

[Trent laughs]

- Yo, listen.

I'm making a bunch

of soup this weekend.

If you guys wanted to

stop by for a bowl.

- Um...

That's cool.

Like, not this weekend,

but maybe in the future.

It'd be cool.

Nice to meet you, man.

- Hey, you too.

[Jose] Yeah.

- Sorry.

It was nice to meet you.

[eerie music]

- There's time if you

wanna get some more,

it's gonna be available for you.

More inventory or

more of the same?

[eerie music]

- Let's finish what I

have at my house first.

- You want the pasta?

- Yeah, whatever.

[Lucy] Jose.

- What?

- Why are you being like this?

- I didn't say anything.

[ominous music]

[pills rattling]

[water running]

- Here.


It's just a blood pressure pill.

- Fine.

[heavy inhale and exhale]

- Like, you know, I'm just,

I'm worried about you, okay?

It's not, it's just,

the last time that--

- This is nothing like

last time. You know that.

- Okay, well, I can't

go through that again.

- Have I slipped up

even once since then?

- No.

- Exactly.


I'm gonna go for a run.


Just to clear my head.

- Okay.

[mysterious music]

[car door slams repeatedly]

[drill whirs]

[drill whirs]

[water running]


- Ahhhhhh.


[music beat]

[plate shatters]

- Jose?

- Hey.

Oh, don't worry, it's

not your grandmother's,

'cause hers are the

blue ones, right?

- Yep.

Oh my God, there's blood-

- No, I got it, I got it, I

got it, I got it, it's fine.

Don't worry about it.

Oh, shit.

No, it's like...

Yeah, you know, look at

that, it's a little cut.

- Hey, are you okay?

- Yeah.

It looked a lot worse

than it actually is.

[hands bang]


All right. Oops, sorry.


- Babe, did you get

any sleep last night?

[Jose] I tried,

I tried, I tried.

[tense frantic music]

- Honey, maybe you should

call in sick today.

- Why would I do that?

- Because you haven't

slept in three days.

- I got the O'Leary case.

It's fine, I feel fine.

[tense frantic music]

[Jose spits]

[water running]

[Jose grunts]

[Jose coughs]

Okay, see you later.

[tense frantic music]

- Your half sister's coming

over tonight for dinner.

- You say sister?

Wait, what?

That's tonight?

- Yes, that's tonight.

She texted you in the group

chat to ask what to bring.

- Well, no, she doesn't

need to bring anything,

I'll just take

care of everything.

I'll just go by after work.

- You know what?

I can go get it.

- Lisa's pescatarian, so that

means fish, right?

So, salmon?

Or that's too boring.


- I'm sure whatever you get,

it's gonna be great.

- Chilean sea bass!

Chilean sea bass.

With the little foil packets

with some coconut rice, right?

And then a nice salad?

What do you think of that?

Great. Oh...

I've taken the amlodipine.

[pills rattling]

Are you proud of me?

Are you proud of me?

- Yup.

[tense frantic music]

- So, it looks like we've been

thrown a little curve ball.

Looks like this power outage

caused a big issue at the plant.

I haven't been there

myself to see it,

but apparently the

place is a disaster.

Their system's

completely collapsed.

So now, it looks like

the FDA inspectors

won't be able to get in there

until they get it

all cleaned up,

which could take days,

even weeks.

Martinez, what are you doing?

[window squeaks]

Can you sit down, please?


- Sorry.

- Where was I?

- You were-

- Power outage...

- Talking about the

cleanups and inspections.

- That's right.

[tense music]

So, there've been some

rumblings about drainage issues.

- Did the power failure

make the leak worse?

[tense music]

[Diane chuckles]

- He's kidding, everyone.

Trust me, there's no leak.

One of the drain pipes

for the by-product

was affected by

the power outage,

but O'Leary herself

has assured me

that the damage was minor,

and shouldn't cause

any further issues.

[tense erratic music]

[knife chops]


[knife chops]

- Hey.

- Hey.

Are you focused?

Did you get my text?

- About the gas bill?

- Mhm.

No, not the gas bill.

I invited Dom and

Sarah J for dinner.

- What?

- Sorry.

Sarah and I were on

the phone earlier,

and it just kind of came up, so.

- That's okay.

I got way too much food

for four people anyway.

- You sure?

- Yeah.

Besides, it's been way too

long since we've seen her.

- Yeah, I know.

