Insidious Inferno (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Insidious Inferno (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

(glass shattering)

(claws swooshing)

(ominous music continues)

- [Mary] All red.

(Mary screaming)

(ominous music continues)

(glass shattering)

(ominous music continues)

(glass crunching)

(Monica grunting)

- Dammit.

- Monica?

Jesus Christ, you're

bleeding all over the place.

- Yeah, can you grab me a towel, please?

- Yeah, stay right here. Don't move, okay?

What the hell happened, anyway?

- I don't know.

- Butterfingers strikes again, huh?

- Thank you.

I don't know, must've

stood up too quickly,

got lightheaded, and dropped my wine.

- Not to rub it in, but that

was my Lustau Amontillado.

- Sorry, don't k*ll me, Fortunato.

- I think Fortunato was

the one being k*lled,

but I do appreciate

your joke all the same.

- I am sorry.

- Stop, stop. Don't touch it.

I don't need you cutting yourself

any more than you already have, okay?

So let's see, go sit down,

and I'll take care of this.

You know, I really hope

you don't need stitches.

- Yeah, me neither.

- A little piece of advice.

Next time you almost black out,

don't step forward onto the

glass that you just dropped.

- That's good advice.

This wasn't like a normal

blackout, though. It was strange.

- Because there is such a

thing as a normal blackout?

Strange how?

- It was like...

It was like, you know,

like when a bright light

shines in your face, but

your eyes are closed,

and it's just that bright red.

- Probably because your eyes were closed

while you stepped forward

into a pile of broken glass.

- Did you pack your stuff?

- No, not all of it.

- Honey!

- What?

I mean, what do you want from me?

- I want you to be

ready to leave tomorrow.

- [Andre] I am.

- I don't want you to be

complaining the whole time

about how you didn't bring enough socks.

- Okay, first off, I won't.

- I just want to get this over with.

I just want to get in, sign

off on the inspections,

and then get back home.

- We will. All right.

I promise. Trust me, I

know you're dreading this.

I've been living with you, all right,

but we're going to get out there.

We're going to throw

away all that old shit.

We're going to fix the

shingles, all right,

then we're going to flip that

house for a cool 300 grand.

Easy in, easy out. Week, tops, all right?

Then you don't have to think

of any of those bad memories

ever again if you don't want to.

- Promise?

- Hell yeah I do.

I mean, purge that shit and

then shove it way back deep.

Worked for me.

- If you are being sarcastic,

I am not much for sarcasm right now.

- Listen, duty calls, all right?

I'll be home in a few hours.

- Okay.

- All right, I love you.

- Love you.

(Monica sighs)

(ominous music continues)

- If I had one wish, it

would be that none of you

ever have to go through

what I went through.

It breaks my heart at the

thought of your parents,

your daughter, your loved

ones, getting a call

that you were k*lled in

a drunk driving accident.

It's probably the worst

news anyone can ever get,

and it tears families apart, all right?

It tore my family apart.

After we got the news of Lenora's death,

my ex-wife spiraled into a depression

that she was never able

to come out of, all right?

Our marriage of 13 years was destroyed

because of the stupid

decision by one individual

who chose to get in his car

after he'd been drinking.

So that's what I want you to remember.

The next time you've had even one drink,

and you choose to get in your car,

it's not just your life

you're messing with.

It's all of ours.


- Thank you, Mr. Duvalier,

for that incredibly heartbreaking lesson.

Now, before you go, I need each of you

to list the three colors mentioned

in the order they were mentioned in.

Please leave your notebooks

outside of the basket.

Have a nice night.

Drive safe.

- Dad, I want a picture!

(ominous music continues)

- It is going to be a rough few weeks

managing these classes on my own.

You know, I said it before,

but they don't listen to

me like they listen to you.

- Sure they do. They'll be fine.

- How much work do you have

ahead of you, you think?

- I don't know, I mean, the

inspector has a whole list

of things that we can either do ourselves

or pay someone to do, so I don't know,

we're just going to work with the agency

and see if we can get the place to a spot

where we get at least

a decent return on it.

- No offense, Andre,

but I've never considered you a handyman.

- Well, you'd know, and I

guess we're going to find out.

- How's your wife doing? Monica, right?

- Yeah, still Monica.

- She pretty broken up about

selling her dad's old place?

- No, not really.

I mean, she just wants it over

with, as far as I can tell.

I never met him.

I mean, he was diagnosed

with MS a few years ago,

and apparently it was pretty bad,

because he died shortly after.

