Final Summer (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Final Summer (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[melodic rhythmic music]

[gentle melodic music]

[rocks rumbling]

[soft eerie music]

[thunder rumbling]

[soft orchestral music]

[fire crackling]

- Back in 1978, there

was a terrible fire here.

Some kids left a campfire alone,

winds picked up and

it started to grow.

Fire rangers were called in,

but by that time

it was too late.

The fire spread

through the forest

burning everything in its path.

They dug into the ground

as their last hope.

One of the rangers, a

man named Warren Copper,

started chopping a tree,

trying to start a fire line.

The heat from the

fire at his head

[gentle tense music]

was 5,000 degrees!

His skin began

to blister and boil.

His arm and head's

caught on fire. [laughs]

Still, he kept chopping.

- Bullshit! [coughing]

- After the fire passed,

all they could find was

Warren's charred skeleton.

[soft tense music]

[fire crackling]

Years later, locals claimed

to see this strange figure

with a skull for a head

carrying an ax,

guarding the woods in

the middle of the night.

[soft intense music]

So if you're stupid enough

to leave a campfire alone,

you'd better run,

because Warren Copper

will come for you.

So if you wanna stay alive

this summer, remember this.

Only you can prevent

forest fires.


[soft ominous music]

- Nice story.

- Why, what's wrong with that?

- I assume Warren's okay

with you using his name?

- Ah, I took some liberties.

- Yeah, if you keep teasing

him like that, you're gonna be.

- Who's Warren Copper?

- Who's Warren Copper?

- Yeah, like what's his deal?

- What's his deal?

Well, some people say he

chopped up his entire family.

Left them for dead.

- Dipshit, if he chopped up

his family, they would be dead.


[campers laughing]

- Warren's the groundskeeper

here, mainly keeps to himself.

If you need any

repairs on your cabin

this summer, he's your guy.

Look, for tonight, just

relax, introduce yourselves,

you're gonna fit right in.

You two, go get some firewood.

- I'll be back.

[gentle tense music]

- Hey, I'm gonna go back and

see if Tina needs any help.

- [Barry] I'm not taking

this shit back for myself.

- I'll hold your

beer for you, man.

- Dude.

- Hey, why don't you ask

Warren Copper for help?

He's out here,

isn't he? [laughing]

- You know, you suck.

[eerie tense music]


Yo, Steve.

You know, I know karate.

Third degree black belt.

All right.

You wanna see how it feels like?

Dude, dude, there's a

k*ller in the forest!

Holy shit, I said there's

a k*ller in the forest!

I said there's a

k*ller in the forest!


[soft tense music]

[twig snapping]

[gentle tense music]


[gentle tense music]

[tense music]

Shit, oh!

[soft intense music]

[blow thudding]

Uh! [groaning]

[soft intense music]

[tense ominous music]


No, no!

[blow thudding]

- [Dispatch] Is there a

medical unit on the air?

This is Dispatch.

[soft tense music]

Head unit from Dispatch,

when you have time,

head to the coroner.

- [Officer] You're up.

[police radio

broadcasting quietly]

[gentle tense music]

- What are you gonna say?


[door thudding]

- They're rolling up now.

- Keep everyone back.

This isn't gonna go well.

[gentle tense music]

[typewriter keys tapping]

[door clicking]

[police radio

broadcasting quietly]

[door thudding]

- [Peter] Hey, is

that Mason's dad?

- No, that's his grandpa, Mason

doesn't live with his dad.

- Not anymore.

[hand slapping]


- What's wrong with you?

- [Linnea] I'm sure

you can understand

how difficult this is.

I heard it from Mike, now

I need to hear it from you.

- We were on the trail.

[gentle tense music]

We stopped for a

water break, I...

[gentle tense music]

When we left, I thought

everyone was with us, I...

[gentle tense music]

I looked back, I...

[soft eerie music]


[soft eerie music]

- This camp has

been in my family

for as long as I can remember.

It was my father's legacy

and this incident

is not going to tarnish that.

[soft tense music]

I want your incident

report filled out

and on my desk on Sunday night.

Now, [sighing] if

you'll let yourself out,

I have to speak with the family.

[soft ominous music]

[police radio

broadcasting quietly]

- What did you tell her?

Lex, what did you say?

[soft ominous music]

- What are you staring at?

- Nothing.

- What are you staring at?

- I'm sorry.

- Hey, hey hold on.

- Hey, hey!

- Ow, man, no!

- Hold on.

- Get off.

- You don't wanna do this.

- Come on, get up.

- No!

- Get up, get out the way.

[Warren sobbing]

[soft tense music]

- No.

[Warren sobbing]

- Mike, are you okay?

- Guy just att*cks me,

they won't do anything.


Jeez, guys.

- Mike.

[police radio

broadcasting quietly]

[soft tense music]

- I can't believe he's here.