You and Dom just don't

get along though.

- Well, come on, Luce,

the guy's a prick.

You should see

how he treats her.

- Well, she's our friend, so,

if that's who she chooses

to be with, then...

Honey, I think you've

chopped that enough.

[knife chops]

- Bisexual fish?

Are you serious?

- Yes!

It is here for you to read.

They're putting

hormones in the water.

- No, they're not.

- They are.

The male fish have

too much estrogen,

that's why their

populations are dying out.

- She's just joking.

- No, I'm not.

Will you just look for yourself?

- Babe, no one wants to read

your True Secret

conspiracy theories.

- No, wait a minute.

Didn't somebody on True Secret

recently expose

the school board scandal

in Oregon though?

- Exactly.

- One time.

They were right one time.

You see some of the

others shit on there?

They have this

whole sub dedicated

to the benefits of

drinking goat semen.

[Sarah] No!

- She is exaggerating.

That is not true.


Sort of.

[Sarah laughs]

Okay, well, what about

the big pharma cover ups?

I mean, do you know how much

of that gets in the soil

that we grow our food in?

- Wait a second.

They talk about

that stuff on there?

- Okay, does anybody

want more wine?

- I'll have another glass.

- Whoa, whoa, what

are you doing?

- What?

I told you, I don't like

it when you drink wine.

- Maybe just some water.

- Yeah, sure.

- Yeah, I'll have water.

I'll have some water too.

Good for the vocal chords.

[Jose] Oh, yeah? You got a

show tonight, Lisa?

- Yes, sir.

- I thought it was tomorrow?

[Lucy] Where is it?

- No, it's tonight.

And it's down at Sage Brush.

[Sarah] Mm.

I haven't been there in forever,

what time do you play?

- Midnight.

[Sarah] Maybe we'll

catch the next one?

- No, there's no shortage.

- What's that supposed to mean?

- Nothing.

- Do you ever go, Vicky?

- No.

She's gotta get

up early for work.

- I'll be in the car.

- Thanks for dinner, Dom!

- What was that?

- I'm sorry, he's just cranky.

- I'll say.

- We haven't been

getting very much sleep.


Thank you so much for dinner.

Maybe we can host the next one?

[Lucy] Of course.

[Jose] Sure.

You can just leave it,

you're fine.

[Jose laughs]

- Don't forget your phone.

- Goodnight.

- Told you.

- Is he always like that?

[Jose chuckles]

[Lucy] Kind of.

- Okay, well, did you see

the bruise on her wrist?

- What?

- What bruise?

[Jose] Are you serious?

You don't think...

- You know him better than I do.

- She was always such a badass.

I can't see her putting up

with anything like that.



- Huh?


Man, Dom's a d*ck.

He always has been.

[mellow music playing]

I'm sorry.

- He okay?

- I think he's just tired too.

- Are you sure that's all it is?

- You think I haven't

thought of that?

[Vicky] Okay, sorry I asked.

[Lucy] I'm sorry.

Just, this feels different.

I've never seen him

like this before.

[intense frantic music]

[heavy breathing]

[ominous music]

[heavy breathing]


[Jose screams]

- What? What?

What? What is it?

Jesus Christ, Jose, I

thought someone was in here.

[heavy breathing]

- So did I.

[deep inhale]

[deep exhale]

[ominous music]

[door squeaks]

[ominous music]

- Is that where you were?

That's what I said last time.

But it's gotta be a perfect

line because...

If you do it right,

you get a prize.

Ooh, maybe even two.

Hopefully a new hat.

I could really use a new hat,

it's really cold out.

[woman chatters]

[ominous music]

[engine humming]

[phone dings]

[tense music]


[Kelly] Hold on.


I'm coming!

- Where is she?

- Who are you?

Hey, what the f*ck is this?

- I saw her come in.

I knew it.

- Just wait.

- I f*cking knew it!

- Just listen to me, please-

- Don't you f*cking touch me.

[tense music]

- So...

I'm guessing that was her?

[tense music]

[Lisa sobs]


- f*ck!

[Jose yells]

[tinnitus rings]

[heavy breathing]

[tinnitus rings]

[heavy breathing]

[tinnitus rings]

[heavy breathing]

[tinnitus rings]

[tense music]

[jarring music]


[jarring music]

[Lucy] Hey.

Did you get my message?

[Vicky] Yeah.

[Lucy] It's worse

than I thought.

It's gotta be tonight.

