01x13 - It Girls and Beyond

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boston Legal". Aired: October 3, 2004 – December 8, 2008.*
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Follows the exploits of former Practice character Alan Shore, and his passionate co-workers, at the fictional offices of Crane, Poole & Schmidt.
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01x13 - It Girls and Beyond

Post by bunniefuu »

The trial starts tomorrow.

I can bring you up to speed,
the facts are straightforward.

- And why can't Tara do it?
- Well, Tara's a junior associate.

This trial's gonna be in the news.
It's hardly the kind of case that...

Brad, it isn't the case so much
as it is the client, right?

And it isn't who she is
so much as what she is, right?

What is she, Brad?

Can't you even say the word?

- I can say it.
- Well, what is she, Brad?

She's a...


And what's the word
for a female h*m*?

- Lesbian.
- I couldn't hear that.

She's a lesbian!

You don't want it
because she's a lesbian?

This is a high-profile case.

I've worked to associate with decency
and what is good for America.

- Lesbians are bad for America?
- They have bad values.

- It reflects poorly on all of us.
- As a nation?


Now, would you like to tell me
the real reason?

- What do you mean?
- You've represented gay clients before.

- Not on television. Not in the news.
- Brad, we're friends. Level with me.

What is it about this particular lesbian?

I'm attracted to her.

Why does Shirley get to skip
the staff meetings?

She's got a trial in New York
later this week, so she has a busy day.

Some of us have trials today,
I'd like to cut out.

What's your case about, Brad?

What is it about?

It involves interference
with contractual relations.

You mean...


Where are you?

Today they're calling Tracy
to testify that her ex-lover...

Lesbian ex-lover.

To testify that Tracy
was scamming her for money.

Tracy was, in fact, not an actual,
bona fide...

- Lesbian?
- You like saying it.

- I do.
- Say it again.

- Lesbian.
- Keep going.

Lesbian, lesbian.


- All together now.
GROUP: Lesbian!

I also like to watch.
How many people like lesbians?

That's enough. This is a staff meeting,
I'll ask you all to conduct yourselves...

...appropriately and professionally.
- Cookies, everyone.

Nourishment is most important
in the morning.

Who is this woman?

- Take two, Tara. You're a rail.
- Who is this woman?

The ones on the left have bran to help
our older lawyers with their routine.

Who is this woman?

I'm Catherine Piper.
I'm Alan's new assistant.

My, don't you have
an interesting face.

- We are in the middle of a staff meeting.
- No need to be snippy, dear...

...especially since I come bearing treats.

You never get a second chance
to make a first impression.

You certainly make one,
with all that bleach.

Ma'am, you will have to leave.

I'm beginning to not like you.

Well, if you'll excuse me,
I have a trial myself.

- You have a trial?
- Yes, tomorrow morning.

- I've gotta go meet with my client.
- What kind of trial?


It's a doctor who did...

...something against the law.

Who else is with you on this trial?

Nobody. I decided to fly solo.

Think about that.

Tell Shirley:

Denny Crane without a copilot.

Dear God in heaven.

- Shirley.
- Alan.

- You're in the men's room.
- I need a favor.

Certainly. My stall or yours?

Driving in this morning, I heard of a trial
involving this new wonder diet drug.

The drug and accordingly
the trial are making the news.

And then I heard something
very disturbing:

The name of the lawyer
handling the defense.

- Denny Crane.
- Nobody wants this firm ridiculed.

Nobody wants Denny... exposed.

I've seen Denny in court. He knows
what he's doing at least half of the time.

I like him, you like him.
I have to be in New York.

If she tries to pee standing up,
come and get me.



Lock and load.


Tracy, we can still make this go away.

How many times
must you both say that?

Until you've considered it.

You want your life probed
with details at 11?

I didn't steal from her.
And I won't offer her anything to settle.

I'd appreciate you being on my side.

- Hey, we're on your side.
TRACY: All right.

We met at an AIDS fundraiser
about two years ago.

We were both publicists,
so we had a lot in common.

And at some point, Ms. Rogers,
you and the defendant became lovers?

Yes. She moved into my home.

Ultimately, we became business partners
and formed Rogers & Green...

...which became one of the top
PR firms in Boston.

And what happened?

Quite simply, after she gained access
to my files and clients, she stole them.

- Objection.
JUDGE: Sustained.

I've since learned
that she's not even gay.

That she pretended to be so she could
gain access to my client roster.