- You know that guy?

- [Dougie] Warren Copper.

[gentle tense music]

- They took my boy. [sobbing]

They took my boy.

- Come on, Warren, come on.

- [Warren] No, no, no, no.

They took him.

[gentle tense music]

[police radio

broadcasting quietly]

[soft tense music]

[rhythmic electronic music]

[rhythmic electronic

music continues]

[rhythmic electronic

music continues]

[rhythmic electronic

music continues]

[soft melodic music]

- Lex.

We have a staff meeting

starting in a few minutes,

you wanna come with?

- Um,


Yeah, I'll-I'll be

there in a minute.

- [Georgia] Okay.

I'll see you then.

[soft ominous music]

[birds chirping]

- I know this has

been a very hard day.

I'm relying on all of you

to get the camp

ready this weekend.


for many of you, this

may come as a surprise,

but Monday morning, the camp

is being sold to developers.

This camp has weathered

many storms over the years,

we've always come back.

I was hoping to continue

my family's legacy,

but after today's incident,

there is no escape.

[gentle melodic music]

When my family built

Camp Silverlake,

my father took a young man

looking for work under his wing.

That first summer,

we lost two campers.

Over the next few seasons,

accidents continued.

Though he never admitted to it,

we all knew who was responsible.

[gentle melodic music]

I'll be in town working

to salvage what I can.

So let's get to work

and remember,

be careful,

be watchful,

get the work done.

[gentle tense music]

- [Peter] Man!

[Moose laughing]

Don't, don't, don't.

- Come on, let's go.

[Peter sighing]

Peter, are you working

or what's going on?

Pete, thoughts on?

- [Peter] What do you

think about what Krug said?

- What Krug, oh boy, don't

even get me started with that.

- You don't think I'm-

- Pete, she's trying

to get outta paying

our summer bonuses,

I wouldn't think too much of it.

- You're probably right.

- Yeah, I am.

- [Peter] I'm just

worried about Lexi.

- Ah, there it is.

[Peter sighing]

What's going on between

you and Miss Lexi?

- We're just friends.

- Y'all seemed pretty

friendly last summer.

- [Peter] We're just

friends, seriously.

- Okay, man, all right.

- And I don't wanna

ruin a great friendship.

- Ruin a great, Peter, my boy,

it is the last day of camp,

that's the perfect time

to ruin a friendship.

Hit her with some

of that Peter magic.

[soft melodic music]

- [Ronnie] Let's go.

- And what, so I get

to do all the work,

while Golden Boy gets

to polish his ride?

- [Ronnie] You know

you're on grills, Mike?

- [Mike] Yeah, I'll get there.

- We got a lot of work

to do this weekend.

- And I said, I'll get there.



[keys jangling]

Move my car to the main

lot when you're done, yeah?

See you later.

- What a d*ck.

- He's not that bad.

[Mario scoffs]

- You know, I still don't know

why she gave him that car.

I mean, dude sits in the

chair poolside all summer.

Meanwhile, I'm

stuck on beekeeping.

- [Ronnie] Are you done?

- Beekeeping.

[birds chirping]

- [Lexi] I should've

been there for him.

- Lexi, don't.

- He was right there.

I turned my back for one

second and he was gone.

- Lexi, it wasn't your

fault, it was an accident.

- Should've looked for him.

What up, what up

- What up?

- [sighing] Mario, are you done?

- [Mario] What?

- [Georgia] Are you

done with your work?

- What?

- [Georgia] Are you

done with your work?

- Ah, yeah, the-the rec

gear's in the dining hall.

Ah, it's ready for inventory.

- [Georgia] And it's put away?

- [Mario] We got all weekend.

- Ah-huh.


- Hey, keep the stereo

away from the edge.

- [Mario] Yes, ma'am.

[bright melodic music]


[water splashing]

[Mario coughing]

- Are you gonna live?

- [Mario] No.

[bright melodic music]

[soft eerie music]

[birds chirping]

[cicadas chirping]

[object scraping]

- Hello?

[person breathing]

[person breathing]

[gentle tense music]

[object tapping]

[object scraping quietly]

Someone there?

[gentle tense music]

[object scraping quietly]

[door clicking]

[gentle tense music]

[object scraping quietly]

[ominous music]

[soft tense music]

- [Linnea] I pulled

Warren's camp medical file

after they left,

things in it concerned me.

I know that you're

a strong leader,

I just want you to be prepared.

- [Dougie] I will, thank you.

- All right.

Well, I will see

you Sunday evening.

- Good luck.

- [Linnea] You too.

[soft tense music]

[soft tense music continues]

[buttons clicking]

[bright melodic music]

- [Peter] Hey, man.

- [Moose] What's up?

Boy, what are you doing?

- What?

- That.