[ominous music]

- Do you want me

to tell Sarah J?

Well, she orchestrated

the first one.

Fine, fine.

Look, I gotta go.

What are you doing here?

- I need to explain.

- No, get out.

- Please, I swear-

- Oh, you swear

nothing happened.

- Yes.

- Well, I saw it.

- Please, I promise you.

- I saw it.

- Vicky, wait, listen to me.

- Okay, you're right.

I went to Kelly's house,

and we kissed,

but that's it.

[Vicky] Your shirt

was unbuttoned.

- I know!

But I stopped it right

before you walked in.

I swear to God.

- Bullshit.

I know how late you stay out.

Come on, you think I'm stupid?

- She is the only person

I've done anything

remotely like that with.

[Vicky sighs]

- Why should I believe you?

- Because...

I love you.

Because we have a

life together, Vicky.

- Then why would

you do this to me?

- Please, just wait!

Just let explain to you,

I'm trying to tell you.

[erratic music]

[sharp exhale]

I know you hate me,

but it's not near as

much as I hate myself.

It's just...

- Just what?

- You have to get up so

early every day for work,

and I'm out late every night.

We don't see each other,

we don't hang out.

- And this is what you do?

Get out.

I can't stay in the

same house as you.

Not right now.

- Fine.

But I do love you.

- Go!

- Fine.

[intense music]

[intense music]

[phone rings]


- What?

- I got that copy of the

affidavit that you asked for.

- Just leave it, man.

[intense music]




Sorry, that was rude, man.


[phone rings]

[intense music]

Diane, what are you doing?

- Oh, I can't seem

to get this printer

to print fast enough, right?

You know, how it

always takes so long.

- Yeah, do you

know how to fix it?

- Well, I felt this

loose piece, you see,

and then sure enough,

when I opened it up,

they're all loose,

and then I finally get 'em

nice and tight, and now look.

- Listen, did you

ever see that memo

that I sent you about

about O'Leary's drainage?

- Where the f*ck

does this piece go?

I mean, it looks

like to just screw it

in the back here like this,

but then when I

look at the manual,

it says it needs part 10A and...

f*ck it!

- I think there's

a real potential

that some of the

climate pharmaceutical-

- Oh, just order a new one!

[phone rings]

[intense music]

[jarring music]

[water running]

[intense music]

- I told you, I'll get

to it when I get home.

I don't know, an hour?

Maybe more?

What does it matter?

No, I'm hanging up.

I'm hanging up.

[sharp exhale]

- Are you okay?

Oh, here, come, sit down.


- I'm sorry, I know this is

supposed to be about Jose.

- No.

- No, no, no, no,

don't worry about it.

What happened?

- He said I didn't tell him

I was gonna be here,

but I know I did.

It's just, we've been

fighting so much,

and neither of us can

seem to get any sleep.

- Hey, what do you mean

you haven't been sleeping?

- I just toss and turn and

can't turn my brain off.

[door squeaks]

- Hey.

- Hey, Vic, Sarah J, what's up?

- Hey, babe.

You think you can sit

down for a second?

- Sure.

What's happening?

[Lucy] Sarah J, you

wanna start us off?

- Um...

Jose, we all are here

because we love you,

and because we know how hard

it was the last time and we-

- Are you...

Are you f*cking kidding me?

- Babe.

- I'm not using.

That's what this is?

[Lucy] Honey.

- We're just worried

about you, Jose.

Lucy says that

you've been up night,

and you've been acting erratic.

- Well, maybe I'm acting erratic

because I can't remember

the last time I slept.


- Okay.

- Using, Jesus.

I haven't touched that

shit in five years.

Never crossed my mind.

You know what, while

we're confronting people,

why don't we start

with you, Sarah?

- Me?

- Yeah.

Dom, he's terrible.

- Don't say that now.

- Why?

We all know it.

We see how he treats her, we

see the bruise on our arm.

- Wait!


[Vicky] It wasn't the

time or place.

- Oh, really?

Then when?


- I guess I'll go too.

- Yeah.

We didn't resolve anything.

- Call me if anything changes.

- Okay, thanks.

[ominous music]

[shower running]

[eerie music]

[jarring music]

[ominous music]

[Jose] What are you watching?

- I was watching that.

[deep breath and exhale]

- Will you look at me,



I don't know what's going on.

But I swear to you,

these are the only

dr*gs I've taken.