Now, Ms. Rogers, when you allege
that she pretended to be gay...?

ROGERS: She had boyfriends before me
and one after.

Perhaps that makes her bisexual.
It doesn't make any difference...

...because I asked her that
at the beginning of our relationship.

- Whether she was bisexual?
- Yes.

I'd been hurt before by
heterosexual women experimenting...

...and I didn't wanna go down
that road again.

She told me she was gay.
That was a lie.

- One that cost me valuable clients.
BRAD: Just let me understand this.

Your claim is that my client
faked her sexual orientation...

...so you would fall in love with her...

...so she could move into your home
and steal your clients?

- Yes.
- When it wasn't only your business.

You built it together over two years.

I founded the company, and most of
the clients that she left with were mine.

Now, Ms. Rogers, as business partners,
as a couple, you two were prominent.

Right? Your photos
were constantly in The Globe...

...or Boston magazine,
being called the new "it" girls.

You two got more publicity
than your clients.

It worked to the clients' benefit as well.
So I don't see your point.

You two got a lot of
publicity together as a couple.

Business went through the roof.
If you were defrauded...

...it wasn't to your financial detriment.
- It was to my detriment when she left.

Even so, you make more money now
than you did before meeting Tracy.

- So how could you have been hurt?
- How have I been hurt?

She caused me to fall in love with her.

That's what this is really about.
Isn't it, Ms. Rogers?

This isn't a business dispute,
this is a domestic one.

- Did she break your heart?
- Objection.

I'll allow it.

Did she break your heart?



You were in love with her?

Now, Ms. Rogers...

...during the two years
that you were together with my client...

...do you feel
that she was in love with you?


Obviously, should I get
a criminal conviction...

...that will make it easier for the AMA
to take away my license.

You're gonna lose your license, Bob.
I wouldn't worry.

Why? There are many doctors prescribing
medication the FDA hasn't approved...

May I stop you?
Don't be self-righteous. It's annoying.

Sorry I'm late.

What are you doing here?

You asked me to second-chair, Denny.

- Alan Shore.
- Bob McLean.


- I never asked you to second-chair.
- Sure you did, Denny. You said you...


I said, solo.

Well, I thought you asked for backup,
so I guess one of us is losing our mind.

What do you mean by that?

Denny, I'm here. As you know,
I'm starved for criminal work.

I want to do this alone.

Is this about proving something?
You said, "Tell Shirley."

Is this about proving to Shirley Schmidt
you haven't slipped?

- Excuse me, I'm in a meeting.
- I don't have time to say this nicely...

...so I'll say it
with all the rough edges.

This is a criminal proceeding.
That man's liberty could be at stake.

I'm jumping in second chair to cover
his ass, and, yes, possibly yours as well.

Could it be possible she's doing this
for the publicity?

Suing me?

Call me a cynic, but for two years
you're the "it" girls.

You're Boston's top publicists.

Business wanes, you leave.
She's not the flavor of the month.

She sues you, presto, hot copy,
it's the "split" girls all over again.

For the cost of attorney fees,
she's featured on every newscast.

As much as she loves the limelight,
Stephanie's honorable.

Yeah, I wonder.

Is there a reason
you keep looking at me like that?

Like what?

I make you nervous.

You need to get over that.

So how many men
have you been with?

Why are you asking?

I asked her because
she's going to be asked on the stand...

...why she has such a hard time
giving me a straight answer. However...

- Is because?
...I have doubts that she really is one.

- A h*m*?
- Yes.

And are these doubts based on evidence
or your own scientific compass?

- Is she attracted to you, Brad?
- She might be.


Why is it men...? I mean, is it the idea
of losing one to the other side?

Or is it, since you have feelings for her,
you're anxious to believe it's mutual?

You sucker me with this buddy talk...

...get me to reveal my feelings, and
when I do, you punish me with them.

- I thought you were attracted to me.
- You don't wanna go there.

Even so, to be forgotten so easily,
and for a h*m*.

Is something taped to my head
that says, "Mock me"?

Isn't coffee a lovely drug?

I love brain stimulants, don't you?

Catherine Piper.

Brad Chase.

Brad Chase.
You're defending the lesbian.

Hi, I'm Lori Colson.
We haven't officially met.

Hello, dear. Catherine Piper.

For the future...

...I don't really appreciate
comments about my hair.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I was just trying to make conversation.

And I assumed you wouldn't want me
to go anywhere near your eyebrows.