- Oh, come on.

- [Moose] No, look, man, if I

gotta hear "More Than Words"

one more time, I'm

gonna drown your guitar.

- Loud and clear, man.

- Thank you, put it down.

[guitar thudding quietly]

Sit down.

- All right.

- [Moose] Listen

up, hey, hey, hey.

- [Peter] What, what, what?

- Now's the time.

She's by herself.

Peter magic.

- Seriously?

All right.

- All right then.

- [Peter] I'm going.

Look at me

- [Moose] Hey, hey!

Hey, put it down.

- Okay.

[guitar thudding quietly]

- [Moose] You got this!


But I keep hanging on

Why, oh, why

- [Peter] Hey.

- [Lexi] Hey.

- So did you get

all your work done?

- You're looking at it.

- [Peter] Ah!

- Yeah.

- Cool, cool.


- You?

- Whoo!

[water splashing]

[Mario laughing]


- That was, that was sweet.

- Hey.

- [Mario] Did you

see that kickback?

I hit the bottom with my feet.

- Yeah!

- Whatever.

Hey, hey, Lex.

Lex, where you going?

- I gotta go.

- [Peter] Lex, are you okay?

[Lexi sobbing]

[soft eerie music]

- [Miles] Lexi.

Lexi, wait up!

[soft eerie music]

- Hey, Lex.

Um, you all alright?

Thought you would've

went home by now.

- Yeah, well, there's

not really much

for me to go home to, so.

- Oh, don't say

that, I know your mom

probably looking

forward to seeing you

after everything that

went down, especially.

- My mom wrote that she

has new boyfriend, so.

- That's cool.

[Lexi sighing heavily]

- She had a new boyfriend

at the beginning of camp.

- Oh!

Yeah, that's, that's something.

- [Lexi] Sorry.

- No, it's good, I just, I

just wanted to check up on you,

make sure you're okay.

- You guys seen Mike anywhere?

- [Mario] I thought

he was on a beer run.

- Beer run?

- Beer run, what the,

who'd have, what?

- [Ronnie] He was on grills.

You okay?

- Look, everyone

just get your stuff

and meet me back here

in five minutes, okay?

I'm gonna go look for him.

[cicadas chirping]

[soft melodic music]

- Mike!


Where are you, Mike?

- Ch-ch-ch-ch-ha-ha-ha!


[Mario and Kelly laughing]

- So Lex, what do you think

you'll do next summer?

- Next summer?

- Oh, you know, in

case we're not here.

- Oh, um, maybe

go to California.

- Yeah, I've been thinking

about going to LA,

maybe see Venice Beach.

I mean, you know, not like

I'm following you or anything,

it's just California

would be pretty cool,

but sharks and stuff.

- Hey, Peter, can you help me?

- Ah, yeah, of course.

- Hey, Peter, yeah, I was,

I was wondering what that,

what that tree, give her time.

- What?

- Everyone knows you like

her, just give her time.

- Wait, wait, wait.

Everyone knows?

[cicadas chirping]

Everyone knows.

- Ah.

- Yeah.


- Good talk.

- All right, guys, we've

checked this area so far,

let's head back and regroup,

but I still need someone

to check the river.

- [Lexi] I'll go.

- Honestly, you should probably

just take the night off.

- No, it's okay, I'll go.

- Okay.

You be careful, you see

anything, come straight back.

[soft tense music]

[cicadas chirping]

- [Lexi] What's so funny?

- This whole thing just kind

of feels like a horror movie,

the whole, "Let's

split up and search

for the missing

kid in the woods."

- You know, maybe we should

just not talk right now.

- It's not like Jason's gonna

pop up with his machete.

- Seriously!

- Okay, I'm sorry, I thought

you liked horror movies.

- [Lexi] I like "The Lost Boys."

- [Peter] Hey, "The

Lost Boys" was horror.

- "The Lost Boys"

was Jason Patric.

- Right.

S-sorry, just trying

to lighten the mood.

- Did I ever tell you about

the kid from two summers back?

- What kid?

- That's right, you

weren't here then.

- [Peter] What are

you talking about?

- We were all out on a day hike.

One of the cabin's stayed

out too late on a trail,

got back after dark.

When they got back,

they realized one of

their campers was missing.

- I never heard about this.

- They finally found

him down by the river,

he was shaking so bad, they

touched his hand to help him up

and he just started screaming.

- Holy shit!

[gentle tense music]

- When we got back, he

finally told us what happened,

said this thing

was following him.

He couldn't see what it was,

but-but he could

hear it behind him,

hear it breathing,

hear it getting closer.

[soft tense music]

He tried to hide from it.

He turned around

to see what it was.

He looked up and, [gasps] oh,

my God, it's right behind you!

- [Peter] Oh, my God, seriously?

- Maybe we just look for Mike

and stop telling

bullshit stories.