- Then why are you

acting like this?

Up all night and

these mood swings.

- Something's not right.

And I can feel it...

but I don't know what it is.

And I don't know

how to make it stop.

I'm scared, honey.

I'm sorry.

- It's okay.

[ominous music]

[phone buzzing]


Wait, wait, wait.

Slow down.

He did what?

[ominous music]

[door squeaks]

[Jose] Shit, Sarah.

- Jose, go get her some water.

Oh my God, sit down.

It's okay.

[Sarah] I've never

seen him like this.

[Jose sighs]

- Sorry.

- f*ckin' assh*le!

[Sarah sobs]

Here, take one of these.

You can't let him

get away with this.

- I know.

I'll report it in the morning.

I'm so tired.

- It's all right.

You're safe, okay?

You can stay here

as long as you want.

[Sarah sobs]


[Sarah sobs]

[ominous music]

[pills rattling]

[Sarah coughs]

[wind blowing]

[water running]

- Sarah.


Hey, it's too hot out here.


[jarring music]

Oh, what the f*ck?

Oh! Oh!

Oh! Oh, shit!

[Lucy] Hey.

Hey, what's going...

[Lucy gasping]

[Lucy sobbing]

[tense music]

- Come on, Vicky.

[cell phone buzzes]

- Hey.

[Lucy] Where'd you go?

- I just gotta pop into

the office real quick.

- You're joking, right?

- No, I just got

something I gotta wrap up.

[Lucy] Promise me you're

not going over there.

- Over where?

[Lucy] You know where.

- Uh, yeah, sure.

But I just got here,

so I'm going to...

I'll just be home soon,

all right?

[Lucy] Jose, don't do...

[tense music]


[door creaking]

- Who the f*ck are you?

- Where's Dom?

- Is he expecting you?

- Where is he?

- He's out.

f*ck off.

[door slams shut]

[distant buzzing]

[ominous music]

[drill whirs]


- Hey!

- Jesus.

- Hey.

I just wanted to see if

you needed your lawn cut.


- Not right now.

- It's me, Trent, from the gas

station, with the orange cat.

You know, the one that...


[Lucy] I know.

- Oh, what junk mail, huh?

Oh boy, they really load it up

at the end of the month,

don't they?


- Hey, what did you say?

- Flyers, coupons, magazines.

- Nevermind, Trent.

I gotta go.

- The pet stores.

Oh, this...


[tense music]

[Trent grunts]

[tense music]

[ominous music]

[Lucy exhales sharply]

[cell phone timer rings]

[door squeaks]

[Vicky] I know,

I can't believe it.

I just saw her.

- Hey.

[Vicky] Can I call you back?

[Lisa] Where have you been?

- Long line for gas at Habsta,

but they ran out.

What are you doing here anyway?

- Well, you weren't

picking up my calls

or looking at my texts, so...

[Vicky] Didn't you

hear about Sarah J?

- No.

- She f*cking died last night.

- What?

[Vicky] At my brother's house.

- Oh my God.

Are you okay?

- Wha-what do you want?

- Right.

This is gonna sound crazy--

- Don't you have a show

you have to be at?

- I need to tell you something.

[Vicky] Some floozy

to make out with?

- Stop! Will you just

listen to me, please?

- What's with the water?

The water supply has

been contaminated.

[Vicky] Contaminated?

- With meth.

[Vicky laughs]

- Wow.

That's the best one

I've heard yet.

- Okay.

[Vicky laughs]

You're mad at me,

and that's fine.

I just need you to promise me

that you're not gonna

drink the tap water.

- You're serious, aren't you?

[Lisa] Yeah.

- Who told you about this?

- It's everywhere.

You know how the O'Leary

plant makes ADHD medication?

- Who?

I knew it.

When was the last time your

little conspiracy theory trolls

actually got something right?

- Why is it that you think

you couldn't get gas?

Whenever a disaster

like this happens,

what's the first thing

people go out and do?

They go out, and they buy

up all the bottled water,

and all the gas.


Even if there's just a slight

chance that this is true,

wouldn't you rather be prepared?

I mean, if everyone else is?


We need to go out,

and we need to buy

bottled water right now.

I mean it, like right now.

- Fine.

- Okay. Let's go.

[tense music]

- Luce?

[jarring music]

[Lucy] Hey.

- Hey.

- Where'd you go?

- I'm sorry that I left,

I just couldn't--

I couldn't stay here, okay?

