17x26 - Thomas' Shortcut

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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17x26 - Thomas' Shortcut

Post by bunniefuu »

[train whistle]

[opening theme song playing]

♪ They're two, they're four, they're six, they're eight ♪

♪ Shunting trucks and hauling freight ♪

♪ Red and green and brown and blue ♪

♪ They're the Really Useful Crew ♪

♪ All with different roles to play ♪

♪ 'round Tidmouth Sheds or far away ♪

♪ Down the hills and round the bends ♪

♪ Thomas and his friends ♪

[cheerful music]

[narrator] Thomas' Shortcut.

It was a sunny day on the island of Sodor.

Thomas was pulling Annie and Clarabel on his route.


They met Bertie coming along the road.

Hello, slow-coach!

Ignore him, Thomas.

He's teasing again.

But you're not slow coaches.

You can go very fast.

He's not talking about us. [laughs]

Look at that, two minutes early.


Good thing I hurried you, or you would have been late.

That's not true.

I always get my passengers to the station on time.

Heh, you must be slowing down though, Thomas.

Lately, I seem to beat you to the level crossing every time.

I'm not slowing down.

I'll show you!

Let's race again.

[whistle blows]

[train whistle]

[narrator] Thomas and Bertie think racing is great fun.

Sometimes Bertie is quicker.


Especially when Thomas has to wait for sheep on the line.

And sometimes Thomas is quicker.

[train whistle]

Especially when Bertie has to stop for workman

repairing the road.

Slow down, Thomas!

You'll burst a valve.

You'll rattle an axle loose.

I'm going to win, I'm going to win!

[narrator] But lately every time they have a race,

no matter how fast Thomas puffs...

Oh, no.

[narrator] ... Bertie manages to win.

You really are very slow these days, Thomas. [laughs]


[narrator] Thomas couldn't understand it.

Why was Bertie always there first?

I was going faster than ever!

[narrator] Later, Thomas met Bertie again,

but he wasn't sure if he was happy to see him.

Hey, don't be crushed, Thomas.

Should I tell you my secret?

What secret?

I've been rerouted.

Now, I take a shortcut, so my route is much quicker.

[narrator] Thomas was very surprised.

He didn't know Bertie could take a shortcut.

That night, Thomas was very cross.

It's not fair.

I like to race Bertie, but he's been rerouted.

What does rerouted mean?

It means to go a different way

to the one you usually go on.

What's wrong with that, Thomas?

Bertie takes a shortcut now, so he always wins.

[narrator] Then, an idea flew into Percy's funnel.

So, why don't you take a shortcut too, Thomas?

Then you could be rerouted just like Bertie!

[narrator] Thomas thought that was an excellent idea!

But Annie and Clarabel didn't.

But there's no shortcut on your branch line, Thomas.

If you go another way you could miss a station,

or make your passengers late!

[whistle blows]

[narrator] But Thomas was determined.

[train whistle]

If Bertie can be rerouted, so can I.

[narrator] Thomas arrived at Dryaw Station

just as Bertie was arriving too.


Some passengers got off and some more passengers got on.

But as soon as he could, Thomas rushed away again.

[train whistle]

Bye bye, Bertie!

See you soon, Thomas.

[narrator] He didn't want to lose another race.

If Bertie can be rerouted, so can I.

[narrator] Thomas came to a junction

where the tracks were already switched.

Maybe that's a shortcut.

[narrator] But he only ended up running along

the loop siding and coming back onto his branch line again.


[narrator] Then, Thomas found another track

that led away from the branch line.

Maybe that's a shortcut.

We don't think so, we don't think so.

[narrator] This time Thomas ended up in an old goods yard.

Oh, dear. That's not a shortcut either.

We told you so, we told you so.

[narrator] The passengers were grumbling,

but Thomas didn't want to give up.

Finally, Thomas spotted an old track

that led into the woods.

This must be a shortcut.

There is no shortcut, Thomas!

[narrator] Bertie was waiting for Thomas

at the level crossing.

He never usually takes this long.

[narrator] Bertie's passengers

were starting to grumble too.

So Bertie went on his way.

Thomas pushed his way along the overgrown track.

Annie and Clarabel were not happy.

Thomas, please!

Where are we going?

Don't worry!

This shortcut is going somewhere.

We'll be out of the woods soon, and then--


[narrator] Thomas had hit a rough buffer

in the undergrowth and his wheels

had come right off the track!

Oh, no, I can't back up!

I'm stuck!

[narrator] The passengers were not happy.

Now they were going to be very late indeed.

Thomas felt terrible.


And then he saw his friend Bertie.

[gasps] Hello, Thomas.

What are you doing in there?

[sighs] I was trying to find a shortcut, Bertie.

But I've come off the rails.

And now my passengers will be late!

[laughs] Oh, dear.

But maybe I can take your passengers for you.

[narrator] Thomas' passengers thought

that was a very good idea indeed.

But Thomas still felt very silly.


It was almost dark, and Harvey came

to shunt Annie and Clarabel out of the way.

Before lifting Thomas back onto the rails again.

Sir Topham Hatt was very cross.

Your passengers don't like to be late, Thomas.

You have caused confusion and delay.

I'm very sorry, sir.

I was hoping to find a shortcut,

but I will stick to my branch line from now on.

[narrator] A few days later, Thomas was back on the track.

He had arrived at Knapford Station

to pick up Annie and Clarabel.

[train whistle]

Thomas! Welcome back! We missed you!

Thank you, Annie and Clarabel!

I missed you too!

[Annie and Clarabel laugh]

[narrator] Thomas promised to stick to his brunch line

in the future.

He wouldn't try taking shortcuts again.


See you later, slow-coach.

[whistle blows]

[train whistle]

[upbeat music]

[narrator] But he and Bertie still liked to have races.

[sheep bleat]

And sometimes...

[train whistle]

...Thomas even wins.

[closing theme song playing]

[children singing]

[closing theme music]
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