- [Peter] That was

just a story, right?


Lexi, right?

[cicadas chirping]

[object scraping quietly]

[soft tense music]

[door creaking]

[soft tense music]

- Mike?

Are you guys coming or what?

- I, I'm good, you

got this, okay.

- Thanks.

- Ah!

[cicadas chirping]

- Moose.

- Yo.

- Take Kelly and check

the power in the back,

see if Mike's around at all.

I'm gonna go check the phones.

- Come on.

- Everyone else stay here.

[soft tense music]

[cicadas chirping]

- [Peter] Hey, Lex,

you coming or what?

[Lexi breathing heavily]

[soft eerie music]

- I don't think we should

be out here anymore.

- Come on, it's just

a little bit longer.

- I'm going.

You coming or not?

- Lex, we gotta find Mike.

- Why do we even care?

It's not like he's

exactly nice to you.

- If he's stuck out

here, he needs our help.

- [breathing heavily] I'm going.

- [Peter] That's it, seriously?

[birds calling]

[cicadas chirping]

- [Mario] You see

anything out there?

- [gasps] Oh, my God!

- What?

- Oh, my God!

- What is it?

- Oh, my God!

- What is it?

- Oh, my God!

- What?

- It's [gasps] nothing.

[Georgia laughing]

- Don't,

do that!

[soft tense music]

[frog croaking]

[twig snapping]

[object scraping quietly]

[cicadas chirping]

[frog croaking]

- Hello?

There's nobody out here but you.

There's no Jason.

It's okay, it's okay.

[foliage rustling]

Okay, okay.

[soft tense music]


Are you out here?

Come on, come on.

[flashlight thudding]

[soft ominous music]

Oh, shit!

[soft ominous music]

Mike, that's not funny!

[tense ominous music]

Oh, shit!

Oh, shit!

Oh, shit!

[footsteps thudding]

[soft intense music]

[cicadas chirping]

[ominous music]

[tense melodic music]

[footsteps thudding]

[soft tense music]

[door creaking]

[Kelly sighing]

- [Georgia] Are you done?

- [Dougie] Mm-hm, phones are

dead, what did you guys find?

- Well, the breaker

box is messed up.

- [Georgia] What,

what does that mean?

[door clanking]

[breaker box sparking]

- Oh, shit!

- Maybe one of us should drive

up to the main road, see if we

can find someone who's gonna-

- No, no, look, no one's

going anywhere, okay,

not until we find

out what's going on.

The radio, the radio

in the main office,

I could use that, try

to get a call out.

- Are you kidding me?

Does that shit even work?

- Look, everyone stay here.

I'm running to the office, okay?

Moose, you all right?

- [sighing heavily] Yeah,

Dougie, we're good, bro.

- [Dougie] Be right back.

[door thudding]

[cicadas chirping]

[gentle melodic music]

[fire crackling]

[soft tense music]

[foreboding music]

[ominous music]

[Lexi screaming]

[Lexi gasping fearfully]

[soft intense music]

[gentle tense music]

[gentle tense music continues]

[door clicking]

[door thudding]

- Did you get through?

- All right, let's, let's

get everyone to the bus.

- Okay, let's go.

- Why?

- The bus? Hold on, oh, oh.

- Ah, ah, ah, yo.

- [Georgia] What?

- [Mario] What is that, Mike?

- [Dougie] Is that

who I think it is?

[Georgia laughing]

- [Moose] What in the world?

- [Dougie] Come on.

Come on, man.

[door thudding]

- Mike?

Man, f*ck this!

[door clicking]

[soft tense music]

- Party's over, Mike.

- Mario, calm down!

- [Mario] Whoa, so spooky!

Look, assh*le, we've

been looking in the woods

all over for your ass,

where you been, huh?

Screw you, man!

f*ck that bitch.

Screw him!

[soft tense music]

[all speaking together]

- Just play the game,

man, it's all good.

- Hey, I don't

think that's Mike.

[all speaking together]

Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait!

[blow thudding]

- Uh!

[ominous tense music]

[all shrieking]

[blow thudding]

- Run, run!

- Oh, my God!

- Help me!

- Come on, come on!

[ominous tense music]

[all shouting]

[Lexi screaming]

[ominous tense music]

- No, no, no, no!

[blow thudding]

[gentle tense music]

[soft tense music]

- [Moose] Come on, Kelly,

come on, stay with us,

stay with us,

Ronnie, do something!

- [Ronnie] Kelly,

I'm right here, okay.

- [Mario] That psycho

k*ller out there!

get over here and help!

- Everybody, quiet!

You're okay, we're gonna

get you help, okay?

- Ron, we gotta get him home.

To a hospital or something.

- I know.

- Talk to me, what do we do?

- What about Lexi?

- What about Lexi?

