17x07 - Henry's Hero

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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17x07 - Henry's Hero

Post by bunniefuu »

[train horn honks]

[opening theme song]

♪ They're two, they're four, they're six, they're eight ♪

♪ Shunting trucks and hauling freight ♪

♪ Red and green and brown and blue ♪

♪ They're the Really Useful Crew ♪

♪ All with different roles to play ♪

♪ Round Tidmouth Sheds or far away ♪

♪ Down the hills and round the bends ♪

♪ Thomas and his friends ♪

[narrator] "Henry's Hero."

Henry and Hiro are both very strong engines.

[train horns honking]

They can pull very heavy loads.

One day, Henry and Hiro went to fill up

their tenders with coal.

Nearly done, Henry!

I hope there's enough coal left for me.

We've got lots of heavy cars to pick up.

Don't worry, Henry.

There will be.

[narrator] Henry and Hiro picked up there very heavy load

from Ffarquhar Quarry.

Then they hurried to the docks

where they were needed right away.

But as they made their way across the island,

the steam from Hiro's funnel began to look very dirty.


Hiro, there's dark smoke coming from your funnel!

And from yours Henry!

I wonder what's wrong?

[narrator] Just then Duck rolled past,

pulling some empty coal cars.

Oh, dear. Looks like you two got some of the bad coal

-that arrived today. -Bad coal?

I've been sent to get some fresh coal to replace it.

Maybe we should wait until the fresh coal is ready.

No, Henry. We can still run on this coal.

We still have steam.

We have to keep on puffing, Henry.

We need to be Really Useful Engines.

[narrator] Henry wanted to be a Really Useful Engine,

but he was very worried about the bad coal.

I'm sorry, Hiro,

but I'm going to go back to the sheds

until the good clean coal gets here.

[narrator] So Henry left Hiro with all the cars...

and went back to the sheds.

Hiro was determined to keep going.

Only now he didn't have Henry to help him.

Oh, dear.

There are too many cars for me to pull on my own.

[narrator] Then, Hiro had an idea.

I can take half the cars on my own

and come back for the others later.

[train horn honks]

[narrator] Half of Hiro's cars were uncoupled

and left on a siding.

As Hiro puffed along the tracks,

his steam was smokier than ever.


What a horrible smell!

Sorry, Gordon.

I think I had some bad coal.

Then perhaps you should have your firebox cleaned out.

No time for that, Gordon.

I have an important delivery.

[narrator] Hiro puffed on, determined to get his job done.

But as he headed for the docks...


[narrator] ... a strange noise was coming from his firebox.

Oh, no!

I'm clinking and clanking now!

[seagull cawing]

What a racket!

You sound like you've got your coupling rods in a twist!

No time to talk, Thomas.

I have more cars to collect.

[train horn honks]

[narrator] Everywhere Hiro went,

people looked at him and wondered what the noise was

and what the smell was.

Hiro was determined.

He picked up the rest of his cars

[train horn honks]

...and rushed back to the docks.

At last, Hiro arrived at the Docks.

He had delivered all of the cars,

but then Sir Topham Hatt arrived.

Ah, Hiro, there you are!

I need you to collect some iron girders

from the Smelters Yard for this ship.

They will be very heavy,

so you'll need Henry to be your back engine.


Yes, sir, but--

But what, Hiro?

You need to get back quickly.

The ship leaves at four!

[narrator] Hiro knew he needed to get his firebox cleaned,

but he couldn't say no to Sir Topham Hatt.

Yes, sir.

[train horn honks]

[coughs] But, Hiro... [coughs]

why is your steam so dark and smoky?

[narrator] Hiro just kept on puffing

and clunking and clanking...

all the way to Tidmouth Sheds.

Henry, I have taken all the cars from the quarry,

but I need you to help me now.

You were able to take all the cars,

even with your bad coal?

It wasn't easy, Henry, but sometimes,

you have to keep on puffing.

Well, I did want to wait

for the good, clean coal to arrive,

but if you can keep on puffing, Hiro,

maybe I can keep on puffing, too!

[narrator] So Hiro and Henry set off

to the Smelter's Yard.

[train horn honks]

Hiro and Henry collected the flatbeds

loaded with heavy iron girders.

Hiro pulled and Henry pushed.

These are very heavy flatbeds, Hiro!

Keep puffing, Henry.

We must get to the docks before the ship leaves.

[narrator] Henry and Hiro puffed and chuffed.

But now, Henry's firebox started

to make some strange noises, too.

My firebox is making lots of noise, Hiro.

Maybe we should go and see if the new coal has arrived yet.

No, Henry!

We don't have time.

The ship leaves at four.

[narrator] Then as Hiro and Henry puffed up Gordon's Hill,

there was a very strange noise,

but it wasn't Henry that stopped puffing... it was Hiro.

Hiro, why have you stopped?

My firebox is blocked.

I've broken down!

I'm sorry, Henry.

You were right.

We should have tried to get the new coal.

Now we will never get to the docks on time.

Don't worry, Hiro.

You taught me to keep on puffing,

so that' is what I'm going to do!

[train horn honks]

[narrator] Henry puffed as hard as he could.

And slowly, they started to move up the hill.

Henry was pushing all the flatbeds, and Hiro as well.

Well done, Henry!

Keep on puffing!

[narrator] Henry clunked and clanked

and clattered and rattled.

His wheels were wobbly and his axles ached,

but he kept on puffing!

[train horn honking]

The Dock Workers cheered for Henry

when they saw him shunting Hiro and the flatbeds.

Then Sir Topham Hatt came to see the engines.

Well done.

You got here just in time, Hiro,

and you managed to keep on puffing,

even with a very heavy load and bad coal.

Thank you, sir!

I couldn't have done it without Henry.

He kept puffing, even after I broke down.

Yes, but, Hiro, you were the one who taught me

to keep on puffing no matter what.

Well then, it's well done to both of you.

Now you must both go to the Steamworks to be repaired.

[narrator] Henry and Hiro soon

had their fireboxes cleaned out.

They had some fresh new coal.

They were happy to be getting back to work.

Hiro, you were right.

Sometimes you can keep puffing, even with bad coal.

But it's much nicer with good, clean coal.

[both laugh]

So let's be really useful and get puffing again.

[both laugh]

[closing theme song]

[train horn honks]

[children singing]

[closing theme music]
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