I tried diets, all of them.

I exercised.

I'd gone on Phen-fen years ago,
and that helped a little.

But mainly I just kept getting bigger.

And at some point,
the defendant mentioned a new drug.

Yes. I forgot how
he said he had access to it.

Basically, he said he had this new drug,
not on the market, called rimonabant.

And studies showed
how it could help people lose weight.

And desperate as I was,
I just said yes.

- He sold you this drug in his office?
- Yes.

And he told me not to tell anyone...

...because he said it was illegal
to be giving it to me.

Thank you, Mr. Harrison.

Can't help but notice, you're really fat.

- Yes.
- Been fatter?

- Much.
- The drug worked?

Huge. I mean, I lost weight...

...my cholesterol went down,
my HDL actually went up.

I mean, it was a godsend.

Of course, till the, you know,
police cut off my supplier.

Objection to the word "supplier."
It sounds like a drug dealer.

He is a drug dealer.

There's a bias with the word "dealer."

He simply prescribed him medicine
to help him live.

- He's right.
ALAN: This man almost died.

- Didn't he?
- Didn't you?

I had high blood pressure,
high cholesterol, diabetes.

I mean, I was at serious risk
for a major heart attack or a stroke.

- Probably still am.
- Since you stopped taking the drug?

I'm having problems again.

Did my client tell you that this drug
is unapproved by the FDA?


- Did he say there could be side effects?
- Yes.

- You were informed?
- I was.

- You consented?
- I did.

- Like the doctor?
- Love him.

- How's your memory?
- Fine.

- What's my name?
- Denny Crane.

- What's my name?
- Denny Crane!

No further questions.

Ms. Rogers is accusing Ms. Green...

...of being a heterosexual
in sheep 's clothing.

If successful, the plaintiff could receive
a judgment in excess of seven figures.

Which is why perhaps this...


Wait. She wasn't finished.

It doesn't matter
how it's playing in public.

What matters are the 12 people
in that box.


I can't tell.

You've dated more men than women,
that puts you on the heterosexual...

...side of the fence. You certainly
could've been confused, as they said.

But the problem is, you're coming off
as anything but indecisive.

You seem like a woman who knows
exactly what you want.

What is that supposed to mean?


You actually think
that I'm attracted to you.

I just believe you should be
straight with people.

You know what I mean.
I smell some deceit here.

I'm gay, Brad.

Do you want me to take a lie detector?

People lament the cost of health care.

They cry over soaring litigation costs...

...and scream about the eroding integrity
of our medical profession.

The conduct of this doctor,
and others like him, are to blame.

- Oh, lighten up, man.
- Mr. Crane, you'll get your turn.

We have rules.

We don't prescribe experimental dr*gs
that the FDA hasn't approved for market.

Even if the patient consents?

The patient will always follow the lead
of his doctor.

For God's sake, look what people buy
off infomercials. They'll try anything.

Hair potions, pills that make you
lose weight while you sleep.

Desperate people will try anything.

When you have a licensed doctor saying,
"Here, take this," they will.

This isn't a potion. This drug works.

In preliminary studies. But there's much,
much more testing to be done.

How long for the FDA
to approve a drug?

- It isn't quick, but...
- How long?

- Nine years.
- He would be dead by then.

- But, hey, you've got your rules.
- Objection.

- Oh, be quiet.
- He can't tell me to be quiet.

Let him have his turn, Mr. Zale.

You say that doctors shouldn't prescribe
non-FDA-approved dr*gs.

- That's a rule?
- Yes.

Doctors don't prescribe medications...

...for things that the FDA
hasn't approved them for?

- Off-label prescriptions happen...
- Have you ever prescribed a drug...

...that wasn't approved
for what you were treating?

- Yes, but...
- And, doctor, if you were overweight...

...and at risk for an imminent stroke
or heart attack...

...is it your testimony that you
would never consider taking rimonabant?

For myself, I might. But...

But you wouldn't give your patient
the same opportunity...

...because you have rules.

You're going to be the first lawyer
sued by his client for sexual harassment.

I got a nose for the truth.

You're attracted to her, Brad,
it's clouding your nose.

- Are you falling in love with her?
- What? Please.

- Are you?
- Of course not.

I put a tail on her.

I beg your pardon?

I hired a PI to follow her around,
see who she sees.

What she sees. You're trying to out her
as a heterosexual.