He's bleeding out!

- George.

- Somebody do something!

- Go find Lexi,

bring her back here.

- What?

- We gotta get us

all together.

Mario, go into the kitchen,

look for the first aid kit,

bandages, towels, anything

that will stop the bleeding.

- What?

- Go!


- Okay, come on, girl.

- [Ronnie] Just get

back here, okay?

- Okay.

- George, no!

[soft tense music]

[Lexi breathing fearfully]

[soft tense music]

- Uh!


[ring clattering]

[Lexi breathing fearfully]

[soft eerie music]

[Lexi breathing fearfully]

[door handle rattling]

[soft tense music]

[door handle rattling]

[soft tense music]

[door handle rattling]

[soft tense music]

[door handle rattling]

[soft tense music]

[door handle rattling]

[Lexi breathing fearfully]

[soft tense music]

[soft ominous music]

[Lexi screaming]

[ax thudding]

[rapid tense music]

[lamp clattering]

[rapid tense music]

- [Moose] Yo, this

is your cabin, right?

Oh, ssh, ssh!

- [Georgia] What's going on?

[cicadas chirping]

- [Moose] Lexi?


- [Georgia] He's there, he's

there, where's the lamp?

[soft tense music]

Here it is.

[ominous music]

- Help, help!

- Oh, my God!

- Uh!

[Georgia screaming]

- [Moose] Yo, run,

man, run, run!

- Moose!

[soft ominous music]


[Georgia screaming]

Come on!

- Run!

- Oh, my God, no, please don't!

No, no, oh, my God!

[intense ominous music]

[blow thudding]

Oh, my God, no, Moose, no!

[Moose thudding to floor]

Oh, my God!

[soft tense music]

- Did you find it?

[Mario breathing heavily]

Mario, did you find the kit?

- What? There's nothing

back there, man!

What are we doing? We

gotta get outta here!

- Mario, hey!

You are not the only one with

hopes and dreams here, okay?

Now get your shit together!

- Okay.

- Mario.

- Okay, this is

all I could find.

- That'll work, here, help

me wrap him, hold this.

- All right, all right.

- I know, I know, you're

okay, you're okay.

This way.

- Look, I'm sorry

about earlier, okay,

I just, I just freaked out.

- You think I'm not scared?

- You scared?

"Come on, you're

not the only one

with hopes and dreams here."

- [Ronnie] Here,

hold this tight.

- Yeah, yeah, sorry.

- [sighing] Good, that

should hold for now.

- [Georgia] Somebody help me!

[gentle tense music]

Somebody help me!

- Oh, shit.

[door creaking]

[cicadas chirping]

[soft ominous music]

[gentle tense music]

- [Georgia] Someone help me!

- Shit.

- [Georgia] Somebody

please help me!

Somebody, somebody

please help me!

- Oh, shit, Georgia!

- Mario?

- I got you.

[soft ominous music]

Let's dance, m*therf*cker!

[baseball bat thudding]

Oh, shit!

- Come on!

- Oh, shit, Georgia, let's go!

[rapid tense music]

[Georgia sobbing]

- Georgia, Georgia?

- Oh, my God, he's dead.

- [Ronnie] Georgia?

- [sobbing] Oh, he's dead?

- What?

What is-

- He's gone, he's dead!

- Oh, my f*cking God!

What are we gonna do? We

gotta get the f*ck outta here!

Let's just f*cking go!

[Georgia sobbing]

- Georgia, where is Mikey?

- I don't know, I've no idea.

- It's okay, its okay.

- He's gone!

- It's okay.

- Oh, my God!

Oh, my God! [sobbing]

Oh, my God!

[soft tense music]

- Uh!

[blow thudding]

- [Peter] Ah!

[Peter thudding to ground]

- [Lexi] Peter?

- Shit.

- Peter, are you okay?

- [Peter] Oh, what are

you doing out here.

- [Lexi] Ronnie said.

- What?

- Look for you, can

you wanna keep walking?

- I should try.

Oh, shit, oh!

- We'll get help.

[Peter groaning in pain]

[cicadas chirping]

- [Mario] Is he dead?

- [Ronnie] He's

going into shock.

- [Mario] f*ck.

- Do you still have Mike's keys?

- [Mario] Yeah.

- [Ronnie] Can you

get to the car?

- I'm not going back

out there again.

- Mario, no one is

coming to help us.

If we don't get him to

a hospital, he's dead.


- Shit!

[soft tense music]

[foliage rustling]

[foliage rustling]

[ominous music]

Oh, shit!

Oh, oh!

Oh, f*ck, oh, f*ck!

Oh, shit!

Oh f*ck, oh, shit, oh!

Hey, f*ck off, man!

This shit ain't

cool, what the f*ck?

[soft ominous music]

[Mario breathing heavily]

Oh, shit.