Monica moved in to try to help him out,

fix their fractured relationship,

but it didn't really turn out that way.

- Jesus, that's rough.

- Yeah.

Yeah, it turns out that was

a bad year for everyone.

- Sorry, Andre.

- No, I'm sorry. I didn't

mean to dour the mood.

- No, not at all.

In fact, you're one of the

best examples I can think of

when it comes to dealing

with something like this.

- Yeah, right.

- I'm serious.

Not a lot of people can take

that pain and wickedness

and spin it into something positive.

Even though you can be a

pain in the ass sometimes,

she's lucky to have you.

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

(Mary gasps)

(lantern clangs)

(Mary screaming)

(ominous music continues)

- Andre, honey.

Hon. Andre!

- What?

- Did you pack your stuff?

- No, not all of it.

- Honey, come on.

- What, I'm just going to go

out for a quick 3,000 steps.

When I get back, I'll pack. We'll go.

- Do you have to do that right now?

- Hey, this levels me out, all right?

And judging by the amount of

work I'm going to have to do

at your dad's place,

yeah, I have to do it now.

- Andre, don't make this linger on.

I just want to get it over with.

- Who's lingering?

Seriously, I'm just going

to be gone a few minutes.

When I get back, we'll go.

Smile. This is going to be fun.

Smile like you mean it.

(Madison groans)

- Andre!

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

- [Monica's Dad] Monica!

(ominous music continues)

- [Andre] Listen, I appreciate

that this is difficult for you, honey.

- [Monica] No, it's not

difficult. It's not difficult.

We're just going to help

renovate a crummy little house

to be sold, and that's

how I want to keep it.

It's just like any other project.

- Monica.

- What?

- [Andre] If you don't deal

with it now, you'll regret it.

- [Monica] There's nothing to deal with.

- [Andre] If you don't face it

and accept your feeling about it now,

it's going to eventually

explode out of you.

It'll come crashing down. You

need to trust me on this one.

- [Monica] I agree with you,

but there's nothing to face.

I haven't given this place

a single moment's thought

in seven years because

every moment I spent there

has been nothing but trouble.

If it were up to me,

I'd burn the f*cking place to the ground.

(ominous music continues)

(gravel crunching)

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

- Nice water jugs, huh?

These are pretty cool.

Oh, check this out.

We can paint a heart on this.


I like this.

Don't lose an eye on this branch here.

- Okay.

- Okay.

(ominous music)

(Monica gasps)

Oops. You got the keys?

(ominous music continues)

(door creaking)


- Yeah, right.

- I mean, very, very Bo Peep-ish.

- God, even the smell

of this place scares me.

It's nauseating.

- I don't know,

some love and care, elbow grease,

dozens of hours over the next few weeks,

I'm sure we can turn this place

into a moderately priced piece of shit.

Come here.

This is all going to be so much fun.

- Mm-hm.

- [Monica's Dad] Monica!

(ominous music continues)

- Monica?

(door creaking)

(ominous music continues)

(Monica gasps)

- Hello, I'm Cameron Yrjason.

I'm an inspector with

Ravenwood Home Realty.

We spoke on the phone. Andre, right?

- Yeah, hi. This is my wife Monica.

It's her dad's place.

- Yeah? That's nice.

I really do think you got

some beautiful grounds here, though.

There's a lot of potential out here.

Probably have to rip out

some of this stuff, though.

And I've got a guy coming

out to do the landscaping.

Ken really insisted that

we accentuate the yard.

- Whose end is that going to come out of?

- Andre.

- What?

I mean, what's it even mean

to accentuate the yard, right?

This place has been vacant for years.

What do they think the front

yard is going to look like?

- I understand your frustration,

but the guy I've got coming

out, he works for a deal.

Oh, and got another guy coming out

to take a look at the shingles.

They look a bit weathered.

- No, I think I can take care of that.

- Well, we'd like to make

sure it's done right.

That way we don't have

to pay to do it twice.

- Yeah, I could handle

re-shingling the roof.

This is nice, isn't it?

- Hm?

- The fire.

The quiet.

This is nice. It's simple.

- Yeah, I guess.

- I can cut some more wood

and we can do this again tomorrow night.

- Sure.

- You okay?

- Mm-hm.

- Are you sure?

I know being out here again

afterwards must be hard.

- It's not hard. Strange, maybe.


- Yeah, that's okay.

I mean, strange is okay, right?