I kept seeing the

image of her body.


[Lucy shushes]


What is that?

- Oh, there's a construction

zone near the office,

and they're always leaving

trash and their junk there.

- Can't believe you.

- What?

- You promised that you

weren't gonna go over there.

- I didn't do anything, Luce.

I didn't do anything.

[heavy nervous breathing]

- Who are you?

[heavy nervous breathing]

- What do you mean?

[heavy nervous breathing]

What do you mean?

What are you talking

about, honey?

It's me.

This is me.

What are you talking about?

- What if Dom comes

after you, huh?

What if you go to jail?

Is that how you wanna

spend the first...

- First what?

[tense music]

[Lucy sniffs]

It worked?

Are you serious?

This worked?

It worked?

It worked?

[tense music]

That's, that's amazing.

Oh my gosh.

What's wrong?

What is it? What?

- Just, Sarah's gone and...

Jose, you're really, really

starting to scare me.

- Baby.

No, baby.


Look at me.

You know all I ever wanted

was to have kids, right?


Now when that happens, I swear,

everything's gonna

be like f*ckin'

"Leave It to Beaver"

in here, okay?

I promise.

All right?


[Lucy sniffles]

[sobbing and sniffling]

[Jose laughs]

I can't...

I can't believe this.

[tense music]

You know who would've been

really happy about this?

- Yeah.


[tense music]

- Stay here, I'll

get you some water.


- Yeah.

[kiss smack]

[Jose chuckles]

- We're outta bottles.

[Jose] Oh, it's not

gonna k*ll you.

- I cannot believe

they were out of water.

- I still think

we're overreacting.

[Reporter] This just in

from the mayor's office.

Residents of Knox County

are being advised

to not drink tap water.

I repeat, do not drink

tap water in Knox County.

There's been an

unspecified contamination

that scientists are

saying may have been...


- Now do you believe me?

Who are you calling?

- My brother.

[cell phone buzzes]

[ominous music]

[Lucy grunts]

- What is it?

- I'm so f*cking tired.

I don't know if I'm

gonna go to work today.

[ominous music]

[cell phone buzzes]

- Hey,

nine missed calls?

You must've heard.



Who told you that?



Shit, okay.

All right, bye.




No, no, no!

[glass shatters]

[Lucy gasps]


- What the...

- Look.

We gotta go, okay?

- What?

[Jose] Come on.

[tense music]

- I'm so sorry about Sarah.

Are you guys okay?

- Not really.

[Vicky] Has anybody

talked to her mom?

- [yawns] Um,

they're supposed to have

the service next week,

but I don't know.

It's pretty crazy out there.

- Did you guys

hit up the stores?

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

[Vicky] Any luck?

[Lisa] Well, we have this

water here if you want some.

[ominous music]

- You need anything else?

- Go home, Trent.

- Oh, last time I

checked the chairs,

they were real rickety.

Mm, oh, but sometimes

I put too much oil.

Oh, and it gets messy.

- Just go home!

- I, uh, I'll come back later

for the lawn money.

- f*ck.

- How would he know

about the chairs?

- Wait, is that all you have?

- Afraid so.

- Maybe we should

think about rationing.

- With food, you ration.

With water, you're supposed

to drink it if you have it.

Once dehydration sets in...

- She's right.

- Well, did you guys hit up all

the stores on the west side?

- Haven't you heard?

I mean, the whole

city's tapped out.

[Jose] Shit.

Well, what about

filters or Gatorade?

- Gone.

- What about Briar Creek?

The water doesn't go

to the treatment plant.

Maybe we can use

those filter straws

that we use when we go camping.

- Yeah, we could boil

it if we have to.

Do you guys have gas?

- Probably enough to

get there and back.

[Jose] Let's take your car,

and hopefully ours will

still have some left.

- Sure.

- Lisa, will you stay with Lucy?

Vicky, come with me.

[Lisa] Why can't I go?

- I just...

It would just mean a lot if

you'd stay and look after her.

- Why? What's wrong?

She looks fine to me.

- Should we tell them?

- Yeah, sure, um.

[clears throat]

I'm pregnant.

- What?

[Lucy] Yeah.

[Vicky] Are you serious?

- Congratulations.

- Oh, big brother!

[Vicky laughs]

- Okay, all right.

We should go before

it gets dark, um.


You guys just take

it easy, all right?