[door thudding]

[door thudding]

[gentle tense music]

[Mario breathing heavily]

[soft ominous music]

[ax whooshing]

[cicadas chirping]

[soft tense music]

f*ck you, brother, f*ck you.

Why don't you-you f*ck off?

[ax scraping]

[soft ominous music]

[ax thudding]

[water splashing]

[soft tense music]

- Come on, we gotta keep moving.

[Peter breathing heavily]

Peter, we can't stop.

- Give me a second.

I-I can't just keep running.

- What is that supposed to mean?

- [Peter] Nothing,

just give me a minute.

- No, Peter, what is

that supposed to mean?

- Mason dies and

now all this shit!

- It's my fault?

I'm just trying to keep us

alive, what do you want from me?

[breathing heavily] I

just want one moment,

where everything

isn't f*cking insane!

Can you do that for me,

can you do that please?

- Lex.

- Let's just go.

[cicadas chirping]

[soft tense music]

[Georgia gasping]

- Where's Mario? He

should be back by now.

- I don't know.

[breathing fearfully]

[door thudding]

[metal clattering to ground]

- We need to get out.

- The radio in the office.

We gotta go.

Come on, let's go.

- Oh, my God.

[soft tense music]

- You got it, Kelly.

- Come on.

- Almost there.

- Come on.

[Kelly groaning]

- What's happening?

[soft ominous music]

- You're gonna be fine.

- Come on.

- You're gonna be fine, Kelly.

- Come on, Kelly.

- Come on, come on, Kelly.

[intense ominous music]

[Georgia shrieking]

- [Ronnie] Go!


- Kelly, come on, come on,

Kelly, come on, we gotta go.

[kick thudding]

Come on.

[intense ominous music]

Come on, Kelly.

- Go, go, go!

- Ronnie, Ronnie!


[intense ominous music]

- Why are you doing this?


[both thudding to ground]

- [Georgia] Ronnie!


[intense ominous music]

[kick thudding]

- Uh!

- [Georgia] Come

on, Ronnie, come on!

[intense ominous music]

[Ronnie gasping]

[ax thudding]

[Ronnie grunting]

[The Mask thudding]

- [Georgia] Oh, my God, Ronnie!

[ax clattering]

[intense ominous music]

[Ronnie grunting]

[heart beating]

[intense ominous music]

[ax thudding]

Ronnie. [sobbing]

Oh, my God, oh, my

God, oh, my God!

Oh, my God, oh, my God.

[door creaking]

[door thudding]

[soft tense music]

[Georgia breathing fearfully]

[soft tense music]

[door creaking]

[soft tense music]

[soft ominous music]

[cutlery clattering]

[box clattering]

[soft tense music]

[knife scraping]

[soft ominous music]

[door creaking]

[door thudding]

[soft tense music]

[objects clattering]

[Georgia whimpering]

[door creaking]

[tense ominous music]

- It's okay.

- Run!

- What?

- Run!

- Georgia!

[Georgia shrieking]

Go, go!

[door thudding]

- [Lexi] Peter, come on!

[tense ominous music]


[ax whooshing]

[ax thudding]

[tense ominous music]

[door clicking]

[tense ominous music]

[door thudding]

[tense ominous music]

[Peter thudding to floor]

- Uh!

[tense ominous music]

Oh, shit!

[Peter grunting]


[intense ominous music]

[ax thudding]

[soft ominous music]

[door thudding]

[radio static hissing]

- Hello.

[radio static hissing]

Hello, can anyone hear me?

[radio static hissing]

Hello, can anyone hear me

please? This is an emergency.

- Channel nine.

Emergency channel.

[muffled man speaking]

- Hello, this is Lexi

Armistead at Camp Silverlake.

Please, this is an emergency.

[radio static hissing]

[soft tense music]

This is an emergency,

someone is trying to k*ll us!

[radio static hissing]

Goddammit, somebody help us!


[radio clattering to floor]

- [Dispatch] Woodford

County Sheriff's Dispatch.

What's your emergency, over?

Say again, this is Woodford

County Sheriff's Dispatch.

- No, no, no.

- What's your emergency?

[soft tense music]

- Hello?



[Georgia sobbing]

- Lexi. [sobbing]

- Hello.


- Lexi, look. [sobbing]

[soft intense music]

[paper rustling]


[eerie intense music]

- [Lexi] What the f*ck is this?

[Georgia sobbing]

[tense ominous music]

- Oh, he's coming.

Oh, Lexi, he's coming!

Lexi, he's coming!

Lexi, he's coming!

[door thudding]

I feel cold.

- Stay with me.

- I just wanna rest.

- I know, stay with me.

We're gonna go to that rock club

with the band boys.

We'll see the,

the cute guitarists.

- No, Lexi,


Drummers are sexy.