I mean, I remember the last thing

that Lenora and I did together.

We watched...

We watched a Nickelodeon documentary.

She was already watching

it when I came downstairs.

I don't know why, but I sat

down next to her on the couch,

and we watched the whole thing together.

Mostly quiet, though,

because most 14-year-olds

don't really want to watch

anything with their dad.

But it was nice.

And about a year or so after the accident,

I was flipping through the channels again,

and the Nickelodeon logo

flashed across the screen,

and that's when it hit me that

that was actually the last

thing that we ever did together.

- Thank you for that.

- My point is, it was strange. I mean-

- It's not, I'm not talking about it-

- To confront that

memory and thought, okay?

But, I mean, now when I think back at it,

I think about it fondly.

I know it's stupid, but when

I see the Nickelodeon logo,

of all things, it makes

me feel closer to her.

So yeah, I had to go through that thought

being a really bad one

before it could turn

into a really good one.

- Well, I don't think

that's going to be

happening with this place.

- Well, not at first, no,

but if you just give it time-

- Look, I don't talk about it much.

You know that I don't

like to talk about it.

My dad was old and really,

really not all there in the end.

I think we, or at least I,

made our peace in those final days.

I'm not worried about opening old wounds

of his past bullshit and

all the stuff he did to me.

I just don't like this place.

This house is like a black hole

that just sucks everything

in and then spits out.

Like, of course the

shingles need replacing

and the foundation is crumbling.

This house is the bane of my existence,

and the faster that I can

put it behind me, the better.


- Okay.

(ominous music continues)

(Monica breathing heavily)

(ominous music continues)

(lightbulb buzzes)

(Monica gasps)

- [Monica's Dad] Monica!

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)


I know you can hear me! Monica!







Medicine, please! Monica, please!


- Monica.

(Monica gasps)

(ax thudding)

(Andre sighs)

(Andre coughs)

(ominous music continues)

(ladder clattering)

(ominous music continues)

(Monica sighs)

- [Andre] Well, that roof

is officially re-shingled.

- Oh, good.

- Yeah, looks like Deputy

Dipshit's here, though,

with some hired help.

They pulled in right

as I was finishing up.

- Great.

- That guy is so flipping

weird, you know that?

He's like...

He's like a robot.

He's like, hello, Mr. Duvalier!

We spoke on the phone!

- Okay, I get it!

- Geez, what's...

What's your deal?

- My deal? I'm just trying

to get this shit done.

No one is having a picnic here.

- It was a joke, all right?

I'm just trying to bring levity

to a tense situation, that's all.

You know what, I'm going to go for a walk.

- Okay.

(door thuds)

(birds chirping)

- Oh, Mr. Duvalier. How

are you doing today?

- I'm all right. How about yourself?

- I'm doing well,

just came out to look

at the water spigots.

Oh, I also wanted you to

meet Gregory over here.


- Hey, Gregory. Nice to meet you.

All right, well, I'll let

you two get back to it, then.

- Oh, one more thing.

I have the roofer coming out today

to look at those shingles.

- Oh, no need. I was just up there.

Fixed a couple rough spots,

but didn't look that bad.

- Oh, wish you would've told

me you were going to do that.

I wouldn't want your time to go to waste.

- Why would my time have gone to waste?

- Ravenwood Home Realty

has very specific

guidelines for modification.

We don't usually accept slapdash work.

- Modification? But you're

the one that said...

Good thing that your guy's

out here to take a look at it.

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

(pills rattling)

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

(bag rustling)

(Monica sighs)

- Self-centered bastard.

- [Monica's Dad] Monica!


(ominous music continues)


(birds chirping)

(chirping continues)

(Andre breathing heavily)

(ominous music)

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

- Miss?

- Andre.

I've been waiting for you.

(ominous music)

(door knocking)

(door creaking)

- Hello?

Hello there?

- Hi.

- I thought I saw people over here.

Thought I'd come welcome

you to the neighborhood.

The name's Dorian Tobin Ryan III.

Please, just call me Dorian.

- That's quite the mouthful.

- I sure can be.

I saw that someone had moved it,

and I thought I'd bring

a bottle of wine over

to celebrate with my new neighbors.

- Neighbors?

- Travel trailer down the road, like.

Found a lovely spot to

rent. You'll love it.

Well, I hate to intrude, but

I've been passing this place

for a couple of weeks now,

and I've always wanted

to see the inside of it.

Would you mind if we had a glass of wine?