- I don't like surprises in court.
- You could lose your bar ticket for...

- It's no big deal.
- Brad, she's your client.

Second, let the jury decide
if she's being truthful.

You just be her lawyer, and only...
And third...

...stop hitting on her.

- Hey, Brad. All together now:
ALL: Lesbian.

Boys, how's our trial going?

You think I'm just gonna wither up
and die in there?

All these references
to our sex life, Denny.

- Tell her how I'm doing, Alan.
- Please. Since he can't recall.

He's been amazing. I'd say we have
a better than even chance.

- Hello.
- Hello.

Is there a reason
you're snuggled up to me?

Why, yes.

I understand you're the boss, dear.

I'm sucking up.

- By standing next to me?
- Yes.

With me by your side, dear,
you almost look young.

I have no idea who you are,
but I like you.


- Is he really doing okay?
- The firm is safe from ridicule.

What did she want?

To make sure I'm competent?

Something like that.

You were more than competent today.
You were good, very good.

- I know.
- You must be doing your crosswords.

Did she ask you to backstop me?

- It was my idea.
- Damn liar.

I like doing cases with you, Denny.
Can't you just accept that? It's fun.

Fun. Fine. I'll go with that, then.

You have seemed especially acute.
Are we taking something?

I just rubbed on a little clear cream.
It was just for muscle cramps.


Are you taking something?

What I am taking...

...is good care of myself.
The old Denny Crane is coming back.

Our business had reached a plateau.
And I felt I could do better solo.

- Truthfully, I thought she might too.
- Before leaving, did you tell your clients?

Absolutely not. I left...

...I contacted them.
They decided to come with me.

- In that order.
- Tracy, we've heard the accusation...

...that you pretended
to love Stephanie for business.

That's absolutely false.


I fell in love with her.

I mean, the idea that I could feign love
for two-plus years, just...

You know how much
I loved you, Stephanie.

Ms. Green, please do not address
anyone but me or your counsel.

I never lied to her
about my sexual orientation.

And I'm offended by that.

How many women had you been with
prior to your relationship with my client?

- Objection.
- Overruled.

However salacious, it's in issue.

ATTORNEY: How many women?
- One.

One. And prior to your relationship
with my client...

...how many men had you had
sexual relationships with?

- Several.
- Several.

- More than five?
- Yes.

- More than 10?
- I wanted to lead a heterosexual life.

Eventually, I realized...

My client asked you if you were bisexual.
You answered, no.

Because I'm not. I may have been
with men in the past...

...but, ultimately, I realized
I preferred women.

How many relationships
have you had since Stephanie?

- One.
- With a man or a woman?

The breakup with Stephanie
was extremely painful.

Your subsequent relationship
was with a man or a woman?

- A man.
- A man.

You spoke earlier about the order
of how things went down.

Rewinding a little further back,
you met Stephanie, became her lover...

...eventually became her
business partner...

...left with clients and files,
began having an affair with a man.

Did I get the order right?

I just got destroyed, didn't I?

You didn't get destroyed. It was
a tough cross, but I thought you held up.

- Really?
- Really.


You know...

...to think that I'm straight is to believe
that I am a profoundly dishonest person.

And I'm not dishonest, Brad.

- Okay.
- You know...

...I can take you doubting
my sexual orientation...

...but my character, l...

I don't doubt you.

- She's trying to admit something.
- What, that she's not gay?

I don't know, maybe.

- You're making a fool of yourself, Brad.
- I know when I'm being deceived, Tara.

The deception is self-inflicted.

You're infatuated with her.
You want to believe it's reciprocal.

She's probably more interested in me
than you.

You're making a fool of yourself.

I considered it life-or-death.

He was at risk of cardiac arrest,

- And this drug was your only resort?
- It was my last resort.

Believe me, I am not in the habit of
prescribing nonapproved dr*gs, but this...

Doctor, would you tell the jury,
and me too, for that matter...

...because I've forgotten,
how rimonabant works.

It suppresses a protein in the brain
that makes you want to eat.

In fact, this drug blocks
nearly all cravings.

It can be used to help people
quit smoking, drinking...

...which is why it's been called
the wonder drug.

So you just figured, "What the hell?
Why wait for proof?"

My patient couldn't wait. He was looking
at an imminent physical demise.

In medical terms, we call it death.

Any published studies on this drug
to justify this wonder status you give it?

- Not yet.
- Has this drug been approved for sale?