[both laughing softly]

- Just stay with me.

- Okay, Lexi.

- You'll stay with me.

- Okay.

[gentle tense music]

[sirens wailing in distance]

[police radio

broadcasting quietly]

[soft eerie music]

[police radio

broadcasting quietly]

[soft eerie music]

[furniture scraping floor]

[door clicking]

- Oh, my God.

Are you hurt?

[gentle tense music]

- Mike, I-I found this.

- What?

- I-I don't know, I

don't know what it is.

[gentle tense music]

- Oh, shit.

[sirens wailing in distance]

We gotta get to him.

- Mike, we can't go out there.

- The sheriff has a g*n.

- [Hodges] Deputy Hodges,

Woodford County

Sheriff's Department!

- [Lexi] Please! Please help!

[gentle tense music]

- Responding to a call

that came in about 30 minutes

ago, tell me what happened.

- We think Warren

Copper is here, man.

- [Hodges] Warren Copper?

- Look, look, I-I can

show you where he was.

He-he was over this way.

- Mike, what are you doing?

- Stay here by the

truck, I'll check it out.

- Come on, man, this way.

- Stay by the truck.

[soft tense music]

- Come on, man, we

gotta go, come on.

I, he was just over there

somewhere, I'm sure.

[soft tense music]

This way, I'm sure he

was over here somewhere.

Come on, he just...

- Warren Copper's

in the hospital,

tried to k*ll himself

this afternoon.

[soft intense music]

- What-what you

talking about, man?

I mean, come-come on,

he-he's over here,

I'm sure he's over

here, just come on.

- Turn around slowly.

- What?

What are you talking

about, man? Come on.

- [Hodges] Turn around,

I need to see your hands.

[soft intense music]

I'm not gonna tell you again.

[knife slashing]

[Lexi screaming]

[soft intense music]

[Mike grunting]

[knife thudding]

[Mike breathing heavily]

- [Mike] Oh, shit!

Lexi, he's the k*ller, I

saw him, he's the k*ller!

[soft intense music]


[car door thudding]

- Please, can anyone hear me?

- You shouldn't do that.

- Can we have somebody please?

We need help, please,

the Sheriff's dead!

- I told, you shouldn't do that!

[window shattering]

[Lexi screaming]

[soft intense music]

- No!

[kick thudding]

[Mike groaning]

[soft intense music]

[Lexi breathing fearfully]

[car door clicking]

- [Dispatch] Dispatch to 3-0-1,

what's your status,

I did not copy?

Dispatch to 3-0-1-

- Where are you

going, Lexi, come on!

[soft intense music]

[Lexi breathing fearfully]

Lexi, come on!

Come out, Lexi!

[soft intense music]

I know you're in there!

Come on!

[ax scraping]


[soft intense music]

[Mike whistling]


Have it your way.

[soft intense music]

Thought you and

I could get away.

It didn't have to be like this.

But that's over now.

[soft intense music]

[tense ominous music]

[ax thudding]


You're dead.

[Lexi shrieking]

You're dead.

[Mike grunting]

[blow thudding]

[Lexi thudding to ground]

- Uh!

[flesh squelching]

[Mike groaning loudly]

[rapid tense music]

[Lexi breathing fearfully]

- [Mike] You're dead!

[rapid tense music]

You're f*cking dead!

[rapid tense music]

[Mike grunting]

[Lexi thudding to ground]

[rapid tense music]

[rock thudding]

[rapid tense music]

Lexi! [groaning]


[rapid tense music]

[soft tense music]

[fence clattering]

- Oh!

[muffled Peter speaking]

Okay, okay.

[muffled Peter speaking]

[soft intense music]

[tape tearing]

Oh, come on.

[muffled Peter speaking]

[blow thudding]

- Uh!

[water splashing]

[ax clattering to ground]

[soft intense music]

[Lexi gasping]

- [Lexi] Mike, Mike,

stop, please stop, please!

- [Mike] It's over, Lex.

- [Lex] Please, please

talk to me, please talk!

- [Mike] Lex, money talks now.

[soft ominous music]

- You really make it hard

on yourself, don't you?

All you have to do is die,

it's not that complicated.

I told you that I was putting

my trust in you this weekend.

You really let me down.

You let Mason down and

now you're going to let

poor, pathetic Peter down.

Now you stay right there.

- [Lex] Why, why

are you doing this?

- I'm not doing this,

you're doing this.

You see, sometimes-

- Just k*ll her already,

I'm f*cking dying here!

[tense ominous music]

[g*n firing]

[Lexi screaming]

[water splashing]

- When I'm good

and g*dd*mn ready!

[soft ominous music]

You should've come

from a better family.

[soft ominous music]

Put this in your mouth.

You already k*lled

everyone else.

It's your turn now.