- Why not?

So, what's with the accent? Is it real?

- No, I just use it to

pick up all the girls.

How lovely. You just buy the place?

- No, just getting it ready to be sold.

- Ah, so you're a local.

- It was my late father's place.

- I'm so sorry.

- At least he didn't suffer.

- Cheers.

- Cheers.

- Nothing is as it seems, Andre.

You must leave that

house. It belongs to us.

- House. You mean my

wife's father's place?

- You must take her away from there.

- Who? Monica?

Wait a minute, how do you

know so much about who I am?

- We cannot tell you that

now, and pray that never is.

- Okay, you know what,

I don't think I'm getting any of this.

Why is that, exactly?

- You are all in grave peril!

- Peril?

- Take Monica and stay far away

from that place before it's too late.

- Oh yeah? Who says?

- If you listen closely,

their voices can be heard.

You must get her away from there!

You must not let her stay!

You must close that door.

(both laughing)

- Funny story.

- That's grand.

- Hey.

- Oh. Hey, honey.

- Who's this?

- This is Dorian, our temporary neighbor.

- You must be the lovely husband.

I've heard so much about you.

- Yep.

- The name's Dorian Tobin Ryan III,

but you can just call me Dorian.

- Andre.

That's quite the accent there, Dorian.

Where do you hail from?

- Dublin, in Ireland.

- Right. Well, what

brings you to these parts?

- Pleasure, mate. I've always

wanted to see the States.

Ah, Apothic Inferno,

best gas station cabernet money can buy.

- Plan on sticking around a while?

- [Dorian] Ah, well.

- I've got a bottle of

1975 Lustau Amontillado

in the car, brought it

for such an occasion.

We could fry up some burgers.

We picked some up on the way in from town.

- Sounds lovely, mate.

- Honey, would you mind grabbing

the burgers out of the fridge

while our new friend here

and I go get the Amontillado?

- Sure.

- Great.

- Just don't wall this one up.

(ominous music continues)

- So how is it exactly you have the means

to travel around the United States?

- Andre.

- What?

- Don't be rude.

- Look, I don't mind.

I've been fortunate enough

to be one of the lucky few

that has the monetary

ability to get, you know,

and/or do anything that he wants to do,

and yet I've not been able

to find anything to do.

My great grandfather, God rest his soul,

found himself on the positive end

of an up and coming calibrations company,

and my father followed in his footsteps

and worked for Renshaw, and

I worked there long enough

to realize that I'd rather spend my time

living the life that they

worked their asses off for.

- Hm. Well, you're a lucky boy.

- Oddly, this is my first time in America.

Folks didn't like it very

much for the holidays.

Seeing it by the freeway is

the only way to see America.

I just find myself looking

out at the endless scenery,

thinking about John Wayne and the Indians.

Oh, it's great.

- Yeah, we don't call

them Indians anymore.

- Andre.

- What now?

- Don't be a jerk.

Excuse me.

(ominous music continues)

- Hm.

- Hm.

- [Monica's Dad] Monica!

(light buzzing)

- So how long do you plan

on sticking around for?

- Probably a week or so.

You know, being on the road is exhausting.

Once you find a pretty

place, it's hard to leave.

- Well, you managed to find

yourself a pretty place

pretty far off the

beaten path, haven't you?

Speaking of, have you had a chance

to get to know any of the locals around?

- A little, you know, not much

in the way of people to meet.

At least not until now, anyways.

- Thanks.

And yeah, you know, I've noticed that too.


I keep seeing this young blind woman.

- A blind woman?

- Yeah.

I see her wandering along the forest edge,

if you take a left there

just past Ravenwood Avenue.

- That's right where my camper's

at, and I'm telling you,

I've never seen no blind woman.

(insects chirping)

(animals howling)

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

- [Monica's Dad] Monica!


I know you can hear me!



(ominous music continues)

(ominous piano music)


- Coming, Father.

(whispers echoing)

All red.

Coming, Father.


(liquid splashing)

(Mary screaming)

(match striking)

(Monica gasps)

(match clattering)

(Monica gulps)

(Monica breathing heavily)

(Monica gasps)

(ominous music)

(Mary screaming)

(ominous music)

(ominous music continues)

- You're not hungry?


Are you hungry?

- Yes, I know.

- I didn't hear you.

- I shook my head.

- I can't hear head shakes.

You know what, I think today

I'm going to tackle the pipes.