[ominous music]


[Jose sighs]

[leaves rattling]

- Wait, wait.

What was that?

I heard something.

- I don't hear anything.

Come on.


Okay, yeah.

It's just up here.

[Lisa] Over there?

[jarring music]

[g*n cocks]

[Jose yelps]

[Man] Private property.

- It's a public park.


[Man] Not anymore.

- Okay, okay.

[Reporter] Officials are

warning that there are

no remedies that can block

methamphetamine ingestion.

This after numerous residents

have been admitted to hospital

after drinking a combination

of canola oil and mouthwash,

a remedy that has

been making the rounds

on Controversial

Conspiracy Network.

- So?

[Jose] No.

- What? Are you okay?

- What happened?

[Jose] Somebody

else got there first.


- Any word on how

long this will last?

- They said it could take a week

to fully clean out the system.

Maybe longer.

[Jose] What about more

bottled water or filters?

- We just saw a truck on

the news being h*jacked.

It's literally chaos out there.

- Okay, so, we stay put

until this whole

thing blows over.

If we're not gonna ration this,

let's at least take it easy

so we don't drink more water

than we normally would.

- Okay, what about food?

- Well...

We should probably minimize

our food intake too.

- He's right.

Digestion requires

a lot of water.

- So, this is it then?

[Jose] Yeah.

[ominous music]

[Reporter] Consult a doctor

if your medication...

[ominous music]

[jarring music]

[ominous music]

[jarring music]

[ominous music]

[jarring music]

[ominous music]

[jarring music]

[ominous music]

[jarring music]

[ominous music]

[jarring music]

[ominous music]

[jarring music]

[ominous music]

[jarring music]

[ominous music]

[jarring music]

[ominous music]

[jarring music]

[ominous music]

- Hey, where's Vic?

- She's in the office.

Did you get any sleep?

- [sighs] Nah.

- Did someone put this

in another container?

- What's that?

- Oh, shit.

[Jose] This you?

- No.

I only had the one glass

you gave us last night.

[mysterious music]

- Jesus.

[Jose] Did you drink this?

- Do you see a

glass anywhere here?

[Jose] It was you?

- What was me?

[Jose] You drank

this whole jug?

- No, I didn't.

[Jose] I know you need

more water for the baby,

but you couldn't have

just saved a little bit?

- What the hell are

you talking about?

- Thanks for sharing.

[door slams]

[Lucy] Jose!

[Reporter] Declared a state

of emergency in Knox County.

Citing the dire need

for drinkable water

that has led to rioting

in distribution centers

and blockades.

[Jose] What the f*ck

are you doing?

- Oh, it's getting there.

It's getting there.

It's getting there.


You know, there's all these

little screws in there.

[Jose] Get out, Trent!

- Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Heard some of them...

Need bolts, you see?

[Trent laughs]

[Jose] Get out!

- Fine, fine.


That's 300.

[Jose] 300?

Well, first there was the lawn.

And if you had a

handyman back here...


We would definitely

charge you more.

My mom used to have

this guy come around

that would fix the sink,

and he used have these little

teeny, tiny little cars,

and I used to just...

[mock car revs]

- I'm not paying you $300,

I didn't ask for

any of this shit.

Get out!

- No, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no,

no, no, no, no, no.

- Get out!

Come on, let's go.

[Trent] You lied to me!

You owe me!

- Go, Trent, go!

- You owe me!

Hey, hey, hey!

I want my money!

- Go, go!

[tense music]



- Don't you want it?

[Jose] No,

I was wrong.

You need a lot more than I do.

- You haven't had anything

to drink since last night.

- That's okay, I'll

figure something out.

- Thanks.

- Yeah.

[single piano key plays]

[single piano key plays]

[pee trickles]


[pee trickles]

[single piano key plays]

[single piano key plays]

[single piano key plays]

[single piano key plays]

[single piano key plays]


[heavy breaths]







[ominous music]

[Reporter] The governor

is contemplating

sending in the National Guard

to assist in the deployment

of bottled water and gasoline.

[ominous chaotic music]

[sharp inhale]

[water trickling]


[Jose] Luce, you

almost done in there?

- Yeah, I'll be right out.

[Jose] You okay?

- Yeah, I'm fine.

- Luce?

Why is there a wet

glass in there?

[Lucy] Look...

[Jose] You wouldn't.

- I had to.

I'm so thirsty.

- Are you...


What about the baby?

[Vicky] Don't yell at her.