- Not yet.
- How did you get this drug, doctor?

I had a connection at one of the clinics
where it's being tested.

- I won't reveal more than that.
- You're a licensed doctor...

...prescribing a drug not approved
by the FDA to desperate patients.

With a full warning.

How can you warn about a side effect
you don't know about?

The warning that I gave Mr. Harrison
was exactly that.

- This drug may have side effects...
- Possible fatal side effects.

There's no evidence of that.
Balancing the benefits...

...against the risk of a coronary if he
doesn't take it, I favor the medication...

- It's an experimental drug.
- Which I have no financial interest in.

- You bootlegged.
- My concern was a patient's health.

So doctors should feel free to ignore
the FDA whenever they choose?

- I never said that.
- So you should feel free?

Sometimes desperate circumstances
require desperate measures.

And desperate people will do anything,
won't they?


You're checking on me in here too?
Think I forgot how to piss?

- I beg your pardon?
- I'm tired of being followed around.

I change my underwear.
I know how to practice law.

If you're the one who assigned Alan
to backstop me, then you'd better...

- You listen.
- I'm still talking.

Now I'm talking.
You arrogant old fart.

You have a client facing prison time.
You have no right to exalt your ego.

- Don't you talk to me in that...
- Shut up!

I am sick of you feeling sorry for yourself
and only yourself.

It was selfish of you
to try this case solo.

Do not start a w*r with me here.
You may not win it.

That's why you brought Shirley back.

To build an alliance.

Guess you're the one
who forgot how to piss.

Does it smell right to you?

She had a history of men
before my client.

She never hinted to her best friends
that she was anything but heterosexual.

She had an affair with a man
after she left my client.

Her only fling with h*m*...

...just happened to coincide with
the biggest financial windfall of her life.

Suddenly being gay got her money,
got her profiled about town...

...in magazines, on TV as an "it" girl.

Newfound fame, newfound money,
newfound sexual orientation.

Does it smell right to you?

BRAD: In order to make
a cause of action for fraud...

...one must prove that he or she relied
on the fraud to his or her own detriment.

Now, after partnering with my client...

...Ms. Rogers' financial and professional
fortunes soared. She benefited.

In fact, considering the media coverage,
she's benefiting from the breakup...

...because as any PR professional knows,
there's no such thing as bad publicity.

But if you're determined to get hung up
on the issue, is Tracy Green gay or not?

Did she really love Stephanie or not?
Consider Stephanie's own testimony...

...when I asked her,
during the relationship...

...as she was living it,
did she feel that Tracy loved her?

And she answered, yes.

But now, in the wake
of hurt and heartbreak...

...she offers a different answer.

Which version
do you find more reliable?

- Anything?
- No, they're still deliberating.

- What's this?
- I haven't the slightest idea.

Your secretary said you'd want it sooner
rather than later.

- What is it?
- It's nothing.

It's just another case I'm working on.

Do I have to convince you
of the danger?

Prescribing nonapproved dr*gs?

Defrauding overweight people
with diet gimmicks...

...is a billion-dollar industry.

And now we're going to let doctors
get in on the racket?

And say, "It's okay to sell
black-market pills under the table."

It's precisely because physicians have
such an influence over their patients...

...that we demand that dr*gs
be approved by the FDA.

But this doctor decided
he shouldn't be held to that.

This doctor figured
he's above the law.

This doctor is the equivalent
of a drug dealer...

...selling cocaine in an alleyway.
And he should be punished accordingly.

- I was gonna close.
- I'm first chair.

You got to ask the questions.

Your Honor, these two have tried
to trivialize the severity of this case...

...with their Abbott and Costello routine,
but it's an insult to this court.

Your Honor, it's only fair
I get to do something here.

Mr. Shore,
the court is anything but amused.

- I'm not...
- No, I got it.

We'll split it.

- You go first.
- Fine.

Okay, first, this big deal
about FDA approval.

Doctors prescribe medications every day
for uses the FDA never considered.

Aspirin, for years, has been used
to prevent and treat heart att*cks.

Did the FDA ever test for that? No.

It was sanctioned only
as a pain reliever until recently.

Beta-blockers are prescribed
for migraines with no FDA approval.

We take anticonvulsants for pain,
for bipolar disorders.

Antidepressants for insomnia.
Steroids for cancer.

People in this country are getting
prescriptions by the thousands...

...every day from their doctors...

...for treatments
the FDA has never signed off on.