That's something the

inspector was talking about,

so I'm going to give it a

shot instead of having to pay

someone else 25 bucks an hour to do it.

Are you okay?

- No, I am not all right.

I've been sleeping terribly.

I've hardly gotten anything

done on this house.

Every day, there's some new major problem

that has to be fixed,

and I just can't stand

you of all people giving me shit about it!

Yes, thank you, I know that

this house is a black hole,

a bottomless money pit of despair.

I'm the one that's been

saying it all along!

- Jesus, never mind.

- Well, if you don't like the answer,

then don't f*cking ask!

(door creaking)

- Oh, Mr. Duvalier.

We need to talk about

that roofing job you did.

- g*dd*mn.

(Monica breathing heavily)

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

- So when you pull back the

shingle, it creates damage.

- But you have to pull back the shingle

so you can see where the nail is.

- But if you pull it back and crease it,

that's where the damage is.

- What are you talking about?

Where did I crease the shingles?

- I myself am not an expert on roofing.

That's why I bring out an

expert to do these repairs.

I am only an expert on the policy.

- Listen, I know how to

re-shingle a roof, all right?

I've done it many times.

- Well, whatever it is

that happened up there,

it caused damage to the shingles.

- What? How?

- That's why I like to bring

in an expert to do this.

- Why don't I go get the ladder, then?

You and I can go up on the roof,

and you can show me where the damage is.

- I can't do that.

Again, I am not an expert.

I'm only an expert on the policy.

- No, clearly you are an expert,

because you're telling me

the way I did it is wrong.

- Mr. Duvalier, I don't want to argue.

- Fine, bring out your guy.

I don't care anymore.

- Oh, and one more thing, Mr. Duvalier.

I need to get into the kitchen today

to take a look at those

pipes under the sink.

- Go talk to Monica. I'm

sure she'd love that.

f*ck is wrong with everybody?

(ominous music)

(ominous music continues)

(blood dripping)

(Monica gagging)

(ominous music continues)

(Monica retching)

(Monica burping)

(Monica burping)

(Monica groaning)

- We are soaked into

the grain of the wood.

(ominous music continues)

(birds cawing)

(ominous music continues)

- Mary?


- Mary.

That name sounds so strange

to me here by the sun.

- It's your name, Mary.

Don't you remember?

- I have no name. They told me so.

- They lie!

- They summon me from the dark.

- You must go back, Mary.

- To the house.

- To the dark, Mary.

- Only when the dark leaves the crypt,

we shall all rest together, them and I.

- Something is not right with that place!

The fear is getting to me.

That man.

- Andre?

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

(Monica breathing heavily)

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

We've been waiting for you for so long.

(ominous music continues)

(wine sloshing)

(door knocking)

(door creaking)

- Hey there, love. How're you doing?

I was just needing to

borrow your hose to fill up

a water t*nk for my travel

trailer, is that all right?

Love, are you okay?

Okay, I'm just going

to go and get the hose

and I'll fill it up and

I'll bring it back shortly.

All right, thank you so

much. I'll see you in a bit.

- We would truly like to help you, Andre,

but this is something

you must do on your own.

- Listen, I don't know what

you're going through out here,

but there are people that can help you.

I mean, look at you. You're barefoot.

So let me take you into town, okay?

- You're a very warm soul, Andre.

- I just couldn't stop thinking

about you wandering

around out here all alone.

Please, I mean, after the

bullshit morning I've had,

let me help you.

- I remind you of her.

- Who?

- Your daughter.

- How do you know about my daughter?

- I am possessed of the dead.

- No, you're not.

You're a warm, living young woman.

Where do you even get these things?

- The dead.

- Yeah, you do.

You remind me of Lenora, and

that is why I want to help you,

so please let me take you into town.

There are people there

that can free you from-

- From the dead.

(door knocking)

We'd like to help you, Andre,

but you must help us first.

- What? Tell me what I can help you with.

- We cannot stop the

forces which dwell beyond

from influencing Monica.

You must take her away from that house.

- I don't know how you

know so much about us,

but it's starting to scare me.

- Be scared, Andre.

- You know what, this is ridiculous.

Look at you, all right?

You're out here wandering

around wearing those clothes,

you're barefoot, and you can't even see.

- I can see. I can see

things you wouldn't believe.

In your worst nightmares,

you wouldn't believe.

- Try me. What do you see?

- I see the dead. The city of the dead.

(water bubbling)

- Dammit!

These pipes are leaking

all over the place.