- This doesn't concern you!

- I'm sorry, okay?

I'm sorry.

- I'm not gonna be

treated like this!

You hear me?

[glass shatters]

[women screaming]

- What the f*ck?

[Trent yells]

Stop it!

[intense music]

[Trent groans]

[punches smacking]

[tense music]

[Jose yells]

[wind blowing]

[computer keys clacking]

[computer keys clacking]

- Oh shit.



Guys, pack everything.

I got it. I got it!

- Got what?

- Look.


Come check this out.

So that's a standalone pond on

a rental property, all right?

The owners are in Colorado,

they're not even there.

It's only 40 minutes away,

I think we got enough

gas to make it.

Just pack everything

you can, okay?

Lucy! Hey.

I found a lake.

We're gonna go, okay?

- What? No.

I don't think I can make it.

- What are you talking about?

- I don't think I

can do the car ride

with all those bumps and plus,

I don't wanna be around

you when you're like this.

- What is "this"?

What are you talking about?

Luce, look at me.

I don't know how much

longer we can go without

you and the baby

having clean water.

All right.

And besides, Trent.

You think he's gonna

let last night slide?

Trust me, we gotta go.


I'm gonna get some stuff,

you do the same.

All right?

It's gonna be all right.

[ominous music]

[car beeps]

[car beeps]

[car beeps]

[Vicky] Should we have

brought more food?

- I don't know, I...

[Jose yells]

Oh my...


- Just go!

Would you just go?


Go! Drive!

Just go!

[tires screeching]

[intense music]

[ominous music]

- I'm gonna grab something

from the car, okay?

- Okay.

[ominous music]

[water boils]

[Jose] There's a

little more soup, Luce.

- I'm good.

- I'll have some.


[Jose] Yeah.

- Doesn't this look

like Uncle Jorge's spot?

- I never went to Jorge's.

- No?

- No, you must have gone

when I was up here with mom.

- Oh, yeah.

- Think I'm gonna turn in.

- Yeah.

Yeah, me too.

[Lucy] How do you

open this thing?

- Remember when you showed

me where all the

constellations are?

I still can't even find

Cassiopeia on my own

without somebody

showing it to me.

You're gonna be an aunt.

- I know.

- I know you've

always wanted that.

I know you love kids.

Is this how it's gonna be?


I know that you hate me,

and I don't expect

you to forgive me.

I don't.

I just...

Can we just put this on hold

till we get through

whatever this is?


[wind whooshing]

[wind whooshing]

[wind whooshing]

[wind whooshing]

[crickets chirp]

[ominous music]

- Hey.

- Good morning.

How'd you sleep?

- Like a rock.

- Is my brother still down?

- Yeah.

- Thank God.

He needs it.

- Want some?

- Yes, please.

[tense music]

- Hey, um...

Do you think, um...


- No, what?

Come on.

- Do you think

he'll be a good dad?

[Vicky] What do you mean?

Of course he would.

Why would you say that?

- I don't know.

You saw what he

did the other day.

I didn't think he was

still capable of that.

- I mean, to be fair,

it wasn't for no reason.

The guy barged into his house

with his pregnant wife

right there.

I think he just

wants to protect you.

- I don't need protecting.

- I know.

Look, this will all pass.

We'll go back to our boring,

normal lives,

and you guys will be fine.

Trust me.

- Right.

[tense music]

[catydids chirping]

[women chattering]

[women laughing and chattering]

[women laughing]

- Oh my gosh.

[Vicky] Good morning.

- Hey.

What time is it?

[Lisa] Like a quarter to six.

[Vicky] You almost

did a whole 24 hours.

[Jose grunts]

- I feel like I

could do 24 more.

[Lisa chuckles]

- You want some chili?

- Oh, yeah, absolutely.

- Have you guys thought

of any baby names?

- Oh, yeah.

I got a ton of 'em.

Like if it's a boy-

- I don't think we should get

so far ahead of ourselves.

- Why not?

- I don't know.

I mean, we just found out.

I haven't even

seen a doctor yet.

- Well, we could still

get their input, right?

- Well, what about Strum?

[Vicky laughs]

What? It's totally

gender neutral.

- Strum?

[Vicky laughs]

- You mean like a guitar?

Like Strum?

- Kinda.

I was thinking more

as like a tribute

to Joe Strummer, but...

- [scoffs] Who?

- Look, I'm not

naming my baby Strum.