And what about the FDA?

David Graham, a drug reviewer
with the agency...

...just testified before Congress
that the FDA is, I quote:

"Virtually incapable of
protecting America from unsafe dr*gs."

The FDA is broken, folks.
Raise your hand if you agree...

...except those of you on vioxin.
- Objection.

The FDA's own point man
said to Congress...

...that we are currently facing the single
greatest drug-safety catastrophe...

...in the history of the world.

So who, then, is there
to protect the patient?

Who is there to protect Mr. Harrison?
His doctor.

My client had a medication
that could save his patient's life.

He wasn't going to wait nine years
for approval...

...from a broken, ineffective agency.
This is life or death, for God's sake.

Life or death.

I'm at risk for Alzheimer's.

I got some sort of plaque
going on inside my brain.

My memory...

I might have met some of you before,
I wouldn't know.

What you wouldn't know
is what it feels like...

...to be losing it, to be... Feel...

To be slipping.

There's a prescription drug...

It's very big on the black market.

It's used by college kids
to bone up for exams.

I've been taking it.

I don't know how it works,
but you get your memory back.

It reintroduces you to your vocabulary,
helps with mental arithmetic...

...facial recognition,
overall productivity.


...you get your brain back.

And no FDA or any other agency...

...is gonna tell me I don't have the right
to get back my brain.

No government or court
is gonna tell me...

Order me to continue losing my mind.

I agree with the prosecutor,
this claim that desperate people...

...will try desperate measures.

So, what?

- Members of the jury...
- Have you reached a verdict?

- We have, Your Honor.
- We have, Your Honor.

- What say you?
- In the matter of Rogers v. Green...

In the matter of Commonwealth of
Massachusetts v. Dr. Robert McLean...

- we the jury, find in favor
of the defendant.

- We find the defendant,
Dr. Robert McLean, not guilty.

JUDGE: Ladies and gentlemen,
I wanna thank you for your service.

At this time, you are dismissed.
Court adjourned.

So did she say anything after?

She just shot me a look when she was
leaving the courthouse. She'll get over it.

Yeah, I bet she will.

Maybe we'll get back together
one day.

Wouldn't be surprised.

So why did you
wanna have dinner, Brad?

To celebrate the victory
or take one last shot at conversion?

I wanted to have dinner to apologize.

I did a really terrible thing.

I hired a private investigator
to follow you.

I wanted to satisfy myself
that you were really gay.

And I'm quite satisfied now.

You went to see Stephanie
around midnight last night.

Why would you do that?

Well, I had it half right, didn't I?

You know, thinking Stephanie sued you
for the publicity.

You were both in on it.

"Lt" girls or "split" girls...

...however you make the news,
you two are a really good team.

Because I knew I was being deceived,
I just wasn't sure how.

I didn't plan for you to fall for me.

Oh, don't flatter yourself.

- I think that I should leave.
- No, no, you don't have to.

We won the case.
Come on, this is a celebration.

I'm... I'm gonna leave.
Thank you, Brad.

And again, I'm sorry if...

Thank you.

That drug you're taking
is an amphetamine...

...with a dangerously high potential
for abuse and addiction.

And the shrinks are doling it out
like candy.

Might make you feel more acute,
you'll no doubt work like a demon...

...but certain pleasures will be gone.

- Like?
- Perhaps fishing.

Perhaps sitting in a chair
enjoying a football game.

Standing on a balcony.

Appreciating the quiet joy
of a friendship.

There's more to life
than recognizing faces, Denny.

- You prefer me in my fog?
- I prefer you.

Your perspective, your humor.

The acceptance and humility
which perhaps can only come with age.

I prefer you.

I've stopped taking the drug.

I kind of like my fog too.

There's a certain license
that goes with it.

Plus, I've said this before
and I'll say it again...

...the answers in life,
you don't find them here.

First, you look to God.

And then...

- Fox News.
- Damn right.

You Democrats.

You Republicans.

- Shirley know I won?
- Told her myself.

- What did she say?
- She'd like to have your children.

Damn right.

Next on Boston Legal:

- Oh, I see, there's two of us.
- Here's a health tip.

- Walk away.
- Why would I do that?

Well, I admit I had my doubts.
But you won this case. Thank you.

Does this mean
we're having sex tonight?

Allow me the dream a little longer.

If you cannot afford an attorney,
one will be appointed to you.

Not to worry, dear,
I'll cancel the rest of your day.
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