Going to have to call

my guy, Mrs. Duvalier.

This is not up to policy.

Mrs. Duvalier, your water's boiling over.

(Cameron screaming)

(hammer thudding)

(hammer thudding)

(hammer thudding)

(ominous music continues)

- You must believe me, Andre.

That house rests on one

of the seven gateways,

the very door to the inferno,

and the name that rests on it

is wrath.

(head thudding)

(head thudding)

(flesh ripping)

(Monica breathing heavily)

- Please, just let me help you.

I've got to do something

right today, and then fine,

I'll get Monica and we

will leave tomorrow, okay?

- It's too late for that.

(ominous music continues)

(Monica laughing)

(ominous music continues)

- Whoa!


Andre, mate.

How're you doing, mate?

- You know, I've seen better days,

so I decided to go for a walk.

That g*dd*mn inspector's up my ass, and...

And Monica's having a hard time.

- You know, that's actually what I wanted

to talk to you about.

- Yeah?

- Well, I stopped by to

say hi, and she seemed...

She seemed awfully upset.

I was wondering if I'd done

anything to offend you, mate.

- No, not that I'm aware of.

- I know, I know how it

must've looked, you know,

me alone at home with

your missus like that.

- You know, the thought

didn't even cross my mind.

- Well, you're a more trusting man than I.

Anyway, I don't know

if you two had a fight,

but oh, she's like a regular

Paddy with that bottle, mate.

- What are you talking about?

- Well, as I was passing by,

she was just pounding the

whiskey bottle, pounding it.

Just drinking, and you

know, once they have

too much to drink, then

they end up fighting.

I would watch your back,

mate. You never know.

See you later, mate.

- Yeah.

(paper rustling)

(door creaking)

Oh, you took a shower, huh?

- I took a shower.

- How was it?

I was thinking about taking one myself.

You okay?

- I'm okay.

- Sure you don't want to talk about it?

- Talk about what?

- Well, you're obviously upset.

- Now, why would I be upset, Andre?

- You know what, never mind.

You know, I was thinking, why

don't we just get out of here?

I mean, we can let the inspector

hire whoever he needs to

to do all the repairs.

- Maybe we should do that.

- Good. I'll try and talk with

him about it tomorrow, then.

Oh, hey, did he talk to

you about the pipes at all?

- Yep.

- What'd he say?

- Well, he didn't feel good!

Why don't you take a shower,

and I'll make some dinner

and pour us a couple glasses of wine.

- [Andre] Okay.

Where are all the towels?

- They're all in the wash.

There might be one in my father's room.

- [Andre] Cool, thanks.

(ominous music continues)

(whispers echoing)

(flesh squelching)

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

- Andre?

- [Andre] Yeah?

- I think there's something

I'd like to talk about.

Something maybe now I'd

like to get off my chest.

(napkin rustling)

(ominous music continues)

Guess I never really knew how

I'd deal with someone's death.

- I don't think anyone does.

- I came to stay with my

father in those final days.

I didn't really know what to expect.

I don't think I ever really expected to

mend our relationship.

I wasn't even sure if I'd

feel bad when he finally went.

And I didn't.

In all reality, I enjoyed watching

this awful, controlling, manipulative man

reduced to a blubbering lump.

He went from, "Monica, you're a screw-up,"

and, "Can't you do better?"

to crying and moaning at everything.

"Monica, I need you!" Not so tough now.

I mean, the thought of him

having to have his diapers changed,

the thought of that still

makes me laugh. (laughs)

I've never been able to say

it out loud, but f*ck it.

I'm glad he's dead.

He screwed me up. He screwed my sister up.

But when he finally went that night,

I was so disappointed.

I wasn't done watching him suffer.

It was like after 27 years

of psychological t*rture,

I was finally getting things set right.

(sighs) Geez.

Thank you for listening.

I feel so much better.

- Sure.

(ominous music continues)

I think I'm going to go to bed.

- Okay, I'm going to stay

up for a little while.

- Goodnight.

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

- Mary?

- Hello.

- I heard you crying.

- Did you?

(ominous music continues)

- Are you worried about that place?

That man and that lady?

- Humans. They're a lot like flowers.

So beautiful,

yet they die so easily.

(Andre grunting)

(Andre breathing heavily)

(Mary gasps)

(ominous music continues)

Andre, please.

You must try to leave.

There's something evil

here, something deep,

soaked into the grains of the wood.

- I know.

I feel it too.