[Lexi gasping]

[intense ominous music]

[water sloshing]

[Lexi gasping]

Put this in your mouth.

Put it in your mouth!

- f*ck you!

- Such a shame.

[water splashing]

[intense ominous music]

- [Miles] Lexi, wait up.

[heart beating]

[intense ominous music]

Lexi, wait up.

[intense ominous music]


[ax thudding]

- Uh! [groaning]

[water sloshing]

- Peter.

[melodic rock music]

- Put this in your mouth, bitch!

[Lexi grunting]

[water splashing]

[melodic rock music]

Every day's a Sunday evening

Whenever I go home

I always go to other places

Whenever I go home

I always feel the

Devil taunting

Whenever I go home

[Peter spitting water]

[Lexi gasping]

Whenever I go home

[Peter coughing]

- Hey.

- Hey.

- Huh, that's my stereo.

[gentle tense music]

[fence clattering]

[gentle tense music]

- [Lexi] Moose?

[gentle tense music]

[cicadas chirping]

- Are we still getting paid?

Georgia, I was, I

was with Georgia.


[gentle melodic music]

- All right, that

should do it for now.

We got your information if

anything else should come up.

Are you okay?

[pen clicking]

- What's,

what's next?

- You're gonna go live your

life, that's what's next.

You know, you're gonna

make it through this

and if you need help,

I mean, I'm here.

But for now, I better

go check on your friend.

We good?

- [Dr. Gray] Deputy Henry?

- [Henry] Yeah.

[gentle haunting music]

- [Peter] Is he gonna make it?

[gentle haunting music]

- I think so.

[Peter sighing with relief]

Are you?

[gentle haunting music]

- I think so.

We're gonna head to the

cafeteria, do you need anything?

- I'm good, thank you though.

- Of course.

- Peter.

- Yeah?

[gentle haunting music]

- Nothing. [sighing]

- [Deputy] It's still

too early to tell,

but not much is adding up.

We know he was her nephew,

we just don't know why.

[gentle haunting music]

- Hey.

- Hey, there.

You're from the camp, right?

- Mm-hm.

- You can come in.

[gentle haunting music]

I heard about the camp.

Sorry about your friends.

- I was on the trail with Mason.

[gentle tense music]

I should've watched out for him.

I'm so,

so sorry.

[gentle haunting music]

- Lexi, right?

Before I worked at the

camp, I was over in Vietnam.

I lost a lot over there.

When I came back, had

a lot of nightmares,

sometimes I couldn't

tell if they were real

or if I was just seeing things.

People would be afraid of me,

make up all kinds of stories.

I fought that for a long time.

Sometimes there are

things we can't control.

But Mason...

[gentle haunting music]

It's not your fault, okay.

It's not your fault.

[gentle melodic music]

- This ring belonged

to my brother.

He would've wanted

Mason to have it.

I want you to have it.

[gentle haunting music]

- What was his

name, your brother?

[gentle tense music]

- Miles.

His name was Miles.

[gentle melodic music]

[police radio

broadcasting quietly]

[cicadas chirping]

[gentle tense music]

- [Deputy] They found something

in town you need to see.

- You guys wanna call it?

I can keep going, but I suppose

we can hold 'til morning.

- Maybe you can

make sense of this?

[paper rustling]

[soft tense music]

We thought there was

one, there's another.

[soft ominous music]

- Please return to staging.

- Okay, let's wrap it up.

Guys, back out here first light,

first thing in the morning,

okay, get some rest.

[cicadas chirping]

[soft tense music]

- [Dispatch] Sheriff,

this is Dispatch,

are you on the air?

- Go ahead.

- [Dispatch] They're

requesting you come back

to the hospital, expedite.

- Copy that.


[soft tense music]

[ominous music]

I called out your name

to taste a part of you

Then hurt like a fool and

burned my tongue too soon

This shack's caving black

so let's kick and get away

Forget all of the

dreams we used to have

We can have it all tonight

Believe there is

no other right

We're all together

fighting for

Another day's good flight

It feels it lasts

forever, let this stay

I'm numb to the rhapsody

that plays four strings

Yesterday's phone call

full of panicked pleas

Let's go into the underground,

push some time around

Forget all of the

dreams we used to have

We can call this

off completely

Believe there is

no other right

We're all together

fighting for

Another day's good flight

It feels it lasts

forever, let this stay

Let's go into the underground,

push some time around

Forget all of the

dreams we used to have

We can have it all tonight

Believe there is

no other right

We're all together

fighting for

Another day's good flight

It feels it lasts

forever, let this stay

It feels it lasts

forever, let this stay

[cicadas chirping]

[gate creaking]

[helicopter whirring]

[sirens wailing in distance]

- [Dispatch] 13-11,

13-11, come in.

[soft tense music]

13-11, 13-11, come in.

[soft intense music]
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