[Lucy laughs]

- Oh, yeah.

No, yeah, you're right.

Yeah, maybe.

[Vicky chuckles]

- Let's just wait until we

get to the 12-week mark

to have this conversation,


[Vicky] Oh, come on.

- No, she's right.

We can, we can wait.

Wait, shh.

Do you guys hear that?

- What?

I don't hear anything.

- Exactly.

- Jesus.

- You scared the shit outta me.

- He always does that.

[Jose laughs]

- Okay.

[Jose chuckles]

Please go back to the tent now.

[girls laughing]

- If you want.

- Make your exit, please.

- Strum though, right?

I'm gonna write that down.

[Lucy] Don't, please...

[Jose] Strum, Twang.

[tinnitus rings]

[tinnitus rings]

[tinnitus rings]

[ominous music]

[tempo quickens]

[g*n fires]

- Listen up!

- Hope y'all got some free

water in while you can.

From here on out,

you want some of this water?

You come see us for payment.

- And don't worry,

we ain't gonna sh**t no one.

Not unless you make us.

- No credit cards, no checks.

This is cash only.

- Well, if you ain't

got no cash,

don't worry.

I'm sure we can

figure something out.

- Carry on.

Oh, look who it is.

What, no 2x4 this time?

- You son of a...

[g*n cocks]

- Yeah, go on!

Give me another reason!

No friends and family

discounts, I'm afraid.

[tense music]


Pretty sister of yours here?

Well, how about your wife?

Maybe we can give

her the discount too.

[tense music]

[Tom laughs]

Yes, sir.

You wanna fill that jug up?

[Man] Yeah.

[Dom] $30.

- We gotta get the f*ck

outta here.

- How are we gonna go?

We don't even have any gas.

- Where are we going?

- I don't know,

but I think it's about

to get real f*cked up.

[tense music]

[water trickling]

[tense music]

[Dom] Mm, hey, Vic.

- Get off of me.

- Oh, come on,

don't be like that.

- Let me go!

- Whoa.

- You don't gotta

make a scene about it.

- I know what you did.

- I don't know what

you're talking about.

- My brother told me about

the bruises on Sarah's face.

You're a piece of shit,

you know that?

- Come on, Vic.

You don't gotta be like that.

If you get thirsty,

just come to me.

I can hook you up.

If you, you know...

Help me quench my thirst.

- Get your f*ckin'

hands off her.

- Hey!

Hey, hey!

[tense music]


- You okay?

- Yeah.


[tense music]

- What's going on over there?

[Vicky] He has a can of gas.

- Who does?

[Vicky] Dom, under the table.

[Lisa] A lot of

good it does us.

- I think I know how

we can distract them

so that Jose can grab

the can, fill the t*nk,

and put it back

before they notice.

[Lucy] You think

that'll be enough gas

to get us out of the county?

- No, probably not.

We need another can or two

to get us to Haliburton.

- The Paige River?

- Yeah.

- Okay, so then, how

do we get the rest?

[tense music]

[zipper sliding]

[ominous music]





- f*ck.



Hope this works.

Are you ready?

- It's worth a shot.

Hey, Dom.

Can I have some water for us?

- Do you have a change of heart?

- Well...

[Jose coughs]

- That's fair.

- All right.

- You're on watch.

[ominous music]

- I can't let you do this.

- Honey, the girls

are in the tent.

We don't have any other

options right now.

[Jose gags]

- Just gimme the knife.

- Okay.

[Jose grunts]

- Why, hello, beautiful.

What can I do for you?

- I'm thirsty.

- Oh, yeah?

[tense ominous music]

On your knees.

Don't worry, I'll get to them.

[Tom yells]

[g*n fires]



[Dom] What the f*ck?

[g*n cocks]

- Let's go.

- Come on! Let's go!

[tense music]

- Come on!

- Get up! Come on!

Go, go, go!


What the f*ck happened?

- I don't know!

[Lisa] Oh my God.

[Jose] Go, go, go, go, go!

Did you sh**t him?

What the f*ck!

[Lucy] I don't know.

[Jose] You don't know?

[Lucy] Well, yeah,

I f*cking shot him

in the f*cking neck.

[haunting vocal music]

[heavy breathing]

[jarring music]

[haunting music]

[Jose screams]

[water trickling]

[water trickling]

[water trickling]

[water trickling]

[water trickling]

[water trickling]

[ominous music]
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