There's something wrong with her house.

- [Mary] Take Monica

and leave, if you can.

This is not her house, it's theirs.

(Andre gasps)

(ominous music continues)

- I know you can hear me! Monica!



(pills rattling)



(ominous music continues)


Please, Monica!

I need my medicine! Monica!

(pills rattling)

(creatures groaning)

(Monica gasping)

- Seeing red again.

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

(Gregory sobbing)

(Mary screaming)

(ominous music continues)

(flesh squelching)

(Mary sobbing)

(birds chirping)

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

(bottle clinking)

- I saw those on one

of my walks, and I know

you like that color, so I

thought you'd like them.

(ominous music continues)

I think I'm going to talk to the inspector

when he gets here, tell him to just hire

whoever he thinks he needs, you know?

Probably be best if we just

go home and get some rest.

- Why?

- I think this place...

You know.

I don't know.

I mean, I think we just need a break.

- You think so, huh?

- Yeah.

Yeah, I think so.

- Hm.

And why is that?

- Things have gotten really

weird since we've gotten here.

The people here are

weird, and that inspector,

he won't even budge just

a little bit, and...

Monica, you're not yourself.

You're obviously struggling,

and you won't even talk to me.

- You want to talk, huh? Let's talk.

Well, what do you want to talk about?

- I just-

- No, come on.

Why don't you tell me

again what's right for me,

what I should do,

how I clearly can't do anything

right by your standards?

- That is not what I'm trying to say.

- Well, then try harder.

Explain to me who wanted

to come out here in the first place.

Explain to me how it was

right to come out here

when I didn't want to

go in the first place.

And now that we're here,

my attitude isn't quite to your liking.

Why don't you tell me

again how wonderfully

you handled Lenora's death

and how you're the expert

on what everyone should feel and think?

- That is not fair, I am-

- You want to know what's bothering me?

All right, here it is.

I have f*cking had it

with hearing about your daughter!

Okay? She's dead!

My father, dead.

And the last thing that I

ever want to talk about again

is either one of them.

I don't care.

I just want to be left alone,

starting right f*cking now.

I just want to be left alone, so get out!

I said, get out!

- Please, I think we need

to get you away from here.

- You better leave, Andre,

before something really bad happens.

- You are losing it, Monica.

- Whatever I lost, I lost a long time ago.

There ain't nothing left for me to lose.

Why don't you get out

before you really piss me off?

Get out!

(Monica laughs)

Should leave this place.

Got that right.

Losing it. You got that right, too.

- [Monica's Dad] Monica!


I know you can hear me, Monica!

- No, she didn't thr*aten me directly.

Listen, I am really worried about her.

You got to understand, this

is not like her at all.

- Well, I'm sure it isn't.

What did I say?

Not everyone handles

extreme emotional distress

the way you do.

Most people wouldn't be able

to handle something like this.

- Yeah, well, not this time, all right?

I mean, somebody needs to check on her,

but it's obvious I can't be there.

Donna, you should've seen

the look in her eyes.

- Look, just give her

some time to cool off.

But a word of advice, get

her out of that house.

- Do me a favor. Can you

stick by your phone, though?

Because I'm probably going

to need to call you again.

Okay, thanks. Bye.


- [Monica's Dad] Monica!

- They think the raven is in the safe,

but you take your chances

and you drink your tea.

Seven doors in Daddy's

room. It's New Year's Eve.

(door knocking)

- Please, hey! I need you!

Can you hear me? Hello!

- Hi there. Is everything

okay there, Miss?

- I believe so. Why?

- I thought I heard some-

- Do you want to come in for a drink?

- A drink sounds lovely.

- Please, I need you!

- Please, no tears. Such

a waste of good humanity.

(wine sloshing)

- Andre.

He left.

- I'm sure he'll be all right.

- He went a little mad.

- Well, we all go a little

bit mad sometimes. Maybe...

Maybe he needed to blow off some steam.

- We all need to blow off

a little steam sometimes.

- I don't want to do anything-

- Upstairs. First door on the right.

- Don't get me k*lled, now.

- [Monica's Dad] Monica!

- If you know how to help Monica,

you have to tell me, all right?

Otherwise, anything that

I've ever said to her

or felt for her, it's not

going to mean a thing.

- It's too late for that now, Andre.

- No, it isn't!

- It is, Andre.

- Please.

- When you revisit bad memories,

it makes it easy for doors to open.

Monica is a conduit which can be used

to unlock certain evils.

- Come on.

- Monica was the key.

She unlocked the door.

She let them out.

- Who? What are you even talking about?

Why can't you just say

something that I can understand?

- I will be leaving soon, Andre.

I am prepared, I warrant, for this world.

- No, you have to tell me.

How do I help her?

- Shall I tell him?

- Please.

(belt jingling)

- Fee, fi, fo, fum.

I spell the blood of an Englishman.

(Dorian chuckles)

- The luck of the Irish strikes again.

- 016 millennium, a beginning.

The universe was empty and

darkness covered the void.

But the void wasn't empty.

It was filled with entities,

creatures, monsters.

That is, until the Father

stepped forth and said,

let there be light, banishing the dark

and the entities within it

behind seven locked doors,

wherein which this

existence and the beyond

may remain separated.

Only through influential keys

on both sides can those doors be opened.

Fast forward 16.6 millennia.

Four of those doors are open,

and the fifth one is opening.

(ominous music)

- Love, what happened to your eyes?

(flesh squelching)

(Dorian groaning)

- All red again! All red!

- Okay, fine. Fine.

Let's say all of this is true,

and this is some bad

nightmare coming true.

Why Monica? Are you saying

she's, like, chosen or something?

- Nothing is chosen. We've had

a long time to lay in wait.

Everything must align in

order for the door to open.

The house, the father, the illness,

Monica's will for wrath,

your arrival, life, death.

Everything must fall into place.

- Well, can we-

- Like tumblers in a lock.

- Can we stop it?

- You won't be able to get

her away from there now.

The influence of the

doorway is too strong.

- So then what happens

when the doorway is open?

- The darkness comes back.

- Just like that?

- Just like that.

- You know what?

f*ck this, all right?

f*ck the darkness, f*ck this place,

and f*ck your bullshit story, all right?

I will get Monica out of here,

and I will take her back home

even if I have to f*cking drag her back.

- Please! Andre!

Don't let the wrath influence you!

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

- Monica?

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

(Andre coughing)


Monica, what did you do?

- I k*lled them.

- No you didn't.

- Yes, I did!

- No, you didn't.

- Yes I did, Andre! I ate pieces!

- Monica, stop! We're going home!

- Don't touch me!

(Mary gasping)

- No!

I don't want to go back!

I'm so scared of the dark!

(indistinct) please! Say something!

(ominous music continues)

- Monica!

Monica, please!

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

(Monica sighs)

- How now, Fortunato?

Look at all these great

things I have found.

- Monica.

- Look at my treasure.

- I just want to go home.

- Oh?

But you're never alone.

I'm alone all of the time.

That's why.

That's why the red, it filters through.

- I'm sorry. I just want to go home.

- Come here.

Come here.

Come here.

- No more.

- No more.

- No more.

- No more!

(Andre screaming)

(glass shattering)

(both grunting)

The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop!

Monica, stop! Stop!

(ax thuds)


Please. Please.

- Please, Monica, please.

- Why?

- Why?


It's like, once upon a time,

a girl got sick here in this shit!

A lie for a switch and a

rat so blind that the devil

made a pact with a match

just to prove she was kind,

plunging into the dark so deep

nothing could ever patch it.

What rotten soul would have the heart

to bury her father in a casket, hm?

Where could they be?

Locked behind the door,

because they finally

found that girl like me.

Shh, shh.


I am that match that will

start the incineration

of the line between

the dark and the light.

It wasn't my decision

to k*ll your daughter,

but it is my decision to bring you to her!

(Monica screams)

(Andre screaming)

(fist thudding)

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

- [Lenora] Dad? I'm all right, Dad.

I'm all right.

(ominous music continues)

(gravel crunching)

(ominous music)

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

(water splashing)

- Police.

We're here for a welfare check.

(door knocking)

Open up.

(door knocking)

- Police, open up.

Adult male inside.

- Around back, go.

(water splashing)

(door creaking)



Hands up!

What the f*ck?

No, no, no!

(both screaming)

(ominous music)

(ominous music continues)

I believe that I found

my breathing partners

In motherless children with thirst

But I can't share in the lidocaine

My face until it hurts

I sing this song

until the windows swim

Can't eat in a liar's home

Then we lick the glass clean together

For our visitors with longing arms

And now we're thorns


Now we're thorns



I just want you


Lost inside my arms

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)


I just want you


Lost inside my


I just want you


Lost inside my arms

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)

(ominous music continues)
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